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HSC Board Question Papers

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Vidyasagar Academy, Akola


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Ques 1 (A): Select correct alternative and rewrite the following sub question – (4 Marks)
a) In SMPS _________ feedback is used.

Positive and
(i) Positive (ii) Negative (iii) (iv) None
b) If supply voltage to IC555 AMV is reduced to half, then its output frequency ________.

Is double the Is half the original Is two third the

(i) (ii) (iii) Does not change (iv)
original frequency frequency original frequency
c) If a Lissajou’s pattern like 8 is obtained, then frequency to vertical input fy and frequency to
horizontal input fx are related by the equation _______.

(i) fy = 2fx (ii) fx = 2fy (iii) fx = fy (iv) None of the above

d) The secondaries in L VDT have equal number of turns, but they are connected in ________.

(i) Parallel (ii) Series assisting (iii) Series opposition (iv) None of the above

Ques 1 (B): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) In an OPAMP differentiator, feedback resistor is equal to 2 M and input capacitor is 3 F. Find
output voltage is input voltage changes from 0.1 V to 0.6 V within 5 seconds.
b) Define amplitude modulation Give the expression for modulated output and draw waveform.
c) Draw the pin configuration and symbol of IC 741.
Ques 2 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) With neat circuit diagram, explain the working of sweep generator.
b) The turns ratio of a transformer used in a bridge rectifier is n1:n2 = 10:1. The primary is
connected to the AC mains. Assuming ideal diodes, calculate the output voltage, and PIV rating
of the diodes.
c) Explain the concept of virtual ground in OPAMP.
Ques 2 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Draw the block diagram of cellular radio and explain function of each block in brief.
b) Explain the working of inverting OPAMP with neat circuit diagram and derive expression for its
Ques 3 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Draw and explain the I-V graph of zener diode.
b) State various frequency ranges in an electromagnetic spectrum.
c) Draw a circuit diagram of monostable multivibrator using IC 555 and explain its working.
Ques 3 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Define common mode rejection ratio and slew rate for an OPAMP. Explain their effect on the
performance of an OPAMP.
b) Explain with a neat figure, how CRO displays a waveform.
Ques 4 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain Low CRO is used to measure AC and DC voltages.
b) Explain three factors to be considered for selection of transducer.
c) Draw the pin configuration of LM 317 and state the expression for its output voltage.

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Ques 4 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)

a) Explain the four characteristics of a regulated power supply.
b) Draw a neat block diagram of a fiber-optic communication system and explain its working.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain the working of an opto coupler with neat diagram.
b) In an inverting adder, calculate output voltage if input voltage is 500mV input resistor is 1kΩ and
feedback resistance is ten times the input resistance.
c) List various communication networks and explain one.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain the working of function generator with neat block diagram.
b) Explain the working of a centre-tapped full wave rectifier with neat diagram and waveforms.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Define active and passive transducers and give one example of each.
b) With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the working of a voltage follower using OPAMP.
c) Explain the use of satellite as a relay station with neat diagram.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) With neat circuit diagram, derive the output expression for an OP AMP subtractor.
b) Explain with diagram and waveforms, working of LC filter for eliminating ripple.

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Ques 1 (A): Select correct alternative and rewrite the following sub question – (4 Marks)
a) Fiber optical cable carries ________.

(i) Electrical signal (ii) Light signal (iii) Sound signal (iv) Video signal
b) In astable multivibrator, if charging time constant is equal to discharging time constant, then duty
cycle is _______.

(i) 100% (ii) 50% (iii) 63% (iv) 37%

c) Opto-coupler is used to ________.

Match impedance
Couple the input Disconnect input
(i) (ii) of input and output (iii) (iv) None of the above.
and output circuits and output circuits.
d) Average output of a bridge rectifier is ______.

