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EPC 2403 Teaching Practicum 2a

Task 4-A: Classroom Management – Classroom Rules

Kyriacou, C. (1997) Effective Teaching in Schools. Cheltenham : Nelson Thornes
Read this text pages 105 -107

authority the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce

chaos complete disorder and confusion.

conflict a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.

rapport a close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups

concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and
communicate well.

precedence the condition of being considered more important than someone or

something else; priority in importance, order, or rank.

vigilance the action or state of keeping careful watch for possible danger or

What is an important aspect of teacher’s authority?

Is her control over classroom activities.

Why do we need rules and procedures?

To ensure that such activities do not lead to chaos and conflict.

What 2 aspects are very important in a lesson to establish authority?

How lessons are started and ended has major significance for establishing authority.

It is important for lessons to start quickly

While it is part of good rapport between teacher and pupils for some social interchange to
take place, the need for the teacher to establish order quickly must take precedence.

How should students exit?

Orderly and reasonably.

What is the simplest way to ensure an orderly exit?

Is to establish a routine governing how pupils leave the room.

EPC 2403 Teaching Practicum 2a

What must teacher regulate during the lesson?

Teacher needs to effectively regulate classroom activities and teacher – pupil interaction.

How is effective teaching facilitated?

If clear classroom rules are laid down and enforced, so that pupils act in accordance with them
almost as second nature.

What are pupils sensitive to?

Are very sensitive to the teacher’s ability to establish.

Almost every classroom activity has a potential for pupils to challenge the teacher’s authority
and control over behavior.

List some activities where teacher could lose control.

- Handing in or giving out books
- moving furniture about
- Collecting equipment
- Closing a window and even sharpening

What is a major issue related to control?

The level of classroom noise.
Explain what a teacher needs to do to manage this.
Once the teacher has asked pupils to pay attention, it is important to wait momentarily for
quite before commencing the verbal exchange, so that no one has to speak loudly to be heard
over a level of background noise.

Control over classroom activities requires vigilance.

What does a teacher need to do continually?

The teacher needs to monitor pupils’ behavior continually.

EPC 2403 Teaching Practicum 2a

Task 4-A: My Effective Classroom Rules
during the teaching practicum, I followed the classroom rules that already the children used to,
and I made to more rules to manage the classroom, the rules were:
- Listen to the teacher
- Respect each other
- Put your hand up if you want to speak
that is the rules that were already from the beginning of the semester, but the rules I made was:
- Share with others
- Walk around the classroom
- Smile
- Speaking quietly
I pot these rules to manage the classroom and the children behavior. Also, the rules prevent the
problem, so, the classroom rules poster is an important thing in the classroom. The rules make
teaching easier, According to Kyriacou "effective teaching is greatly facilitated if clear
classroom rules are laid down and enforced".
At the beginning of the teaching practicum, I implement only the rules that children used to
and the MST pot it in the classroom wall, by memorizing the children about it every time, and
in the second week I told the children about the new rules that I pot it, and I explain it for
them, and told them why we should commit this rules in and out the classroom, and I made a
song to help the students memorize it, and I made this song as a daily routine we sing it every
day in the circle. "Well defined routines and procedures help students master the steps
necessary to accomplish tasks." (Emmer & Stough, 2001)
As I mentioned above, one of my rules is a smile, this rule help to change the learning
environment, the classroom environment has become more positive for the children and
teacher. And the other rule was effective is the share with other, this rule reinforced the
collaboration between the children, and the children learned that we have to collaborate to
achieve the top. Every teacher needs to the rules in the classroom the manage the classroom
and teach. The teachers are the authority in the classroom so they responsible for the children
behavior, safety, and understanding, this the reason for the rules, Rules define the parameters
of behavior for students, so they know what’s expected of them.

EPC 2403 Teaching Practicum 2a

- Emmer, E. T., & Stough, L. M. (2001). Classroom Management: A Critical Part of

Educational Psychology, With Implications for Teacher Education. Educational
Psychologist,36(2), 103-112. doi:10.1207/s15326985ep3602_5

- Kyriacou, C. (1997) Effective Teaching in Schools. Cheltenham : Nelson Thornes Read

this text pages 105 -107

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