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P.O.Box: 3900 Kigali, Rwanda
Tel: (+250)252574696/ (+250)252574698


Submitted by: TUYAMBAZE JeanClaude

Registration number: 216092558
Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Option: Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Phone number: +250781946806
Academic year: 2017-2018


 This is to certify that TUYAMBAZE jeanclaude has done the internship in the STARTIME LTD
Company under the supervision of Mr. from april 28th to 28th 2018

 Approved by:
 Training officer
 Name, Signature and stamp…………….

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page ii
 I, TUYAMBAZE JEAN CLAUDE, hereby declare that, this industrial attachment
report is my original work realized to demonstrate all activities done during
the internship held at StarTimes Ltd on the kimihurura StarTimes
headquarters, report is uniquely prepared by me, tuyambaze jean Claude
after the completion of 10 weeks of work.

 Signature……………………….

 REG.NO: 216092558


This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page iii
 I gratefully dedicate this work to:
 .My Almighty God
 .My beloved Mother
 .all star times engineers and technician
 .All my friends and my classmate
 .All those give inspiration for going through this industrial study

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page iv

 This attachment was successfully due to the cooperation and support of people who helped me
to gain industrial aspects of the program could have given.
 First of all, I would like to appreciate our Almighty God for the charitable time and strength,
aptitude and persistence for magnificently completing my filed attachment and report
compilation, I would have done nothing if it was not for his willpower. I wish to acknowledge to
UNIVERSITY OF RWANDA Administration for the facilities that they have provided to me and all
students in general in order to accomplish my practical training.

 I cannot forget to thank all my teachers who gave me all practical and theoretical skills that
helped me to accomplish my daily activities during the internship.
 I am really thankful to STAR TIME LTD COMPANY staffs, who allowed me to conduct my
internship in their company.
 My thanks go to all engineers who kindly supported me during of my practical training with
regardless of the inconvenient that should have been caused by our poor experiment in
practical domain.

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page v

 star time is Chinese telecommunication company that sells video and audio to
the peoples, now 2018 is working in 34 country in Africa and east Asia ,they
have two program of broadcasting digital terrestrial televion called DTT and
digital televion direct to home called DTH and electronics lab for repairing and
testing devices of customer before and after buys, in my internship star time
engineers show me, power switching mode design of almost all device, how
current is follow ,how we repair TV, decoder, types of TV, transmission using
DTT, transmission using DTH, installation of parabolic dish antenna,frequency
band for satellite and frequency of yagi uda antenna
antenna,transmitter,types of transmitting antenna, hardware device made
earth station of receiving transmitting antenna.

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page vi
CERTIFICATE ......................................................................................................................................................................... ii
DECLARATION ......................................................................................................................................................................iii
DEDICATION .........................................................................................................................................................................iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................................................................................................v
CHAP 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Background and necessity of the training .............................................................................................. 13
1.2 Training objectives ............................................................................................................................ 13
GENERAL OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................... 13
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................. 13
1.3 Training pre-requisites ...................................................................................................................... 13
1.4 Site selection ..................................................................................................................................... 13
1.5. Training benefit and motivation ...................................................................................................... 13
CHAP 2.swiching mode Power supply................................................................................................................................ 14
2.0 Working principle of switching mode power supplies. .................................................................... 14
2.1 input protection and filtering circuit................................................................................................. 18
2.2 Bridge circuit ..................................................................................................................................... 18
2.3 START UP and RUN DC ..................................................................................................................... 19
2. 4 OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................................ 20
2.5 FEED BACK CIRCUIT ........................................................................................................................... 20
2.6 SAMPLING CIRCUIT .......................................................................................................................... 20
2.7 ERROR DETECTION /ERROR AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT .............................................................................. 20
2.8 PROTECTION CIRCUIT ....................................................................................................................... 21
2.9 stand-by-circuits................................................................................................................................ 21
2.10 POWER FACTOR CORRECTION ....................................................................................................... 21

