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Rebuttal to
Incorrect Statements
made by Ex-Sikhs

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1 Contents Page
1 Contents Page........................................................................................................... 2
2 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3
3 Summary of points for Sikhism Vs Islam............................................................... 4
4 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Hating Muslims.......................................... 6
4.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................... 6
5 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Sikhism doesn't believe in Prophethood
5.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................... 7
6 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Sikhism is confused about believing in
One God?.......................................................................................................................... 10
6.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................. 10
7 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Guru Nanak was a Muslim!!.................. 11
7.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................. 11
8 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Sikhism and Hinduism very alike ......... 13
8.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................. 13
9 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Guru Amar Das changed things............ 14
9.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................. 14
10 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Why is it all the Sikh gods died? ...... 14
10.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................. 15
11 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Sikhs believe all religion is a way to
god 15
11.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................. 15
12 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Behavior at Amritsar ......................... 16
12.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................. 16
13 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Guru's Lies ........................................... 17
13.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................. 17
14 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: No Miracles in the Sikh Holy Scripture
14.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................. 18
15 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Islam is a Progressive Religion......... 18
15.1 SikhingTruth response:.................................................................................. 19
16 Was Guru Nanak a Muslim? ............................................................................... 20
16.1 SikhingTruth Response: Guru Nanak was Devoid of a Religion .............. 20
17 Did Guru Nanak Reject Islam?.......................................................................... 23

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2 Introduction
This document has been created to correct misunderstandings made by some of our
Muslim colleagues. This document is divided into two main parts. The first part provides
a summary of the ways in which the Sikh way of life has a more logical and ethical
approach than mainstream Islamic practices.

The second part which provides rebuttals to incorrect or false statements made by
Muslim scholars on the following Islamic website. In all instances the blue text
highlights extracts taken from Islamic websites.

The major themes which Muslims have questioned and attempted to criticize include:
• The lives of the Sikh Gurus (mainly Guru Nanak Dev Ji)
• Gender equality as enshrined within Sikhism
• Rules or Laws within the Sikh way of life
• The contents of the Sikh holy scripture

Sikhism respects all religions and supports the concept of "Sarbat da Bhalla" which
means "Good for All". Sikhs do not have any ill will towards any community, as all
human beings are sons and daughters of one God.

“See the brotherhood of all mankind as the highest order of Yogis; conquer your own
mind, and conquer the world.” (Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Page 6)

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3 Summary of points for Sikhism Vs Islam

Aspect Sikhism Islam

Regards all people of the
Divides the world into
Humanity world as one family. This is
believers and non-believers
called Unity of Humanity
Teaches that God is known Teaches that God is known by
by many names including 99 names. Muslims do now
God Jehovah, Raam, Allah, recognise Waheguru and
Waheguru. This is called Raam as referring to the
the unity of God “same” God
Teaches people to do 5
Allows you to experience
prayers but these do not
the oneness of God and
Meditation provide an experience of
develop a wholesome
divinity or a relationship with
relationship with God
Teaches that people can
believe many different
Teaches that only people who
things but so long as they
follow Islam and possibly
Paths to God practice key spiritual keys
Jews and Christians will gain
such as humility and
compassion they can all
access the kingdom of God
This is something which will
This is a state of
be given to people only once
consciousness which ca be
Heaven they die. Men in heaven wil
experienced while we are
enjoy 72 virgins and women
alive (Sach Khand)
will enjoy 1 man
• Testimony of 2 females =
testimony of 1 man
• Iman can only be a man
• Women can not travel for
more than 3 days on their
Gender Equality Complete equality
• Women regarded as
deficient in intelligence
and religion (saying of
• Menstruation cycle
considered an illness
People from all corners of
At Mecca the Y road splits
Religious shrines the world are welcome at
believers and non-believers
the Golden Temple
Economic system Does not specify specific Islam lists outdated economic

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rules because these will be systems such as using Gold

subject to change over time instead of paper money
A thief will have his/her hands
Does not specify out-of- cut off irrelevant of the
Social Law
date rules circumstances or seriousness
of the theft
People are free to move
The penalty for leaving Islam
Dealing with Apostates from Sikhism to another
is death
way of life or religion
Most of Prophet Mohammad’s
Most of the Gurus were wives were war widows. The
married men and their wars were started by Muslims
Prophets Wives
wives married them out of in the first place and it was
choice considered an act of nobility
to marry the women
Sikhs never sexually abused Women of the “right hand”
women of the opposing i.e. women won in war can be
army in any of their battles sexually violated without
War women and concubines
and this was noted by their committing any sin. Also
opponents. They all never Prophet Mohammad had a
kept concubines concubine called Mariyah
Prophet Mohammad “Aiesha”
when he was 50+ and when
All the Gurus married
she was 6 and the marriage
women who were similar in
was consummated when
age to them and marriages
Paedophilia Aiesha was a mere 9 years of
were only consummated
when both people were old
This is illegal in civilised
This was made haram (illegal)
This is completely so that Prophet Mohammad
acceptable within Sikhism could marry his adopted sons
Prophet Mohammad had a
Having a mistress is not mistress while being married
Casual relationships
allowed in Sikhism to multiple wives called
Science Does agree with science Does not agree with science

