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12/12/2018 What are some tips for an HR interview?

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Interview Tips and Hacks Human Resources Job Interview Questions Interviews Related Questions

Job Interviews
Can anyone help with the best HR interview
questions and their appropriate answers?
What are some tips for an HR interview?
What are the best ways to nail HR interviews?
54 Answers
What should be expected in a final HR interview?

Shailesh Mahajan, I have conducted over thousand job interviews at leading IT How do I prepare for HR (Personal) interview?
companies. Please give me some tips.
Answered Jul 17, 2016 · Author has 1.6k answers and 2.9m answer views

Originally Answered: How do I face an HR interview? What are the most important tips for an interview
for an HR analyst post?
The following Q&A will help you in your HR interview.
What are some tips that one must follow to
impress HR during job interview?

What are some of the questions to ask TCS HR

Interviewers primarily evaluate the following: people during an HR interview?

What does HR want in an interview?

Does this candidate have the knowledge and experience required for
producing results as per the job requirement? (This is the reason why How does HR create new interview questions?

they probe into the projects completed by you.) What are some useful tips to pass your UKVI
Can this candidate consistently produce the expected results if
selected? (This is the reason why many organizations say they want  Ask New Question
consistent 60+ in at least 6 or 7 out of 8 semesters.)

Is this candidate the best fit out of the candidates shortlisted for the

Will this candidate gel well with the team and the organization after
he/she joins? (They also try to gauge if you are a loner / solo performer
or a team player.)

Does this candidate possess the type of communication & leadership

skills required for the job to be done? (This can be gauged through
group discussions as well as interviews.)

Does this candidate have a potential for further growth in our

organization or will he/she not be able to grow in our organization
because of his/her limited capabilities/potential?

You should go well prepared for any interview if you want to get selected. A
casual approach to interviews will not help.

Many good candidates are rejected because they don’t handle interviewers &
their questions well. Sometimes they blurt out something they should not say.

There are some Dos & Don’ts to follow when you appear for an interview. The
same are listed below. Also, some frequently asked questions with suggested
answers are stated below.

Make sure that you have eaten reasonably well before any interview. Also, have a
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soft drink or tea before an interview. (It is observed that candidates perform well
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if they have eaten well before an interview. If they are hungry or thirsty, then
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they don’t sound very confident/forceful during their interviews.)

Don't try to do anything unusual to impress the interviewers. (If

you try to do something unusual, then it may look a bit odd and may
work against you.)

As the first impression definitely counts, dress well for all your
interviews. Don't take dressing casually for any of the interviews. Not
even for the 2nd,3rd or ... th interview in a company.

Recommended dress code:

Stick to formal business dress.

Well ironed full sleeve shirt (preferably plain white or light), dark trousers, well
polished shoes.

Tie and/or Jacket, depending upon the position and the local norms.

Short, trimmed hair.

For women, any conservative formal dress like Punjabi Dress in India is okay.

(Dress for the job for which you are going to be interviewed. If you are a software
engineer and you are going for a marketing job, then dress like a marketing

Show confidence. Look into the eyes of interviewers when you enter
and when you talk to them.

When you enter the interview room, say ‘Hello’, to get connected with

If you are comfortable shaking hands with them then do so with a firm
handshake but don’t crush their hands.

Give respect & importance to all panel members even if some of

them are silent. Remember that all panel members give their rating.
Sometimes, the most silent or unimpressive person in a panel is the
most important person. Only those people are selected who are liked by
the panel members. (Remember, out of many technically equal
candidates, only those who are liked by panel members are selected.)

You should show your ‘I can do it’ / ‘I will do it’ attitude throughout
your interview. You should not say things like ‘I am not sure’/ ‘I will
try’ as these indicate that you are not likely to take responsibility for
your on-the-job performance. If you indicate that you are not sure and
you are not confident about producing results, then why should an
interviewer select you?

PREPARE YOUR ANSWERS IN ADVANCE to these typical questions:

'Tell us something about yourself':

Tell only positive things about yourself in 10-20 sentences. Your education,
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experience, a question? that
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you own!
are good at... Make sure that whatever you say
What isthose
yourskills which are required for the job for which you are being
question? Ask
interviewed. Rehearse 5-10 times at home. 2/37
12/12/2018 What are some tips for an HR interview? - Quora

'Tell us about key projects that you have executed':

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Make sure that you can explain 4-5 good projects well, including (1) What the
project was about,(2) Application (like Inventory control, Financial accounting,
Device driver…),(3) Client name, (4) Industry, (5) Technology, (6) Team size, (7)
Your role,(8) YOUR contribution, (9) Challenges, (10) Highlights...(THIS IS THE
MOST IMPORTANT PART in any interview. So, prepare yourself well for this
part.) Rehearse 5-10 times at home.

What do you see yourself doing after 5 years?

This is normally asked to know the following:

Are you clear about your career plans & career direction?

or Are you a directionless person?

If you are a directionless person then your interviewer may not like it.

If you are a person with a direction then s/he would like to know if your plans
match with what her/his company can offer you in the next 5 years. If there is a
substantial mismatch then you may not be offered the job.

Normally, when somebody is employed, we would like him/her to be with our

company for a long period unless we don’t like his/her attitude or his/her work.

So, if you say ‘I want to go for post-graduation in the next year’ or ‘I want to start
my own business after 2 years’ or if a girl says ‘I am planning to get married in
the next year.’……….., then the interviewer may reject you as the interviewer
would like you to be with the company for a long period and not just for 1–2
years. Employees start producing substantial results only after 1–2 years and so
interviewers would like you to be with the company for a much longer period
than just 1–2 years.

(‘I am planning to get married in the next year.’ can mean that she may have to
relocate and so may leave because of that reason.)

Please note that employment is almost like a marriage. It is intended to be

for a long term.

If you start talking about divorce (=leaving) for whatever reasons even before
getting married, then the interviewer would not feel comfortable with your

Your answer to this question could be on these lines: “As I see it, I should be a
team leader in 2–3 years handling larger projects, and may be a manager leading
a larger team in 5–6 years.”. Say whatever is reasonably logical.

If you say that you would like to be the General Manager or CEO in 5–6 years,
then the interviewer would feel that you are a dreamer with unrealistic
expectations. If you give this impression then the interviewer may not select

(In reality, you may get quick promotions if your on-the-job-performance is very
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good. But, don’t sound unrealistic/ immature during interviews.)
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For how long would you work with this company? 3/37
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Your answer should be on these lines: “I haven’t thought about leaving at all.
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After joining, my first task would be to consistently do a great job so that my
manager is happy with my work. I would like to work for several years with your
company. As I understand, one can learn more and achieve faster growth if one
sticks to one company for a long period.”

Minimum for how many years would you like to work with our

“I think, for minimum 5 years. I may not leave for 10-15 years if there no reason
to leave. As I understand, one can learn more and achieve faster growth if one
sticks to one company for a long period.”

There are many more questions and recommended answers to the same.
However, all answers can’t be listed here as the answer will run into several

All these questions appear very simple but if you give answers which are not
liked by the interviewers, then you are likely to be rejected even if you have
cleared your technical round.

Why would you like to join our company?

Why should we select you?

Why do you want to leave your current company?

For each job-switch in the past, you should be able to give a 'logical
reason for leaving and joining'.

For each gap in your education and job, you should have a

On which technologies you would like to work?

What kind of role are you looking for?

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

How much salary do you expect?

What are your hobbies? Please note that your hobbies reveal some
personality traits of yours.

Can you please let me know the password of your email-id? I need it
for checking some things.

Why do you want to join a PSU? (If you are being interviewed by a

Prepare well for tests (IQ, Technical….) by taking free tests

available on the net.

If you prepare well to answer all these questions, then you will do well in your

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this helps your
you in own!
your next interview.

