Wof Benue Awards 2018 Compendium

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So, what exactly are we celebrating Today, November 30th? Are
we celebrating progress? Are we celebrating the roles of a
woman? Are we celebrating their various functions? Time to think
about what is the essence of a woman…….

She is just that – A Woman – A sweet little child who loves pink,
that daring adolescent who tries her mother’s cosmetics while no
one is looking, that aspiring young damsel who is as worried
about her studies as she is about the latest fashion trends, that
shy little bride who grabs her husband’s hand while yearning to
earn respect in her new home, that experimenting parent who
cares for her child like no one else and that confident
entrepreneur who can shake the world (at least her own).

She is just a woman.

She is GOLD!

Owoicho Wechi Josef Igomu


3 2018

6 2018
Adejoke Olamide Adoyi is a graduate of Early Childhood Educa on/Communica on
and Language Arts (combined honors) from the Department of Teacher Educa on,
University of Ibadan in 1998.
Upon gradua on from the University of Ibadan at the me, Adejoke had a grade point
average of 4.7. Meanwhile, prior to this me, she had rounded off her WAEC/GCE
Advanced level at Methodist Boys' High School, Lagos, where she excelled flawlessly.
Poised to pursue a law degree in the University, Adejoke encountered a JAMB
document containing list of other courses and change of course form, while a ending
a JAMB school. This encounter marked a major shi in her intellectual pathway as she
decided to follow an innate powerful drive and deep passion for educa on, especially
for children. This event led to Adejoke's applica on to study Early Childhood
Educa on at the University of Ibadan.

Owing to the fact that this was not such a powerful and pres gious course of study in our
society at that me, she espied various discouragements and ridicule from friends and family
for doing away with a career path as remarkable as Law, in a bid to pursue 'pre-primary'
educa on. Regardless of all of these, she remained allegiant to her passion with more zeal.
When it came the me she needed to make a choice of a subject to major in upon admission
into the university, Adejoke decided to move even closer to a second career path for which
she had great love, and that was public speaking. Thus, she registered at the Faculty of
Adejoke Communica on and Language Art, and combined studies with her Early Childhood program.
Olamide Adoyi Her decision was rather unique as majority of her colleagues chose to major in other popular
subjects like Social Studies, Economics, Mathema cs and Others. Consequently, she was the
PERSONALITY ICON RECIPIENT only student in the en re university with such combina on that year. Well, that is one of
Adejoke's characteris cs, Uniqueness. She never follows the crowd as long as she is on the
Executive Director
path of fulfilment, even though it requires her to walk alone.
Crystaland Schools, Mkd

7 2018
Adejoke's teaching career was birthed at ADRAO Interna onal School, Victoria Island, Lagos. In 2002, she then
proceeded to Standard Bearers School, Ikoyi, also in Lagos un l April 2005, when she relocated to Abuja and
started out on a new career path with the telecom giant Airtel, which was then known as V-Mobile. She worked as
a customer service representa ve and training officer which gave her the relevant pla orm to exercise her skills
in Communica on and Language Art. While she loved her days at V-Mobile, she never lost sight of the main
career path for which she had so much passion.
Even while working at the telecom company, Adejoke was always busy with one children program or the other.
She witnessed the smooth transi on of the company from V-Mobile to Celtel and on to Zain. She was transferred
to Makurdi, Benue state in January 2009. Upon arrival to her new loca on, Adejoke was shocked by the appalling
state of educa on in the state and began making plans to champion a change movement in the educa onal
sector. Although, she never for once thought her lifelong dream school would be conceived and born in Benue
state and not Lagos or Abuja. Nevertheless, this was proven to be des ny.

Amidst her working at the telecom company, she started Crystaland with her two (2) year old son. Within the course of her fi h (5th) year at Airtel,
Adejoke le and went a er her passion; working with children.
Presently, Crystaland is on a steady course and has experienced unprecedented and tremendous growth, and is s ll growing. Adejoke indisputably
possess a resilient passion for quality early years educa on, learning and research. She steadily provides relevant support, and champion's capacity
building for caregivers, teachers, parents and all other stakeholders in the educa onal sector.
Adejoke Adoyi is a mo va onal speaker, grounded and highly sought-a er conference speaker. A principal a ribute of Adejoke is her solid
desire to effect posi ve change which is fueled by her strong belief that quality founda on year's educa on is a right of every Nigerian child.
Consequently, she advocates for it, seizing every opportunity that comes her way and u lizing every pla orm that presents itself. As a training
consultant, she has conducted trainings for schools around the country and outside the shores of the country
As part of her passionate efforts geared towards raising the bar of quality founda on years educa on, par cularly in Benue state, she has
successfully organized the Makurdi Teachers Summit. A pla orm she dynamically pushes to ensure teachers in Benue State and beyond are
be er posi oned to be compe ve and be at par with other teachers across the globe, equipped with the latest trends, methods and
innova ons as it pertains to achieving the best classroom prac ces in the teaching profession.
She is a consummate and passionate minister of the gospel and a firm advocate for holiness and righteousness. She currently serves as a minister in
House on the Rock, Makurdi.
8 2018
Adejoke, in response to God's call birthed an arm of ministry outreach to hur ng and broken women. She is the
Convener and founder, Woman! Live Your Dream, an interdenomina onal women ministry that seeks the total
restora on of the woman of God's dream. The ministry is saddled with the responsibility of bringing out the
hidden treasure in every woman regardless of class, background, colour or social status. She organizes
conferences, prayers, guidance and counseling sessions periodically and consistently to meet needs of women
God brings in her direc on. She is also a highly sought-a er mo va onal and conference speaker.
She is also the CEO, Mums and Bubs, a chain retail store with headquarters in the city of Makurdi.
Adejoke Olamide Adoyi loves reading, Taekwondo, watching movies, travelling, ac ng and direc ng.
Adejoke Olamide Adoyi is married to an amazing, good and godly gentleman, Peter Adoyi. Together they are
blessed with three extraordinary children; Arianna Ada Oyindamola, Joshua Oga Omomayowa and Alvin Oche

9 2018
Uyi Odinuwe is an exemplary leader, with a disciplined disposi on towards hard work and
success, she is also penchant for excellence, as she leads, with finesse and firmness, one of the
outstanding medical and diagnos cs centers located in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja,
Port Harcourt, Rivers State, and Uyo, Akwa Ibom State Nigeria.
As a leader, she is tough on herself and she raises the standard for others; however, she is very
caring and desires that people excel at what they do. She is best described as an elegant,
simple and loving woman who has an unending passion to the total development of the girl
She is adorned with the following accolades;
-Guild of Medical Directors (FCT Chapter): Outstanding Medical Centre in FCT Abuja.
-Papyrus Magazine : Dis nguished CEO Award 2016
-Papyrus Magazine: Dis nguished CEO Award 2017
-GLAMODI Nigeria: Dis nguished CEO Award
-Woman on Fire: Excellence in Service Award 2016
-Women on Fire: Amazon of the year Award 2017
-Accolades media Awards: Outstanding Diagnos cs Centre Award.
-Award of Excellence: Holy Child Girls College (Alma Mata), Ikom, Cross River.
-Goodwill Ambassador's Award : CEO of the year Award 2017
Ambassador -Glamodi and Strong Enough Girls-Award of Recogni on for dynamic leadership in
Uyi Odinuwe advancing women and girls rights in Nigeria commemora ng interna onal women's day.
PERSONALITY ICON RECIPIENT -Niger Delta Dis nguished Peace Ambassador Award 2018.
-Women on Fire: Seasoned Professional of the year Award 2018.
Executive Director -African Virtuous Women Award : African Woman in Health 2018.
ZitadeL Medicals & Diagnostics Ltd -Nigerian Goodwill Ambassador Awards: Humanitarian Woman of the year 2018 &
Cer ficate of Honor 2018, Nigerian Goodwill Ambassador.
10 She is happily married to Mr. Nik Odinuwe and she is blessed with children 2018
Rose Francis Ameh from the family of 7 is a civil servant, an entrepreneur and her
passion towards achieving her goals is second to none. She successfully
established the franchise Zaron Cosme cs as one of the leading makeup brands
in Makurdi, Benue State, providing top notch services & advanced makeup
training for other aspiring makeup ar sts. It's a compelling list of other
achievements of Rose Francis Ameh but it wasn't always so 'rosy' from the start.
As the first daughter from a family of seven, she harnessed her skill sets in
entrepreneurship from an early age.
During her primary school days, her mother, who was a trader insisted that she
started her own li le business by buying grains from her at wholesale price and
resale to consumers and would save the profit from it for her to ensure she had
money in savings however li le it was.
This proved vital in structuring her has an independent woman.
A er admi ance into college to study, she furthered on the act of small scale
business by selling oranges when school was on vaca on and the profit would be
saved by her mother for her.

