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 Today, Thursday, 22th November 2018, took place at the Antenor

Orrego Private University, in the city of Trujillo 6th language

festival,organized by the upao language center.

 In the festival, there several stand of all languages truent in upao for

example, there were stands of the portugués, japan and english, and in

facu booths they expediend the different proderams that offered and

thrught the people and the different reasons for studying that language,

as well as some data from different countries,

 Likewise there was a central scenario to where the different shows offers

by the evento were.

 Expidined throught ebssayg and fiool numbers “ ROCK, THE WORLD

THOUGHT LANGUAGE” and it tell us about knowing the world throught

languages its a very interesting topic since they take rock as a attraction

to know different parts of the world, bossed in, music.

 Within the multiple stands, the one that i live the most and caught my

attention due to is colorful and strinkis lostones, is the portugués stand,

for my personal opinión, it was the stand that had the most attroctions

when i come to ask about the different programs and hear about the

languages, the boys told he some interesting facrs about brazil

 A new attraction that i sow in the festival, is the wall of the comics, the

were mony comics and very Good, wich mony funny stories but with a

nessage, which talks about the importance of know of the other of all the

comics that where presented there was one that i liked a lot that is “ the

night of flanders” , i liked the shape of the drawing and the realility .

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