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the best!! Ask 4/37
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For your professional growth, as you know, you need to get such quick inputs on
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many important topics as otherwise you may unknowingly make many mistakes
in your career.

If you get such success tips early in life, then you will be able to plan your
career well. Such tips are not given even in any training programs.

You also know that you can’t get time to attend training programs to prepare
yourself for the next steps/challenges in your career.

For Quora members, we plan to conduct FREE 90-minute online training

modules in 2016, using Skype or a similar facility, on Saturdays / Sundays.

Please let us know, which 2 of the following FREE training modules would you
like to attend in the next couple of months?:

‘How to Get Selected in a Job Interview?’

‘How to Get Selected in an MBA/BBA Admission Interview?’

‘How to get a Promotion?’,

‘How to become an Effective Manager?’,

‘Preparing to become a CEO’,

‘How to become better at Selling and exceeding Sales Targets?’,

‘KBC: How to Build Wealth by investing in Mutual Funds?’,

If you are interested in attending any 2 of these 90-minute training modules on

week-ends, Write to

Subject: Training (write your city, state)

Email-message: I am interested in the following 2 training modules (state the

names of the modules)

You may like to share this information with your friends also.

Please note: Regular fees per module are Rs. 300.

You may like to refer to some other answers of mine like the one below also for
additional inputs:
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Can anyone help with the best HR interview questions and their appropriate answers?

What are the best ways to nail HR interviews?

What should be expected in a final HR interview?

How do I prepare for HR (Personal) interview? Please give me some tips.

What are the most important tips for an interview for an HR analyst post?

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Bhawanshu Singh, seen a few things deeply

Updated Aug 13, 2015 · Author has 123 answers and 43k answer views
Originally Answered: How can I impress HR in an interview?

Lets assume , there a was guy….. sharp, intelligent ,hard working and whatever
adjectives you use to describe a brainy guy with lots of knowledge. He cracked
all the written tests, pyschometric tests, technical interviews and every other
elimination/selection round that any company conducts during its fresher-
recruitment process. He still couldn’t make it to any company (to say politely )
or you can say – HE FAILED !! (TO SAY BLUNTLY).
Where did he fail???? Yes , that’s an easy guess in the context of this blog.The HR
round .
What happens in an HR round?
It is usually the final round of any recruitment process where the company or
the recruiter wants to check your mentality and personality in the context of the
position offered. He wants to know whether or not you’ll fit into the company
culture easily . Also whether you have the “right” attitude towards your work or
life on the whole.
So basically for any HR , the belief is  “My men are my money.” and he hence he
wants to hire the correct people for the position as his organization’s immediate
or in some cases ,long term future depends on it.
So coming back to the main agenda – how do we get through this round safely ??
Here it is :
For starters , go through this video :
Sample Interview
then, keep these in mind
1. Respond To Each Question asked about you: No matter which job interview
you are about to attend, you will be asked to say something about yourself. If it is
an HR interview, the chances double. Here you should always remember the
recruiting manager or the person handling the interview is not in the least
interested in your personal life. You don’t have to jot down everything you have
dealt with in every situation of life. Make sure to focus on those parts that keep
you going at this moment.
2. Speak about your abilities : Try to show that you are very much suitable for
the position he or she is looking to fill. Speak about where you received
education from and how you have worked hard to reach your goals. There are
possibilities you will be asked about both your strengths and weaknesses. So
make sure to emphasize on the strengths at first. Speak about them in detail but
don’t try to come across as too confident.
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3.Show your ambitious side: Lastly, always remember to show your ambitious
side is HR
during your question?
interviews. Ask
Big jobs always go to those people who show how 6/37
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talented and capable these people are. So try to show to your interviewer that
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you are an ambitious person by nature and you like to stay motivated always.
Make sure all answers to your questions are short and crisp. There is no reason
to elongate everything. Stick to the point and you will definitely help the
interviewers understand how talented and efficient you are at work.
Let’s focus on some of questions that might be asked in such interviews. Trust
me , these are few of the favourites of the HR (based on my experience of TOO
MANY interview attempts to get a job…haha)
Here it goes:
1. Tell me about yourself.
The FIRST & BEST question for any HR interview. The answer to this
basically sets the tone for rest of the interview. Good news is – You can
earn a lot of points if this is answered right.

Give a brief description of your education background (upto

graduation is fine, your family and location, any of your hobbies etc.)

You can also mention one of your major achievements, if it fits the

Keep the answer to just about 3-4 sentences and not more than that.

No need to explain your strengths & weakness at this points (as that
will definitely come along).

A common mistake seen in most HR interviews is to start the

sentence like “I am basically from…” No need to start a sentence like

Keep the answer simple, to the point and give space and time for
further questions. Do not stretch it too much.

2. What are your strengths?

This is one HR interview question that you know you are going to get so there is
no excuse for being unprepared. Concentrate on discussing your main
strengths. List three or four proficiencies e.g. your ability to learn quickly,
determination to succeed, positive attitude, your ability to relate to people and
achieve a common goal. You may be asked to give examples of the above so be
3.What is your greatest weakness?
Do not say you have none in response to this HR interview question- this will
lead to further problems. You have two options – use a professed weakness such
as a lack of experience (not ability) on your part in an area that is not vital for the
job .
4. Why should I hire you?
For this , you should answer in such a way :
“I am a person of positive attitude. I am a quick learner. I have proved in the past
that I am the best performer in any role assigned to me. The post for which I am
interviewing here is of great prestige. I have the ability to quickly adapt to the new
situation and confident of producing desired results in line with the
organisational goal.”
“HR round
 Still haveisano big dealAsk
question? ” toyour
most which is the exact reason why it is THE big
deal. Underestimating it could be the difference between success and failure ,
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Job and no-Job , win or loss etc. So be careful of these points and make the most 7/37
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of them to get your dream job by not getting eliminated at this final hurdle of the
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Happy Preparations :)
go to

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Ingrid Halvorsen, Former boss and employee, now retired. I have done lots of
Answered Feb 29, 2016 · Author has 11.7k answers and 9.4m answer views
Originally Answered: How do I face an HR interview?

The HR department is the gatekeeper.  You have to present yourself successfully

in that first interview in order to get interviews with the people who are doing
the hiring.

You must be prepared before you walk in the door.  Right now, get a copy of What
Color is Your Parachute? or another good book on job hunting and
interviewing. Read it carefully, paying particular attention to the section on how
to answer interview questions. It's available at libraries, book stores, or sold
online.  It's in paperback, hardcover, Kindle, and audio.  No excuses, get the

Look up the company on the internet. Familiarize yourself because they will be
encouraged if you ask educated questions during the interviews.

OK, now you have done some prep work.  The day before your interview, pick
out the clothes you plan to wear. Choose clothes for a job higher than the one
you are seeking.  Make sure your interview clothes are clean and pressed, you
have clean underwear and socks and handkerchief, your shoes are shined, your
hair neatly cut, you've got your resume, references, and prior job data printed
out and ready to take with you. If you've written out "good answers" to
anticipated interview questions, print that also.  Plan your transportation to the
site, so there is no chance you will get lost or be late.

The morning of your interview, take a shower including washing your hair.
Shave. Brush your teeth and floss.  Use deodorant. Do not use scent--absolutely
no cologne. God forbid, no AXE. 

Study your cheat sheet so that you've got your "good answers" well rehearsed.
Check to make sure you've got the necessary paperwork.  Get dressed, and leave
 house in aplenty
Still have of time
question? Ask to getown!
your to the interview on time or a bit early.

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At the company, announce yourself to the receptionist (if there is one). Be

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pleasant and smile. You may be asked to fill out an application. Even though
you've already submitted a resume, fill out the application using the
documentation you brought with you.  When you turn it in, include another
copy of your resume.  You may have to wait awhile.  If there are other applicants
present, discreetly scope them out.  You look good!  Relax. Chuckle silently at
how inappropriately dressed or ill-prepared they look.

