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Jup-100 [ srtonn aT WING ATTORNEY os war a) ~ Fon cover ose ony saesmemacnee CONFORMED cor tomers INPTO PSF So SRISINAE PACED ‘SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF mane Len Roman } ‘srmreraconess: 111 North Hill Street. | enone Nov =1 2018 cirvawzw cot Los Angeles, CA 90012 aranoriuone, Central Stpmi R. Carter, Executive Oflicer/Cirk | ~stansrier: Whitney Onelll Englander By Latina Woods, Deputy oerexoant: Kendra Monnat (4) pycout [7] onstiputation ==) Ai suoGwel a.” en DEFAULT Dehede se apt served thw capp ob amonr rds 5. Datonden aed to revere compli or appor and eens aston win he ne allow ©. Dafondante dat wos oro by the clr von ptf apeleaten, 4. [J Glee Judgment (Code Ch. Proc, § SBS). Dlendant was sved ony na contac or udomectot a cout of 5 tl tata Ie econ ot ney a Court udgment (Code Ci. Proc, § 685), The court cndored @) (1 Lo Ha testing on oer ear SZ (2 [EZ] Hairs wt cedereton cage Proc, § S80, JUDGMENT | 1 Byer = ZT By Dotauit [2 ator court trial Bc692931 | Def } 2. [7] ONSTIPULATION 3 Pain and defendant agreed (stipulated) that a judgment be ertred inthis case. The court approved the stipulated Judgment ana ». 5) the signed writen stipuiation was fled in the case. J the stipulation was stated n open court [_—] the stipulation was stated on the record. 3, (] AFTER COURT TRIAL. The jury was waived. The court considered the evidence. 18, The caso wes tried on (date and te): before (name of judi! afar: b. Appearances by: [Plain (name aaah [7 Paints atorney ¢name even) 0 a rN @ 1 Continued on Attachment 3b. (1 Dotersdent (name exch) 1 beetendant’s attomey (nante each): “ Oo) 2) @ [J Continued on Aitachmant 3b. © [1 Defendant did not appear at tral. Dafondant was properly served with notice of tial 6. [1 Astatement of decision (Cede Civ. Proc. §632) [—] was not [—] was requested. Loop boa JUDGMENT ‘Cott Chess, 5 O8 iSet pon anny [_ RuanriFe: Whitney Onelll Englander berenoaNt: Kendra Monnat BC692931 ‘JUDGMENTS ENTERED AS FOLLOWS BY: THecourt [] THE CLERK 4. [21 Stipulated Judgment, Judgment is entered according to the stipulation ofthe parties, 5. Parties. Judgment is 2. [1 forpiainutt name each) ‘and against dofendant (names) 1 Continued on Attachment 5a, b, (J fordefondant (name each): ©. [1 ferer0se-complainant (name each): ‘and against cross-dafandant (name each): [Continued on attachment Sc, 4. [1 for cross-defencant (name each) 6. Amount, Defendant named in item Sa above must ay plain on the complaint c. (2) Cross-defendant named in tem So above must pay cross-complainant onthe eross-complain; 2 0 Damages 5 10.00 1) 1 amages s (2) (J Prejudgment is 2) (7) Prejudgment s interest at ho interest atthe nua ate ot % ‘annual rate of % ©) 2 Ateorney toes s ©) (2) Attorney fees (4) C3 Costs s ) C3 conte (8) 1 other (speci: s (8) 1 other (specity): 8 @ TOTAL $10.00 © TOTAL s 4 LJ Gross-complainant to receive nating trem cross-afedant namad in item 5, ', [] Plaintit o raceive nothing rom detendant ‘named in tem Sb. [1 Defendant named in item 5b to recover costs $ 74 ans atomnay tees § [oy and etorey feos $ fe DECTARATORY RELIEF AS STATED IN ADDENDUM A ATTACHED HERETO. ZCORY KEOSIAN om HOY = 1 28 nee Date: I Clerk, by. , Deputy i cies cermin aes ee eee ee o ed a oe ae TS or a ET JUOGMENT Addendum A Declaratory Relief: a. The court finds that the On June 19, 2013, the Defendant placed a written statement regarding the Plaintiff on the website located at URL htp:i/ Whitiey-ONeill-Englander/Somewhere- in-Calitorina-Califomia/ Whitney-ONeill-Englander-Whitney-ONeill- Englander-is-a-Ruthless-Thief-and-a-Diagnosed- 1060366 that is defi 3, the Defendt placed a written sie RipOttRefor com 4d at : a INeill-Ex efSomtewhere- atory’ against P b. The covsbfinds sytemer c, Anorder permanently enjoining Defendant, its agents, successors and assigns ishing to any third-party, either orally or in writing, the Statements located at URL hitp/ Eniglandes/Somewhere-in-Califorine-California/Whitney-ONeill-Englander- \Whitney-ONeill-Englander-is-a-Ruthless-Thief-and-a-Diagnosed-1060366, d. An order divecting the Defendant to direct any person, website or entity to whom be or she published, either orally or in writing, the statements located at URE hups/www.tipoftieport,com/r/Whitney-ONeill-Englander/Somewhere- in-Califorina-California/ Whimey-ONeill-Englander-Whitne Englander-is-a-Ruthless-Thief-and-a-Diagnosed-1060366 to remove the

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