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page vii
CHAP.3. MATERIALS AND METHODS ................................................................................................................................. 21
3.1 SITE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 21
3.2. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE TOOLS AND EQUIPMENTS ........................................................... 21
3.3 materials and equipments meet at site. .......................................................................................... 21
3.3.2 decoder .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Problems facing decoder ........................................................................................................................ 22
3 Craking ................................................................................................................................................. 23
3.4 CATHODE RAY TUBE Television ........................................................................................................ 25
3.4.1 Cathode ray tube overview ............................................................................................................ 25
3.6 PROBLEMS FACING CRT .................................................................................................................... 27
3.7 TERRESTRIAL-ONLY SIGNAL DISTRIBUTION ...................................................................................... 29
3.8 Digital television direct to home ....................................................................................................... 30
CHAP.4. TRAINING OUTCOMES ......................................................................................................................................... 31
4.0 Digital TV Basic Knowledge and DISH Installation Guide .................................................................. 31
4.1 INTRODUCTION to COMMUNICATION and FREQUENCY BANDS ..................................................... 31
WELCOME FOR THE TRAINING ............................................................................................................... 38
4.3. Discussions and analysis of the training works ................................................................................ 38
4.4. Environmental aspects of the training ............................................................................................. 38
4.5. Benefits/Cost Analysis of the training.............................................................................................. 39
CHAP.5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.1. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................................. 39
5.2. RECOMMENDATIONS....................................................................................................................... 40
5.2.1. Useful remarks .............................................................................................................................. 40
5.2.2. Recommendations towards the future trainings.......................................................................... 40
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................ 41

Table 1 Error! Bookmark not defined.

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page viii
Table 2 Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3 Error! Bookmark not defined.

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page ix
AV: analogue video
AC: alternating current
B +voltage: high transform voltage:
CRT: cathode ray tube


CPU: central processing units

CST: College of Science and Technology

UR: University of Rwanda
DC: direct current
EMI: electromagnetic interference
f: faradays
F: fuse
IC: integrated circuit
LPF:low pass frequency
LNB;low noise blocker
STB:set top box
Pf: power factor
Pfc: power factor correction
This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558
And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page x
PWM: pulse width modulation
RFI: radio frequency interference
RF: radio frequency
TV: television
UHF: ultra high frequency
VHF: very high frequency
A1. A copy of the IA requesting letter and acceptance received
A2. A copy of the site introduction letter
A3. A copy of insurance cover
A4. Weekly filled Log Book Schedule
A5. The site training officer filled form i.e. the Training Certificate

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page xi
This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558
And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page xii
Background and necessity of the training
 Industrial attachment is an essential course for students completing their
third year involved in academic program of high learning institutions and
universities that is why UR has established that course.
 The main purpose of the industrial attachment is to help students increasing
their knowledge by doing practice of what they learned in theory.
 I did my internship in star time Ltd. I have earned more relating to
electronics and telecommunication engineering work, I started my internship
from 28th June 2018 to 28th July 2018,it means ten weeks.
1.2 Training objectives
 The general objective of this internship is to link the practical experience with
the theoretical skills obtained in class.
 To improve professional knowledge
 To relate university lifestyle to full time employment
1.3 Training pre-requisites
 During my industrial attachment, I have faced works involving electronics and
telecommunication engineering pre-requisite lessons that I have learned in
1.4 Site selection
Star time LTD was firstly based on my desire and curiosity about telecommunication. As electronics
and telecommunication l engineering student, having the fundamental practical knowledge and its
application was my foremost step towards a way for my integration from theoretical skills to a
practical experience .
 Hence, I choose to work with startime LTD which is rapidly growth company.

1.5. Training benefit and motivation

 As it is commonly planed for graduate student to be competitive when they are looking for jobs,
training helps to open my mind and relate theoretical knowledge in practical skills, on my side I
choose to work with telecommunication company due to the following motivation:
This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558
And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 13
 Get the opportunity of improving professional knowledge,
 Develop skills about the application of theory to practical work,

CHAP 2.swiching mode Power supply

2.0 Working principle of switching mode power supplies.
 first AC voltage enter in RF filter circuit where its function is to prevents the
power supplies unit causing interference on the main wiring and to a full wave

