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Approved Training Partner

Approved Training
Partners criteria
July 2017
ATP Criteria

Table of contents

1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3
2. Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................ 4
2.1 CQI and IRCA Certified courses ............................................................................................ 4
2.2 Approved Training Partner (ATP) .......................................................................................... 4
2.3 Branch ................................................................................................................................ 4
2.4 Subcontractor ...................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Top management ................................................................................................................ 4
2.6 Key staff ............................................................................................................................. 4
2.7 CQI Technical Assessor ........................................................................................................ 4
2.8 Main office .......................................................................................................................... 4
3. Approval of training partners.............................................................................................. 5
3.1 Submission of application form ............................................................................................. 5
3.2 Application fee..................................................................................................................... 5
3.3 Application suitability – initial check ...................................................................................... 6
3.4 Desktop review .................................................................................................................... 6
3.5 Validation visit ..................................................................................................................... 6
3.6 Validation visit summary report ............................................................................................ 7
3.7 Offer of Approved Training Partner status ............................................................................. 7
3.8 Rejection of the Training Partner application ......................................................................... 8
3.9 Maintaining the Training Partner approval ............................................................................. 8
3.10 The ATP portal .................................................................................................................. 8
4. Course certification ..........................................................................................................10
5. Governance – Organisation stability and business support ...................................................11
5.1 Top management .............................................................................................................. 11
5.2 Organisational structure ..................................................................................................... 11
5.3 Business plan .................................................................................................................... 11
5.4 Governance of organisation’s branches and subcontractors .................................................. 12
6. Assurance – Management system and quality assurance process .........................................13
6.1 Delegates registration process ............................................................................................ 13
6.2 Submission of delegates’ data to the CQI ............................................................................ 13
6.3 Exam process and provision ............................................................................................... 14
6.4 Credit control process ........................................................................................................ 15
6.5 Complaints process ............................................................................................................ 15
6.6 Data retention ................................................................................................................... 16
6.7 Data security arrangements ............................................................................................... 16
6.8 Contingency arrangements for key staff .............................................................................. 16
7. Improvement – Business performance improvement ...........................................................16
7.1 Periodic course management reviews.................................................................................. 16
7.2 Fact-based decision-making approach ................................................................................. 17

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8. Leadership – Human resources management .....................................................................17
8.1 Recruitment process .......................................................................................................... 17
8.2 Performance review process ............................................................................................... 18
8.3 Tutors’ selection process and competence ........................................................................... 18
8.4 Tutors’ performance reviews .............................................................................................. 18
9. Context – Course design, delivery and compliance with CQI requirements ............................18
9.1 Courses design .................................................................................................................. 19
9.2 Planned delivery of CQI and IRCA Certified courses ............................................................. 19
9.3 Issue of delegates’ certificates ............................................................................................ 20
9.4 Health and Safety regulations ............................................................................................. 20
Appendix 1 - Delegates Data File ..........................................................................................21
Mandatory Field Descriptions ................................................................................................21

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ATP Criteria

1. Introduction

One of the charitable aims of the Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) is advancing “education in,
knowledge of and the practice of quality in industry, commerce, and the public and voluntary

The CQI offers a comprehensive range of certified training courses through Approved
Training Partners (ATPs) under both the CQI and IRCA brands. These training partners may
be private training organisations, education establishments or employers.

The CQI learning products are clearly linked to the membership grades and may be used to
satisfy the knowledge requirements for CQI membership and IRCA auditor certification.

The CQI learning and development portfolio supports all aspects of the Competency
Framework for the Quality Profession.

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ATP Criteria

2. Terms and definitions

2.1 CQI and IRCA Certified courses

Training courses designed by the CQI and offered under both CQI and IRCA brands via
Approved Training Partners. These may be referred to as “courses” and/or “CQI certified
courses” in this document.

2.2 Approved Training Partner (ATP)

An organisation that has been approved by the CQI to deliver CQI and IRCA Certified courses.

2.3 Branch

An organisation, site or an office owned and controlled by the ATP, usually operating in a
different location and managed by staff that are directly employed by the ATP.

2.4 Subcontractor

An individual or an organisation not permanently employed or owned by an ATP, delivering

CQI and IRCA Certified courses on behalf of the ATP under a contractual agreement.