Ameh Again when she got admi ed into ter ary educa on she con nued in the act of
Rose Francis business by selling food at the ins tu on while s ll managing to give me to her
studies and because of its success she was able to carter for her individual needs
PERSONALITY ICON RECIPIENT during her me at school.
MD/CEO On gradua ng, her passion only grew stronger as she further ventured in full me
Zaron Cosmetics - Mkd businesses, by star ng from making trips to Dubai to purchase female apparels
that were re-sold here in Nigeria to opening up a bou que which sold cloths and
other female accessories including various makeup up products.
11 2018
The la er would eventually have her travel to Lagos on a 3months training course to acquire knowledge
in makeup with the Zaron Cosme cs brand and would go on to birth what we have as the successful
Zaron Cosme cs Makurdi today.
Known for her dedica on on been an achiever on various ramifica ons of life and her reless work
ethics there is no telling the level of accomplishments yet to come.
Among ps of wri ng a good profile, one of them states "dont end with a conclusion".
Well it only makes wri ng this easier because Rose Francis Ameh's success story seems like one that has
just began.
She is happily married to her husband Joseph Ameh and a proud mother of two kids named David and

12 2018
Favour Enewa Adah Paul, (AKA, ThatAgatuGirl) was Exactly six years ago in 2012, she started a daily breakfast
born in St. Nicholas Hospital Lagos Island, Lagos on program with the IDP children in the numerous camps with
the 8th of June into the family of Mr. And Mrs. children who were at high risk and vic ms of hunger,
Onuminya Adah Paul from Ogwule-Ogbaulu of starva on, trauma c experience, sickness and even rape.
Agatu Local Government Area of Benue State. This ini a ve came to her when she had a dream one of
those nights in November 2012 about the sufferings of
At the age of 8yrs old in Federal Low Cost Housing Children at the IDP camps especially in the Island in Wadata
estate, North Bank, Makurdi, she had started market. She then emp ed my account, bought some
braiding peoples hair for money to meet domes c household items to enable her cater for these kids at the
needs in the home and at the age of 16 she camp. Her one month breakfast soon came to an end
started reaching out to widows on her own. With without any single help from any man but God did His
what she got from her hard labour of braiding Miracles and they fed more than 3000 children in all the 3
women and lady's hair for a living, she went to camps they visited during the period.
Police Children School North Bank in 1985 and By 2013, she started suppor ng these kids very closely and
later proceeded to Government Day secondary she put her son's land as collateral to aid rent property for
school Makurdi in 1996 and graduated in 2003. the kids she was ready to bring into her life a er seeking
She got admission in Benue State University God's face for months through prayers and God made it
Makurdi to do a diploma program in possible for them to start and in 2014 July 20th and they
Environmental and Estate Management which she officially commissioned this home to the public.
later dropped out of school because of inadequate As an orphanage, they have been publicly involved in
funds to enable her younger ones con nue their harmless civil ac ons for the good of vulnerable children.
secondary and primary school educa on.

14 2018
Diane Iember Abwa was born on the 11th of
February 1971 to Mr and Mrs Jacob Nkem Way Bible College Jos. She a ended several workshops
Agu,she a ended Robert F Kennedy memorial with UNESCO WHO and other notable bodies. She is
nursery and primary school Gboko and got her the founder of a Microcredit Finance NGO " Mute u
FSLC in 1982. She proceeded to Queen of the Mbaja" that enables rural women to learn saving and
Rosary Secondary School Gboko and investment techniques. Her working experience
graduated in 1987 proceeding to University of started with Central bank of Nigeria Kaduna branch
Jos in 1989 and graduated with a bachelor of 1999 during her NYSC a er which she became the
science in Economics she later came to the Vandeikya Local government Area Council supervisory
Benue state university 2005 to read an Msc in councilor for Health and Human Services in 2000. She
Economics with specializa on in then proceeded to work with the then PHCN Gboko as a
Development economics. She has authored data coordina on officer between 2007 to 2008, an
and published several works including Tithes accounts representa ve in customer care unit from
and Fools Bully, the effect of Structural 2008 to 2009, VIP Service Centre Manager from 2009 to
Adjustment Program (SAP) on the Agricultural 2011, Jed PLC Makurdi as Makurdi Business Unit
sector of Nigeria and poverty reduc on accountant from 2013 to 2014, State Accountant
among Benue rural women. She has a Benue state from 2014 to 2018 and Regional
cer ficate from the Ins tute of Industrialist Accountant Makurdi Region to date.
and Cooperate Administrators other Diane Iember Abwa is a minister of the word and
cer ficates include Leadership Training Man mother of 4 lovely kids namely Nguavese, Saater, Lutor
O War, Wholis c Chris an Development and Sena.
Training RUCCON, Ins tute of Management
Consultant. Diploma in theology at the Faith
15 2018
Audu Adie Deborah is an Educa onal She co-ordinates agaidan Bege orphanage
Administrator, an entrepreneur and a Makurdi alongside her husband.
people mo vator, who Loves God and
Humanity. She is the CEO Rigsby Organics
and a Professional Network Marketer who
has helped many people especially
women start and build a successful
business career working from the comfort
of their homes. Her passion for educa on
is very soon going to give birth to
something excep onal for the Benue
She reads a lot and loves to have
meaningful conversa ons. Deborah
supports and does charity to the best of
her ability.
She is a wife and mother of both biological
and adopted children.

16 2018
Dina Divine Angou is a woman of God,
very gentle, peaceful, warm, calm, loving,
so spoken, caring, selfless unassuming
great personality and always ready to
extend a hand of fellowship and leaves a
strong impression on everyone she comes
into contact with.
She is a commi ed friend, always ready to
go an extra mile. A woman with a passion
to mentor as many young people she
comes into contact with to be the best
they can be.
She is happily married, a mother and a
principal export trade promo on officer

17 2018
Mrs Kadzan Grace Horsfall is the owner of and cap va ng designs bringing
Kadidoo which specializes in the making of accolades to the wearers.
designer clothes bags and accessories and
has been in Makurdi for the last eight Kadidoo has grown into a small scale
years. garment industry producing clothes, bags,
Mrs Kadzan Horsfall was born to a military shoes, uniforms, children wears, bridal
family and is well travelled, she learnt how trains, cake boxes, dairies and more.
to sew in her teenage years in Ghana and Kadidoo is known by her clients for her
Cotonou (Benin Republic). She bagged hard work, integrity, eye for detail and
B.Sc Architecture in A.B.U Zaria. She has a commitment this has made her stand out
flare for the art and has influences from in the industry. She runs a training school
inside and outside the country. with different courses that suit the needs
She has since pioneered several fashion of her diverse clientele.
trends modernizing the way the Anger (Tiv Her vision sees Kadidoo expanding
tradi onal woven cloth) is worn. She has throughout the country and eventually
also pioneered the use of this material in worldwide spreading the uniqueness and
the produc on of bags and rucksacks. flavour of this indigenous brand for all to
Kadidoo has been the go to designer in the
state for beauty queens, brides and
female captains of industry, her unique
18 2018
Mrs Florence Akpakwu was born to the She is a very determined and resilient
family of Mr and Mrs Augus ne Ogwuche personality with so much passion and love
of Okpokwu Local Government of Benue for fashion. She believes with her fashion
State on the 21st July 1984. She started her and style, she can unite and change the
educa on at LEA Primary School in Otobi, world.
Amejo where she obtained her first school
leaving cer ficate, she then proceeded to
Idu Memorial College Eke, Ajide for her
senior secondary educa on a er which
she had her B.Ed in Social Studies and
M.SC Educa onal Management at Benue
State University. She is CEO of Floxy
Collec ons a fashion ou it based in the
suburbs of Makurdi, Benue State. She has
helped many people to start and build up
successful and profitable business while
working from home. She is happily
married to Engr. John Akpakwu and
blessed with a son, John Akpakwu JNR.

