Letter of Grievance Against Pule Mabe

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Let me firstly start by introducing myself and giving you a brief background about me; like
the letter states above, my name is Kgoerano Kekana; I am a member of the African
National Congress in good standing from Ward 75 Solomon Mahlangu Branch, Zone 13
(Greater Alexandra) in Johannesburg and currently serving as a BEC member there. I am
active member of the ANC Youth League too, joined in early 2008 when I was 15 years of
age; I am a product of the clause in the ANC Constitution: RULE 4.4 The National Executive
Committee may, acting on its own or on the recommendation of branch or provincial
executive committees, grant honorary membership to those men and women who do not
qualify for membership under Rules 4.1, 4.2 or 4.3, but who have demonstrated an
unwavering commitment to the ANC and its policies. and by the age of 16, I was welcomed
into the ANC and have been serving this movement and its other Mass Democratic
Movement structures with diligence and utmost loyalty. You can imagine, from that age
until now where I’m 26 years, the only thing I would have been indebted to, is the ANC and
it most certainly is amongst the few things in my life that have ever made sense to me. I
have served in structures of Congress of South African Students, I have served in numerous
Boards, by the ticket of the ANC; I have worked with various senior leaders of the
organisation in and outside my Zone, some that are also currently serving in the National
Executive Committee of the ANC (they can account for me and attest to my loyalty and
commitment to the organisation, and my longest dream to serve the organisation at this
level that I am at now).
Comrade Jessie, I mention all the above because I need you to have an idea and
understanding of the person that is behind this letter. I deliberately made it brief because I
did not also want to appear as if I am blowing my own horn, but I would like to take on a
challenge of finding out more about me from any honest comrade or leader of the ANC from
Greater Johannesburg. I say this in the humblest manner possible, I am influenced by some
of the allegations made by both the National Spokesperson and the Human Resource Unit
about you towards me and particularly my appointment as a Personal Assistant to comrade
Pule Mabe who I will later refer to as “Pule Mabe” as I no longer think he is worthy to be
referred to as “comrade”.
Comrade DSG, I as a female activist trust in your convictions but also as an employee of
Chief Albert Luthuli House trust that the well-being of every single employee of the Head
Quarters is amongst your top priorities. I therefore, want to take you through my
experience at HQ since my arrival in the beginning of August 2018. Kindly bear with me as
this letter is quite long, I had wanted so much to make it short, but I also saw a need to give
you a blow-by-blow of events as they have occurred.
You would know that I never went through any interview stage as part of my entry tool as a
Personal Assistant to the National Spokesperson, I was on the 22nd of July 2018 verbally
informed by comrade Pule that I will be starting off a new job as his PA on the 1 st August
2018, this was at St George on the Sunday of the Provincial Conference of the ANC Gauteng.
And I must say the news came as one of the best I was ever met by since, I was in an ecstatic
mood and couldn’t also contain my excitement; I mean any person who has always wished
to work at the National Office of the ANC would have been in the same mood. And indeed,
the dream was to become a reality when, I was invited to the office of the Spokesperson the
Monday after (23rd July 2018), I met the Human Resource manager, Ms Elizabeth Taunyane
and was instructed to follow her to her office at 5th Floor. I was asked some of the obvious
questions any interviewer would ask an interviewee, about my work experience and what I
was doing at the moment. Upon responding, I put it on record to the lady, after being asked
to submit all the necessary documents that although I have experience in local media and in
ANC communications work; I studied Public Relations at the IIE Varsity College but my
challenge was that I can’t at the moment present my qualification as I have a huge academic
debt that I am still paying off. I did so, so that whatever happens, they know my issue before
employing me. And indeed, that did not appear to be much of a problem because I was
given the employment application form, which also states what else I need to submit so that
I may be added on to the HR files and would start of the new job as a PA next week (the 1st
of August). My CV, if anything, also states that I have no experience of working as a PA, but
of course life sometimes is all about taking risks and great opportunities when being
presented with them, and one would have also thought that there would be some form of
an induction of the programme so that I may also be aware of what exactly am I expected to
do (duties to fulfil and how).
On the 25th July (Wednesday), I came back, and this time, it was to submit all the documents
I was requested to submit. I did so, and was ready to start a new job the coming Monday.