(i) Vp (ii) Vp /π (iii) 2Vp /π (iv) Vp/2

Ques 1 (B): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) Why time base is required in CRO? Explain with neat diagram working of time base circuit.
b) Explain the use of CRO for measurement of phase and frequency using Lissajou’s figures.
c) Explain working of digital multimeter with block diagram.
Ques 2 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain working of series inductor filter with wave form.
b) In a zener regulator if source voltage is 25V Rs = 470Ω, = 1.5kΩ, Vz = 6.2V, calculate the
zener diode current and load current.
c) The secondary voltage in full wave rectifier is 30V r.m.s. using ideal diodes, calculate DC load
voltage, load current and PIV rating for the diodes, when = 330Ω.
Ques 2 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain following parameters of an opamp CMRR, frequency response for open loop and closed
loop conditions.
b) Explain working of op-amp as comparator in inverting and non-inverting mode.
Ques 3 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Draw neat labeled diagram of CRT and explain working of each electrode.
b) Draw the circuit diagram of series pass transistor voltage regulator with feedback and explain its
c) Find output voltage of non-inverting op-amp with input resistance 200kΩ, feedback resistance of
2MΩ and input voltage is 10mV.
Ques 3 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain how IC 555 can be used as Pulse position modulator. (PPM).
b) Calculate range of output voltage obtained with the diagram given below.
Ques 4 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain working of differentiator circuit using op-amp. Derive expression for output voltage.
b) Explain working of op-amp as a subtractor. Derive expression for its output voltage.
c) In an inverting op-amp, adder = 2kΩ, = 3kΩ, = 4kΩ, calculate the output voltage if
= 1V, = 2V and = 5V and Rf = 10kΩ.

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Ques 4 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)

a) Explain basic concept of SMPS. What are its advantages over conventional power supply?
b) Explain working of bridge rectifier. State its advantages over half wave rectifier.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Why modulation is necessary in communication systems?
b) Explain the working of transponder with block diagram.
c) Explain the working of piezo-electric transducer.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Draw circuit diagram of op-amp as Schmitt trigger. Explain UTP, LTP and hysteresis.
b) Draw block diagram of function generator and explain each block in brief.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain which factors should be considered while selecting a transducer.
b) Explain working of LVDT.
c) Explain Simplex and Duplex communication. State example of each.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) With the help of block diagram, explain facsimile.
b) Explain the working of Pulsed Radar with the help of block diagram.

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Ques 1 (A): Select correct alternative and rewrite the following sub question – (4 Marks)
a) (11)2 + (11)2 + (11)2 _______

(i) (111)2 (ii) (1011)2 (iii) (1111) 2 (iv) none

b) In a negative logic system, the more positive of the two voltage levels is indicated by ______

(i) 1 (ii) 0 (iii) 2 (iv) None of the above

c) In a priority encoder, if decimal inputs 3 and 6 are activated at same time, the BCD output
corresponds to __________

(i) 6 (ii) 3 (iii) 6 and 3 alternately (iv) None of the

d) ________ is a sequential access secondary storage.

(i) Floppy disk (ii) Hard disk (iii) Magnetic tape (iv) None of the above

Ques 1 (B): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) Subtract the following by the 2s complement method :
i) (111011)2 – (101)2 ii) (11)2 – (11111)2
b) Construct 4:1 multiplexer using 2 : 1 multiplexers. Also give the final truth table.
c) What is a Down counter? Draw the block diagram of a 4-bit down counter (ripple type) and give
its truth table.
Ques 2 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Simplify the following expression using Boolean Laws :
i) Y=(A+B) (A+C) ii) Y=AB+A(B+C) + B(B+C)
b) Explain the terms: figure of merit, noise immunity for a TTL. Logic family.
c) Explain the working of weighted, resistor D/A converter with neat circuit diagram.
Ques 2 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) With neat circuit diagram, explain the working of a BCD-to-7 segment decoder.
b) Explain the working of a serial-in, parallel-out type of shift register with neat diagram.
Ques 3 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain the method of converting a binary number into decimal with one example.
b) Explain how NOR gates can be used to construct the basic gates.
c) What is a Demultiplexer? Explain its working with the help of a rotary switch.
Ques 3 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Compare series and parallel counters. (any four points).
b) Explain the working of R-2R ladder type D/A converter with neat diagram.
Ques 4 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) What are open collector TTL gates? Draw the circuit of a open collector TTL NAND gate.
b) Explain the action of present and clear terminals of a flip-flop. With neat logic diagram.
c) Explain the need of A/D and D/A converter.
Ques 4 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
c) Draw the logic diagram of a full adder and explain its working with truth table.
a) Implement the following multi-output combinational logic circuit using a 3 to 8 line decoder
F1= m (0, 2, 4, 5) F2 = m (1, 4, 6, 7)