2.5 Top management

Group of people or person who directs and controls an organisation at the highest level.
Top management has the power to delegate authority and provide resources within the

If the scope of the management systems and processes related to the successful design,
development, management and delivery of courses covers only part of an organisation, then
top management refers to those who direct and control that part of the organisation.

2.6 Key staff

ATP personnel responsible and accountable for the quality assurance, delivery and
administration of CQI and IRCA Certified courses.

2.7 CQI Technical Assessor

A person working on behalf of the CQI who reviews the status of the organisation and
provides recommendations to the CQI with regard to ATP approval, course certification and
annual self-assessment.

2.8 Main office

This is the ATP’s office where the training management and control will be conducted.

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ATP Criteria

3. Approval of training partners

The training partner’s approval focuses on the organisation’s management systems and
processes in relation to design, development, management and delivery of courses. In order
to gain and maintain approval, organisations have to demonstrate their compliance with
each of the criteria stipulated in this document. The requirements are based on the CQI
Competency Framework and cover the following categories:

1. Governance – Top management, organisation stability and business support

2. Assurance – Management systems and quality assurance processes
3. Improvement – Business performance improvement
4. Leadership – Human resources management
5. Context – Course design, delivery and compliance with CQI requirements

The CQI understands that, in some cases, systems or processes may not yet be operational; in
these cases, a comprehensive description of the proposed system/processes should be
submitted within the application along with a planned schedule for implementation.

In order to become an ATP, the organisation must follow the stages as described in the next
sections. The CQI reserves the right to reject an application at any stage of the application

3.1 Submission of application form

Application to become an ATP must be made prior to the application for certification of any

An organisation interested in becoming an ATP will be required to complete an application

form and submit it with the required evidence to the CQI. Each document submitted as
evidence must be cross referenced against the criteria. The CQI will send an acknowledgment
of receiving the application form within 3–5 working days. The application form and all
attached documents must be written and submitted in the English language.

3.2 Application fee

An application fee for Training Partner approval can be submitted with the application form,
or an application fee invoice will be raised once the application form has been received. The
fee will need to be paid within the stipulated deadlines. Any delay in the payment will incur
further delays in proceeding to the next stage of the application process.

The initial application fee is non-refundable. This applies if the application is rejected or
withdrawn at any stage of the process.

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ATP Criteria
3.3 Application suitability – initial check

The organisation applying to become an ATP will be initially considered on the basis of:

• Organisation credibility in delivering certified training within the Quality Profession

and other related sectors (for example, the organisation’s history and other

• Other relevant factors at the time of application (domain name, website, etc..) that
could inhibit the organisation’s suitability to deliver the training courses or bring the
CQI and IRCA into disrepute.

The CQI reserves the right to reject the application at this stage. No reapplication will be
accepted within 12 months.

3.4 Desktop review

A desktop review of the application form and required documents will be carried out by the
CQI Technical Assessor. The desktop review will be completed within 20 working days of
receipt of all the required documents.
Following the desktop review, a written report will be produced by the CQI Technical
Assessors detailing the review outcomes.

The CQI may ask for extra information or recommend corrective actions that need to be
implemented before proceeding to the next stage.

At this point, the organisations will also receive the access details to their online account on
the ATP portal to be able to download the whole report. They will then be required to upload
their responses and required documents via ATP portal.

The CQI reserves the right to charge additional cost of the desktop review to the organisation
in the following cases:
• If the ATP responses and required documents after two desktop reviews are still not
satisfactory and another desktop review is required
• If the ATP responses and required documents are submitted later than 6 months after
receiving the latest desktop review report.

3.5 Validation visit

Subject to a successful desktop review, including the evidencing of satisfactory completion of

any improvements required, the CQI will then conduct a validation visit to the organisation’s
main office. The visit will be scheduled within 4–6 weeks of completing the desktop review.
Alternatively, at the discretion of CQI and IRCA, a remote validation audit may be arranged.

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The decision to award the ATP status will be based on evaluation of the effectiveness of the
documented systems and procedures in meeting CQI requirements, including the satisfactory
completion of any improvements required as an outcome of the previous desktop review.

The validation visit will be conducted by a CQI Technical Assessor. Travel, accommodation
and other costs for the visit will be covered by the CQI.

The CQI reserves the right to charge reasonable expenses (e.g. Assessor’s day rate, travel,
accommodation) for the validation visit in the case that the visit is cancelled by the
organisation less than 2 weeks before the visit date.