When you are called into the interview room, extend your right hand and say
your name. Shake hands, and when invited, take a seat.  Smile. Chill!  Courteous
small talk will follow.  Relax.  The interviewer will probably next pull out your
resume or application and peruse it.  (I know it's annoying, they should have
read it before you came in, but just be patient.) 

The interview questions will follow.  You are prepared!  Wait for the complete
questions. Pause, as if to think, and forthrightly provide your brilliant answers. 
Smile. Be pleasant.

If asked what salary you seek, you don't have to answer.  (You don't want to
quote a number that is out of range for their position, so be vague.)  You can say,
"What is the salary range for the position?".  They should be willing to tell you
what the salary range is.

While you should be prepared to ask some questions about the position or the
company, do not ask about vacations or benefits unless they raise the subject.
You don't want to appear gauche.

When the interview is complete, the interviewer will rise and thank you for
coming in. You thank the interviewer for the opportunity.  You may ask when
you will hear from the company.  Politely excuse yourself and exit.  Smile at the
receptionist as you leave.  Do not smirk at the waiting applicants.

Do not count on hearing from the company.  Many companies will leave
applicants hanging.  That's just the way it is.  You may follow up in a week to
make a polite inquiry, but anticipate a vague reply.  Continue your job search.

If HR liked you and feel your qualifications fit the position opening, you will be
called to come in for another interview.  Good luck!
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Sampat Bhore, Online Psychometric Tests

Answered Jul 28, 2016 · Author has 72 answers and 185.5k answer views

Originally Answered: How do I prepare for my hr interview?

Online Psychometric Assessment for Recruitment

Top 10 HR Interview Questions & How To Answer Them

These are top 10 HR interview questions and will help you in preparing for the
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interview. when responding to HR interview questions keep your answers brief
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and to the point. If you are faced with a difficult HR interview question, make
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sure you stay calm, don’t get defensive, and take a moment to think about your
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response before you answer the interview question.

Remember, the responses below are only suggestions when attending an HR

Interview. Try to personalise your response as much as possible.

Tell me about yourself.

Answer: Identify some of your main attributes and memorise them. Describe
your qualifications, career history and range of skills, emphasising those skills
relevant to the job on offer.

What have your achievements been to date?

A. Select an achievement that is work-related and fairly recent. Identify the

skills you used in the achievement and quantify the benefit it had to the
company. For example, ‘my greatest achievement has been to design and
implement a new sales ledger system, bringing it in ahead of time and
improving our debtors’ position significantly, saving the company £50,000 a
month in interest’.

Are you happy with your career-to-date?

A: This HR interview question is really about your self-esteem, confidence and

career aspirations. The answer must be ‘yes’, followed by a brief explanation as
to what it is about your career so far that’s made you happy. If you have hit a
career plateau, or you feel you are moving too slowly, then you must qualify
your answer.

What is the most difficult situation you have had to face and how did you
tackle it?

A: The purpose of this HR interview question is to find out what your definition
of difficult is and whether you can show a logical approach to problem-solving.
To show yourself in a positive light, select a difficult work situation which was
not caused by you and which can be quickly explained in a few sentences.
Explain how you defined the problem, what the options were, why you selected
the one you did and what the outcome was. Always end on a positive note.

What do you like about your present job?

A: This is a straightforward HR interview question. All you have to do is make

sure that your ‘likes’ correspond to the skills required for the job on offer. Be
enthusiastic; describe your job as interesting and diverse but do not overdo it –
after all, you are looking to leave.

What do you dislike about your present job?

A: Be cautious with this answer to this HR interview question. Do not be too

specific as you may draw attention to weaknesses that will leave you open to
further problems. One approach is to choose a characteristic of your present
company, such as its size or slow decision-making processes, etc. Give your
answer with the air of someone who takes problems and frustrations in your
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stride partaof
question? Ask your own!
the job.
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What are your strengths? 10/37
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A: This is one HR interview question that you know you are going to get so there
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is no excuse for being unprepared. Concentrate on discussing your main
strengths. List three or four proficiencies e.g. your ability to learn quickly,
determination to succeed, positive attitude, your ability to relate to people and
achieve a common goal. You may be asked to give examples of the above so be

What is your greatest weakness?

A: Do not say you have none in response to this HR interview question- this will
lead to further problems. You have two options – use a professed weakness such
as a lack of experience (not ability) on your part in an area that is not vital for the

The second option is to describe a personal or professional weakness that could

also be considered to be strength and the steps you have taken to combat it. An
example would be: “I know my team think I’m too demanding at times – I tend
to drive them pretty hard but I’m getting much better at using the carrot and not
the stick”.

Why do you want to leave your current employer?

A: in response to this HR interview question state how you are looking for a new
challenge, more responsibility, experience and a change of environment. Do not
be negative in your reasons for leaving. It is rarely appropriate to cite salary as
your primary motivator.

Why have you applied for this particular job?

A: Through this HR interview question the employer is looking for evidence that
the job suits you, fits in with your general aptitudes, coincides with your long-
term goals and involves doing things you enjoy. Make sure you have a good
understanding of the role and the organisation and describe the attributes of the
organisation that interest you most.

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Sanket Dialani, Co-founder at,Ex-SDE at, BITS-

Pilani CSE 08-12
Answered Dec 7, 2016 · Author has 353 answers and 3.8m answer views
Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

Thanks for the A2A.

Tell me about yourself?

To answer this question: Identify some of your main attributes and memorise
them. Describe your qualifications, career history and range of skills, emphasising
those skills relevant to the job on offer.

What are your strengths?

This is one HR interview question that you know you are going to get so there is no
excuse for being unprepared. Concentrate on discussing your main strengths. List
three orhave
 Still four aproficiencies e.g.
question? Ask your
your ability to learn quickly, determination to
succeed, positive attitude, your ability to relate to people and achieve a common
What is your question? Ask
goal. You may be asked to give examples of the above so be prepared. 11/37
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What is your greatest weakness?

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Do not say you have none in response to this HR interview question- this will lead
to further problems. You have two options – use a professed weakness such as a
lack of experience (not ability) on your part in an area that is not vital for the job.

The second option is to describe a personal or professional weakness that could

also be considered to be strength and the steps you have taken to combat it. An
example would be: “I know my team think I’m too demanding at times – I tend to
drive them pretty hard but I’m getting much better at using the carrot and not the


This website is very helpful in Interview preparations. It also has many HR

Questions and Interview experiences to read through. Check it out. Join us, Prepare for Interviews, Get Hired!! .

Good luck!
7.6k Views · View 12 Upvoters

Saud Usmani, Masters Human Resources, Tata Institute of Social Sciences

Answered Jun 20, 2017
Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

Kuldeep Nagar Thanks for A2A

Before we discuss these questions, let us first understand the psychology of an


1. If you are being interviewed, then perhaps there is a job available

somewhere and the interviewers really need you

2. All they want to test is, whether you are the best option or should they
consider someone else.

Which means that the INTERVIEWER IS ON YOUR SIDE. They want you to fit
their requirement so that they can move on with their work. Hence interviews
should not be treated like a combat situation. They are a simple discussion
which some experienced people of a company have with you to find reasons to
hire you. So how do they conclude whether you are fit for their company?

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At fresher level, things are fairly simple. There is no past job match which needs
to be checked, or past achievements or records. All they want to see is, whether
you are the best option waiting outside the door, or is it someone else. For this
they go ahead with what is typically a mix of “Technical Questions” and
“Behavioral Questions”.

Kuldeep Nagar , you have specifically asked about the “HR Interviews”, and I
assume what you mean is the Behavioral Questions often called as the HR
Round in an interview.


