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Diluted magnetic semiconductors

J. K. Furdyna

Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 64, R29 (1988); doi: 10.1063/1.341700

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Diluted magnetic semiconductors
J. K. Furdyna
Department of Physics, University oJNotre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
(Received 20 October 1987; accepted for publication 21 March 1988)
We review the physical properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) of the type
Ail_xMnxBvI (e.g., Cd1_xMnxSe, Hg! _ .. Mnx Te). Crystallographic properties are discussed
first, with emphasis on the common structural features which these materials have as a result of
tetrahedral bonding. We then describe the band structure of the A~l __ xMnxBV! alloys in the
absence of an external magnetic field, stressing the close relationship of the sp electron bands in
these materials to the band structure of the nonmagnetic ABB vl "parent" semiconductors. In
addition, the characteristics of the narrow (nearly localized) band arising from the half-filled
Mn 3d 5 shells are described, along with their profound effect on the optical properties of DMS.
We then describe our present understanding of the magnetic properties of the A~'_ xMnxBv'
alloys. In particular, we discuss the mechanism of the Mn t- +-Mn+ +- exchange, which
underlies the magnetism of these materials; we present an analytic formulation for the
magnetic susceptibility of DMS in the paramagnetic range; we describe a somewhat empirical
picture of the spin-glass-like freezing in the Ail_ xMnxBvI alloys, and its relationship to the
short range antiferromagnetic order revealed by neutron scattering; and we point out some not
yet fully understood qnestions concerning spin dynamics in DMS revealed by electron
paramagnetic resonance. We then discuss the sp-d exchange interaction between the sp band
electrons of the A;'_ xMnxBv' alloy and the 3d 5 electrons associated with the Mn atoms. Here
we present a general formulation of the exchange problem, fonowed by the most representative
examples of its physical consequences, such as the giant Faraday rotation, the magnetic-field-
induced metal-to-insulator transition in DMS, and the properties of the bound magnetic
polaron. Next, we give considerable attention to the extremely exciting physics of quantum
wells and superlattices involving DMS. We begin by describing the properties of the two-
dimensional gas existing at a DMS interface. We then briefly describe the current status of the
A~I _x Mn, B VI layers and superlattices (systems already successfully grown; methods of
preparation; and basic nonmagnetic properties of the layered structures). We then describe
new features observed in the magnetic behavior of the quasi-two-dimensional ultrathin DMS
layers; and we discuss the exciting possibilities which the sp-d exchange interaction offers in
the quantum-well situation. Finally. we list a number of topics which involve DMS but which
have not been explicitly covered in this review-such as elastic properties of DMS, DMS-based
devices, and the emerging work on diluted magnetic semiconductors other than the
A~l_ xMnxBvI alloys-and we provide relevant literature references to these omitted topics.

I. INTRODUCTION Semiconductors and Semimetals series has been devoted in

its entirety to DMS.2B
Diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS)-also re- Diluted magnetic semiconductors of the A~! _ x Mn" B VI
ferred to as semimagnetic semiconductors-are semicon- type are of interest for several distinct reasons. 29 Their ter-
ducting alloys whose lattice is made up in part of substitu- nary nature gives us the possibility of "tuning" the lattice
tional magnetic atoms. The most extensively studied and constant and band parameters by varying the composition of
most thoroughly understood materials of this type are the the material. The random distribution of magnetic ions over
A;I __ xMnxBvI alloys in which a fraction of the group n sub- the cation sublattice leads to important magnetic effects,
lattice is replaced at random by Mn. The worldwide scientif- e.g., the fonnation of the spin-glass-like phase at low tem-
ic interest and intense research activity which this group of peratures. The su.bstitu.tional Mn atoms in the AllB vr lattice
materials enjoys is evidenced by over one thousand papers are also characterized by highly efficient electrolumines-
published on DMS to date, by an exceptionally large number cence, makes dilute A ~I_ x Mn x BVI alloys important in
ofinvited papers devoted to this subject at international con- the context of optical fiat panel display applications. Fur-
ferences, \-20 and by the survey articles 21 - 25 and compendia26 thermore, the presence of localized magnetic ions in these
which have appeared in the last decade. Furthermore, sever- semiconductor alloys leads to an exchange interaction be-
al international symposia devoted specifically to DMS have tween the sp band electrons and the d electrons associated
recently been held (e.g., Bad Honnef, 1984; Aussois, 1985; with Mn +- +, resulting in extremely large Zeeman spHUings
Boston, 1986; and Jablonna, 1987), the Boston meeting re- of electronic (band and impurity) levels. This selective "am-
sulting in a published proceedings. 27 Finally, Vol. 25 of the plification" of spin-dependent properties leads to dramatic

R29 J. App\. Phys. 64 (4),15 August 1988 0021-8979/88/160R29-36$02.40 @ 1988 American Institute of Physics R29

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new effects, such as the giant Faraday rotation, the magnet- zinc blende nor wurtzite; 21 it is remarkable that the
ic-field-induced metal-insulator transition, and the forma- Ail _ x Mn" BVI solid solutions shown in Table I can reach
tion of bound magnetic polarons. such high values of x. For example, MnTe itself crystallizes
Because of the tunability of their lattice parameters and in the NiAs structure, yet in the case of Cd l _ x Mn" Te the
their energy gaps, theA~I_ xMnxBvI alloys are excellent can- zinc-blende structure of the "parent" CdTe survives for x as
didates for the preparation of quantum wells, superlattices, high as 0.77, and even higher for Zn l __ "Mn" Te. 2 !
and other configurations that involve band-gap engineering. The two crystal structures in which the A~I__ xMrixBvI
The presence ofMn in these alloys brings new physics (mag- alloys form-zinc blende and wurtzite-are very closely re-
netic properties, optical transitions specific to Mn + + ions, lated, in spite of the difference in symmetry, in that they are
and the sp-d exchange interaction) into the multiple quan- both formed with tetrahedral (S_p3) bonding, involving the
tum-well context, extending the already rich and exciting two valence s electrons of the group II element and the six
spectrum of phenomena which take place in layered hetero- valence p electrons of the group VI element. Manganese is a
structures by yet another dimension. transition metal with valence electrons corresponding to the
In this review we shall focus primarily on the 4s2 orbital, Although manganese differs from the group II
A~I_ xMnxBvI alloys. We shaH first describe the structural elements by the fact that its 3d shell is only half-filled, it can
properties of these materials. We shall then discuss their contribute its 4s2 electrons to the S_p 3 bonding, and can
band properties and electrical and optical effects in the ab- therefore substitutionally replace the group II elements in
sence of an external magnetic field, including the effects of the AIlBvI tetrahedra! structures.
the narrow d electron bands which give rise to optical prop- These properties of manganese are apparently a neces-
erties specific to Mn + + ions. Next we shall describe the sary but not a sufficient condition for forming stable phases
magnetic properties of DMS. We will then formulate the over a wide range of compositions, since other transition-
principal concepts of exchange interaction between the sp metal elements, even those which readily form divalent ions,
band electrons and the d electrons associated with Mn + + . are not nearly as miscible with the ABB vl compounds. It
Finally, to underscore the unique opportunities of the rapid- would appear that the ease with which Mn atoms substitute
ly growing field of DMS superlattices and heterostructures, for the group II elements in the zinc-blende and wurtzite
we shall devote a separate section to review the physical structures results from the fact that the 3d orbitals ofMn are
properties of two-dimensional structures, including the exactly half-filled. By Hund's rule aU five spins are parallel in
physics of DMS quantum wells, superlattices, and inter- this orbital, and it would require considerable energy (about
faces. 6-7 eV) to add an electron with opposite spin to the Mn
atom. 20 In this sense the 3d 5 orbit acts as a complete shell
(like, say, the 4d 10 shell in Cd), and the Mn atom is thus
II. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND COMPOSITION OF DMS more likely to resemble a group n element in its behavior
A.Overview than are other transition-metal elements.
The entire family of ternary Ai! _ xMnxBvI alloys, along
with their crystal structures and corresponding ranges of B. Crystal structure and lattice parameters of
composition,30 is listed in Table 1. One can see from the table, v,
AL"MnxB alloys
for example, that Cd\._ "Mnx Te forms a ternary alloy of
One can see from Table I that, as a rule, ternary alloys
zinc-blende structure with x up to 0.77, whileZn 1 _. xMuxSe
formed by substituting Mn for the group II element in the
exhibits zinc-blende structure for x < 0.30 and wurtzite
AHB vl lattice retain the crystal structure of the "parent"
structure for 0.30 <x <0.55. Given the fact that the stable
crystal structures of MnTe, MnSe, and MnS are neither AIiB Y [ compound. Exceptions to this rule are Zn 1 _ xMnxS
and Zn,._ ",MnxSe, which exhibit the structure of the cubic
A lIB VI host for low Mn content, but above a certain value of
x form in the wurtzite structure. A natural upper limit on the
TABLE I. A{I_xMn,Bvl diluted magnetic semiconductors. Mn mole fraction x in the A~I_xMnxBvI crystals is imposed
by the fact that, as was already pointed out, the MnBvI
Crystal binary compounds do not naturally crystallize in the zinc-
Materials structure Range of composition blende or wurtzite structures.
Zn,_ ,MnxS zincblende O<x<O.1O
It is interesting to note that, although the stable phase of
wurtzite O.1O<x<OA5 HgS itself is the cinnabar structure (HgS is the only N1B vi
Zn, _ xMnxSe zincblende O<x<O.30 compound to crystallize in this form), the presence of Mn in
wurtzite O.}O<x.;:O.57 Hg 1_ x Mnx S appears to stabilize the zinc-blende structure
Cd, _xMnxS
of this system. 21 At the present time relatively little is known
about this alloy.
Cd' .. xMnx Se O<x<O.50
Cd, _xMnxTe zinc blende <l<x,O.77 The lattice parameters of all DMS ternary alloys obey
Hg, _xMnxS zinc blende O<x,O.37 Vegard's law very closely. This is illustrated by Fig. 1, show-
Hg'_xMnx Se zincblellde O<x<O.38 ing the dependence of the lattice parameter of the three cubic
Hg,._ ,MD, Te zincblende O<x<O.75 tellurides on composition. 32 It is gratifying that the extrapo-
lation to x = 1, which indicates the lattice parameter for the

R30 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R30

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4.7 r--~---.-----,--.,--..,

6.40 0<1:



6.10 6
0 1,0 ~
)( (Mo!e fraction) Z
<t -- ---- Mn S

~ 3.9 - 'l.""""S
FIG. 1. Lattice parameter as a function ofMn mole fraction x for telluride
DMS. Note the Vegard law behavior and the convergence of the extrapoh~t­ 3.8
ed lines at a single point (6.334 A), which determines the lattice parameter
for the zinc-blende phase of MnTe [after Ref. 31, with Hg, _ xMux Te data
3.7 0
taken from Delves and Lewis, J. Phys. Chern. Solids 24, 549 (1963)]. O. 1.0

hypothetical zinc-blende MuTe, is the same for the three FIG. 2. Mean cation-cation distances d as a function ofMn mole fraction x
alloys. Thus, in spite of the fact that zinc-blende MnTe does for A~'. xMnxBvl alloys. Analytic expressions corresponding to the figures
are given in Table III (after Ref. 32).
not exist in nature, one may regard the telluride
A~[_ .. MnxBvl materials as true pseudobinary alloys of
AIlTe and MnTe, and one can express the lattice parameter The actual lattice parameters can be obtained from the
for any composition in the form parameter d listed in Table II as follows:

a = (1 - x ) aU_VI + xaMn_VI' (1) zinc blende: a= lid, (2)

where an_VI and GMn- vr are lattice parameters of the binary wurtzite: a = d, c = (V l!2d. (3)
constituents (e.g., of CdTe and of the "hypothetical" zinc- Further discussion of the lattice structure of the
blende MnTe). A~I __ xMnxBvI alloys from this unified point of view can be
The behavior illustrated in Fig. 1 for the cubic lattice found in Ref. 32, including useful considerations of the role
parameter a is actually true for the distance d between near- of the tetrahedral radius of the constituent atoms in deter-
est like atoms independent of structure, so that the Vegard mining the lattice dimensions (see also Furdyna and Kos-
law behavior can be presented in a unified picture for the sut 33 ) •
entire A~I_xMnxBYI family, wurtzite and zinc blende It should be noted that, apart from its fundamental im-
alike. 32 We show this in Fig. 2. The usefulness of such a plot portance, the precise know ledge of the lattice parameter is of
is made clear by considering, for example, the linear behav- considerable practical interest in that it provides a conven-
ior of d observed for the selenides. Note that Hg! __ x Mn.. Se ient determination of crystal composition in ternary alloys.
is cubic, Cdl __ xMnxSe is hexagonal, and Zn l _ xMn"Se It is a fortunate circumstance in this respect that in the case
changes its crystal structure "in stride" as x increases. Thus, of all A~I__ xMnxBY' alloys the linear variati.on of the lattice
once having established the parameter d for MnSe by extra-
polating, e.g., the lattice constant data for the hexagonal
TABLE n. Mean C<'ttion-cation distance d in A:'. xMnxBY[ alloys.
Cd 1 _ xMnxSe to x = 1, we can predict the lattice constant
for the cubic Hg 1 _ x Mn~ Se, or for either of the two phases of Upperjimit Mean cation-cation
Zn, _ x Mn" Se. Two additional points are worthy of note in Material ofx distance, d (A)
Fig. 2. First, it is interesting that the mutual relationship of d
for HgSe, CdSe, and ZnSe in this figure closely resembles Znl"_xMn,S 0.45 3.8300 + 0.1391 x
Zn, _xMnxSe 0,57 4.0090 + 0.1645 x
that for HgTe, CdTe, and ZnTe, despite the differences in
Zu, _xMnxTe 0.86 4.315+0.168x
structure. We also note that the value of d for Zn 1 _ x Mnx Se
Cd, _xMnxS 0.45 4.123 - 0.151 x
increases smoothly through the cubic-to-hexagonal transi- Cd, _ .,Mn,Se 0.50 4.296 - 0.123 x
tion,32 suggesting that it is the increase in the lattice spacing Cd'_xMnx Te 0.77 4.587 -- 0.105 x
that forces the onset of the hexagonal structure, rather than Hg,_ ,Mn"S 0.37 4.09 - 0.167 x
the other way around. Analytical expressions for the cation- Hg,_ xMuxSe Q.38 4.301 -·0.123 x
cation distances d are listed in Table n for all A~I_ xMnx BY' Hg,_ xMnxTe 0.75 4.5678 - O.OBOO x
alloys (after Ref. 32).

R31 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, i5 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R31

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parameter with x is very large (contrast this with, e.g.,
Hg 1 ~ xCdx Te), making this approach to the determination
of composition quite reliable. Typical x-ray techniques yield
the lattice parameter with precision of one part in 104 or
better, thus giving the composition within 1% for most
A~r~xMnxBVI ternaries,

C. Microscopic (local) structure of the OMS lattice

In view of the very consistent adherence of the
A1i_xMnxBV! lattice to Vegard's law obtained from x~ray
diffraction data, one might automatically assume that the ..-~.---t
0.13 1
crystal structure of a ternary "zinc-blende" or "wurtzite"
alloy is strictly zinc blende or wurtzite, I.e., that the anions Mn Concentration (x)
and the cations are distributed over two interpenetrating,
FIG. 3. Actual Mn-Se and Zn-Se bond lengths as a function of composi.
geometrically perfect fcc or hcp sublattices, each with a lat-
tion, determined by EXAFS (after Ref. 35). The space-averaged bond
tice constant varying linearly with x. Under this assumption length (i.e., that extracted from the lattice parameter as measured by x-ray
the picture would be identical to the microscopic structure of diffraction) is also shown. Note that Zn,. xMnxSe transforms from zinc-
the parent ABB YI binary compound, with the cation lattice bJellde to wurtzite at x:::;O.3, but this has no observable effect on either the
bond length or the Vegard law behavior of the lattice parameter.
sites occupied randomly by two kinds of ions, and only the
scale adjusted by the Vegard law behavior. This picture is
analogous to the virtual crystal approximation, frequently
used in interpreting the band properties of ternary alloys. Bravais lattices (the one occupied by Se atoms, the other by a
In reality the microscopic situation is considerably more random distribution of Zn and Mn in the chosen example of
complicated. Recent extended x-ray absorption fine struc- Znl_xMnxSe). Rather, the two sublattices are distorted by
ture (EXAFS) studies of DMS by Balzarotti et af.3 4 and adjusting locally to accommodate the requirement of keep-
Bunker and co-workers35 •36 shed important light on the de- ing the respective Zn-Se and Mn-Se bond lengths as nearly
tailed microscopic structure of the A~I__ xMnxBV( lattice constant as possible.
(and, by extension, on other tetrahedrally bonded ternary While important from a directly crystallographic point
alloys), and we shall examine this in some detail. of view, these results are also expected to bear on a number of
The EXAFS technique provides detailed information other physical phenomena. For example, in light of these
on the immediate atomic environment of a given lattice site, results, the microscopic environments of atoms in the zinc-
In the case at hand, it is therefore sensitive, e.g., to the local blende and wurtzite ternaries are no longer strictly cubic and
spatial distribution of the four cations tetrahedrally bound to hexagonal, respectively, and it is possible that many optical
a given anion. In reporting the results and conclusions which transitions, particularly those involving local mode excita-
follow from the EXAFS data we shall, for specificity, refer to tions, which are forbidden by the type of ideal symmetry
Zn l _ "Mn" Se investigated by Bunker and co-workers. 35,36 manifested by the binary "parent" compound, may be re-
Briefly, the EXAFS results carried out on laxed in these ternary random aHoys. Furthermore, it has
Zn i _ xMn"Se for 0 <x < 0.55 indicate that the Zn-Se and been recently demonstrated that the magnetic properties of
Mn-Se bond lengths in this material remain practically con- DMS are dominated by superexchange interaction, Le., by
stant throughout the entire range of compositions studied, Mn + + ~ Mn + + interactions that are mediated through the
The Zn-Se bond length is approximately unchanged from its intervening anion. 37-39 The anion-Mn distance, as wen as the
value in pure ZnSe, and the Mn-Se bond length is approxi~ angle subtended by the Mn-anion-Mn triangle, are expected
mately that predicted for the hypothetical tetrahedrally to bear directly on this exchange process, and thus the new
bonded (i.e., zinc blende or wurtzite) MnSe, for which the insights into the local atomic configuration provided by
lattice parameter is obtained by extrapolation in Fig. 2. The EXAFS are likely to play an important role in the under-
actual bond length values are shown as a function of x in Fig, standing of the magnetic properties of DMS.
3. Note that, like the parameter d plotted in Fig. 2, the bond Additional details and references on crystal structure,
lengths in Fig. 3 are also insensitive to the transition from the bond lengths, and covalent radii, as well as on materials
zinc-blende to the wurtzite structure. preparation procedures of the A~I_xMnxBY[ alloys, can be
These results are not in contradiction to the x-ray dif- found in Refs. 21, 30, and 32, explicitly devoted to these
fraction data which predict Vegard's law behavior for the SUbjects.
ternary lattice. X~ray diffraction is not sensitive to the topo-
logical details surrounding an indiuidual lattice point, but D. Pressureainduced crystalline transformations
determines the lattice parameter aueraged over many anion Although only a few investigations have been devoted to
and cation sites. It is this averaged a(x) which varies linearly the effect of high pressure on the AII_ xMn"Bv1 systems,40.4!
with x, as illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2. The EXAFS results, they clearly indicate, as might be expected, that the crystal
however, cannot be reconciled with the interpretation that structures of these alloys undergo pressure-induced trans~
Vegard's law is obeyed on the microscopic scale by each of formations similar to those occurring in the parent AIIB v1
the two interpenetrating geometrically perfect fcc or hcp compounds. Thus, e.g., Cd1 __ xMn" Te transforms at high