The CQI will charge reasonable expenses should a second validation visit be required. These
will be agreed in advance with the organisation.

3.6 Validation visit summary report

The CQI Technical Assessor will submit a visit summary report containing their
recommendation to the CQI. Where appropriate, the report will also specify any
improvement actions required.

The CQI will review the Training Assessor’s recommendations and decide on the appropriate
outcome, and will inform the applicant organisation within 10 working days of the validation

The CQI may ask for extra information or recommend corrective actions that need to be
implemented before offering the Training Partner approval. The time frame for the measures
to be implemented will be confirmed at this point. The CQI reserves the right to follow-up
and verify any corrective action taken with a further site visit.

3.7 Offer of Approved Training Partner status

Should the approval be granted, the organisation will be offered “Approved Training Partner”
status and will be required to sign a Partnership Agreement, prepared by the CQI. Receipt of
a signed copy of this agreement will be evidence of confirmation that they wish to proceed as
a CQI Approved Training Partner.

Once the signed Partnership Agreement has been received by the CQI, the ATP will be sent
the following information:
• A copy of the Partnership Agreement signed by the CQI
• ATP Certificate including the ATP Unique identification number
• CQI Approved Training Partner logo
• CQI and IRCA Brand terms of use

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The name of the ATP will be added onto the CQI and IRCA website once the organisation has
obtained certification for at least one of their courses. The ATP is required to submit their
first course for certification within 6 months of receiving their ATP status.

Once the certification has been awarded, the ATP will be then required to add their course
outline information and course page URL onto the portal in order to have the ATP’s name
listed under the relevant course(s) directory on the CQI and IRCA website.

3.8 Rejection of the Training Partner application

The CQI reserves the right to withdraw the training partner application at any stage of the
process. The CQI will provide the organisation with a report detailing the corrective actions
that need to be put in place in order to be awarded ATP status. The time frame for the
measures to be implemented will be confirmed at this point.

Should the organisation be unable to implement the corrective actions necessary to satisfy
the CQI requirements, their application to become an ATP will be withdrawn.

The organisation can apply to become an ATP again in 12 months’ time. Then, in such
instances, a new application fee will apply.

3.9 Maintaining the Training Partner approval

The CQI has an ongoing assurance process in place to ensure that requirements set out in this
document are maintained at all times. The ATP’s approval is subject to a successful annual self-
assessment process.

Notification to submit a self-assessment evidence will be sent to ATPs 2 months before the
anniversary of their ATP approval date. The CQI reserves the right to follow-up any self-
assessments with a site visit and charge reasonable expenses agreed in advance with the ATP.

Further guidelines on the ATP self-assessment process and required evidence can be
downloaded from the ATP portal.

3.10 The ATP portal

All ATPs are required to use the ATP portal in order to administer the CQI and IRA certified

The ATP portal provides a secure environment to manage the following activities:

• Update general contact details

• Download Assessor reports

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• Submission of corrective actions
• Review progress of each approved course
• Add newly certified courses
• Upload ATP delegates data
• Download invoices and receipts
• Pay online for any outstanding payments
• Review course statistics for all ATPs
• Download key documentation related to CQI and IRCA certified courses (course
specifications, criteria, exam papers, etc..)

Each organisation will have either a sole contact that manages the relations between them
and CQI/IRCA or a number of individuals who provide administration on behalf of the

In order to facilitate one or multiple administrators, the CQI has the ability to allow each
individual to have their own unique login and access to administer the ATP portal.

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4. Course certification

The organisation must achieve ATP status prior to applying for certification of its training
courses. Once the application to become an ATP has been successful, the organisation can
proceed to apply for a certification of their training courses. There are no additional fees for
the certification of the training courses; instead, a per-capita levy will apply to all delegates
attending all or part of the certified course.

The ATPs are required to submit at least one course for CQI certification within six months of
their ATP approval date. Full details of the course certification process can be found in the
“Course certification criteria” document that can be downloaded from ATP portal.

The organisation will be at risk of having their approval withdrawn if no courses are
submitted and certified within this specific period. If this is the case, the application fee will
not be refunded.

CQI expects the approved training partners to run at least two CQI and IRCA certified courses
in total every six months after receiving the course certification. The CQI may revoke the ATP
status in case of ATP not running the certified courses within the period of six months.