While at home on Friday, I then received a call from the National Spokesperson summoning
me to the office, well I stopped whatever I was doing and rushed to the office. Where I was
asked to take charge of the logistics for a Gauteng Youth League event that was to take
place the following day (28th July) in Germiston, well generally I am a task oriented person
and I execute them to the best of my ability, and well, I also had to impress the new boss of
course. Later (and later I mean it could have been an hour before 00:00) on the 28 th July,
comrade Pule informed me that there was an ANC Induction the following day and I should
come so that I may familiarise myself with the environment to which I agreed to (even
though I was still suffering from the Conference exhaustion). Indeed, the next day, because
we had little time to sleep, I sent him a text saying I was coming but will be a little late. I left
my home with the intention of coming back later, not only because I was not aware of any
reservations but also because I needed to rest at home and prepare for Monday (ANC
Lekgotla). I arrived at St George’s and was then asked by comrade Pule to make reservations
for two rooms at the non-sharing section (I don’t really know how to classify the rooms but
they are the ones on the side of the bar at St George’s), I was given his card and went to
make reservations only to find one room available. After informing him, he then instructed
that I book the room and later said I should book one more from the normal ones we
normally use as the ANC. The two rooms made sense to me because well, in my head they
were meant for Phillemon (the driver) and him. Somewhere in between, he then advised
that I should just fetch my things at home because we were going be there (at St George’s)
for the next two days and there was some work he wanted us to do that night for the
Lekgotla. He instructed Phillemon to drive me to Alex to get my belongings, indeed we left
with Phillemon. Though I strongly wanted to go back home due to the exhaustion, I wasn’t
able to defy my new principal.
But before I could go to the room to rest, comrade Pule gave me his card to book any room
for one of the leaders in Gauteng whom I will not indulge his name because I do not want to
implicate him and that was room 46, if my memory serves me well, then after booking, he
then said we should go check out the one I had booked earlier on (the private side), to
which we did and came down, that’s when I decided to go to the room (40); I remember
while at the reception with that Gauteng leader he told him that they would meet in room
40 (that’s my room) and I would help them out with the work. So, I had to force myself to
stay up because now there’s work that is supposedly meant to be done in preparation for
the next day. And indeed, comrade Pule and that leader came to the room and well, the
work I was told to sleep at St George’s for had nothing to do with the Lekgotla to which for a
moment I felt it was unfair on me because I really needed to rest. Well and good, I stayed up
and made my few contributions there and there, and the time for the other leader to leave
arrived and made his goodbyes but said he will come back later otherwise he will see us
tomorrow. Honestly, I thought to myself “great!!!! At least now I can rest”. Comrade DSG if
you’ve been inside the St George’s rooms, you’ll have an idea of the type of arrangement
inside (two double beds in each room); I sat on one and comrade Pule was lying on the
other one while busy on his iPad, the Gauteng leader was sitting on a chair and leaning on
the bed comrade Pule was lying on. When the Gauteng leader left, Pule then invited me to
sit next to him on the bed he was lying on. I had an exam pad with me that the leader was
writing on and Pule was transferring what was on the pad to his iPad as we were speaking,
now when this other one left, he decides to invite me to the bed he was lying on. I firstly
refused and said I will read out what was on the exam pad; he then said he needed to see
while at the same time I call out what was written there. I then did as he said, I was so
uncomfortable such that I lasted for like 2 minutes and went back to the bed I was on at
first. He invited me again and insisted on his story of wanting to see what was written on
the paper. I couldn’t wait until he was finished so that I would go back to the bed I was on
and immediately when he was done I jumped off the bed to the one I was on earlier alone, I
began making remarks about being tired and so forth, I can’t recall the time properly but it
was too too late, after a long while he then gave in and left the room. Finally, I was to get
my chance to rest, even though it was to be for a few hours.
It’s the 30th of July 2018, two days before my official first day of work; I woke up in St
George’s, I’m advised to get my accreditation and that was one of the longest days, not only
was I exhausted but I was so uneasy and last night’s incident kept on playing itself on my
mind. Well, I thought I was overreacting but my inner being wasn’t barging into the idea of
overthinking, it just refused. I remember that day I wore an army green outfit with an army
green Winter coat, the day went by and when the Lekgotla ended the only on my mind was
the bed (honestly, I was exhausted, it was from the Regional Conferences to the Provincial
one with all the campaigning and not sleeping, I needed that night to rest enough and wake
up fresh in the morning). But now, I also picked up something that was worrisome to me;
stuff members weren’t sleeping at St George’s, well people from the DIP Team (Well I was
still new, so I could have been wrong in thinking that they should also be sleeping there) and
during the day comrade Pule occupied my room and was totally against anyone of my
people to come in there (very weird too). I then went to the room, decided to catch a series
(common practice before I sleep), as I was about to make myself comfortable, comrade Pule
came through with another ANC Gauteng leader, but this one was also clear that he won’t
be staying because he had to be home. They both left as Pule was going for an interview on
ENCA that evening, before he left, he left some money to buy food for him and he would
come back to eat. That meant I must keep the food in my room a I didn’t have access to his
room to put the food there. He came back from the interview and came to my room; I
stayed up with the clothes I wore the whole day, as uncomfortable as they were, I stayed up
in them. As he was eating, he mentions that he’s got an assignment that he must submit by
12:00 the next day, so he will have to stay up the whole night doing it “because his brains
only function at night”. So I decide to switch on the Series on my laptop, thinking he would
leave then I would change and sleep; he made himself comfortable on the same bed he was
lying on the night before, when I asked why doesn’t he do his assignment in his room, he
insisted that he would sleep if he was alone in the room, so being in my room would help
him. I’m sure you’ll ask yourself DSG, why didn’t I tell him I needed to space and to rest?