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 14
rectifier (bridge rectifier) which convert the AC to produce an uneven dc
output and then filter by a large filter capacitor.
 .the clean DC voltage will then be given to start up resistors and to the input of
switching mode power transform.
 .once the voltage passed through the high ohms resistors (start up resistors) the
voltage would drop to a value where it then goes to VCC supply pin of pulse
width modulation
 .the run DC circuit that consist of a resistors and a diode will maintain the
power IC stable operation
 .once the PWM IC received the voltage ,it will produce signal to drive the
transistors (normal FET)and produce a charge in magnetic field in the
transformer primary winding.
 .the charging magnetic field induces voltage in the secondary winding
 .each of these AC voltage produced by secondary winding is then rectified,
filtered and regulated to produce a clean Dc voltage.
 .once of the main DC output voltage is B+voltage
 .the output from the B+ voltage supply is then connected, through sampling
error detection circuit and feedback to the power PWM IC .
 .when the voltage from B+ supply rises or drop a bit ,the PWM IC will acts to
correct the output voltage
Figure 1:power supply components

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 15
This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558
And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 16

The main circuit of switching mode power supply as shown on the abo

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 17
2.1 input protection and filtering circuit
 This is the first circuit where AC supply enters the SMPs
 the fuse and varistors R802 protect the power supply from transient voltage
resulting from lightening striker or power surges
 the fuse F801 provide protection against circuit fault and effectively isolated
circuit from the AC supply sources
 .capacitors C801 and C824 are x capacitors and help to reduce the differential
modes EMI
 resistors R801 dischargesC801 and C824 on AC removal ,preventing potential
user shock.
 Inductor L805 is a common mode inductor and help in filtering common EMI
from coupling back to the AC source.
 C803 and C802 are y capacitor connected from the line neutral to earth to
reduce common mode EMI
 thermistor R840 limits the initial peak in rush current drown by the circuit at
start up

2.2 Bridge circuit

 Bridge circuit consist of a bridge rectifier (either 4 individual diode or singe
package rectifier) and filter capacitors
 the function of the bridge rectifier is to convert the incamming AC voltage
into DC voltage and the filter capacitor to remove the ripple and this will
provide a nice DC voltage source to the primary winding of switching mode
power transformer

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 18
 .the DC voltage that you will get is measured across the pin of filter capacitors
using multi-meter.
 in some power supply design, you could see that there are capacitors connected
across each diode in the bridge rectifier
 .the function of the capacitors is to suppress the RFI signals generated by the
rectifier diodes.
 .this circuit usually consist of one to three high ohms resistors and is
connected between the 300VDC voltage line and supply input of power IC
 after the 300VDC goes through start up resistors ,the voltage will drop to about
16VDC and this voltage is use to kick on the oscillator in the power IC the
 .after kick starts, even if the start up resistors have been removed ,the supply
will continue to operate because it now get the supply from another source
which is the secondary winding this is colled RUN DC AS shown on figure
 .as the large filter capacitors discharges the power IC requires additional
voltage to maintain stable operational thus additional circuit i-eRUN DC
CIRCUIT is provided to the power IC from secondary winding so that the
circuit become stable.
 .it consist of resistors to prevent peaks rectification of spike,a diode ,to rectify
the incoming signal from the transform which is then smothered by Capacitor
to give DC level
 .if the start up resistors is opened circuit or turned into high ohms, it would
cause power problems or shutdown.

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 19
 This circuit consists of power IC power FET ,THE TRANSFORMER
PRIMARY winding and at least one secondary feed either from secondary
winding or from opto-isolator IC.
 .Since they usually increase the power of a signal and require source of dc
power they are treated as active devices as shown on figure1.
 This is generally an opto-isolator IC that uses internal LED to emit light to
 .the photo-transitors act as input device.
 .the feedback circuit also produce isolation between cold ground and hot
ground side of the power supply.
 .if the opto-isolator IC have problems an opened LED or shortened /leaky
phototransitor the power supply would blink or produce lower voltage or even
shutdown after the power supply is turned “on”
 The sampling circuit and feedback circuit are colled the regulation circuit.
 In order to maintain the output voltage delivered to the loads a sample of at
least one output voltage source developed by the normally derivered from the
B+ voltage line that goes primary winding of fly back transformer.
 Some call this sampling circuit as sensing circuit.
 Basically this error detection circuit consists of one IC with the part number of
 .it can be ather part number depends on SMPs design.
 .the error detection circuit monitor the sampled voltage source derivered
from sampling circuit and activate the opto-isolator IC feedback as needed to

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 20
control the “on” time of the switching supply so that it will deliver more or less
power to secondary side.
 If this IC or corresponding components have problems ,it will couse power
shutdown ,power blinking ,low output power and even totally no power at all.
 Do you know that SMPs has one or more protection circuit?
 The protection circuit is designed to protect components by shutting down
either part or all of the power supply in the events problems occurs.

