Jacob Böhme Vol 4 - I - Signatura Rerum

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: T-HE WORKS JACOB BEHMEN, . The Teutonic Theofopher. . VOLUME THE FOURTH. CONTAINING, I, Sionarura Rerum; the Signa- |] IV. A Discourse between a Soul ture of all Things. hungry and thirfty after the Foun- IL. Of the Erection of Graces tain of Life, the fweet Loveof Jesus or, Of Gon’s Witt towards -Curisr; and a Soul enlightened. ~ Man, commonly called Prepes- || V. Of the Four Comprexions. eee . VI. Of Curist’s Testaments, II, The Way to Curist. Baptism, and the SuPer, With Frieures, illuftrating his Parncrenes, left by the Reverend Witutam Law, M.A. LONDON, - Printed for G. Rosinson, in Pater-nofter Row. ; 4 MDCCLXXXL - op Bow ft Ke, , waevano cou ot BRARY iF rm emest neat Xa LES pester oe XH. ADVERTISEMENT. tila ae es edaia AE Bas atts ete “WF the Tong Delay of this Volume, after the Advertifement: prefixed to the © iff laft, which might give Ground to expeét an earlier Appearance of it, thould feem to require fome Apology; the Editor hopes that it will be admitted as areafonable one, among others lefs neceflary to be mentioned, that the worthy Perfon, under whofe immediate Care and Direétion the Publication of this accurate and very valuable Exgiifs Edition of JACOB BEHMEN’s Works has hitherto proceeded, dying foon after this Book was begun to be printed, the laborious and important Office of going on with it devolved to One of his particular Friends, who, though not wanting in Will, yet finds and acknowledges himfelf lefs competent in Abikty, to the Execution of fo -weighty a Charge. For which Reafon, the Manner, in which the prefent Book appears to the Public, may, he fears, ftand more-in Need of Excute,. than the Time. . The feveral Treatifes collected in this Volume are printed nearly accord= ing to the original Engl Tranflation of them, which came out in the laft Century; excepting the Book entituled The Way to Cbrift, The Treatife on the Four Complexions, and tae {mal Trad on The Way from Darknefi to True Illumination. Which Treatifes having been lately reprinted for T. Mills, Book- feller, in Briffol, in a neat Pocket Volume, and ina Style better adapted to the ‘Tafte, and more accommodated to the Apprehenfion, of modern Readers (for whofe /piritua! Benefit, the Editor of it profeffes chiefly to have intended it,) than was that of the old Tranflation, the Editor of this Fourth Volume has chofen to follow for the moft Part shat Edition, rather than the old One, . in the Copy of thofe Treatifes here inferted; as hoping it may be more ac= ceptable, ty being thus made more intelligible, to the fincere and fimple- minded Reader. For although that Edition varics in divers Places from its Original, the old Englifs Vertion, and is therefore, the Editor acknowledges, . to be received as a fomewhat éieral, rather than ftri@ly ditera/, Tranflation: Yet he hopes alfo, that fuch Variation will, on comparing His Edition.with » that, be found to conneét, to elucidate, or to enforce, and not to injure, the general Senfe, Scope, or Simplicity of the Author. With the fome View to the Benefit and Satisfaction of the candid and well- difpofed Reader, the Editor of this Volume hath adopted into the Colle@ion it contains, a Tranflation of, or rather a Paraphrafe on, a Part of . Bebmen’s Treatife on The Superfenfual Life, which was written’ by the late Venerable Mr. William Law, and found in the.original Manufcript, among the Papers of the late Editor of the former Volumes of this Work, who was known to have been a very intimate Friend of Mr. Law. This paraphraftical Tranfla~ tion the prefent Editor hath inferted in its proper Place, and marked, i a I ote . TADVERTISEMENT. > “Note at the Bottom of the rogth Page, both where it begins, and where it ‘ends. Thefe Liberties, thus taken with the original Text of the Author, the Editor thinks it neceffary. in Juftice to Him, to the Reader, and to the Truth, to acknowledge in this Place; hoping at the fame Time, that the ree , 5 - End defigned by them, which is the /pirttual Profit and Pleafure of the ~ Readers, will fo far juftify him ta them in what he hath done, as rather to entitle him to expect their Thanks, than force him to need their Pardon. Some of the Figures left by Mr. Law, and defigned to illuftrate the Works of this Wonderful Writer, were annexed to the former