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NOTES anp QUERIES: ON CHINA AND JAPAN. A MONTHLY MEDIOM OF INTER-COMMUNTCATION vor PROFESSIONAL AND LITERARY MEN, MISSIONARIES AND RESIDENTS IN THE EAST GENERALLY, ETC. apITap BY 3 DENTE. Vou. 1, No.5.] ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS. NOTES :—Kthnographical Sketches of the Hakka Chinese, 49—Devonian Fousils in ‘China, 60—Classifors.—Chinese Gram- mar, 61—Yellow ax an Imporial Colour, ‘52—Notes on the Topography of some of| fhe Loctite in Mani oF Southern China, mentioned by Marco Polo, 52,—| Chinese Postical Romance, 64 +—Mongol and Mog Tuas Satie Law of Hontong fos of Chinn elias arse Pole ted cf Bhan 60—Books , Oapls of Chane on Soo ia Chin BL Noroes ro Connsaroxpuxes, Bors warts, Aovasursuere, Hotes, ETHNOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF ‘THE HAK-KA OBINESE. [Four of the papers, of which the follow- ing ia the first in_an’ amended form, have ‘already appeared in the columns of a news areca Titer eet te Es Eronnanrsa ce Focus gaara aakae SSE Sees he oink Tatar of | ain ‘The population of the Canton Provins is st the provnt time as mized as the popolar ion of Hogland was somo time after the Norman ecoquiet” Not reckoning te low sPogond, Seton Easony, Danes and = ons, see Normans. ‘Tho Britons wore driven back {hte the maoantaina nthe ramotaet corners fay siweica with the other fore, fod the "i aah eee ; x 8 there ware whole distri - ltricta or coun tho invaders, ‘and manners the of iat the dea treo, in ‘now-a-days syle Gemaalres Ponts fd snd who camo nobody knows when, bare ftamamed the ownership of the Provinoe, ab ike otbrinveder oo tidirent cy ho about five or sx couturies ago crosod {a trontiors of tho Canton Province, and ‘vho are now-s-days distinguished by the ames Rak-ke 3 9 and Hok-lo ij {or h'sou-chow-men). ‘Theao tro races ere te rom he ont, er Sasson Danes and HRormane were, in aoguage a wall ts in baracter and mangers. ‘he Hok-loe (or fathe NE. popidn of Krung Sang lie ho Danes, kept for the most part oat the sea cast end tho banks of the tad dul not spread far over the Interior of tte Province’ while tbe Haka like the [Rormane, spread all over the coustry. ‘Though the Punts have on the whole tained the vwnerehip of the ground, there zo at proseat in tha Canton Province whole Cistricts, even wholo departments, bearing 50 NOTES AND QUERIES. in la ‘and manners the precise type | department the Puntis have retained ascea- ip apne, sodas, be re, deere Pen ered ‘whilst there are others where the Puntis|tho exception of only one district, the as wails, in the triota of tho Province ‘edopted more of lom of the language Tungkwan district, where the Hok 10 ele- teacher of to iter inrader | ent pra inthe aoutb-eastora districts of the Canton Provinoe the Hok-o element pre- ‘north-eastern. districta the In the northern the Hakka "ka element ; but in all the otber dis are found scettered in small numbers all ge fin Hake sr ovr te hia nd motninng, bat herein Dearly everywhere to sither dis. i Dersed in amall villages betwen the hills End paying ground-rent to the Bs congregated “in Tanger villages, an ‘prevaila, There are teu other depart. mata in the Canton Province, forning ite northern and scuthwestera extremities, iy | he Pani” sn soars Spar. ‘continually fighting with the Puntis for| have not got an; wh ‘Hok-fos Sroerneriptr is bland fels ovoped|areto be found scatierel’ Here snd thare by them, {i we look at the map of the Canton Pro- | With the exstern corner the | we can a ‘ince, we observe ready ‘Orreco-chow department, with it nine dix- | in what direction the influx of Hak-has and ‘ricta, One of them, ia throughoat inhabited by reat by Hok-los. Now look at Gopartimont, named Kis s ey prea Sarees, Same es dentees ihe Satie! See Be iho, alts ther Hok- | Fook-lon sept by ioes| mountain and aly spending ‘mare far-| mountainous aod by distriats inthe north (wechow [eastern and northern part of the Canton in thro af | province. ‘Kval-|" That this is not only an hypothesis, bat district, | Holos into the Canton Province originally ook. ‘Both of these races came from ib Month part the Ha ba probally from ang. aa their nameulrendy indicates, from the Fo-kien Provinca ‘The ‘migrated aloog. the const and along the banks of the East river, ‘whilst tho Hak-kaa followed the tracts of and ing over all tho Basi based Lon, ‘good grounds, shall prove, iver, the population conaista chiefly of| when we bave to trest the history of the Hokcloa; but in the other seven districts | Fak-ka race, which I Going in one of the sucoreding. EJ. Brew, Devortux Foseris an Cura, I bave to thank Cantoniensis for his re respecting the looality fet ‘digunctus in procured, as Also forthe information concerning « second ‘of the same genus. With ea gen Togard to Farrel tit em oma Pepa Gisiricta, But the further wo move to the| remark that I have mado enquiries teepect- ‘the lens numerous aro both Hak-kas|ing foasila both in Shanghai and Hlankow ax (lon Tn the Kv ‘Sent, soning of fourtean Sarit, ‘an at Canton, hat ‘elerence to the a0 called ‘tones oF et ing eta Bee eg oi ork ee Eatmeeman cis eae mecrtere ooee feaion of the Hak-ka, a, while st Canton the North River was Rrengihwe distita thor. aro siz other| morkloed an tho locality when they were distrust gotten @ Brot ‘with « mixed Kas, Hok-loe and Puntis, represented there in 'vory tion of Hake procured. 1» Hak-kas being | the Asiatic Society a few the onaiterabls|sinon, Sr ‘Bickmore exhibited sone foes ‘At » mooting of the N. some fossil ‘Bumbore ‘The names of theso six districts | brachiopods from a place rear the 0. Lou in, Takng-obing, Pwan-yu, | borders ot Hea : Sih.ngan Hiangahan and Siting But Sa and an tie divin Govt in to: and as this distric: would in the other six diatricts of the Kwang-chow | agree with the general desoriptions given at NOTES anpbD -QUERIES: ON CHINA AND JAPAN. A MONTHLY MEDIUM OF INTERCOMMUNICATION Por PROFESSIONAL AND LITERARY MEN, MISSIONARIES AND RESIDENTS IN THE EAST GENERALLY, ETC. XDITED BY N. B DENNYS. TABLE OF CONTENTS. NOTES:—Ethnographical Sketches of the Ginkke Chinese, €5—On tho origin of Paper making in China, 67—Btiquette to ‘be observed by officials in mutual inter- course aa bod and. sanctioned by’ Jmperial Authority, 68—Formosan Vo- cabularies, 70—Notes of an Overland Tourney from Takeo to Tamsui,in the arly part of 1867, 71—The Flora of Ghian,72-_Chines Dibliographial Die tionaries, 72. QUERIES:—Rev. W. Lobsheild on For-| ‘mosa ; Maio in Japan ; Brick Tea Chinese Junks; Architecture in Chins The Chinese Pantheon, 74—The term Lasear ; A prophecy by Confucius ; The term “ Amah"; Albinos, 75. REPLIES -—Authorsbip of Translation of “

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