2.9 stand-by-circuits
 Standby power supply circuit is found in television power supply
 Stand by circuit is active when television is “on”
 Power factor (pf) is defined as the ratio of real power (p) to apparent power(s)
 .power factor correction is practice of raising the power factor in order to
allow power distribution to operate its maximum efficiency


 My training was about repairing electronics device ,installation of yagi uda
antenna ,and satellite dish antenna,DTT ,DTH .
 Star time has two department that involving with electronics and
telecommunication engineering which is electronics lab used to repairing
electronics equipment and telecommunication department deals with
installation of antenna ,yagi uda antenna and satellite dish antenna.
3.3 materials and equipments meet at site.
 .yagi antenna that receiver signal using DTT

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 21
 satellite dish antenna that receiver signal DTH
 DTH is a second system using parabolic dish antenna that receiver signl
from satellite
3.3.2 decoder


Problems facing decoder

 no power
 channel list is empty
This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558
And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 22
 Solution:
 The problems occurs when tuner circuit and demodulation do not work
 .change crystal Y3 [20.48MHz]
 .change the modulation power U12 [proper output 1.5v]
 .change the demodulator upd6/541
 .change sharp tuner: VA1TED6092
 no audio or video or both1
 Measure the voltage of audio IC [N601] ,if the power is not good, check and
change R621
 .measure the resistance of audio IC [N601], if which pin of audio IC [N601]is
short ,change the IC
3 Craking
 .the frequently problems with cracking is when the main board or particular
stage not receiving the actual amount of voltage needed
 Solution:
 1Check and change the power capacitor C2[22uf/450v]
 2. Change the Y3 crystals
 3. Heat IC U4 upd61317
 4. Re-solder IC U11 upd61541
 5. Check and change tuner
 Problems:
4. there is signal but no channel list received
 solution
.re-solder U11 upd6154
Re-solder UE3
Heat UD1
This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558
And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 23
.check the resistance of the resistor around these IC to ensure they are good working
.follow diagram of upgrading failure

5. Upgrading failure
6. Change channel on its own and continuously
7. System halted after some minute black
8. There is signal but no channel lists
9. Smart card error /check smart card problems
10. Decoder display 8888 at front panel
The main problems comes from the central processing units [cpu] as the results of its
malfunction others factors contribute to this problems as well
Measure the power for 3.3v and 1.0v
.if it is not correct, check the power circuit and change damaged circuit
.check and change crystal x1 48 MHz
.re-programming the flash
.follow the diagram of problems upgrading failure

11. No displaying on front panel /partial displaying

.Check if the power module, power cable or the power switch is working properly

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 24
.Change a new power module
.change a new front panels
.check and change inductor LP1 Band LFP
.change and check inductors L71
12. System going blank after few seconds

3.4 CATHODE RAY TUBE Television

3.4.1 Cathode ray tube overview


.The cathode ray tube (CRT) is the crux of monitor display technology. It is the
device that displays images upon a screen using electron beams. The entire CRT is
inside a vacuum sealed tube to avoid air resistance. The electrons are first created at
This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558
And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 25
the back of the CRT by an electron gun. The electrons are shot off the gun at a high
velocity and travel through a magnetic field, which steers them in a certain direction.
. The electrons then pass through a filter (shadow mask) and collide with a phosphor
screen, to which they transfer their energy and cause the screen to glow. Through
specific direction of
these electron beams, images are created and displayed on the screen.