Volumes; fome are annexed to this; and others will accompany-thofe which are to follow. But no Explanations of thefe, as of thofe publithed in the Two laft Volumes, «having been found, nove are or will be given. A Deficiency, which, itis hoped, will be lefs fenfibly felt, and therefore lefs Matter of juft Complaint, when it is confidered, that the Plates, together with the Explanations of them, already printed, delineate and describe thole Original and Ejéntial Properties: of Eternal Nature, which are the Ground of all created Life and Being. Of which whofoever fhall have gained a true and competent Knowledge, may, it is prefumed, lefs need the Help, and confequently lefs regret the Want, of farther Explications, in order to underfland the Meaning and Purport of the Figures added to this Volume, and the other Figures which are to come after “thefe. As they all proceed on the Principles illuftrated by the. Plates, and, explained by the Defcriptions, exhibited in the Volumes above-mentioned. ‘iulaud aj werdw deed vognT digor ont Yo m- ot Beads Wotied Janigize silt darw qi aunts’ ce bun osteo ont or iH of sofa ii . aL omed ods te gaigod jo2sl cit at 23h . sit ber Foad Waite, ails et dul Lob Tab ade < eats ay Me val of. roby atti yd bor ade aa ERR e AT CA Rony Pa Line 37, after creaturely, read Will. 8 77" Line aa Ze where, read whereas, o 92, Line 17, for Controverfion, read Introverfion “ " § "92, Line-19, after into, read thee. 93> Line 35, after as, read fully as. heart per bossa gee SIGNATURA RERUM: THE SIGNATURE of all THINGS. Shewing the Sion and Srowirication of The feveral -FoRMs and Suapes in the Creation; 3 : AND WHAT THE : BEGINNING, RUIN, ano CURE OF EVERY THING Is, IT PROCEEDS OUT oa Eternity into Time, and again out of Time into Eternity, AND COMPRIZES. ALL “MYSTERIES, ‘ By JACOB BEHMEN,, the Teutonic Theofopher, Vor Iv, . B mm : HO LEN ton gl SAS £00 UGLe TORS TS shns ert: orm giswi I 7 + QUISKATS TS. dais 2He1acMoo dae went ad MEM 20 DAT a ° oo NE sot ' 7 MHS Book is a true myftical Mirror of the higheft Wifdom. ‘The. 2X4 belt Treafure that 2 Man can attain unto in this World is true BET $5) Knowledge; even the Knowledge of bimfeif: For Man is the great og’ “aX Myftety Of God, the microcojm, or the complete Abridgment of HALL the whole Univerte : He is the Mirandum Dei opus, God's Mafter= piece, a living Emblem and Hieroglyphic of Eternity and Time ; and therefore to know whence he is, and what his temporal and eternal Being and Well-being are, muft needs be that ONE neceffary Thing, to which sll our chief Stedy thould aim, and in comparifon of which all the Wealth of this World is but Drofs, and a Lofs to us. : Hence Solomon, the wifett of the Kings of Ifrach fayss Happy is the Man that findeth Wifdom, and the Man that getteth Underflanding s for the Merckan= dife of it is better than the’ Merchandife of Silver, and the Gain thereof than fine Gold's fbe is more precious than Rubies, and all Things that can be defired are not to be compared unto ber. This is that Wifdom which dwells in nothing, and yet poffefles all Things, and the humble refigned Soul is its Play-fellow; this is the Divine Alloquy, the Infpiration of the Almighty, the Breath of God, the holy Unétion, which fanifies the Soul to be the Temple of the Holy Ghott, which inftructs it aright in all Things, and fearches r¢ Bn 13u ©a5u *, the Depths of God. 1 Coriintos This is the precious Pearl, whofe Beauty is more glorious, and whofe Virtue more fovercign than the Sun: Itis a never-failing Comfort in all Afflictions, a Balfam for all Sores, a Panacea for all Difeates, a fare Antidote againtt a!l Poifon, and Death itfelf; it is that joyful and affured Companion and Guide, which never forfakes 2 Man, but convoys him through this Valley of Mifery and Death into the bleffed Paradife of perfett Blifs, If you afk, What is the Way to attain to this Wifdom? Behold! Chrit, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, tells you plainly in thefe Words; “Uf any Man will come after me, let Lim deny himfelf, and take up bis Crofi daily» tke in.a. and fellow mes ot as he jays elfewhere, Unkfs you be born again, you cannot fee the Kingdom of Heaven: or as St. Paul lays, © If any Man fecmeth to be coifé ins ,coniii.ry, this World, let him become a Fel that be maybe wife. ' Ba

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