Well, I wanted to but this was my first day of work, I had not yet signed the contract, the
money that paid the room was his and I don’t have car to go back home neither do I have
money to catch a cab. I was in a much-compromised position.
I tell comrade Pule that I’m tired, should I doze off, he should wake me up when he leaves
so that I may lock the door; oh well. I dozed off in front of my computer, I am in the same
clothes I wore the whole together with the long army green coat that served as a blanket
while I dozed off, I wasn’t comfortable at all, I just didn’t want to also make myself
comfortable by getting inside the blankets. My bed had books and documents on it,
including my laptop on the other side of it. As I was sleeping, I felt a blanket on top of me
and as I opened my eyes, it was on me then I removed it, arguing that I didn’t want to be
covered; I wasn’t fast asleep, I woke up to every movement I could hear or feel; and when I
got a sense of the lights being off, I woke up and asked why they were off and was told
because I was sleeping. I responded by saying that the lights must be kept on, because I
need them to be on. The light matter continued three times, if my memory serves me well.
Until such a time I think sleep defeated me and was out; until such a time I felt so hot an
woke up, to my surprise, the lights were all completely off, blankets on me and comrade
Pule’s legs on top of my body. I immediately snapped and asked why he was in my blankets,
his response what that he is taking a break from completing his assignment, to which didn’t
make sense at all and my heart began beating so fast because a lot of things occupied my
mind; first was “how could someone I regarded as a brother, leader and comrade do this?
Wanting to get into bed with me?” “Isn’t this man supposed to be my boss?” and I then
remembered the previous night, what sprung to my mind when I was asked to sit closer to
him in an inappropriate manner that an employer and an employee shouldn’t find
themselves in. worse I hadn’t signed my contract, and quite frankly, this wasn’t what I
would be signing my contract for (to give out sex in return of a job). I had to think over and
over again about what my next move will, in order to keep my job that I had not signed a
contract for and to equally send a strong message of my intolerance of such conduct and
sexual transactions, worse with a man I was meant to call a boss. I argued that I do not like
sharing a bed, worse with a man and in my house I still don’t share a bed (this was obviously
a lie; but I had to make up this considering what I’ve already mentioned earlier), he asked
me how do I then cope when I sleep with my boyfriend, and my response was “I never share
a bed with him” (this was obviously another lie). Upon realising that my story flaring, I
jumped out of the bed and went to the other one, this was around 03:00AM – 03:30AM;
well the clock wasn’t moving. I kept myself busy on the phone until almost 05:00AM, that’s
when he decided to get ready for the Lekgotla, he finally left my room. And how I viewed
him was never going to be the same, I lost so much of respect for him and I felt so much
uncomfortable around him. I just couldn’t wait to leave the place.
It’s the 1st of August 2018, not only is it my official first day of work, but it is the same day
the Young Women’s Desk of the ANC Women’s League is marching against all forms of
abuse towards women, that includes sexual harassment. And that day, I too felt what many
women who have been victims of abuse have felt; and that’s being voiceless. I believed
indeed that the one other reason why women always fail to report cases of sexual
harassment by their senior male counterparts is; 1. The fear of losing their jobs; 2. The fear
of their senior using their wealth to come after them (destroy them). This is how most
women have been bullied into silence, wittingly so. I had not signed my contract and
comrade Elizabeth advised that I come the next day as she was too preoccupied with other
things on the day (remember she had spent two days out of the office due to the Lekgotla).
Comrade Pule was in the office that day, and I tried by all means to ignore him. I needed the
job, I needed the salary, equally so I was never going to sell my body in exchange of the job.
The next day, which was the 2nd, I finally signed my contract. And the day went until Friday.
The next Monday (6th August), I came to work like any other person; firstly, I was not taken
through any induction of my new responsibilities or any form of training. Relieved not to see
him, I was later called by comrade Pule to come to a place called to Mapungubwe hotel with
Janet (my colleague), to help with his own political deeds (I am mentioning this not because
of what he did to me, but because in many instances when he plays victim he conveniently
mentions how I am too involved in politics of the YL and ANC and sometimes alleges that
people negatively inform him of how deeply entrenched I am in politics; forgetting how the
job was presented to me and what my first encounter was in the second week of my job).
The week was very short as on Wednesday we had a Women’s Day celebration in the office
and the holiday from Thursday.