R32 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4. 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R32

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
pressure from the semiconducting zinc-blende to the metal-
lic rock salt structure, similarly to CdTe. The pressures at
which transformations occur are shown in Fig. 4. ell
This is yet another manifestation that, structurally, the
A~l_ x MnxBvI alloys are extremely close to the AIlB v1 com- ~

ponds. With this in mind, one would also expect that at high
>- 0
pressure the Hg I _ x Mn" BVI family should transform to the (!) E.,. Ueff
cinnabar phase, as happens in the case of the parent HgTe 0::
and HgSe compounds themselves. 42 This, however, has not Z

e:"" ~
yet been established experimentally. W

A. General band structure features
FIG. S. Schematic band structure for a zinc-blende Ali_.xMnxBvI alloy.
The band structure of the A~I_xMnxBV! DMS alloys The behavior of the sp bands is qualitatively the same as in zinc-blende
can be presented in a unified way by stressing four underly- AlIBV! semiconductors. The Mn levels ej (occupied) and e:J" (unoccu-

ing features: pied) are split at each site by the energy V.1f C::::; 7 eV). The elfect of pod
(1) Qualitatively, the band structure of the hybridization and of the tetrahedral crystal field on the Mn levels is neglect-
A~[_xMnxBvI alloys closely resembles that of the AllB vI ed in this schematic presentation, since the elfect is small on the scale of the
figure. For wurtzite Ai' .., Mn x BVI alloys the band stmcture would be qual-
materials having the same crystal structure, In particular, itatively the same, except that the degeneracy seen at [', in the figure would
these alloys are direct-gap semiconductors, with the band be removed, resulting in a slight valence-band splitting ( ::::: 20 me V) at the r
extrema occurring at the r point. This is illustrated by Fig. 5, point.
where the curves show the characteristic E vs k dispersion
typical for a A HBVI semiconductor. These bands, common to
the AEB v , compounds and to the Ai I _ x Mn"B Y1 alloys alike, tion of the dependence of the energy gap and other band
originate from the sand p orbitals of the constituent atoms, parameters on x. The band structures of the parent AIIB VI
and we shan refer to them as sp bands. binary compounds are wen known. Although tetrahedrally
(2) Quantitatively, the band structure of the bonded MnBvI alloys either do not exist in nature (e.g.,
A~I _ x Mnx BVI material transforms in a smooth manner from MnTe) , or are of such poor quality that electronic measure-
that of the parent A HB VI compound to the band structure of ments on these compounds are not reliable, band structures
the tetrahedrally bonded MnB YI alloy. Although this evolu- of zinc-hlende or wurtzite MnS, MnSe, and MnTe can be
tion is not strictly linear with x, a linear variation (as would established by the various computational schemes common-
be predicted by the virtual crystal approximation) is an ex- ly used in band structure calculations, such as the virtual
cellent first-order approximation for a quantitative descrip- crystal approximation (VeA), coherent potential approxi-
mation (CPA), and others. 20,31,43-46 The band structures so
obtained can then serve as the x = 1 limit for interpolation
between the A uB VI and MnB VI. This procedure, although
not always precise, nevertheless serves as a very useful guide
x·a.oo. for estimating the properties of A ~I_ x Mnx BVI alloys for
0.10 a O<x< l.
0.12 +
0.30 t> (3) Superimposed on the above band structure charac-
0.45 II teristic of the A HB VI semiconductors is the effect of the 3d :;
0.60 '!'
0.90 0.70 0 shell of Mn. In Fig. 5 we introduce the presence of Mn as
enegy levels marked e;t <7 and ei CT, corresponding to the ma-
jority (occupied) and minority (unoccupied) states of the
3d orbital. In reality, these levels will be further split by the
tetrahedral field, and broadened into narrow bands by hybri-
dization with the p orbitals. The location of the e;t level is (f

about 3.5 eV below the top of the valence band, as deter-

mined by photoemission experiments47- SO (i.e., by an experi-
ment which involves removing an electron from a fully occu-
0.70 '--_-'-_ _-'-_--"_ _J.-_ _' - - _ - ' pied 3d 5 orbital at a Mn site). This value (about 3.5 eV)
o 2,0 4.0 6.0 appears to be the same for aU A;I_ x Mnx B VI alloys studied so
P (GPo) far. 51 The location of ed- a band is less certain, but inverse
FIG. 4. Pressure dependence of the fractional volume change for photoemission experiments 52 (Le., adding a sixth electron to
Cd,_ xMnx Te (x = 0,0.10,0.12,0.30,0045,0.60, and 0.70), showing the a given Mn site) indicate that it lies some 3.5 eV above the
abrupt zinc-b1ende/rock salt transition near 3.3 GP (after Ref. 40). top of the valence band in Cd I _ x Mnx Te.

RS3 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R33

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(4) While the knowledge of the positions of both e/ <7 zinc blende zinc blende wurtzite
and ed- bands, described above, is extremely important for
(T open gap (zero gap)

W \U
formulating p-d hybridization (which underlies both sp-d
and d-d exchange interactions, to be discussed later), it must
be emphasized that these levels are determined in the context
of a removal of an electron (3d 5 -> 3d 4) or of an addition of I
an electron (3d 5 -> 3d 6) to a given Mn site. These transitions I
should not be confused with intra-ion transitions, involving a I
:7f\ I
spin flip within the 3d 5 level itself. The latter transitions,
occurring at energies around 2.2 eV, are offundamental im- o
portance in the optical properties of the AiI_xMnxBV! al-
loys, particularly those where the energy gap exceeds 2 eV.
In the remainder of this section we shall focus on the I
direct-gap and on the intra-Mn transitions, since these fea- k" 0
tures are of primary importance in determining the optical
and electrical properties ofDMS in zero magnetic field. For FIG. 6. Band structure near the r point for three cases of interest: an open-
a discussion of the general band structure, induding points gap zinc-blende semiconductor (e.g., Cd, _xMnx Te, or Hgl_xMn xTe for
far from the r point and deep lying bands, we refer the read- x> 0.07}; a zero-gap zinc-blende semiconductor (e.g., Hg,_ x Mn. Te for
,X < 0.05); and a wurtzitesemiconducwr (e.g., Cd t _xMnxSe). In thewurt-
er to the theoretical 20 •37 ,43-46 and experimental 53-55 papers
zite case, the r 9 - r/ C ) and r,tV) - r/ C)transitiolls determine the optical
dealing explicitly with the subject. absorption edge for the Elc and the Ellc polarizations, respectively. where
E is the electric field of incident light and c is the hexagonal axis. This is the
B. The energy gap and its dependence on composition basis of dichroism observed in wurtzite crystals.

AU A~r _ x Mnx B VI alloys are direct-gap semiconductors,

like their AllBvl parent materials, as is shown in Fig. 6 for
three groups of alloys: wurtzite, zinc-blende open gap, and because of potential applications of variable narrow-gap
zinc-blende zero gap. The effect on the energy gap of rep!ac- semiconductors as infrared detectors.
ing the atoms of the group II element by Mn is illustrated by As is apparent from Eq. (4), there is a significant tem-
the case of Cd I _ xMnx Te. As Mn is substituted for Cd in the perature dependence of E g' such that the energy gap tends to
CdTe lattice, the energy gap increases, to the point that the open wider as the temperature decreases. 60 This behavior is
originally opaque material eventually becomes transparent similar to that characteristic of the parent AIIBvI com-
to visible light,56,57 The variation of Eg in Cd l _ xMnx Te is pounds, with the result that in the genera! vicinity of the
found to be linear in composition (as suggested above), and optical cutoff the A~r_ xMnxBvI alloys tend to be more trans-
can be expressed as57 parent to shorter and shorter wavelengths as the tempera-
Eg(300 K} = (1.528 + 1.316x) eV, (4a) ture is decreased. The temperature variation for Cd" Mnx Te
is illustrated in Fig. 8. As can be seen, the variation is roughly
E g (4.2 K) = (1,606 + l.592x) eV, (4b)
for the available composition range (x < 0,77). The energy
gap for the hypothetical zinc-blende MnTe can thus be ob-
tained by extrapolating this result to x = 1. The value so 4
obtained (2.85 eVat 300 K; 3.18 for 4.2 K) can then be used Telluride OMS
in the spirit of virtual crystal approximation (VCA) to ob- 402 K
tain Eg (x) for Hgj __ xMn" Te and Zn! _ xMn~ Te, This is 3
shown graphically in Fig. 7 for the telluride family of DMS >Q)

at 4,2 K. While departures from VCA are known to exist in

the form of"howing," the above linear approximation serves w'" Z
as a useful guide for the overan behavior of Eg (x). Available
data for Znl_xMn~ Te (Ref. 58) and Hg1_xMu x Te (Ref.

59) confirm the reliability of this approach. Cl ~<:-"r
Such "tunability" of the energy gap by composition has W ,,\,,"r
Z ~
an especially profound effect in the case of Hg compounds. W
Consider Hg1 __ xMn x Te as an example. 59 In this case the 0 - ------
role of Mn is similar to that of Cd in Hg 1 _ x Cd" Te. For low
values of x this aHoy is a zero-gap semiconductor, like the
"parent" HgTe. At several atomic percent ofMn (x;::::O.07 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 O.S 1.0
at 4.2 K; x;::::O.05 at room temperature) the energy gap of Mn CONCENTRATION x
Hg 1 __ ",Mnx Te "opens," and for larger values of x the alloy
becomes an ordinary (i.e., positive gap) semiconductor, the FIG. 7, Energy gap Eg vs Mn concentration x for telluride DMS at low
gap being extremely sensitive to x, very much like in temperatures. A linear extrapolation of E. to x = 1 gives an energy gap of
Hg 1 __ x Cd" T e. A great deal of interest exists in this feature 3.18 eV for zinc-blende MnTe.

R34 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R34

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
may be further extended to quarternary compounds, such as
Cdl_..~_yMnxZny Te. 6 ! Noting that the chemical composi-
tion of this alloy can be written as
0---0 300 K
~ 2.6
0-'-" 80 K (CdTe)! _ x~y (MnTe)x (ZnTe)y,
£ - .. 10K
o we may then estimate the energy gap as
<C 2.4
Eg(x,y) = (1-x-y)Eg (CdTe)
+xEg(MnTe) +yEg(ZnTe), (6)
and similarly for other quaternaries.
There are two qualifications to the approach ofEq. (5).
The first is that wurtzite crystals, such as CdSe and its DMS
derivatives, are birefringent, and there exists a smail differ-
ence between the energy gap for incident light polarized par-
allel and perpendicular to the c axis. 60 However, since the
effect is small (of the order of 20 meV) , Eq. (5) still provides
1.4 '-----'---'---'---'---'--'----'
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 a good guide to the behavior of Eg even in materials which
MANGANESE MOLE FRACTION (xl undergo a phase transitions from zinc blende to wurtzite as x
is increased.
FIG. 8. The energy gap (obtained from the free exciton transition, marked The second qualification has to do with a new type of
"A" in the figure) and the 6A,_ 4T, intra-Mn transition (marked "Mn.2+") bowing, which is particularly striking in the cases of
as a function of Mn concentration x for Cd! __ xMnx Te for three tempera-
tures. Note the qualitative similarity in the temperature dependence of both
Cd! ~xMn"S (Ref. 62) and Zn\ ~xMnxSe (Refs. 63 and
types of transitions (after Ref. 57). 64), the latter shown in Fig. 9. The dip in E g , seen at small
values of x in the figure, is probably a consequence of the sp-d
exchange interaction64 which will be described in the subse-
linear between 77 and 300 K, a rather useful fact for making quent sections, and which is uniquely characteristic ofDMS.
interpolations to intermediate values of T. Although the exchange interaction is especially important
In Table III we summarize the energy gap values for the when an external magnetic field H is present, in certain cases
x = a and 1 limits of the A~I_ x MnxBvl alloys for three tem- it can mainifest itself at H = 0, as in the behavior of Eg
peratures. In most of these the effect of bowing is rather shown in Fig. 9. This effect is strongly temperature depen-
small, so that the virtual crystal approximation approach., dent. It is in principle present in other DMS, but to a much
lesser degree.
Eg(x) = (l-x)Eg(O) +xEg(1) =Eg(O) +xAEg,
C. Intra~d-shell transitions
can be used to estimate the energy gap for a given composi-
tion and temperature. Here Eg (0) and Eg (1) are the energy The AiI __ xMnxBvI systems differ from the AnB v1 com-
gaps for x = 0 and x = 1, respectively, and pounds, and from "orthodox" II-VI ternaries such as
/lEg = Eg(l) - Eg(O). This linear interpolation procedure
3.40 r-r----,--,-----r---r-~

TABLE III. Energy gaps for x = oand I limits oftheA\I_xMnxB vl alloys 3.30
for liquid-helium (LHe), liquid-nitrogen (LN2), and room (RT) tempera-
tures. ,,
Compound T Eg (eV) Compound T Eg (eV)
ZnS LHe 3.84 HgS LHe <0
LNz 3.78 LN2 -0 "'3.00
RT 3.68 RT >0 ILl
ZnSe LHe 2.82 HgSe LHe -0.27
LN2 2.80 LNz -0.205 2.90
RT 2.71 RT +0.10
ZnTe LHe 2.40 HgTe LHe -0.300 2.80
LN, 2.38 LN z -0.252
RT 2.28 RT - 0.146
CdS LHe 2.56 MnS LHe .-3.6 2.70
LN2 2.55 LN2 -3.5 o 0.2. 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
RT 2.45 RT -3.4 l! Mn FRACTION
edSe LHe 1.83 MuSe LHe 3.3
LN, 1.82 LN2 3.14 FIG. 9. Energy gap as a function ofMn concentration x for Zn, _xMnxSe
RT 1.75 RT 2.9 for two temperatures. Open circles are for bulk crystals (after Ref. 143); full
CdTe LHe 1.606 MuTe LHe 3.2 circles are for MBE grown zinc-blende Zn, _xMn"Se [L. A. Kolodziejski,
LN. L596 LNz 3.05 R. L. Gunshor, R. Venkatasubramanian, T. C. Sonsett, R. Frolme, S.
RT 1.528 RT 2.9 Datta, N. Otsuka, R. B. Bylsma, W. M. Becker, and A. V. Nurmikko, J.
Vac. Sci. Techno!' B 4,583 (l986)}.

RS5 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August i 988 J. K. Furdyns R35

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
Cd! __ xZnx Te, in that the 3d shell of the Mn + + ion is only also not consider here states with S = ~ (t tit 1 ), etc., aU of
half-filled. This leads to new intra-Mn -+- + electronic transi- which lie at higher energies than 4G. For an exhaustive ex-
tions, generally in the vicinity of2.2 eV, which dominate the amination of the hierarchy of excited states, the reader is
optical properties of the A~I._ xMnxBvI alloys at high values referred to the classical papers by Tanabe and Sugano,65
of x, and are responsible for their characteristic deep red McClure,66 or Griffith.67
color in that range of composition. Furthermore, these tran- When the Mn Atom is placed substitutionally in a ca-
sitions within the 3d shell make wide-gap A ~i __ x Mn~ B VI ma- tion site of a A HB VI host lattice, it is acted upon by the crystal
terials, such as Zn t _ x Mnx Se and Zn I _ x Mn" S, of consider- fieldo The dominant crystal field interaction arises from the
able interest in the context of electroluminescent display four surrounding anions, and in this sense the effect of the
devices. crystal field is the same in zinc-blende and wurtzite OMS
Although the Mn + + d levels shown in Fig. 5 hybridize systems. The free-atomic states are degenerate, the degener-
with the sp bands, and thus broaden into d bands, the degree acy being 2L + 1. This degeneracy is removed by the crystal
of such broadening is in fact quite small. We may thus gain a field, which splits the degenerate levels in accordance with
fairly complete understanding of the intra-Mn transitions by the symmetry of the Mn + + orbitals and of the surrounding
considering first a free Mn atom, and then an isolated crystal field configuration. The resulting levels are then la-
Mn + r ion occupying a cation site in a ABBV! host lattice. beled according to their group theoretical transformation
A free Mn atom has the 3d 54s2 configuration, with the properties. We review the notation here, since it has become
spins of the five 3d electrons aligned in the ground state ac- the standard vocabulary ofintra-Mn+ + optical transitions.
cording to Hund's rule ( i i r t i). In this state the atom has a The ground state 6S is spherically symmetric and nonde-
total spin quantum number S = ~ and a total angular mo- generate, and in the crystal field notation is labeled 6AI. The
mentum L = 0 (since according to the Pauli exclusion prin- ninefold degenerate 4G state of the free atom is split into four
ciple the angular momenta of the five electrons must each be levels, labeled in group theoretical notation 4TJ (itself three-
different, ranging over aU five possible values from - 2 to fold degenerate), 4T2 (threefold generate, 4E (twofold de-
+ 2). The lowest excited states of the atom correspond to generate), and 4A j (nondegenerate). It has been shown by
L = 1,2,3, and 4. To make a transition to one of these L rfO extensive calculations65-67 that the effect of the crystal field
states requires flipping of at least one of the d electron spins is to pun the 4T\ and 4T2levels closer to the ground state, and
( i j t t ~ ), i.e., a change to the spin quantum number S = ~. In that the 4AI and 4E levels are almost coincident and practi-
spectroscopic notation, the states are identified by the label cally unaffected by the tetrahedral field, as illustrated sche-
(2S+ I) L. Thus, the ground (S =~, L = 0) state of the Mn matically in Figo 10.
atom is labeled 6S, and the L = 1, 2, 3, and 4 excited states Transitions between the 6 S level (S = l' L = 0) and any
corresponding to S = ~ are 4p, 4D, 4F, and 4G, respectively. of the excited states (8 = ~, L #0) in the free Mn atom are in
Of these, the 4G level (S = ~,L = 4) has the lowest ener- principle forbidden by the llS = 0 and parity selection rules.
gy, as shown in Fig. 10. We shaH be primarily interested in For a Mn + + ion in the AIlB vI host these selection rules are,
this state, si.nce transitions from the ground state involving respectively, relaxed by spin-orbit interaction and by the
the lowest energy (6S_ 4G) will dominate the optical prop- lack of inversion symmetry of the crystal environment.
erties of the AiI_ xMnxBvl alloyso For this reason, we shall Transitions from the 6A I level to any of the excited states
originating from the 4G level thus become possible, as shown
in Fig. 10. Ofthese, the 6A 1 - 4 T j is the lowest energy (and
therefore the most important) transitions. It corresponds to
4F _ _ _ ! approximately 2.2 eV, and constitutes in effect an optical
4 ___
0 ___
I absorption edge in crystals which contain a relatively high
i concentration ofMn (x> 00 I ). This accounts for the charac-
46 _ _ _ <;:~::_:: 4 A,.4 E teristic red color of the AiI_.xMnxBvl alloys even when the
- 4_2
r energy gap of the system is well above 2.2 eV.

