Paulea - Rowlandb.fergusona - Chelonisc.tannockd - Swansone.castellanos. ADHD Characteristics Interventions Models

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Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631 ± 651

Symposium overview
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: characteristics,
interventions, and models
Merle G. Paulea,*, Andrew S. Rowlandb, Sherry A. Fergusona, John J. Chelonisc,
Rosemary Tannockd, James M. Swansone, F. Xavier Castellanosf
Behavioral Toxicology Laboratory, Division of Neurotoxicology, HFT- 132, National Center for Toxicological Research, 3900 NCTR Road, Jefferson,
AR 72079 - 9502, USA
Epidemiology Branch, NIEHS, A3 - 05, P.O. Box 12233, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 - 2233, USA
Department of Psychology, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 South University Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72204, USA
Brain and Behaviour Research Programme (Psychiatry Research), The Research Institute of the Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto,
555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 1X8
Child Development Center, University of California at Irvine, 19722 MacArthur Boulevard, Irvine, CA 92612, USA
Child Psychiatry Branch, National Institute of Mental Health, Room 3B - 19, 10 Center Drive, Bethesda, MD 20892 - 1251, USA
Received 28 April 2000; accepted 30 May 2000


An epidemiological study of Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) suggests that the prevalence may be two to three times
higher than the figure of 3 ± 5% often cited. In addition, the data suggest that both underdiagnosis and overdiagnosis occur frequently. Rodent
animal models of ADHD, like the Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat (SHR) and other rat models such as those with chemical and radiation -
induced brain lesions and cerebellar stunting, and the Coloboma mouse model exhibit clear similarities with several aspects of the human
disorder and should prove useful in studying specific traits. Operant behavioral tasks that model learning, short - term memory and simple
discriminations are sensitive to ADHD and methylphenidate has been shown to normalize ADHD performance in a short - term memory task.
Recent findings challenge not only the current postulate that response inhibition is a unique deficit in ADHD, but also the concepts of ADHD
and its treatment, which presume intact perceptual abilities. Time perception deficits may account, in part, for the excessive variability in
motor response times on speeded reaction time tasks, motor control problems and motor clumsiness associated with ADHD. The
Multimodality Treatment Study of ADHD (MTA) provided data suggesting that pharmacological interventions that included systematic and
frequent follow - up with parents and teachers, with or without psychosocial interventions, are superior to psychosocial interventions or
standard community care alone. Additionally, the MTA was one of the first studies to demonstrate benefits of multimodal and
pharmacological interventions lasting longer than 1 year. Imaging studies have demonstrated differences in brain areas in children with
ADHD: anterior corpus callosum, right anterior white matter, and cerebellar volumes are all decreased in children with ADHD and there is
less brain asymmetry in ADHD subjects. Additionally, functional imaging studies, coupled with pharmacological manipulations, suggest
decreased blood flow and energy utilization in prefrontal cortex and striatum, and the dysregulation of catecholamine systems in persons with
ADHD. D 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Attention deficit disorder; Epidemiology; Prevalence; Rodent models; Cerebellar stunting; Short - term memory; Cognitive markers; Treatment;
Stimulant medication; Multimodal interventions; Neuroimaging; Prefrontal cortex; Dopaminergic dysfunction

1. Introduction presentations that focused on Attention Deficit /Hyperac-

tivity Disorder (ADHD) were presented. The following text
At the 1999 Annual Meeting of the Neurobehavioral summarizes these six presentations and includes a biblio-
Teratology Society held in Keystone, CO, a series of graphy that should serve as an important resource for all of
those interested in this topic. Dr. Andy Rowland from the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 1 - 870 - 543 - 7147 / 7203; fax: + 1 -
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
870 - 543 - 7720. opened the symposium with an overview of the epidemio-
E-mail address: (M.G. Paule). logy of ADHD.

0892-0362/00/$ ± see front matter D 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 8 9 2 - 0 3 6 2 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 9 5 - 7
632 M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651

2. Studying the epidemiology of ADHD: problems how to rule out other explanations for ADHD -like symp-
and prospects toms that could produce similar symptom profiles; (4) how
to identify co -morbid or co -occurring conditions; and (5)
ADHD is one of the most common childhood disabilities how to handle the age at onset criteria.
[198], yet there are enormous gaps in the epidemiologic Reports from different respondents often disagree and
literature on ADHD. There is tremendous variability in epidemiologists need to establish rules for combining
prevalence estimates and little available data concerning symptoms. The rules they apply can have dramatic effects
how prevalence varies by age, race, gender, or socio - on which children they identify as cases, and consequently,
economic status. Data on diagnosis and treatment patterns on prevalence [18,66]. As noted above, the DSM - IV
in community settings are scarce, as are data on the long - criteria for ADHD require evidence of clinically significant
term effectiveness of treatment. Our understanding of the impairment. This is meant to distinguish between a child
developmental course of ADHD is heavily based on in- who is showing symptoms but is still functioning well.
formation collected in a few key longitudinal studies However, for epidemiologists, the challenge lies in reliably
[14,70,115,116]. However, most of these studies were based defining impairment even though the underlying construct
on relatively small (about 100 ADHD children) clinical of impairment is complex and there are no universally
samples. Data on etiologic risk factors are also limited. accepted methods for measuring it [5,21,37]. For example,
Here, some of the barriers to conducting epidemiologic several lines of research suggest that the risk of accidental
studies on ADHD are described, some of the approaches we injuries is increased among ADHD children [43]. Should
are taking to address those barriers in an ongoing study in information about accidental injuries be used in the defini-
North Carolina are summarized and some future directions tion of impairment? Much of the debate about whether
for research are suggested. ADHD is a ``real'' condition occurs because ADHD is
heterogeneous [40]. That is, ADHD includes children who
2.1. Clinical and epidemiologic case definition of ADHD present with a wide range of symptom profiles and is often
accompanied by other cognitive or psychological conditions
The clinical diagnosis of ADHD is based on the criteria such as learning disabilities, anxiety disorders, or depres-
established by the diagnostic and statistical manual of the sion [25,63]. Epidemiologists and clinicians are faced with
American Psychiatric Association (DSM -IV) [4]. The clin- the difficult challenge of distinguishing cases from non-
ical criteria are based on collecting a history of nine cases who may be displaying ADHD - like symptoms. There
symptoms of hyperactivity /impulsivity or nine symptoms are many reasons a child without ADHD could display
of inattention that have been present for 6 months or more symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity / impulsivity that
and evidence of impairment in at least two settings (for mimic ADHD. For example, he or she might be living in a
example, at school and at home). There also has to be dysfunctional family situation, have an underlying condi-
evidence of ``clinically significant impairment'' in social, tion like anxiety, depression or absence seizures, or be
academic or occupational functioning. The DSM - IV criteria experiencing an adverse response to medication [25,148].
for ADHD establish three subtypes: a predominately hyper- Separating non- cases from cases who also have other co-
active ± impulsive subtype; a predominately inattentive sub- morbid conditions is both challenging and important. The
type; and a combined subtype where an individual displays DSM - IV criteria require that some symptoms that caused
both types of symptoms. According to DSM -IV, there are impairment were present before age 7. However, in the
no laboratory tests that have been established as diagnostic DSM - IV field trials, many children who otherwise met all
in clinical assessment [4]. The criteria require that some other case criteria did not meet the age -of -onset criteria [6].
hyperactive ± impulsive symptoms or inattentive symptoms This was particularly true for children with the inattentive
that caused impairment were present before age 7 years. subtype of ADHD. Based on these data, several leading
There are a number of problems applying these criteria in researchers have suggested that these criteria be ignored or
a clinical setting or in an epidemiologic study. The difficul- revised [6,13].
ties of establishing the diagnosis in the clinical setting are
summarized in several excellent reviews [25,237]. For 2.2. The Johnston County ADHD study
example, children with ADHD often do not display symp-
toms in novel settings (like the doctor's office) and the The problems in creating an epidemiologic case defini-
differential diagnosis can be tricky when a child has other tion for ADHD are substantial and many epidemiologists
co -morbid conditions. have been reluctant to study ADHD as an endpoint. This
Difficulties in the measurement of ADHD are substantial means that our understanding of ADHD and its taxonomy
and have hindered progress in understanding or conducting have too often been based on data collected from small,
research on the condition. In epidemiologic studies, there clinic -based samples rather than on data collected from
are several key issues in defining cases that need to be large population - based samples. The Johnston County
addressed. These include: (1) how to combine the reports of ADHD study was started in 1997 at NIEHS and our goal
different respondents; (2) how to define impairment; (3) was to try to learn as much as possible about the prevalence
M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651 633

