Combining Galileo PRS and GPS M-Code

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Galileo PRS and

GPS M-Code
Günter W. Hein and
Institute of Geodesy and
Munich, Germany


examines some of the technical issues surrounding the subject.

n agreement signed in June signals to be transmitted by Galileo From a political and military point
2004 between the European and the future GPS on L1. If we take of view, the question of a combined
Union and the United States a more detailed look into the different Galileo PRS and GPS M-code service
regarding the promotion, pro- waveforms, however, we see that not has clearly not been addressed yet and
vision, and common use of GPS and only the Galileo Open Service and the probably it will require time-consum-
Galileo has opened a new world of pos- GPS C/A code have a common center ing and lengthy discussions in the fu-
sibilities in satellite navigation. frequency on L1 but also the Galileo ture, if the negotiations ever take place.
Simulation studies of the combined Public Regulated Service (PRS) and Nonetheless, from a purely technical
use of Galileo and GPS civil signals the GPS military M-code. point of view it makes sense to evalu-
have demonstrated that users may Because common center frequen- ate the pros and cons as well as the per-
expect a clear enhancement of cies are certainly the main prerequi- formance that such a service could of-
performance in terms of positioning site for interoperability, the combined fer some day, and the time is certainly
accuracy and navigation solution (See processing of PRS and military signals right for doing that now.
the Additional Resources section at the from Galileo and GPS raises the pos- Therefore, this article first evalu-
end of this article for further details sibility of offering a better positioning ates the performance of the two single
about these studies). The compatibility and navigation solution. Thus, in this services separately using identical as-
and interoperability that the Galileo article we want to go one step further sumptions. In order to do so, a refined
signal structure will offer with respect to the analysis made in our previous methodology is proposed to estimate
to GPS is especially relevant in the E2- work — cited as [1] and [2] in the Ad- the different sources of error that con-
L1-E1 band. ditional Resources section at the end tribute to the User Equivalent Range
After lengthy negotiations, the of this article — and assess the perfor- Error (UERE), particularly the rang-
United States and the EU agreed on mance of a combined Galileo PRS and ing error caused by reflected signals
the design of the Open Service (OS) GPS M-code receiver. or multipath. Afterwards the same


analysis is carried out for a combined One major point during the negotia- ice, but also in combining the Galileo
processing of Galileo PRS and GPS tions was the necessary coexistence of PRS and the GPS M-code.
M-Code signals for a joint position, ve- the Galileo Public Regulated Service As will be shown, the main source
locity, and time solution. (PRS) and Open Service (OS) with the of error is due to the ionosphere. Once
GPS C/A and M-code, in particular on this is eliminated by means of differ-
Introduction L1 where the necessary separation be- ential corrections from satellite-based
Interoperability between civil GPS and tween the different services played an augmentation systems (SBAS) signals
Galileo was from the very beginning outstanding role. Thus, the final fre- or aiding information provided by as-
one of the most important drivers in quency and signal structure resulted sisted-GNSS (A-GNSS) capabilities,
the design of the Galileo signal struc- also in the same L1 center frequency for example, multipath remains as the
ture. For that reason common center for the Galileo PRS and GPS M-code. main problem. But one of our main
frequencies of Galileo and GPS signals Figure 2 shows both services in the drivers in this article is also to show
in E5A (L5) and L1 were chosen. Fig- various frequency bands. the potential accuracy that a combined
ure 1 shows the Galileo frequency and Our previous work evaluated the PRS/M-code (military) receiver could
signal structure after the Agreement accuracy of a combined Galileo OS offer some day in the future.
on the promotion, provision and use and GPS C/A code service. This article In order to accomplish this, we
of GALILEO and GPS satellite-based will present the positioning accuracy consider realistic and worst-case sce-
navigation systems and related appli- of a combined Galileo PRS and GPS narios. We will first present the main
cations signed between the European M-code service from a purely techni- sources of error that contribute to the
Union (EU) and the United States. cal point-of-view. No doubt that mili- error budget, and estimate their values
Although the signal structure for tary and political considerations and using methodology established in pre-
the Galileo OS was specified in this decisions would be necessary to real- vious work (see items [1], [2] and [4] in
agreement, it still allows some flex- ize such a combined service in reality. the Additional Resources section). For
ibility in the modulation scheme used. However, this paper aims to show not a more realistic computation of these
Therefore, the EU is still working to only a benefit to use of the interopera- values, we introduce a refined method-
optimize the L1 OS signal, which may bility between the two satellite naviga- ology.
result in even better performance. tion systems for a combined civil serv- In the first part of the article we
are studying the atmospheric
Figure 1. Galileo Frequency and Signal Baseline after the Agreement between the and clock errors, as well as
European Union and United States in June 2004
the necessary corrections.
The ionosphere-free lin-
ear combination for Galileo
L1A/E6A and GPS M-code
L1/L2 signals will be an im-
portant focus of analysis.
Another important source
of error is the thermal noise.
We analyze the code and
phase tracking errors due to
thermal noise by means of the
Cramer-Rao lower bound of
Figure 2. Galileo PRS and GPS M-Code Signals the tracking error variance. A
typical value will be obtained
by assuming a received C/N0
under normal conditions
(46.5 dB-Hz), while for the
worst case we will consider
a degradation of 15 dB (31.5
dB-Hz). This represents a
considerable attenuation and
corresponds to a typical worst
case scenario we can find in
the real world.
Last but not least, the
main unavoidable source of
error, namely the multipath
error, is analysed exhaustive- JAN UARY / FEB R UARY 20 0 6 • PR EM I ER E ISSU E InsideGNSS 49