The energy of the 6A]_ 4T] transitions in relation to the
energy gap is shown for Cd l __ x Mu x Te in Fig. 8, illustrating
that either the energy gap or the 6A 1 __ 4T j transitions deter-
mine the absorption edge, depending on which is smaller.
The data points shown in the figure are obtained by piezore-

_________ I SA,
fiectance experiments, which permit detection of valence-to-
conduction-band transitions even in the presence of consid-
erable opacity resulting from the 6AI .... 4 T] excitationso 68 It is
Free atom Mil ..... in interesting to note that the temperature dependence of the
crystal field
I energy gap and the intra-Mn++ transitions has the same
qualitative character.
It should be mentioned that, although the earliest inves-
FIG. 10. A schematic diagram of the splitting of the lowest excited state of
the 3d 5 level (4G) relative to the ground state (6S) for a Mn + + ion in the tigations of the strong absorption occurring at 2.2 eV cor-
presence of a tetrahedral crystal field. The arrows indicate possible intra- rectly ascribed it to the 6A I -+ 4 T] transition,69 the origin of
Mn transitions. this absorption has nevertheless been the subject of some

R36 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 Augusl1988 J. K. Furdyna R3S

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
controversy. In particular, several authors 7\). 71 have ascribed behavior of both systems is remarkably systematic, and our
it to a transition from the top of the valence band to the e;; (T understanding of them rather complete. 6!l It is this thorough
level shown in Fig. 5. Such participation of the valence band quantitative understanding ofthe sp band picture which per-
has, however, been ruled out by reflectance experiments car- mits us to formulate and identify with confidence the new
ried out in the presence of an external magnetic field, as contributions arising form the sp-d interaction, which be-
follows. 72 As will be shown in Sec. V, the Zeeman splitting of come strikingly manifest in DMS in the presence of finite
the valence band is enormous (of the order of 100 meV at magnetization, as will be discussed in Sec. V.
low temperatures), while Zeeman splitting of the d electron
levels themselves is at least two orders of magnitude smaner. IVo MAGNETiC PROPERTIES OF DMS
Thus, if the 2.2-e V excitation involved the valence-band edge We now present an overview of the magnetic properties
as the initial or final stage, this transition would manifest of the A~I__ x Mn"B v1 alloys as they are presently understood.
strong, easily observed spUttings when a magnetic field is While the magnetic properties are interesting in their own
applied. In the reflectance study referred to above, such right, they also bear on the electrical and optical properties
splittings are unmistakable in those features identified with of these DMS materials through the mechanism of the sp-d
the energy gap, but are definitely not present in the 2.2-e V exchange, as will become evident in Sec. V. This gives addi-
transition. This experiment constitutes definitive evidence tional impetus for the need of obtaining a clear picture of
that the transition occurring at the energy marked Mn 2 + in magnetism in DMS at both microscopic and macroscopic
Fig. 8 originates from the intra-Mn (i.e., bAl·.... 4Tj ) excita-
As might be intuitively expected. the transitions indicat-
ed by arrows in Fig. 10 should broaden as the Mn content of A. The exchange interaction between Mn + +- ions
the sample increases, so that the °A 1-> 4TI line may in fact Underlying the static and dynamic magnetic properties
overlap the 6A 1 --> 4 T2 and other possible transitions. The var- of the A~l _xMllxBvr alloys is the exchange interaction be-
ious transitions shown in Fig. 10 by arrows should, however, tween Mn+ + ions. We therefore begin by reviewing the re-
be resolvable in very dilute systems. Indeed, optical absorp-
sults of recent studies, both theoretical and experimental,
tion experiments in Zn 1 _xMn"Bv1 alloys [where intra- concerning the Mn -t + - Mn + + exchange.
Mn + + absorption may be investigated in the limit as x 0, -Jo
A major achievement in the recent past has been the
since Eg (x = 0) > 2.2 eV in this material] do show a broad demonstration of the role played by the anion in mediating
structure 73 •74 that has been ascribed to transitions from 6AI the interaction between Mn + -t ions. This is borne out by the
to 4T1, 4Tz, and 4A l' 4E levels, respectively. theoretical calculations of Larson et at.,37 who have em-
It is, finally, important to point out that the 6A I and the ployed a perturbative approach to determine the exchange
4T! levels are of principal importance in photo- and electro-
integrals in DMS. They find that both the nearest-neighbor
luminescence of wide-gap DMS. As is wen known, e1ectrolu- exchange process (described by the integral J) and the next-
minescence involving Mn in dilute Zu1_xMuxSe and nearest-neighbor exchange (described by J NNN ) are antifer-
Zn, _ xMnxS systems is particularly efficient, and finds ap- romagnetic, and that J is approximately five times larger
plication in flat panel display devices. 75. 76 The mechanism of than J NNN • More importantly, it is possible to determine the
electroluminescence is understood as follows. When a vol- hierarchy of mechanisms constituting the Mn + + - Mn + +
tage is applied to the material, hot electrons are injected into exchange interaction. The type of exchange processes are
the bulk. These cause excitation ofthe Mn + + ions to the 4T[ found to faU into three categories: two-hole processes, one-
state (whether by direct impact ionization of the Mn + + or hole--one-electron processes, and two-electron processes,
by some form of resonant excitation transfer), which then The overwhelming contribution is from the two-hole pro-
return to the ground state by emitting the characteristic yel- cesses: this is the superexchange, which can be
low light. The most efficient performance of electrolumines- viewed as an indirect exchange interaction mediated by the
cence appears to be in rather dilute samples (x ~ 0.03). The anion (and thus it involves the valence band, since the anions
literature on this technologically important aspect of Zn- dominate the properties of the valence band in AIlBvl-based
based A~I_ xMnxBV[ alloys is quite vast (much ofit concern- semiconductors). The one-hole-one-eIectron processes (the
ing identification of the excitation transfer mechanism be- Bloembergen-Rowland interaction) account for only 5% of
tween the injected ballistic electrons and the Mn -+ + ion), the exchange interaction,77 while the two-electron processes
and the interested reader will find a thorough discussion of are negligible. 37
this subject in several excellent reviews, especially those de- Experimental measurements of the exchange integral
voted to electro luminescence in Zn 1 _xMnx S.75.76 have been made using a wide variety of techniques-high
field magnetization,78-80 neutron scattering,81-83 Raman
D. Itt final comment on nonmagnetic properties of OMS scattering,84 and low field magnetic susceptibility.38 The
Although the properties of the energy bands arising first three techniques provide the most direct and reliable
from the sp electrons are necessarily intertwined with the d measurements of J, and we briefly discuss the results of one
electrons, the picture which emerges from the above presen- of these methods, Le., the high field magnetization, as an
tation is that, in describing optical properties, the two elec- iUustrative example.
tronic systems (the sp bands and the d electrons) may, as a As we shall show later, the high field (B> 10 T) mag-
very good approximation, be considered independently. The netization shows a striking steplike behavior as a function of

R37 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4. 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R3?

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
magnetic field. This can be observed either in direct magneti- 60
zation experiments78,80 or in the optical splitting of the band- o Znl_X MnxTe
edge exciton. 79 The fields at which these steps occur give a • COI-X MnxTe
direct measure of the nearest-neighbor exchange integral J. 40
Larson, Hass, and Aggarwa1 85 have performed a thorough
analysis of high field magneto-optical and magnetization :;c
data in Cdl_xMn x Te and Cd1_xMnxSe, taking into ac-
count the effects of distant neighbor interactions. They find 20
values of J = - 6.3 and - 7.9 K for the telluride and the
selenide, respectively. and the values of JNNNIJ to be
around 0.2 for Cd1_xMn x Te and 0.3 for Cdl_xMnx~k Ob-~~~ __-L__ ~ __L -__ L-~ __-J
The results of the available measurements of J are sum- 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
marized in Table IV. Some trends are worth pointing out: )(

For alloys with the same cation, the exchange integral in-
FIG. 11. Magnetic phase diagram for Zn'_xMuxTe and Cd' .. xMuxTe
creases with decreasing anion size (namely, in the order tel-
(Cd,. x Mnx Te data points are from Ref. 85; Zu'_xMllxTe points for
luride, selenide, sulfide). Also, for the same anion, the value x> 0.3 are from Ref. 84, and for x<0.2 from Ref. 87; some authors, e.g., Ref.
ofJ for the cadmium alloys is comparable to that of mercury 89, observe higher T. values for Cd, _ xMn, Te than those reported in Ref.
alloys, but is lower than J for the zinc alloys. To a large 85, but always below Tg for Zn, _ "Mn" Te). (after Ref. 16).
extent this behavior of J probably reflects the changes in the
lattice constant. An interesting physical explanation for ceptibility corresponds to a genuine phase transition, we
these trends has been proposed by Spalek et al. 38 on the basis have to conclude that the low-temperature phase is a disor-
of the distortion of the tetrahedral bond geometry and its dered but "frozen" state, such as a spin glass.
effect on the mediation of the Mn++ -Mn+ + interaction by We shall now proceed to discuss the susceptibility and
the intervening anion. magnetization behavior in the two phases shown in Fig. 11.

B. Static magnetic properties 1. The paramagnetic phase

Low field static magnetic susceptibility measurements Despite extensive magnetization measurements on the
indicate that the AlI_ x MnxBV1 alloys exist in different mag- A~I_xMnxBvI alloys, the analytic formulation of this prob-
netic phases, depending on the Mn concentration x and on lem is still limited to the special cases onow Mn concentra~
the temperature T. Figure 11 shows the magnetic phase dia- tion or of high temperatures. We will discuss the various
gram for Zn,_xMnxTe (Ref. 86) and Cd 1 _ x Mn x Te,87 analytic and empirical expressions which describe the sus~
which is qualitatively typical of all DMS. The phase diagram ceptibility in quantitative terms in various limits.
consists of two regions: a high-temperature paramagnetic a. The dilute limit. When the concentration ofMn++ is
phase and a low-temperature frozen phase, The latter phase small (x < 0,01), the Mn + + spins can be regarded as isolat-
generally occurs when x> 0.2 (as suggested by the major ed, i.e., independent from one another. The magnetization M
portion of Fig. 11). but recent work has shown that spin is then described by the Brillouin function, and we can write
freezing can also occur for lower values of x at very low M = - xN~Mn J.ln(Sz)
temperatures. 24,88-90
In mapping this diagram, the phase boundary is based = xN0f5Mn J.lsSBs [gMIl f.i.n SH l(kBT) J ' (7)
solely upon the occurrence of a cusp in the temperature vari- where (Sz) is the average spin per Mn site, No is the number
ation of the low field static magnetic susceptibility.86,87,91 of cations per unit volume, Bs is the standard Brillouin func~
Neutron diffraction measurements show that the low-tem- tion, H is the applied field, and S = ~ for Mn + +. The sign
perature phase does not exhibit any long range magnetic difference between M and (Sz), and between <Sz) and B s' is
order.92.93 Assuming that the anomaly observed in the sus- a consequence of the relation between the magnetic moment
and the spin of the electron,
TABLE IV. Nearest-neighbor Mn+ +- -Mn" .. exchange integrals J for !J.= -gJ.lnS,
Al'_xMnxBV( alloys.
In the low field or high-temperature limit [I.e.,
gp. eSH( k B T) « 1], Mis linear in H, and the static magnetic
Alloy J(K) Source
susceptibility X, defined by M = XH, is of the Curie form
Zn, _ ,MnxS - 16.1 Ref. 83 X = C,;xIT, (8)
Zn, _xMnxSe - 12.3,-13 Refs. 83,78
Zn'_xfv1nx Te - 9.5, - 10.0 Refs. 83,80 where
Cd'_xMnx S - 10.6 Ref. 84
Cd'_xMnx Se -7.9, - 8.3 Refs. 85,78 (9)
Cd1_,MnxTe - 6.3, - 6.9 Refs. 85, 38
Hg'_xMnx S h. High-temperature expansion ofX for arbitrary x. For
Hg,. xMnxSe -10.9 Ref. 38 OMS of arbitrary x, the magnetization M cannot be ex-
Hg,_xMnxTe -7.15 Ref. 38 pressed by the standard Brillouin function because of the
Mn-Mn interactions. At low fields, however, 1~1 is found to

R3S J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna RSS

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
be linear in H, as in the dilute case, again allowing us to and the low field, high-temperature limit) allow an analyti-
define the static susceptibility X. As shown in Fig. 12, experi- cal description of the magnetization, or at least of the low
mental measurements of magnetic susceptibility indicate field susceptibility. As we mentioned earlier, for arbitrary
that at high temperatures X displays a Curie-Weiss behav- values of x and T the standard Brillouin function is inade-
ior,9! quate for explaining the magnetization data. However, there
x = C(x)/[T - B(x)J. ( 10) still is a qualitative similarity between the observedM vs H
behavior and the Brillouin function. Based upon this resem-
The Curie-Weiss temperature 8(x) obtained from experi- blance, Gaj, Planel, and Fishman94 proposed an empirical
ment is negative, indicating antiferromagnetic interactions but very useful expression by replacing the magnetic ion
between the spins. mole fraction x and temperature T in Eq. (7) by effective
The high-temperature expression for X can be analyti- values X etr and Telf , i.e.,
cally derived by representing A~I_. "MnxBvl alloys as ran-
domly dilute magnetic systems with antiferromagnetic Hei- M=XeffNoftJ.lllSBs([gf-LeSH/(koTctr)]) , (13)
senberg interactions. The calculation of X in the where Xeff and Telf are phenomenological fitting parameters.
high-temperature limit yields 38 The profile ofthe M vs H curve is determined by Telf , which
is a function of both x and T; and the correct magnitude of M
X = CoX/(T + BoX), (11 )
is obtained by adjusting x etf • While there has been no rigor-
where Co is the Curie constant already defined in Eq. (9), ous justification of Eq. (13) on analytical grounds, it is ex-
and B(x) is expressed as BoX. By considering nearest-neigh- pected to follow from the mean field theory. The usefulness
bor interactions only, the parameter go can be calculated, of Eq. (13) lies simply in the fact that Xeff' and Teff can be
with the result tabulated as a function of x and T for each family of DMS.
(12) d. Highfield magnetization. At very high fields (B> 10
T) even the empirical expression fails, and the magnetiza-
where Z is the number of nearest neighbors (Z = 12 for
tion shows a steplike behavior as a function of field. 78-80 This
zinc-blende and wurtzite DMS), and J is the nearest-neigh-
is a direct consequence of the existence of antiferromagneti-
bor exchange integral. Note, then, that J can be estimated
cally coupled nearest-neighbor pairs, and is easily explained
from experimental measurements of (I(x) = BoX; and, con-
as foHows. The energy level scheme for a pair of Mn + + ions
versely, that the high-temperature X can be calculated ana-
lytically for any x if J is known for the given alloy family.
For higher values of x at low temperatures, experimen- E= -J[Sy(Sy+ 1) -¥] +gpBmH, (14)
tal results show a departure from the Curie-Weiss law, in the where J is the nearest-neighbor Mn + + -Mn + + exchange in-
form ofadownturnin the plot ofX-I vs T, as seen in Fig. 12. tegral; the parameter S1 is the total spin for a pair, which can
This downturn is observed in aU A~I_ xMnxBvl alloys. There take integral values from 0 to 5; and for each value of ST' m
has been no quantitative analysis made of this behavior. takes values - ST' - Sy + 1,,,,,ST' For J < 0, the ground
However, it can be qualitatively understood36 by induding state is nonmagnetic at zero field, with S1 = 0, and it re-
higher-order expansion terms in the calculation of X. mains the ground state as long asgj.LBH IJ! -1 < 2. While this
c. A general phenomenological formulation of magneti- condition holds, pairs do not contribute to the total magneti-
zation The two cases discussed earlier (i.e., the dilute limit zation. However, once the value of gil EH IJ I-· J exceeds 2,
the energy for Sy = m = - 1 becomes the ground state, as
shown in the upper part of Fig. 13. Suddenly there is a contri-

. ..
CdMnSe " , bution to the magnetization from all the pairs, and this re-
, .'
" . " ~.
sults in a step in the magnetization (lower part of Fig. 13).
to" " ,,"
Other such steps are similarly predicted for higher fields, as
45, , , . " also shown in the figure. The magnetic fields at which these

3~.· '
.' steps occur hence provide a direct measure of J .

, ,. 25.'"
2. The spinaglass phase

0 .. As we remarked earlier, the low field magnetic suscepti-
bility of the A~I_ "Mn,;B VI DMS shows a well-defined cusp at
a critical temperature Til (as seen in Fig. 12), signaling a
. 0' possible phase transition. This serves to define a magnetic
phase diagram, showing the boundary between the high-
temperature paramagnetic phase and the low-temperature
0 100 200 300
T(K) frozen phase, shown in Fig. 11. The low-temperature phase
is macroscopically disordered and displays many of the
FIG. 12. Inverse magnetic susceptibility as a function of temperature for characteristics of a spin-glass state. In particular, the low-
Cd,.o xMuxSe of various mole fraction (given in atomic percent in the fig-
temperature specific heat has a linear temperature depend-
ure). Note the linear Curie-Weiss behavior above 40 K, the characteristic
downturn of x·-
1 at lower temperatures. and the cusp seen in all but the
ence and, at least in samples with x < 0.65, does not show any
x = 0.05 data, signaling the spin-glass transition (after Ref. 91). anomaly at T g • 87 Furthermore, remanence effects and irre-

R39 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R39

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
• CdMnSe


o 4 8 12 16 20

4 6 FIG. 14. Irreversible thermoremanence effects observed in the magnetic

9/-LeH/IJI susceptibility X in Cd, _xMnx Te and Cd 1 _ xMnxSe of various concentra-
tion below the spin-glass transition cusp. Arrow pointing to the right indi-
cates zero-field-cooled data, arrow to the left corresponds to field-cooled
FIG. 13. Energy level scheme for a pair of Mn + + ions, showing how steps data (after Ref. 91).
occurin the magnetization at high fields. The relative size ofthe steps in Mis
exaggerated for clarity (after Ref. 16).

low), we shall deemphasize the role of frustration as a pri-

versible phenomena are clearly observed in magnetization mary mechanism of the spin-glass formation (see Sec. IV C,
studies below Tg (Refs. 86, 87, and 91) as illustrated, for below).
example, by the difference between field-cooled and zero- Some authors 87 further divide the low-temperature
field-cooled susceptibility data shown in Fig. 14. Although phase into an "antiferromagnetic" region for x > 0.65. This
the precise nature of this phase remains a subject of some is based on specific heat measurements on a sample of
controversy (for example, recent work l8 suggests that the Cd! _xMux Te with x = 0.68, which showed an anomaly in
low-temperature behavior of the A~I__ x Mnx B VI alloys is clos- the specific heat at the same temperature as the cusp in X We
er to that of a random field magnet) we wiU for the present will resist fonowing this description, arguing that there is no
adhere to the tradition of calling it a spin glass, with the convincing evidence that the system tends to iong range or-
understanding that the rigorous magnetic classification of der. There may, however, be other, as yet not identified, rea-
DMS alloys is yet to come. sons for making a distinction between what have originally
The spin-glass behavior in DMS has frequently been at- been labeled "spin-glass" and "antiferromagnetic" regimes.
tributed to frustration of the antiferromagnetic interactions A more systematic exploration of magnetic properties in the
between the Mn + -;- ions, arising from the lattice topology of x> 0.7 region, with a view of identifying the nature of mag-
the A~I_ x Mn" BVI alloys.95 This i.s based on theoretical argu- netic interactions in this range, is to be strongly encouraged.
ments which show that, for a diluted magnetic fcc lattice For a further discussion of magnetic susceptibility as
with nearest-neighbor interactions only, a spin-glass state be- wen as specific-heat studies in A~I_.xMnxBvl alloys, the
comes possible when the magnetic ion concentration exceeds reader may wish to refer to the thorough and extensive re-
a percolation threshold of x~O.19.96 Indeed, an extrapola- view article by Oseroff and Keesom. 97
tion in Fig. 11 of an experimental results obtained for tem-
peratures above -4.2 K tends toward x:::::O.2. This feature 3. Neutron diffraction
has been traditionally taken as evidence that frustation is the Neutron diffraction has been used to probe the
underlying mechanism of spin-glass formation in DMS. magnetic order in Zn j _ x Mnx Te, 93 Zn 1 _ x Mnx Se,98 and
However, it is now clear that the spin-glass phase can form Cd l _ xMnx Te. 99. 1OO We discuss the Zn 1 __ xMnx Te results as
for arbitrarily sman x at sufficiently low temperatures (see an illustrative example. The powder diffraction patterns for
Fig. 11), as has indeed been observed for Cd! _ x Mn.. Se,8M this case consist of zinc-blende nuclear Bragg peaks, super-
Zn1_xMn x Te,89,90 Zn 1 _ x Mn"Se,89,9() and Hg1 __ xMnx Te. 24 imposed on a diffuse background. 93 The main feature of the
For this reason, and because fcc and hcp lattices do in fact diffuse scattering is broad magnetic peaks, shown in Fig. 15,
anow for antiferromagnetic order of the third kind (see be- which are most intense at low temperatures and which

R40 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1968 J. K. Furdyna R40

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
tion e- KR , from which one can estimate a "correlation
length" K-- 1 (see Fig. 3inRef. 93). The temperature depend-
ence of the correlation length is a universal function for all
, the Zn 1 _ x Mn x Te samples studied,'B.lOo and flattens off at

(J) 0----+ -----+----+-----+--


2.0 .:; low temperatures, as illustrated in Fig. 17.