of ADHD in one North Carolina County. We also sought to However, it is a more liberal approach than some research-
determine how that prevalence varies by age, race, gender, ers have employed where they have required that parents
and social class, how treatment patterns vary, and to try to and teachers report six symptoms of inattention or hyper-
identify familial, reproductive, and environmental risk fac- activity /impulsivity in both settings. This latter approach is
tors for the disorder. a very strict interpretation of the DSM -IV guidelines and is
The approach we took in designing the study was to rarely applied this way in clinical practice.
recognize that whatever case definition we used would be If children are taking ADHD medication, the symptom
experimental and potentially flawed. On the other hand, we data from the teachers cannot be used to evaluate ``case-
concluded that substantial progress had been made in ness.'' We considered children taking ADHD medication to
defining the taxonomy of ADHD for DSM -IV [99 ± 102] be cases unless their parents told us that during the year
and in the development of instruments like the NIMH before they began taking medication, they did not meet
Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children (DISC) symptom and impairment criteria at home. For reasons
[189,195] and that the time was right to try to operationalize stated above, we decided to collect information on age-
the DSM - IV criteria into a case definition that would make of -onset but will not use it to define cases.
an epidemiologic study possible. One of the advantages of our sampling approach is that
The overall design is a population -based case control we can still analyze the data from children who would have
study. We are screening all 8000 elementary school children been excluded if we had included the age- of- onset criteria
in this semi -rural North Carolina County. The only exclu- and see what difference that would have made. Similarly, we
sions are children in self -contained classrooms for autism can analyze our data with several stricter definitions of
and mental handicap. We are using a two- stage screening caseness and see what impact that would have on our results.
process. In Stage 1, parents give us information about There are, however, important limitations to the approach
whether the child has ever been diagnosed with ADHD we are taking. Our study is limited to one county, so it is not
and whether they are being treated with medication. Tea- clear how generalizable our results will be to other geo-
chers then complete a DSM -IV symptom checklist on each graphic areas (even though the study - county is diverse and
child, which contains items about symptoms for ADHD, closely resembles the overall urban ±rural, racial, and socio -
oppositional defiant disorder, and some conduct disorder economic makeup of North Carolina). We have only limited
symptoms. The checklist also contains questions about data on co -morbidity; teacher data on diagnosed reading
academic performance and impairment in social or aca- disability, parent data on other medical conditions, and
demic functioning. In Stage 2, parents complete an hour- parent -reported data from the Child Behavior Checklist.
long telephone interview that includes a modified version of We would have liked to collect more information about co-
the ADHD module from the NIMH DISC [195] and morbidity, but could only collect a limited amount of this
complete a mail questionnaire that includes modified ver- type of information given time and financial constraints.
sions of the Child Behavior Checklist that contains items Instead, we opted to spend a significant portion of the
from all subscales [1] and the Columbia Impairment Scale interview collecting information on potential biological,
[22]. Our goal is to identify 650 cases and 650 randomly familial, and social risk factors. Finally, our case definition
selected controls over 2 years. is only a screening diagnosis, not a clinical diagnosis, so
To be classified as a potential case, a child had to show at there may be a significant proportion of false - positives
least three symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity / impul- among our ``cases.'' We plan to collect detailed information
sivity and impairment at school. They also had to show at (including a semi -structured clinical interview, psychologi-
least three symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity / impul- cal testing data, school and medical history data) on a sub -
sivity and impairment at home. When the symptoms re- sample of our cases to estimate the proportion of children
ported by the teacher and the parent are combined, the child who might have been classified with a different disorder if
has to show at least six unique symptoms of inattention or we had been able to give each child in our study an
hyperactivity / impulsivity and evidence of impairment in extensive clinical evaluation.
both settings. Some studies have used the ``or'' rule, which The power of the approach we are taking is suggested by
combines symptoms from different respondents in any some of the preliminary findings from a large pretest we
combination. The difficult part comes if the reports conflict, conducted before beginning the study. In that pretest, we
for example, if a teacher reports five symptoms and a parent screened 424 children from 18 classrooms in four schools.
only reports one. In a clinical setting, it might be possible to Eighty -six percent of the parents gave us permission to
sort out what is going on. However, in our study, we decided have their child screened by their teacher. The most im-
that this situation was one in which we were most likely to portant finding from this initial survey was that the ADHD
misclassify children, so we required that teachers and prevalence in this population was between two and three
parents each had to show moderate agreement and report times the 3± 5% prevalence estimate that is cited in the
at least three symptoms. This represents a conservative DSM - IV [4,172]. We also found that history of previous
approach compared to using the ``or'' method and will diagnosis of ADHD was only marginally different between
mean that we will classify fewer children as ADHD. black students and white students, that about 40% of our
634 M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651

cases had never been identified before (underdiagnosis) and 3.1. Spontaneously hypertensive rat
that about 20% of the children who had been previously
diagnosed did not meet the criteria after the two - stage Used in studies of hypertension, the SHR was developed
screening (overdiagnosis) [172]. in Kyoto, Japan by selectively inbreeding rats of the Wistar ±
Kyoto strain that exhibited high systolic blood pressure.
2.3. Future directions for epidemiologic research on ADHD During the course of such inbreeding, the SHR was noted to
be significantly more active in open - field tests than its
Because ADHD is so common, we need more informa- normotensive strain, the Wistar ± Kyoto [72,224,234].
tion about its prevalence and how it varies, about the Much of the work examining the use of the SHR as a
prevalence of medication treatment, community treatment model of ADHD has been done by Sagvolden et al. at the
patterns and barriers to treatment. We need information University of Oslo and many of the findings do seem to
about the long - term safety and effectiveness of treatment parallel ADHD - related behaviors. For example, when sub-
[134,173]. We need more information about the natural jects are reinforced for remaining immobile in a specific
history of ADHD and about possible risk factors, particu- area of an operant chamber, SHRs perform as well as
larly preventable risk factors. We have pointed out the many Wistar ±Kyoto rats when the required duration of immobi-
problems and potential stumbling blocks associated with lity is relatively short (< 8 s) [233]. However, when the
collecting solid epidemiologic data. On the other hand, it is required duration is increased (e.g., 8± 10 s), SHRs make
possible to collect epidemiologic data on ADHD from large more movements, seemingly unable to remain immobile for
population -based samples and this type of data may pro- the target duration. Such findings suggest that the behaviors
vide important new insights into our current understanding of the SHRs closely resemble the ``fidgety'' movements of
of ADHD. ADHD children. SHRs are more active in operant tests,
Dr. Sherry Ferguson of the Food and Drug Adminis- pressing the levers more frequently even when reinforce-
tration's National Center for Toxicological Research fol- ment is not contingent on frequent pressing [177]. Detailed
lowed with a presentation on aspects of animal models that analyses of operant performance indicate that the SHRs
should prove useful in furthering our understanding of the appear to be more sensitive to immediate and less sensitive
brain areas and mechanisms associated with certain beha- to delayed reinforcement [178]. This finding parallels that in
vioral manifestation of the syndrome. ADHD children, in which a smaller, but immediate reward
is chosen over a larger, but delayed reward [201]. Finally,
differences in response rates are noted only during times of
3. Overview of rodent models of ADHD infrequent reinforcement, indicating the SHRs are more
sensitive to reward processes [179].
Studies using animal models of ADHD provide some Results from learning assessments of the SHR appear to
inherent advantages over human studies. For example, parallel those of ADHD children as well. For example,
socio - economic status, parental behavior, and school en- when the learning task requires varying sequences of
vironment are potential confounds in many human studies responses, SHRs are as accurate as Wistar ± Kyoto rats.
of ADHD. As noted by Smith [199], over- or undercontrol- However, when the task requires repetitive responses, SHRs
ling for these variables in human neurotoxicological studies perform poorly [80,112,126,127]. Similar findings have also
can diminish or magnify effects. The development of sub- been described for children with ADHD [82].
jects in longitudinal studies of humans cannot be hastened Such findings as described above suggest that the beha-
and thus, such studies proceed slowly. There may be vioral alterations exhibited by the SHR are similar to those
interactions of ADHD with aging during the geriatric of the ADHD child. However, it is unclear whether the
period, and these would be extremely difficult to assess alterations result from the hypertension or the hyperactivity.
longitudinally. Finally, in correlational studies, establish- For example, the SHRs make more errors in acquisition and
ment of causal relationships is impossible and such relation- performance of an eight - arm radial maze, a task specifically
ships are important in investigating the etiology of ADHD. designed to measure learning and memory [132]. Similarly,
Animal models, on the other hand, can causally establish hypertensive humans often exhibit learning and memory
effects resulting from documented exposure or treatment. In problems [48,65]. However, no study has consistently
addition, they permit more invasive manipulations in order demonstrated such deficits in ADHD children (although
to investigate underlying neurochemical or neuropathologi- some ADHD children do have learning disabilities). The
cal alterations. More specific to ADHD, animal models SHRs exhibit greater than normal decrements in learning
allow assessment of potential new pharmacological thera- and memory that occur with aging than either Wistar ±
peutics or behavioral interventions. The most thoroughly Kyoto or Sprague ±Dawley rats [124,235]. If the SHRs are
studied animal model of ADHD is the Spontaneously treated with anti - hypertensive drugs, those deficits are
Hypertensive Rat (SHR). Other models include the colobo- attenuated, indicating that the hypertension appears to be
ma strain of mouse, use of chemical lesions or irradiation, responsible for the exaggerated learning and memory de-
and a proposed model of developmental cerebellar stunting. ficits [235].
M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651 635