There is one and only one reason why they ask these questions in an interview
and that is to test your compatibility with their organization.

Now this “Compatibility” thing is extremely subjective. It is generally a set of

several characteristics which may vary from company to company. For some it
may be “passion for innovating” while for some it may be “good team skills” and
for another it may be “strong resilience”. You may ask, how can they judge my
resilience in a twenty minutes discussion, and your doubt is very reasonable.
Interviews are not a very reliable testing methodology to check someone’s
Behavioral Skills, but alas, our industries have relied on them for ages, and will
continue to do so for a few more years (atleast in India)

To somewhat eliminate the subjectivity of the Behavioral Questions,

interviewers are now relying more and more on what is called “BEHAVIORAL
EVENT INTERVIEWS”. BEIs are interviews where the interviewers ask you
questions about your behavior and then ask you to validate the same with an
example from a real life event. For eg. you may find questions like “Tell us about
a situation, when you found yourself completely pinned down and how did you
emerge out of it?”

How to prepare and answer Behavioral Questions

So how do you prepare for BEIs? You don’t know which qualities
(behaviors) they would be interested in checking. So while you can
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prepare for behaviors which are universally expected like “Leadership
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Qualities”, “Team Skills”, “Time Management” etc you should also be
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mentally ready to face questions on some behaviors you least expected

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like “Resilience”.

While answering these questions,one approach which has been proved

very successful is called the STAR Approach which is an acronym for
SITUATION, TASK, APPROACH, RESULT. As you can perhaps make
out, what this means is that while answering a BEI question, you first
tell about the Situation you were in, the Task which was at hand, the
Approach you adopted and the Result that you achieved.

This approach not only ensures that you cover all relevant parts in your
answers, but also makes your answer crisp and well structured.

Hopefully this would have given you an insight about Behavioral Questions in
an interview, why they are asked and how to tackle them.

Upvote this answer if you found it useful, and follow me for more relevant
answers on similar topics. Good Luck!
2k Views · View 18 Upvoters · Answer requested by Kuldeep Nagar

Anjali Kapoor, BBA+MBA Bachelor of Business Administration Degrees & MBA

in Human Resources, St. John's High School (2011)
Answered May 16, 2018
Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

There are many ways you can prepare for an interview. It varies from industry to
industry. You will have to follow more a calculative approach rather than
adapting simply what’s given on the internet. You need to identify your own
Pros that differentiates you and continuously explore ways that will make you
smartest guy in the room.

Preparing for the interview differs each time just as it differs for an experienced
and that of a fresher guy. Don’t just blindly gulp down what is scripted over the

The answer you find over the internet may be applicable to the person who
wrote it but not necessarily it will help you out. Be prepared for any kind of
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follow anAsk
outyour own!
of the box thinking approach.

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So here are some of the best ways how you can prepare for the interview : 14/37
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1. Know the industry

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Learn as much as you can about the industry and come updated with the
current affairs especially related to that industry. Most people neglect this fact
and become easy target for the HR team of vultures. Being prepared for this will
help you to grab this opportunity and beat your competitors easily.

2. Honesty in Interview

You need to be aware that the person taking your interview is not a first timer.
He can come out with tricky questions and will try to check your response for
the same. For eg putting you in a situation and how would you react to it? You
need to answer this very carefully so that the answer will have both positive and
negatives aspects. Just reflecting the positive aspects will by default prove that
you are lying.

3. Tell me About yourself

This is the question normally asked by HR to the applicants. It serves three


1. To check your level of confidence

2. To identify your communication level

3. Lastly, To know your how positive are you are about yourself, about
your aim or what you want to achieve

4. What are your strengths ?

You all must be having some strength. You just need to present it honestly in
front of them giving some live examples if necessary.

5. What are your weakness ?

Never mention a weakness which is related to your job. This will be like handing
over the gun to the enemy to shoot you. Just mention something which has no
relation to your job or work. For eg You cant cook or you are a very bad dancer

Learn more here regarding how to prepare for an interview

1.8k Views · View 4 Upvoters

Erin Berkery-Rovner, Career Advisor, Former Recruiter, Freelance Writer

Updated Sep 2, 2014 · Author has 737 answers and 1.3m answer views
Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

I am unsure if you mean to prepare for an interview working in HR, or if you

mean interviewing with the HR department at a company where you will be
working with another team.
Luckily my advice is the same.
1. Start with research-read up any articles on the company, read their
website, read anything you can find on what is happening with the
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2. Compare and contrast- look at the job description (if you have one) and
thinkis yourwhat
about question?
would be the most relevant examples from your Ask 15/37
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current work experience. What are the examples you can give that will
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showcase how you have done similar tasks

3. LinkedIn Digging-find out who you will be interviewing with by taking

a  quick look at their background. Read their job descriptions and past
job descriptions

4. Focus on Yourself-what are your weaknesses? What can you do to

overcome them? Do you get nervous? How nervous? What can you do
that will calm you down

5. Common Questions-take a look at common questions (either behavioral

or in your field) that come up when interviewing for similar roles.
Practice how you would ask those questions.
Good Luck!
2.3k Views · View 5 Upvoters

Colin Carter, Independent HR Consultant

Answered Aug 30, 2016 · Author has 74 answers and 42.9k answer views

Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

Here are some tips that will help you to prepare for an HR Round;

1. Arrive 10 to 15 minutes early. This gives you time to take a couple of

deep breaths, relax, stop in the washroom to check your appearance,
and gather your thoughts. It also looks good to the interviewer.

2. Always greet your interviewer by his/her last name. If you aren’t sure
how to pronounce it, you should find out from other staff in advance.

3. Always let the interview be lead by your interviewer.

4. Don’t be afraid to stress your achievements.

5. Be enthusiastic, both verbally and with body language.

6. When you are answering questions always answer in a manner that is

relevant to the position you are applying for, and always emphasize
what you can do for the company. Don’t be afraid to refer to your
accomplishments, skills, and experience often.

7. Have an extra resume with you.

8. Try to avoid yes and no answers, instead elaborating your answer

whenever possible

Source: How to Face Your HR Interview and Rock It!

1k Views · View 4 Upvoters

Charith Shetty, Engineer at Qualcomm (2015-present)

Answered Sep 23, 2018

Let me share one of my experience here .

It was for a company “XYZ” , Package : 16 lpa

“Cleared the aptitude ,coding and technical interview rounds”

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HR round
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HR : Let me introduce myself . I am “xyz” , I have been working from past 15

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years . Initially I joined IBM as so and so , working there for 3yrs I then moved to
…..(Introducing herself for 5 long minutes)

Me : Nodding my head showing a gesture of listening to those details.

Inside me : “As if I have got anything to do with these”

HR : Would you like to have a cup of coffee ?

Me : No Mam .

HR : Please don't call me Mam !! You can call me by my name .

Inside me : “Holy shit!! What was her name BTW !!”

Me : Sorry Mam ,what’s your name again ?



cost you your job .
7.6k Views · View 40 Upvoters · View Sharers

Rohan Sinha, Career Consultant, Mechanical Engineer, Blogger, Budding Poet

Answered Dec 3, 2016 · Author has 1.2k answers and 6m answer views
Originally Answered: How do I best prepare for an HR interview?

Know Youself by answering these questions:

1. What are your accomplishments?

2. What is your dream profession?

3. Your hobbies?

4. Who are your role models?

5. What are the things that you love to do?

6. What skills you have?

7. Tell me about incidents that reflect your skills?

Prepare yourself for

Usual Questions:

1. Tell me about yourself

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

3. Why should I hire you?

Questions touching pain points:

1. Why your marks are less in X/Y/Z?

2. Why you didn’t got a job even after 1 year after graduation?

3. Which is your most painful day of life?

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4. Why you didn’t got placed till now?
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Questions that checks your attitude:

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1. Tell me something about yourself that is not in your resume.