19 2018
Ochekpe Onyemowo Sonia is the CEO
Vavavoom Collec ons, a fun kiddies store
in Makurdi. She hails from Ohimini Local
Government area of Benue state. This
pacese er is a graduate of Microbiology
from the University of Jos and also holds
an MSc in Medical Microbiology, a Post
graduate Diploma in Public Health
Educa on and Promo on from University
of Maiduguri and currently pursuing a PhD
in Medical Microbiology at the University
of Agriculture, Makurdi. Her love for kids
remains the driving force behind her
business. VAVAVOOM caters to all kids'
needs from grooming to educa onal
materials to fun toys and party pack ideas.
You ever need advice in customizing your
kids' space, she is your go to girl. Sonia is
happily married and blessed with an
awesome son.

20 2018
Joyce Mchivir Biam holds a degree in
English from University of Jos. She also
obtained two masters degrees from
Bayero University Kano, one in Public
Policy and Administra on and another in
Developmental Studies. A proud mother
of four adorable girls, she is the Human
Re s o u rc e M a n a ge r fo r Te c h V i b e s
Interna onal Ltd. Joyce is also the CEO of
Scents and Beyond, one of the best
perfume outlets in Abuja. Joyce hails from
Zaki Biam Local Government of Benue
State. She's passionate about
development and be er life for rural
women. A voracious reader. A role model
to young women and girls and loves good
music and travels.

21 2018
Mrs Dooshima Charity Asema was born on in 2006 in Public Administra on (MPA).
the 26th of November 1979 Gboko Benue She started working in 2006 at Bureau of
State to Mr and Mrs Andrew Apetagher Local Government and Chie aincy Affairs
Tyungu from Mbakor Mbachughul, as Chief Local Government Inspector. She
Mbaikyar in Tarka Local Government. She was posted to Makurdi Local Government
a ended TBT Nursery and Primary School in 2016 as Local Government Inspector in
Wannune in Tarka Local Government charge of Makurdi Local Government ll
where she obtained her first school date. Because she hates idleness
leaving Cer ficate. She a ended the Dooshima is also a fashion designer and
pres gious WM Bristow Secondary School the CEO of Doosh Fashion in Makurdi,
Gboko, where she obtained her SSCE from Benue State where she sews and designs,
1992 to 1997. dry cleans clothes and runs a fashion
She then proceed to College of Advanced school where she produces crea ve
and Professional Studies from 1997 to fashion designers.
1999 where she obtained her IJMB. She got married to Barr. Damian Asema in
In 2011 she went in for a degree program 2008 and the marriage is blessed with two
in the Department of Poli cal Science lovely children namely Senator Gregg
where she obtained her first degree up Kator Asema and Miss Gwenn Tersemtor
un l 2014. Asema.
She went on to obtain her second degree

22 2018
Mrs. Daniella Akpakwu is a Health Coach, community.
Lawyer and a serial entrepreneur who Her journey as a wellness leader and
manages several businesses. entrepreneur started in 2011, when she
Born into the family of Mr. & Mrs. Christopher worked with her husband to reverse type 2
Idu and she is the 4th of 8 children. She diabetes with nutri on and guidance.
concluded her primary educa on in 1993 at She went ahead to have a pla orm called
Makurdi Interna onal School and went Ojilima Women Founda on where she has
further to Regina Secondary School Abuja empowered a lot of widows and trained
where she obtained her GCE in 1999. She orphan girls from primar y school to
gained admission to the University of Calabar secondary.
where she holds a bachelor's degree in Law. She is presently the Group Managing Director
Barrister Mrs. Daniella Akpakwu fondly called of Dakinda Group, Director of SO ROOTED
“Global Mummy ” has built series of Foods and Principal Health coach and
businesses with her husband Mr Emmanuel Wellness Chef at Wellness Patron Health
Akpakwu. Her passion for ensuring wellness Solu ons. She recently pioneered a Diabetes
led her to study Holis c Nutri on and Summit called Diabetes Demys fied with the
Wellness at the pres gious Ins tute of aim to clarify myths surrounding diabetes.
Integra ve Nutri on, New York. When she She is a Mother of five (5) kids, she loves her
came back she started a pla orm called family (those related by blood and by work)
Wellness Patron, a health and wellness and touches the lives of everyone she comes
company that provides health solu ons to the across.

23 2018
Damaris Nguumbur Uja was born on the 28 WEP, Damaris has been ac vely involved in the growth
October, 1986 to the family of Late Mr Joseph of the organisa on. She has represented the
Akaazua Uja and Mrs Rebecca Mwuese Uja in organiza on at na onal, regional and global
Usar, Kwande Local Government Area of conferences among which are; African Regional Forum
Benue State. on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) in Addis Ababa-
She a ended Anendah Memorial Ethiopia, African Gender Data Workshop organized by
Nursery/Primary School, Adikpo where she African Development Bank in Abidjan-Côte d'Ivoire,
obtained First School Leaving Cer ficate Third session of the United Na ons Environment
(FSLC) in 1995, she then proceeded to NKST Assembly (UNEA3) in Nairobi-Kenya and Sixty second
Secondary School, Adikpo where she got her Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
Senior Secondary School Cer ficate (WASSC) (CSW62) in New York, United States of America.
in 2001. Damaris obtained a B. Sc. (Ed) Biology Damaris was given an award for being proac ve in her
at Benue State University, Makurdi and is du es at the 2018 WEP Annual Retreat. She was also
presently a postgraduate student of given a cer ficate of recogni on by the Catholic Youth
Nasarawa State University Keffi where she is Organiza on of her Parish in Abuja in recogni on of her
studying M.Sc. Environmental Resource service to the Church.
Management. Her hobbies include; dancing, wri ng, watching football
D a m a r i s h a s w o r ke d w i t h d i ffe r e n t and making friends. Mo va onal quotes “Remember
organiza ons to develop her skills and achieve you don't have forever” and “An unexamined life is not
high career growth. She joined Women worth living”.
Environmental Programme (WEP) on 1st
November, 2016 as a Program Officer. At
24 2018
Mrs. Angela-Tony Iji hails from Oju Local posi on as General Manager, Southern
Government Area of Benue State. She is a Opera ons, overseeing the opera ons of
Media prac oner by profession and LEADERSHIP Newspapers in the South-West
presently the General Manager and Head, covering Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Osun, Ondo and Eki
S o u t h e r n O p e ra o n s , L e a d e rs h i p States. Apart from her career in the media, Mrs.
Newspaper. A er her primary school, she Angela-Tony Iji is very ac ve in Advocacy with the
went to Mount Carmel College Makurdi forma on of her NGO, SEED REHAB Founda on
and Graduated in 1992 and proceeded to which was established to champion the fight
school of Basic Studies Makurdi, a er against Human Trafficking, Violence against
which she proceeded to BSU Makudi for women and children, empowerment of widows
Diploma in Mass Communica ons from and Indigent ci zens in the society. Angela-Tony
where she proceeded to Usman Danfodio Iji is also a reputed event planner, social
University Sokoto for her B.A Literature in mobilizer who is passionate about every
English. A er her studies at Usman assignment entrusted to her. Angela is married
D a n fo d i o U n i v e rs i t y S o ko t o, s h e with kids. The best thing that stands her out is
proceeded for her one year compulsory seeing and making people happy, she advises
Na onal Youth Service in Ondo State a er every woman to be financially independent,
which she took up employment with having something to fall back on, no ma er how
LEADERSHIP Newspaper as advert li le, work towards having mul ple streams of
execu ve where she rose to her present income and also learn a skill