Several researchers have questioned the use of the Wis- 6 - hydroxydopamine (6 - OHDA), in neonatal rats causes
tar ± Kyoto strain as the ``control'' for the SHR. For example, selective and permanent dopamine depletion. Such rats later
evidence of sufficient genetic polymorphism [90] has caused exhibit hyperactivity and that activity decreases with admin-
some to suggest that continued use of the Wistar ± Kyoto as a istration of amphetamine [95,113]. However, the lesioned
control strain for the SHR is no longer useful in studies of rats also exhibit severe learning deficits [113], which limit
hypertension [202]. Others, however, note that such genetic their use as a model of ADHD. The learning deficits are
polymorphism is typical for inbred disease strains relative to apparent as early as 48 h after treatment and are unrelated to
their control strains [104]. Thus, when the SHRs are de- sensory or motor deficits [232].
scribed as exhibiting behavioral alterations, one pertinent
question is ``relative to what control.'' 3.3. Hippocampal irradiation
The hyperactivity commonly described in the SHR is
environment -specific. In activity tests, the SHRs were more Focal X -irradiation of the hippocampus in young rats
active than Wistar ± Kyotos only when the open field is of (PND 2 ± 15) results in ADHD -like behaviors in the adult
the ``free -exploration'' type [179]. For example, when the (e.g., hyperactivity) [41]; however, such treatment induces
home cage is accessible (i.e., the rat can move from its home severe learning deficits [38]. Again, those learning deficits
cage to the open field and return to the home cage during the limit the usefulness of this particular model.
test), the SHR is more active than the Wistar ± Kyotos.
However, in that same open - field paradigm (``free -explora- 3.4. Coloboma strain of mouse
tion''), Sprague ± Dawley rats were more active than either
the SHR or Wistar ± Kyoto. When the test is of the more In 1966, a new mutant strain of mouse resulting from
common ``forced -exploration'' type (i.e., the rat is placed neutron irradiation was described [190]. The coloboma
into the open field and cannot leave or escape the appara- strain is a pigmented mouse with severe ophthalmic dys-
tus), then the SHR and Sprague ±Dawley rats are equivalent morphology, making it essentially blind. The mutation
in activity. Thus, when compared with other common results from deletion of the SNAP - 25 gene, a neuron -
laboratory rat strains in typical laboratory tests, the SHR specific plasma membrane protein thought to facilitate
is not a particularly hyperactive strain. synaptic vesicle fusion at the presynaptic membrane [74].
The SHR offspring exhibit a unique response to their The Coloboma mouse is extremely hyperactive in open -
maternal environment. Specifically, if the SHR offspring are field tests [75,76] and delayed in achieving certain devel-
cross - fostered to normotensive dams (Sprague± Dawley or opmental milestones such as the righting reflex and bar
Wistar ± Kyoto dams), they exhibit lower blood pressures as holding [78]. In addition, it exhibits the particularly promi-
adults than if reared by their natural SHR dams [34,42,121]. nent stereotyped behavior of near-constant head bobbing
More detailed investigations determined that the SHR dams [76,78]. Because the exact genetic mutation is known in this
behave differently with their natural offspring, licking / strain, the human analog of the SNAP -25 gene was in-
grooming the pups, and assuming a nursing position more vestigated in five families in which a genetic inheritance of
often than Wistar ± Kyoto dams [131,180]. Thus, some of ADHD was suspected [77]. However, there was no signifi-
the described behavioral alterations may be related to cant linkage detected between the human SNAP - 25 and
alterations in maternal behavior. coloboma mouse loci. Further research with this prospective
While some of the behaviors exhibited by the SHR model will determine its usefulness.
resemble those of ADHD, others do not (e.g., learning
deficits) and it is unclear which alterations are more directly 3.5. Developmental cerebellar stunting
associated with the hypertension. Thus, some have exam-
ined these potential confounds using different approaches. A recent review described an apparent age- dependent
Hendley et al. [71,73] at the University of Vermont have principle of cerebellar disruption in that there is develop-
selectively bred hypertensive only and hyperactive only rats mental stage specificity in the severity and type of cerebellar
by crossbreeding the SHRs with Wistar ±Kyoto rats. Beha- structural and functional effects [54]. Specifically, insults in
vioral profiles of the resulting WKHA (hyperactive without the developing rat produce neuroanatomical and functional
hypertension) and WKHT (hypertensive without hyperac- consequences that are strikingly different depending on
tivity) show that the original SHR is different from either of when the insult is produced. In general, early neonatal insults
the two new strains [176], but additional work is needed to (birth ± postnatal day 4) produce more severe cerebellar
validate the WKHA as a potential animal model of ADHD. neuropathology accompanied behaviorally by what is typi-
cally thought of as the classic cerebellar syndrome: ataxia,
3.2. Chemical lesions motor incoordination, hypoactivity, tremors, and learning
deficits. However, insults produced later in the neonate
When combined with desmethylimipramine treatment (to (postnatal day 4 through postnatal days 10 or 12) result in
prevent norepinephrine depletion), intracerebroventricular much less severe neuropathology (e.g., normal cerebellar
or intracisternal injection of the catecholamine neurotoxin, foliation and appropriate orientation of Purkinje cells) but the
636 M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651