Combining Galileo PRS and GPS M-Code
ly under realistic and worst case condi- errors depends mainly on the num- the residual ionospheric errors for the
tions. Given the substantial effect and ber of monitoring stations around the different Galileo and GPS frequencies.
characteristics of multipath, special world. For Galileo PRS as well as for For a typical scenario, we will assume
care will be put on estimating its con- the GPS M-code we will consider two a value of TEC = 40.1016 el/m2. On the
tribution on the total user equivalent scenarios in line with the approach fol- other hand, we will assume a value for
range error (UERE). In our analysis we lowed in [1]: a worst case scenario and a the TEC of 60.1016 el/m2 for the worst
will assume a narrow correlator with a typical scenario. For the worst case, we case scenario. These assumptions lead
spacing of d = 0.1 chip. In line with the will take a conservative value of 1.2 m to the numbers shown in Table 1.
results presented in our previous work ([5], [6]) while for the normal scenario
cited earlier, a more realistic view of the we will assume an error of 50 percent Scenario Freq. 1227.6 1278.75 1575.42
[MHz] (L2) (E6) (L1)
multipath will be given by employing of it. That represents a total satellite
a model that accounts for the statisti- error of around 0.6 meter in normal
TypicalCase Ion.[m]
cal distributions of the amplitudes and conditions. 5.35 4.93 3.25