2. Why you want to join us?

3. What you did this morning before coming for this Interview?

4. What would you do if we ask you to lie for helping the company earn

5. What are your core values?

6. What will you do if you are not selected?

Question that have surprise elements in them:

1. Oh…great, your hobby is singing. Can you sing your favourite song for
us now?

2. Will you go a date with an old man like me?

3. What is your opinion about *Any current Topic which is sensitive*?

4. We like you but you don’t have any credential to showcase that you’re
better than the other candidates whom we interviewed. Why should we
hire you?

You can send me A2A for these or any other HR Interview Question and if many
people are interested, I’ll take out time to answer them. You can check my Quora
Blog- Career Consultant for Interview tips and tricks.
1.5k Views · View 26 Upvoters

Eugene Ross
Answered Nov 15, 2018

Question URL: #quora .com/What-are-some-tips-for-an-HR-interview. Best tips

and tricks for the question: #What are some tips for an HR interview?


=>1. Tell Your Story

You must sell your product, which is yourself, to land the job. Be prepared to tell
the interviewer why he should hire you. Some interviewers might not ask you
directly to explain why you are the best candidate for the job. Whether you are
asked, be sure to fit in a response during the conversation. Be confident and
concise in explaining why you believe you should be hired and what you will do
the best job possible. Include your qualifications in your sales pitch.

Related posts:

Top 10 career stories for your job interviews: 10CareerStories.blogspot .


+ Free ebook 33interview questions with answers:

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InterviewQuestionsAZ.blogspot. com/2018/09/top-33-interview-
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=>2. Employers want to like you as a person

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Since they already think you have the skills, and they want to hire you, what are
most employers looking for in an interview? Frankly, they want to know if they
like you and if you’re going to fit in with the team. Once they hire you, you
become someone they will have to see and speak to every day at work. They
often end up spending more time with you than they do with their family or
friends. So likeability really matters.

This is why coming up with clichéd answers to standard questions won’t work. If
you say that your biggest flaw is that you’re a ‘perfectionist workaholic,’ the
interviewer won’t learn anything about the real you, and may be annoyed by
your lack of sincerity.

Related post:

InterviewQuestionsAZ.blogspot. com/2018/09/32-tips-to-prepare-for-

+ 10 secrets to win every job interviews:

InterviewQuestionsAZ.blogspot. com/2013/07/top-10-secrets-to-win-

=>3. Search for former employees.

In LinkedIn you can search for past employees and may also find the person
who held the job before. Here you will find a rich source of insights, and
information regarding the position, the manager, and the corporate culture.

Regarding the request, the best way to ask for information is to use something
like the following:

“I found you on LinkedIn and noticed that your background includes working at
ABC. I am interviewing there and wondered if you could answer just a few
questions as a random act of kindness. I promise not to take much of your time
and thank you in advance.”

You can also search your college alumni database to see if anyone worked there.
A fellow “alum” is generally more likely to respond to your request than
someone with whom you have nothing in common

=>4. Structure Your Answer:

Most people think of a job interview as a passive experience. The interviewer

asks questions, you answer them. Answer them well and confidently and you’ve
got a job. Something like that.

Instead, think of the interview as a chance for a guided conversation you run on
the subject you want to talk about: how you’re going to make a difference to this
new organization. Have five points to make and be prepared to give both a quick
answer and a longer answer on each of the five points. The longer answers are
for follow up questions and comments.

=>5. Ask Questions

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Do not leave the interview without ensuring that you know all that you want to
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know about the position. Once the interview is over, your chance to have
important questions answered has ended. Asking questions also can show that
you are interested in the job. Be specific with your questions. Ask about the
company and the industry. Avoid asking personal questions of the interviewer
and avoid asking questions pertaining to politics, religion and the like.

Related post: 12 secrets to make $10k from YouTube channel:

YTtricks365.blogspot. com

=>6. Use the thank you email to your advantage.

If you did fumble something or let nerves get the better of you in part of the
interview, the follow-up note can help you clarify a bungled point. If you’re
better in writing than chatting in person, a coherent and charming thank you
note can help shore up the final impression.

Ashok Savalgimath, Entrepreneur, INFJ, Voracious Reader, Foodie.

Answered Jul 2, 2018 · Author has 245 answers and 549.4k answer views

Know the basic JD before applying for any job.

1. Never ask more than a budgeted salary when they have explicitly
mentioned this during your telephonic interview.

2. Wear Formals.

3. Understand that you are in interview because you need job AKA Money,
Don’t try to be extra smart while conversing. HR’s usually don’t like
Egoistic, Narcissistic, Show-off kids.

4. Think before committing anything.

5. Ask all the joining documents like offer letters before resigning your
company, in-case they didn’t issue the documents, please ask them
send an official email confirming your joining through their official
email ID and also ask them to mention detail salary breakup.

6. More than all, please work on your soft skills, it todays’ world, hard
skills may get you job but soft skills take you up the ladder soon.

Hope that helps !

417 Views · View 1 Upvoter

Sheetal Rai, Business Analyst at Maaruji Technologies (2016-present)

Updated Aug 29, 2018

Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

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In interviews, your job is to convince the recruiter that you have the skills,
knowledge and experience for the job. Show motivation and convince the
recruiter that you fit the organization’s culture and job description, and you get
that much closer to an offer.

Here some steps to prepare interview:-

1. Research the organization

2. Compare your skills and qualifications to the job requirements

3. Be ready with common interview questions

4. Prepare responses

5. Plan what to wear

6. Complete and bring all necessary documents ahead of time

7. Pay attention to non-verbal communication

Be mindful. Nonverbal communication speaks volumes.

Start ahead. Remember that waiting room behaviors may be reported.

Project confidence. Smile, establish eye contact and use a firm


Posture counts. Sit up straight yet comfortably. Be aware of nervous

gestures such as foot-tapping.

Be attentive. Don't stare, but maintain good eye contact, while

addressing all aspects of an interviewer's questions.

Respect their space. Do not place anything on their desk.

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Manage reactions. Facial expressions provide clues to your feelings.
What is your
Manage question?
how you react, and project a positive image. Ask 21/37
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Put reasonable and smart questions of your own

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Following these pretty simple tips, you will easily prepare for a good job
interview and will sufficiently increase your chances of getting the job of your

Here some most important interview questions, that recruiter definitely

gonna ask you.

333 Views · View 1 Upvoter

Sant Partap Singh Sandhu Matta, An HR Professional

Answered Jul 14, 2015 · Author has 194 answers and 353.9k answer views
Originally Answered: How do I face an HR interview?

1. Interview means - 'Inter' + 'Views' - Exchanging views about each other

(Organisation & the candidate). So any interview is about organisation looking at
you for a good cultural, behavioral and competency fit and the candidate (you)
looking into the organisation for the kind of work/profile, environment, growth,
remuneration, etc as per your preferences and priorities.

2. The HR interview is specifically focused on testing your compatibility with

the organisation & its work culture, and the nature of job/profile. So, go well
prepared by reading about the organisation and its work culture (you can also
contact some employees of the organisation on LinkedIn, etc to get more
information regarding the organisation), and if possible about the
vertical/business unit you are going to be a part of, in case everything works out.

3. Its easy, just prepare well, dress well, speak openly and genuinely. There is no
substitute to authenticity.

Good luck.
427 Views · View 6 Upvoters

Payal Pawar, Corporate Communicator (2013-present)

Answered Dec 6, 2017 · Author has 172 answers and 100.4k answer views

We are here to tell you some interview tips which will help you to crack the

Find The HR Interview Difficult? Top Interview Tips For Freshers

Cracking the HR round of interview is now made easy! Especially for the
freshers. Guess how?