granule cell population is drastically depleted. The behavior- primates [151,153,188], rodents [55,119,160], and children
al alteration most often associated with these later insults was [149,152,154]. Often, identical or very similar tasks are
hyperactivity with few or no learning deficits. used in all species, providing for unique interspecies com-
Several compounds have been shown to reduce cerebel- parisons. Several tasks are often used in concert as the
lar weight and increase activity levels with postnatal treat- National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) Oper-
ment, suggesting the association between developmental ant Test Battery (OTB) and have been described in detail
cerebellar stunting and hyperactivity. For example, treat- elsewhere (e.g., Refs. [150,188]). The tasks in the NCTR
ment with the antimitotic methylazoxymethanol acetate (4 OTB and the brain functions that they are thought to model
mg / kg on postnatal days 5± 8) caused a permanent 8% include: incremental repeated acquisition (learning), delayed
reduction in cerebellar weight, leaving other brain regions matching - to - sample (short - term memory), temporal re-
relatively unaffected (as assessed by gross wet weight) [56]. sponse differentiation (time estimation), conditioned posi-
Concurrent with this, a mild hyperactivity was apparent in tion responding (color and position discrimination), and
several assessments (e.g., open - field and running wheel progressive ratio (motivation). Briefly, the learning task
tests) and this hyperactivity was more prominent in males requires subjects to learn a specific sequence of lever
than females. Gross measures of learning indicated no presses to obtain reinforcement (food pellets for monkeys
deficits in these rats. Treatment with the synthetic gluco- and rats, money in the form of nickels for children). The
corticoid dexamethasone (DEX) (1.5 mg / kg on postnatal short - term memory task requires subjects to view a sample
day 7) caused a permanent 9± 14% reduction in cerebellar stimulus (geometric shape) and, after some delay (six
weight concurrent with mild hyperactivity, again particu- different delays ranging from 2 ± 32 s), choose a matching
larly prominent in males [53]. Again, gross measures of stimulus from among three choices. The time estimation
learning indicated no deficits. task requires subjects to depress a response lever and hold it
Those recent studies are reminiscent of the results of in the depressed position for at least 10 s but no more than
many years of study in the laboratory of Joseph Altman 14 s. The color and position discrimination task requires
using focal irradiation of the cerebellum during the second subjects to view one of four colors (red, yellow, blue, or
postnatal week in which open field and running wheel green) and subsequently respond to a specific position (left
hyperactivity were evident; however, learning deficits were or right) depending upon the color presented; left for red and
few (reviewed in Ref. [54]). Such results indicate that use of yellow, right for blue and green. The motivation task
developmental cerebellar stunting in the rat may provide a requires subjects to increase their work output (number of
useful model of ADHD. lever presses) to continue to obtain reinforcement: e.g., the
It is important to relate how such effects might resemble first reinforcer might `cost' 10 presses, the second 20, the
the behaviors and neuropathology exhibited by children third 30, etc.
with ADHD. While the cerebellum is rarely the focus of
studies investigating ADHD, a careful review of the litera- 4.2. Operant task performance correlates with IQ and is
ture indicates that there is sufficient evidence to suggest its selectively sensitive to psychoactive drugs
involvement in the disorder [31]. Scanning studies indicated
mild cerebellar atrophy in adults diagnosed with ADHD as Recently, we have demonstrated that many aspects of
children [133]. In ADHD boys, the cerebellum was approxi- OTB performance in children (with the exception of the
mately 7% smaller even after correcting for differences in motivation task) are significantly correlated with traditional
total cerebral volume [32] and this size decrease was IQ measures [154]. We have also repeatedly demonstrated
particularly apparent in the vermal area [20]. Finally, some in both the rat and monkey models that psychotropic drugs
studies have suggested deficits in fine motor control, sug- can selectively affect OTB behaviors and that the effects of
gestive of cerebellar dysfunction [69,204,222,229]. individual drugs are characterized by specific behavioral
Dr. Merle G. Paule from the FDA's National Center for profiles [150]. Thus, delta - 9 - tetrahydrocannabinol, the
Toxicological Research then presented data Ðobtained in active ingredient in marijuana smoke, produces a profile
collaboration with Dr. John J. Chelonis from Arkansas of effect characterized as follows: time estimation >lear-
Children's Hospital Ð on the performance of several tasks ning =short - term memory = color and position discrimina-
by ADHD children. tion > motivation [188]. Here, the tasks are organized from
the most sensitive (affected by lowest doses) to the least
sensitive (affected only by the highest doses). The antic-
4. Operant behavior in children with ADHD and effects holinergic compound atropine, on the other hand, produces
of methylphenidate (Ritalin1) a completely different profile: learning = color and position
discrimination > time estimation = motivation = short - term
4.1. Use of an operant test battery in behavioral assessments memory [187].
The observations that the chemical (drug) manipulation
For several years, we have employed operant behavioral of OTB behaviors in our animal models results in specific
techniques to examine complex behaviors in nonhuman profiles of behavioral effect, support our hypothesis that
M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651 637

different neural substrates (e.g., neurochemicals) are in- (n =24) were also excluded if they had a score of less than
volved to varying degrees in the expression of specific 6 on either the inattentive or hyperactive scales of the
OTB behaviors. Given the hypothesis that some aspects of parent version of the Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation
neural function are different in ADHD children vs. non - Scale (ADDES; [120]), four or more symptoms on the CSI
ADHD children, we further hypothesized that such differ- for either the hyperactivity subscale of ADHD or the
ences would manifest as differences in the performance of inattention subscale of ADHD, or a score of greater than
OTB tasks. 65 on any subscale of the Child Behavior Checklist
(CBCL; [1]). Children diagnosed with ADHD (n= 11) were
4.3. Operant behaviors are sensitive to ADHD excluded if they did not have a score of 5 or below on at
least one subscale of the ADDES, and if they did not have
In pilot studies of 19 hyperactive children and 24 non - at least six symptoms on the inattention or hyperactive
hyperactive children, it was observed that motivation and scales of the CSI.
timing task performance did not differ between the two The short -term memory task was administered to each
groups, whereas response latencies (particularly those asso- child on two separate occasions separated between 80 and
ciated with trial initiation) in the color and position dis- 180 days. ADHD subjects completed one session 1 to 2 h
crimination and short -term memory tasks were longer for after taking their previous dose of methylphenidate and the
hyperactive children. Color and position discrimination other, at least 16 h after their previous dose. Eight ADHD
accuracies, while tending to be lower for the hyperactive children participated in their first session on medication and
children, were not statistically significantly different from the other three participated in their first session off of
those of non -hyperactive children, yet accuracies for hyper- medication. As in our earlier work, each trial of the short -
active subjects in the short -term memory task were sig- term memory task began with the presentation of a single,
nificantly less than those for non- hyperactive subjects. In simple geometric shape (sample) projected onto the central
addition, accuracy of performance in the learning task was of three press -plates, horizontally aligned. This shape was
significantly less for hyperactive subjects. Thus, in several extinguished after it was pressed and a random delay of 2 to
OTB tasks, the performance of hyperactive subjects does, 54 s followed (all press - plates dark) after which three
indeed, differ from that of non -hyperactive subjects. geometric shapes were presented, one on each of the three
A more detailed analysis of data for the short - term visual press - plates (randomly located) and one of which matched
recognition memory task indicated that the accuracy of the original sample. A reinforcer (nickel) was delivered if the
subjects declined much more rapidly in hyperactive than child pressed the shape that matched the sample for that trial.
in nonhyperactive subjects: over `recall delays' from 2 to 16 At the beginning of each session, the experimenter told
s, accuracy decreased over 12% (from about 96.5% to about the child that he /she would play one game (task) and that
84%) in hyperactive subjects but only by about 4% (from he /she should watch the videotaped instructions for the
about 99% to about 95%) in nonhyperactives. For the longer game on the nearby monitor. The recorded instructions
delay of 32 s, the decreases in accuracy were comparable explained how to earn reinforcers (nickels) for the game
between the two groups. These data were striking in that prior to the commencement of the game and were the same
they seemed to indicate that about as much information was for each child. The use of videotaped instructions allowed
being correctly discriminated and encoded in both groups for the standardization of instructions across subjects and
(accuracies at short delays were not significantly different eliminated the need to expend large amounts of time
between groups), but that either retrieval and/or retention training subjects on the task. After the child finished watch-
mechanisms were less efficient in hyperactive subjects, at ing the instructions, the short -term memory task began with
least for delays out to 16 s. one of the seven stimuli appearing randomly on the center
press -plate (the sample). The stimulus remained on the
4.4. Methylphenidate normalizes operant behavior of center press - plate until the child pressed it. Afterwards,
ADHD children the press -plate went dark and a delay was initiated. The
delay could take on one of 10 values (2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20,
In order to replicate these findings and to explore the 28, 40, or 54 s) and was randomly selected. Following each
effects of methylphenidate on performance in this kind of delay, each press -plate was illuminated with a different
task, we incorporated into a subsequent study 10 (rather symbol, one of which was the same symbol that initially
than six) different recall delays and extended the longest appeared on the center press - plate (sample). If the child
delay out to 54 s. The subjects were 35 children aged 7 ±10 pressed the stimulus that matched the sample, he / she
years. Children were excluded if they met criteria for received a nickel and the next trial began immediately.
schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, or pervasive However, if the child pressed a stimulus that did not match
developmental disorder based on the Child Symptom In- the sample, the press -plates were darkened, and there was a
ventory (CSI; [60]). Children were also excluded if their 10 -s timeout after which the next trial began. The short -
full -scale IQ as measured by the Kaufman Brief Intelli- term memory task lasted up to 40 min or until 100 nickels
gence Test (KBIT; [93]) was less than 70. Control children were earned.
638 M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651