geometric path delays of the multipath

signals in urban and suburban areas. Atmospheric Errors. When we analyze
WorstCase Ion.[m]
Error 8.02 7.40 4.87
Then, the total UERE of Galileo the atmospheric errors, we have to
PRS and of GPS M-code will be calcu- distinguish two different sources. The
lated. In a final step, we will take into main source of error is the ionospheric Table1.AssumedResidualIonosphericErrors
account the geometry of the constel- path delay while a secondary source
lation of both satellite navigation sys- arises from the tropospheric path delay. We must note that this represents
tems to obtain the desired positioning Let us examine both sources in more the worst case scenario that we can find
accuracy for different scenarios and depth. in reality with a reasonable probability
configurations. and not the worst case that could oc-
As a conclusion, this article will IonosphericPathDelay.Asweknow,the cur when the solar wind activity is very
present the theoretically expected po- ionospheric error can be expressed as: intense. In the latter case the TEC value
sitioning and navigation performance could reach numbers as high as 220.1016
of Galileo PRS and GPS M-code, each el/m2 in some regions of the Earth.
alone, as well as the one of a combined In a second step, when we study the
service. dual frequency combinations of GPS
(1) and Galileo, alone and together, we will
GNSS Error Budgets eliminate the ionospheric effect on the
Systematic errors and random noise where refers to the TEC (Total budget by using the ionospheric-free
affect the code and carrier observa- Electron Content) in el/m2 and is the linear combination described shortly
tions needed for positioning. We can result of integrating N (electron densi- more in detail. For the case we assume
classify these error sources into three ty) along the path between the observer access to ionospheric corrections a
groups: and the satellite. Also, according to the value of 0.4 meter. (This scenario again
investigation of H. Blomenhofer cited assumes a single frequency receiver,
1. Satellite errors: in the Additional Resources, the TEC provided with a means to access cor-
a. Clock bias value of free electrons along the path is rections such as processing with SBAS
b. Orbital errors shown to range between: signals or A-GNSS capabilities. In this
2. Signal propagation: case, we consider that more than 90
a. Ionospheric refraction percent of the bias is well estimated and
b. Tropospheric refraction that the resulting standard deviation is
c. Multipath about 0.4 meter.)
3. Receiver errors: (2)
a. Clock bias Tropospheric Path Delay. The error
b. Rangingerror(thermalnoise) As can be seen in the work by W.A. Feess caused by GNSS signals propagating
et al cited in Resources, the remaining through the troposphere is usually re-
According to this classification, the ionospheric error after applying the moved by incorporating a tropospher-
so-called UERE will be estimated for ionospheric correction with the Klobu- ic model into the signal processing. In
both Galileo and GPS in a typical and char model for GPS and the NeQuick this article, in consonance with our
worst case scenario. Next, the differ- model for Galileo is approximately similar work done for the rest of Galil-
ent contributors to the UERE are ex- 50 percent of the total ionospheric er- eo and GPS signals, we will employ the
plained more in detail. ror. Thus, using the TEC range given Ifadis model that leads to residual er-
by Equation (2) and considering only rors of up to no more than around four
Clock and Orbit Errors. the remaining ionospheric error that centimeters at zenith, based on the
The calculation of the clock and orbit contributes to the UERE, we obtain work by A. Pósfay et al cited in the Re-


sources section. (See Table 2 for more
details). As we know, about 90 percent
of the tropospheric error derived from
the hydrostatic component (ZHD: Ze-
nith Hydrostatic Delay) can be easily (3)
modelled, while the other 10 percent is
caused by the wet component, which is where f1>f2. Based on (3), the code noise error of the linear iono-free combination
more unpredictable with errors com- propagates according to:
monly ranging from 10 to 20 percent.

Mean Min Max

MODEL [m] [m] [m]
Conventional 0.0275 0.0041 0.0713
Hopfield (4)
Improved 0.0239 0.0039 0.0492

Conventional 0.0287 0.0060 0.0713

Improved 0.0217 0.0037 0.0409
where and σf1 and σf2 are the code noise for the pseudoranges on f1 and
Table 2. Minimum, Maximum, and Mean
Values of Zenith Wet Delay and Hopfield
f2, respectively.
and Ifadis Model Precision. Tables 3 and 4 summarize the results of the code noise analysis. We should note
that a value of -201.5 dBW/Hz was used for the noise floor and that ideal filters
According to this, we will assume were employed for both GPS and Galileo. Regarding the gain of the receiver, no
for both Galileo PRS and GPS M-code amplification was taken into account.
an error contribution of 0.2 meter for For a typical case, we assume the C/N0 values shown in Table 3, while for a worst
the typical scenario, based on observa-
tions reported by K. McDonald and C. Code Noise Errors For Single Frequency
Hegarty cited in Additional Resources.

Power (dBW)

Typical Code

C/N0 (dB-Hz)
Typical C/N0

Worst Case

Worst Case
For the worst case we will make use BW (MHz)

noise (m)
Signal Modulation
of the improved Ifadis model values
shown in Table 2 (maximum residual
error). Because the tropospheric error Galileo L1A BOCsin(15,2.5) -155 40 46.5 0.0151 31.5 0.0851
strongly depends on the signal eleva-
Galileo L1A BOCsin(15,2.5) -155 32 46.5 0.0154 31.5 0.0868
tion, we will assume that the worst case
corresponds to 10 degrees. Galileo L1A BOCcos(15,2.5) -155 40 46.5 0.0146 31.5 0.0818
This results in a tropospheric resid-
Galileo L1A BOCcos(15,2.5) -155 32 46.5 0.0149 31.5 0.0841
ual error of approximately 1.35 meters.
Given that the error increases very GPS M Code BOC(10,5) -155 40 46.5 0.0240 31.5 0.1348
rapidly when we approach the horizon, GPS M Code BOC(10,5) -155 30 46.5 0.0240 31.5 0.1352
we will not consider this extreme case
in order to give a reasonably probable GPS M Code BOC(10,5) -155 24 46.5 0.0248 31.5 0.1392

