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How to Add or Remove Spare Drives on AMS2000 and HUS100 Series

• Add or Remove Spare Drives on AMS2000 and HUS100 Series

• Adaptable Modular Storage 2000 (AMS2000, AMS 2000)
• Unified Storage (HUS, HUS100, HUS 100)
• Storage Navigator Modular 2 (SNM2)
• Correction Copy = Parity Correction
• Raid Group = Parity Group
• Copy Back (Fixed Sparing)
• Dynamic Sparing = Predictive Maintenance Copy of a Marginal Drive


Prerequisite Steps
1. Log in to SNM2
2. Log in to the desired array
3. Expand Settings
4. HUS100 Only: Expand Drive Settings
5. Click Spare Drives
◦ Resume Step 6 on
▪ Adding a Spare
▪ Removing a Spare

Adding a Spare
6. Click Add Spare Drive button on bottom right of the screen
7. Check desired drive(s) in the Assignable Drives table

Updated: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 07:20:25 GMT
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◦ Note: Only unallocated disks will show up in this table. If the table is blank, all your disks have been assigned
to spares, pools, or parity groups.
8. Click Add > button in the middle of the screen
9. The drives selected in Step 7 should appear in the Spare Drives to be assigned table
10. Click the OK button on the bottom right of the pop-up window
11. Click Close button

Removing a Spare
6. Check the desired drive(s) to be removed in the Spare Drives table
7. Click Remove Spare Drive button on the bottom right of the page
8. Click the Close button on the confirmation screen

Additional Notes
• Best Practice is to have at least one spare drive per HDU Model (example: 3TNX = 3TB SAS7K) and at least:
◦ SAS:
▪ 1 Spare Drive for every 32 drives
▪ 1 Spare Drive for every 16 drives
◦ SSD:
▪ 1 Spare Drive for every 32 Drives
◦ FMD:
▪ 1 Spare Drive for every 24 Drives
• When no spares are available...
◦ The system cannot perform predictive maintenance and preventatively Dynamically Spare out a marginal drive
before it hard fails. This induces Correction Copy which is very performance intensive and increases the
chance of data loss!
◦ The system cannot start Correction Copy on a Spare Drive which increases the chance of data loss due to the
normal wait times for parts to be ordered, shipped, and replaced.
• If there is no Spare Drive per HDU model, the array may attempt to spare a smaller data drive to a larger Spare
Drive as long as the drive speed (7.2K, 10K, 15K, etc) and interface (IE: SAS, SAS7K, SATA) are the exact same
(copy back would be required).
• If there are installed drives in the system which are not being used in Raid Groups or Pools, Best Practice is to
define them as Spares until they are needed. This allows the system to perform basic diagnostics on the drives and
to cycle them into the system as failures occur. When the drives are needed, undefined them as spares and create/
add them to the desired Pool or Raid Group.
• See Related Article: How to Change Spare Drive Operation Mode to Fixed or Variable on HUS100 Series

Updated: Tue, 31 Jul 2018 07:20:25 GMT
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