25 2018
Pastor Mrs Doo Ter Umah hails from in several churches.
Vandeikya Local Government area of She is a prolific writer, a radio personality and
Benue state, an only daughter and the has received quite a number of awards. She is
fourth child from a family of five. She a philanthropist with a heart and passion for
studied Sociology in the Benue State orphans, widows and the less privileged.
University and is married to Bishop Ter
Umah. They both pastor at the He Reigns
Worship Centre in Makurdi Benue State.
Pastor Doo is the coordinator of Ladies of
Virtue, she is also the CEO of Dot
Collec ons a Jewelry and Skin care ou it
with distributors in two countries and
several states of the federa on.
She is the host of Rela onship Nuggets, a
programme for married and singles. She
has ministered interna onally and locally

26 2018
Mrs Sheila Nothnagel is from Makurdi acquainted with mul – cultural diversity.
Local Government born on the 8th of She Enjoys helping the less privileged and
September is a proud mother of one Mr spends me with them in her leisure me
Paul and two grandchildren, Stella and and has penchant for support of youth
James. She a ended Army Children crea ve ini a ve and talent development
School Akure Ondo in 1973 to 1979 from in the crea ve arts and fashion; she has a
there she enrolled into an all-girls school, compelling sense of style. She enjoys
Government Girls Secondary School sports and reading and learning new
Aliade. She further studied things. She is a philanthropist. She speaks
INTERNATIONAL Hotel Management at various languages including Tiv, English,
SRH Hochschule Berlin Dresden, Hausa, Yoruba, Dutch and French among
Germany. A er the IHM programme she others.
a ended Na onal Open University of She is happily married to Mr Achim
Nigeria of Nigeria (NOUN) where she Nothnagel.
studied B.Sc Poli cal Science.
She is the Founder of Nalane Water and
the CEO, Stella Rose Villa, Makurdi Benue
State an unparalleled hospitality service
provider. She is well travelled and

27 2018
Troy Jijingi is the CEO Troys Kollec ons, edifice called Troys Kollec ons.
she is highly mo vated and an She is also an events manager and an astute
entrepreneur. She is armed with a organizer of people and events that cuts
diploma in purchasing and supply from across all boundaries. Her passion and
the University of Jos, Plateau State and a penchant is pu ng smiles on people's faces.
degree in Business Management from the She is an acclaimed interna onal business
same ins tu on. She later on obtained a woman of great repute with franchise in over
post graduate diploma in Business to most designers ou it.
Management at Benue State University, Her humane ac vi es know no boundaries
Makurdi Benue State. and human disposi on towards the needy is
She is into fashion designing and owns one unprecedented. She is happily married with
of the most reputable and a beau ful three lovely boys.

28 2018
Josephine Enenche Akosu is a young young girl and she was able to carry out
talented lady who has always believed in projects which was the 1st Widows support
herself and her dreams. A charming Project and also the Benue Tourism Magazine
beau ful lady with a good sense of humor, to promote the African culture and tourism
a rac ve, yet calm and God fearing. Her under the Office of Queen of Culture and
passion for God and her humble nature is Tourism Benue. Josephine has over three
the center of a rac on of this personality. remarkable crowns as a Beauty Queen and a
Josephine discovered herself in 2007 a er Brand Ambassador. She's a graduate of Benue
her SSCE when she started modeling. She State University with a BSc in Sociology and
was given a pla orm to represent Kogi in Diploma in Mass Communica on. Currently,
an Interna onal beauty pageant which she's a fashion designer and the Crea ve
was Miss Tourism Nigeria. Amongst 36 Director of Jay Fashion House. Her love for
contestants she came 3rd and was fashion is passionate and she's making the
crowned Miss Tourism Nigeria East. This most out of life with her crea ve minds. She's
birthed a lot of opportuni es for her as a happily married to Benny Akosu.

29 2018
Sarah Omeche Obonyilo is the CEO of
3bChops and cocktails. A renowned cakes,
pastries, food and drink ou it which was
founded in 2016.
She is a graduate of Languages and
Linguis cs from Benue State University
and born to the family of Mr and Mrs
Andrew Odeh from Ohimini Local
Government Area of Benue State. Sarah is
also an administrator and communica on
expert with the Federal Medical Center,
Makurdi Benue State.
She is happily married to Mr Cyril
Obonyilo and blessed with three amazing

30 2018
Born in the 1980's, Rachel Wanger Unom, general and Benue State in par cular.
hails from Kwande Local Government
Area of Benue State. She holds a B.Ed. in She is the Convener of BENUE YOUTH
Business Educa on from Ahmadu Bello HANGOUT, BENUE XTRAPRENUER and PUT A
University, Zaria and M.Ed. Educa onal CHARITY FOOTBALL; the sole aim of the
Management from Benue State match is to raise funds for orphans which
University, Makurdi. holds every December.
Rachel, popularly called Rakel and Rachel Wanger Unom is also the CEO OF SKIN
Director, by her friends and associates is 05 which cater for skin care generally by
the Execu ve Director of RAKEL YOUTH product and services, a humanitarian,
AMBASSADORS FORUM and RAKEL'S co m m u n i t y a c v i st , p u b l i c s p e a ke r,
Mul -Purpose Coopera ve Society entrepreneur and a community mobiliser.
Limited, a pro-development pla orm that She is determined, focused, and resilient and
seeks to engage young people to effect all- loves travelling and mee ng new people.
round posi ve growth for Nigeria in She is single.

31 2018
Mrs Aisha Amali is a trained lawyer by Makurdi environs. She is an amazing singer,
profession and the Managing Director of an events perfec onist and integrity
the pres gious Makurdi Luxury Suites a crusader. She resides in Makurdi and is
business which she started seven years happily married to her best friend and gist
ago from scratch a er resigning her partner Mr John Amali and they are blessed
posi on as Business Manager at Trust with two lovely kids, King David and Ochanya.
Fund pensions Plc, Benue Branch.
She has recorded stellar success rates in
the events management and hospitality
industry having pioneered a series of
events like the Makurdi Children's Day and
Christmas pool party and the Couples
night hangout, all these events are yearly
events which have contributed in
changing the social stratosphere of

32 2018
Victoria Onma Oketa is an acclaimed and unpopular capacity to connect with
en ty of resourcefulness. diverse audience. Her quest as a teenager
A model of moral character and a to help the world through the mass media
p e rs o n a l i t y o f g l o b a l a n d t ra n s - engineered her first degree, B.Sc. Mass
genera onal relevance; she is an op mist, Communica on from Benue State
an entrepreneur, a life coach, a cer fied University Makurdi. She is the sponsor of
human development instructor, a prolific Twig Trigger, a monthly symposium aimed
mo va onal speaker and the Chief at helping the youths discover their
Execu ve Officer (CEO) of V-Key Global poten als and empowering them to a ain
Resources Ltd which focuses largely on greater heights
agriculture. She is a financial expert mentored by
She is a dynamic communicator with great Ugochukwu Omeogwu who was trained
by J.P Morgan, Chase Bank in the USA.

32 2018
Ochanya Azer is the Gold Queen because she could call the shots.
anything her hands touch turns to Gold. This is In less than a year of se ng up deliberate focus on
a perspec ve she believes in has worked on the running of Osgood Farms, there has been an
and encourages many others to adopt, and awakening in the conscious mind of the good people
the results are always stunning. of Makurdi, Benue State.
She is a director with Osgood Farms and also A Biochemist by training from University of Jos,
the CEO of OSYGOLD Nigeria Limited. A er Nigeria, Ochanya brings a unique passion to the
working in a number of organiza ons from the business of animal farming where but the health of
year 2009 cu ng across interna onal NGOs the consumers is top priority.
such as Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO With trainings from United Na ons Industrial
Nigeria) as the Programme Assistant Development Organiza on (UNIDO) and Hewle -
Educa on and mul na onal companies Packard (HP) Learning Ini a ve for Entrepreneurs
including Coca-Cola and most recently NTA (LIE), she is ready to impact in ac ons and mentorship
Star-Tv Network(Star mes Nigeria) fi ng into as learned from many renowned mentors worldwide.
diverse roles on the job from customer care She loves to travel and enjoys learning and powerful
officer to HR/Admin officer, ac ng as finance interac ons. To wind down, she enjoys a good read
officer, advert manager assistant, radio and and a cap va ng movie. She is soaring at the
television talk show representa ve all in the moment with great support from her wonderful
North Central zone of the company, she took a husband Shimana Azer and they are blessed with two
decision in the last quarter of 2017 to work for outstanding children, Kenana Oche and Veana
self and for humanity from a capacity where Agbese.