2: Neutron diffraction studies of Cd1_xMn" Te and
~ 400 1.0 ~ Zn I _ x Mnx Se yield much the same results as for
t) ;- Zn1_xMnx Te, showing spin cluster formation, AFM-III
0----'-- --;----il-i-------+----- ---+------ + 2.0 ~ short range order, and saturation of the diffuse magnetic
(fl peak widths at low temperatures.92.9S.99 Here the case of
1.0 Ul
o Zn 1 _ x Mnx Se is especially interesting in that for x> 0.30 this
~---------------------------------------- a::
(.,) material crystallizes in the wurtzite structure. Low-tempera-
o L-.b (0 I'S 20
25 30 ture data then reveal the existence of spin clusters correlated
SCATTERING ANGLE (DEGREES) in the wurtzite version of the AFM-III antiferromagnetic
order98 (i.e., that displayed by wurtzite .8-MnS), as shown
FIG. 15. Neutron counts as a function of scattering angle observed on a in Fig. 18.
powder sample ofZu 1 _ xMnx Te (x = 0.594) at three temperatures. Only It is interesting to observe that, if we view the Mn ions
the diffuse magnetic peaks are shown; the labels (Ill) and (200) mark the with opposite spins as different atoms, the AFM-III order in
location of the corresponding nuclear Bragg peaks, which have been re-
moved for darity. The continuous lines are fits to a model described in Ref. zinc-blende crystals (Fig. 16) is crystallographically identi-
93. The dashed lines show the background count intensity. Note that the cal to the chalcopyrite structure, i.e., a tetrahedrally bonded
diffuse peaks broaden as the temperature rises, indicating that the size of the structure which accommodates two types of cation, e.g.,
AFM-HI clusters decreases with increasi!lg temperature (after Ref. 7). CuFeSz or CdGeAs 2 • Similarly, the wurtzite form of AFM-
III shown in Fig. 18 is identical to the wurtzite-chalcopyrite
crystallographic structure, such as BeSiN2 • These two struc-
broaden and weaken with increasing temperature. As dem- tures appear to be the only naturally occurring tetrahedral
onstrated in the references cited above, the positions of the structures with the chemical formula ABel' accommodat-
diffuse peaks are a signature of type III anti/erromagnetic ing two types of cation (Aand B) and one anion (C).tol This
order (AFM-III), which is illustrated for zinc-blende crys- observation may provide a clue as to why, of the various
tals in Fig. 16. antiferromagnetic structures possible for fcc and hcp crys-
The widths of the diffuse magnetic peaks are always tals (type I, II, and III), 102 the tetrahedrally bonded zinc-
much greater than those of the Bragg peaks, implying that blende and wurtzite DMS are predisposed to form the AFM-
the above antiferromagnetic order is only short range (i.e., III order.
confined to small clusters). The angular dependence of the
magnetic diffuse scattering can be fitted theoretically to ob-
tain magnetic correlations between a given spin and succes-
sive shells of neighbors comprising such clusters. It is then
found that the sign sequence of correlations is again consis-
tent with the AFM-III order. 93 The spatial decay of correla- ZOI_XMn)(Te
tions 100 can be described by an exponentially decaying func- x -0.565
1.2 '-

1.0- /
Zinc Blende Type - ill
Structure AFMorder 0.8-
z , r/
~ ¢'
-v."" 0.6- //
-0- -0-1
041- I

0.21- ITg
J_ It: I I I I I I
0.° '---'--20"':0-'--"'--4"'0---'-60-'---'--9'-0--'--'
• M n (1') 0 M n (-t) 0 S1!I
FIG. 17. Inverse magnetic correlation length If/ as a function of tempera-
ture, determined by neutron diffraction for Zn1_xMnx Te, x = 0.565; Gr."
FIG. 16. A unit cell for the AFM-III structure of zinc-blende crystals, denotes the nearest-neighbol" Mn-Mn distance (after Ref. 100). The spin-
shown side-by-side with two zinc-blende unit cells. Note that the AFM-IH glass transition temperature 1~ for this value of x is also indicated. Note
is tetragonal rather than cubic. that If, levels off below this temperature.

R41 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R41

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
. Type-ill AFM .
. cluster . '..:...,

··~lHf··~: .
'. ~ '.'

~ .' fez?-

T »Tg 1

FIG. 18. An orthohexagonal unit cel! for the AFM-HI structure for wurt-
zite crystals, shown side-by-side with two wurtzitc orthohexagonal cells.

:3 4
C. Empirical picture of magnetic ordering
While we still lack a detailed microscopic picture of the FIG. 19. An empirical picture of clusters having internal short range AFM-
III order. The clusters grow with decreasing temperature, and eventually
spin correlations in the A~l_ x Mnx B VI alloys at low tempera-
interlock, as shown schematically for four successively decreasing tempera-
tures, it is useful to develop a plausible, although admittedly tures. III the picture proposed here, (3) would roughly correspond to the
very empirical, scenario. OUf model is similar to that pro- spin-glass transition temperature.
posed by Mydosh 103 in a discussion of metallic spin glasses.
The key insight on which this picture rests is derived
from the neutron diffraction studies, which reveal that the
antiferromagnetic interaction between neighboring spins ed that at any given temperature the size ofthe clusters is an
leads to the formation of clusters of short range AFM-III increasing function of J and of x. Hence, for higher J and
order. Little is known about the process of nucleation of higher x the "locking" will occur at higher temperatures,
these clusters. A diluted magnetic system, even when it is consistent with the observed behavior of Tg • This increase in
ideally random, must display local fluctuations in the spin Tg with x should be particularly rapid in the high x limit,
distribution, and one can only guess that it is these spatial where the small cluster separation and their expected larger
fluctuations which determine where the clusters actually be- size cooperate to bring about the locking process. This is
gin to form. The clusters grow in size with decreasing tem- consistent with the rapid up-tum in the plot of Tg vs x seen
perature, which is directly inferred from the steady sharpen- for x > 0.6 in Fig. 11.
ing of the linewidth of the diffuse magnetic peaks (Figs. 15 In the low x limit, below the nearest-neighbor percola-
and 17). As this process continues, it is reasonable to expect tion value of x:::::; 0.19, the process shouId be qualitatively the
that a temperature will eventually be reached at which the same, the interlocking occurring at considerably lower tem-
cluster size is sufficiently large for the correlated regions to peratures, commensurate with the lower values of the
"touch." This leads to two consequences: the clusters, while further-neighbor exchange integrals. This is indeed consis-
retaining their original identity, must interlock, which af- tent with the "tailing" of the phase diagram observed below
fects their ability to respond to an external field; and they x = 0.19 at very low temperatures,88-90 shown in Fig. 11.
must cease to grow. The latter is consistent with the leveling The above picture-starting from independent individ-
off of the correlation length revealed by neutron scatter- ual clusters and ending with an interlocked cluster
. 9199Th'
mg. -. is process 0 f custer
I growt h and subsequent inter- network-also survives a more detailed examination of the
locking is illustrating schematically in Fig. 19. immediate vicinity of the locking temperature, where clus-
We believe that this interlocking process of different ters and loose spins coexist, as revealed by recent experi-
clusters (with short range intracIuster order, but no long ments on the relaxation of thermoremanent magnetization
range order) can be approximately equated with the spin in Cd I _ x Mnx Te. 104 This was discussed in some detail in the
freezing indicated by the cusp in the magnetic susceptibility. article of Furdyna and Samarth, where this picture was first
Experiments show that the spin-glass transition temperature proposed. 16
Tg is an increasing function of x and J. This is easily ex-
plained by the above picture. It is intuitively evident that for D. Dynamic magnetic properties of DMS
higher x the number of clusters per unit volume will be larg- While the static magnetic properties of DMS are now
er, i.e., that they will be closer together. It is also to be expect- reasonably wen in hand (with the possible exception of the

R42 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R42

........ ·····························::r·:·················
Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
microscopic nature ofthe freezing process), dynamic mag-
netic behavior of these alloys is at this point not well under~
stood. This void in our knowledge is particularly important,
since any attempt to understand the low-temperature frozen
phase in DMS must necessarily deal with the problem of spin
dynamics. Furthermore, the dynamical magnetic properties % 1
bear directly on several practical applications of DMS: for
instance, magneto-optical devices depend on the ability of
magnetization to respond to a driving field, and the speed of
such a device ultimately depends on the spin dynamics. 105 So Jt-O.!i3
far, most of the information about the dynamics of the !

Mn + + spin system comes from electron paramagnetic reso- 150 IDO 50 100 150 2.00 50 150 200
nance (EPR),106-11O some recent muon spin relaxation
(,uSR) measurements, III and studies on the relaxation of the
FIG. 20. Temperature dependence ofthe electron paramagnetic resonance
thermoremanent magnetization. 104 Of these, the EPR ex- linewidth for Cd, _ x MnxBV1 family of alloys, for various values ofx. Note
periments are most extensive, and we shall focus on them that at any value of x and T, the width ofthe line progresses with the size of
here, EPR measurements on very dilute DMS materials the anion (from Ref. lIO).
(with a Mn concentration of less than, say, 1% or 2%) es-
sentially give information about isolated Mn ions, and per-
haps pairs and triplets. The EPR line shape is then compli- to attribute the line broadening to the dipolar interaction (as
cated by features such as hyperfine and fine structure, in MnO and MnS, 116 as well as in EuXSrl_XSI(7), However,
However, once the Mn concentration is greater than a few
it has been shown recently that the dominant anisotropy
atomic percent (as is typical in a DMS alloy), we have a
cannot be dipolar, 108 The role of dipolar broadening is prin-
strongly exchange-coupled system of spins, and the EPR
cipally ruled out by looking at the variation of the EPR
then probes the dynamics of such a system as a whole. In this
linewidth with the anion in Cd l _ xMn" Te. Cd 1 _ "MnxSe,
situation, the EPR is characterized by very pronounced and
and Cd l _ x Mnx S, It is found that the assumption of dipolar
yet remarkably simple dependence on temperature and sam-
broadening cannot even qualitatively explain the observed
ple composition, The salient features of this behavior are
progression from narrow to wide EPR Hnewidths seen in
illustrated in Fig, 20. The first thing to note in the figure is
Fig. 20 as the anion is changed from S to Te. Furthermore,
that the EPR linewidth broadens dramatically as the tem~
the theoretically calculated magnitUdes of (IlH) are in- 00
perature is lowered and as the Mn concentration is in-
consistent with those obtained by extrapolating finite tem-
creased, Furthermore, at a fixed temperature, the EPR
perature data to the infinite temperature limit. This raises
linewidth shows a clear dependence on the anion in the sys-
the possibility that the broadening stems from anisotropic
tem: namely, given a fixed cation (e,g" Cd++), the
exchange, The exact nature of this anisotropy is still an open
Iinewidth increases with increasing anion size (i.e., in the
question, However, considering that the Mn-Mn exchange
order Cdl_xMnxS, Cd1_.xMnxSe, Cdl_xMn~ Te),
in the AiI_xMn"Bvl alloys arises from a superexchange in-
Despite ample experimental data, and the universality
teraction mediated by an intervening anion, it is likely that
and apparent simplicity of the phenomena described above,
the solution may lie in a Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interac-
there have been few attempts at a theoretical interpretation
tion 1l8 of the type j),(Si XS), where the strength of the
that go beyond phenomenological models, The Lorentzian
anisotropic spin-spin coupling is proportional to the spin-
nature of the EPR line shape, along with the large isotropic
orbit coupling on the anion. Preliminary calculations show
exchange in these materials (J is around 10K), suggests that
that the relative variation of the linewidth with the anion is
the resonance is exchange narrowed, the EPR width being
consistent with such an interaction, and the extrapolated
primarily determined by some anisotropic spin-spin interac-
estimates of (AH) are also in the correct range. 110 How-
tionY2,1l3 The linewidth of this Lorentzian resonance at a
ever, a theoretical formulation of anisotropic exchange in
temperature T and at Mn concentration x can then be for-
DMS is needed in order to substantiate the viability of this
mulated as\!4
(15) The variation of the EPR linewidth and line shape with
where X is the static magnetic susceptibility, (AH) is the 00 temperature bears directly on the evolution of the spin-spin
linewidth at infinite temperature, and the function r( T,x) correlations and the freezing of spins at low temperatures. It
represents the contribution from dynamic spin-spin correla- is found that, in the paramagnetic region, the dramatic
tions, broadening ofthe EPR with decreasing temperature is large-
In order to make further headway in formulating the ly due to the temperature variation of the static susceptibil-
theory of EPR linewidth-and of spin dynamics in gen- ity. As the spin-glass region is approached, the variation of
eral-one must now address two fundamental questions: the dynamic spin-spin correlations becomes more impor-
What is the dominant anisotropic pair interaction that is tant. Unfortunately, it is precisely in this region of interest
responsible for the line broadening? How do the spin-spin that EPR becomes more difficult to measure and interpret,
correlations evolve with temperature? chiefly because of the extreme line broadening (with full
In response to the former inquiry, a first guess might be widths at half-maximum exceeding 20 kG) and because of

R43 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K Furdyoa R43

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
the deviation of the line shape from Lorentzian behavior. 106 Kondo-like exchange term Hex to the original Hamiltonian
A concerted effort to examine the spin dynamics using dif- Ho, so that the total Hamiltonian HT is now 12, 13.22.23
ferent probes, such as inelastic neutron scattering, pSR, and
EPR, will probably be needed in order to shed further light
on this yet unsolved problem of DMS physics. = Ho + 2.: Js[>'d(r - R; )8 i °0", (16)
v. EXCHANGE INTERACTION where Si and 0" are the spin operators for the Mn + + ion and
We now discuss the exchange interaction between the s for the band electron, respectively, Js[>,d is the electron-ion
andp band electrons oftheA~~xMnxBvI DMS and the 3d 5 sp-d exchange coupling constant, and rand Ri are the co-
electrons associated with the Mn -I- + ions. It is because of this ordinates of the band electron and of the Mn + + ion, respec-
sp-d exchange that magneto-optical and high field magneto- tively. The summation is only over the lattice sites occupied
transport properties ofDMS are qualitatively different from by the Mn + + ions.
those observed in their nonmagnetic counterparts. In this Two convenient approximations can be made to sim-
context it is important to recall that band structures of the plify Hex. First, since the electronic wave function is very
A~I_xMnxBvI alloys (we are referring to the sp bands) are extended, so that the electron "sees" a large number of
themselves very well characterized. This fact enables us to Mn + + ions at any time, we can make use of the molecular
distinguigh unambiguously the exchange contributions field approximation, replacing Si by the thermal average
from other aspects of semiconductor behavior that are non- (8) taken over an Mn + + ions. For paramagnetic systems, if
magnetic in origin, making it possible to isolate and study the applied field H is in thez direction, (8} = (Sz), a quanti-
the details of the exchange contribution with precision and ty intimately related to the magnetization of the system [see
confidence. Eq. (7)].
Second, and again because the electronic wave function
A. Theoretical model and approximations spans a large number of lattice sites, we can replace
The sp-d exchange interaction influences physical phe- pp-d(r - R i ) by xJsp-d(r - R), where R denotes thecoordi-
nomena which involve electrons in the conduction and va- nate of every site of the fcc (or hcp) cation sublattice, with
lence bands (e.g., magnetotransport, interband and intra- the summation now carried out over all R.. We are thereby
band magneto-optics), exciton levels (e.g., Faraday expressing the exchange interaction in terms of the virtual
rotation), and impurity levels (e.g., bound magnetic po- crystal approximation. With these assumptions, we have
laron, giant negative magnetoresistance, metal-semiconduc-
tor transition). We shall develop the model specifically for Hex = Uz (Sz)x L Js[>,d(r - R), (17)
band electrons, but the basic concepts and consequence of
with the summation extending over all cation sites.
exchange interaction (e.g., its effect on the g factors) are
As pointed out earlier, a major advantage of Eq. (17) is
equally applicable to impurity and exciton levels, since all of
that in that form Hex has the periodicity ofthe lattice, This
these are determined essentially by the same band-edge pa-
allows us to use the same wave functions for solving the
exchange interaction problem as those used for diagonaliz-
Consider first a nonmagnetic semiconductor (e.g.,
ing Ho. Let us, as an example, consider a zinc-blende crys-
CdTe or Hgl_xCdx Te) in the presence of an external de
tal. 120-123 To deal with that problem, the set of basis func-
magnetic field. When the field is applied, the conduction and
tions frequently employed is that used in the Pidgeon-
valence bands are split into Landau levels, each Landau level
Brown model. Thus, in commonly used notation, for the r 6
being further split into sublevels corresponding to the two
band we use the basis vectors
spin orientations of the electron. Various models have been
employed for calculating the magnetic-field dependence of ulO = IM)r = S t, 6

the Landau "ladders" in semiconductors-e.g., the well- U zo = 11, - ~}r6 = S~; (18)
known Pidgeon-Brown model used extensively in the case of
narrow-gap semiconductors. 1I9 We shall not review these for r" bands
models here, but shall simply assume that the Landau level = 1M> =
U 30 (l/.,f2)(X + iy) i.
structure of an electron in a nonmagnetic semiconductor is
described through some appropriate Hamiltonian, which we u40 = i~, ~~) = i( 1//2) (X - iY) t,
shaH denote by H o, and which contains all information re-
quired to describe the semiconductor with the exception of u50 = 1~'1) = (U.J6)[(X-iYH +2Zt].
the sp-d exchange contribution. Uw = I~, -!) = i( 11/6) [(X + iy) 1 - 2Z i]; (19)
and for r 7 bands (which enter into the Pidgeon-Brown for-
1. The exchange Hamiltonian and its basis functions mulation explicitly)
When the semiconductor in question contains localized u70 = 1M) = -i(1/~)[(X-iY)j -Z~],
magnetic moments (e.g., Hgl_xMn" Te), its band structure
will be modified by the exchange interaction of these mo- U so = 11, -1> = (lIv1JH (X + iYH + Z fl. (20)
ments (i.e., the 3d 5 electrons) with band (Le., sp) electrons. It will be instructive to consider the formal conse-
Such interaction is expressed formally by adding a new quences of the presence of Hex in the total Hamiltonian sepa-

