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Hilma Yunigsih Saminah (N1D216032)

Ni Rai Yanti (N1D216050)
Tomi Yahya (N1D216142)
Olha Suzitha Lantemona (N1D216058)
Yahya Ramadhan (N1D216088)
Neli Agustian (N1D216048)
Stephen Ali Barkah (N1D216140)
Shinta Andriani Sere (N1D216074)






First of all, give thanks for God’s love and grace for us. Thanks to God for helping
and give us chance to finish this assignment timely and I would like to say thank you to the
lecturer that always teaches us and give much knowledge about language.

This assignment is the one of English task and we realized this assignment is not
perfect. But we hope it can be useful for us. Critics and suggestion is needed here to make
this assignment be better.

Hopefully, this paper can help the readers to expand their knowledge about
interference and integration of language.


PREFACE ……………………………………………………………………………….... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………………………………….... ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………….... ii

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION……………………………………………………….......... 1

A. Interference of languange

B. Integration of languange

CHAPTER III CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………........

REFERENCES ………………………………….………………………………………..


Applied linguistics is the branch of linguistics which concerned with practical

applications of language studies, with particular emphasis on the communicative function of
language, and including such professional practices as lexicography, terminology, general or
technical translation, language teaching (general or specialized language, mother tongue or
second language), writing interpretation, and computer processing of language.
Applied linguistics has influenced or may influence in the future the teaching and
learning of English as a foreign language. The observations in applied linguistics may help us
to improve the methods of language teaching. The observation that can be done is by
contrasting native language and target language. By contrasting the two languages we can
find the similarities and differences. One kind of contrastive analysis is language interference
and integration. It is most commonly discussed in the context of English language learning
and teaching, but it can occur in any situation when someone does not have a native-level
command of a language, as when translating into a second language.
Language always develops and changes. These developments and changes occur because
of social, economic, and cultural change. The development of language is quite rapid
occurred in the field of science and technology. Contacts in the political, economic, scientific,
and other fields may cause a language to be affected by other languages. The process of
interplay between one language with another language can not be avoided. Language as an
integral part of culture can not be separated from the above problems. Interrelations between
languages are bound to occur, for example the language vocabulary in question, since the
vocabulary has an open nature. According to Weinrich (in Chaer and Agustina 1995: 159)
language contact is a two-language use of language by the same speaker in turn. From
language contact it transfers or transfers one language element into another that covers all
levels. As a consequence, borrowing and borrowing processes affecting the other elements of
the language can not be avoided. Suwito (1985: 39-40) says that if two or more languages are
used interchangeably by the same speaker, it can be said that the language is in contact. In
every language contact occurs the process of interplay between languages with other
languages. As a result, interference will arise, either orally or in writing.
The existence of bilingual will also lead to interference and integration of language.
Language interference is the deviation of the language norms that occur in bilingual speech
because of its familiarity with more than one language, which is caused by the contact
Besides language contact, the cause of interference by Weinrich (in Sukardi 1999: 4) is
the inadequacy of a language vocabulary in the face of progress and renewal. In addition, the
disappearance of words that are rarely used, the need for synonyms, and the prestige of the
source language. The participants' bilingualism and the loyalty to the recipient language are
also factors causing interference.



a) Defiinition of interference
Some experts have expressed opinions about the interference, some of which
are Alwasilah (1985:131) explores the notion of interference by Hartman and Stonk
formula that interference is a mistake caused by the tendency familiarize
pronunciations (utterances) of a language to another language sound unit includes
pronunciation, grammar language, and vocabulary. Meanwhile, Jendra (1991:109)
suggests that the interference covers various aspects of language, can be absorbed in
the plane of the sound (phonology), word formation grammar (morphology), syntax
(syntax), vocabulary (lexicon), and good meaning (semantics) (Suwito, 1985:55).
Chaer opinion (1998:159) the interference was first used by Weinrich to
mention the existence of a language system changes with respect to the contiguity of
these languages with elements of other languages by the bilingual speakers.
Interference refers to the existence of irregularities in the use of a language to include
other language systems. Pieces of other languages clauses in a sentence other
languages can also be regarded as interference events. Meanwhile, according to
Hartman and Stonk in the Chair (1998:160) interference occurs as a result of
entrainment of speech habits of the mother tongue or dialect into a language or a
second dialect.
Another notion advanced by Jendra (1995:187) states that the infiltration
system interference as a symptom of a language into another language. Interference
arising from implementing bilingual unit system sounds (phonemes) first language
into second language sound system, which causes disturbance or deviations in the
phonemic system of the recipient language.
Interference is a symptom of the biggest changes, the most important and
dominant in language development. In the language of a large, rich vocabulary such
as English and Indonesia too, in its development cannot be separated from
interference, particularly with respect to the vocabulary of cultural and natural
environments donor language. Symptoms of interference from one language to
another language are difficult to avoid. The occurrence of symptoms is also not free
from the interference behavior of speakers of the recipient.
b) The levels of interference may be cultural, semantic, lexical, grammatical, and
phonological :