The next week, it’s the 13th August, I report to work like any other person; still no training
and no induction. As if that was enough, the person I am meant to be his Personal Assistant
took a week leave without notifying any of us in the team, but that alone was a relief for
me. Because it meant, I won’t see his face and I would use the opportunity to settle in the
office and get to know what is what. Sometime during the week, the DIP Team was called
into a meeting led by the ANC DSG, where the election-communication plan would be
introduced and rolled out the next Monday; I was asked to excuse the meeting as PA’s were
not allowed in the meeting but the technical team. I remember on the Thursday night, I
received a call from comrade Pule while having dinner, to question me about the very same
meeting; albeit advising him that I wasn’t part of the meeting, and wasn’t my place to
introduce myself to everyone but he should lead that process. Oh well, the conversation
went on and on such that some of the contents of the conversation were not meant for my
ears and no longer had to do with me job but too political. Well, the weekend comes and
me being a young person from Alex I get up to my own social things. I’m sent a programme
of the North West visit between the 19th – 20th August 2018 by the former PA to comrade
Pule, Makhosi Mthethwa; I forward to him and the driver Phillemon. Now, remember I have
not been taken through any induction and expectations from me as a PA. On Saturday night,
I was out with my friends, until I received a call from the driver, to my surprise, informing
me that I should get a car for tomorrow (NW visit) and will be reimbursed for the fuel
expenses. I do not have a driving license and I established that the area my principal is
deployed in is an hour drive if not 1h30. In my attempt to avoid the St George situation, I
immediately contact Comrade Thulani Nhlapo (a member of the ANC in good standing in
ward 122, Lillies Leaf Branch, Zone 15, Greater Midrand and currently serving as the Zonal
Treasure. But Thulani also happens to be my boyfriend), requesting that he travels with me
to North West and we return later and drive down in the morning again on Monday; he
agreed and I immediately text comrade Pule that I have a car, are we doing Klerksdorp or
Mafikeng? He advises that we should start at Pro-Kid’s funeral at UJ Soweto Campus and we
will then proceed to Klersdorp. Indeed in the morning, we make our way to UJ, with
comrade Thulani, then comrade Pule calls to check where I was, I innocently answered “10
minutes away” (honestly, I didn’t know I was supposed to get there before him and check
how the situation was then report then inform the organizers that the ANC Spokesperson
was coming etc, I honestly didn’t know as I was never take through any induction and this
was all new to me); I was given a piece of his mind, he shouted such that he referred to me
as “suster” in a demeaning manner; albeit telling him that I was still learning as this is still
new to me.
We arrived at the funeral, I left comrade Thulani in the car and went inside the venue and
was later asked to check what was happening in Klerksdorp, I went to the document that
was sent to me, contacted the Regional/National organiser who kept me updated with
developments. The funeral service (part 1) ended after a long time, when comrade Pule
suggested that I should remain behind and he will travel to Klerksdorp while I attend the
remaining part of the funeral, I jovially agreed and this is why I did; in between him deciding
how we should move forward, considering the report I kept on giving him about the
proceedings of North West, he mentions how I am inconveniencing comrade Thulani, but he
doesn’t refer to him as such, he says “ngwana oo wa batho” (meaning this child). He asked
me what he did for a living and why do I make him divorce his commitments for him to
accompany me to North West. Those remarks bothered me so much and in response I said,
he is okay, I spoke to him and he has no problem in accompanying me, in any case, he is a
comrade. The events of St Goerge keep on crossing my mind, I try ignoring them but they
keep on coming. On our way to the cemetery, comrade Pule calls, to make follow-ups about
North West, and likewise, I call the comrade that side the revert back to comrade Pule. He
again mentions the issue of me driving with comrade Thulani to North West, I tell him, the
fellow does not have issues, he will stay in the car like he did while we were at UJ, then later
we drive back then return again in the morning. Then he suggests again that he will just go
to NW and I remain, I’m super fine with that decision because I am avoiding being there
with him alone without a man, I felt safe around which is comrade Thulani.
We got to the cemetery and comrade Pule is there, the driver advises that I should stand
right behind him so that he may access me easily when he needs me. That wasn’t much of a
problem for me, so the funeral proceedings went on and were finally concluded, so the NW
matter was to come up again. Comrade keeps on asking me an Phil what must happen (oh
well, I thought we had resolved, I was ready to go home), he asks if we should go now and
join the programme late which we are likely to find finished or we should travel late a sleep
over in NW; now this is how he coins the suggestion, we go wherever now, I get dropped off
by comrade Thulani (as I’m inconveniencing him according to comrade Pule), the I link up
with Phil and we later go to NW. I mention again that Thulani has no problem with travelling
with me, my heart starts beating so fast because even if I wanted to turn a blind eye on this
matter, I knew for a fact what was likely to happen in NW. my heart and mind are just
refusing that the I agree to the idea of comrade Thulani staying, they vehemently refused.
Now I’m trying to figure out a story of how will I ditch this if Thulani doesn’t go with me. As
if it was enough, I go to comrade Pule to inform him that I want to pass my late
revolutionary mother’s grave (Connie Bapela) then will exit the place; he brings up the NW
matter again, but this time in a different angle, he tells me how the DSG, Comrade Jessie
Duarte has a problem with him and that she’s got her eyes on me, and that going with
Thulani will cause me too many problems at work as most of my colleagues aren’t happy
with my appointment, how they will run to DSG to maliciously present this matter to her. So
now it wasn’t about me blocking Thulani’s plans but it was about how DSG will have me
fired immediately.