R44 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R44

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rately for three cases: for a parabolic conduction band, in therefore M I H is not constant as the field H varies). In the
order to clearly identify the physical role of Hex; for wide gap low field, high-temperature limit, where Mis linear in H, M /
semiconductors, where certain convenient approximations H in Eq. (24) may be replaced by the magnetic susceptibil-
are allowed, making the problem particularly tractable and ity.
clear; and finally, for the case of narrow-gap DMS, where the The consequences of exchange for a parabolic conduc-
situation is more involved (not because of the presence of tion (r6) band are schematically illustrated in Fig. 21,
Hex' but because of the details of the original Ho appropriate which shows separately the effect of gil< and ge!f' Since the
for the narrow-gap case). sign of a is positive, we note from Eq. (24) that in an open-
gap DMS the effect of the exchange term is to oppose g*. The
2. Parabolic conduction band: An idealized Illustration points to be noted in Fig. 21 are then as follows: When the
of exchange effects magnitude of aM /(gMn f1-~H) =~ge" is less thang* (as can
We note immediately that the macroscopic average easily be the case in a narrow-gap DMS such as
(Sz) vanishes when H = 0, and the entire exchange contri- Hg! __ xMnx Te, x> 0.07, where g* itself can be quite large;
bution given by Eq. (17) thus also vanishes. It is likewise or at higher temperatures, where M is small), the exchange
clear from the form of Eq. (17) that the exchange contribu- contribution simply reduces the magnitude of geff.
tion is fundamentally linked to the operator CT" and is there- When l.lgelf! > ig* I, the sign of the spin splitting is
fore expected to play a significant role in those physical changed (i.e., gelf is positive, while g* itselfis negative). And
properties which directly involve the spin state of the elec- for even larger values of age>;' when the spin splitting ex-
tron. We illustrate the consequences of Hex by considering, ceeds the cyclotron splitting, the presence of exchange leads
as an example, an electron in the r 6 conduction band of an to a mixing of the usual sequence of Landau levels. The fea-
open-gap semiconductor, assuming the band to be parabolic. tures illustrated by Fig. 21 remain qualitatively true also
We can then write the energies of the two spin substates of when the bands are nonparabolic, but with the complication
the I th Landau level as that then the magnitUde of the spin splitting is different for
different Landau levels, and the details of the problem must
E/ (t) = Eg + (l + !)wc + ~(g"'11BH - Noax(Sz>),
be dealt with numerically, as discussed in Sec. V A 4, below.
E{ (~) = Eg + (l + !}1Uu c -1(g*P R H - Noax(Sz»'
where Eg is the energy gap (the energy is measured relative
to the top of the valence band), We is the cyclotron frequen-
cy, g* is the "band" g factor of the electrons (i.e., that ob- a)
tained by solving H o), and a is the exchange integral for the
s-like r 6 electrons,
no being the volume of an elementary cell.
The Landau ladder (l + i}w c originates from theoper-
ator (e/ mc) p.A, and the term ± 19* f1- B H from the operator
g*J.tnO'cH, both of which are present in theHo when the mag- b)
netic field H is nonzero. The term ± !Noax(Sz) arises due
to Hex.
Noting that the exchange contribution xNoa{Sz) to the
Landau level energies always appears side-by-side with the
g*f1-nH, we can then rewrite Eq. (21) in the form

where the upper and lower signs correspond to the i and ~ C)
spin states, respectively, and golf is an effective g factor, de-
fined by res

geff =g* -Noax(Sz)/( fln H )

= g* + aM l(gMn fl~H). (24) FIG. 21. A schematic representation of the spin splitting of the first two
Landau levels of the conduction oa.'1d in the parabolic approximation, with
Here we have used Eq. (7) to expressgetf explicitly in terms and without sp-d exchange contributions. With no exchange effects (S, >
of the magnetization M. = 0), spin spliUing is given by g*l1sH, whereg'" is negative. The right-hand
The situation in a AiI_xMnxBvI alloy is thus essentially side of the figure shows the effect of exchange for three successively increas-
ing values of (Sz). For small but finite {S,> (case a), the size of the total
as in a nonmagnetic material, but with the spin splitting de-
spin splitting g.ifP aH is reduced relative to g*jtBJi. As (Sz) increases (case
scribed through a modified g factor which now, through M, b), the sign of the splitting is reversed, owing to the fact that a > O. Further
depends on temperature, composition, and magnetic field increase in (Sz) leads to mixing of the Landau level sequence (level 0 + lies
(inasmuch as IV! is given by the Brillouin-like function, and aboue level 1-· ).

R45 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyoa R45

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The contribution of the exchange mechanism to the en- neglected term g*,upaoH, which acts on the spin of the elec-
ergy states of the r)l band is more complicated because of the tron, The magnetic splitting in a wide-gap A~I_xMn"BvI
degeneracy of that band at the r point, Its dominant effect alloy will then qualitatively have the features of "ordinary"
can, however, be expressed by replacing the Luttingter pa- spin splitting (i.e., the same mUltiplicity, symmetry, and se-
rameter K, which is the parameter predominantly determin- lection rules), but its magnitude will be determined entirely
ing the fourfold spin splitting of Landau levels in the r R by the exchange contributions Hex appropriate for the re-
band, with 8 ,124 spective (i.e., r6 or r 8) bands.
(25) As pointed out earlier, Hex can be diagonalized in the
bases (18)-(20). We are primarily interested in the behav-
Here f3 is the exchange integral for the p-like electrons of the ior of the bottom of the conduction (r6) band and the top of
r g band, defined by the valence (r 8) band at k = O. For these two cases, Hex
(3= (XjJsp-d!X)/fi o' (26) leads to the matrices
The values of a and /3 are determined experimentally in
magneto-optical or quantum transport experiments for each
<w r" IH i\ll r" ) _113A
ex - I0
II (28)
material (see below), and are listed in Table V. With typical and
values of a and the low-temperature susceptibility corre-
sponding to, say, xzO.l, the exchange contribution togeff in 3B 0 0 0
a typical A~I _ "Mn"Bv1 aHoy can be over 100, and the effect 0 B 0 0
('i'r.\Hex !'lI r ) =
on Kelf is even larger. 0 a -B 0
0 0 0 -3B
30 Exchange effects In wide-gap DMS where
1 aM
Most of the electrical and optical phenomena of interest
in AHBV! materials and their alloys involve electrons and
A= "61 Noax(Sz} = ----- , (30)
6 gMn,ue
holes in the vicinity of the r point. Thus, in order to under- 1 (JM
stand the vast majority of the effects involving sp-d ex- B =6 N o /3x(Sz) = (31)
change, it is sufficient only to consider how the exchange 6 gMn Po
affects the top of the valence band and the bottom of the and
conduction band. a = (S IPp-d IS >1° 0, (32a)
In discussing wide-gap A~i__ xMn_~Bvl alloys, we recog-
{3 = (X IJ sp-d IX) 1°0 , (32b)
nize further that the magnetic splitting due to Hex is much
greater than the Landau andlor spin splitting predicted by
Thus, the quantities A and B are simply terms which deter-
ordinary sp band theory, because in wide-gap materials the
mine the Zeeman splitting of the respective bands. For ex-
effective masses m * are large and the "sp band" g factors [g*
ample, referring to the parabolic case described in the pre-
in Eq. (24) ] are of the order of unity. In the parabolic exam-
ceding section, the term A can be related to the effective g
ple used above we can then neglect the terms containing fwJ c
andg* in Eq. (21). More generally, it is justified-and very
convenient-to neglect the operators (33)
(elm*c)p + g*,unO'"H (27) The corresponding energy levels at the center of the
in Ho, which are responsible for nonexchange cyclotron and Brillouin zone for a wide-gap DMS in the presence of a mag-
spin splittings. In this approximation the magnetic splitting netic field are shown in Fig. 22. This figure is extremely
of the energy levels is due entirely to the exchange term Hex. useful for understanding the majority of phenomena which
Mathematically, however, the operator Hex resembles the occur in wide-gap DMS as a result of exchange interaction.
Note again that the splitting is qualitatively identical to "or-
dinary" spin splitting which takes place in nonmagnetic
TABLE V. Experimental sp-d exchange constants Nul): and NJ3 for the
A;I_xMnxBvl alloys (in eV). semiconductors (two spin levels for r 6' four for r 8)' and in
this sense the exchange contribution can be naturally ab-
Alloy Noa NrfJ sorbed into the concept of an effective g factor whenever the
concept of ag factor is meaningful. The situation differs from
Zn' __ xMnx S the case of nonmagnetic semiconductors primarily by the
Zn, __ x MnxSe 0.26 - J.i1 fact that the magnitude of spin splitting is extremely large,
Zn, __ xMn, Te- 0_18 - 1.05
that its behavior is determined primarily by the properties of
Cd' __ xMllx S 0.22 - 1.80
Cd'_xMllx Se 0_26 - 1.11
the magnetization (Le., that it varies with temperature and is
Cd, _xMllxTe 0.22 -0.88 not necessarily linear in H), and that-in this approxima-
Hg, __ xMllx S tion-it is completely independent of the band structure (ex-
Hg\ __ xMnxSe 0.4 -0.7 cept for the extent to which the band structure affects the
Hg'_xMnx Te 0.4 -0.6 values of a and fJ). However, the selection rules governing
transitions between the levels shown in Fig. 22 remain the

R46 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August iS88 J. K. Furdyna R46

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are now temperature dependent, and are frequently larger
than cyclotron splittings. Finally, the size and sign of the
spin splitting-and thus also the sequence of Landau lev-
els-will now depend on the composition of the DMS alloy,
on temperature, and on magnetic field, This has already been
illustrated qualitatively by Fig. 21 in the connection with the
parabolic conduction band,
r-'--t---t-+-++- !-i > A particularly striking effect of exchange interaction on
the band structure is the magnetic-field-induced overlap of
_ _--L---+-!--"-+_ !-t > valence and conduction bands in an originally zero-gap sem-
~----~--~~!+t> iconductor, such as the case of Hg 1 _ xMnxSe for x < 0,05,
' - -_ _ .J...--_~ + ~ ) I This is in contrast to it nonmagnetic zero-gap semiconduc-
tor, such as HgTe or HgSe, where the application of a mag-
netic field "opens" the gap, The effect can be qualitatively
FIG. 22. A schematic picture of the spin splitting of the top of the valence understood as foHows,
band (rs ) and the bottom of the conduction band (ro ) for a wideogap
A;!_ xMnxBvI alloy in a magnetic field. The diagram also shows the electric-
Without the sp-d exchange contlibution, the energies of
dipole-allowed transitions (arrows) for the two circular polarizations rotat- the lowest conduction Landau level and the highest vaience
ing transverse to the applied field (usually observed in the Faraday geomc o Landau level move apart as the field increases. The spin
try. designated by u +- and a _0)' and for the linear polarization parallel to the splittings of these levels-being always smaller than the
field (observed in the ordinary Voigt geometry, designated by 11"). The Fara- Landau splittings in a nonmagnetic semiconductor-cannot
day geometry transitions marked a and d are significantly stronger than
those marked band c. compensate for this divergence, and a sman gap (of the order
of! fuv c ) is thus induced by the magnetic field.
The situation in a zero-gap DMS is different in that
same as between spin levels of a nonmagnetic semiconduc- there is now a giant contribution to the spin splitting which is
tor. independent of band structure. This effect is particularly im·
portant for the valence band, where the spin splitting due to
4. Exchange effects in narrow..gtlp DMS exchange can be as much as two orders of magnitude larger
than the Landau energy of the heavy-hole band. As a result,
In the case of narrow-gap DMS-owing to the small-
the top Landau spin sublevel of the valence hand can in-
ness of the effective masses and to the large value of g* -the
crease above the lowest Landau spin sublevel of the conduc-
cyclotron splitting and the band structure contribution to
tion band, leading to a truly semimetallic configuration, This
spin splitting can now be comparable to the exchange-in-
effect has been investigated theoretically and experimentally
duced splittings, and thus can no longer be neglected. One
by Byszewski et al. 12Y
then usually proceeds by extending the Pidgeon-Brown
model-which has heen extremely successful in dealing with
nonmagnetic narrow-gap semiconductors, such as lnSh or Bo The physical origin of the sp-d exchange constants
HgTe-to include appropriate exchange terms.22.!22,125-!28 As will be noted from Table III, the behavior of the
Briefly, the Pidgeon-Brown modeI 1l9 expresses the exchange constant a and 13 is remarkably systematic: they
Hamiltonian Ho as an 8 X 8 matrix, corresponding to the are of opposite sign ([3 < 0 and a > 0), the magnitude of f3 is
eight basis functions given by Eqs. (18)-(20). Since Hex can consistently larger than a, and a and /3 appear to be insensi-
be diagonalized in the same basis functions, the exchange tive to the Mn concentration (e.g., the value of a determined
interaction contributes only additive terms to those which for Zn\ __ xMnx Te with a specific x will apply to
are already present in the Pidgeon-Brown formulation, Ll,120 Zu1_.xMn x Te foral! x),
The presence of such additive terms does not introduce any It is clear that such systematic behavior must involve a
additional mathematical complexity, and the process of so- common, and a relatively simple, physical mechanism.
lution of the modified Pidgeon-Brown Hamiltonian is iden- Bhattacharjee, Fishman, and Coqblin 13() were the first to
tical to solving the unmodified case. For mathematical de- identify the underlying physics behind the behavior of a and
tails of the formulation and solution ofthe problem, we refer 13. Briefly, these authors point out that there are two pro-
the reader to earlier publications?2,122,125-128 cesses which contribute to the exchange interaction between
Although the complications introduced into the Pid- band electrons or holes and the 3d 5 electrons of the Mn + +
geon-Brown model by the inclusion of Hex are mathemat- ions:
ically rather minor, the presence of the exchange terms (1) There always exists a 1/r potential exchange inter-
brings havoc into the otherwise orderly behavior of the Lan- action between the band (s or p) and the d electrons. This
dau ladder. Physically, the primary effect of exchange is to process tends to align the spin of the electron parallel to that
modify the spin splitting of Landau levels. However, unlike, associated with the Mn -+- -+- ion, and because of this may be
say, lnSb, the spin splitting is now determined jointly by referred to as aferromagnetic interaction, In our convention,
contributions of band structure and magnetization, so that this process makes a positive contribution to the exchange
there is no direct relationship between the cyclotron splitting constant.
(which depends on hand structure alone) and the spin split- (2) In addition, there is a contribution due to hybridiza-
ting, 127 Furthermore, the spin splittings oftlle Landau levels tion of the 3d slevels with the sand p band electrons, At the r

R47 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August ,988 J. K. Furdyna R47

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point, the sod hybridization is forbidden by symmetry, On the A~I_xMnxBvI alloys as a consequence of the sp-d ex-
the other hand, the pod hybridization is always allowed, and change interaction, has led to a multitude of new, often spec-
leads to a very strong negative (Le., antijerromagnetic) con- tacular electrical and optical effects. We illustrate this with
tribution to the exchange constants. This negative contribu- several representative examples,
tion due to the pod hybridization turns out to be much
greater in magnitude than the potential contribution de- I. Infrared msgnetoaoptlcs In narrowagap OMS
scribed under (1) above. 20 •13 !
The Landau level structure of the conduction and va-
Since the exchange-induced optical and electrical effects lence bands of narrow-gap semiconductors can be very effec-
in the A~I_ xMnxBvI alloys involve primarily band-edge tively probed by infrared interband I27 •132,133 and intra-
properties, we conclude that the exchange constant a, which band l26 magnetospectroscopy. In DMS, however, the
applies to the r 6 bands (s-like at the r point), arises almost "traditional" properties of the magneto-optical spectra are
exclusively from the potential interactions, and is therefore modified in a qualitative manner because of the dependence
positive. The exchange integral fJ, on the other hand, de- of the Landau level energies on the magnetization of the Mn
scribing the r 8 bands (p-Uke at the r point), contains poten- subsystem M [see Eqs. (6)-(9)]. We describe several such
tial (positive) as well as hybridization (negative) contribu- important modifications.
tions, the latter of the two being larger. The value of.B is thus (a) Because M depends on temperature, the entire Lan-
dominated by hybridization, so that fJ itself is negative and dau level structure in DMS becomes temperature depen-
considerably larger than a. Recently, this problem has been dent, leading in turn to a strong temperature dependence of
put on a sound quantitative footing by Ehrenreich and co- maglletotransmission spectra, especially where spin-flip
workers,z°,46,131 the predicted behavior being in remarkably transitions are involved. In sharp contrast, analogous spec-
good agreement with the experimental band-edge values of a tra of nonmagnetic semiconductors (e.g., in HgTe or
andfJ· Hg 1 _ x Cd x Te) are virtually temperature indepen-
To illustrate the relationship of the dominant, hybridi- dent. 134.135
zation part of the exchange constants to the band structure (b) As a result of the exchange interaction, the spin
of the material, we write fJ in two parts splitting of Landau levels [E/ (t) - El (0 in Eq. (21) Jcan
f3 = (J pot + /3 hyb , exceed cyclotron splitting (E{ + I (i) - E/ ( i ) 1, again in
where f3 pot is the potential (ferromagnetic) contribution to contrast with nonmagnetic semiconductors. This can alter
f3 and /3 hyb is the pod hybridization contribution. The value the usual Landau level sequence, and consequently the or-
of (Jpot may be assumed to be approximately130 equal to a. dering of magneto-optic transitions associated with these
levels. 127
The hybridization part f3 hyh may be written in the form l3(), 131
(c) As already discussed, in zero-gap DMS the anoma-