ADHD children were significantly less accurate on this Dr. Rosemary Tannock from the University of Toronto's
task and earned fewer nickels than children who were not Research Institute of The Hospital for Sick Children fol-
identified as ADHD. These results are consistent with the lowed with a presentation on other specific cognitive
findings that children with ADHD perform worse on tasks deficits associated with ADHD.
of working memory than children without this disorder
[23,109,147]. Further, an analysis of the data by delay
indicated that this deficit appeared to be mostly a result of 5. In search of primary cognitive deficits in ADHD
an inability to retain information and not due to an inability
to encode information; accuracies at short delays did not As mentioned earlier, ADHD is currently defined solely
differ between groups and consistent deficits in accuracy for in terms of developmentally inappropriate levels of inatten-
hyperactive children were not noted for delays of less than 8 tion or hyperactivity /impulsivity, or both clusters of beha-
s. The finding that accuracy decreases as delay increases vioral symptoms [4]. ADHD is one of the most intensively
suggests that greater attentional resources are required to studied syndromes in child psychiatry, but remains contro-
maintain attention to the stimulus over time, and that ADHD versial because of its prevalence, heterogeneity, high rates of
children have much more difficulty allocating these re- co - morbidity (e.g., see Ref. [182]), reliance on clinical
sources to this task than do normal children. evaluation rather than a specific diagnostic test or marker,
Methylphenidate normalized the performance of the and the increasing prescription rates of psychostimulant
ADHD children on this task as measured by overall accu- medication for its treatment [134].
racy, percent task completed, and accuracy at longer delays, The preceding concerns, along with a growing conviction
a finding consistent with those noted for free recall tasks that the behavioral phenomenology of ADHD reflects
[23,109,147]. It should be noted that the short - term memory underlying impairments in cognitive functioning, have sti-
task used here was designed to enhance the encoding of mulated empirical investigations into the cognitive corre-
information, which might account for the noted lack of lates of ADHD [215]. Cognitive correlates provide a useful
deficits at short delays. Specifically, for a trial to continue, set of criteria for examining the validity of ADHD because
the subject had to make a response indicating that he/ she they do not share method variance with the clinical mea-
saw the initial stimulus. Therefore, the subject had to attend sures used to assess the behavioral symptomatology (e.g.,
to the stimulus to continue with a trial. A procedure that reports of parents and teachers). However, establishing that
simply presents the target stimulus for a brief period of time specific cognitive deficits are primary and unique to ADHD
without requiring that subjects make an observing response requires evidence that the deficits occur in most individuals
to it would likely increase the potential of the task to detect with ADHD, persist across the lifespan (albeit with altered
differences in encoding. expression), are not shared with other disorders, and cannot
ADHD children took longer to make observing responses, be attributed to co - morbid problems (e.g., conduct disorder,
correct responses, and incorrect responses than control chil- oppositional disorder, reading disorder (RD)).
dren. These findings suggest that either ADHD children were Three domains of interest are discernible in empirical
not attending to the task as well as control children or that investigations designed to isolate specific psychological
ADHD children require a greater amount of time to process dysfunctions that might underlie ADHD: (1) higher -order
the information to be remembered. The significant increase in cognitive control processes, termed executive functions, that
choice response latency for ADHD children compared to include working memory, a system for temporary storage
controls suggests that once a trial was initiated, ADHD and simultaneous on -line processing of information [9±
children had more difficulty in attending to the task, espe- 11,46,92,159,165,210]; (2) visual ± spatial orienting
cially, if there was a long delay. Methylphenidate decreased [27,122,141,155,209]; and (3) energetic state, particularly
each of these measures of response latency and increased activation [193,225]. By contrast, the basic sensory, percep-
accuracy to values more similar to those of controls. tual, and short - and long -term memory abilities are pre-
sumed to be intact [11,44,45]. Among the postulated
4.5. Summary deficits, executive functions, particularly response inhibi-
tion, have garnered the most attention among researchers
ADHD children exhibit deficits in their performance of [12,207,215] since current theory proposes that the failure to
learning, color and position discrimination and short -term inhibit or delay behavioral responses may be the funda-
memory tasks. In the short - term memory task, ADHD mental deficit in ADHD [11,12,165,183,184].
children had more difficulty making correct choices at
longer delays than control children did and methylphenidate 5.1. Response inhibition
normalized performance of this task by decreasing response
latencies and increasing accuracy of responding at longer The general concept of inhibition appears in many guises
delays. Additional studies will be needed to determine and is measured in a variety of ways [39,98,181]. In the
whether methylphenidate also normalizes performance of research literature on ADHD, two major approaches are
the learning and color and position discrimination tasks. discernible in the study of executive function and response
M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651 639

inhibition: (1) neuropsychological, using standardized tasks greater interference effects from conflicting stimuli on tasks
which involve a wide range of processes (e.g., Matching such as the Stroop Color ±Word Test [36,110,159]. Set -
Familiar Figures Test, Continuous Performance Test, Stroop shifting difficulties are indicated by more perseverative
test), but cannot determine which of the component pro- errors on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task and fewer items
cesses may be impaired; and (2) experimental tasks that use on Trails -b test, although findings are somewhat inconsis-
a controlled, process - oriented approach, which permits tent [159,169,191]. Working memory deficits are reflected
separation and measurement of component processes. by poor performance on tests such as the backwards digit
span, self - ordered pointing, paced auditory serial addition,
5.2. Stop -signal inhibition Simon Tone /Color Game and the Dot Test of Visuospatial
Working Memory [16,92,159,230]. Also, recent findings
Many of the studies on inhibition in ADHD have focused indicate that some executive function deficits (e.g., plan-
on the type of inhibition that is manifest in the stop -signal ning) are attributable to ADHD (or one of its subtypes) rather
procedure [103,106,107,143,145,146,227]. This type of in- than to various co- morbid disorders [94,139,191,230].
hibition is conceptualized as one of several internally Deficits in response inhibition are also indicated by the
generated acts of control in a higher- order executive system findings from studies based on the stop - signal procedure.
that regulates the operations of information processing in For example, the recent meta - analysis of international
humans [64,105,106,196]. It is defined as the ability to stop studies based on the stop -signal procedure generally con-
(suddenly and completely) a planned or ongoing thought firms differences in response inhibition between ADHD and
and action [106]. This central act of control is required in normal peers, with an effect size of 0.6 [144]. However, the
many daily situations in which an individual's planned or meta- analysis did not confirm specificity of this response
ongoing actions are suddenly rendered inappropriate by inhibition deficit to ADHD; deficits were not impaired in
anticipated events or changes in the immediate environment anxiety disorder, but there was some evidence of response
(e.g., you are driving along a main road when a child darts inhibition deficits in conduct disorder, oppositional defiant
out into the road in front of your car). The stop -signal disorder and aggression, suggesting that the deficits were
procedure has several advantages over neuropsychological not a unique correlate of ADHD [144]. Moreover, recent
measures of inhibition [106,231]. One clear advantage is findings of response inhibition deficits in ADHD are not
that the underlying model provides a way of measuring the independent of concurrent reading problems [139,164,218].
latency of the internally generated act of control (stop -
signal reaction time; SSRT), even though successful inhibi- 5.4. Extreme variability in response time
tion produces no overt behaviour. In the stop - signal task,
SSRT is the primary dependent variable and indicates the One of the most robust findings from studies based on
speed of the inhibitory process. SSRT does not provide all information processing theory, is of extremely variable
the information yielded by the stop -signal procedure, but it response latencies, which are found across a variety of tasks
is highly informative because differences in SSRT reflect [46,219]. For example, studies based on the stop -signal
important differences between groups of individuals (e.g., procedure consistently find greater variability in response
impulsive adults have slower SSRTs than non- impulsive times and slower response times to the go- task as well as
adults [108]) and in individuals tested under different longer SSRTs [144]. Not only are these findings inconsistent
conditions (e.g., stimulant medication speeds SSRT com- with the notion of an impulsive response style, but they also
pared to placebo [220,221]). raise the question of whether ADHD may be associated with
impairments in the precise representation of temporal in-
5.3. Deficient inhibition in ADHD formation that is integral with all speeded response time
tasks. The precise representation of temporal information is
There is substantial evidence of mild deficits in compo- required for the ability to predict precisely the point in time
nent executive functions in ADHD, particularly those asso- when an impending stimulus event requires a fast response.
ciated with control of motor responses (planning, Moreover, time perception is predicted to be impaired in
preparation, execution, inhibition) and working memory, ADHD according to current models of ADHD and impul-
which is believed to be one of the key components under- sivity [11,12,17,61,203]. Specifically, one model of ADHD
lying executive functions [46,216]. Motor planning deficits proposes that the fundamental impairment in ADHD is
are indicated by the fairly consistent evidence of poor behavioral inhibition, which in turn impairs four executive
performance on neuropsychological tasks such as the Tower neuropsychological functions that are dependent upon in-
of Hanoi, Porteus Mazes or WISC - Mazes, and Rey - Oster- hibition for their efficient functioning. One of these execu-
reith Complex Figure Drawing Test (e.g., Refs. [2,94,140, tive functions is working memory, which plays a central role
191]). Motor inhibition deficits are indicated by more errors in time perception (e.g., Ref. [114]). Also, time perception
of commission on tests such as the Go /No - Go and con- impairments in ADHD are predicted independently by
tinuous performance test, decreased accuracy and /or shorter recent models of impulsivity, which is a core feature of
latency to first response on Match -to -Sample tests; and ADHD (e.g., Refs. [17,203]). Moreover, neuroimaging
640 M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651

studies indicate anomalies in brain morphology in ADHD in can be performed, particularly if the interval between the
those brain regions that subserve time perception, as well as warning and imperative stimulus is constant (i.e., predict-
executive functioning (e.g., Refs. [8,20,28,32,58,215]). able) and less than about 3 s [47,138]. Individuals who are
impaired in time perception would likely have more vari-
5.5. Time perception able response times.