Well, here’s your freshers guide on HR interviews with best interview

preparation tips as well.

What does an HR look for?

– Good Communication Skills:

Lot is known about this aspect already. So, we will not dig in deep. The right
approach forathis
 Still have aspectAsk
question? is Listen, Absorb and answer clear and loud.
your own!

What is your question?

– Confidence: Ask 22/37
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It’s quite common for a fresher to get bogged down by the environment and the
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interviewers and to feel stressed. Be that as it may, just RELAX! Be aware that
the organization needs you as much as you require them.

– Sit straight and be comfortable. Avoid leaning or sitting on the edge.

– Maintain eye contact while responding

– Smile and show a pleasant expression

– Answer clearly and loud enough

– “Don’t know” is simply fine, but do not overdo it

Ability to learn

Your academics is one of the vital markers for this (and subsequently the cut
offs). In any case, that is only one of the approaches and recollect, you are over
that obstacle already.

This is for the most part assessed by couple of indirect inquiries – like getting
some information about your involvement with teamwork, any difficulties you
confronted, projects, trainings you underwent outside customary schooling.

It will be reasonable to have one example which will exhibit you are ready and
proficient in learning new things.

These are some of the interview skills that would help you during an HR round.

The Salary aspect:

A fresher doesn’t have much bargaining power. All that a HR is endeavoring to

look here is, are you actually interested by an organization like theirs. So, when a
mid level organization as a rule offers a package of 3-4 L in case of a fresher, and
your reply is 10L, at that point it says you are searching for a top tier

Some Basic Principles for Preparation:

In any case there are some fundamental principles in light of which a fresher
ought to prepare for any HR interview. So, before you plunge into the question
and answers part, how about we check out some of the tips for interview
preparation .

– Get to know yourself:

Understanding yourself and figuring out what to show about yourself, is the
most imperative and basic aspect of HR round preparation. This not just
establishes the foundation for portraying what you are, yet in addition decides
the tone and bearing for the later part of the interview meeting.

You can state facts about yourself, such as where you studied, where you grew
up, what course you finished, from where and so forth.

Highlight recent information as opposed to play school details.

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Incorporate your accomplishments both academic and non-academic which
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will exhibit your strengths. 23/37
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– Have information about the company:

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Knowing about the organization you are interviewing for is as essential as

knowing yourself.

Extract as much information related to the organization, as possible. This ought

to incorporate, the organization’s domain, different clients it serves, recent
advancements and news, its work culture and so on.

Attempt to find out about the fresher pay, incentives and different perks it

In the event that it is feasible, converse with somebody who is aware about the
organization and its culture.

These are a few important points you ought to consider during interview

I hope you got the answer…Stay connected with us to know more interview
preparation tips for freshers .
548 Views · View 1 Upvoter

Ajay Uppal, Strategic HR Business Leader with 13+ years of Experience

Answered Dec 1, 2018 · Author has 113 answers and 27.9k answer views

I do have an Important Tip to share with you for an HR Interview.

In my opinion what matters is how well you have prepared for the
role/position you are applying for?

Your answers may look predictive and unreal to the Interviewer if you prepare
yourself on the basis of asked questions, generic in nature.

Instead, I would advise you to prepare yourself according to the job

description of the profile you are aiming for. In case you don’t have the JD’s,
it’s always recommended to ask the recruiter/consultant(or any
medium/reference) for the same in your first conversation so that you can
prepare well before the final or face to face discussion.

 Still have a question? Ask your own!

 Recruiter(or the guy who would be interviewing you) want to examine how
good you is
What can fit yourself
your in the defined role. I feel preparing yourself on those
question? Ask 24/37
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lines would help you to grab the required attention.

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It’s obvious to say but how you present yourself in front of HR is what will let
you score & win.

I hope this tip works well for you. Wish you all the best for your interview!

Vikas Goyal, Interviewed over 2500 candidates in career and now helping them
to face it.
Answered Jun 2, 2016 · Author has 315 answers and 977.8k answer views
Originally Answered: How can I impress HR in an interview?

Dear Amit, Thanks for A2A.

My question to you is Why do you want to IMPRESS HR ?

If you are prepared, smart enough to face the interview questions, have a
positive body language and are thorough in your subject, you will not need any
additional ways to impress a HR. Your ultimate goal should be to present
yourselves as the Best Fit candidate for the job. That is what a HR is looking to.
Anything that you do to gain personal attention will be a loss to you.

However, some tips I can share that will help you to succeed in Interview , apart
from your personal professional and educational skills.

Vikas Goyal's answer to What are some interview hacks? I am in a circulation job
working as a sales officer. This month is the financial year end, so collection is
important. I even report to my manager if a particular center is not paying its
1k Views · View 6 Upvoters · Answer requested by Amit Yadav

Ellen Beeman, mom, wife, author, game designer and producer

Answered Jul 29, 2014
Originally Answered: How can I impress HR in an interview?

First, I should correct a misconception... HR isn't who you need to impress, at

least not past the initial point of you getting an interview. HR are the first
gatekeeper, and you need to make sure the HR person forwards your candidacy
to the person you really need to impress: the hiring manager, the person who is
responsible for making the hire. It may not be obvious who that person is (Ryan
S, who hired me at Glu Mobile, let our colleague Dan ask nearly all the
questions). But that's the person who will get you hired.

Once you are approved for the interview, you need to impress the hiring
manager with very specific traits. If you are a new college graduate or otherwise
new to your career, you need to demonstrate your knowledge, but also that you
are filled with potential for the long term, you are enthusiastic and someone
who is eager to learn, and you are someone who will get things done. As a more
veteran hire, you need to demonstrate your knowledge, but also that you are
someone who will immediately make a positive impact, you'll get things done
and be a self-starter, and ideally a force multiplier... you increase the value of
 Still have
everyone youa work
with.Ask your own!

What is your question? Ask

Ultimately, your goal is for your professional reputation, and roster of former 25/37
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colleagues who want to work with you again, to replace the interview. I've had
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that happen twice in the last five years, where I was hired by companies without
an actual interview.
1.5k Views · View 1 Upvoter

Ravishankar Muniasamy, Author | Mentor | Kalam Follower

Answered Sep 3, 2017 · Author has 192 answers and 96.7k answer views

HR interview is the easiest of all….

1. answer from your heart and brain is not needed as it won't be a

technical round

2. share your experience in a transparent manner without manipulating.

Don't try to cover up if you have break in your career or education

3. clearly state your career aspiration and salary expectation

4. Show keen interest to know about the job and company

5. be straight forward and try to give your best

1.3k Views · View 16 Upvoters

Raghuram Sitaram, works at Simplilearn

Answered Jun 26, 2015

Originally Answered: How do I prepare for an HR interview?

I'm assuming you are the interviewee and would like to know how to face an
interview that would be conducted by the HR person at the place you have
applied for.

This is one interview that you should ideally not prepare for. It should be
spontaneous and sincere.

A good HR interviewer will typically assess you for things like cultural fitment,
values you hold, temperament, ambitions, and such other personality traits. By
being yourself, you actually end up learning a lot about the place you may work
in. That may in turn help you decide whether or not you'd like to work in this
place, irrespective of whether or not you get a job offer.
996 Views · View 1 Upvoter

Ankita Patel, studied at Nagpur University

Answered Oct 31, 2017 · Author has 733 answers and 871.4k answer views

Originally Answered: How can I impress HR in an interview?

Several interview advices tell how to give reply to specific questions, or ways in
specific which you are prepared. Rarely do you find a general tone of advice on
how to present yourself and give replies in positive ways. You should be careful
about the language you use and things you must avoid.