If an organisation submits its first course for certification 6 to 12 months after ATP approval,
the CQI reserves the right to make an additional charge. If an organisation submits its first
course more than 12 months after approval, they will be subject to a new application
process, including a new application fee.

There is no limitation on the number of courses that the ATP can submit for certification.

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ATP Criteria

5. Governance – Organisation stability and business support

The organisation must be able to demonstrate management support and commitment by
having clearly defined levels of accountability and responsibility for the governance and
management of the courses throughout the organisation and its subcontractors or branches,
if applicable. The organisation must establish and maintain an effective management system
with clearly defined roles and allocated responsibilities in order to manage and administer
the CQI and IRCA Certified courses delivery.

5.1 Top management

The organisation must provide a documented commitment signed by top management

supporting the application to become an ATP. This document must outline the organisation’s
objectives in relation to the CQI and IRCA Certified courses and must clearly demonstrate
how the courses will fit into their wider business strategy.

Evidence: Management statement or equivalent document signed by top management

5.2 Organisational structure

The organisation must ensure that the staff accountable for the quality assurance, delivery
and administration of the courses has the essential skills and knowledge to support the
operational delivery of the certified training courses.

The organisation must appoint a person to be accountable for the quality assurance and
delivery of the CQI and IRCA Certified courses and a person to be responsible for the
administration of the courses (it can be the same person). The job descriptions must clearly
indicate their responsibilities in relation to the CQI courses and the position of the job holder
in the organisation.

The organisation must inform the CQI about any changes to the organisational structure or
personal contact details of responsible persons as soon as possible.

Evidence: Organisational structure including the management and administration of the

certified courses delivery, quality assurance and performance of the partnership between the
ATP and the CQI

5.3 Business plan

The organisation is required to submit a summary of a business plan. This needs to cover the
following areas:
• Summary of CQI and IRCA certified courses the organisation intends to deliver
• Description of the main business drivers for the delivery of the CQI and IRCA certified

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• Description of the financial resources that will be used to support the CQI and IRCA
certified courses delivery
• Market research results or similar activities that prove sufficient demand for the
certified courses from the delegates or employers.

Evidence: A summary of a business plan covering the financial resources description, market
research results, results of questionnaires or surveys

5.4 Governance of organisation’s branches and subcontractors

The applicant organisation must have an effective control system in place for the
management of all its branches and subcontractors, and for monitoring and auditing of their
course delivery activities. This includes ensuring that all policies and requirements
submitted during the application are also applied to these branches and subcontractors.

Subcontractors and branches must not further sub-contract the advertising, organising
and/or delivery of CQI and IRCA Certified courses. However, ATP branches may outsource
the tutor recruitment and resources.

The applicant organisation is required to provide a written and legally enforceable

agreement that is signed by the top management of each of its relevant branches and

The written agreement must stipulate the “Terms and Conditions” of the CQI and IRCA
Certified courses delivery in order to ensure that the CQI requirements stipulated in this
document are met at all times.

Total responsibility for the effective management and administration of CQI and IRCA
Certified courses delivery remains with the ATP.

Additional branches and subcontractors may be added at any time under the same
conditions. The CQI must be informed in advance about any new branches and

The CQI may visit any of the ATP’s branches and subcontractors where it is deemed
necessary. The CQI reserves the right to charge relevant cost and expenses as agreed with
ATP in advance.

Evidence: List of all branches and subcontractors, agreements between organisation and its
branches and subcontractors including delivery of the certified courses, tutor competence,
delegate registprocess

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ATP Criteria

6. Assurance – Management system and quality assurance process

The organisation must have a management system that supports the consistent, sustainable
and effective delivery of the CQI courses.

6.1 Delegates registration process

The organisation must have adequate systems and processes in place to ensure that the
registration of delegates is conducted in an effective manner. This includes recording new
reservations, checking the delegates’ prior knowledge and providing correct information
about the courses in a timely manner.

Evidence: Description of the delegates’ registration process (e.g. a flow chart, software…)

6.2 Submission of delegates’ data to the CQI

The organisation must have systems in place that enable them to submit required mandatory
data to the CQI for delegates that attended part or all the CQI and IRCA Certified courses.

