2500 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics PDF

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2500 SOLVED PROBLEMS IN FLUID |. os) ae Ics me eb 4N) v1 0 e) Revised First Edition @ Learn the best strategies for solving tough problems in step-by-step detail. © Prepare effectively for exams and save time in doing homework problems. ® Choose from the largest selection of solved problems yet published on this subject. © Use the index to quickly locate the types of _ problems you most need help with. ©@ Save this book for reference in other courses and even for your ae library. ee i RUG) Pa A SCHAUM’S SOLVED PROBLEMS SERIES 2500 SOLVED PROBLEMS IN FLUID MECHANICS AND HYDRAULICS I Jack B. Evett, Ph.D., Professor of Civil Engineering, and Cheng Liu, M.S., Associate Professor of Ciutl Engineering Technology, both at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Both authors have extensive teaching experience in the domain of fluid mechanics and hydraulics. They are coauthors of a textbook in fluid mechanics for the McGraw-Hill College Division. Project supervision by The Total Book Cover design by Wanda Siedlecka. Index by Hugh C. Maddocks, Ph.D. Library of Congress Cateloging-in-Publication Data Evett, Jack B. 2500 solved problems in fluid mechanics and hydraulics / by Jack B. Evett, Cheng Liu, p. cm. — (Schaum's solved problems series) ISBN 0-07-019783-0 1, Fluid mechanies—Problems, exercises, etc. 2. Hydraulies—Problems, exercises, etc. I. Liu, Cheng. I. Title. IIL. Title: Twenty-five hundred solved problems in fluid mechanics and hydraulics. 1V. Series, TAIS73.E84 1988 620.1°06076—de 19 88-1373, cP. 34567890 SHP/SHP 9321 ISBN 0-07-0197A4-5 (Formerly published under ISBN 0-07-019783-0) Copyright © 1989 McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. CONTENTS To the Student List of Abbreviations List of Conversion Factors Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter Chapter 1 2 9 ‘Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15, ‘Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 (Chapter 20 Chapter 21 (Chapter 22 PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS FLUID STATICS FORCES ON SUBMERGED PLANE AREAS DAMS FORCES ON SUBMERGED CURVED AREAS BUOYANCY AND FLOTATION KINEMATICS OF FLUID MOTION FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID FLOW FLOW IN CLOSED CONDUITS SERIES PIPELINE SYSTEMS PARALLEL PIPELINE SYSTEMS BRANCHING PIPELINE SYSTEMS PIPE NETWORKS FLOW IN OPEN CHANNELS FLOOD ROUTING FLOW OF COMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS FLOW MEASUREMENT DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS AND SIMILITUDE. UNSTEADY FLOW PUMPS AND FANS TURBINES HYDRAULIC AND ENERGY GRADE LINES 1 aAaR Bee 3.8 i iv 0 CONTENTS Chapter 23. FORCES DEVELOPED BY FLUIDS IN MOTION Chapter 24 DYNAMIC DRAG AND LIFT Chapter 25. BASIC HYDRODYNAMICS Appendix Index 5 z 709 787 To the Student This book contains precisely 2500 completely solved problems in the areas of fluid mechanics and hydraulics. Virtually all types of problems ordinarily encountered in study and practice in these areas are covered. Not only you, but teachers, practitioners, and graduates reviewing for engineering licensing examinations should find these problems valuable. ‘To acquaint you with our “approach,” particular steps taken in presenting the problems and their solutions are itemized below. + First and most important of all, each problem and its solution are essentially independent and self-contained. That is to say, each contains all the data, equations, and computations necessary t0 find the answers. Thus, you should be able to pick a problem anywhere and follow its solution without having to review whatever precedes it. The exception to this is the occasional problem that specifically