Here we share a list of Do’s and Don’ts during an interview:

Avoid some phrases:

I Stillthink
don’t have aI had
question? Ask your own!
a failure
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I don’t make mistakes 26/37
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I always give above 100% in a job

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The above mentioned phrases are deceitful and the hiring manager will
definitely see through them.

Read more at: How To Use Positive Language In Interviews

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Jedidiah D, Be yourself, Be confident, Go in and Conquer it!!

Answered Jul 30, 2016 · Author has 359 answers and 1.8m answer views

Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

HR interviews are conducted to determine your potential of how you react to

problems or situations in real life. I've been there and from my experience I'm
gonna share you some tips and tricks so that you'll be successful!!!

Whatever you do, be yourself. Once they realise that you are hiding or not being
yourself, they'll know it. Don't miss out any of the steps, all are crucial and I've
written by analysing many interviews faced by my friends too.

1. Do research on the company. Subscribe to their Facebook page, twitter


2. Dress for Success (look Upbeat and confident)

3. Arrive on Time for the Interview — and Prepared for Success (value
your time and others time)

4. Make a cheat sheet of your accomplishments (problem you faced and

how you solved them)

5. Give a power pose before going to the interview (maybe it sounds

crazy, do it. Feel that you are on top of the world, do it in places like rest

6. Make Good First Impressions — to Everyone You Encounter (smile,


7. Be Authentic, Upbeat, Focused, Confident, and Concise (beating the

bush will get you nowhere)

8. They are hiring you for a problem to be fixed or taking the organisation
to a new higher level. Give them the reason that you are the one who
they are looking for.

9. Ask insightful questions (important)

10. Sell Yourself Throughout and then Close the Deal.

11. Thank Interviewer(s) in Person, by Email.

Whatever you do, Be Yourself. Don't forget to smile throughout :-)

1.3k Views · View 2 Upvoters

Deepika Walde, studied IT Engineering at University of Mumbai

Answered Jan 8, 2018 · Author has 713 answers and 623.5k answer views

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Originally Answered: What is the
a question? Askbest wayown!
your to prepare for an HR interview?

Here are the best Hr interview question and answer for fresher:
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Indeed, I was feeling depleted following years of constant work. That is why I
chose to take a break and invest some time with my near and dear ones on a
rejuvenating break. I am glad to have returned completely revived.


I am of the opinion that an ideal compensation for any position perceives the
skills, acknowledges the performance and gives the employee a chance to enjoy
his hobbies and interests. I am certain that this organization additionally takes
care of these.

This one is amongst the most popular HR questions and answers.


for for more questions: HR Questions and Answers

505 Views · View 1 Upvoter

Suchitha Patil, works at Pune, Maharashtra, India

Answered Aug 31, 2016 · Author has 638 answers and 1.3m answer views

Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

Preparing for Self introduction and technical round is not enough to solve the
complete interview. HR round is also an important like other rounds.

So, everyone has to prepare for HR round also to pass the interview. For that
he/she needs to follow some tips like

1. Respond to every question

2. Speak about your abilities and strengths

3. Give answers as per the situation

4. Discuss about job position and work clearly

5. Learn few tips from experts on how to deal with HR

6. Be confident and ask what ever you want

Above mentioned tips will definitely help you regarding HR Interview.

480 Views · View 1 Upvoter

AJ Davies, Interview Guru

Updated Mar 26, 2017 · Author has 130 answers and 39.5k answer views

Originally Answered: How do I best prepare for an HR interview?

The most important thing is to be yourself since they want to make sure that the
fit is mutual. Preparation is also key and will help you feel more confident. I’m
an HR professional and I wrote a number of articles with interview tips for job

How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions (tell me about a time when...)

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Interview Preparation: The Most Common Interview Questions
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Interview Tips: What Questions Should I Ask the Interviewers? 28/37
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Sri Priya, studied Masters of Business Adminstration at Avanthi Institute of

Engineering and Technology, Visakhapatnam
Answered Nov 22, 2017 · Author has 429 answers and 325.8k answer views

Originally Answered: How do I face an HR interview?

In Interviews, you learn more about yourself that the other person learned about
you and your skills. HR will check your confidence and communication skills.
So, you have to prepare and practice more and more to crack the interview.

Some of the websites are used to conducting the HR mock interviews to practice
and prepare the interview questions and answers. I would like to suggest Online
mock interviews with experts are the good platform to practice and experience
the firsthand how a real-life job interview feels. They will conduct the mock
interviews with industry expert’s and provide the detailed scorecard in real-
time. It will more helpful to your interview preparation.

Richa Kaur, HR Enthusiast.

Answered Apr 8, 2017

Originally Answered: How can I crack HR interviews?

You need to keep below pointers in mind:

1. Your appearance - remember 1st impression factor still works.

2. Your communication skills - do prepare commonly asked questions,

you should be able to talk about your previous experiences and your
projects/internships in a well structured manner

3. Your conceptual knowledge, especially the subjects you specialised in.

4. Your body language should be confident, do not look nervous, try to

maintain eye contact and avoid looking here and there.

5. Smile

6. Nd finally, remember Confidence is the KEY.


Keshav Gattani, Vice President (2014-present)

Answered Sep 29, 2017

Originally Answered: How do I best prepare for an HR interview?

Here are a few interview tips that will prove useful to you. If you master these,
You will nail every interview you ever sit for.

1. A first impression is made in less than 30 seconds.

2. Want to boost your charisma? Focus on energy and optimism.

3. “You’re always an employee, you’re always representing your company, and

you’re always representing yourself.”

4. Rule #1 for dealing with bad bosses: It’s okay to question authority.
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5. No matter where your stress is coming from, it’s not doing you any good—
until you is your
learn question?
how to address it. Ask 29/37
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Also, this might help:

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1. Introduce yourself

2. Tell me your strengths and weaknesses!


Prachi Borkar, Director

Answered Jan 8, 2018

Originally Answered: How can I impress HR in a personal interview?


We can follows few tips when we can face the any interview and Impress the HR.

1) Keep in mind, this company called you.

2)Be prepared to talk about your strengths and weaknesses.

3)Prepare your resume.

4)I always give my 100% in a job

5)Respond To Each Question asked about you.

6)Speak about your abilities.

for more information go through link:motivational speaker pune -Self

Motivation, Confidence building, Relationship Building
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Sneha Rudra,question?
Internship at Times Television Network Ask
Answered Sep 22, 2017 · Author has 515 answers and 279.6k answer views 30/37
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Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?
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There are some common guidelines you need follow to crack any interview

1. Study the market before negotiating

2. Always have a range

3. Always be confident while negotiating

4. you will have to be amicable

You can also refer to How to negotiate salary at a job interview to get a better
understanding of how to negotiate during an interview.

Geethu Chembra, Business Manager at (2017-present)

Answered Oct 5, 2018 · Author has 95 answers and 13.6k answer views

As an HR, I usually focus how well an interviewee has done his/her home work
on the following aspects:

1. How well the candidate have understood the job and whether he has
understood what is expected from him/her and whether S/he fit in that
given profile or not. Analyzing his/her own personal strengths and
weakness alongside helps in deciding how well the job suits them.

2. Researched about the company, its objectives , history, vision and


3. Who has a clear vision of his/her career path.

Apart from all these I would look for somebody who is confident, honest,
professionally sound & dressed. Also asks some relevant questions related to
career development, training, company culture etc.

Pranit, former Digital Marketing Executive at Future Market Insights (2015-

Answered Apr 5, 2018

HR Interviews is usually conducted find out how you carry your behavior in
front of others. They can find out your strength and weaknesse s and also do a
relevant background check and know if you are the perfect job candidate.

How to prepare for interview questions?

1. Be responsive to every question asked.

In every job interview , you would be asked about yourself. If the question is
again asked during HR round, it’s a good sign. You need not say everything you
faced in your life, but your job history in short.