3.5 Primary CRT Systems

The entire cathode ray tube is inside a vacuum sealed tube to avoid air resistance. The
CRT functions based on three primary systems: electron beam forming systems,


beam deflecting systems, and screen components. The electrons are first created at
the back of the CRT by an electron gun. The electrons are shot off the gun at a high
velocity and travel through a magnetic field deflection region, which steers them in a
certain direction. The electron beam then passes through a filter (shadow mask) and
collides with a phosphor screen, to which it transfers its energy and causes the screen

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 26
to glow. Through specific direction of these electron beams, images are created and
displayed on the screen.
.CRT TV carries dangerous high voltage which may eventually lead to dead after
.problems:CRT DTV not working
1. Change DTV power filter capacitor C682[470uf/16v]
5. Displaying black screen
6. CRT TV on stand-by –mode
.check the power of 5v for cpu
.change crystal x150[4.00mhz]on the CRT board
.check the power of 5v/8v for TV decoder
.check and change damaged components with the same value
7. Screen display color is bad
.Check and change transistors Q501 [C2482], Q502 [BF423]for red gun
.check and change transistors Q504 [C2482], Q505 [BF423] for green gun
.check and change transistor Q506 [C2482], Q507 [BF423 for blue gun]
.check cathode ray tube
8. Screen display is dark
.check and change the diode D503 for CRT board
.check and change the transistors Q503 for CRT board
.check and change the capacitor C511 for CRT board
.adjust the screen for the FBT

9. No av input

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 27
Check and change the AV board and connect wire
.check and change R220 and C220
.measure pin20 of IC 201 and change IC 201
Check and change C831 VD8 and N301

Problems: No audio
1. Measure the voltage of audio IC [N601], if the power is not good, check and
change R621
.measure the resistance of audio IC [N601],if which pin of audio IC [N601]is short
,change the IC
Problems: cracking
.the frequently problems with cracking is when the main board or particular stage not
receiving the actual amount of voltage needed

3.5.1 Yagi uda antenna

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 28


This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 29
3.8 Digital television direct to home

Figure:11 DTH

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And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 30
4.0 Digital TV Basic Knowledge and DISH Installation Guide
 Before we tackle the various signal problems associated with the Star times
STB we shall first go through some basic information to help you understand
and perhaps help you in solving these problems with ease.
 .For each problem all you need to do is ensure you have the following
 Information (Location, Customers, work policies ) etc.
 Technology (company activities at your level)
 Tools equipment and accessories (Company and those in market)
 Products (company and competitors products)
 Communication: Is sending and receiving information.
 Frequency Band: In telecommunication, a band is a specific range of
frequencies in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum,
Note: Frequencies are very expensive, regulated resources and must be
licensed to operate.
 Each band has a defined upper and lower frequency limit.
 .In RADIO and TV communication there are generally 4 bands or ranges:
 Low-band VHF (49-108 MHz),
 High-band VHF (169-216 MHz)
 Low-band UHF (450-806 MHz)
 4. high-band UHF (900-952 MHz) UHF = Ultra High Frequency = 470Mhz-

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 31
 Now using the above information we have learnt you should be able to identify
where the frequencies for both DTT and DTH fall in the frequency spectrum
 STARTIMES DTT frequencies: 562, 570, 582 MHz etc
 STARTIMES DTH frequencies: 11976, 12341 MHz

 The process below shows how we are able to receive international TV

channels directly to our homes without having to convert the signal to
terrestrial form.
NOTE: The uplink (14.5-15) and Downlink processes (13.5-14.5)GHz


StarTimes uses Ku Band because of the advantages it has for DTH in respect to
customer and characteristics


This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 32
Frequency Band Uplink Freq Down link Freq

C 5.9 – 6.2 GHz 3.7 – 4.2GHz

Ku 14.0 – 14.5 GHz 11.0 – 12.2 GHz

Ka 27.5 – 31.0 GHz 17.7 – 21.2 GHz

1 Installation services
 .The accredited installer will be expected to respond to customers requirement
for our services and these services will include:
 .Installation of the StarTimes dish and decoder to get strong signal
 .Cabling which will conform to the quality of services as per StarTimes
 .Installer should ensure that the customer gets clear visual of the TV.
 For continued signal reception, both signal strength and quality should be more
than 80%
 After installation, installer must ensure that the signal and channels are
received without scratching/squeaking.

4) Cabling requirement
 Termination of RF cable in both ends should be put nicely.
 The dielectric shield should not be left too long when F-Connector is fitted

 。At the dish point, installer must use cable ties or tape to make the cable

straight, neat and beautiful.