Accurate perception of time is an important determinant 5.6. Impairments in time perception in ADHD
of behavior: it facilitates the ability to predict and anticipate
events, to organize and plan sequences of action, and Clinical phenomenology is consistent with the hypothe-
prepare fast responses. Research in the neuropsychology sized time perception deficits in ADHD. For example,
of time has applied psychophysical and neuroimaging clinical descriptions indicate that individuals with ADHD
techniques with adults who have sustained focal or diffuse have marked difficulties in conforming to directions
brain lesions in order to associate particular timing functions containing time parameters, meeting deadlines for work
with particular brain structures or networks [29,68,86 ± assignments, and in adjusting the timing of their behavior
88,91,114,135]. The perception of duration and estimation to the pacing of the immediate context (e.g., calling out
of duration has been differentiated on the basis of the type in class, interrupting an ongoing conversation, difficulty
of cognitive processing involved. For example, recent waiting turn). Also, a diverse array of empirical findings
models suggest that timing in the millisecond and second from studies of cognitive processes involved in motor
range may be dissociated behaviorally and neurally response control support the hypothesis of impaired time
[59,123,167]. Behaviorally, timing in the millisecond range perception in ADHD. For example, deficits are evident in
may be achieved relatively automatically via an internal working memory that is believed to play a major role in
timing system, whereas processing of longer durations time perception [92,117]. Task performance is impaired
implicate other processes, such as memory and strategy by the presence of certain temporal characteristics, such
use (counting). A large body of evidence has implicated the as very brief or long delays between stimuli and of
cerebellum, particularly the lateral cerebellum and vermis, temporal uncertainty [15,33,194,226]. A high rate of
in the perception of durations in the range of milliseconds premature responses is evident in experimenter - paced
and in cognitive timing of motor output; perception of tasks [200,236].
longer durations is supported by a network involving the Empirical investigations of time perception in ADHD
basal ganglia and frontal cortex [29,87,91,114,123,135]. indicate deficient abilities, although the data are limited and
More recently, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the not always consistent [13,26,175]. One problem is that the
hypothalamus has been implicated in the perception and few available studies differ in sampling procedures (school
production of brief durations in the hundreds of millisecond vs. clinic sample), diagnostic criteria (clinical diagnosis of
range, using methods similar to those employed by Ivry [87] ADHD vs. ratings of hyperactivity or inattention), methods
to explore timing functions of the cerebellum [35]. The SCN of assessing time perception (duration discrimination vs.
mediates circadian rhythmicity of sleep ±wake and endo- time production or time reproduction), and in the range of
crine cycles in humans and other primates. Importantly, intervals used (typically in the range 7 to 60 s). This makes
these brain regions have been identified as the possible it difficult to integrate findings across the different studies.
neural substrate for both ADHD [57,128,215] and RD Furthermore, none of the existing studies considered the
[136,163,166,186]. possible impact of co - morbidity. In particular, the failure to
Impairments in time perception may have negative im- control for co -morbid RD is potentially problematic given
pact on motor control processes, particularly response the evidence of impairment in duration discrimination in
preparation [24,125,174,175]. The preparation of a fast children with RD [137]. However, a recent study conducted
response benefits from predicting precisely the point in by Tannock et al. [217] provided more robust evidence of
time when an impending event would require a response. time perception impairments in children with ADHD with
Thus, processing of temporal information can be considered and without co -morbid RD. Specifically, the study used
an important part of response preparation. Specifically, psychophysical tasks to measure the children's perception
evidence from reaction time paradigms indicate that re- of duration in the range of 400 ms (as well as the perception
sponses to an imperative stimulus can be considerably faster of tone frequency, as a control condition) and the estimation
when the imperative stimulus is preceded by a warning of duration, using a method of reproduction of presented
stimulus. This benefit is accrued from the accurate timing of intervals of 400, 2000, and 6000 ms. Results indicated that
response preparation enabled by the warning stimulus and both ADHD groups were impaired in the perception of brief
by estimation of the interstimulus interval. The processes durations in the range of 400 ms, but not in the perception
that facilitate behaviour during this foreperiod anticipating of tone frequency, compared to normal peers. Also, both
the onset of the imperative stimulus have been considered ADHD groups were impaired in the precision and reliability
to be part of the alertness component of attention [161]. with which they reproduced the presented intervals of all
Thus, the more precise the timing, the faster the response three durations (400, 2000, 6000 ms). Moreover, prelimi-
M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651 641

nary findings from small -sample studies (n = 16) suggested ly initiated with a trial on stimulant medication such as
that stimulant medication may not have any impact on these methylphenidate (Ritalin1) or amphetamine (Dexedrine1
components of time perception [13,217]. or Adderall1), while in Europe, treatment is usually in-
itiated with a trial on psychosocial interventions such as
5.7. Limitations behavior modification, family therapy, and teacher consulta-
tion. Extensive research [208] has documented that low
Many of the neuropsychological studies of executive doses of stimulants have beneficial short - term effects of
function in ADHD and most of the international studies on reducing the symptoms of ADHD in about 80% of the
stop - signal inhibition, have relied almost exclusively on diagnosed cases, and considerable research (see Ref. [157])
male samples of school - aged children, did not include has documented the short - term effectiveness of two psy-
adolescents, nor consider the impact of co -morbid disor- chosocial treatments (behavioral parent training and beha-
ders, particularly RD on task performance. These limita- vioral token systems in the classroom).
tions are germane in view of questions about the nature
and severity of cognitive mechanisms, neural substrates, 6.2. Long -term benefits of pharmacological and
and genetic factors underlying ADHD in males and fe- psychosocial interventions: the multi -site MTA study
males [50,140,170], the stability of deficits across the life
span, and the role of RD in cognitive deficits currently Little controlled research has been conducted to evaluate
attributed to ADHD (e.g., Refs. [140,158]) or vice versa the long - term effectiveness of these two modalities of
(e.g., Ref. [216]). treatment [134,142]. In the early 1990s, the National In-
stitute of Mental Health issued a Request for Applications
5.8. Significance for a multi -site prospective study to address this important
issue [171]. After review, six sites were chosen, each with a
Recent findings challenge the current postulate that re- Principal Investigator and Co -Investigator (UC Irvine, J.
sponse inhibition is a primary (i.e., unique) deficit in ADHD. Swanson and D. Cantwell; UC Berkeley, S. Hinshaw and G.
Also, the preliminary findings of specific time perception Elliott; Columbia University, L. Greenhill and J. Newcorn;
deficits in ADHD that were not ameliorated by stimulant U Pittsburgh, W. Pelham and B. Hoza; Duke U, K. Conners
medication, challenge the current concepts of ADHD and its and K. Wells; Long Island Jewish Medical Center / Montreal
treatment, which presume intact perceptual abilities. Time Children's Hospital, H. Abikoff and L. Hetchman). Groups
perception deficits may reflect an underlying dysfunction of at NIH (led by P. Jensen and G. Arnold) and the US
the cerebellar ± thalamic± prefrontal networks and account in Department of Education (led by E. Shiller) monitored the
part for the excessive variability in motor response times on implementation of the project. The assigned tasks were to
speeded reaction time tasks, motor control problems, and design a large randomized clinical trial to evaluate the long -
motor clumsiness associated with ADHD. term effects of pharmacological and psychosocial interven-
Dr. Jim Swanson followed with a presentation on tions for children with ADHD. The investigation that
medication, behavioral intervention, and both in children emerged from this initiative is called the Multimodality
with ADHD. Treatment Study of ADHD (MTA) (see Ref. [7]).