worst case. BOCsin(10,5) -155 40 46.5 0.0240 31.5 0.1348

Receiver Error: Code Noise. As men- Galileo E6A
BOCcos(10,5) -155 40 46.5 0.0204 31.5 0.1145
tioned in the introduction, we use the
Cramer-Rao lower bound to estimate TABLE3. AssumedCodeNoiseErrorsforGalileoandGPSforaNoiseFloorofN0=-201.5dBW-Hz.
For comparison, the sine phased BOC(15,2.5) modulation is also shown.
the receiver code noise performance.
This corresponds to the theoretical
lower bound for the code tracking vari- Code Noise Errors For Dual Frequency Iono-Free Combination
ance and is achieved with an early-mi-
Typical Code

Typical C/N0

C/N0 (dBHz)
Worst Case

Worst Case

Noise (m)

nus-late coherent correlator with the Iono-freelinear




appropriate spacing. combination


As mentioned above, we can

completely eliminate the ionospheric BOC(10,5) -155 L1 30 46.5 41.5
GPS M Code 2.55 1.55 0.072 0.127
error by making use of the linear
BOC(10,5) -155 L2 30 46.5 41.5
combination of two frequencies. The
ionosphere-free pseudorange (PR), BOCcos(15,2.5) -155 L1 40 46.5 41.5
Galileo PRS 2.93 1.93 0.058 0.103
therefore, can be obtained from the
BOCcos(10,5) -155 E6 40 46.5 41.5
two pseudoranges PR1 and PR 2 at f1
and f2 as follows: JAN UARY / FEB R UARY 20 0 6 • PR EM I ER E ISSU E InsideGNSS 51

Combining Galileo PRS and GPS M-Code
case scenario an attenuation of up to 15 characterizes the multipath environment. Therefore, using the multipath enve-
decibels considerably deteriorates the lopes together with the probability density function (pdf) that corresponds to the
received C/N0 , consequently increasing environment, we can obtain weighted multipath envelopes that also account for
the expected code noise error of the re- the known fact that short distance multipath is more probable than long distance
ceiver. The same assumptions apply to multipath.
Table 4 where the iono-free linear com- Combining now Equations (5) and (6) the new distribution D(τ) of multipath
binations L1-L2 are built for GPS while delays and amplitudes can be written as follows:
for Galileo we have L1-E6.

Multipath Error
Multipath error is the most important
unavoidable source of error contrib- If we now normalize to 1 in order to have the pdf of the multipath error, thus:
uting to the UERE, because it is very
difficult to model. As we saw, the iono-
spheric error indeed presents worse
values in a general case, but an appro-
priate receiver would be able to elimi- we obtain the desired multipath pdf:
nate it or at least reduce its contribution
with corrections coming from SBAS
or A-GPS. In this article, we focus on
the rural/suburban channel described (9)
in [4]. Typical parameters for the vari-
ous environments are given in Table For the worst case scenario we will estimate the multipath error by taking the
5. As shown in the table, the typical maximum in absolute value of the multipath envelopes when the amplitude of
multipath delay for the rural/suburban the reflected signal is only attenuated 3 decibels with respect to the direct path.
scenario is about 90 meters. For the typical scenario, on the contrary, we will estimate the mean value using
the multipath error envelopes with an attenuation of α=-10 dB. Going beyond our
Multipath Environment Typ. Path Delay τ0 previous work, we estimate the mean value in a more refined way, from a math-
Maritime 15 m ematical point of view.
Aeronautical (Wing
If we let e be the variable that represents the multipath error in absolute value,
Reflection) then the mean value of the multipath envelopes can be expressed as:
Aeronautical (Ground 0-9000 m
Rural, Suburban 90 m (10)
Table 5. Typical Path Delays for Different Additionally, it can be shown that
Multipath Environments (in meters)