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Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) Perform the following :
i) (10111.101)2 = (?)16
ii) (91)10 = (?)2
iii) (594)10 = (?)BCD.
b) With neat logic diagram, explain the working of a clocked DFF.
c) With neat block diagram, explain the working of counter type of A/D converter.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) State and prove De Morgan’s theorems.
b) Draw a neat block diagram of a digital computer and explain the function of each block.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) With neat circuit diagram and truth table, explain the working of a CMOS NOT gate.
b) State six specifications of any PC.
c) For given four serially cascaded T flip-flops, if input to the first flip-flop is 120 kHz of squared
wave, what will be the output frequency of the final flip-flop?
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain the method of converting a hexadecimal number into decimal with two examples.
b) With the help of neat diagram and truth table explain the working of BCD to decimal decoder.

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Ques 1 (A): Select correct alternative and rewrite the following sub question – (4 Marks)
a) An inductor filter cannot be used with _____ rectifier.

(i) Half wave (ii) Full wave (iii) Bridge (iv) None of the above
b) While sensing linear displacement a capacitor transducer makes use of ________.

Change in the Variation in the

Change in relative
(i) distance between (ii) coverage area of (iii) (iv) None of them
the plates the plates
c) As the height of satellite orbit goes lower, the speed of satellite ________.

(i) Increases (ii) Decreases (iii) Remains the same (iv) None

d) When internal temperature of IC LM317 increases beyond 170C, LM317 _______.

(i) Burns down (ii) Shuts itself off (iii) Functions normally (iv) None

Ques 1 (B): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) Explain the Electrostatic focusing system used in CRT.
b) When 20V DC is applied to the vertical deflection plates of CRO, the spot moves 4cms away
from the center. If 20V AC is applied what will be the displacement of the spot?
c) Explain why ‘delay line’ is used in CRO.
Ques 2 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain the following terms used for a voltage regulator: line regulation, load regulation and
ripple rejection.
b) In a bridge rectifier circuit, turns ratio of transformer used is 15:1. The primary is connected to
230V, 50 Hz mains supply. Assuming that ideal diodes are used, find DC voltage across the load
and PIV rating of the diodes.
c) A zener voltage regulator is to be designed for output voltage of 10V. If the input voltage to the
regulator is 24V, find the value of current limiting resistor. Given: Pz = 500mW.
Ques 2 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain working of regenerative comparator i.e. Schmitt trigger using opamp.
b) Explain the drawbacks of RC and DC coupled amplifier.
Ques 3 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain working of current to voltage converter circuit used in DMM.
b) Draw block diagram of regulated power supply. Explain working of each block in brief.
c) Explain necessity of dual power supply for op. amp.
Ques 3 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain use of IC 555 as FSK generator.
b) For timer IC 555 connected in astable mode calculate: charging time, discharging time, output
frequency, duty cycle. (Given: = 5kΩ, = 2kΩ, C = 20µF).
Ques 4 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain working of integrator using opamp. Derive expression for its output voltage.
b) Draw circuit diagram of inverting adder using op-amp. Derive expression for its output voltage.
c) Explain how an opamp can be used as a buffer.

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Ques 4 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)

a) Explain how current limiting is achieved in a transistorized series regulator.
b) Explain working of: LC Filter and capacitor filter.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain the concept of serial and parallel communication. State applications of each.
b) An amplitude modulated sinusoidal waveform is displayed on CRO. The maximum voltage
measured is 4.6V and minim voltage measured is 0.7V Calculate modulation index and
percentage modulation.
c) Write a note on Ring and Bus topology used in computer network.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain following parameters of opamp: slew rate, input offset voltage, input bias current and
input offset current.
b) Explain with the help of neat diagram, how a CRO displays waveforms.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Write a short note on LDR.
b) Explain principle and working of a loudspeaker.
c) Explain principle and working of opto-coupler.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)

b) Compare between AM and FM.