1. In cultural level, cases of interference may be found in the speech of the bilingual; their
causes may be found, not in his other language, but in the culture that it reflects. The
foreign element may be result of an effort to express new phenomena or new experience
in a language that does not account for them. For instance, an Indonesian speaking
English is ‘forced’ to use such words as sampan, kelotok, and ketinting because of no
equivalent words in English language. The foreign element may result of the introduction
of the custom of greeting and thanking in his own language. For instance, he may say
‘Good night’ instead of ‘Good evening’; or he may say ‘Thanks’ instead of ‘No thanks’.

2. In semantic level, interference occurs when a speaker introduces new semantic structures.
Even though the semantic units may be the same in both languages, a foreign way of
combining them may introduced as a new semantic structure. Both Indonesian and
English, for instance, have comparable units for mengandung – consist of; but when an
Indonesian language speaker uses a sentence Paragraf itu mengandung beberapa kalimat
he introduces into his speech a foreign semantic structure based on the English model The
paragraph is pregnant of several sentences instead of The paragraph consists of several

3. In lexical level, interference may involve the introduction of morphemes of language A

into B. For instance, an Indonesian commentator using the words such as hand ball, kick
off, off side, goal, keeper, etc in an Indonesian-language foot ball broadcast; the other
speaker may say Banyak handicap dalam perjuangan ini or Dalam pembuktian kita perlu
melakukan cross check, etc.

4. In grammatical level, interference may involve the use of grammatical patterns of one
language in another. The grammatical patterns or categories may be morphological or
syntactical. The possible examples are: (a) An English speaking Indonesian language
does not know its word-formation (using the affixes me-kan) may say Dia meninggal
tempat ini satu jam yang lalu” instead of Dia meninggalkan tempat satu jam yang lalu. In
the other side, in making a plural noun, Indonesian language shows a different way from
that of English language, (b) A student learning English may meet difficulties (and the
same time, makes interference) when he wants to say many book instead of many books.
This can be explained that he is influenced by the Indonesian language word-order
banyak buku. Although, a word banyak is a marker of plurality, it is not followed by a
plural noun buku-buku; (c) A student learning English may use say He go to school
everyday instead of He goes to school everyday. This interference occurs as a result of no
system of agreement or concord between noun and verb (subject and predicate) in
Indonesian language; all the subjects are followed by the same predicate (verb) such as
Saya pergi; Dia pergi, Mereka pergi, etc.
5. In phonological level, the problem of interference concerns the manner in which a speaker
perceives and reproduces the sounds of one language in terms of another. This
interference occurs in the speech of bilingual as a result of the fact that there are different
elements in sound system between one language and another, or between native and
foreign language. In some cases, the native and foreign languages have the similarity in
sound system and in grammatical system. However, in most cases, both languages have
different either in sound system or in grammatical system. Different elements in sound
system between both languages may be of several kinds.

First, it is the existence of a given sound in the latter, which is not found in the
former. Second, both languages have the same phonetic features but they are different in
their distribution, namely: when and where they may occur in an utterance. Third, both
have similar sounds that have different variants or allophones. Interference arises when a
bilingual speaker identifies a phoneme of one language with that in another. For instance,
an Indonesian speaking English may pronounce bag as [bæk] instead of [bæg]. This
interference occurs because of the fact that /g/ never arises in the final position of
Indonesian language words; so, /g/ is identified as /k/ in that position. In addition, he may
replace /v/ with /p/, /f/ with /p/; he may not use a /p/ with aspiration.

c) Elements in the Interference

At least there are three important elements that take part in the process of
interference are:

1. Source Language (Bahasa Sumber) or commonly known as the donor language.

Language is the language of the dominant donor in a community language so that
language elements often borrowed for the purpose of communication between
members of the community.