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558
And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 33
d)Inside the house, installer should use clips to hold the cable straight along corners
of the wall to the receiver. Cable should not be left hanging inside the house. Always
use clip on the wall. Similarly cable must be laid straight and tight both horizontally
and vertically along the wall.

Installation procedure

Figure:searching signal using sat finder

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 34
Step 2:Get a clear space where you are going to mount the dish without any signal
It should be mounted on the top or on the side ways of the building.

The dish has to be mounted in the open space.

Figure 27:Select the space

 .The dish cannot be installed in places like;
 .On a tree

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 35
 .On an old disposed vehicle
 .Commercial antenna mast
 .On electrical pole
 .On the entrance fence
 .Too low on the ground (stress)
 .Under a microwave antenna

Figure28:unallowed installation
Step 3:the space
Some common Ku Band dish installations. Notice the good site choice of installation

2)figure29:allowed instalation
Images showing overcrowding of dishes and blockage to satellite line of site or LNB
This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558
And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 36
Figure30:Select the Direction

 Use a compass direction to get the right direction Where the dish is supposed
to face.

 The right direction of SES-5 has to be 5ºE (west direction).

 When mounting the dish make sure you use the spirit level and the pipe has to
be at 90 degrees
 The u-clamp has to be in a straight line or 90 degrees
Step 8: Find the signal via satellite finder
1) Set satellite finder
Find the signal via satellite finder
 According to the longitude and latitude of the location to set the antenna
pitching angle and azimuth angle, and LNB polarization angle.
 Start searching for the signal by moving the Dish in the west Direction until
when the finder signal quality is the highest.
 .Adjust LNB polarization angle to find the highest signal quality.
 .We should fix the dish and the cable very well.
This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558
And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 37
 . Also ensure that all screws are fastened.
Step 9: Setting decoder1)
 After getting the signal successfully, Set the decoder.
 .We also should set the country where you stay.


4.3. Discussions and analysis of the training works
 As it has seen in previous chapter it is clear about the differences between the
states where I was before the industry attachment course and after the ten
weeks of industry attachment.
 .Before the course I have used to know only class theory in electronics and
telecommunication but with the help of more practical skills I have got in
industry attachment which consist of assembling yagi antenna,installing yagi
antenna,assembling parabolic antenna,repairing tv and decoder ,DTH,DTT.
 . All of them are covered in which I have gained knowledge and skills of
interest for engineers.

4.4. Environmental aspects of the training

 .About the partnership between peoples on the site (trainers, trainee and
employers) consisted with the meeting for every morning; this one helped in
improvement of teamwork in order to accomplish any task. .Trainers were
good teachers as they took me every morning telling the task of the day and

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 38
teaching me how to use technical words and site management with engineering
 .Also language used on the site has been a serious issue for me since they used
technical terms in French where as our courses is given in English, so it was
not easy to relate those French terms with what we have been taught in class.

4.5. Benefits/Cost Analysis of the training

 Benefits from the internship can be stated below:
 Industrial attachment develops skills and techniques directly applicable
to careers
 Industrial attachment help me to improve the professional knowledge
by making practice on the site,

 Internship is an opportunity to create connection with other person in the



 Industrial training attachment has as objectives of helping me to apply the
theory he had received in my studie at the class and know how i can realize
that at the field
 During my industrial training attachment, I have learned how the theory
studied in class are put on site and I knew many practice on the site even while
not studied in the class.

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 39
5.2.1. Useful remarks
 The industrial attachment was very helpful to develop our practical skills,
but all works was not covered during the given period due to limited
period of time.
 .So I may recommend to start industrial attachment at early .

5.2.2. Recommendations towards the future trainings

 During these ten weeks of internship, I didn`t get any visit from UR- CST like
supervisors who may evaluate what I did on the site or during training.
 This may be a big problem to the student if he is in the company which doesn`t
give him or her skills related to electronics and telecommunication
engineering. Which means I may recommend UR-CST NYARUGENGE
CAMPUS to visit their student during their training at least one visit may be
important for making sure to the knowledge that they are acquiring.

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 40

This internship report is prepared by TUYAMBAZE Jean Claude 216092558

And is held on star time LTD at KIMIHURURA headquarter
Page 41

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