Orbico Beauty Ulica BB Lužansko Polje 7

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Orbico Beauty ulica bb Lužansko polje 7, 7100 Sarajevo , BiH

Mrs Elenor F. Powlell Ramo Poplava

The East Lauder Companies inc. Tel.:+387 33 75 60 00
767 Fifth Avenue
New York
NY 10153 USA

Dear Mrs Elenor F. Powell

I am an representivo in the Orbico Beauty company. We are interesed to

expand and we think that our company can do that, since there are no
mageor cosmetic companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. With the help of
EL fondation we could acomplish our goal. We kindly ask of you to discibe
the main terms of buisnes and of the possibilty of a chance to close an
exlusive agency aggrement in Bosnia and Herzegovina.In that case We
would obligate to introdocing our company to all founds that are needed for
the susces in the BiH market.That includes presentation of
catalouges,working with marketing companies as import and export of all
mantioned products.We would like if we could make a deal which would be
worth 300 000€ on a year with the posibility of extending after we deliver
you our acomplisment in that past year.We would like to know about the
costs of transport ,and what is the lowest price of transport by air from
New York to Sarajevo.If you are satisfied with our terms we would like of
you to sign the trade agreement that is enclosed in this letter.We would also
like if you could send us a copy of your curent catalogue shoving prices and
patterns if possible.We inform you that our sales manegers will work for
provision wich will be paid every 3 months.

Thank you wery mouch for all informatiom and we look formward to your
responce and our recent meeting.

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