No {3hY'n = 32V;d( (+0-

e + d
ef! v
HE _
v Cd
lously large spin splitting can also raise the energy of the top
Landau level of the valence band above the bottom of the
(34) conduction band. Thus, instead of opening the energy gap of
where Vpd is the hybridization parameter, and the other a zero-gap semiconductor, here the magnetic field can in-
quantities have been defined schematically in Fig. 5.· The duce an overlap between the conduction and valence bands.
value of V]Xl can be found from known values of a and(J, and Furthermore, because this overlap arises essentially through
is typically close to 1 eV. We note parenthetically that the the contribution of Ivl to the g factor, it can be removed at
Mn + + -Mn + + exchange constants J d -d can be expressed in very high magnetic fields, where 1'vf saturates, but the cyclo-
terms of the same parameters, since the d-d exchange is tron splitting continues to increase with field. We then have
dominated by the superexchange process, involving media- a magnetically induced semimetal-to-semiconductor transi-
tion of an anion, which is a twofold step (d-p-d) of otherwise tion, which has a particularly important effect on the se-
the same hybridization process. For additional details, we quence of interband magnetotransmission peaks. 132
refer the reader to Refs. 20, 46, and 131. (d) For DMS with a narrow but open energy gap (e.g.,
It should finally be recalled that, as formulated, .B ap- Hg 1 __ xMnx Te with x> 0.07), interband magneto-absorp-
plies to the r 8 bands and a to the r 6 band, which in wide-gap tion experiments have shown that the electronic g factors
DMS happen to correspond to the valence and conduction can be large and positive_ 132,133 This feature, associated ex-
bands, respectively. However, in Hg-based DMS with low clusively with the exchange interaction, is unique to DMS,
values of x (Le., in the zero-gap situation), the conduction since in nonmagnetic narrow-gap semiconductors (such as
band corresponds to one of the branches of the r 8 band (see HgTe or InSb) the g factor is always negative.
Fig. 6), and conduction electrons are therefore described by
{3, not a, until the gap "opens." This of course accounts for
2. Quantum transport
the difference in sign of the g factors observed, e.g., in zero- The magnetic field dependence of Shubnikov-de Haas
gap and open-gap Hg 1 _ xMnx Te, 132 oscillations also depends on the details of the Landau level
spectrum, and in narrow-gap DMS (e.g., Hg1_xMnx Te)
can be analyzed to yield both the band and the exchange
C. Examples of the effects of sp d exchange interaction

parameters. The results are quite consistent with the param-

The exceptionally large spin splitting of the band edges, eters obtained from interband magneto-optics on the same
or of Landau, impurity or excitonic levels, which arises in material. 125

R48 J, Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R48

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The most striking result of the experiment is the ob-
served anomalous dependence of the amplitude of Shubni-
x .. 0.1
kov-de Haas oscillations on temperature, 125.136 As the tem-
T .. 4.2 K m "+1
perature is decreased, the amplitude of the oscillations in o m"O
n-type Hg , ~ xMn" Te or Hg, ~ x Mn", Se at first increases m ,,-!

with decreasing temperature in the normal fashion, but, as ><I>

the temperature continues to decrease, the oscillations at E
some point rapidly disappear, and re-emerge at still lower m"'+!
temperature with a different (actually opposite) phase. m=-i
The reason for this a priori unexpected behavior is that
the amplitude of Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations contains a
factor 136
where m* and mo are the effective and free-electron masses,
respectively. Since in DMS the effective g factor [see Eq.
(24) ] is very large and is rapidly changing with temperature
due to the contribution of M, at a certain temperature the
value of the argument of the cosine can go through an odd 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
multiple of rr/2, resulting in the disappearance of the Shub- Magnetic Field (Tes!o)
nikov-de Haas oscillations, and their subsequent reemer-
FIG. 23. Magnetic-field dependence ofthe Is and 2p donor levels for an n-
gence with an opposite sign. This same mechanism can in type wide-gap DMS (e.g., Cd 1 _ x Mn"Se). The bottom of the conduction
fact be used to produce the novel magnetothermal oscilla- band corresponds to 0 on the vertical scale. Note that spin splitting is larger
tions, i.eo, quantum oscillations which are observed at a con- thaIl the orbital splitting. The fact that Is ( !) and Is (t ) do not converge at
stant magnetic field by sweeping the temperature. 137 H = 0 is mel1.nt to symbolize the existence of the magnetic polaron associat-
ed with the bound electron (dot) in the Is ( i) state.

ls( ~) -> Is( i) spin-flip transition easily observed. In Fig. 24

3. Electric~dlpole spin resonance of d()nor~bound we show far-infrared (FIR) magnetotransmission spectra
electrons observed in n-type Cd, _ "Mnx Se, showing the EDSR line at
Electric-dipole spin resonance (EDSR) of donor- several temperatures. Note that, for a constant FIR wave-
bound electrons, first observed in Cd l ~xMnxSe, provides a length, the EDSR line moves to higher fields with increasing
beautiful demonstration of the exchange enhancement of temperature. This manifests the fact that, as the temperature
spin splitting and its consequences in a wide-gap DMS. U8 increases, the magnetization-and thus the effective g factor
Consider a hydrogenic donor in Cd l _ x Mnx Se, whose ener- for the Is level-decreases, requiring higher and higher
gy levels are shown in Fig. 23. Transitions between the ls( i)
and ls( i) states are normally electric-dipole forbidden.
However, in the absence of inversion symmetry, this transi- ),,, 118.8 lAm
tion is made possible by the admixture of 2p( }) terms to the q1l8!!C
ls( t) wave function, and of 2p ( t) terms to the 1$( ~) wave ...'" 4.2 K
functions. The operator making this possible in wurtzite
crystals, such as Cd] ~ x Mn ... Se, is the perturbation Hamilto- 12 K

where cis the unit vector along the c axis, sand k are spin and
20 K

momentum operators, and A is a constant determined by

inversion asymmetry. As can be seen from Eq. (36), the
interaction is highly anisotropic in nature, and consequently
the selection rules which arise from this mechanism are
highly polarization dependent. 138 (I 4 6
Clearly the amount of admixture of2p ( t) terms into the Magnetic Field (Tnla)
ls( t} wave function, which determines the strength of the
FIG. 24. Far-infrared magnetotransmission data obtained in the Faraday
transition, intimately depends on the energy separation be-
geometry on an n-typeCd,_,Mn,Se (x = 0.10) sample at several tempera-
tween the ls( t) and 2p( t) levels. Now at H = 0, this separa- tures. The sharp dip on the slowly varying background is EDSR, allowed by
tion is about 13 meV in Cd, ~ "MnxSe. However, owing to the mixing of Is and 2p wave functions, as discussed in the text. Note that
the enhancement of the g factor by the exchange interaction, EDSR moves to higher fields as the temperature increases, indicating that
the ls( t) and the 2p(!) levels can be brought sufficiently the effective g factor for the donor has the same temperature dependence as
the magnetization. The second line which appears as the temperature rises
close even at a fairly low field (say, 2 T; see Fig. 23) so that is ascribed to EDSR of thermally excited conduction electrons (after Ref.
the matrix element is large enough to make the 138),

R49 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R49

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fields to satisfy the condition field H (the ordinary Voigt geometry),
(37) The experimentally observed magnetic-field depend-
1Uu=E1s (f) -Else!).
ence of the exciton transition energies are shown in Fig. 25
(The structure in the resonance seen in the figure at higher for Zn 1 _~ xMnx Te. 147 Qualitatively, there is nothing unusual
temperatures is probably due to conduction electron-spin about the nature of the spectrum, in the sense that the same
resonance which emerges as the conduction band becomes selection rules are involved as in a nonmagnetic semiconduc-
thermally populated, and which corresponds to a slightly tor. What is unique is the very size of the effect-splittings of
different g factor.) the order of 100 meV or more, to observe which in a nonmag-
Since a spin splitting of 20 meV or so can be readily netic semiconductor one would require fields of the order of
attained as a result of the sp-d exchange, this situation offers a megagauss. Second, in practical terms the entire Zeeman
the interesting possibility of doing spectroscopy on the hy- splitting is caused by the exchange term Hex' and is therefore
drogenic donor levels under conditions when the ls( t) level determined quantitatively by the parameters A and B de-
crosses the 2p( i) level, or even penetrates into the conduc- fined in Eqs. (30) and (31 ). Owing to the size of the splitting
tion band. In nonmagnetic semiconductors such experi- and the ease of measuring sharp exciton lines, this feature
ments would require megagauss magnetic fields. Such tran- provides an exceptionally convenient experimental tech-
sitions are, however, possible in DMS under ordinary nique for determining a, /3, and the details of magnetization
laboratory conditions, and should bring new insights not M, This optical access to 1\1 has been exploited, for exampie,
only into the physics of donors, but possibly even into the for observing the high field magnetization steps using exci-
hydrogen atom itself. ton splitting as the measuring technique, as illustrated i.n
Fig. 26,
4. Exchange splitting of the exciton transitions Zeeman splitting in wurtzite A~I_ xMnxBvi alloys be-
Zeeman splitting of the free-exciton ground-state pro- haves similarly, with the added minor complication due to
vides one of the most direct and convenient situations for the fact that the top of the valence band is no longer degener-
measuring exchange effects in wide-gap DMS. 120,121,!39-147 ate at the r point. This introduces a small splitting of the
For simplicity, we shall first consider excitons in zinc-blende exciton spectrum at H = O. Except for this, everything that
A1I~-"MnxBvI alloys, The problem can be conveniently dis- has been said about zinc-hlende A~J_~ x Mnx BV1 materials ap-
cussed in terms of Fig. 22, showing schematically the Zee- plies equally well to the wurtzite members of the DMS fam-
man splittings of the band edge, which apply equally well to ily.
the splittings of the exciton level. Also shown in the figure For further details concerning excitons in DMS, the
are selection rules and corresponding polarizations for exci- reader is referred to the excellent and comprehensive treat-
ton transitions. Here u- and u+ denote transitions elicited ment of this subject by Gaj,l21
by light which is circularly polarized in the plane perpendic-
ular to the applied magnetic field (usually realized in the 50- 5. Giant Faraday rotation in wide-gap OMS
called Faraday geometry), and 17' corresponds to linear po- The exceedingly large Zeeman splitting of the absorp-
larization, with the electric field of the photon parallel to the tion edge and of the exciton level in wide-gap DMS also


Zno.95 MnO.05 Te
T =1.4 K

'"...... I
u7 80
}-- 60

i:.S 20

__ ~ __ ~ ____ L - -
o 5 iO 15 20
FIG. 26. Magnetic-field dependence of the energy difference between the d
FIG. 25. Magnetic-field dependence of the energies of transitions a, b, c, and a tral1sitions of the Is exciton inZu, _xMn" Te (x = 0.05) correspond·
and d (see Fig. 22) of the l.l'exdton in Zu'_xMnx Te (x = 0.05), observed ing to the data in Fig. 25. Experimental data are shown by the points. The
at 1.4 K in magnetoreflectance in the Faraday configuration. Solid and open solid curve is the best theoretical fit to the data, including the contribution
circles correspond to transitions observed with the IY+ and (T _ circular po- of Mn + + -Mn + + pairs. The dashed curve shows the Brillouin function fit
larizations, respectively (after Ref. 147). without the pairs (after Ref. 147).

R50 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R50

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results in a proportionately large difference in dispersion Weiss law holds (which includes room temperature). Using
(i.e., large difference in the index of refraction) of the two Eq. (10), and reassembling terms, we then obtain fOf a given
opposite circular polarizations oflight in the Faraday geom- A~I_ xMuxBvl alloy the explicit dependence of OF on the
etry, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the band edge. temperature, composition, and photon energy:
This in turn provides the mechanism for Faraday rotation, OF = P [x/( T + (JoX) ]No(f3 - a)
which attains extremely large values Cofthe order of 1000°/
em kG) at liquid-helium temperatures. 121 The immense size fh»2
X HI (39)
of the effect is illustrated by Fig. 27. {[Eg(O) +xAEg]2 _-Ji2w 2p12 '
Because of its size and ease of measurement, Faraday where 00 is the Curie-Weiss temperature defined in Eq.
rotation in DMS-like the spin splitting of the exciton, to (12), ~Eg equals Eg (1) - Eg (0), Eg (1) and Eg (0) are the
which it is closely linked-has frequently been used as a energy gaps for x = 0 and x = 1, respectively (see Eq. (5)
diagnostic tool to map the details of magnetization, both and Table III], and P is a constant. In Eq. (39) OF is in
static and dynamic. 105.121,148-151 Its very large size also holds
degrees, Tand 00 in K, the energies No (/3 - a). fuu, and Eg
promise of practical magneto-optical applications in the visi- in eV, H in G, and I in cm. The energy gap is written in the
ble and near-infrared range, such as isolators, circulators, spirit ofEq. (5), to show the explicit dependence of OF on x.
and other nonreciprocal devices. 152 The constant P has the value
Faraday rotation (JF can be expressed analytically in the
form l5 ) p= (35 ± 2) K deg/G em
obtained empirically from the data in Ref. 153, and is in
()F = ~; {3 - a M IfCtl I, (38) principle independent of the materiaL Note, however, that
21k gMnJiB (E; _fi2u/)3/2 an additional dependence of (Jp on temperature will follow
where the quantity [~ is a constant defined in Ref. 153, I is from the temperature dependence of Eg (see Table HI).
the sample thickness, and fit.u is the photon energy. The form
of Eq. (38) identifies rather transparently three major inde-
pendent factors which determine the value of OF' There is a 6. Acceptors and negative magnetoresistance in
contribution from the magnetization M, from the values of H9t_xMn x Te
the exchange constants (f3 - a), and from the photon ener- The behavior of acceptors in a positive-gap
gy and its proximity to the energy gap, given by the term Hg l _ x Mn~ Te as a function of magnetic field is extremely
involving rw and E g • Parenthetically, since OF involves interesting and leads to very pronounced negative magneto-
/3 - a, and we have already remarked that a is approximate- resistance. 154,155 This is linked intimately with the effect of
ly equal to the part of /3 arising from the potential exchange the sp-d exchange on the r 8 valence band. It can be shown
interaction (see Seco V B, above), we note that eF is primar- (for greater detail, see Refs. 10, 23. 24, or 123) that in the
ily a measure of /3 hy" defined in Eq. (34). presence of a magnetic field the exchange interaction pro-
Because of the particular importance (from a device duces a peculiar mixing of light- and heavy-hole band contri-
point of view) of the behavior of Faraday rotation in the butions to the acceptor wave function, which in turn causes
room-temperature region, we note that OF can be recast in a the Bohr orbit of the acceptor to grow in size as the field
convenient form for the temperature range where Curie- increases. 10,23, 156


X =0.23
8 H =5 kG
L' 0.351 em

6 FIG. 27. Transmission as a function of wave num-
~ ber of initially linearly polarized light through a
:ec Cd, _ xMnx Te (x = 0.23) slab, sandwiched be-
tween two linear polarizers. displaying giant Fara-
...>- 4 day rotation. At ! 5 000 em -- I the rotation exceeds
- 8000'. The experiment is carried out at 5 K and 5
z T. (For details, see Ref. 1530)

°16,000 14.000 13.000 12,000 1/,000


R5i J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R51

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
This unusual behavior can be seen as follows. 10,23 In the the light-hole mass. The acceptor wave function then swells
presence of a magnetic field the exchange interaction results in the direction transverse to the magnetic field H, because,
in a magnetic-field-induced anisotropy of the constant ener- effectively, the mass involved in determining the orbit size
gy surfaces associated with the four spin split components of decreases,
the valence band near the r point. The form of the anisotro- This very unusual feature has three immediate conse-
py can be obtained via k'p perturbation for small k, with the quences: first, the ionization energy of the acceptor de-
fonowing result: creases with field, leading to a "boil-off" offree carriers (op-
posite offreeze-out) with increasing magnetic fields; second,
E±3/2(k) = _~1i2r(_3_+_1_)(k; +k~) the increased spatial extent of the acceptor wave function
2 l 4mlh 4mhh
leads to increasing impurity conduction (and ultimately to a
magnetically induced Mott transition); and third, owing to
the disklike shapes of the acceptor wave functions, the effects
arising from the swelling of the Bohr orbit are expected to be
anisotropic. m These consequences are manifested in the
form of a dramatic negative magnetoresisiance,154.155.158 of
nearly an order of magnitude per T at low temperatures,
+_l_k;] ±B, (41)
which is anisotropic with respect to the direction ofH. This
m 1h
extremely strong effect, shown in Fig. 28, is one of the most
where m 1h and lnhh are the effective masses of light and
heavy holes, respectively, and B was defined in Eq. (31). striking manifestations of the sp-d exchange interaction, dis-
Thus, the constant energy surfaces are ellipsoids of revolu- tinguishing DMS alloys from nonmagnetic semiconductors.
tion about magnetic field (I.e., about the z direction), prolate
(cigar shaped) for the E ± 3/2 (k), and oblate (disk shaped) l" Magnetic4ield-induced meta/~insulator transition in
for theE ± 1/2 (k) levels. With B negative, the E_ 312 (k) level OMS
corresponds to the highest lying point of the valence band, n-type Cd! __ xMuxSe also exhibits a striking negative
i.e" it is closest to the acceptor level, which is particularly magnetoresistance associated with sp-d exchange ef-
important when the acceptor binding energy is less than the fects. !59,//)O The microscopic model for the effects observed
magnitude of B. Note that this spin sublevel is characterized in Cd j _ x Mnx Se is not as funy understood as in the case ofp-
by a large longitudinal mass (m hh ) and a small transverse type Hg I _ xMnx Te, but is obvious1y very different, since it
mass [m L ;:::; (4/3) m lh ] • As the magnetic field increases, the involves donors, described by the properties of the r 6 band
other sub-bands move further and further away from the of a wide-gap semiconductor. One possible explanation that
acceptor level, which is then increasingly dominated by the may account for this behavior is the destruction of the mag-
properties of E_ 3/2 (k), Thus, with increasing magnetic netic polaron, which also (like inp-typcHg! _ xMnx Te) re-
field, as the value of B exceeds the acceptor binding energy, sults in a swelling of the impurity wave function as the mag-
the acceptor Bohr orbit acquires an increasing admixture of netic field is increased, 161


10' " Hg,_ xMoxTe -1'
X '" 0011
1.4 K

iOOO~i---:-----!;ci_-!;ci- _ I
2 3 4 5 6 7

FIG, 28. The behavior of resistivity in a magnetic field observed inp-typt: Hgi _xMn, Te (x;:::O. J l, acceptor conccntrationp;::: 10 10 cm- 3 ), The plots on the
left show transverse resistivity as a function of inverse temperature at several constant fields. The data manifest two thermal excitation energies (two slopes)
corresponding to different mechanisms: the holc "boil-off" at high temperatures characterized hy the sharper slope, and impurity conduction at low
temperatures. The figure on the right shows the giant negative magnetorcsistlillce as a function of applied Held, observed in the impurity conduction range, at
1.4 K. The dramatic drop in resistance is ascribed to the Jpatial growth of the acceptor wave functions with increasing field (after Ref. 158).