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a) Explain fiber-optic communication system with the help of block diagram.

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Ques 1 (A): Select correct alternative and rewrite the following sub question – (4 Marks)
a) The equivalent decimal number of a maximum highest binary number of length one byte is

(i) 128 (ii) 127 (iii) 255 (iv) 256

b) An AND gate in positive logic becomes ________ gate in negative logic.

(i) OR (ii) NOR (iii) NOT (iv) NAND

c) Shift Register belongs to the class of __________________

Combinational logic Sequential logic

(i) (ii) (iii) Both i) and ii) (iv) None of the above
circuit circuit

d) In a _________ type ADC, more than one comparators are used.

(i) (ii) Simultaneous (iii) Counter (iv) None of the above

Ques 1 (B): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) Subtract the following numbers by using 2s complement method :
i) (11011)2 – (011)2 ii) (10111)2 – (110001)2
b) Convert the following :
i) (11011)2 = (?)10 ii) (F6.C9)16 = (?)2 iii) (110 110 110. 110)2 = (?)16
Ques 2 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) What are Universal Building Blocks ? How the basic gates are constructed using NOR gates
b) Simplify the following: Y = ABC + ABC +ABC, Draw the logic diagram for simplified
c) Explain the working of clocked SR flip-flop using NAND gates.

Ques 2 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)

a) Define radix or base of a number system. Explain with suitable example Hex-dabble method
used for converting decimal number to hexadecimal number.
b) What are the various codes used in digital system?
What is their necessity? How many possible combinations are there in each code?

Ques 3 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) Explain the following parameters of digital ICs:
i) Propagation delay ii) Fan out iii) Figure of merit.
b) Explain the working of CMOS NOR gate with diagram.
c) Explain the working 1:4 demultiplexer using logic gates.
Ques 3 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) State and prove De Morgan’s Theorems.
b) Define full adder. Draw a logic diagram of full adder. Write its Boolean equations and truth table

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Ques 4 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) What is a Multiplexer? Design a 4:1 multiplexer using 2:1 multiplexers.
b) What is a Decoder? Explain BCD to Decimal decoder using appropriate logic gate.
c) Explain the need of Multiplexing and Demultiplexing.
Ques 4 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Draw a well labeled diagram of digital computer. Explain the function of each block.
b) Name various input and output devices used in computer.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain J-K flip-flop with the help of logic diagram.
b) Draw circuit diagram of weighted resistor type DAC. Explain its working.
c) Explain working of T flip-flop with suitable diagram.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain the working of TTL NAND with open collector output.
b) What will be the output voltage of a 4 bit R-2R ladder, corresponding to the binary. Given: Logic
0 corresponds to 0 volts and logic 1 corresponds to 8 volts.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain the working of counter type ADC.

b) Explain the working of right shift register using D flip-flops.
c) Explain the working of Decimal of BCD encoder using OR gates.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following –

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a) Draw a neat block diagram of asynchronous decade counter. Explain its working.
(4 Marks)

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b) Implement the following multi-output combinational logic circuit using a 4 : 16 line decoder
F1 = m(1,2,4,7,8,11,12,13)
F2 = m(2,3,9,11)
F3 = m(10,12,13,14)


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Ques 1 (A): Select correct alternative and rewrite the following sub question – (4 Marks)
a) In capacitive transducer, capacitance is varied by changing ________.

Distance between
(i) Material of plates (ii) (iii) Area of plates (iv) Specific resistance
the plates
b) For IC 741, offset adjustment is provided between pin number _______.

(i) 2 and 3 (ii) 1 and 5 (iii) 1 and 8 (iv) 2 and 5

c) In astable multivibrator, using IC 555, the supply voltage is 15V, then the voltage at pin number
5 will be _________.

(i) 5V (ii) 15V (iii) 10V (iv) 7.5V

d) In FAX machine _______ is used for scanning the document.