2. The target language or the language of the absorber (recipient). Absorbing the
language is a language that receive foreign elements, and then align the rules of
pronunciation and writing it into the recipient language support.

3. Importation (importasi, unsur serapan) . This is referred to here is the shift of the
elements of a foreign language is the language of the recipient.

a) Definition of Integration

Indonesian society is a society that bilingual (bilingual), thus there was the
language of the bilingual or even multi-linguist. Mastery of two languages or more by
a language speakers was an impact, that is transfer of the elements of language, both
positive transfer and negative transfer. Negative transfer would give birth to
interference, while the positive transfer result in the integration of the two languages
that are advantageous because the absorption of elements of a language that can
integrate with the systems absorbing language.
Integration is a language with elements of a loan, use, and is considered to
have become citizens of that language. Acceptance of other language elements in a
specific language to be the status of integration takes time and a relatively long stage.
At first, a speaker uses a language other elements in his speech as an element of the
loan because it feels necessary. If the foreign elements are used then it can be
accepted and used also by others, then so be it status as an element the element that
has been integrated.

b) Process Integration
The integration process is divided into four kinds, that are:

 Integration Audial
Audial integration in the early speakers of Indonesia heard of lexical
items that are spoken by the original speaker, and then try to use it. What is
heard by the ear that's what it said and written. Therefore, acceptable
vocabularies audial often show characteristic irregularities when compared
with the original vocabulary. Example :
Dongkrak : Domekracht
Pelopor : Voorloper
Sakelar : Schakelaar

 Integration of Visual
Visual integration is the integration of the absorption is carried through
in the original form of writing, and then writing is adjusted according to the
rules contained in the General Guidelines Establishment of terms and General
Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling Enhanced. Example:
System : Sistem (Not sistim)
Hierarchy : Hierarki (Not hirarki)
Repertoire : Repertoir (Not repertoar)
 Integration of Direct Translation
Direct translation of integration is the integration with the equivalent of
finding a foreign vocabulary into Indonesian. Example:
Joint venture : Usaha patungan
Balance budget : Anggaran berimbang
Same working : Kerja sama

 Translation Integration Concept

Translation of the concept of integration is the integration by
examining the concept of foreign vocabulary, then look for the concept into
the Indonesian language. Example:
Medication : Pengobatan
Brother in law : Ipar laki-laki
Job description : Ketentuan kerja

Absorption of the archipelago languages or regional languages by the

Indonesian language does not seem so creates problems, because these languages
linguistically the archipelago was still allied with the Indonesian language, much less
absorption occurred in the area of vocabulary. If a word has no absorption at the level
of integration, it said it had agreed uptake and converged into the new law. Therefore,
the processes that occur in this integration is called convergence (Chaer and Agustina,
2004:169-171). Borrowing elements are absorbed as the result of interference will to
the extent of integration, both within a relatively short time and in a relatively long
time. Because until recently been a lot of evidence in any language that has contact
with other languages, each language that will experience interference, which was
followed by the integration event.
Interference and the integration events in the language of the recipient bring a
few possibilities that would occur in the recipient language due to the occurrence of
interference and the integration. The first, the language of recipients did not
experience any effects that are changing the system if there is no possibility to hold a
renewal or development in the recipient's language. The second possibility, the
language of the recipient to change the system, both at the subsystem phonological,
morphological, syntactic, and semantic.


Interference is a symptom of the biggest changes, the most important and dominant in
language development. In the language of a large, rich vocabulary such as English and
Indonesia too, in its development cannot be separated from interference, particularly with
respect to the vocabulary of cultural and natural environments donor language. Symptoms of
interference from one language to another language are difficult to avoid. The occurrence of
symptoms is also not free from the interference behavior of speakers of the recipient,
Integration is a language with elements of a loan, use, and is considered to have become
citizens of that language. Acceptance of other language elements in a specific language to be
the status of integration takes time and a relatively long stage. At first, a speaker uses a
language other elements in his speech as an element of the loan because it feels necessary. If
the foreign elements are used then it can be accepted and used also by others, then so be it
status as an element the element that has been integrated. Although different, between
interference and integration actually have the same side, that is both the language symptoms
that occur as a result of contact language. Integration and interference have similarities such
that both interference and integration phenomena can occur at the four linguistic levels:
phonology, grammar, vocabulary and semantics.



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