Evidence: Outline of the Stage 1 data submission process and the follow up Stage 2 results
submissions process (if applicable)

STAGE 1 – Delegates data upload

The ATP is required to upload delegate data via ATP portal within five working days after the
course completion date or within five working days after the start of a distance learning
course. The data must be submitted using the specified format as defined by the CQI
(Appendix 1).

Within two days of receiving the data, delegates will receive a survey link that will require
them to provide direct feedback to the CQI.

The ATP is responsible for checking accuracy of the data. The CQI will calculate the levy fees
based on the submitted data. A consolidated invoice will be sent to the ATP on a monthly

The CQI will issue unique delegate numbers (UDN) that will become available on the ATP
portal within one day of the data file being received from the ATP. The ATP must ensure that
the UDN appears on the delegates’ certificates.

The required mandatory data for the delegates is:

• Name (as used on certificate)

• Prefix (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr)
• Delegate’s email address

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• For part time courses – the country of course delivery
• For distance learning delivery – the country of delegate’s residence

The CQI will not share this data with any third party or use it for marketing purposes unless
the delegates request further information relating to CQI services and products.

STAGE 2 – Delegates results upload

Stage 2 is related to delegates results upload. The ATP will be required to upload the
delegates results within 6 weeks after course completion date.

The results are required for Practitioner and Professional level courses only.

As for the auditing courses, the results are required as follows:

1. Practitioner level- Internal Auditor, Transition
2. Professional level- Auditor/Lead Auditor, Conversion

The ATP is required to use the data file that CQI sends to them after Stage 1.

The required mandatory data to submit for each delegate at stage 2 is:

• Result (Pass/Fail)
• Delegate’s mark (for both Practitioner and Professional level quality courses and
Professional level auditing courses only)
• Exam resit (Yes/No)

CQI and IRCA uses courses pass rates to monitor the CQI and IRCA certified courses as well
as ATP performance as a part of the ongoing assurance processes. Therefore, it is important
that ATP submits the required data within the stipulated timescales.

6.3 Exam process and provision

For the courses that require examination at the end, three copies of the exam papers will be
provided by the CQI on an annual basis and the organisation will have to select one random
exam paper for each exam. The organisation will have to ensure that the papers are kept in a
secure place.

The organisation must have a defined process to deliver course assessments as stipulated in
the relevant course specification. The organisation must have adequate systems and
processes in place to ensure that the courses’ final assessments are conducted in a secure

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and controlled manner. This includes the organisation of exams, marking of the assessments,
competence of markers and handling of appeals.

The organisation must ensure that delegates’ exam papers are randomly chosen for each
course. The delegates must not take the exam papers with them after they complete the
exam. The delegates must retake the whole course again in case of failing the course
examination more than two times within the period of 12 months.

Evidence: Description of the planned systems used to support the exam, including the exam
papers’ security, exam papers version control and marking of the exams.

6.4 Credit control process

The organisation must have an effective financial systems process in place that ensures that
payments due to the CQI are correct and are submitted within 30 days of receiving the initial
invoices. As a part of the ongoing assurance processes, the CQI monitors how many times the
ATP received overdue fees reminders.

Evidence: Outline of the financial systems process

6.5 Complaints process

Delegates must be informed of their right to make a complaint or an appeal. The organisation
must operate documented complaints handling process for the benefit of their delegates.
This should ensure that any complaints are recorded and dealt with promptly and fairly. This
process must also include the potential for involvement of the CQI in unresolved complaints
and appeals.

Evidence: Complaints handling policy, system for recording complaints and investigation

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6.6 Data retention

The organisation must have systems in place that enable them to maintain delegates’ records
and details of achievements for a period of at least three years. This must be done in an
accurate and secure manner in line with relevant Data Protection Regulations in the country
of the course delivery or the organisation’s training management centre (if it is delivered by
distance learning). This will be assessed for its adequacy. Following the expiration of the data
retention period, data must be destroyed in a secure manner.

Evidence: Data protection policy, Record security and retention policy, Certificates of
destruction of old redundant data (where applicable)

6.7 Data security arrangements

The organisation must have data security processes in place, including access restrictions,
password policies, backup and recovery arrangements for physical data and recovery for any
products used for electronic delivery of the CQI courses (for example, website, data
management system, sensitive e-data protection, backup of the computer systems). Any data
breaches must be reported to the CQI immediately together with details of corrective action.