As shown in [1] and [4], the prob-

ability of occurrence of the multipath (11)
can be expressed as the product of
where E’(τi) refers to the amplitude of the mean absolute multipath envelope at a
distance, assuming a coherent correlator spacing of 0.1 and an attenuation of -10
(5) dB for the reflected signal.
and Moreover, in order for the multipath envelope to correspond to a typical sce-
nario, its amplitude will be multiplied by one-half. In fact, if we assume that the
phase of the multipath reflected signal is uniformly distributed, the mean ampli-
(6) tude of the multipath envelopes in absolute value will be half that of the sum of the
absolute values of the positive and negative multipath envelopes, which are, as the
where ρ(τ) models the probability dis- name suggests, the envelopes of all the intermediate possible amplitudes.
tribution of multipath path delays and Now we can easily estimate the typical multipath value by integrating the prod-
A(τ) represents the distribution of the uct of the pdf given by Equation (9) with the semi-sum of the absolute positive and
relative multipath amplitudes. Thus, negative multipath envelopes, divided by 2. In other words, the estimation of the
using these equations we can easily multipath error for the typical scenario can be calculated as:
calculate the probability that the mul-
tipath signal is coming from a given
distance, with a given amplitude, if
we have the coefficient of reflection α0
and the typical path delay τ0, which (12)


The estimates of the multipath er-
Multipath Errors For GPS M-Code And Galileo PRS
rors are summarized in Tables 6 and 7.
CodeMultipathError[m]α=-10dB Code Multipath Error [m] α =-3 dB
(In the tables, the area value is obtained
Narrow Correlator (d=0.1) Narrow Correlator (d=0.1)
Freq.Band Signal BW by integrating the error, weighted by
Typical Typical
Worst value Area[m2]
Worst value Area [m2] the probability, between zero and infin-
case [m] case [m]
[m] [m] ity. Thus, since the error is expressed in
BOCcos(15,2.5) 40 MHz 0.3072 0.0583 12.2414 1.6033 0.2966 62.0764 metres and the variable of integration is
E2 - L1 – E1
BOC(10,5) 24 MHz 0.4855 0.0716 12.7620 2.5390 0.3653 64.9077 the multipath delay expressed in metres
E6 BOCcos(10,5) 40 MHz 0.4022 0.0523 8.6929 2.1067 0.2667 44.2136 as well, the results are in square meters.)
Table 6. Assumed Multipath Errors for Galileo and GPS in a Rural/Suburban Environment The Figures 3 and 4 show in more detail
the multipath envelopes for the Galileo
Multipath Errors For Dual Frequency Iono-Free Combination PRS and GPS M-code signals (on the
Dual Frequency Code Multipath Error [m] top), as well as the product function in
Iono-free linear
BW Narrow Correlator (d=0.1) the integrand (on the bottom).
combination Band
Worst case [m] Typical Value [m] Area [m 2] We find that the new proposed
BOC(10,5) L1 30MHz methodology to estimate the typical
GPS M Code 1.7329 0.2117 35.3639
multipath errors offers a qualitative im-
BOC(10,5) L2 30MHz
BOCcos(15,2.5) L1 40MHz provement in the estimations by using
Galileo PRS 1.7077 0.3120 66.0304
in a more correct way the information
BOCcos(10,5) E6 40MHz
Table 7. Assumed Multipath Errors for Dual Frequency Iono-Free Combination contained in the probability density
functions given by Equations (5) and
Narrow CorrelatorTM (d=0.1) (6). Additionally, because we no longer
TYPICAL CASE WORST CASE work with the amplitude of the mul-
PRS BOCcos(15,2.5)

M Code BOC(10,5)

M Code BOC(10,5)

PRS BOCcos(15,2.5)

M Code BOC(10,5)

M Code BOC(10,5)
tipath envelopes but rather the divided
PRS BOCcos(10,5)