Comrade Jessie, I left the cemetery so disturbed and to be honest, I resolved immediately
that I was not going to North West without Thulani and manufactured a story right there
and there. But I couldn’t Thulani what had happened, although he kept on insisting that I
should call comrade Pule to inquire what the plan was and if we should leave or travel in the
morning, I kept on brushing him off and I began shaking when comrade Pule called; this was
the lie I manufactured comrade Jessie: I claimed my dad was around and was sick, the
reason why I wasn’t well in the morning was purely because of that (no it wasn’t, it was
because of how he spoke to me on the phone), and I left my little sister with him, I had
already called them to inform them that I was coming back and my dad is now expecting
me. I said my mom was driving down from Limpopo to fetch him and will tell him once she’s
there then we can leave’. That was my story and Lord knows I wanted to switch off my
phone so that he doesn’t have to reach me, there was going to sleep there alone without
anyone I felt safe around. He called me later and I maintained the lie and said my mom had
not left the house in Limpopo, he advised that I should call so that I may be fetched, later he
called asked and what the way forward should be, I suggested that we sleep and travel in
the morning. Scary enough, his response is that he had already left his house with his
luggage now how will it look if he comes back home because of a failed trip. That statement
alone worried me, it bothered me so much that I knew the decision to not go there was a
good one for me.
The next morning, I gathered my strength and called him, I told him I’ll go to the office and
work from there; he will tell me if there was anything he needed. I came to the office, the
next day (Tuesday; 21 August) we were meant to travel to Limpopo for their ANC
Communications Workshop that they had invited the National Spokesperson to address; but
before we could leave he gave me a piece of his mind about how I held them up the
previous day, I was shaking on the phone and the only thing I kept on saying was “yes
somlomo” . There, I couldn’t think of any other story; we travelled at night in his car, he had
booked three rooms. He was given the room numbers and keys; room 71, 260 and 261; to
which he allocated the driver room 7, that was too far apart than the ones he allocated him
and I too (my heart began pumping so hard, for a moment I felt like digging myself a hole.
Room 260 and 261 are a chalet (with a kitchen and lounge in between); we got there and
after a very long day and with my hard and fast pumping heart, the only I needed was to get
to my room, lock the door, bath and sleep. Okay, we had supper in the kitchen and after a
conversation regarding work, I decided to go to the room (261). I bathed and got into my
pyjamas, I had resolved that I will not go to the other side, but will rather get into bed. I got
on the phone with comrade Thulani, until comrade Pule decided to walk into my room while
I was lying there and, on the phone, (it was on loud speaker), he lied on the bed (I’m in my
pyjamas and uncomfortable more), he moved closer to me and put his arm onto my
shoulder. I knew there that I had to gather courage to tell him to move, which I did by
indicating that I was on the phone with a caller saved as “Sgegede with a heart” (to which he
saw); he left the room, and I got into my blankets, with the lights on and tv, slept. Until I
heard movements in the room, to realize that it was him, I opened my eyes and covered my
head, I saw him plug his power bank to the charger and he stood there for a while as if he
was trying to think of his next move; my heart couldn’t stop beating so hard, as I was
thinking of what could possibly happen and how was going to escape the situation. St
George’s sprung to mind. I literally didn’t sleep that night, I kept on tossing and turning,
watched tv and got to my phone, until the sun came out. I rushed to bath and exit the hotel,
such that I didn’t even wake him up (I was so scared, I just wanted to see myself out of that
place); I sent him a message that I was going to the hall to check on the preparations and
would advise him, and asked the driver take put my luggage in the when he goes to pick him
As we were having lunch and preparing to leave, one comrade who was at the Workshop
questioned about my preference of the YL presidency, I responded and immediately
comrade interjected the conversation by ordering me to withdraw myself from active
politics, because it would implicate him office (well, I thought he was joking and spoke out
off turn; little did I know that he was serious). You see comrade Jessie, I don’t mind a lot of
things, but I am intolerant of a man that wants to dictate to me how my life must unfold, I
didn’t take kind of those remarks. On our way, he was meant to meet up with comrades of
the Women’s League of Gauteng, well I was supposed to be meeting up with the Joburg
group and had indicated to comrade Pule; he suggests that I should be dropped off at home
because it was late, around 18:30; because my phone memory informs me that I sent
Thulani a message at 18:54 informing him that I was at Destiny hotel. But before we got to
Destiny as we were driving, comrade Pule unanimously changed his decision for me to be
taken and suggested id take an Uber to go home, the driver responded by saying “she can
ask her boyfriend to fetch her”, that’s when comrade Pule snapped, belittling comrade
Thulani saying he doesn’t want small boys knowing his business. I took serious offense, it
was worse when he out of nowhere revived the topic about my activism in day-to-day
politics, claiming that the DSG has her eyes on me, the DSG is going to be on my case, she’s
going to give me a piece of her mind and so I should consider quitting politics for as long as I
work at HQ; for a moment I asked myself, “Kgoerano what have you signed up yourself for?”