Evidence: Data securing process for physical data, Internal and external data security
procedure for IT systems including data access, backup and cyber-attack protection, a
statement explaining how the training systems can be reconstituted from backup and
whether any tests have been performed to ensure data can be restored.

6.8 Contingency arrangements for key staff

The organisation must have a contingency plan in place to ensure business continuity in the
case of unexpected events, for example an illness or sudden resignation of key staff members.
This is to ensure that the interests of delegates are protected and the CQI requirements are
met at all times.

Evidence: Staff contingency plan (including the tutors)

7. Improvement – Business performance improvement

The objective is to ensure that the organisation takes into account stakeholder needs and
implements any requirements for improvement of their existing business systems or
management of the courses in a timely manner.

7.1 Periodic course management reviews

The organisation must hold periodic course management review meetings at least once a
year to plan action to address any weaknesses or improvement opportunities. The

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improvement objectives and timescales should be identified as results of these reviews.
Minutes of such meetings must be maintained. The organisation must also hold reviews of
branches and subcontractors and their certified courses delivery at least once per year.

The organisation must follow-up on issues identified during the management reviews and
provide the subcontractors and branches with objectives and timescales to put improvement
measures in place.

The reviews should include all areas specified in the ATP Criteria and should also cover:
• The results from internal process reviews
• The analysis of the delegates’ feedback and pass rates
• The outcomes from tutor performance reviews
• A review of the effectiveness of delivery of individual CQI and IRCA Certified courses
• Change management of identified improvements and any revisions/additions to the

Evidence: Outline of the planned process for conducting course management reviews

7.2 Fact-based decision-making approach

The organisation must use appropriate methods to identify external stakeholders’

needs/areas for improvement of the certified courses delivery and must adopt a fact-based
decision-making approach.

This can involve conducting market research, analysing feedback from delegates and other
interested parties.

Evidence: Description of the methods that are to be used to ensure continual improvement of
the certified courses delivery

8. Leadership – Human resources management

The objective is to ensure that there is an appropriate human resources management

process in place that enables the organisation to recruit qualified and competent personnel,
regularly review their performance and take accountability for achieving and improving
standards of performance through continuing professional development.

8.1 Recruitment process

The organisation must demonstrate that appropriate persons are/will be appointed to

positions related to the management and administration of the CQI courses and that they
have their performance objectives clearly set.

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Evidence: Description of the staff recruitment process, job descriptions of key staff their
performance objectives (except the tutors), a brief summary of training background and
relevant experience of key staff

8.2 Performance review process

At least annually, the organisation must conduct documented key staff reviews to establish
their performance against the set objectives and to offer opportunities for further
development as appropriate.

Evidence: Description of the planned performance review process

8.3 Tutors’ selection process and competence

The organisation must ensure that tutors must have the necessary knowledge and skills
related to the course subject matter to deliver the CQI and IRCA Certified courses and
understand the relevant learning outcomes provided by the course syllabus. The
organisation must define the skills and knowledge required for the tutors that will be
delivering the courses. Experience of previous training delivery of a similar course and
attendance on an appropriate tutoring training course is essential.

Evidence: Outline of the tutor selection process, tutors’ planned job descriptions including the
necessary knowledge and skills

8.4 Tutors’ performance reviews

The organisation must conduct a documented review of the tutors’ performance at least once
per year in order to identify areas for improvement and further development. The
organisation must also ensure that their subcontractors and branches periodically conduct a
documented review of their tutors’ performance, including how they provide opportunities
for further improvement and development when needed.

Evidence: Outline of the tutors’ performance review process, description of process ensuring
the subcontractors and branches conduct a documented tutors’ performance reviews

9. Context – Course design, delivery and compliance with CQI


The objective is to demonstrate that the organisation has adequate systems and resources in
place to ensure that they design, develop and deliver the courses to meet the learning
outcomes in line with the requirements indicated in the course specification.

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9.1 Courses design

Organisations applying for the ATP status must already have a defined process for the design
and development of the CQI and IRCA Certified courses.

A description of the course planning stages for design and development, and activities
involved at each stage, is required. This process includes the timescales (including key
milestones) and clearly defined responsibilities in relation to the course design and
development process. The organisation is also required to ensure that the course developers
have the necessary skills and competencies to produce session plans and training materials
for tutors and delegates.