(i) LCD (ii) LDR (iii) CCD (iv) LASER

Ques 1 (B): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) Write a note on comparator. Explain with neat figure.
b) Explain the working of an opamp as a differentiator and derive the expression for output voltage.
c) With reference to opamp, explain the terms: frequency response, concept of virtual ground
Ques 2 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) What is modulation? Explain with waveforms the amplitude modulation.
b) With the help of circuit diagram explain the FSK modem.
c) A radio signal is frequency modulated at center frequency of 160MHz. If the modulating
frequency is 5kHz and frequency deviation is 20kHz, calculate: carrier swing, modulation index.
Ques 2 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain with circuit diagram transitorised series voltage regulator. State the expression for output
voltage and disadvantages of series regulator.
b) In full wave rectifier, if primary of transformer is connected to 230V, 50Hz and secondary
voltage is 12-0-12V, then calculate: output DC voltage, PIV of diode, output ripple frequency,
load current if load resistance is 500Ω.
Ques 3 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain piezoelectric transducer with neat labeled diagram.
b) Write a note on optocoupler.
c) With the help of block diagram explain the working of pulsed RADAR system.
Ques 3 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain non inverting configuration of opamp and derive the expression for its gain. How it can
be converted into buffer?
b) State any four applications of CRO. Explain any two.
Ques 4 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Draw the block diagram of function generator. Describe the function of each block.
b) Explain with proper diagram: LC filter, RC filter.
c) Draw the block diagram of an opamp and explain the function of each block.

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Ques 4 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)

a) Draw and explain fiber optic communication system.
b) Write a note on serial and parallel data transmission system. State the application of each.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain the function of delay line and blanking circuit in CRO.
b) Draw the block diagram of DMM and explain the function of each block.
c) State any four different front panel controls of CRO. Explain any two.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) In AMV circuit, if = 2.4kΩ, = 3.9kΩ and C = 0.47µF, then calculate: Charging time,
Discharging time and Free running frequency
b) Draw a circuit diagram of a monostable multivibrator using IC 555 and explain its working.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain zener diode as a voltage regulator.
b) State different types of 3–pin IC regulator. Explain any one of them.
c) Draw basic circuit of SMPS and state the function of each part.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) In the circuit of Schmitt trigger, if = 12kΩ, = 2kΩ, Vi = 3Vpp sine wave, with saturation
voltage = ±14V, then calculate: UTP, LTP, Hysteresis voltage and Feedback factor β.
b) In an inverting adder, = 0.1V, = 0.2V, = 0.6V, = 1kΩ, = 2kΩ, = 3kΩ. Then
find Vo, if
a r
= 10kΩ. Also draw the circuit diagram with given values.

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Ques 1 (A): Select correct alternative and rewrite the following sub question – (4 Marks)
a) The BCD equivalent of decimal 15 is ________.

(i) 1111 (ii) 0001 0101 (iii) 1000 0101 (iv) 10000
b) In __________ gate when one of the input is low, output is high.

(i) NAND (ii) NOR (iii) EX-OR (iv) EX-NOR

c) In a D flip-flop ______ input is called synchronous input of the flip-flop.

(i) Preset (ii) Clear (iii) D (iv) Reset

d) In a 4-bit weighted resistor DAC, the LSB has a weight of _________

(i) 1/16 (ii) ¼ (iii) 1/8 (iv) 1/15

Ques 1 (B): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) Explain, why NAND/NOR gate is called universal building block? Draw Basic gates using NOR
b) Write a note on 4-bit Binary Adder.
c) With the help of logic diagram and waveform, explain the working of 3-bit ripple down counter.
Ques 2 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Draw basic circuit diagram of TTL NAND gate and explain its working.
b) State any 4 characteristics of digital ICs and explain any two of them.
c) Write a note on BCD to 7-segment decoder/drivers. Explain the function of the following pins:
blanking input and lamp test.
Ques 2 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Write a note on Floppy Disk and Hard Disk.
b) Draw basic block diagram of a Computer and explain the function of each block.
Ques 3 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) What is an Encoder? Draw the diagram of decimal to BCD encoder using OR gates and explain
its working.
b) What is Multiplexer? Design a 8:1 multiplexer using two 4:1 multiplexer.
c) Explain the working of 1:4 Demultiplexer using a logic diagram.
Ques 3 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain Hex-dabble Method with suitable example.
b) What do you mean by 2’s complement of a number? Explain binary subtraction by 2’s
complement method with suitable example.
Ques 4 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Convert the following: (i) (9A7)16 = (?)10 ii) (456)16 = (?)BCD
b) Write a note on BCD Code. State its advantages and disadvantages.
c) Draw the logic diagram of edge triggered D flip-flop with preset and clear facility. Explain preset
and clear facility in it.