“is this what you really wanted?” and the answer was an emphatic no. as if that was
enough, he further belittles Thulani and refers him to “bo Sgedegede ba ba lena” (don’t
know how to translate it, but that’s belittling him), what he was saying is that I shouldn’t
allow myself to be told by other comrades what I should be doing (this is after he heard the
conversation I was having with Thulani over the phone the previous night). I snapped too
and I told him Sgegede was someone I am currently sharing my life with now and that id
appreciate so much if he does not bring him up when he wants to discuss with me politics;
astonished by his response, he asks how old I was and I answered “25 turning 26”, this is
what he had to say “Kgoerano you’re still very young, by the tie you turn 30 you would have
changed friends and boyfriends 10 times” (it was said in Sepedi). I got so offended, I asked
myself too many questions, but one thing I became sure off from there was that, I don’t
think this is the man I want to work with, this environment was not going to be fine and
healthy for me; after St George’s, after the NW matter, after Limpopo walking into my
room, after those remarks, after using DSG’s name as a token to coerce me, after being
bullied into quitting politics. Well this wasn’t what I signed up for and this wasn’t where I
wanted to be anymore, it was hardly a month, but I was already not happy.
Comrade Thulani indeed came to fetch me and the next day, which was a Friday, the ANC
Women’s League was to have its Gauteng Provincial Conference. I’m going to include
Thulani again because he was somehow part and parcel of these events. How I was meant
to meet up with the Joburg group of women in preparation for the WL Conference was
through comrade Pretty Xaba who is from Zone 15 and has a mother son relationship with
Thulani, who Thulani was assisting them when they needed assistance. So, it’s the 23rd, I
was going home in Limpopo to enjoy my first salary with my parents and grandparents;
while aboMama were at 3rd floor as registration was taking place. Same day, the ANC was
unveiling its Communications Team; but earlier that day, I found myself doing comrade
Pule’s dirty political work here in the office. Its funny because this is the man that is bullying
me to quit politics, lies about comrades calling him and complaining about my views and
preferences in an effort to dictate my views (but after the conversation in the car, I resolved
that actually that’s not going happen, I will do the complete opposite). We left the office so
late, left with Thulani, who has been around town the whole day. We weren’t paid, so which
means my trip to Limpopo had to be cancelled; so, as we were traveling home Comrade
Pretty contacted me to inform me that they had a problem with accommodation, I deferred
the matter to comrade Pule; she called Thulani as well who pledged to come where they
were. I had indicated to Thulani that I don’t want to be involved in these things because I
don’t want to do Pule’s dirty work, I ignored his calls as he called; well I knew what he was
calling me for, it wasn’t work related, worse it was too late, and was no longer comfortable
answering his ate calls (something that he commonly did, yet it wasn’t work related).
Monday the 27th, I woke up as I was to prepare to come to work; I had swollen eyes, it
normally happens when I stay for long at night without my spectacles, I develop teary eyes
as they get itchy; I send comrade Pule a message informing him of my problem. So, the
night before, one comrade of ours of the YL was celebrating his birthday, we went there as
comrades, obviously and like all many of us do, I uploaded pictures on my Facebook and
WhatsApp; well funny enough, I didn’t even sip any intoxicating liquids. If you would
remember, earlier I spoke of the DIP Team meeting convened by the DSG, where I was
asked to excuse the meeting; so it turns out that meeting resolved on the 07:55 Elections-
Communication meetings (I wasn’t part of the meeting and wasn’t even briefed about its
outcomes), which means I didn’t attend and I believe for me to attend them, comrade Pule
was supposed to have formally informed me and explained my role in those meetings, to
which he didn’t. the past week he wasn’t in the office, technically speaking. I decided to ask
him via sms, if I was supposed to attend those meetings. The sms stated “Do I have to form
part of the 07:50 meetings? I’m still unclear” this was at 18:43. I remember I was having
dinner with my family, it was after 22:00 when a call from comrade Pule came in. this man
shouted at me, this man was screaming on my ears; I want to find words of describing how
this man was screaming such that I could see my toe fingers literally shake, my whole body
was shaking, I couldn’t even speak. As to why my question sparked such a response, it
defeats me; I know I wasn’t wrong to ask that question. He further threatened to get rid of
me, he told me he is giving me a warning or else I’ll be gone; the conversation was so long,
and again he used that demeaning name “suster” as he kept on referring to me, I remember
the only way I could put myself to sleep was through crying. In the conversation he speaks
about how I’m a party animal, how busy I am with boys; I felt so naked and disrespected.
The next day, the 28th I came to work and there was the ANC Secretariat Forum taking place
in St George’s to which we were meant to attend and prepare for the ‘Contralesa Press
Briefing’ as well; same week, the Special NEC was sitting in Cape Town. I am still the same
woman who was no taken through any induction or training, most of what was expected
from me was presented to me. I remember being told by one of my colleagues that I’m also
going to Cape Town I should send my details for me to be booked for, to which I did send to
comrade Janet Mthembu. The day went by I was still trying to find my feet and understand
the ANC National Communications work and the next day, I attend the morning meeting
again. This day, I come carrying my luggage for Cape Town because it was said we will move
from St George’s to the airport. I left with Lerato Monethi in her car, immediately after
driving out of the building I received a call from comrade Pule; asking about if I booked for
him and Phillemon. That feeling that I always get when starts raising his voice resurfaced,
the first thing I said as I was about to explain that I didn’t know and I was off the impression
that Janet was responsible for that was “ke kgopela le ska nchika” (meaning may I humbly
ask that you don’t shout at me, ill explain); it was as if I had said to him, shout more; I have
never been shouted at like this…… this man screamed at me, he shouted albeit telling him
that I honestly didn’t know and I don’t even know how the bookings are done (I’ve not be
inducted or shown these thing). This man screamed, again threatening to kick me out of
work; I couldn’t even hold my tears. That phonecall lasted from Luthuli House until St
George parking lot; the phone lost its reception, got hung up, he would call again just to
shout at me.