PRS BOCcos(10,5)

semi-sum of the absolute amplitudes,
we also have a more realistic estima-
source tion of the phase of the reflected signal
E6A L1A L1 L2 E6A L1A L1 L2
and, therefore, of the real effect of the
multipath on the total UERE, which is
Bandwidth(MHz) 40 40 24 24 40 40 24 24
our main objective in this study.
Clock and Orbit 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
Ionospheric 4.93 3.25 3.25 5.35 7.40 4.87 4.87 8.02 Galileo and GPS Accuracy
Tropospheric 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 Using the values obtained and ana-
Multipath 0.052 0.058 0.072 0.072 2.107 1.603 2.539 2.539 lyzed graphically in the preceding sec-
Code Noise 0.020 0.015 0.025 0.025 0.114 0.082 0.139 0.139 tions, we will next calculate the error
Total error 4.97 3.31 3.31 5.39 7.90 5.44 5.78 8.61
budget as defined in the introduction
for Galileo PRS and GPS M-code alone
Table 8. Galileo and GPS Error Budget for Typical and Worst Case in [m]
and for a combined service, in the pres-
DUAL FREQUENCY, Narrow CorrelatorTM (d=0.1)
ence of ionospheric error and with cor-
rected values.
Based on the previous multipath fig-
Error PRS M Code PRS M Code ures, Tables 8 and 9 show some of the
graphical results and assumptions made
First BOCcos(15,2.5) BOC(10,5) BOCcos(15,2.5) BOC(10,5)
Signal for the different contributors of error
Band L1A L1 L1A L1 to the UERE, for single- and dual-fre-
Second BOCcos(10,5) BOC(10,5) BOCcos(10,5) BOC(10,5) quency receivers, respectively.
Band E6A L2 E6A L2 Once we have calculated the error
Bandwidth[MHz] 40 30 40 30 budget, the next step is to estimate the
Clock and Orbit 0.6 m 0.6 m 1.2 m 1.2 m absolute positioning accuracy the sig-
Ionospheric – – – –
nals are expected to have. To do so, we
need to know the satellite geometry of
Tropospheric 0.2 m 0.2 m 1.35 m 1.35m
the system, which is reflected by the di-
Multipath 0.312 m 0.212 m 1.708 m 1.733 m
lution of precision (DOP) value.
Code Noise 0.058 m 0.072 m 0.103 m 0.127 m Table 10 shows the DOP values as-
Total error 0.71 m 0.67 m 2.49 m 2.51 m sumed in our analysis, based on [5],
Table 9. Galileo and GPS Error Budget When the Iono-Free Linear using GPS and Galileo satellites sepa-
Combination is Considered rately and together: JAN UARY / FEB R UARY 20 0 6 • PR EM I ER E ISSU E InsideGNSS 53

Combining Galileo PRS and GPS M-Code
Now, using the values shown in Table
GALILEO PRS L1A/E6A Dual Frequency Performance
10 and the UERE with the errors as es-
timated in the Tables 8 and 9, we can Multipath Envelopes

make the final estimation of the posi-

tioning error for the two considered

Accuracyofthe PDOP HDOP VDOP


Only GPS 2.7 1.2 2.40

Only Galileo 2.7 1.2 2.40
GPS+Galileo 1.12 0.5 1
Table 10. Assumed DOP for Galileo
and GPS

Finally, we arrive at the main objec-

Narrow CorrelatorTM (d=0.1)

tive of this article: namely to analyze

the performance of a combined Gali-
leo PRS and GPS M-code receiver. As
was shown in Table 10, the geometry Multipath Envelopes x Multipath Delay pdf
of both systems improves considerably
in this case.
To calculate the total error result-
ing from processing signals coming
from Galileo and GPS, the following
approximation for the weighting of the
respective contributions is employed:

where the variable e refers to the error
budget of Galileo and GPS respectively.

