Public Spending 2009/10 by UK Government Department

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Railways Environmental emergencies

UK Border Agency £4.4bn Department for Environment, £0.98bn

Police Office of Rail Capital grants to
£1.89bn £6.4bn Regulation Highways £3.7bn
private sector Food & Rural Affairs [3] Environment £0.97bn

Office for Security & £0.03bn -4.5% Agency £3.02bn +4.1% Rural Payments Agency
Counter-terrorism Foreign and Commonwealth Office [6] £2.6bn
£1.02bn Housing GLA transport grants
£2.24bn +1.3% Consumption &
National Policing
Home benefit Conflict prevention Department production £0.22bn
Office Disability £19.98bn State pensions
Agency £0.54bn £0.47bn for Transport Departmental
benefits BBC World Service £2.2bn Capital support to operations £0.21bn
Serious Organised
Crime Agency £11.08bn £18.98bn £66.9bn £0.27bn Delivering foreign policy Government car & £14.4bn local authorities
Farming & food
£0.44bn +3.4% FCO programmes despatch agency£0.003bn +9.4% £0.17bn
£0.95bn Rural communities
Identity & Passport £0.26bn Accident investigation £0.018bn £2.0bn Net capital expenditure £0.09bn
on fixed assets
Service £0.21bn
British Council
Clean fuels & vehicles £0.029bn NHS Forestry Commission £0.04bn
Independent Police Maritime & Coastguard £0.1bn Bus service operators’ grant £0.5bn
Complaints Commission
£0.20bn Subscriptions to UN Admin £0.2bn Ports & shipping £0.3bn £100.2bn Climate change £0.02bn
£ 0.04bn
& other bodies £0.18bn Olympic venues transport £0.2bn
£1.54bn Nuclear decommissioning Hospital &
Department of Low-carbon UK Community
Energy & Environment Agency
credit Climate Change £93.04bn £1.28bn -1.8%
Clean energy overseas
£8.23bn Debt interest £2.52bn -31.6% £0.10bn +6%
Food Standards Agency
£30.95bn [1] International deal
£0.15bn -3.3%
Benefits spending on climate change
in Great Britain £0.004bn Family
health Water Services Regulation
Authority (Ofwat)
Incapacity benefit £6.7bn £147.77bn services
£0.02bn +14.1%

+7% Department for Work Department Central Pharmaceutical services

& Pensions [4] of Health [5] dept admin £1.14bn
Jobseekers allowance £1.48bn

£156.15bn £115.85bn
£3.6bn Opthalmic services £11.76bn
£0.47bn Scotland Office
NHS £0.01bn +1.1%
Winter fuel payments
£2.74bn +7.4% +5.5% pensions
£12.82bn Health Protection
Statutory maternity pay Agency £6.07bn Finance &
£1.78bn Over-75s TV licences Paybill & £0.23bn +15.0% Devolved sustainable growth
£0.55bn admin spending
£6.57bn Sixth forms Scotland
Personal social service
( through Learning
£1.63bn & Skills Council)
£34.76bn £2.75bn Education
National Savings & Investments
£0.18b Field units
Total spending, 2009/2010 Local authority +10.1%

Treasury Solicitors' Department Bank recapitalisation NHS & teachers’ pensions
£0.004bn -23.8% £2.65bn
(Lloyds & RBS) School £2.65bn
£38.42bn Army standards
Combat £13.68bn
Northern Rural affairs, environment
Schools £0.65bn
Rock Academies

+4.7% on 2008/09
Department for £46.08bn £1.27bn
Intelligence &
reconnaissance £1.6bn Children, Schools +6%
aircraft Investment in
Bradford £2.55bn
Royal & Families school buildings
RAF regt Air Force Operating & social
& Bingley £0.38bn services
& ground £1.5bn £7.0bn costs Education
Financial Services
£32.80bn School meals £1.83bn
Compensation Financial
Her Majesty’s +11%
+5.6% £0.01bn
Devolved spending
Scheme £0.32bn stability Ministry of
Treasury [2] Defence [7] Northern Ireland Employment
£40.65bn [2] Teachers'
pension scheme