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Ques 4 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)

a) With the help of a logic diagram and waveform, explain the working of decade counter.
b) What is a Decoder? Explain the working of 1-of-10 decoder using suitable logic diagram.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain the working of counter type analog to digital converter with neat labeled diagram.
b) State the disadvantage of J-K flip-flop. How it can be removed? Explain.
c) Implement the following expression using multiplexer and explain. f (A,B,C,D) =
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) State and prove De Morgan’s Theorems. Draw logic diagrams.
b) Define Ex-OR Gate. Explain any two applications of Ex-OR Gate.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Draw the circuit diagram of clocked R-S flip-flip. Explain its working.
b) In a 4-bit R-2R Ladder Digital to Analog Converter, find
i) Full Scale Output Voltage.
ii) Voltage due to one LSB change
iii) Output voltage for 1010 input. Given logic-0 = 0V and logic-1 = +15V
c) Explain the working of Ring Counter with truth table and waveform.

Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following –

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a) Explain the working of Weighted Resistor Digital to Analog Converter. State its disadvantages.
b) Compare TTL and CMOS logic families.
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Ques 1 (A): Select correct alternative and rewrite the following sub question – (4 Marks)
a) In SMPS the transistor is used as _________.

(i) An amplifier (ii) An oscillator (iii) A switch (iv) A rectifier

b) Pulse width of a MMV with R = 10kΩ and C = 0.22µF will be _________.

(i) 2.42ms (ii) 2.42µs (iii) 2.42sec (iv) 24.2ms

c) In an electromagnetic spectrum, visible light ranges from _________.

(i) 4–7µm (ii) 0.4–0.7µm (iii) 0.4–0.7mm (iv) 0.4–0.7nm

d) Piezoelectric transducer is _________ transducer.

(i) Temperature (ii) Pressure (iii) Photo (iv) Chemical

Ques 1 (B): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) Explain with neat circuit diagram the function of time base generator used in CRO.
b) What are the types of deflection systems used in CRT? Explain principle of any one.
c) State and explain function of any three front panel controls used in CRO.
Ques 2 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain the following terms with reference to CRO: fluorescence, phosphorescence, aquadag
b) Draw and explain functional block diagram of three terminal IC voltage regulator.
c) In half wave rectifier circuit, primary is connected to 230V AC. The turns ratio of transformer
used is 10:1. Calculate output DC voltage, output DC current for a load of 2kΩ.
Ques 2 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Draw block diagram of opamp and explain working of each block.
b) Explain Schmitt trigger with neat circuit diagram. Draw transfer curve and define hysteresis.
Ques 3 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Draw a neat labeled diagram of CRT and explain.
b) In a zener regulator find series resistance, zener current, load current if Vin = 30V, Vz = 20V,
total current in the circuit is 30mA.
c) With a neat circuit diagram explain opamp as subtractor and derive expression for the output
Ques 3 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain working of FSK generator using IC 555.
b) In an AMV if = 5kΩ, = 3kΩ, C = 0.2µF, calculate on time, off time, percentage duty cycle
and frequency of the circuit.
Ques 4 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain working of inverting amplifier using opamp and derive expression for output voltage.
b) Find output voltage in an inverting adder if = 0.2V, = 0.5V, = 0.4V, = 1kΩ, =
2kΩ, = 5kΩ and = 10kΩ.
c) With the help of neat labeled diagram explain construction and working of loudspeaker.

