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Nathaly Huazo

English 10, Period 5

Mrs. Cruz

16 October 2018

Everyone needs to be Treated Equally no Matter the Reason

Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender people are treated differently wherever they are not

accepted, people with different sexualites shouln’t have to hide themselves or be outcasts. Others

opinion is based on not having LGBTQ people in this world and if they are they should not have

the same rights as everyone else.

One of the reasons Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people are kicked out of their

homes or keep their sexualies to themselves is having the fear of being treated as an outcast.

According to Curry “Before coming out in 2012, I struggled through months of

therapy…”(Curry). This proves that all people with different sexualities can’t come out to their

families, who are one of the most important people that should know because they might not be

accepted for who they are, families can be homophobic about this and kick them out of their

homes and pretend that they're not their son/daughter. Clearly, Tabacco states “The ability to

stay out of sight can mean the ability to stay safe, and many in our community don’t have a

choice about whether to be out”( Tabacco). The article points out that that the majority of the

people hide their sexualities because they want to be respected and not be treated as outcasts,

people refusing service on them, ignoring them, and being molested.

It is also important to acknowledge that LGBTQ suffer of discriminated in their homes,

work, store they shop, restaurant, and etc. Imagine coming from a long day of work where you

are bullied about your sexuality you want to go home but once you are home you cannot be in
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peace because your neighbors don't accept you. Evidence can also be found in the article “When

it comes to being able to earn a living, having a place to live, or being served by a business or

government office, they should be treated like anyone else and not be discriminated against.”

Clearly, there are some homophobic people that don’t accept others and have big hatred

towards them. It is also shown LGBT people struggle with their daily lives. According to the

article “Protecting people from discrimination, including LGBT people, is about treating others

as we want to be treated”(Freedom for All Americans). The article points out that discrimination

associations protect everyone no matter if they have different sexualities, every human being and

everyone deserves to be treated like you’d like to be treated with respect.

Overall, it’s shown that people with different sexualities are treated differently anywhere,

along with other rights that benefit them and are unfair. Others suggest that they are not accepted

due to religion , beliefs, generation, or seeing it as not being normal. According to Signorile

“We didn’t need LGBT..for various reasons” This shows that LGBT people do not

matter…”(Signorile). Despite opposition, I am convinced that a lot believe people with different

sexualities are not welcome and do not have to be protected because they are outcasts. “LGBT

people are, you know, people. This should entitle them to the same rights and freedoms…”( Why

LGBT Rights Matter). The point remains everyone is give the same rights and freedom but

LGBT people should not have different laws that benefit them. Everyone is equal and having a

different sexuality is not a reason to treat people differently.

It is essential to recognize Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender people do not deserve

to be maltreated, suffer of discrimination nowhere, be molested, or be refused service. There's

nothing special or bad about having a different sexuality because in the other hand we are still

humans and a small thing different from everyone else knowing what type of gender we like is
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not a reason to turn our backs, have such hatred or be treated as pests, Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals,

and Transgender people are born that way and nothing can do anything about it the best thing to

do after all is let them live their lives without any obstacles.

Work Cited

Curry, Colleen. "I Thought Gay Rights were Safe. Now I'm Not so Sure." Washington Post, 11

Feb. 2018, pp. B.5. SIRS Issues Researcher,

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Tabacco Mar, Ria. "Longing for the Freedom Not to Hide Myself." Washington Post, 16 Apr. q

2018, pp. A.15. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Loh, Morven, et al. “Why LGBT Rights Matter.” Fumble,

“Nondiscrimination Background Information: Why Everyone Should Be Treated Equally.”

Freedom for All Americans, 13 Apr. 2016,


Signorile, Michelangelo. “Why We Need LGBT Pride Now More Than Ever.” The Huffington

Post,, 16 June 2017,


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