34 2018
trainer for Center for Clinicall Care & Research
Dr Kashimana Tyovenda is a Paediatrician with CCCRN Maryland. She has worked relessly in
12 years' experience down the line. A reducing HIV among children in the last 11
graduate of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, years. Her compassion for children earned
she is a passionate children's doctor and her coordinator for Orphans and Vulnerable
woman\child advocate. Her passion and children at the APIN plus Harvard PEPFAR
strong belief in the poten al of Benue state program in 2010. She is a cer fied Trainer by
becoming one of the cleanest, healthiest and H EA LT H Q UA L U SA . A co m p a s s i o n ate
safest city especially for kids has led her to philanthropist with interest in allevia ng
create the 'Keep Benue Clean and Green' poverty among women, a strong believer in
ini a ve an NGO aimed at crea ng clean women empowerment as a key to eradica ng
ci es all over the country star ng from Benue poverty. Ac ve and strong physically she
state. With her popular slogan" keep Benue engages in rigorous clean up exercises that
clean", she believes the youth hold the have taken her from Makurdi, Otukpo and Jos.
poten al to place Nigeria on the map of
A natural leader who has a compelling
na ons through their commitment to selfless
presence to engage her followers. She believe
community projects.
if we all join hands we can change our world
A pediatrician and Pediatric HIV disease
by concentra ng on problem solving through
expert trained by Clinton's Founda on, APIN
selfless service.
plus\Harvard PEPFAR and Na onal Master

35 2018

Growing up Sewe Kris na Iornongu was University where she got her first degree in Poli cal Science
almost certain she'd be that lady in really high and graduated with 2nd Class Upper Honours. Sewe also
heels and a pencil skirt climbing the ladders has an upper Credit in Public Adminiatra on from the
really fast at a cooperate organiza on and Federal Polytechnic, Bauchi. She worked at Ministry of
even though she spent a be er part of her Mines and Steel development Headquarters in Abuja for
growing years helping out at her mother's her mandatory 1 year Youth Service programme and has
business, Entrepreneurship didn't feel like worked also at Bauchi State Urban Development Board.
something she would venture in. However, Born 25 Dec, Sewe has her birthday as one of her favorite
her eye for quality fashion pieces led her on a things ever. At the core of her being is a passion for the
path to becoming a fashion entrepreneur be erment of the girl child and humanity generally. This
when people started asking to buy clothes has over the years led her to lend her hand to a number of
r i g h t o ff h e r b a c k . charitable causes. Most notably, her roles as a Volunteer
The fashion business has turned to be with a Non-Governmental organiza on, Belle Sister
something she is very passionate about. F o u n d a o n .
Though her buying and selling ac vi es have Through personal efforts also, she is assis ng a number of
spanned over 6 years now, it wasn't un l 2016 young ladies become more, 3 of whom have been living
that a brick store Sewe's Place was birthed. with her for a number of years now.
A year before, in 2015 her desire for mul ple
income streams led to the opening of a Barber Wri ng is one of her strongest points. Her favorite things to
Shop, Krystal Barbers and over the years she's do include shopping, travelling, and spending me at home
done really well with Krystal Barbers relaxed with her loved ones.
especially being a female in a male dominated
Ms Iornongu is an Alumni of Benue State AWARDS
36 2018
Priscilla Mnena Igundunase is the Crea ve
Director of Ssmj Fashions Ltd a wholly
Nigerian company. She is a mother, wife and
sister. She has two adorable princesses. Apart
from doing great business she loves to
empower young and hardworking youths who
have a passion for fashion.

37 2018
Vanessa Ahemen Abul is a hardworking and Vanessa Ahemen Abul thinks of herself as a
ambi ous lady with a heart of gold. She is a female who is into Women and the Girl child
fast rising designer who appeared on the Empowerment considering that she is
fashion scene in 2017 at the Benue Fashion crea ng a hob with the opportunity for
Show 2017 with her first collec on called fellow women to learn and become be er
“Oudy Women Crystal 01”. She best and also earn her own living.
describes herself as a pace se er.
Vanessa was born to the family of Mr and El-veeclothing is a female fashion brand
Mrs Abul of from Kwande Local Government owned by Vanessa Ahemen Abul, her vision
Area of Benue State and a ended Divine is to be one of the leading fashion brands.
Love Catholic Girls Secondary School where She is se ng the pace in the industry with
she obtained her SSCE. She also holds a BSc her unique styling skills.
in Psychology from the pres gious Benue A very determined and resilient personality,
State University Makurdi. a laborer of love, a strong and God fearing
Vanessa has taken her professional trainings woman who rises up to any challenge that
on sewing and designing from a few comes her way, handling them with the
designers including the famous Abby grace from her heavenly father as He
Clothing Fashion School in Makurdi. She has con nually strengthens her to be an
since then been in the private sector inspira on to other women.
improving on her skills in her passion for
fashion and style.

38 2018
Grace Ene Anteyi is the CEO of Ageless modeling/ushering jobs in 2014, but it
Modeling Agency. An Idoma lady born and was not un l 2015 that she officially
bred in the mainland of Lagos, she is a registered and launched "Ageless
graduate of Computer Science and a M o d e l i n g A g e n c y. "
cer fied Informa on Technologist. She
was also schooled at Na onal Ins tute of The Agency has changed the face and
Informa on Technology (NIIT), where she raised the stake in modeling/ushering
had cer fica ons in Web Designing, Flash jobs since its incep on. Ageless has over a
Share and Crea ve Publishing. hundred ushers/models across the
Modeling has been natural with Grace country and has worked for reputable
Ene. organiza ons in the Ecclesial sphere like;
At 1 6 s h e m o d e l l e d f o r n o t a b l e Catholic Diocese of Ondo, Na onal
organiza ons and became a member of Conference of Catholic Bishops, Women
Virtual Models, Lagos. This group (Virtual on the Winning Edge by Rev Mrs
Models) has modelled for organiza ons F.F.Adejumo) and Secular Organiza ons
like MTN and the likes. like; Nigeria Flour Mills PLC and United
She also did some skeletal Na ons Development Programme

39 2018
Jijingi Gertrude is a fashion fancier and Profile Award Magazine as the next most
also the CEO Trendy Gerty Fashion an rated fashion designer of the year.
ou it based in Makurdi, Benue state for She loves fashion, singing and playing
barely two years now. She was born to the volleyball. She loves God and believes in
family of late Paulinus Jijingi Iyortyer and Him as the giver of success.
Mrs Clara Iyortyer of Ushongo Local
Government Area of Benue state on the
26 of September 1987.
Jijingi Gertrude holds a Bsc Degree in
Microbiology and she is a designer with
passion and a crea ve mind and this has
made her outstanding which led her to
being an award recipient of Youth
Mentorship Award as the Fashion Guru by
the Catholic Diocese of Makurdi and

40 2018

Kenina Margaret Akaainjo was born from confec oneries too. She is currently
a family of seven from Vandeikya Local embarking on a skill in skin products.
Government of Benue State. She Kenina is also Networker a career which
graduated for Benue State University with she loves passionately. She's very jovial,
a M.Sc. in Mass Communica on. Kenina is easygoing and God loving.
31 years of age and proudly single but
engaged. She was a Tiv Queen then in
Benue State University between 2008 and
2009 and also the Na onal Queen of Tiv
students in Nigeria from 2009 to 2010. In
2017, she won the Face of Tiv crown which
she currently holds to date. She works
with INEC NG and she's also an events
planner and is the CEO of Nina Roses
events beau fiers. She is talented in so
many skills like tailoring and