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Ques 4 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)

a) Explain series regulator with current limiting.
b) Draw and explain neat circuit diagram of a bridge rectifier. Also draw input output waveforms.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) What is modulation? Explain need of modulation.
b) What is geostationary satellite? Explain use of satellite as relay station.
c) Explain serial and parallel data communication systems.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain opamp integrator and differentiator circuit. Also state expression for output voltage.
b) Draw a neat diagram of function generator and explain function of each block.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain three factors to be considered while selecting a transducer for a particular application.
b) Compare amplitude modulation with frequency modulation.
c) Explain the following opamp parameters with suitable diagram: input offset current, input bias
current, CMRR.
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) List any four advantages of fiber optic cable over conventional electrical cables.

b) Explain simplex and duplex communication systems with suitable example of each.
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Ques 1 (A): Select correct alternative and rewrite the following sub question – (4 Marks)
a) A carrier wave of frequency 1500kHz, 100V is amplitude modulated by audio wave of 5kHz,
60V, then the modulation index will be ________.

(i) 0.6 (ii) 0.66 (iii) 6.0 (iv) 60

b) In IC 555, the discharge terminal is _______ of the internal transistor.

(i) Base (ii) Emitter (iii) Collector (iv) Gate

c) LVDT is _________ transducer.

(i) Capacitive (ii) Resistive (iii) Inductive (iv) Piezoelectric

d) A quarter Watt Zener diode with a breakdown voltage of 5V can carry current up to _______.

(i) 20mA (ii) 5mA (iii) 50mA (iv) 2mA

Ques 1 (B): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)

a) Explain working of capacitor input filter by drawing suitable waveform.
b) Draw circuit diagrams and differentiate full wave rectifier and bridge rectifier.
c) Draw and explain V-I characteristics of zener diode.*
Ques 2 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain use of CRO for frequency and phase measurement.
b) State and explain any three characteristics of power supply.
c) List any six characteristics of an ideal opamp.
Ques 2 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Draw a circuit diagram of MMV using IC 555 and explain its working. Also draw waveforms at
various points.
b) Draw a neat circuit diagram of an adjustable voltage regulator using IC 317. Find value of if
the output voltage is 12V and is 1Ω. Also specify output voltage range for the IC 317.
Ques 3 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain three ways in which electronics communication is broadly classified.
b) Explain the following terms in case of frequency modulation: frequency deviation, modulation
index and center frequency.
c) What is FAX? With a neat block diagram explain FAX transceiver.
Ques 3 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) Explain working of Schmitt trigger circuit with neat circuit diagram. State expression for UTP
and LTP. Also draw transfer characteristics.
b) Draw neat circuit diagram of an inverting amplifier using opamp and derive expression for
output voltage. Also draw a circuit diagram for unity gain sign changer.
Ques 4 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Define active and passive transducer and give two examples of each.
b) With neat labeled diagram explain capacitive transducer.
c) Write a note on light dependent resistor.

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Ques 4 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)

a) What are the drawbacks of RC coupled and direct coupled amplifiers? Explain 4 points.
b) Draw a neat block diagram of CRO and explain function of each block.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) Explain with neat diagram electrostatic focusing system in CRT.
b) Draw a block diagram of function generator and explain each block.
c) Explain function of following front panel control of CRO: intensity, level, INT/EXT
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)
a) What do you mean by network topology? Explain three types of network topologies with suitable
b) Explain basic concepts of: cellular phone, RADAR.
Ques 5 (A): Attempt any TWO of the following – (6 Marks)
a) For an inverting adder, = 10kΩ, = 2kΩ, if = 2V, = –2V, = 1V, find output voltage
of the circuit. Also draw circuit diagram for inverting adder.
b) Draw a neat circuit diagram for opamp as differentiator. State expression for output voltage.
Show with suitable waveforms, the output of a differentiator if a square wave is applied at the
c) Explain the following terms in case of opamp: slew rate, CMRR, output offset voltage
Ques 5 (B): Attempt any ONE of the following – (4 Marks)

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a) Draw and explain functional block diagram of 3-terminal voltage regulator.

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b) Explain current limiting in transistorized series voltage regulator with neat circuit diagram. Also
state expression for output voltage.
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s a

Note: The (*) indicates full credit. It means that the question was asked in wrong way or it was a
misprint in the paper.

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