R52 J, Appl. Phys., VoL 64, No.4, 15 August 1968 J. K. Furdyna R52

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
The negative magnetoresistance in p-Hg 1 _ xMnx Te field. 164 Since the first observation of bound magnetic polar-
and n-Cd 1 _ "Mn" Se is so strong that, in certain ranges of ons in n-type Cd, _ xMnxSe (donors) 165 and in
impurity concentration, both systems exhibit a magnetic- 01 1 _ xMnx Te (acceptors),166 a great deal of attention has
field-induced metal-to-insulator transition. This has been been given to this subject in the DMS context,167.168 includ-
demonstrated by Wojtowicz et al.162.163 who showed that, ing the possible role of the BMP in the negative magnetore-
above a certain critical field He. the conductivity of both sistance ofCdl_xMnxSe already mentioned.
systems displays the functional magnetic field and tempera- For additional details and a full theoretical treatment,
ture dependence in the form the interested reader is directed to the review of the bound
a(T,H) = a(O,H) +A(H)T I/2 , (42) magnetic polaron problem in DMS by WOIff. 169
i.e., that the conductivity extrapolated to T = K remains
finite. This is the criterion by which the system is defined to
be metallic.
The values of O'(O,H) for both P-Hgl_xMnx Te and One of the most exciting recent developments in the area
n-Cd 1 __ xMn"Se are shown in Fig. 29. The similarity of be- of DMS, presenting an entirely new set of challenges and
havior of the two materials is indeed striking. Guided by this opportunities, is the successful preparation of A~I_ xMnxBvI
remarkable similarity, the authors of Refs. 162 and 163 pro- superlattices and heterostructures by molecular-beam epi-
posed that, despite differences between the microscopic taxy. It should be clear by now that the strong
mechanisms which are responsible for the dramatic magnet- variations of the energy gap with composition encountered
ic-field-induced drop in resIstance, the two systems consti- in these systems (see Fig. 7) make the A~I_ xMnxBvI multi-
tute a new universality class, in which the metal-to-insulator layers highly suitable for "band-gap engineering," and the
transition takes place entirely in a single spin-polarized wide limits oflattice parameter tuning shown in Figs. 1 and 2
band. 161.162 The spin polarization of the system is, of course, offer important lattice-matching opportunities in this
a direct consequence of the giant spin splitting occurring in context. To date, high quality superlattices consisting
both materials as a result of the sp-d exchange at low tem- of Cdl __ xMnxTe/Cdl_yMnyTe,I70.171 Znl_xMnxSel
peratures, thus making DMS the only known family of ma- Zn l _ yMnySe,l72 Hgl_xMnxTe/HgI_yMnyTe,173 and
terials which can host such a universality class. Cdl_xMnxTe/Hgl_yMnyTe (y¥=x, including x=O)
(Ref. 174), have been prepared.
8. Bound magnetic po/arons Since the dominant property of layered structures is
All the above effects occur in the presence of external their two dimensionality, we begin by describing the behav-
magnetic fields. We finally mention one which is observed ior of a simple two-dimensional electron gas, such as would
when the magnetic field is zero: the bound magnetic polaron exist in a metal-insulator semiconductor (MIS) structure
(BMP). The BMP phenomenon can be understood as fol- involving a A~I_xMn"BvI material. We then turn to the
lows: Consider, as an example, an electron bound to a donor. A~I_ "MnxBVI quantum wells and supedattices, and de-
The hydrogenlike orbit of the electron encloses a large num- scribe those physical properties which have already been es-
ber ofMn + + ions ( - 300 for x;:::; 0.05), with which the elec- tablished experimentally for such heterostructures. Next, we
tron interacts through the sp-d exchange. This interaction discuss novel magnetic phenomena which can be observed in
polarizes the Mn + + spins, leading to a finite magnetization the layered A~I__ x MnxB V1 structures. Finally, we give con-
on the scale of the donor orbit. In addition, the spontaneous siderable attention to those features that, although not yet
fluctuations of magnetization can also lead to a finite mag- observed, are likely to emerge from the marriage of the rich
netic moment on the same local scale. As a result of both spectrum of physical properties. specific to DMS with the
contributions the bound electron perceives a finite magneti- new degrees offreedom offered by the quantum well and the
zation, and energy is therefore required to flip the spin of the superlattice configuration. In preparing this section, we have
donor electron even when there is no external magnetic relied to a large extent on the review article by Furdyna,

40 )(~o.085 0.6

. ue- FIG. 29. Magnetic-field dependence of the extrapo-
S u lated zero-temperature conductivity a (0, H) for p-

~20 2>8 S type Hg,_xMn x Te and n-type Cd, .. xMnxSe. The

Hg J _ xMnx Te data show that the transverse and
longitudinal magnetoconductivity, although differ-
0.2 ent, yield the same value of critical field (after Ref.
10 163; for details, see that reference).

10 15 20 25 30
H (kOel

R53 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64. No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna RS3

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
Kossut, and Ramdas, 17 updating the material as required by ment with calculations based on the assumption that the
newer developments. values of the sp-d exchange constants in the inversion layer
are the same as in the bulk. 178.180 The important feature to
A. Two-dimensional electron gas in narrowugap DMS stress in this case is that, because of the temperature depend-
systems ence of the effective g factor, the positions of the quantum
The earliest investigation of a two-dimensional (2D) Hall-effect singUlarities in the OMS case are also tempera-
ture dependent, another effect which is unique to the 20
electron gas involving an A {I_ x Mn x B VI alloy was carried out
DMS structures.
on MIS structures prepared on the surface of p-type
It should be added that the quantum Hall-effect experi-
Hg 1 _ "Mnx Te with x in the range ofO. 10-0.13. (This com-
ments on OMS also show a dramatic dependence on hydro-
position was chosen so as to make the resulting energy gap,
static pressure. 179 In particular, the presence of pressure ap-
0.08--0.12 eV, sufficiently large to limit electron tunneling
pears to lead to a further spectacular improvement in the
from the inversion layer to the valence-band states in the
resolution of the oscillatory features, Quantum Hall data
bulk.) In the presence of a magnetic field, pronounced oscil-
observed on the above quaternary aHoy in the presence of
lations of the electrical conductivity were observed in the
hydrostatic pressure are shown in Fig. 30. The role of pres-
electron inversion layer as a function of the gate voltage
sure in this context is presently not understood, and offers
across the MIS structure, 175 much as in traditional nonmag-
interesting opportunities for speculation.
netic MIS structures. In the case involving DMS, however,
the positions of the oscillations also showed a pronounced
80 DMS quantum wells and superlattices In the absence
dependence on the temperature, providing direct evidence
of a magnetic field
that sp-d exchange, which causes the temperature depend-
ence of the Landau level energies in bulk DMS, is also pres- The first reports of successful preparation of quantum
ent in 2D DMS systems. wells and supedaUices of Cd1_xMn" Te/Cd 1_ yMny Te by
Subsequently, magneto-optical studies were performed MBE date back to 1984.11°·171 More recently, superlat-
on electron-inversion and hole-accumulation layers involv- tices of Zn 1 __ xMnxSe/Znl_ yMnySe,172 Cdl_xMnx Tel
ing DMS,176 again showing the presence of sp-d exchange Hg i _yMny Te, 174 and Hg 1 _ x Mnx Te/Hg1_yMnyTe
effects. For example, the very strong magnetic-field depend- (x# y, including x = 0 or y = 0) (Ref. 173) have also been
ence of the high-frequency conductivity in accumulation grown by this powerful technique. Of these, the
layers of p-type Hg 1 _ xMnx Te (Ref. 176) was interpret- Cd l _ xMnx Te and Zn,_ xMnxSe systems are the most thor-
ed-at least qualitatively-as a modification of the hole ef- oughly studied.
fective masses due to the sp-d exchange. 120 Such magnetic- Even the very first measurements on these layered sys-
field-dependence of the hole masses appears to be a unique tems l70 indicated that their electronic properties are strik-
feature of 2D DMS systems. ingly different from those observed on bulk materials; for
A particularly interesting example of a 2D DMS struc- example, the intensity ofthe luminescence peak observed in
ture is the 2D electron gas confined to the vicinity of the Cd! _xMnx Tesuperlatticewas found to be about 1500 times
boundary between two monocrystalline grains, such as occa- stronger than in the bulk! The above superlattices are usually
sionally occur in Hg 1 _ x Mux Te crystals grown by the Bri.dg- of remarkably good quality, showing sharp layer boundaries
man method. 177 The electron mobilities in such layers were as seen by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), excel-
found to be higher than those observed in the i.nversion lay- lent x-ray rocking curves, and clear evidence of zone folding
ers of the MIS structures described above. In fact, the quality
of the inversion layers at the grain boundaries of such
Hg 1 _xMnx Te bicrystals was sufficiently high to allow the 2d - Hg O•75 Cd().2. Mn O• 02 Te
observation of well-defined quantum HaH-effect plateaus. 178 400 T=4.2K p{300K)=5kbar 8
Although the Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations occur-
ring in the 2D electron gas at the grain boundaries of p-type
Hg 1 _ x Mn x Te(x=O.1) bicrystals are rather spectacular, ~~ 300
the data did not reveal resolved spin splittings of the Landau .£:.
levels. This is probably due to the fact that at this value of x ~>< 200
contribution of the sp-d the exchange to the g factor is rela- ><
tively small because of the antiferromagnetic interactions
between the Mn + +- ions. For this reason, the 2D electron gas 100
was also studied m. 179 at grain boundaries in the quaternary
HgO.75 Cdo.23 MnO.02 Te alloy, where the energy gap is primar-
ily determined by the Cd content, and the smaller concentra-
tion of Mn -+ + ions results in the values of magnetization o
(and therefore g factors) greater than in the previous B (resla)
(x = 0.1) case. The quantum Hall-effect data in these qua-
FIG. 30. Hall resistivity Pxy and diagonal resistivity Px> observed under
ternary samples did indeed show resolved spin splittings of hydrostatic pressure in the 2D electron gas at a bicrystal interface in
the Landau levels of the 2D electrons. The magnitude and Hg,l.75CdO.2,Muo.02 Te. Note the well-resolved spin splitting (2+,2 -) in
the temperature dependence of the splitting was in agree- p xx and the well-defined plateaus ill Pxyo

R54 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R54

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
of the acoustic phonon dispersion curves, as observed by systems because oftne possibility of tuning the emitted radi-
Raman scattering. IMI ation by an external magnetic field 194 and also---owing to the
A;I_ x Mnx BVl -based supedattices and heterostructures large energies of the transitions occurring in the
can be readily prepared by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). Zn! _ xMnxSe/ZnSe superlattice-because of the eventual
Details of the growth technique, presented extensively in possibility of stimulated emission in the blue region of the
several technical and review papers, do not differ significant- spectrum.
ly from the preparation of AHBvl-based structures in gen- In contrast to the superIattices and quantum wells in-
eraL We shaH therefore not discuss them here, except to volving wide-gap DMS discussed above, at this time consid-
mention that the A;I_xMnxBvI epitaxial structures can be erably less experimental information is available on similar
grown, among others, on GaAs substrates, a fact which may structures consisting fully or in part of narrow-gap
be ofimportance in future attempts at a monolithic integra- A~I_xMnxBvI materials, such as Hg1_xMn xTe
tion oflayered DMS components with GaAs-based devices. IHg l _yMny Te or Cd1_xMn x Te/Hg] _ yMny Te. However,
Furthermore, the MBE method, which is a nonequHibrium even preliminary results 195 of far-infrared magneto-absorp-
growth technique, can be used to prepare in layer form struc- tion measurements obtained on these layered systems exhib-
tures which cannot be grown in the bulk. This has been suc- it unusual and interesting features. Their properties should
cessfully applied to the preparation of zinc-blende be particularly interesting in the presence of a magnetic field,
Zn j _ xMnxSe well beyond the limits indicated in Table 1, IR2 as may be inferred from the spectacularly rich (although not
to thin layers of MnSe,183 and to Zn l _ xFexSe of high Fe yet fully understood) magneto-optical spectra observed on
content. 184 Finally, it should be mentioned in the context of these systems. 195
thin DMS film preparation that atomic layer epitaxy (ALE)
has also recently been emerging as a promising new growth c. The magnetism of 20 OMS layers
technique for the preparation of A~I_xMnxBvl layers and Although the investigation of magnetic properties of
superlattices of exceptionally high quality. J85-187 layered DMS structures has been only recently undertaken,
An inherent structural property ofDMS superlattices is the observations already made indicate that the type of mag~
that they involve layers which are substantially strained. net ism occurring in these quasi-two-dimensional systems
This is evident from the example of Cd l _ xMn" Tel differs in many ways from that observed in corresponding
Cd! __ yMny Te (x# y), considering the relatively rapid vari- bulk materials. The study of this problem is of importance
ation of the lattice constant with x (see Fig. 2 and Table II). not only because of its fundamental nature, but also be-
The presence of strain then modifies the band offsets. thus cause-as was already demonstrated for bulk AiI _ x MnxB vr
complicating the subsequent analysis of the data. Strain-re- alloys-the optical and electrical properties of2D DMS sys-
lated shifts of the heavy- and light-hole levels are an ever tems are expected to depend in a very sensitive way on the
present part of the DMS superlattice picture, leading to two magnetization exhibited by these materials.
distinct excitonic optical transitions !RS-l9G related to the two The first indication of differences between the magnetic
resulting hole species. Needless to say, strain effects are also behavior in 2D and in bulk DMS samples comes from Ra-
responsible for large differences in the optical properties be- man scattering. ]81 It was noticed in these measurements that
tween superlattices grown along the (100) and the (I 11 ) the Raman Hne associated with low-temperature magnon
crystallographic directions. 19 ! excitations was conspicuously missmg in
A measure of the high quality of the Cd l xMnx Te and CdO. 5 Mno.s Te/Cd o.89 MnO. ll Te superlattices, in contrast to
Zn\ _ x Mn" Se superlattices is that both systems have mani- bulk Cdo.s Mno.5 Te, where magnon lines are prominently
fested stimulated emission. 192-194 This is of considerable in- present in Raman spectra obtained under identical condi-
terest from the point of view of future applications of these tions. Instead, in the case of the superlattices, the spectrum
observed at low temperatures shows only wen-resolved Ra-
man paramagnetic resonance lines, such as those occurring
in bulk Cdo.s Mflo.s Te at high temperatures, i.e., in the ab-
sence of any short range magnetic order. Thus, it was con-
duded 181 that, unlike bulk material, the layered samples
studied exhibit a paramagnetic rather than magnetically or-
dered behavior.
Systematic studies of the changing character of magnet-
ic behavior with decreasing dimensionality of the structure
were made possible more recently by the successful growth
of ultrathin zinc-blende MnSe epilayers (down to -8 A.)
sandwiched between thicker (45 A) layers of nonmagnetic
ZnSe. 183 It is natural to expect that bulk zinc-bIende MnSe
will show an antiferromagnetic ordering of type III, similar
to that observed in j1-MnS (see Fi.g. 16) .196 This i.s indeed
FIG. 3 L Dark-field images of the MnSe "spin sheet" sllperlattice reported
in Ref. 183. In the images, bright bands correspond to ZnSe layers, the wide corroborated by low-temperature studies of the thicker
dark bands are zinc-blende ZUo.s> Mno.4 ; Se, and the thin dark bands are MnSe layers ( - 30 A. or higher) in the presence of magnetic
zinc-blende MnSe layers. 6-8 A thick. field, in which the posi.tion of the luminescence peak shows

R55 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna RSS

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
no magnetic field dependence (no observable Zeeman shift), rence ofthe CUSp in the magnetic susceptibility) is intimately
consistent with the existence of antiferromagnetism in the linked with the formation of antiferromagnetically ordered
samples. clusters. The disappearance of the cusp in the thin
Surprisingly, however, the luminescence line observed Cd l _xMnx Te layers may thus indicate the suppression of
at low temperatures in the very thin ( - 8 .A) layers of zinc- antiferromagnetic order, even on the short range cluster
blende MnSe sandwiched between ZnSe, such as those scale.
shown in Fig. 31, exhibited a vigorous shift toward longer While the above results still await a rigorous microscop-
wavelengths in the presence of an external magnetic field. 183 ic analysis, it remains clear that the low-temperature behav-
The large magnitude of the observed shift, signaling a large ior of the A;I_xMnxBvl alloys depends intimately on the
value of magnetization, is inconsistent with antiferromag- short range Mn + + - Mn + + interactions, i.e., on the detailed
netic ordering, and can be taken as a signature of paramag- topology of the Mn subsublattice. By changing the magnetic
netic behavior in such ultrathin "spin sheets." environment of the Mn ions, one can therefore alter the na-
A very interesting result, leading to similar general con- ture of the short range magnetic ordering. The "spin sheet"
clusions, has been recently obtained by A wschalom et al. 197 configuration mentioned above I 83 can serve as an example of
and Hong et al., 19 who measured the low-temperature mag- such modification, since the presence of intercalating ZnSe
netic susceptibility in Cd l _ xMnx Te layers for various layer layers certainly leads to a reduction of the coupling of
thicknesses and various values of x, using a SQUID magne- Mn + + ions belonging to different sheets, thereby altering
tometer. Briefly, thick samples (d:::::86 A.) exhibited a wen- the number of possible magnetic nearest neighbors of a given
defined cusp in the susceptibility at a temperature closely Mn++ ion,
corresponding to the spin-glass transition in the bulk. How- Finally, returning specifically to the disappearance of
ever, as the measurements were made on progressively thin- the antiferromagnetic properties in ultrathin epitaxial layers
ner layers, the cusp in the susceptibility became increasingly of Cd! _ xMnx Te and MnSe-and arguing in a more general,
distorted, and eventually disappeared completely in favor of thermodynamic sense--it is tempting to ascribe this absence
a relatively monotonic paramagneticlike behavior even at (or at least the reduction) of ordering to the Mermin-Wag-
the lowest temperatures, as shown in Fig. 32. ner theorem, 198 which states that in the limit of two dimen-
In this connection we wish to recall that in the empirical sionality-and in the absence of spatially anisotropic mag-
picture of magnetic freezing put forth in Sec. IV, we had netic interactions within the plane containing the spins-
argued that the spin-glass-like transition (i.e., the occur- magnetic order is not possible. One realizes that neither of
the conditions required by the theorem is ideally satisfied,
but it is nevertheless true that we are approaching this limit
as the magnetic layers are made thinner and thinner. The
observed tendencies observed in the ultrathin layers of MnSe
and Cd 1 _ xMnx Te are at least consistent with the predic-
tions of the theorem.