41 2018
Victoria Omachi is a trained educa onist, up Our Health Arena (OHA) a health blog with the
model, health blogger and ac vist. She has a vision of improving the livelihood and health standards
double major in pre-primary and primary of Africans. In August of the same year, she founded
educa on- social studies from Benue State Project Beau ful BENUE a non-governmental
University. In 2015, she represented Benue organiza on with primary focus on the promo on of
State at the Most Beau ful Girl in Nigeria good governance, clean water, sanita on and hygiene,
(MBGN) pageant and finished top 10 during poverty reduc on and environmental preserva on in
the two weeks compe on that held in the line with the united na ons sustainable development
city of Calabar. In 2016, she co-launched a goals. So far, her NGO has implemented projects on
movement of young persons who dedicated hygiene, reduc on of poverty, environmental
themselves to the provision of portable protec on and good governance with the most recent
drinking water and clothing to the less tagged “MyPVC MyPOWER”, a project designed to
priviledged across local governments in ensure that through sensi za on, the Nigerian voter is
Benue with a personal monthly contribu on well informed and ac vely involved in the electoral
of a thousand naira. In the same year, she process so as to produce leadership that truly
volunteered as a health columnist on her represents the people's choice a er every elec on.
university's monthly newspaper publica on, Victoria Omachi is the first child among seven children
Campus chronicle. Her performance and born to Mr. James Yahaya Omachi of Apa Local
excellent style of wri ng earned her a government area of Benue state.
recommenda on to be among the
contributors of Profile magazine a posi on
that has availed her opportunity of profiling
top Nigerian entrepreneurs, business moguls, AWARDS
42 poli cians and experts. In 2017, she started 2018
A highly mo vated, endearing and God An epitome of hard work and a
fearing lady, Miss Regina Ngodoo Girgi, is demonstrated penchant for success and
a decent of Adidi Mbayongo in Vandikya excellence, Regina believes in fairness in
Local Government Area of Benue State. character & crave for success.
She is the third sibling among four
children nature bequeathed to the Late Regina is currently a news reporter with
Mr Simon Iordye and Mrs Monica The Nigerian Television Authority Makurdi
Mbaseer Girgi close to three decades ago. N et wo r k C e nt re a l s o o bta i n i n g a
cer ficate of accomplishment in Policy
Born on the 9th of September 1990 with Communica ons by U.S Government's
burning desires Regina Girgi began her Global Hunger & Food Security Ini a ve
elementary educa on at the Ternamdoo and also serves as a computer analyst.
Nursery and Primary School, Makurdi Her hobbies include reading, travelling
from 1996 to 2001 where she obtained and listening to good music par cularly
her first school leaving cer ficate. She gospel music.
therea er proceeded to The Apostolic
Secondary School, Makurdi and Calvin She has communica on competences in
Founda on, Naka bagging her Senior English, Tiv and Igbo languages and a
School Cer ficate Examina on and mother of two.
further graduated at Nasarawa State
Polytechnic Lafia in 2014.

43 2018
Fidelia Agera, the CEO Fidnen Ltd popularly She sees herself as a goal ge er and a female
known as the 'coco super woman ' is a high entrepreneur who seeks to impact posi vely the
mo vated and resourceful entrepreneur lives of the Benue, Nigerian woman and youths
with a strong desire to grow the youth and through her products and services.
women. She has outstanding characters, As the Chief execu ve of Fidnen Ltd it plans to
unique charisma and a relentless spirit that also create job opportuni es for the teaming
endears those around her, her social media women and youths that are jobless, to serve as a
audience and followers. beacon of hope to the younger genera on to
Born to the family of Sir & Lady Mike Hule always think outside the box and also believe
Adasu from Konshisha Local Government one's self for limitless possibili es.
area of Benue State, she had her primary Her core values are honesty and transparency in
educa on at Jack & Jill Nursery and Primary business, fairness to all and resilience in all she
school Vandeikya and later on proceeded to does.
the pres gious Queen of Rosary Secondary
She believes that with God on her side, resilience,
School Gboko Benue State.
determina on and faith in the work of her she
Upon comple on she enrolled into the
can make the world a be er place.
department of English Language and
Fidelia is happily married to Mr Terseer Edmund
Literary Studies Benue State University
Makurdi, Benue State. She further studied Agera and the union is blessed with a son Master
Public Administra on from the University of Kerter Joshua Agera.
Mkar, Mkar Benue State.
With the con nued support of her family,
she combines being a house wife, a mother
44 and an efficient entrepreneur perfectly. 2018
Charity Fate hails from Konshisha Local
government Area of Benue State and is
the third in the family of four and a
graduate of Library and Informa on
Science from Benue State University
Makurdi. She is a singer, a stylist and the
CEO ChaFat's Beauty Secrets.
She loves singing, dancing and cooking.

45 2018
Sewuese Ugbaa-Kuma hails from organiza on, she furthered her training
Vandeikya Local Government Area of on Sustainability of NGOs and cooperate
Benue State. She obtained a B.A in Public organiza on at the Lagos Business school
Administra on and a Masters in Public and received several trainings in
Administra on both from the great development.
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. She is a She has over the years specialized in
member of Ins tute of Professional Environmental issues, gender issues,
Managers and Public Administrators of conflict and peace building, youth and
Nigeria, Ins tute of Management women empowerment and climate
( C h a r te d ) , C h a r te re d I n s t u te o f change. Through her work, she has
Personnel Management of Nigeria (In impacted so many lives, not leaving out
view). also the part that she is a member of a
She is a development prac oner with a host of networks and pla orms.
deep passion of giving hope and the Chief Sewuese Ugbaa-Kuma is self-mo vated,
Execu ve Officer of Angel Support enthusias c and reliable, an excellent
Founda on. leader and she enjoys reading,
To further make effec ve her passion for researching, singing and travelling.
giving hope through sustaining her She is happily married to Shima Kuma.

46 2018
Barr. Ene Nejeh-Ojabo is an outstanding Barrister marke ng of agricultural products; Proprietor of Bryan and
and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Federal Aus n Bou que, which specializes in marke ng clothing and
Republic of Nigeria. She has had a vibrant career accessories amongst others
as a lawyer, Entrepreneur, Human Rights Ac vist She has successfully employed her legal training in pursuit of
for the protec on and counselling of women women's right ac vism, and with devo on to the counselling of
who are vic ms of marital violence, a champion vic ms of marital violence.
for the Sanita on and the protec on of the She has been in ac ve legal prac ce in reputable Law firms that
Benue State environment, through the 'Keep render services to wide range of clientele, and have argued
Benue Clean' Project. She is also involved in plethora of cases for top shot companies and client at the
plethora of businesses, Non-Governmental numerous courts in Nigeria. These firms including O. A. Oladeji,
Organisa on, and business ventures geared and Company and Nejeh Partners, a firm of Legal Prac oners
towards crea ng employment opportuni es and providing legal services generally as Barristers and Solicitors
aiding societal growth. across the spectrum. She has extended her legal services and
She is a graduate of the pres gious University of proficiency to the Federal Civil Service as a Legal Officer with the
Jos (UNIJOS) where she obtained her Bachelor of Na onal Examina on Council. She has consistently performed
Laws (Honours) in the year 2000. She a ended creditably in this office which has prompted the several
the Nigerian Law School, Lagos Campus and was promo ons and accolades she has received in this regards. She
called to the Nigerian Bar in November 2008. is versa le, focused, has keen interest in fashion and designing,
Ene is also a versa le entrepreneur with a sound and the provision of genuine natural beauty treatment,
drive to deliver quality services to the society and Women's Rights, Reading, wri ng and travelling.
humanity, while crea ng opportuni es for
others. She is a Director, Farm Prod Limited, a
company that specializes in the produc on and
47 2018
Born on the 3 of June 1988 to late Engr trainings led to the opening of Cash Hair and
Obed Ayashar and Mrs Victoria Ayashar, Beauty Palace in 2016.
Cash Collins is a lady of many parts blessed Always seeking out ways to improve herself
with a variety of skills and abili es. and be on the cu ng edge, she got further
She a ended Makurdi Interna onal training on wig making un l she achieved
School, from where she proceeded to exper se in the field and established the Wigs
ECWA Secondary School, Makurdi, and by Cash brand. She has also conducted
then Benue State University where she trainings for other ladies to acquire
obtained a Na onal Diploma in Business marketable skills in wig making and make
Management, she therea er proceeded themselves economically self-reliant.
to the Kogi State University gradua ng
with a BSc in Sociology in 2014. Cash loves to cook and try out new recipes,
Not one to wait for the government to most of which she creates herself.
provide a job a er gradua on, Cash She is married to Pastor Collins Uma, a sales
registered and acquired skills in Makeup and marke ng professional, writer, editor, PR
ar stry from the pres gious Awa Studios. expert and Media Director of House On The
She did not rest on her oars a er this. She Rock Makurdi and the marriage is blessed with
went ahead to learn tailoring and fashion a prince and a princess.
design. Not done with these skills
acquired, Madam Cash as she is fondly
called, began an appren ceship in hair
dressing. The comple on of these
48 2018
Favour Oneh Tyohuna is a na ve of Favour is also the brain behind the Face of
Kogi/Benue origin. She is the CEO MFG Benue Gospel (Beauty in the Church) and
EVENTS and has constantly helped the Face of Entrepreneurship Beauty
intending couples have a perfectly Pageant. A pageant that has been a huge
planned ceremony almost free of charge. success with queens on different
This she does as a humanitarian service humanitarian projects such as visits to
knowing fully well how the economy of Idps to share relief materials, the fight
the state and country is. against rape and child abuse and a project
Favour Oneh Tyohuna is an entrepreneur called "Educate the girl child".
who has constantly used different Favour Oneh Tyohuna has indeed
pageantry pla orms to show the strength established herself as a shining star in all
of the girl child. She is the ini ator and her fields of endeavors and this has
organizer of the Face of Community earned her numerous awards from
Development (NYSC) which earned her a different pla orms including "the ideal
state and na onal award and the award of mother for Benue youths awards"
the most outstanding female president She is a Decorator, a caterer, a baker and
during her service year. also make wonderful fascinator.