refers to, and carries over information from, a previous problem. + In the solutions, our objective has been to present any needed equation first and then clearly to evaluate each term in the equation in order to find the answer. The terms may be evaluated separately or within the equation itself. For example, when solving an equa- tion that has the parameter “area” as one of its terms, the area term (A) may be eva- luated separately and its value substituted into the equation [as in Prob. 14.209], or it may be evaluated within the equation itself [as in Prob. 14.94). + Virtually every number appearing in a solution is either “given” information (appearing as data in the statement of the problem or on an accompanying illustration), a previously computed value within the problem, a conversion factor (obtainable from the List of Con- version Factors), or a physical property (obtainable from a table or illustration in the Appendix). For example, in Prob. 1.77, the number 1.49, which does not appear elsewhere in the problem, is the dynamic viscosity (4) of glycerin; it was obtained from Table A-3 in the Appendix. + We have tried to include all but the most familiar items in the List of Abbreviations and Symbols. Hence, when an unknown sign is encountered in a problem or its solution, a scan of that list should prove helpful. Thus, the infrequently used symbol y is encountered in Prob. 25.6. According to the list, y represents the stream function, and you are quickly on your way to a solution. Every problem solution in this book has been checked, but, with 2500 in all, it is in- evitable that some mistakes will slip through. We would appreciate it if you would take the time to communicate any mistakes you find to us, so that they may be corrected in future printings. We wish to thank Bill Langley, of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, who assisted us with some of the problem selection and prepar abs a (alpha) atm ‘atmos B (beta) bhp Btu or cB c eal ob. G G & g & cf eg. or CG G c. ° ep. @ ‘ G a D Abbreviations and Symbols acceleration or area area absolute angle between absolute velocity of fiuid in hydraulic machine and linear velocity of a point on & rotating body or coefficient of thermal expansion or dimensionless ratio of similitude atmosphere atmospheric angle between relative velocity in hydraulic machines and linear velocity of a point on a rotating body or coeficient of compressibility or ratio of obstruction diameter to duct diameter surface width or other width surface width or other width brake horsepower brake power British thermal unit speed of sound or wave speed (celerity) Celsius or discharge coefficient or speed of propagation, calorie center of buoyancy coefficient of contraction coefficient of discharge drag coefficient friction-drag coefficient {force coefficient ‘cubic foot per second center of gravity Pitot tube coefficient lift coefcient centimeter (10°? m) centipoise center of pressure specific heat at constant pressure specific heat at constant volume coefficient of velocity weir coefficient depth or diameter depth or diameter or drag force thickness of boundary layer thickness ofthe viscous sublayer change in (or difference between) critical depth effective diameter hydraulic diameter mean depth normal depth normal depth ‘modulus of elasticity or specific energy or velocity approach factor hydraulic efficiency elevation ump or turbine efficiency height or surface roughness ‘pump energy turbine,energy exponential frequency of oscillation (cycles per second) or friction factor vil vii 0 ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS F Fahrenheit or force R buoyant force fo drag force be horizontal force E lift force fps foot per second FS. factor of safety fe foot i uplift force on a dam K vertical