6.2.1. Treatment strategies

6. Multimodality treatment of ADHD: initial findings of The MTA was designed as a multi - site randomized
the multimodality treatment of ADHD (MTA) study clinical trial comparing four treatment strategies: medication
management (MedMgt); behavior modification (Beh); the
6.1. Short -term benefits of pharmacological and combination of these two modalities (Comb); and an active
psychosocial interventions control condition based on usual treatment available in the
community (CC). A large sample of children between the
The disorder now called ADHD in DSM -IV [4] and ages of 7 and 9 years were recruited from a variety of
Hyperkinetic Disorder (HKD) in ICD -10 [85] has been the sources. A broad assessment battery (see Ref. [79]) was
topic of many articles over the years, and different sets of used to identify about 96 cases at each site with symptoms
symptoms and labels have been used to describe this of inattention and hyperactivity / impulsivity (i.e., with
condition. One of the first descriptions was by Still in the ADHD -Combined Type). Treatment manuals were devel-
Lancet [205]. Almost 100 years later, the Lancet commis- oped for pharmacological [67], psychosocial [225], and
sioned an article to summarize the literature on ADHD combined [212] interventions. Trained and monitored
[207], which provides a good background for the topic of MTA staff followed these manuals to provide intensive
multimodality treatment. That article outlined the two pri- treatment for about 144 subjects randomly assigned to each
mary modalities of treatment: pharmacological (with stimu- of the MedMgt, Beh, and Comb groups. Another 144
lant medications) and behavioral (with a variety of subjects were randomly assigned to the CC group. The
psychosocial interventions). In the USA, treatment is usual- recruited sample of 579 ADHD children was typical of
642 M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651

clinical samples described in the literature. Most of these individual subject was obtained and used to evaluate change
cases had at least one co -morbid disorder. The primary co - over the four assessment points and to estimate missing data
morbidities were Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct [97]. In this intent - to - treat (ITT) analysis (i.e., ``once
Disorder (in about 54% of the cases) and Anxiety Disorder randomized always analyze''), scores (e.g., slopes of the
(in about 35% of the cases). Only 30% of the sample had individual regression equations) for all subjects assigned to
pure ADHD. a treatment group were included in the group average,
whether or not they complied with or responded to the
6.2.2. Long -term treatment treatments that were offered.
Intensive treatment was provided over a period of 14 The primary analyses revealed a statistically significant
months. The MedMgt treatment was based on a double omnibus (overall) effect of Treatment for 10 of these marker
blind, dose ± response titration trial to evaluate response to variables. Six of the 10 were derived from the SNAP rating
methylphenidate. If a favorable response was not manifested scale [206], on which parents (P) and teachers (T) assessed
in the titration trial, which happened for about 20% of the the symptoms for DSM - IV disruptive behavior disorders
cases, then an open clinical trial was conducted to evaluate (DBD)Ð ADHD and ODD. The other significant outcome
response to other stimulant (e.g., amphetamine) and non - measures were based on three different instruments and
stimulant (e.g., imipramine) medications. After titration, covered non - DBD domains: P -Internalizing and T-Social
there were monthly office visits with a physician to evaluate Skills (from the Social Skills Rating System), P - Power
response to medication. The monthly medication checks Assertion (from the Parent ± Child Relationship question-
included a meeting with the family and a telephone call to naire), and Reading Achievement (from the Weschler Indivi-
the teacher, and these sources were used to monitor the dual Achievement Test for children). For these significant
child's status and to make adjustments in medication. The outcome variables, multiple comparisons were performed to
Beh treatment was based on psychosocial provisions that address the primary questions of the study. The general
included 35 parent training sessions spread across 14 pattern of effects on the manifestation of symptoms of
months, school consultations with teachers in the spring of ADHD and ODD were clear.
one school year and the fall and winter of the next school What was the relative effectiveness of the two modalities
year, an 8- week summer treatment program that focused on of treatment? MedMgt was superior to Beh. Was multi-
direct intervention with the child in the playground or in a modality treatment superior to unimodal treatment? Comb
camp - like setting, and a paraprofessional program with an was not significantly better than MedMgt, but it was super-
extra part - time classroom aide in the child's regular class- ior to Beh. Were the systematic MTA treatments better than
room for up to 12 weeks [228]. This treatment was staged to treatment as usual? Comb and MedMgt were better than
be intensive at the beginning, and then gradually faded so CC, but Beh and CC did not differ.
that direct contact was finished by the end of the 14 months. The general pattern for the order and difference for
The Comb treatment was based on multimodality provisions the treatment groups was expressed as Comb  MedMgt
specified by both the MedMgt and Beh treatments, with >Beh  CC, where the ``> '' symbol denotes the paired-
some modifications to co -ordinate implementation. The CC comparisons of group means (of the individual slopes) that
treatment was not provided by the MTA staff but instead were statistically significant, and the `` '' symbol denotes
consisted of whatever treatments were sought and obtained the paired - comparisons of group means that were not
by participants in the various communities. The actual statistically different in the primary analyses. On non -
treatments of all subjects were monitored by interviewing ADHD symptom domains, a slightly different pattern was
the parent about MTA and other interventions that were manifested. On some of these outcome measures, only the
implemented during the study. Comb treatment was superior to the CC conditions:
Comb > MedMgt Beh  CC.
6.2.3. Assessment battery
The broad MTA assessment battery was designed to 6.2.4. Findings
cover multiple domains and sources of information, and it In the primary analyses [129], some of the statistically
included so many instruments that the clinical use of the full non -significant group differences (e.g., Comb ±MedMgt)
battery is impractical [212]. Data reduction methods on are controversial and may be misunderstood [156]. For
baseline assessments identified 19 key outcome variables example, the non - significant difference between the
to cover the theoretically important combinations of three Comb and MedMgt groups may be misinterpreted as
sources (parent, teacher, and child) and six domains (ADHD evidence for the absence of multimodality superiority.
symptoms, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)- aggres- However, the ``absence of evidence is not evidence of
sion symptoms, internalizing symptoms, social skills, par- absence,'' and the statistically non -significant difference
ent ± child relations, and academic achievement). The 19 may be due to lack of precision of measurement, not to
outcome measures mentioned above were evaluated in a lack of practical or clinical significance [96]. Also, the
randomized clinical trail framework, using random effects lack of a difference between Beh and CC may be
regression (RR) in which regression equations for each misinterpreted as evidence that the psychosocial treatment
M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651 643

