Higher Education Compass: Computational Engineering - University of Erlangen-Nuremberg - (University) - Erlangen

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DAAD Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst

German Academic Exchange Service

Higher Education Compass

Computational Engineering • University of Erlangen-Nuremberg • (University) • Erlangen

Language of instruction

Standard length of studies

4 semesters

Master of Science (Elite course) (Master of Science)

Tuition fees
The contributions may differ in individual cases.

Admission requirements (Germany)

University degree to Bachelor's level or equivalent with excellent grades

Admission requirements (Link)


Admission Mode
open admission

Admission Semester
Summer and Winter Semester

Lecture Period
15.10.2018 - 09.02.2019

http://www.ce.uni-erlangen.de [http://www.ce.uni-erlangen.de]

For general questions about studying in Germany please contact the International

International Office (AAA)

Referat für internationale Angelegenheiten
Helmstraße 1
91054 Erlangen
Tel.: 09131 85-24801
Fax: 09131 85-22131
brigitte.perlick@fau.de [mailto:brigitte.perlick@fau.de]
Weblink » [http://www.fau.de/international/]

For further questions regarding the course please contact the Student Advisory

Informations- und Beratungszentrum für Studiengestaltung und Career Service (IBZ)

Schlossplatz 3
91054 Erlangen
Tel.: 09131 85-23333
Fax: 09131 85-24803
Updated 2018-12-09 All study programmes in Germany - DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst 1 of 2
Fax: 09131 85-24803
ibz@fau.de [mailto:ibz@fau.de]
Weblink » [http://www.ibz.fau.de]

Copy this link: daad.de/go/en/stusuw22908

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