About Grigori Grabovoi

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Grigori Grabovoi (born 14/11/1963 , in Bokhara , Kazakhstan) is at once mystical, clairvoyant ,

Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences , doctor of technical sciences, academic, member of
the International Academy of Computerization, member - correspondent at Russian Academy of
Sciences. The author of the thesis on the structure of consciousness, disaster prevention , healing
(remotely), spiritual practices aimed at increasing awareness and spiritual growth, and for total
recovery of the human body and any material .

The author of many books on God, the universe, eternal life and total resurrection.

The author of the doctrine concerning salvation and the Harmonious Eternal Development.

Grigori Grabovoi is endowed with the ability of clairvoyance, prophecy ( insight ) and healing. From
the age of three began to feel the phenomena of clairvoyance and conscious management of
events. Using clairvoyance solved scientific problems, a priori, and you know the result. Thousands
of people claim that they were cured by Grabovoi from distance, which already has to his credit
hundreds of cases of complete recovery of patients in the terminal stages of cancer, AIDS, also
cases of recovery of organs surgically ( of amputation), cases of resurrection of the dead.

Grabovoi science - this is a practical education, and today his students have achieved similar
results. Among their findings can be counted, the discovery of the field creating information where
you can create any computer data object and the conservation of their data at any point of the
space-time continuum . He has discovered, among others, the methods of the transformation of
information into geometric shapes (materialization of abstractions), has founded the basis for remote
diagnostics and for the regeneration of the substance over a period of time converting time in space.

Grabovoi starts with the idea that the human consciousness is capable not only reflect reality
through perception, but in quality and functions and an autonomous creative substance. It follows
that man, being one of the elements of the universe, where everything is interconnected, able to
interact with all other elements of the universe, under the amendment to his conscience.

His methods include the management of reality, which in itself is already a common good. Using
Grabovoi's methods one can improve health and welfare not only for himself, but for all others and
the entiry Universe. According to Grabovoi the universe is full and when it is developed in this
perfect original vibration, it establishes the general welfare. When the vibration of one of us is
different from the norm, this disorder extends to the global level.

Eternal development Medicine according to the Doctrine of G.Grabovoi allows you to

transmit the functionality of the physical body to the functionality of the spirit . In this
state, the physical body is not dependent on physiological processes but creates them.
In fact, the physical matter acquires spiritual characteristics and becomes eternal .

In these times of great changes, teaching mankind, Grabovoi proposes concrete and practical
technologies for increased spiritual state and level of consciousness necessary for the modern
quantum transition threshold of a man.
Scientific and industrial state establishment "Прогресс" (ВНПП "Прогресс")
conducted research opportunities for Grigori Grabovoi , The results are presented in the
following document:

This certificate confirms that the psychic Grigori Grabovoi has the following abilities,
regardless of the time , whether it’s past, present or future:

In the field of clairvoyance:

- Determine the exact look and character of a person not having any
preliminary information, only by name and lastname.
- Identify faults , defects at any level of technical equipment
complexity based on photographs , drawings , plans, identification number of the appropriate

In the perception of sounds:

- Understand know the conversation in any language and at any distance .

In the field of alternative medicine:

- Diagnosis of diseases at any distance.
- Treatment of disease at any distance.

All of these abilities of Grigori Grabovogoi were systematically re-confirmed by

respected independent commissions in the work done by Grigori Grabovoi under contracts
providing for the use of his psychic capabilities. The results of studies conducted by Grigori
Grabovoi are documented and certified in the protocols signed by the members of the
committees and senior management of VNPP "Progress".

" Director ВНПП "Прогресс" (Signed) A. Zajzev

Official stamp.

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