49 2018
Born to the family of Mr.and Mrs. Pahar of Orphaned, she is well aware of the
Mbagba at Ushongo Local Government difficul es faced by girls and children in
Area of Benue State on the 3rd of the same situa on. She volunteers at
September 1995, Lilian Kamdoon Pahar is several NGO's that are focused on
the third and last child and only daughter educa on, healthcare, counselling etc.
of her parents. She is a counselor for Hope 99 project
She completed her primary educa on at (which is focused on aiding people
Glory Nursery and Primary School Gboko suffering from depression) and a delegate
and further went onto Queen of the for Youths Undefined (which focuses on
Rosary Secondary School Gboko in 2006 educa on, health care, charity and
but went to finish at Government Science several other projects to aid children and
and Technical College, Garagbohol in youths)
2012. She is currently a student of Food Lilian is a fashion model, a professional
Science and Technology at the University make-up ar st, speaker/counsellor and
of Agriculture, Makurdi Benue State. soon to be food scien st.

50 2018

51 2018
Ti Oklobia was born in Gboko in 1977, Development, Planning and Management
raised in Makurdi and a ended Na vity from the University Of Wales in Swansea.
Private School and St. Anne's Secondary She is an an avid reader, a movie buff who
School Otukpo. She obtained a Bachelor loves to travel and a baker. Three years
of Science in Sociology from Ahmadu ago, she turned her passion for baking into
Bello University Zaria. a business (Cake Boulevard and Cafè)
Her career in Banking began in 2002 with which she manages outside of her
First Atlan c Bank (a er a brief s nt in Banking career. Their annual Kids Summer
Civil Society). She moved back to Abuja Bake Camp is in its 3rd year amongst other
when she joined Zenith Bank later that things.
year. She has served in various capaci es Ti also serve as a Children's Church
at Zenith Bank and grown to her current Minister in her local church Family
level of Deputy Manager. She le the Bank Worship Centre Abuja.
for a few years when she moved to the UK
seeking greener pastures. She returned
with an M.Sc (Econs) in Social

52 2018
Born on the 20th day of February, Queen. loves to impact lives posi vely in every
Azer, Erdoo Stephanie, fondly called li le way she can. She's hardworking,
Ku m a s h e h a i l s f ro m G b o ko L o ca l resilient, daring and persevering and sees
Government Area of Benue State. A possibili es in every situa on no ma er
graduate of English Educa on from the how tough it appears.
pres gious Benue State University, Kumashe is the owner of Xquisite Ideas,
Makurdi. dealers in Fabrics, Beddings while also
She is an Entrepreneur, Award Winning alongside she runs a Mobile
Queen, former Kumashe u Tiv Gboko Kitchen/Ushering Services, Makeup, etc.
2008, former Kumashe u Tiv Na onwide Her dream is turning Xquisite Ideas into a
2008 (2nd Runner Up) Miss Akata 2013 global brand in the nearest future. She
and recently she was crowned the carries the grace and strength of an eagle
Kumashe of Lagos State on the 17th of and believes that with God, everything is
November, 2018. A Humanitarian, an On achievable.
Air Personality and a Lover of Christ. She

53 2018
Pa ence Samuel Keghku was born on the and Fabio Falci in Abuja and she decided to
11th of February in Makurdi, Benue state. set up my her own business. It started in
She is the 4th born from a family of seven Abuja and now is a fully opera onal ou it in
and hails from Gwer East Local Makurdi where she operates a beauty parlor
Government Area of Benue State. She called Transforma on Klinic. Her passion for
started her primary school at Police empowering the youths pushed her to the
Children School Jos and completed her IDP camp where she trained the displaced
secondary school educa on at persons in Wig making being a professional
Government College Jos, Plateau State. in Wig making across the country and
She holds a diploma in Business beyond. She's the convener of The Hair Stylist
Management from Benue State University event, an event which primary aims at youth
a er which she proceeded to the empowerment. She loves working and being
University of Abuja were she obtained a innova ve at any given opportunity. A lover
BSc in Economics. Her passion for being of people, friendly, God fearing and highly
self-employed took center stage a er mo vated, Pa ence is kind hearted and loves
working in different firms like Excel Plus to give hope to the hopeless.

54 2018
Precious Sarah Ejembi was at Jos into the family of She is the CEO TOPCY CAKES & EVENTS (A small company with big
Capt. Adikwu & late Mrs Rosemary Enoh on the value), where is also the head baker and the chief chef. She has
13th of January in the early eigh es. She hails from brought in her uniqueness through packaging, crea vity, and
Edumoga in Okpokwu Loccal Government Area of developing a solid customer rela onship through uncompromised
Benue state and speaks Idoma, Hausa, Kilba and quality, friendliness and consistency.
English fluently. One of her key strengths is the ability to deliver under pressure while
She a ended nursery and primary schools at the displaying a very high level of skillfullness. Within a period of 3 years
COE Staff School, Hong, Adamawa State. She she has been able to impact over 200 people through the skill
proceeded to the Federal University of Technology acquisi on and human development arm of her organisa on,
Yola where she studied Industrial Chemistry and including adults and children.
graduated in 2007. She then proceeded to the Charity, as one of her core values, is seen evidently in her day to day
pres gious Federal University of Agriculture interac on with humanity, with an amiable personality and a
Makurdi where she obtained a Master's Degree in charming smile. No one comes around her and remains the same.
Environmental Chemistry in 2015. She's also the director of PETER-ROSE LOVE FOUNDATION (an
She was given admission to proceed with her Ph.D upcoming NGO) in Nigeria with great poten als. Showing love to
at the same ins tu on and she is currently children and youth affected by soceital vices and natural disasters
studying for a Ph.D in Environmental Chemistry. and to the psycho-emo onally derailed is one of her passions.
This amazing woman is an entrepreneur with a Her hobbies are reading, produc ve thinking, dancing, singing, and
difference, a lover of God and people, and a goal interac ng with others. She is happily married to Professor Ejembi
ge er with the “midas” touch. Mrs Ejembi went S.A, and the marriage is blessed with 4 lovely children.
into sales of all kinds of goods ranging from
clothing, bags, shoes, to foodstuff, jewellery,
household wares, cosme cs, beddings etc for a
period of 10 years before se ling into the food and
drinks industry. She is a registered member of the
55 Entrepreneurs Network Nigeria (E-Network).
Dooshima Olive Paul was born on the 11th of In 2009 she began working with the Na onal Orienta on
October 1978 in Zaria. She had her primary Agency while s ll pursuing her passion.
educa on at Ahmadu Bello University Staff
School, Zaria in Kaduna state and her secondary
In addi on to fashion design she is also à professional
educa on at F.G.G.C Benin City, Edo state Milliner who has excelled in the art of Hat making and hair
from1991 to 1996. She then proceeded to the fascinators.
pres gious Ahmadu Bello University and earned On reloca ng to Makurdi, she set up OLIVE PAUL CREATIONS, an
a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics ou it that specializes in bespoke tailoring for ladies and kids, hat
between 1997 and 2002. She bagged her second making and fascinators as well as hair pieces, Rosse and
degree in Public Administra on from the same boutonnieres.
University in 2012. She is a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, an erudite Public
Dooshima discovered her flair for fashion design Speaker and has been a guest speaker at over 60 Youth Conferences
very early in life, by the age of 13 she was making on rela onships and marriage in and around Zamfara state. She is the
her school uniforms and clothes. In1997 she out gone Prayer Leader of House on the Rock church Makurdi and
enrolled at the UNIQUE FASHION SCHOOL in currently the Director of the Fortress Academy of House on the Rock
Kaduna state where she was trained as a church Makurdi, Benue state.
Professional fashion designer. She con nued She was awarded as the most Enterprising Sister in Eternal Life Bible
prac cing the art of fashion designing Church, Zamfara State in 2008 and also bagged an award as the most
throughout her University days and was a outstanding Leader in HOUSE ON THE ROCK church Makurdi in the
preferred Fashion designer by several of her year 2017. She is happily to Pst Paul Igomu married and they are
colleagues, peers and community at large. blessed with children.