Conclusions Figure 3. GPS M-Code Multipath Performance

We have analysed in depth the differ-

ent contributions to the error budget even 0.26 meter could be achieved, of the system. Many efforts have been
that the Galileo PRS and the military which would represent a reduction undertaken in the past to optimize the
GPS M-code are expected to show in of the positioning error of about 64 Galileo signal modulations in order to
worst case and typical environments. percent compared to use of GPS achieve the potential of being better
Additionally we have calculated the M-code or Galileo PRS alone. than the current GPS signals. Our
positioning accuracy for both services, • This article has also shown that the results here prove that this work was
alone and operated together. Tables 11 main source of error comes from more than justified.
and 12 summarize the most relevant the ionosphere for a single frequen- • The multipath error estimations
results of our analyses. cy receiver. Then, when the iono- were made only for the rural/sub-
In summary, the following free linear combination is applied urban environment. Future work
conclusions can be drawn: and the ionospheric error is elimi- must be carried out using other
• Galileo PRS and GPS M-code alone nated, the main source of error that types of potential scenarios.
perform more or less the same in a still remains is the multipath.
typical rural/suburban scenario. Because the form and amplitude Additional Resources
• As it has been shown, the combined of the multipath envelopes is [1] Avila-Rodriguez, J.A. et al. (2004),
processing of Galileo PRS and GPS characteristic of every modulation, “CombinedGalileo/GPSFrequencyandSignal
M-code signals will bring an ex- the modulation has a clear and direct PerformanceAnalysis”,ProceedingsofION
cellent performance for the poten- impact on the error budget and, 2004–21-24September2004,LongBeach,
tial user. Horizontal accuracies of therefore, on the whole performance California, USA


GPS M Code L1/L2 Dual Frequency Performance
Multipath Envelopes Performance Analsis”, Proceedings of ION
California, USA

[3] Hein, G.W. et al. (2002),“Status of Galileo

Oregon, USA

No. 4, October 1993.
Narrow CorrelatorTM (d=0.1)

Multipath Envelopes x Multipath Delay pdf

[6] Furthner J. et al (2003). “Time

with Galileo: How AccurateWill It Be ?”35th
Meeting, 2-4 December 2003, San Diego,
California, USA

zu hochpräzisen kinematischen DGPS
-Echtzeitverfahren mit besonderer
Figure 4. Galileo PRS Multipath Performance University FAF Munich

[8] Feess, W.A. and S.G. Stephens (1987):

Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic
Horizontal 3.97 m 3.97 m 1.65 m 0.34 m Systems,” Vol. AES-23, No. 3, pp. 332-338

Vertical 7.94 m 7.94 m 3.31 m 0.69 m [9]PósfayA.etal.(2003)“TroposphericDelay

3D-P 8.94 m 8.94 m 3.71 m 0.77 m GalileoTestbed:MethodsofImprovement
Table 11. Typical Accuracies for the Galileo PRS, GPS M Code and Combined Positioning
2003, Anaheim, CA, USA
Horizontal 0.72 m 0.72 m 0.30 m 0.26 m
Vertical 1.45 m 1.45 m 0.60 m 0.52 m oftheGalileoSignalTaskForceoftheEuropean
3D-P 1.63 m 1.63 m 0.68 m 0.59 m
Table 12. Typical Accuracies for the Galileo PRS, GPS M Code and Combined Positioning 2005–13-16September2005,LongBeach,
with ionospheric correction California, USA JAN UARY / FEB R UARY 20 0 6 • PR EM I ER E ISSU E InsideGNSS 55

A-GNSS Assisted GNSS
AltBOC Alternative BOC
BCS Binary Coded Symbols
BOC Binary Offset Carrer edito
BOCcos Cosine phased BOC modulation
Cont-s /
BOCsin Sine phased BOC modulation
Binary Phase Shift Keying
Coarse/Acquisition jan 11AlTohuidnk-
CBCS Composite Binary Coded / ing
GNSS GlobalNavigationSatelliteSystem
GPS Global Positioning System
OS Open Service
PR Pseudorange
PRS Public Regulated Service
SBAS SatelliteBaseAugmentationSystem
TEC Total Electron Content
UERE User Equivalent Range Error
DOP Dilution of Precision
HDOP Horizontal Dilution of Precision
VDOP Vertical Dilution of Precision
PDOP Positioning Dilution of

Task Force.
José-ÁngelÁvila-Rodríguezisresearch A FREE subscription is
associate at the Institute of Geodesy and
Navigation at the University of the Federal
BOC, BCS, and CBCS modulations. Ávila-
Galileo codes.


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