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Rhetorical Analysis


Mark Winslett

The University of Texas at El Paso

Rhetorical Analysis 2


The monograph called “Evidence Based Practice in School Mental Health” written by

James C. Raines shares an abundance of tips, guides, and massive amounts of research to help

others with ways of helping others help students in any school level. Schools should always be

fully aware of how to assist and teach these children who have special learning needs. The

research provides substantial evidence on how students perform with or without EBP in and out

of schools. The monograph contains Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Each representing a different

audience as to what Mental health for students is in college.

Rhetorical Analysis 3


Evidence-based Practice in School Mental Health written by James C. Raines

speaks about how schools either lack proper practice for students with special learning needs, or

have the wrong kind of aid for students.


Ethos is a belief, or something someone can stand for. It could The author, James Raines

states that evidence-based practices are a must have in the medical industry. His statements come

backed with much research and studies as to how EBP creates a better environment for all.

Raines writes, “The National Association of Social Workers addresses the importance of

research infused practices in two standards…” “… School social workers shall use research and

practice to understand social policies related to schools.” (Raines 10) The aim here is to show

that there is a need for school officials to understand social and mental practice for all to better

ensure their success of students with certain needs in learning.


Pathos is a feeling of emotion such as love, or even anger. Sometimes pathos could

involve a caring and compassion factor. The book by Raines gives many examples as to how

evidence-based practice is needed, and how the proper education and knowledge is also

important. Within the book, there is a description as to what happened to a girl named Angie

Arndt. She was a seven-year-old foster child who was in the care of Dan and Donna Pavlik.

Angie was admitted to Family health services, then Northwest Guidance and Counseling Day

Clinic. Later, she was treated unfairly by the staff. “Staff put her in a face down floor restraint…

she cried” Angie screamed for help, but she ended up losing control of bodily fluids and passed
Rhetorical Analysis 4

out. It was discovered that she had died due to asphyxia. (Box 1.2) this was due to the wrong

practice and lack of evidence-based knowledge.


Logos is all about reason, and true facts. The book explains that even though evidence-

based practice involves education and science, there’s also an economic reasoning behind it all.

Schools and states are not taking the opportunity to fund special fractionators who would bring

in this evidence-based practice into schools. Some schools use every funding they can to open

many centers and bring resources to help students who have existing or are developing mental

health issues or problems. Chapter 9 of this book speaks about ethics in the evidence-based



Raines, J. C. (2008). Evudence-based practice in school mental health Oxford University


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