Now on top of all the incidents that have happened, if there is one thing comrade Pule had
successfully managed to instil in me was fear; and you know what they say about fear, no
man can be effective and efficient when operating in a fearful environment. If there was one
thing, I wished to do was to block his number on my phone.
We get to St George’s, day two of the Secretariat Forum; he just willy nilly tells Makhosi and
Janet to teach me the job; no proper sitting or anything. Alright, the programme goes on
and I walked into the holding room where we were placed, this is what comrade Pule says
to me as he is seated with another Gauteng leader: “hei Kgoerano you know you almost lost
your job, you were confused to someone who is supporting Reggie (Nkabinde)”. I was taken
aback, I was just flabbergasted there, I was speechless. I left the room, and I developed
questions in my head; “how did I get here?”. The Cape Town trip was postponed to the 30 th
August (same day as the special NEC) meeting, so when the meeting ended, we tell comrade
Pule that we are leaving, but instructs me to tell Lerato that we shouldn’t leave. Lerato was
meant to go to Power FM with comrade Phelisa Nkomo, so she had to leave, drop me off
first in Alexandra as I do not have a car. Lerato then left with my luggage and had to ask for
a ride from comrade Loyiso Masuku who is the regional deputy secretary of the ANC in
Greater Johannesburg; everyone had left and comrade Pule stood me there arguing that
PA’s must stay with the principal until he/she leaves (I agree); but I couldn’t stomach
remaining alone because the previous St George incident occupied my thoughts, because he
knew that I had my luggage with me. I began crying and I knew for sure that whatever
happens, I can’t let Loyiso leave because then if she does, I might struggle with transport to
travel to home; I needed to be home. I begged comrade Pule to leave even in front of
comrade Elizabeth Taunyane, with tears in my eyes. It was ethically wrong to do that
especially in the presence of a HR manager, but she wouldn’t understand why I strongly
needed to be out of that place.
The next day, the 30th, we came to work first; there was a press briefing arranged by
comrade Fikile Mbalula regarding Metros and Coalition; in this briefing my comrades of
Gauteng that take me as their younger sister and daughter were attending, one amongst
those is the Regional Secretary of Greater Johannesburg Dada Morero and PEC member,
Lebogang Maile, just to name a few; we attended the briefing and soon after, comrade Pule
was t be interviewed, right at the back of the media room, I stood next to the stage with
Makhosi and as he was walking out he starts shouting at me about not understanding my
work and my role; insisting that when he’s being interviewed I must take him videos and
pictures for the purpose of keeping record should he be misinterpreted or distorted. He
continues shouting into the lift and follows me into my office to continue shouting, until the
comrades of Eastern Cape and Gauteng showed up, that’s when he stopped. And he
stopped not only to go entertain the comrades, but to call me and appear to be a good boss
to which he wasn’t. we got into the lift and he said I should come with them to the
restaurant around the corner of HQ, I stood by the side; I was so pissed off by his sudden
good treatment towards me because it was nothing but just an act. We left for Cape Town, I
was traveling with Lerato Monethi and Athi Geleba from O.R Tambo where we bumped into
comrade Pule who we had left at the office. The Special NEC was moved to 18:15, after
landing we went to the hotel (Southern Sun) where we had to charge our phones and eat.
We had to charge our phones because we do most of our work with them, should they go
off it will defeat the whole purpose of us being there. As we were eating comrade Pule
called me, asking where we were; again, being the person that I am, I give an honest
response that we are at the hotel, we were charging our phones and eating but we are on
our way. AGAIN, I found this man screaming his lungs out on the phone; he shouted so
much so bad, that we also discovered that he was shouting and screaming like this in front
of NEC members. I began shaking as always, and the way this man is so used to this thing,
the phone call cut and he dialled me again. He called Lerato, screamed at Lerato, fortunately
Lerato is able to stand up for herself, she was able to tell him if our phones are off then
what will we be doing there? He called Athi as well to establish where we were, and that
time we were just about to enter the hotel premises.
