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- Acquired through ENCULTURATION (learning culture, values and knowledge - Brahmins (priests and teachers)
of a society) - Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers)
- Aims to help people learn culture, develop behavior, guide in role building - Vaishyas (farmers, traders, & merchants)
- Teachers are the adult people - Shudras (laborers)
- Purpose is to shape children to becoming good members of tribe. - Dalits (outcasts- street sweepers, cleaners)
- PRE PUBERTY (participate in social processes) - VEDIC SYSTEM (Education of a child commenced at the age of five with the
- POST PUBERTY (initiation) ceremony called Vidyarambha. It was marked by learning the alphabets for
the first time and offering worship to goddess Saraswathi. Upanayana –
- Cultural (preserve and perpetuate culture) - GURUKUL was the house of the teacher who was a settled householder.
- Utilitarian (transfer of skills so it can be used to daily life) - PARISHADS OR ACADEMIES where the students of advanced learning
- Practical, technical, and professional gathered and enriched themselves through discussions and discourses.
- Religious - GOSHTI OR CONFERENCES was a national gathering or congress
- Developmental (agriculture) - ASHRAMAS OR HERMITAGES students from distant and different parts of the
- Education was domestic training, religious, and vocational. country
- Women *vocational) and Men (Scribes- reading writing & Math) - VIDYAPEETA was an institution for spiritual learning
- Medicine, Math, Geology, History, Music, Science - GHATHIKAS was an institution of highest learning
- Instruction is done through Memorization, imitation, observation & internship - AGRAHARAS were settlements of brahmins where they used to teach.
- MATHAS pupils reside and received instructions both religious and secular.
ANCIENT INDIA - BRAHMAPURI was a settlement of learned brahmins; Education was imparted.
- Religious and traditional knowledge - VIHARA was a Buddhist monastery; philosophy was taught.
- Palm leaves and bark of trees
- Vedas (ancient texts), Mahabharata (literature), Gautama Buddha (founder),
Manu Smriti (law book)
- Education to train for the completeness of life
- Education to mold character to the battles of life
- Education to train the young men and women
- Education to preserve noble ideas and culture
- GURUKAL SYSTEM (type of school, residential, pupils live with guru)
- Instruction is done though SHRAWANA/ SRUTU (listen to teacher), MANANA
(interpret), NIDHYASANA (comprehension of truth)
- BRAHMACHARYA SYSTEM (total of the responsibilities of a student. Rigorous
self-discipline and self control. Avoid all pleasure and luxury)

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