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tunes by touch

technology-mediated musicking by touchpad

Relating interests and experiences to personal choices in creating,

performing and responding to music.

Generate musical ideas for compositions using digital tools and


Makey-Makey:  invention kit used to connect the instrument to a computer
system to facilitate the ability of the touchpad buttons to make sound

Scratch 2 coding software: used to relate events to specific sounds;

programmed to allow each button to provoke a specific sound in the


Google Forms: Google Drive based system that allows users to create polls,
surveys, and response forms. Google Forms can automatically compile all

submissions into a spreadsheet form for easy viewing.

Participants will use the instrumental touchpad to play various notes and

once familiar with the iconic notation symbols, play popular “generic”

songs that have already been pre-notated on cards. As well as playing

notated songs, participants will have the opportunity to compose their

own melodies and notate them using the touchpad symbols.

Participant assessment of learning and growth is reflection-

based. To demonstrate growth, the participants will have the

opportunity to get to know the touchpad and experiment with the

buttons. Participants will have the opportunity to view the

notation cards and potentially select a song to play. Participants

will also have the option to compose their own small work on a

VIEW THE notecard. After the performance of a song, the participant will

be asked questions via a Google Form about their experience

using the touchpad, iconic notation, and their personal progress
towards the learning goals.

This project matters because it gives students expanded educational opportunities to

interact with music outside of what is considered “traditional” Western musicking.This is

important, as being able to adapt to various types and levels of interaction with music

can aid in creating a more impactful music education experience. Public education

should be inclusive and adaptable to the needs of all students, and this project

demonstrates adaptability and inclusion within music education. The use of technology

can bridge a gap between music experiences in both a classroom setting and in the

outside world--exposure to participatory culture. In a world that is increasingly immersed

in participatory culture, individuals act not only as a consumer of something, but also as a

producer or contributor.

by Abigail Carter

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