We got to the hotel, Garden Court, Nelson Mandela Boulevard; shown were he was seated,
you know, instead of his addressing all of us; he came for me, he gave me that “I’m
disgusted of you look” yelling at me about the ANC, as he was going on, we got rescued by
the SG’s call for the photo opportunity; we stormed up and didn’t look back, because all we
needed was to be away from him. So, after the photo opportunity, we were with other PA’s
and protectors; both Athi and Lerato enquired with comrade Pule what was left of us to do,
though there was nothing but he ordered that we remain and not leave, he will tell us what
we need to do. It was past 00:00 when the Committee chairperson, comrade Nkenke
Kekana appeared with comrade Pule, and we were told to go sleep as the NEC was far from
over. I couldn’t wait to be out of his sight, but before we left, Lerato asked him was there
was anything for tomorrow that we needed to do, his response was “no”, we should go get
some rest. I was so stressed and freaked out, but I was coming down with flu and fever. we
decided got to the hotel with Lerato, found the restaurant and bar closed, so opted to go to
around the corner to get food, we went to Cubana. As we were there awaiting our order my
phone began ringing, this after 01:00AM; caller name: Pule Mabe. Oh wow! I thought Lerato
asked if there was anything we needed to do. But I wasn’t going to answer the phone, I
wasn’t going to allow the St George’s incident to happen again.
The next morning, we woke up to messages about a Post Special NEC media briefing, I was
down and out with flu; I overslept. I rushed to the briefing room, and was noticed by the SG
that I wasn’t well; but the one who was meant to be my principal couldn’t be bothered. I
looked at me as if I were something that disgusted him, I have never been so scared in my
life, the only thing I wanted was to go home. While we waited for our flight details at the
hotel, I couldn’t even look at this ma, in fact I didn’t even want to look at him, I was shaking
like a chicken that has been poured with freezing water. The next Monday, we came to work
like any other person; convened into a meeting with the entire team. Comrade Pule
presented Lerato and I as though we had committed demonic acts in Cape Town,
announcing that id be demoted and both Lerato and I will have to incur that costs of the
Cape Town trip as we went there for a holiday and not for work; while addressing us as
though we are less human and were not worthy to be understood. He asked if we
encountered any challenges in our work. I saw an opportunity to speak out; I mentioned
how his constant shouting, screaming, yelling and threatening to lose my job instilled fear in
me and when one lives in fear, they become ineffective, as a result deliver poor results. This
man instead of addressing me there, he invited me to his office to further ask: what made
me think I was special for me to be treated differently from other kids, why must he not
scream at me when he addresses me? He said a whole lot of things that I can share with you
in person.
I will end here; this is just the month of August; a lot has happened even after till date.
Comrade Jessie, if there’s one thing bothering me now, is how comrade Pule goes around
calling comrades that I’m close to, pulling the victim card and making me appear to be
incompetent; he speaks so dirty of me that he suspects that I sleep around with leadership. I
have stomached so much ever since I began working in his office, I have lived with pain and
a heavy heart because I for the longest didn’t know who to run to; I have spent days crying
myself to sleep, I haven’t looked forward to coming to work, not unless I know he was not
going to be around, in my own space, when I wanted to do something, id feel there was
something wrong and felt like he was watching over and next thing I would be shouted at.
The last straw is being called in by Human Resource on Friday, 16 November at around
16:25; while preparing to go to Mpumalanga for Thuma Mina; I was called in to be shown
my new package on an unauthorised paper, I was ambushed and didn’t have enough time to
think or consult. My salary has been excessively cut without following due processes, and to
a larger extent, I was told that DSG had a problem with me and that my appointment does
not sit well with her. In the end I was blackmailed that: at least I will be getting something,
there are some people who are out there and aren’t getting anything. From what I was
getting, my salary was cut to R15 000 before deduction. My bank statement can be brought
in should you want evidence, as I do not have any letter from HR explaining why my salary
has been cut.
What I have narrated is just my experience of my first month in my new role, but just
deduce what exactly I have been subjected to is that following:
1. Sexual harassment;
2. No induction or training;
Such that HR has overlooked this when dealing with my case
3. Human Resource biasness against me;
4. Privacy infringement by the principal;
5. Job security threatened;
This was done over and over by comrade Pule
6. Barring tactics from political activism;
7. Manipulation and lies; and
8. Unwarranted Salary cut.
I write this letter with while in the midst of great disappointments and shame; I never
thought in my life I will live to see the ANC mistreat its own kids; the ANC has always been at
the forefront of advancing people’s interest, creating a better life and fighting against the
many ills in society. But to have experienced and witnessed the abuse from a leader of the
ANC, worse a man who is meant to be a mouthpiece is regrettable. I have lost so much of
respect for Pule Mabe, and I am bringing the matter to the attention of ANC officials and
consistent to our traditions and practices, when a member puts the organisation into
disrepute, such a member must be subjected to some form of disciplinary actions.
I am without an office as we speak, without a department to report to; but one thing for
sure, I do no longer want to work with comrade Pule. I have been asked by HR to keep the
matter between myself and them, that it shouldn’t be brought to the leadership nor the
general manager; I REFUSE TO BE SILINCED! Here is my letter of grievance.
My name remains Kgoerano Kekana; an activist from Alexandra Township, a selfless
volunteer of the ANC and loyal Servant of the People
081 759 4663/074 441 7563

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