(Landsbanki) -53% Submarines £2.5bn £10.46bn Culture, arts & leisure £9.5bn Social
debt £0.13bn £0.11bn
£13.2bn -42.7% development
Royal +3.7% Environment
-88.1% Navy £1.2bn Central Children
Young Regional
Command people £0.15bn
£7.95bn & families £2.83bn development
Naval aircraft £1.8bn £6.3bn Northern Ireland Policing &
Trade, enterprise £0.42bn
carriers Office security £1.07bn
£0.21bn Agriculture
Equipment Finance £0.24bn
House of Commons [9] Frigates & £1.4bn £0.4bn £1.37bn -13%
National Offender Sure Start £1.5bn Prisons £0.13bn £0.21bn
£0.45bn +8.9% destroyers Royal & support
Management Service £4.47bn Marines £13.87bn Pay & Operations War pensions
pensions £1.02bn Learning & Bloody Sunday inquiry Public prosecution service £0.03bn
House of Lords Crown Prosecution Service £0.6bn
£4.2bn Dept of HM Revenue Skills Council £4.9bn £0.003bn
Criminal justice £0.03bn
£0.12bn +12.2% £0.68bn n/c Iraq Communities & Customs [8] Compensation agency
Health and
Prisons & Attorney General's Office £0.34bn -76% Youth Justice Agency £0.02bn
National Audit Office probation £3.5bn Ministry Serious Fraud Office £0.01bn -15.0% & Local £38.90bn
£0.02bn £5.87bn social services
£0.07bn -0.4% of Justice
£0.04bn -20.5% £3.8bn Afghanistan Government Office for
HM Crown Prosecution +44% +11.1% Tax credits Standards in
£9.3bn [10] Government Actuary's
Dept £0.02bn +15.7%
Service Inspectorate
£0.005bn +16.1%
£39.8bn £22.17bn Education (Ofsted)
£4.39bn Local government
Legal Aid £2.1bn £0.20bn -4.3%
–1.3% +5.4% and social justice
UK Statistics Devolved
Authority HM Courts Service £1.1bn Criminal injuries compensation spending
Office of Communications (Ofcom) [8]
£0.21bn -2.8% £0.1bn (from government funding) Spending by local & Department Wales
Judicial pensions regional government for Business, Children & education
£0.13bn -0.2% £14.8bn £1.85bn
£0.3bn £28.6bn £2.4bn Child trust fund Child UKAEA pension Innovation
£0.31bn benefit schemes £0.28bn & Skills +1.3%
+1% Housing
S4C £0.10bn £11.93bn
Department for International Development £9.4bn Strong Higher and
Film Council £0.04bn
Museums and galleries Broadcasting & media communities
Professional support
£26.25bn further education
Economy & transport
Multilateral aid £2.1bn £0.47bn £3.29bn £0.31bn +14.4% £19.25bn
effectiveness Tate gallery £0.06bn Innovation
£6.97bn Department for
Wales Office
£7.09bn British Museum £0.05bn £0.4bn Universities £0.01bn +18%
Sub-Saharan £1.7bn +15.2% Natural History Museum £0.05bn +3.3% Culture Media & Sport Charity Commission for England & Wales Science £14.53bn
Security services Promoting UK £2.53bn
Africa Eliminating V&A £0.04bn £0.03bn -0.3% UK Trade & Investment £3.79bn
£1.86bn £0.09bn --5.1% business
Conflict DCMS Electoral Commission Further
prevention Sport £0.61bn £5.14bn Royal parks £1.83bn National Lottery Cabinet £0.02bn -0.9% Office of Fair Trading education
£7.0bn £0.02bn Office of the Third Sector
Asia £0.85bn
£0.22bn Office £0.07bn +17.9% Research £5.57bn
Olympics £0.40bn Parliamentary Counsel Office
Central debts £0.3bn Tourism
BBC media monitoring £0.02bn £7.88bn £0.01bn -4.9%
Office of Gas & Electricity Markets (Ofgem) councils
£0.05bn £0.05bn +19.7% £3.43bn
Rest of the world £0.39bn Arts Council £0.45bn +3.0%
Libraries £0.12bn Social Exclusion Task Force National School of Government Postal Services Commission
EU programmes
Development £0.48bn Architecture & history £0.20bn £0.001bn £0.0004bn -79 .7% £0.01bn -19.1%
The figures give a picture of major expenditure but exclude local pounds go. It also excludes government departments who are government departments are funded via the larger ones, such as [2] Treasury spending in 2008-09 and 2009-10 was dominated by - so the net figure for interventions would be £12.966bn widow’s pensions, statutory paternity pay, statutory overseas accommodation costs [8] The amount of government funding from BIS and DCMS, rest property market SOURCES: DEPARTMENTAL RESOURCE ACCOUNTS, INSTITUTE FOR
government spending not controlled by central government. We predominantly financed by their income, such as the Crown Estate the Parliamentary Counsel Office, funded via the Cabinet Office. the impact of interventions in the financial sector - the figure shown [3] The Rural Payments Agency distributes CAP payments - covered adoption pay - these paid by HMRC, MoD, DBERR respectively [7] Is higher than budget due to extra from Treasury reserves to from licence fees from broadcasters and media organisations [10] Ministry of Justice - the prison service organisational budget
don't have room to show everything — some programmes are just or the Export Credits Guarantee Department. The totals here add ALL % CHANGES TAKE ACCOUNT OF INFLATION here is gross spending. In fact, in 2009-10 the net effect of financial by transfers from EU so do not show up as net spending here [5] Excludes spending on family health services. GP cover operations. The total amounts may not sum as there are [9] Budget increase between 2008-09 and 2009-10 is due to a has become the responsiblity of the National Offenders RESEARCH: SIMON ROGERS, AMI SEDGHI, GEMMA TETLOW
too small to go here, but this gives a flavour of where your tax up to more than the total budget, because some of the smaller [1] Interest paid on the public debt stability activities was to yield income to the Treasury of £27.684bn [4] Benefit spending excludes child benefit, guardians' allowance, [6] Running costs includes salaries, hospitality budgets, home and overlapping amounts, ie between operations and running costs revaluation of the parliamentary estate following movement in the Management Service GRAPHIC: JENNY RIDLEY, MICHAEL ROBINSON

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