Immediately a er gradua ng from the university,

her enterprising spirit moved her to set up her
fashion ou it known as DOOXPRESSIONS in
Zamfara State of Nigeria.
56 2018
Queen Elizabeth Sewuese Bumkeng is the water, s ex ed u ca o n an d rep ro d u c ve h ealth
Sixth child of Mr. & Mrs. Zaki Solomon (SRH),Abor on, HIV/AIDS, Wash etc
Bumkeng, she holds a B.Sc in Psychology from To bring the plight and suffering of internal displaced
the Benue State University and over the years people and people with poor living condi ons to the right
she has carved for herself an esteemed governments authori es and bodies for solu on.
personality as an entrepreneur and an She was also strongly advoca ng, speaking and standing
affluent humanitarian advocate for distressed for people of herdsmen a ack under the umbrella of
persons in Benue and the Na on at large. She M A F O .
is also the MD/CEO Selizz Enterprises that Sewuese also stood shoulder to shoulder with the recent
deals with male/female wears, make up flood vic ms in the state. She has worked relentlessly to
services and has empowered a lot of youth via bring succor to flood vic ms by way of providing them with
t r a i n i n g . food items, clothes, ma resses, mats, etc. Her ac vi es
Also the founder/coordinator Bumkeng Selizz during this difficult me earned her recogni on with the
Care Founda on (BSCF) her humanitarian Adopt - a camp NGO which is coordinated by Bukky
services include, rehabilita on of displaced Oshonibare. This collabora on was able to donate relief
(IDP's) and distressed persons by giving them materials to flood vic ms worth over 10 million naira.
immediate aid and care support. She strives She was also crowned Queen of Arts 2017 and as her pet
also to eradicate extreme hunger and poverty project, she is advoca ng the sensi za on of the Open
in Africa by introducing and sensi zing IDP's Grazing Prohibi on and Ranch Establishment Law
on new improved agricultural farming
m e t h o d s .
Promo on of access to good educa on, good

57 2018
Catherine Omoerah is a fashion designer and organiza ons like the CBN Entreprenuership
C.E.O of Katerah Couture. Development Centre, Makurdi, Industrial
She was born in Lagos state to Mr and Mrs Training Fund, NYSC SAED, Gain A Skill
Stanley Omoerah who are both na ves of Ini a ve e.t.c.
Fugar City, Edo state. Katerah as she is fondly called has a flair for
She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in dis nc ve style and elegance thus, her
Interna onal Studies and Diplomacy from the fashion brand Katerah Couture is highly
pres gious University of Benin where she sought a er and enjoys the patronage of
graduated with dis nc on in 2014. highly placed women in the society.
In 2015, She was posted Makurdi, Benue State Catherine Omoerah is a Kingdom minded
as a Na onal Youth Service Corps member. believer . She is the convener of Fashion and
There, she not only served her fatherland but Gospel Incorporated (FAGI), a one of a kind
established Katerah's Ins tute of Fashion and fashion show where the allure of Fashion is
Style, a fashion school that has since then blended with the truth of the gospel under
trained over a hundred fashion designers the ministra on of the Holy Spirit. She also
many of whom have thriving fashion heads Virtue Springs Network, a ministry with
businesses around the country. a mandate to raise women of virtue as the
Her passion for youth and especially women bible describes in Proverbs 31:10-31.
empowerment and her entrepreneurial drive She is engaged to Dankon a leading music
has led her to partner With several minister.

58 2018
Sharon Ngunan Kumbul of BenueSstate,
Nigeria descent is a graduate of the
pres gious Benue State University,
Makurdi and amongst many things she is a
wife, mother, social media influencer,
publicist, youth ac vist, entrepreneur,
CEO of Fairy Dust Studio and social media
strategist of Youths Undefined, an
American based youth NGO which focuses
on children in Nigeria and Africa at large.
She's incessantly empowering women
through fashion, cra smanship and
beauty. With a relentless passion, Sharon
hopes to con nue to touch lives in every
way viable, encouraging women to be
produc ve, independent and established
societal figures and job creators.
She advocates acceptance of one's true
self, determina on, hard work and
op mism.

59 2018
Shekinah Iengem Chia is the CEO of Shekinah she has included her on the teachers team for her fashion
Designs, a brand she has built through sheer school. With such ini a ve, her mother is gainfully
hardwork and dedica on to her passion in the engaged while in her re rement age.
last 5 years. To make her glorious name of Shekinah and its equivalent
She has law training from the dis nguished in Tiv complete, God endowed her with a unique voice that
Benue State University Makurdi. As a ma er is dis nct and brings down His glory. She is equally crea ve
fact, she was inspired by the elegant dresses and highly resourceful. Her charm is inside out.
that lawyers adorn themselves with. As it is said, with success comes equal amount of
But far beyond the classroom training, Shekinah responsibility. She is well aware of this and ensures that
received an unequal mentorship from her under privileged children get clothing from her collec on
mother Mrs Chia who is a professional fabrics (Dorcas of the Bible you may want to call her). Most
designer with degree from the pres gious importantly, she believes that a business built on God's
University of Nigeria Nsukka. It was not difficult principles will surely stand the taste of me therefore she
for her to pick the rudiments of the trade and makes efforts to deal honestly with her customers, a er
with her curiosity to learn more, Shekinah has all, what shall it profit one to gain all earthly things and end
leverage on available technologies and trainings up in hell?
to develop her passion. Shekinah Chia is dedicated to never having a be er
Beginning from sewing dresses in her room yesterday as she heads to the top in her chosen endeavor.
while in school, she proceeded to ge ng a You will definitely see and hear more of her in the glorious
space to carter for the demands that her quality days ahead.
work was genera ng. Today, she has a
strategically located office at a choice loca on in
And to tap into her mother's rich experience,
60 2018
Glory Nguamo Lawal also known as the
#thewisewoman is an entrepreneur,
network pro, lifestyle influencer and a
business coach.
Her goal is to help others fulfil their
dreams of becoming financially
independent and also impac ng lives
posi vely.

60 2018
Off Anongur Agbecha Street Tel: 0706 522 7733, 0807 153 0210
KM 4 - Judges Quarters Email: luxurysuitesmkd@gmail.com
Makurdi - Benue State
Dealers in
Unisex, Sewing of
Senegalese wears
Fashion School,
Dry Cleaning Services
Show Room
Dosh Fashion
....Golden Stitches
No. 1 Iorkyaakor Street, High Level, Makurdi - Benue State
0806 151 1245 . 0907 665 2234

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