force t acceleration due to gravity or gage height or gram G weight flow rate al gallon (gamma) specific (or unit) weight (Gamma) circulation GN siganewton (10° N) GPa sigapascal (10° Pa) pm gallons per minute h enthalpy per unit mass or height or depth or pressure head or hour fi average height or depth or head fi centhalpy per unit weight H energy head or total energy head hy ‘unit head loss hy vertical depth to center of gravity he vertical depth to center of pressure hy head loss due to friction Hg mercury HGL hydraulic grade line he total head loss bin head loss due to minor losses hp horsepower He, hertz (cycles per second) 1 inflow or moment of inertia 1D inside diameter in inch (infinity) sometimes used as a subscript to indicate upstream J joule kK bulk modulus of elasticity or Kelvin or minor loss coefficient k specific heat ratio eal Kilocalorie (10° cal) kg kilogram (10g) w joule (10°3) km meter (10° m) AN kKilonewton (10° N) kPa kilopascal (10° Pa) kw kilowatt (10° W) L length or lft force or liter A (lambda) model ratio or wave length pound be pound mass L equivalent length L linear dimension in model L linear dimension in prototype m mass or meter th mass flow rate M ‘mass flow rate or molecular weight or moment or torque MB distance from center of buoyancy to metacenter mbar millibar (10"" bar) me metacenter mgd million gallons per day MPa 2 (ohm) oo (omega) ? > Pa (phi) 0) T(pi) z Be pai ¥v (psi) aia psig He Be Pe q Q Qu Ow ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS 1) ix milititer (10° L) minute millimeter (10°? meter) ‘meganewton (10°N) rmegapascal (10° Pa) mile per hour ‘manometer reading absolute or dynamic viscosity megawatt (10° W) “Manning roughness coefficient or number of moles newton or rotational speed Brinkman number Froude number Mach number net positive suction head Reynolds number specific speed of pump or turbine kinematic viscosity Weber number outfiow outside diameter rotational rate angular velocity pressure or poise force (usually resulting from an applied pressure) or power pascal peripheral-velocity factor constant = 3.14159265 dimensionless parameter power ratio stagnation pressure pound per square inch stream function pound per square inch absolute pound per square inch gage pressure for condition at Nu= 1/VE ‘vapor pressure ‘wetted perimeter flow rate per unit width or heat per unit mass discharge or heat or volume flow rate heat transferred per unit weight of fluid volume flow rate per unit width of channel quart radius {g88 constant or Rankine or resultant force or hydraulic radius ‘manometer reading radian critical hydraulic radius hydraulic radius mass density inside radius outside radius revolutions per minute universal gas constant entropy of a substance or second or slope slope or storage critical slope specific gravity specific gravity of manometer fuid specific gravity of flowing fuid ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS (sigma) o E (sigma) s s 1 in (tau) Fo (tau) BESS S RARGSE SEE GEES pump cavitation parameter o stress or surface tension ‘cavitation index summation specific gravity of flowing fuid specific gravity of manometer fluid thickness or time surface width or temperature or torque o tension shear stress shear stress at the wall stagnation temperature velocity centerline velocity velocity velocity critical velocity velocity of volume average velocity centerline velocity volume of fluid displaced velocity in model velocity in prototype specie volume shear velocity tangential velocity terminal velocity width watt or weight or weight flow rate or work distance from center of gravity to center of pressure in x direction vorticity depth critical depth distance from center of gravity to center of pressure in y direction ‘normal depth ‘normal depth inclined