2. Tell your abilities and capabilities.

You should make an effort to show that you are the perfect suit for the job
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haveabout your academics
a question? and how you worked hard to reach your goal.
Ask your own!
You need to emphasise your strengths and remain confident while doing the
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3. Don’t show your ego.

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This is one of the necessary career guidance tips. Being egoistic or arrogant is
not appreciated during interviews. To have an opinion is different than having
an attitude. So you need to appear cordial and understanding. If you mention
your weakness, also tell how you are trying to improve on this.

To read more:- How To Prepare For HR Interview

164 Views · View 1 Upvoter

Akansha Arora
Answered Feb 3, 2017
Originally Answered: How do I best prepare for an HR interview?

Prepare yourself with the following questions for a HR round:

1. Tell me about yourself

2. What do you know about our organization?

3. Why did you leave your last job?

4. Your biggest weakness is?

5. Why should we hire you?

6. Where do you see five years down the line?

7. Your biggest strengths?

The HR of any company just wants to make sure that the candidate they are
interviewing fits right in the company. Hence, the questions help them analyse
the nature and understand if they fit in.

381 Views · View 1 Upvoter

Rajiv Ranjan, I know about interviews and can help youngsters to prepare them.
Answered Jun 2, 2016 · Author has 3.4k answers and 802.6k answer views
Originally Answered: How can I impress HR in an interview?

There is no capsule for this, but you will have to learn only the hard way. Good
question but difficult to answer in few lines. There are number of websites
giving lot of questions & answers on HR asked during any interview sessions.
You can visit some of them and also keep focus to learn more & more. Let me tell
you - this is the biggest skill you can acquire, which will help you all through
your career.

Visit - . Or call on 9810160749.


Aadish Yadav, works at SAP

Answered Aug 22, 2016 · Author has 670 answers and 452.6k answer views
Originally Answered: How do I face an HR interview?


Just be calm, and tell about urself confidently. dont try to lie a lot.
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Dont say anything which make them feel u gonna leave their job after sometime
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for reasons like salary,study, family, etc.
Ask 32/37
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also dont show that u have no motivation just find some things which interests u
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and mention it in the long term goals (after 10yrs plan)

Harshitha, B-Tech Computer Science Engineering & Indian IT Industry, Anna

University College of Engineering, Kanchipur...
Answered Nov 20, 2017 · Author has 185 answers and 98.1k answer views
Originally Answered: How can I crack HR interviews?

For any HR interview what all you need is;


Body language

Managing skills

proper dressing

A little smile

Good communication skills

if u practice daily virtual interviews it boosts your confidence levels.There are

some online virtual face-to-face interviews Online mock interviews with
experts practice more and you can easily crack the interview.

Geetanjali Mukherjee, Manager Content at Infoedge India Ltd.,NOIDA

Answered Apr 7, 2017 · Author has 144 answers and 315.8k answer views

Originally Answered: How can I crack HR interviews?

Download this PDF for sure shot success in an HR interview.
132 Views · View 2 Upvoters

Gary Carlos
Answered Sep 30, 2018

Staffing companies play a major role in recruiting and onboarding candidates

for businesses. Due to today’s rapidly growing market, staffing companies need
to be nimble and efficient. One of the ways to continue being efficient in the
ever-growing market is by adopting digital tools to hire professionals.

Aditi Agrawal, works at MyMo - Fresh and Young

Answered Jul 11, 2015

Originally Answered: How do I face an HR interview?

Whenever u face an interview just be confident. The plus point is u can also fake
BT be confident. No one knows you personally ; dnt be nervous and answer all
the question.
Tell about your achievements  , work , everything that you feel will help you to
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get the job.
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12/12/2018 What are some tips for an HR interview? - Quora

Nehal Joshi, for questions,
Manger people, and
Human Resources topics Industries limited, India
at Finolex Ask New Question Sign In
Answered Feb 8, 2017 · Author has 59 answers and 21.4k answer views

Originally Answered: How can I crack HR interviews?

Get to know your self and your functional area. Give lot of examples for
validating your points .
44 Views · Answer requested by Jerr Cur

Xena Lee, Been there, done that. Career coach.

Answered Jan 21, 2016 · Author has 6.7k answers and 5.3m answer views

Originally Answered: How do I face an HR interview?

The same a severe other interview  professional dress, speech, and manners will
be important. Look interviewers in the eye when speaking. Be clear; don't
ramble. Give specific examples of your past behavior, especially for behavioral

Don't get too tense. This is a good sign.

Good luck
215 Views · Answer requested by Nagaraju Boyina

Sujith Dan Mammen, Part of interview panel, attended many interviews

Answered Jul 26, 2016 · Author has 1.6k answers and 1.3m answer views

Originally Answered: How do I prepare for my hr interview?

Be prepared to talk about yourself in less than a minute (practice in front of a

mirror), be ready with some knowledge about the company and salary structure
it offers for the role, think about some instances which you can showcase your
abilities (in life or previous job role), keep the confidence level and smile.

Ashish Mohanty, Management (2014-present)

Answered Sep 8, 2017 · Author has 280 answers and 103.5k answer views

Tips for HR Interview is:

1. Believe in your skills

2. Be Confident
3. Update knowledge on HR Trends
4. Diplomatic Answer
5. Close Ended Answers
6. Hands on experience on your past experience.
7. Brief yourself not in essay but in Gist.

All The Best !!!

187 Views · View 1 Upvoter · Answer requested by Adler Talent Solution

Anand Rao, NATE ( New Age Talent Enabler ) Advisory

Answered Aug 28, 2016 · Author has 148 answers and 93k answer views

Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

Jot down following responses and you should be good to go !

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1. Self introduction and whats unique about you
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2. How were you able to create impact in your previous roles / projects /
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3. Your expectations - salary / job & from your next manager / employer

4. Clarifications that you have on the role and related areas

5. Wear a smile !

6. Dress appropriately ( don’t swing to either of the extremes )


Mansur Haider, works at Tavant Technologies

Answered Jul 19, 2018

Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

Interview Questions and Answer to power up your HR skills. It have vast

collection of question to practice upon with answer and explanation.

HR Interview Questions Answers - Apps on Google Play


Karthick Subramani, works at Sunrise Systems

Answered May 29, 2015

Originally Answered: How do I prepare for an HR interview?

Are you trying for Human resource role ? OR you would like to know about the
HR interview questions ?

Amelia Barnes
Answered Apr 4, 2018

Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

Here are Morgan Jones we have a plan of action to get you fully prepared for
your interview.

Here’s some interview advice that will enable you to sell yourself and do your

Bala Kumar, lives in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India (2013-present)

Answered Sep 1, 2017

There are some tips to follow to crack an interview

1. Be bold

2. Be confident

3. Be casual and calm

4. Be your mind on presence

5. If HR asks about company you don’t know anything, Look around the
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cabin have a question?
there Asksome
should be your own!
board or sheet placed about their
What is your question? Ask
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Monika Pandey
Answered May 17, 2017

Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

for HR interview questions visit


Kaustubh Pujari, Have handled assignments in end to end Human Resource

Lifecycle. Entry to Exit.
Answered Jul 26, 2016 · Author has 52 answers and 63k answer views

Originally Answered: How do I prepare for my hr interview?

Read your CV thoroughly. You should know what you have written in your CV
and should be able to answer questions asked basis on your CV. Be natural. Do
not fake answers. You can Google frequently asked questions in HR interview.
Finally prepare and practice, practice & practice.

Siddharth Dialani, Founder, LeanAgri | Transforming Indian Agriculture!

Answered Jan 18, 2015 · Author has 280 answers and 1.5m answer views

Originally Answered: What is the best way to prepare for an HR interview?

This should help.

HR Questions by Siddharth Dialani on Interview Preparations


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