Do Exchange effects in OMS superlattices and quantum

The effect of sp-d exchange on the behavior of superlat-
Cd o.8S Mn O. 15 Te tices was first considered by von Ortenberg,199 who intro-
L: 18 A duced the concept of a "spin superlattice." Such a system
would consist oflayers ofHgl_xMnxSe and Hg1_yCdySe,
with x and y so chosen that the energy gaps (and, therefore,
the effective masses) are the same in both materials. The g
factors in the layers, however, are quite different in such a
system. An electron traveling perpendicular to the layers
would thus experience an approximately homogeneous po-
tential in the absence of an external magnetic field, but when
the field was applied, the potential "seen" by the electron
would have the periodicity of the superlattice, owing to the
large differences in spin splittings which take place in alter-
CdO.93Mno.07Te "" nate layers. This magnetically induced periodicity of the po-
L = 86 A · · .. tential would lead to the formation of "minibands" separat-
1.5 4.5 1.5 4.5 ed by "minigaps" which, owing to the special properties of
TEMPERATURE (K) the g factor in Hg 1 __ x Mnx Se, would also be highly tempera-
ture dependent.
FIG. 32. Magnetic susceptibility as a function of temperature observed in Exchange-induced effects in supedattices involving
epitaxial layers of ed, _xMux Te for various Mn concentrations and thick-
wide-gap A ~I_ x Mnx BVI alloys can be equally dramatic. Con-
nesses. Note that the spin-glass-like transition cusp, well defined in the
x = 0.15, L = 75 A data, disappears for the x = 0.15 alloy when the layer sider, for example, a single quantum weB of a modulation-
thickness is reduced (after Ref. 197; for details, see that reference). doped superlattice depicted in Fig. 33, with the wens consist-

RSS J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1986 J. K. Furdyna RS6

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
ing of wide-gap non-DMS material sandwiched between doping of the Cd1 .. "Mux Te system has recently been
wide-gap n-type DMS barriers, for example, achieved,2OO making considerations such as those above
Cd! _ xMnx Te/CdTe/Cd i _ xMnx Te. In discussing the con- quite realistic.
sequences of sp-d exchange in a system of this kind, we shall The fact that the relative position of the donor levels in
make use of three conditions, aU of which are readily realized the barriers and the EI states in the wells can be adjusted
in DMS materials, namely: suggests the possibility of resonant tunneling across the bar-
0) The spin splitting of energy levels in DMS layers is riers tuned by the magnetic field or by the temperature. A
considerably greater than in adjacent non-DMS layers (easi- sequential tunneling (originally demonstrated in nonmag-
ly by two orders of magnitude in the case of wide-gap DMS netic superlattices for the case involving resonance of the
at low temperatures); ground state El and the first excited-state E2 in successive
(ii) The spin splitting in DMS layers can be comparable wells) 201 is in the present case conceivable when the two spin
to the ionization energies of shallow impurities; components of the El state coincide with the donor levels in
(iii) The spin splitting in wide-gap DMS far exceeds the the adjacent barriers, as shown in Fig. 34. Such a configura-
energy difference between consecutive Landau levels of the tion may ultimately lead to the construction of tunable far-
same spin (i.e., the cyclotron splitting). infrared emitters. Furthermore, since the transitions be-
By an appropriate choice of the Mn mole fraction x, the tween the spin-up and spin-down levels in question involve
energy gap of the barrier material depicted in Fig. 33 may be circular polarizations, the outgoing light of such emitters
so adjusted that the donor level is slightly above the ground- would likewise be circularly polarized. 17
state El of the electron confined in the well, El being deter- As pointed out elsewhere,12 the quantum-well struc-
mined primarily by the well width. At low temperatures the tures involving DMS aHoys may show novel features in
donor electrons will then "spill" from the DMS layer onto quantum oscillation phenomena, of which the most unusual
the E, states, rendering the system conducting in the layer would occur in a system illustrated in Fig. 35. It should be
plane. noted that the sequence of oscillations in the system shown
When a magnetic field is applied to this system, one of would take place in the order which is reverse to that usually
the spin components of the donor state will shift strongly observed in a nonmagnetic 2D electron gas. That is, in the
down in energy, while the E J level in the nonmagnetic wen case of nonmagnetic semiconductors, the sequence of quan-
will remain practically unaffected by the field. The electrons tum oscillations is determined by the fact that the index of
will then transfer back to the donor states in the DMS layers, Landau levels sequentially crossing the Fermi level decreases
with a corresponding decrease of the conductivity (a kind of as the magnetic field is increased. In the case shown in Fig.
"freeze-out" effect). Model calculations for the population 35, however, one may expect the series of oscillations to be-
oftheE 1 state ina nonmagnetic well as a function of the field gin with that associated with the lowest Landau level (la-
carried out using actual materials parameters (specifically beled 0- ), foHowed by those corresponding to levels 1-, 2 - ,
foraCd! _xZnx Te/Cdl_yMn yTesystem) showthatthe be- etc., as the field increases. This phenomenon is a conse-
havior just described should be quite feasible under practical quence of the fact that in wide-gap DMS, spin spliUings far
laboratory conditions. 17 exceed the spacings between consecutive Landau levels, as
A reverse effect (which one could call "electron boil- mentioned at the outset of this discussion. This sequence will
off") would be expected to take place in a complementary continue until the Mn++ spins saturate. The sequence of
system, consisting of DMS wells and n-type nonmagnetic oscillations should then reverse, since the Landau splittings
barriers, with parameters so chosen that in zero magnetic would continue to increase with the field, eventually restor-
field the donor levels are now slightly below the El state in ing the standard behavior of the Landau ladder relative to
the welt In this configuration, application of the field forces the Fermi level.
the donor electrons to transfer to the wen states (owing to Another interesting case is that of a shallow non-DMS
the downshift of the lower spin level within the wen), where quantum well sandwiched between DMS barriers. Here we
2D conductivity can then take place. Needless to say, the
phenomena described in this section depend critically on our
ability to appropriately dope the superlattices. It is therefore
important to point out that major progress in modulation
non- DMS
OMS non- non-OMS
y ....
...., OMS OMS
J___ '1Ed
E, E[
.II • • .II •••

-~-----~ .... ~

8"0 B¢O
FIG. 34. DMS quantum weHs between non-DMS barriers in the presence of
FIG. 33. A non-DMS quantum well between DMS barriers, illustrating the an external electric and magnetic fields, showing sequential resonant tun-
sp-d exchange-induced freeze-out. Only the ground state (spin-down) is neling between spin-split states in the wells facilitated by the donor levels in
shown for nonzero magnetic field (after Ref. 12). the barrien; (after Ref. 17).

R57 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna RS?

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see

interaction holds in store for the experimenter as well as the


In this paper we have described the structural, elec-
tronic, and magnetic properties of A~!_xMnxBvI DMS al-
loys, as well as the properties arising from the sp-d exchange
interaction in these semiconductors. The approach has been
to deal with the A~I_xMnxBV[ materials as a unified group,
that is, to emphasize those physical properties which are
FIG. 35. A DMS quantum well between nonmagnetic barriers, illustrating common to all A1I_xMnxBvI alloys. In following this phi-
the mechanism for the unusual sequence of quantum oscillations in such a
DMS heterostructure. B, and B2 denote two different values of the applied losphy, we have omitted, or presented in lesser detail, certain
magnetic field. Note that the energies of the spin-down states in the DMS topics, such as methods of materials preparation, specific
layers do not continue to decrease indefinitely with increasing field due to experimental techniques, physical phenomena that occur in
saturation of the magnetization, as illustrated by the right-hand side of the
only a limited subgroup of A;l x MnxBVI, and the entire sub-
figure (after Ref. 12).
ject ofDMS other than the A~I_ xMnxBvI systems. To make
up in part for these omissions, we shall briefly list these top-
ics here, with appropriate references for the interested read-
may expect the electron states in the nonmagnetic well to Materials preparation and crystal growth of
acquire some of the characteristics of the DMS material, A fI xMnxB VI alloys: This subject has been presented with
such as sensitivity to the magnetic field and temperature. admirable completeness in the comprehensive review by Pa-
This is because the effective depth of the well, given by the jaczkowskaY More recently, Giriat and Furdyna30 have
difference between the positions of the band edges in the also reviewed this subject in considerable detail. References
adjacent layers, is itself strongly dependent on the field, and quoted in both these reviews represent a rather complete
in a shallow wen the energy EI is strongly dependent on the bibliography on materials purification, synthesis, and crys-
wen depth. Such an effect may be viewed as being due to the tal growth relevant to the A~I_xMnxBvI alloy family.
"leakage" into the DMS barriers of the wave function of the Raman scattering studies ofDMS: Inelastic light scatter-
electron confined in the wen, so that the electron in the non- ing is an extremely effective technique for the study of ele-
magnetic layer interacts (at least in part) with the Mn + + mentary excitations (phonons and local modes,210 mag-
ions via the sp-d exchange. nons,211.212 Raman EPR,213 stimulated spin-flip
Finally, the photoluminescence measurements on Raman,214.215 the bound magnetic polaron, 165.167.216 etc.) in
CdTe/Cd, __ xMnx Te (Refs. 202 and 203) supedattices in bulkI65.167,210--216 as well as layered 217 DMS. We have of
the presence of a magnetic field show that the spin splittings course referred to specific Raman scattering results where
of the energy levels in the CdTe well are surprisingly large, appropriate in the present review, but these references are
although the wells consist of a nonmagnetic material whose g insufficient to do justice to the role which Raman scattering
factors are small in the bulk. Although such an enhancement has played in extending our understanding of DMS. To
is, in principle, possible due to "leakage" of the wave func- make up for this, we wish to refer the reader to the excellent
tions of quantum-well confined electrons into the DMS bar- review of the subject by Ramdas and Rodriguez,218 and to
rier layers in the manner described immediately above, the sources cited therein.
magnitude of the observed effect is unexpectedly large and Elastic properties ofDM'S: In the present article we have
cannot be quantitatively explained by this simple mecha- dealt with crystallographic, electronic, optical, and magnet-
nism. This disagreement led the investigators to the conclu- ic properties ofDMS, which have been the subject of numer-
sion that the excitons in the quantum wells and superlattices ous investigations and are therefore "ripe" for review. By
are trapped at the heterointerfaces.202-204 This conclusion is comparison, little has been done in the area of elastic proper-
further supported by time-resolved exciton recombination ties of the A~I xMnxBvI alloys. Nevertheless, the studies
studies 205 and by the strong polarization of light emitted that have been performed219.220 reveal some intriguing prop-
from these quantum wells in the presence of an external mag- erties that may be unique to DMS, in that they may reflect
netic field. 206 The trapping of excitons at the interfaces is the inftuence of the magnetic properties of these materials on
now viewed207-209 as being due to sp-d exchange of the holes mode softening observed in ultrasonic attenuation experi-
in the wells with Mn + + ions in the barriers, a phenomenon ments. Important physical insights into the effect of magnet-
somewhat analogous to the formation of magnetic polarons ic ordering on elastic properties are likely to emerge from
in bulk DMS alloys. future studies in this area.
The situations cited above are by no means an exhaus- Quaternary DMS alloys: The composition of a given
tive list of the phenomena made possible by the sp-d ex- All_ x Mnx BVI alloy determines the lattice parameter, the en-
change interaction in the context of quantum wens and su- ergy gap, and the magnetic properties of the material. Thus,
perlattices involving DMS, but are rather meant as specific in the process of changing the energy gap by varying the
illustrative examples of the exciting opportunities which this value of x, one automatically also changes the magnetic sus-

ASS J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, i5 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna R5S

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
ceptibHity and the lattice constant of the material. In certain
situations it may be desirable to change these variables inde~
pendently. For example, one may wish to increase the energy
gap of Hg 1 _ x Mnx Te, but not to increase the manganese
content beyond a certain limit (as was done in the case of the
\ \
samples used in the quantum HaH effect, discussed in Sec.
VI A). This is possible by preparing a quaternary system
Hl __ x_yCdxMny Te, in which both x andy jointly determine
the energy gap, while x alone determines the magnetic prop~ x '0.0
erties. Similar strategies of tailoring suitable four-compo~
nent systems can be followed in order to independently con~ FIG. 36. A schematic picture of the band structureofHg, _xFe,Se near the
trol the energy gap and the lattice parameter, or the lattice r point for several values of x. The Fe + +- level is shown as a resonant donor.
parameter and magnetic properties. A great deal of system- There are approximately 5X 10'" em -3 conduction-band states available
atic research on the preparation and on the physical (pri~ below the Fe+ ~ level. For x > 3 X 10- 4, an these states are filled by ioniza-
tion of Fe· + ions to Fe++ r ions. This provides a natural limit for the
marily magnetic and optical) properties of quaternary alloys
Fermi level (after Ref. 29).
of the type A~I_X __ yC~IMnyBVI and A~I_ xMnxBY~yC;I has
been done by Woolley and co~workers, and we refer the read-
er to their publications for further details concerning this
subject. 61,221-224
New DMS alloys: Although the major activity in the tration is determined by the band structure and its corre-
field of diluted magnetic semiconductors has been concen- sponding density of states (like in a true semimetal, e.g., Bi)
trated on the A~I_ xMnxBvI alloys, it is important to realize rather than doping or nonstoichiometric defects, as long as x
that other types ofDMS are also beginning to emerge. These (the Fe concentration) exceeds the number of available elec-
are: Pbl_xMnxBvI and Pb, _ x (RE)x Bvl alloys, 225-227 tronic states below the Fe++ level. (For Hg1_xFe"Se this
(where RE indicates "rare earth"), (A~!_xMnx}zAs3 al- number equals 5 X 10 18 em -3, which corresponds to
loys, and A;I_xFexBvl and AiI __ xCoxBvI ternary systems. x ~O,OOO3.) The role of Fe in this system is illustrated sche-
Of these, perhaps the most intense activity at this time is matically in Fig. 36.
centered around theA~I_ xFexBvI ailoyfamily, for three rea- Furthermore, it has been suggested by Mycielski232 that
sons: the ionization of resonant Fe +- + donors to Fe + + + occurs in
First, owing to the fact that the Fe+- -I- ion in the ground such a way as to maximize the separation in space between
state lacks a permanent magnetic moment, the magnetic the ionized sites, which may in turn result ill a spatial order-
properties of these alloys differ from their Mn~based coun- ing of the ionized centers (at least partially). Such an or~
terparts. In particular, these systems exhibit Van Vleck par~ dered, periodic array of ionized impurities can then be
amagnetism at low temperatures,228,229 and for that reason shown to lead to reduced scattering rates as compared to a
should be of considerable interest to the magnetician. 230,231 random distribution of ionized impurities. 233
Second, the alloy Zn I _ x Fe x Se turns out to be surpris- ExcelIent reviews of the physics ofHgl_xFexSe and re-
ingly amenable to growth by molecular~beam epitaxy lated alloys, together with a rather complete list of refer~
(MBE), 184 with x ranging from 0 aU the way to 1. It is quite ences, have recentiy been published by Reifenberger and
possible that related alloys-Zn1_xFe"S, Cd] __ xFexSe- Kossut2 34 and by Mycielski. 235 ,236
will show similar behavior. This is particularly significant, Helicon-induced electron paramagnetic resonance in
since such ready predisposition of this family of aHoys to be narrow-gap DMS: The electron gas which exists in narrow-
grown by MBE shouid lead to new insights into the MBE gap DMS, such as n~type Hg1_xMnx Te and Hg1 __ xMnxSe,
growth dynamics. And, of course, the end product of the is characterized by a high carrier concentration, a small ef-
process provides the researcher with samples of exceptional~ fective mass, and a high electron mobility. Such an electron
ly high iron content (up to pure FeSe) for the purpose of gas is of course opaque to Jow~frequency electromagnetic
studying the electronic and magnetic properties, and for waves. The medium can, however, be made transparent by
eventual incorporation of the high Fe concentration layers the application of a strong magnetic field (such that @c r > 1,
into supedattices. CUe >@, where We and@arethecyclotron and signal frequen-
Finally, an extremely important feature of the cies, respectively, and r is the relaxation time). Under these
Ai!-x FexB vl aHoy group is the influence which the presence conditions, waves which are circularly polarized in the same
of Fe atoms have on the electrical properties specifically of sense as the cyclotron motion of the highly mobile electrons
Hg,_ x Fe x Se and its quaternary derivatives (e.g., can travel with little damping along the direction of the ap~
Hg j x_yCdxFeySe). This has recently been explained as plied field. Such waves are known as helicons237 ,238 and are
follows. The Fe+-+- level lies at about 230 meV above the analogous to whistler waves in plasma physics.
bottom of the conduction band of HgSe, as shown in Fig. 36, The interesting aspect of helicons in the context of nar-
with Fe'- +- acting as a resonant donor. The position of the row~gap DMS is that this magnetic~fie!d-induced transpar-
Fe -I- + thus establishes the Fermi level, since all conduction- ency can be used for the purpose of studying electron para~
band states below that level can be filled by ionizing the magnetic resonance (EPR) of Mn'" +- ions in highly
Fe-+- -{- ions to Fe+ -:- +. In this situation, the electron concen- conducting specimens, where EPR experiments are normal-

R59 J. AppL Phys., Vol. 64, No.4, 15 August 1988 J. K. Furdyna RS9

Downloaded 30 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see
ly limited by the very shallow skin depth. Helicons, however, netic field, one can then construct a magnetic-field tunable
penetrate the medium with little damping and "see" the phase shifter. This is of interest in interferometry as well as in
Mn + + ions, with which they can couple resonantly at the optical cavity tuning (e.g., to optimize laser output).
EPR condition. Finally, since the large spin splitting of energy levels
Helicon-induced EPR has been studied extensively in n- brought about by the sp-d exchange interaction in
type Hgl_xMn x Te (Ref. 239) and Hgl_xMnxSe.107,240,241 A~I_xMnxBvl alloys corresponds to the far-infrared (FIR)
Paradoxically, it has been shown that the strength of the region of the spectrum, application of DMS as tunable
resonance is in fact enhanced by the free-carrier concentra- (FIR) detectors and sources appears highly promising. We
tion of the semiconductor. This is another fascinating fea- have already discussed one possibility of a tunable coherent
ture of the DMS alloys, based not on the sp-d exchange but circularly polarized FIR emitter in Sec. VI D, in connection
on the unique macroscopic interplay of the dielectric re- with resonant tunneling in superlattices involving doped
sponse function of the free-electron gas and the dynamic wide-gap DMS. Furthermore, the observation of stimulated
magnetic susceptibility of the manganese subsystem. spin-flip Raman scattering in n-type Hg1_xMn" Te (Ref.
DMS-based device applications: The high crystallo- 214) suggests the possibility of using narrow-gap DMS for
graphic and electronic quality of the A~I__ xMnxBvI alloys, the construction of a stimulated spin-flip Raman laser which
along with the wide spectrum of new physical effects which is tunable over a wide range. Although the spin splitting
occur in these materials, holds promise of novel practical effects underlying these applications are the largest at liquid-
applications. We have not dealt with device applications in helium temperatures, careful attention to the trade-oft's
the body of the review, since this aspect of the DMS alloys which take place between the Mn concentration and tem-
has not yet reached maturity. However, some of the applica- perature in their respective effects on magnetization should
tions should at least be mentioned at the conclusion of this make it possible to design DMS materials in which the sp-d
review as concrete possibilities. exchange-induced splitting is large enough at 77 K to make
The application ofthe yellow electroluminescence of the the far-infrared devices described above operable at that
Mn + + centers in Zn-based DMS, discussed in Sec. HI C, is temperature.
at the most advanced stage/5 •76 and is beginning to play an
important role in fiat panel display technology. The use of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Hg) _ x Mnx Te in the area of infrared detection of 5- and 10- The author is indebted to R. L. Aggarwal, M.
pm radiation, in configurations similar to those employing Dobrowolska, W. Giriat, K. C, Hass, J. Kossut, Y. R. Lee,
Hg I _ xCd x Te, has also been periodically proposed. 8 Similar- A. K. Ramdas, and N. Samarth for numerous discussions
ly, we have already mentioned in Sec. VI B the quantum- and for sharing their insights during the preparation of this
well laser, the feasibility of which has now been demonstrat- review. He also wishes to acknowledge the support of NSF
ed.192-194 The construction of a Zn j _ x Mnx Se/ZnSe-based Grants No. DMR-8520866 and DMR-8713767, and
blue laser remains a particularly attractive possibility in this DARPA/ONR Grant No. N14-86-K-0760,
By comparison, litHe has been done so far to expioit the
spectacular effects arising from the sp-d exchange interac-
tion, which culminate in the giant spin splittings and giant IR. R. Galazka, in Proceedings ofthe 14th International Conference an the
Faraday rotations observed in the A~I_xMnxBvl alloys. It Physics of Semiconductors, Edinburgh, 1978, edited by B. L. H. Wilson,
Inst. ofPhys. Conf. Series 43 (Institute of Physics, London, 1978), p. 133.
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The large size of Faraday rotation and associated dis- lin), p. 294.
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temperature in moderate magnetic fields with a high figure RI. K. Furdyna, J. Vae. Sei. Techno!. 21, 220 (1982).
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"'I. Mycie!ski, Applications of High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductors
vices (isolators and circulators) as a practical possibility. (Springer, Hedin, 1983), p. 431.
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27R. L Aggarwal, J. K. Furdyna, and S. von Molnar, Eds., Diluted Mag- temperature and pressure, see W. B. Becker, in Semiconductors and Se-
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