The CQI and IRCA Certified courses may be tailored to be applicable to the specific industry
needs or company requirements by the ATP. Tailored courses must still meet the relevant
course specification, including the learning outcomes, enabling objectives and indicative

Evidence: Process flowcharts for the course developments, process for the selection of course
developers, process flowcharts for the course modifications where applicable

9.2 Planned delivery of CQI and IRCA Certified courses

The course delivery method must support and provide the necessary tools to enhance the
delegates’ learning and knowledge acquisition throughout the course.

A CQI and IRCA Certified course can be delivered in the following ways:
• Classroom-based as a single, complete learning event, full-time over consecutive
working days
• Classroom-based as a series of part-time modules over a longer period of time
• Distance learning-based on self-study via e-learning or as a correspondence course
• Blended learning-based on a combination of distance learning and classroom learning

The organisation is required to demonstrate it has established appropriate learning methods

to enable delegates to learn the skills and knowledge stipulated in the course learning

Evidence: Description of intended learning methods and supportive course materials for the
CQI and IRCA Certified courses. In case of an online course delivery, description of the
software used to deliver the course is required.

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9.3 Issue of delegates’ certificates

The organisation is responsible for issuing the final certificates to delegates as follows:
• Certificates of Completion – for Foundation courses only
• Certificates of Achievement – for Practitioner and Professional courses (subject to a
successful exam result)

The organisation must have adequate internal systems and processes in place to ensure that
the unique delegate numbers (UDNs) issued by the CQI will appear on the delegates’
certificates. The organisation must ensure that the certificates are in line with the CQI and
IRCA Brand terms of use. Organisations appointed as subcontractors are not allowed to issue
delegate certificates.

Evidence: Description of a process of issuing course certificates to the delegates

9.4 Health and Safety regulations

Where the courses are delivered on a classroom or blended learning basis, the organisation
must ensure that the delivery of the CQI and IRCA Certified courses complies with the
requirements of Health and Safety regulations in the country of the course delivery. This also
applies to external venues used for the courses delivery.

Evidence: A statement describing how the health, safety and welfare of delegates will be met
when using the organisation’s facilities.

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ATP Criteria

Appendix 1 - Delegates Data File

Mandatory Field Descriptions

Field Name Detailed Description
ST_ATP_ID The unique identification number assigned to your organisation by the CQI when your
Training Partner Approval was granted.
ST_COURSE_ID The unique identification number assigned to this course by the CQI when Course
Approval was granted.
ST_START_DATE The first day for this particular course. For distance learning courses, this should be the
first date the course is available to the delegate.
ST_END_DATE The end date for this particular course. For one day courses, this date will be the same
as the Start Date. For distance learning courses, this is the date by when the course
needs to be completed.
ST_TUTOR_NAME The full name of the tutor who delivered this course or the majority of the course.
ST_DELIVERY_METHOD The method of delivery of the course, please use the following:
CL- classroom based/part time
DL- distance learning/e-learning
BL- blended learning (combination of CL and DL)
ST_COURSE_COUNTRY The country in which this course was delivered. Must be a valid ISO 3166-1 alpha 2
country code. For distance learning courses this is the country of the candidate’s
ST_PREFIX The prefix of the Student, e.g. Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr
ST_FIRST_NAME The First/Given name of the Student
ST_LAST_NAME The Last/Surname/Family name of the Student
ST_EMAIL The Student’s e-mail address. Must be a valid e-mail address.
ST_CQI_DELEGATE_ID The unique delegate number (UDN) assigned by the CQI.

If this is the first time you are submitting data for a specific course and this is the first
time this delegate has attended one of your courses, this field should be set to zero.

When the file is returned to the ATP, this field will be set to the unique delegate number
assigned to this delegate by the CQI.

The UDN should be stored in your Learning Management System and be included in all
future submissions for this delegate, e.g. when the results for this course are submitted
or when this delegate attends another of your courses.

The UDN must appear on the certificate awarded to the delegate on successful
completion of the course.
ST_RESULT The result achieved by this student. Valid values are PASS, FAIL and DNA

Please use DNA if the student booked and paid for the course, but either failed to attend
or withdrew from the course.

ST_MARK_SCORE The mark or score achieved by this student. Leave blank if the result is DNA or WITH
ST_RESIT Has this student taken this exam before – Y(Yes) or N(No)

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