was not effective. However, both of these groups im- this represents ``Psychosocial Substitution.'' This effect size
proved over the 14 months, and monitoring of the CC was negligible.
group revealed that most families (about 2 /3) sought and
received pharmacological treatment in the community. The 6.2.5. Summary and future directions
Beh treatment provided about the same degree of im- As should be expected for the largest clinical trial yet
provement as the usual community treatment, which for conducted to address treatment of childhood psychopathol-
2 /3 involved stimulant medication. ogy, the interpretation of the primary and secondary
Moderator analyses were performed to evaluate the findings will be complex and controversial. One of the
impact of pre - existing conditions at randomization [130]. major advances is that the MTA study provides an evalua-
These analyses revealed that co -morbid Anxiety Disorder tion of long -term effectiveness that has been lacking in the
moderated the treatment effects. The general pattern held for literature. The demonstration of long - term benefits of
the subgroup of subjects without a diagnosis of anxiety multimodality treatment and pharmacological intervention
(about 70%), but in the subgroup with anxiety, the Comb is the primary finding of this study. To supplement the
treatment was superior to the MedMgt, and the Beh treat- primary analyses, the investigators of the MTA are pre-
ment was superior to the CC treatment. Also, families paring papers to describe the results using different meth-
receiving public assistance (poor or single parent family) ods of analysis (i.e., analysis of a qualitative outcome
moderated treatment effects, so that Comb was superior to measures such as ``success'' or analysis of composite
MedMgt in families receiving public assistance. measures to summarize the impact across all outcome
Mediator analyses were performed to evaluate accep- domains) and the results for different subgroups (i.e.,
tance / attendance with the intended treatments. Acceptance / presence or absence of parental psychopathology such as
attendance in the MedMgt conditions did mediate treatment depression or substance abuse). So far, only the results at
effects (good attendance was associated with better out- the 14 - month outcome point have been presented and
come), but acceptance /attendance in the Beh treatment had discussed. The MTA group is now addressing the long-
no impact on outcome. er-term effects at 24- and 36 -month assessment points.
Statistical significance of group comparisons may be The full clinical and practical significance of the MTA
misleading, too, since a difference of any magnitude can be study must await these analyses and long -term follow - up
made significance by increasing sample size. To avoid this of this group of children with ADHD.
problem, Kraemer [96] recommended the use of ``effect Some additional information has been derived from the
size''. For the primary analyses, effect size is expressed as MTA study. For example, the ``disconnection'' between
the standardized mean difference between groups (Cohen's medical and educational components of intervention was a
delta, or d). As a general guideline for conveying magnitude topic of the NIMH Consensus Conference on ADHD, and
of effect, d = 0.3 is considered a small effect, d = 0.6 is this was addressed in a description of experiences in the
considered a moderate effect, and d = 0.9 is considered a MTA that included monthly contact of physicians with
large effect. Even though six paired -comparisons are pos- teachers in the monitoring of medication [212]. There has
sible, basic statistical principles dictate that only three also been a study concerning the molecular genetics of
independent (non -redundant) contrasts are possible. Effect ADHD and the involvement of candidate dopamine genes
size estimates for orthogonal comparisons can be used to [213], including the dopamine receptor D4 genes, in the
clarify the general pattern of group outcomes reported in disorder [211]. A subset of the MTA sample (just cases from
the primary analyses for the impact of treatment on symp- UC Irvine) were evaluated by a neuropsychological test
toms of ADHD and ODD (Comb  MedMgt > Beh  CC). battery designed to evaluate Posner's neuroanatomical net-
The difference between the average outcome for the two work theory of attention [162], and DRD4 genotypes were
treatments that included the MTA medication [(Comb + - used to define subgroups. In a speculative article, Swanson
MedMgt) /2] and the average of the other two groups that et al. [214] reported that the subgroup defined by the
did not [(Beh +CC) / 2] can be used to evaluate the impact presence of the presumed ``risk allele'' of the DRD4 gene
of the MTA ``Medication Algorithm.'' The effect size for manifested only behavioral deficits (as documented by
this comparison was large (about 1.0 for symptoms of parent and teacher ratings of symptoms of ADHD), com-
ADHD and ODD). A comparison of [CombÿMedMgt] pared to the remainder of the cases (a subgroup with perhaps
can be used to address the issue of ``Multimodality Super- a higher percentage of cases with non -genetic etiologies)
iority.'' This effect size was small (about 0.3 for symptoms that manifested cognitive (slow and variable responding on
of ADHD and ODD). The remaining contrast [BehÿCC] neuropsychological tests) as well as behavioral deficits.
addresses the critical question about the relative efficacy of Based on this, a recommendation was made to evaluate
intensive psychosocial treatment alone vs. the usual treat- the full MTA sample to investigate subgroups based on
ments for ADHD provided during the time when the MTA genotypes defined by candidate dopamine genes.
study was conducted, which in a majority of the cases Dr. F. Xavier Castellanos of the National Institute of
included stimulant medication. Since intensive psychosocial Mental Health closed the symposium with a review of data
treatment is rare and treatment with stimulants is common, from a variety of imaging studies in children with ADHD.
644 M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651

7. Neuroanatomy of ADHD 7.1.5. Cerebellum

In a sizable quantitative study, the volumes of the cere-
The present review focuses on recent advances in neu- bellar hemispheres were found to be significantly smaller in
roimaging studies of ADHD. The neuroimaging field has ADHD boys [32]. In a follow - up study, the cerebellar vermis
evolved rapidly over the past decade, but until recently, as a whole, and particularly the posterior ± inferior lobules
most studies took a piece -meal approach more appropri- (lobules VIII ± X) were found to be significantly smaller in
ately characterized as hypothesis formation rather than ADHD [20]. Another group recently confirmed this finding
hypothesis testing. However, investigators increasingly are in ADHD [128]. However, a similar observation was also
able to make explicit their hypotheses and design studies to made in childhood- onset schizophrenia [89], demonstrating
test them. The goal of this presentation is to take stock of once again the non -specificity of most anatomic deviations.
where the field is, and where it is likely headed. Despite the caveats, there is increasing interest in under-
standing the role of the cerebellum in non -motor domains
7.1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) such as cognition and modulation of emotion [185].

7.1.1. Corpus callosum 7.2. Functional brain imaging studies of ADHD

Although total corpus callosum area in ADHD patients
has not differed from controls in any of the studies using Positron emission tomography (PET) with [18F] -fluoro-
MRI, smaller anterior regions have been found [19,62,84] 2 -deoxy - D -glucose (FDG) was used to demonstrate de-
with one study reporting a smaller posterior area [192]. creased frontal cerebral metabolism in adults with ADHD
The corpus callosum is the primary connecting structure [239] although inconsistent results in adolescents [49,50,
for the cerebral hemispheres and smaller anterior corpus 238] led the authors to explore other techniques in ADHD
callosal areas are consistent with involvement of prefron- [51]. Other investigators of brain function have measured
tal cortical regions in ADHD. In healthy subjects, the local cerebral blood flow, which is closely linked to neuro-
right anterior brain is slightly but consistently larger than nal activity, with a variety of techniques including 133Xenon
the left. Significant decreases in this asymmetry in inhalation and single photon emission tomography. De-
ADHD have been reported using computed tomography creased blood flow has been found in ADHD subjects in
[197], and MRI [32,58,83]. Volumetric measures have the striatum [111] and in prefrontal regions [3]. However,
also detected smaller right -sided prefrontal brain regions these results remain tentative because ethical constraints
``en bloc'' [32,58] in boys with ADHD. In the only make it difficult to obtain truly independent observations
published study to date to report gray ± white segmenta- from normal controls. A more promising technique is blood
tion, right anterior white matter was also reduced in oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic
ADHD boys [58]. resonance imaging (fMRI) which obviates the need to use
ionizing radiation.
7.1.2. Caudate nucleus The BOLD fMRI technique was used in a study of 10
Abnormalities of caudate nucleus volume [32,58], or boys with ADHD and six controls, all of whom were scanned
asymmetry [32,81,118] have been reported, although the on and off methylphenidate while they performed Go /No -
studies differ in whether the normal caudate is asymmetric, Go tasks [223]. The authors extended to methylphenidate the
and whether this asymmetry normally favors the right [32] observation that stimulants improve performance in patients,
or the left caudate [58,81,118]. as well as controls [168]. In caudate and putamen, Vaidya et
al. [223] found a striking group difference. In the more
7.1.3. Putamen difficult task (of two), methylphenidate increased the number
Neither of the anatomic MRI studies that reported puta- of activated pixels in caudate and putamen in ADHD sub-
men volumes detected significant diagnostic group differ- jects, but it had the opposite effect in the controls. In both
ences [8,32] although statistical power was insufficient in caudate and putamen, controls activated significantly fewer
one study to rule out type II error [8]. pixels when scanned while on methylphenidate compared to
drug -free scans. Perhaps equally interesting was the finding
7.1.4. Basal ganglia that patients as well as controls activated significantly larger
The output nuclei of the basal ganglia are the internal numbers of pixels in prefrontal cortex.
segment of the globus pallidus (GPi) and the substantia Utilizing a sample of seven adolescent boys with ADHD
nigra pars reticulata, but the latter cannot generally be who were unmedicated or medication free for 1 week before
measured with MRI, and the globus pallidus can only be scanning and nine controls, hypothesized differences in
measured as a unit (lateral and medial segments together), frontal striatal circuitry have again been detected with fMRI
and then only with difficulty. Still, this small region has [175]. Rubia et al. [175] scanned subjects while they
been found to be significantly smaller in ADHD [8,32], performed the stop task [183] and a ``delay'' task that
although these two studies again differed in finding the required synchronization of a motor response to an inter-
larger difference on the left and right sides, respectively. mittently appearing visual stimulus. They found that the
M.G. Paule et al. / Neurotoxicology and Teratology 22 (2000) 631±651 645

hyperactive subjects showed less brain activity, predomi- [2] C.J. Aman, R.J. Roberts, B.F. Pennington, A neuropsychological ex-
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pamine terminals in 17 unmedicated adults with ADHD. Newcorn, L. Kerdyck, B. Garfinkel, I. Waldman, D. Shaffer, Valid-
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cents with ADHD, they found significantly elevated [18F]F - H.C. Kraemer, J.S. March, J.H. Newcorn, W.E. Pelham, J.E. Richters,
DOPA uptake in the right midbrain compared to 10 controls E. Schiller, J.B. Severe, J.M. Swanson, D. Vereen, K.C. Wells, Na-
( p =0.04, uncorrected for multiple comparisons) [52]. Taken tional Institute of Mental Health Collaborative Multimodal Treatment
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