distance from liquid surface to center of gravity inclined distance from liquid surface to center of pressure 0.00001667 m’/s= 1. L/min 0.002228 f'/s = 1 gal/min 0.0145 Ib/in? = 1 mbar 0.3048 m= 1 ft 2S4em= 3.281 ft Conversion Factors S80 ft-b/s Lh 778 fll = 1 Btw 1728in' = 1fe 200015 = 1 ton 3600s=1h 41843 = 1 keal 5280 ft= I mile 364005 =1 day 11000 000 N. 1 42 13 14 1s 16 ar CHAPTER 1 Properties of Fluids Note: For many problems in this chapter, values of various physical properties of fluids are obtained from ‘Tables A-1 through A-8 in the Appendix. A reservoir of glycerin (glyc) has a mass of 1200 kg and a volume of 0.952 m’. Find the glycerin’s weight (W), ‘mass density (p), specific weight (y), and specific gravity (s.g.). 1 F=W = ma =(1200)(9.81)=11770N or 11.77kN p= m|V = 1200/0.952 = 1261 kg/m* = WIV = 11.77/0,952 = 12.36 KN/m? 8.8: Yoyo! Yn aeare 12.36/9.81 = 1.26 ‘A body requires a force of 100N to accelerate it at arate of 0.20 m/s. Determine the mass of the body in kilograms and in slugs. 100 = (my(0.20) 500 kg = 500/14.59 = 34.3 slugs ‘A reservoir of carbon tetrachloride (CCl,) has a mass of $00 kg and a volume of 0.315 m*, Find the carbon tetrachloride’s weight, mass density, specific weight, and specific gravity. ' F=W=ma=(S00)(9.81)=4905N_ or 4.905KN p= m[V = 500/0/315 = 1587 kg/m? 5.57 N/m? 59 ‘The weight of a body is 1001b, Determine (a) its weight in newtons, (b) its mass in kilograms, and (¢) the rate of acceleration [in both feet per second per second (ft/s") and meters per second per second (m/s*)] if a net, force of 50 Ib is applied to the body. 1@ W = (100)(4.448) = 444.8 o FaWama 448=(m)Q81) m=45.34kg © m= 45.34/14,59 = 3,108 slugs Fama $0=3.108a a= 16.09 f/s* = (16.09)(0.3048) = 04 m/s? The specific gravity of ethyl alcohol is 0.79. Calculate its specific weight (in both pounds per eubie foot and kilonewtons per cubie meter) and mass density (in both slugs per cubie foot and kilograms per cubic meter) ' 7 =(0.79)(62.4)=49.31b/f° y= (0.79)(9.79) = 7.73 KN/m? p= (0.79)(1.98) = 1.53 slugs/f® p= (0.79)(1000) = 790 kg/m? {A quart of water weights about 2.08 1b. Compute its mass in slugs and in kilograms. ' FeWema —208=(m)(322) m=0,0646 slug m= (0.0646)(14.59) = 0.983 kg One cubic foot of glycerin has a mass of 2.44 slugs. Find its specific weight in both pounds per cubic foot and kilonewtons per cubic meter. BF =W =ma=(2.44)(32.2)= 7861b. Since the gycern’s volume is 1f?, y =78.61b/10 = (78.6)(4.448)/(0.3048)° = 12 350 N/m°, or 12.35 KN/m?. 2 0 CHAPTER 1 18 1.10 1 uz 13 144 1s 116 7 {A quart of SAE 30 ol at 68 F weighs about 1.851b. Calculate the oi’ specific weight, mass density, and specific gravity i V = 1/((4)(7-48)] = 0.03342 f° y= W/V = 1.85/0.03342 = 55.4 lb/ft” p= vl = 55.4/32.2=1.72 slugs 5.8: = Youl Ynz0 marc = 55.4/62.4 = 0.888 The volume of a rock is found tobe 0,00015 m. Ifthe rock’ speci gravity is 2.60, what i its weight? ! Youn = 2.60)(9.79)=25.5KN/m?——Wraa = (25.5)(0.00015)=0.00382 KN or 3.82 ‘A certain gasoline weighs 4.5 b/f. What are its mass density, specific volume, and specific gravity? Ui p= ig =46.5/32.2= 1.44 siugs/f? ——-V,= I/p-=1/1.44= 0.694 °/slug 44/1.94= 0.782 se. If the specific weight of a substance is 8.2 N/m", what is its mass density? ' p= vig =8200/9.81 = 836 kg/m? ‘An object at a certain location has a mass of 2.0 kg and weighs 19.0 N on a spring balance. What i the acceleration due to gravity at this location? ' F=Wema 19.0=200 a=9.50m/3! fan object has a mass of 2.0 slugs at sea level, what would its mass be at @ location where the acceleration due to gravity is 30.00 ft/s"? I Since the mass of an object does not change, its mass will be 2.0 slugs at that location ‘What would be the weight of a 3-kg mass on a planet where the acceleration due to gravity is 10.00 m/s*? ! F = W = ma (3)(10.00) = 30,00N Determine the weight ofa S-slug boulder at a place where the acceleration due to gravity is 31.7 A/S 1 F=W=ma=(5)(31.7)=1581b Tf 200 ft? of oil weighs 10 520 Ib, calculate its specific weight, density, and specific gravity. ! y= W/V =10520/200=52.61b/f p= y/g =52.6/32.2= 1.63 slugs/t 8.8. = You! Ynyo at arc = 52-6/62.4 = 0.843. Find the height ofthe free surface if 0.8 fof water is poured into a conical tank (Fig. 1-1) 20in high with a ‘base radius of 10in. How much additional water is required to fill the tank? 1 Voom = 27/3 ™ x(10)'20)/3=2004in? Vigo = 0.8 ft? = 1382 in? Additional water needed = 2095 ~ 1382 = 713in*. From Fig. 1-1, ,/10= h, /20, oF r, = hy/2.0; Vent top one = (h,/2.0}*h,/3= 713; h, = 13.96 in. Free surface will be 20 ~ 13.96, of 6.04 in above base of tank. Fig. 1 118 149 1.20 1a 12 123 12s 125 1.26 PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS 2 3 If the tank of Prob. 1.17 holds 30.5 kg of salad oil, what is the density ofthe oil? 1 Veoue = 2094 in* (from Prob. 1.17) = #78 (0.3048)° = 0.03431 m* p=m/V = 30.5/0.03431 = 889 ke/m* Under standard conditions a certain gas weighs 0.14 Ib/f. Calculate its density, specifie volume, and specific, gravity relative to air weighing 0.075 1b/ft. ! p= ylg =0.14/32.2 = 0.00435 slug/tt? ——_V, = 1/p=1/0.00435 = 230 f°/stug, 0.14/0.075 = 1.87 Ifthe specific volume of a gas is 360 f/slug, what is its specific weight? ' p=1V,=sto= 0.002778 slug/te? y= pg = (0.002778)(32.2) = 0.0895 Ib/te 'A vertical glass cylinder contains 900,00 ml. of water at 10°C; the height of the water column is 90.00.cm. The water and its container are heated to 80°C. Assuming no evaporation, what will be the height of the water ifthe coefficient of thermal expansion (a) for the glass is 3.6 x 10°**C" I Mass of water= pV = pisVio=PmxVeo _(1000)(900 x 10-*) = 971Vay Vio = 926.9 X 10°* m? = 926.9 em? Auo™ Vile = 900,00/90.00 = 10.000 em? Aw= rio 10.000: roo = Ful + (AT) a)] = (1.7841){1 + (80 — 10)(3.6 x 10°] = 1.7845 em. ‘Au = y= (1.7845)? = 10,004 cm? go = Veo Axp = 926.9/10.004 = 92.65 em ona = 1.7841 em Ifa vessel that contains 3.500 fof water at 50°F and atmospheric pressure is heated to 160°F, what willbe the Deroentage change in its volume? What weight of water must be removed to maintain the original volume? 1 Weight of water= WV = yiVio™= YuoVieo _(62-4)(3.500) = 61.0Vieo Vin = 3.5803 40° Change in volume = (3.5803 — 3.500)/3.000 = 0.027, or 2.7% (increase). Must remove (3.5803 — 3.500)(61.0), or 4.901b, ‘A vertical, cylindrical tank with a diameter of 12.00 m and a depth of 4.00 m is filled to the top with water at 20°C. Ifthe water is heated to 50°C, how much water will spill over? ' Viaus = (Viso)a0 #(12,00/2)°(4.00) = 452.4 m? Wrzo = (9-79)(452.4) = 4429 KN (Vio)s0 = 4429/9.69 = 457.1 m? Volume of water spilled = 457.1 ~452.4= 4.7 m* ‘A thick, closed, steel chamber is filled with water at 50°F and atmospheric pressure. Ifthe temperature of water and chamber is raised to 100 °F, find the new pressure of the water. The coefficient of thermal expansion of steel is 6.5 x 10° per ‘F. I The volume of water would attempt to increase as the cube of the linear dimension; heice, Veo = Vad + (100 — 50)(6.5 x 10°*)]* = 1.000975V.g;, weight of water = YV = Y:0Vin= YoVin, 62-4¥io= “7e{1.000975Vig), Yoo = 62.34 lb/ft". From Fig. A-3, Pye = 1300 psia (approximately). {A liquid compressed in a cylinder has a volume of 1000cm? at 1 MN/m? and a volume of 95 cm? at 2MN/m*. ‘What is its bulk modulus of elasticity (K)? 80 =) aon apa - k= Aviv (995 = 1000)/1000 ee Find the bulk modulus of elasticity of a liquid if a pressure of 150 psi applied to 10ft ofthe liquid causes 8 volume reduction of 0.02. ' _ 450 - 0)044) 2/10 10 800 000 Ib/ft? or 75.000 psi

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