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©Kumar, V 1


Way to Form Polygon, Algebraically

Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Kurukshetra University, 136119, India
(Date textdate; Revised textdate; Submitted textdate)

Abstract. The geometry with a least of 1 −dimensional manifold for the case of close type, by
straight lines, having length of sides either equal or unequal always determine the polygon
provided all being confined to same plane of dimension 2. Based on the ground of logic space
an algebraic viewpoint about the way to form polygon is discussed within this paper.
Text Date: 12 Dec 2018 [Page 1 of 4]

Keywords. Architecture, Euclidean space, Going, Going along, Point, Polygon, Sign
conventional space
Mathematical Subject Classification (MSC) 2010. 00A05, 33B10, 97I20

A point is that which has no part gave by Euclid in his book Element part−1, which now in more
elaborate way over −tuples ( , , , ⋯ , )as coordinate describes point as 0 −dimensional
mathematical object. Taking this concept of point in to account, it further realizes that,
 A line, as a geometrical object, by the case of collection of points, has the least of
1 −dimensional space requirement for it, to determine, which in correspondent by other
way indicates the consideration of least in terms of optionality over space to exist. This
1 −dimensional object with the least optionality to exist may be either rectilinear or
curvilinear, where the rectilinear indicates that the background action potential to
bagged up it is relatively more than that in case of curvilinear one.
 In case of surface and volume, the geometrical object, by the case of collection of
points, has the least of 2 & 3 −dimensional space requirement for it, to determine,
which in correspondent by other way indicates the consideration of least in terms of
optionality over space to exist. The background action potential in case of
2 −dimensional geometrical object to bagged up it is relatively more than that of
3 −dimensional geometrical object, but less than that of 1 −dimensional object.
For the geometrical object, particularly of 1 −dimensional the thing ‘going along’ the line or loop
of any either in linear or in curvilinear fashion is required as it determine the sense of direction of
rotation (clock or counter-clockwise) or the sense of direction of movement (left or right).
Irrespective of the thing going along for given one we don’t have any sense of direction. It means
the going along provide the option of in which manner or in which way it takes place. Over sign
conventional space these two sense of directions for each rotation and movement can be tagged by
(+ ; −). Other than the thing going along which responsible for the sense of direction one have
another thing (or term) ‘going’ which simply represents the connection in between the pair point by
way of different either by rectilinear or curvilinear mode. If ≡ ( , , )& ≡
( , , ) are the two distinct points on 3 −dimensional space of Euclidean background, then,
the going in between of it can be represent by , where , & are the required coordinate of
point along with the length for it such that it must satisfy the inequality condition that
. ( ) ≤ < ∞. The going of a shortest length, . . = . ( ), is a straight line. The
length (or distance) for the going of may also be represent by ‖ ‖. In case of rectilinear
type the going may represent by ⌊ ⌋ instead of simply and in case of curvilinear type it may
represent by ⌊ ⌋, collectively both of which may indicate by ⌊ ⌋. In general way the goings
in between the pair points ≡ , ,…, & ≡ , ,…, on
−dimensional space may represent by .

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