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4 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Hating Muslims

“Growing up I absolutly hated muslims. I cannot even begin to emphasize how much i
actually did hate them. I hated Islam and everything that it stood for. I use to tell
everybody to hate them as well. And it actually worked, my cousins my family friends. I
would tell my younger cousins if they ever made friends with a muslim I would kick their

I picked on young muslim girls who wore Hijjab. I would find muslims online swear at
them and at Islam (may allah forgive me).When ever I would have to write a paper it
would be on Oppresion of women in Islam, and or how muslims are devil worshippers.
My hate for them was extreme I was gonna get a tatoo on my back in arabic writing
saying all the muslims are gonna die.

I think about it now as to why I hated muslims and islam so much and it seems clear to
me. I was a proud Sikh Jatt girl,extremley proud. Whenever I would hear about what the
guru's had to go through because of the Mongols or that era I'd wanna kill a muslim. I
would sit in the gudwara listen to the baba tell stories of the guru's and just get pissed.

I don't know about gudwara's around the world but in Canada in the langar hall they
ususally have so many paintings of muslims killing sikhs and the guru's. So one would sit
there and stare at this and be like #%*@#$%%^% while eating their rotti”

4.1 SikhingTruth response:

This is a bad attitude to have towards any community. Indeed it is true that Muslims have
had a very violent history with all communities and civilizations which they have come
into contact with including the Sikh community. However Sikhs are to love one and all.

Bhai Khanaya created the world’s first Red Cross. He would give water to both Sikh and
Muslim wounded soldiers on the battlefield. The Sikh soldiers saw this and complained
to Guru Gobind Singh that there was a Sikh giving water to both the wounded Sikh and
Muslim soldiers. When the Guru asked Bhai Khanaya why he was doing this, Bhai
Khanaya answered “I see you in everyone my Lord, how can I not serve you?” Hearing
this answer from Bhai Khanaya, Guru Ji smiled and asked Bhai Khanaya to give both
medicine and water to the wounded soldiers.

This is one example of the greatness of Sikh philosophy.

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5 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Sikhism doesn't

believe in Prophethood
Since i was a little I asked my mom why did Muslims kill our gods? He was god mom why
didn't god kill the Muslims. My mom's answer was he wanted to show them.. show them
what mom? her answer was shut up u ask to many questions! I did further research and
found out that this was part of guru's plans if they wanted they could have done magic
but did not want to.. sureee okay.

• why would god allow mere humans to kill him?

• So god can die?
• If god can't protect himself how is he gonna help me?
• god bleeds like me?

Then some say they were sent down from the akal purath to show the way they had a part
of god in them. Fiar enough but first off thats wrong guru granth says that it denounces
prophethood. Secondly if only a part of god is with them then why do we worship his
creation why not worship the almighty himself. Thats like saying imma go worship my
mom. Don't even deny it you know ur parents are sure enough to have pictures of guru
Nanak and guru gobind singh ji somewhere in the house. And u know ur parents fold
their hand and pray to them.

When i use to read Nitnama Bani, I use to read passages which said I seek protection
under guru gobind singh ji's sword. Guru Gobind singh ji died, if he couldn't protect
himself with his own sword i don't think that sword is gonna do much for me or anybody

5.1 SikhingTruth response:

5) Why is it all the sikh gods died?

There are two aspects of God. One is the timeless and unchanging formless existence of
God which is separate from His creation and the other is the infinite forms of God which
exist because God resides within the creation which He himself created.

Everything has the spirit of God so in reality nothing dies. The creation is simply
changing from one form to another.

The Gurus were God conscious beings and a God conscious being is merged with the
formless existence of God. In this spiritual state there is no difference between God and
Guru apart from the fact that the Guru is a visible manifestation of the immortal, merciful
and compassionate Lord.

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Anything in the physical plane will die but the soul is immortal and unchanging. God
takes birth in human form to provide light to the lost and confused humanity and then
when the mission is complete the soul returns back to Godhead.

The Gurus are no longer present in physical form but they still rule the spiritual realms
and their personalities can still be accessed through mediation on Gurbani.

The mission of Guru Gobind Singh Ji was completed with the creation of the Khalsa
which is to be considered the physical manifestation of Guru unto infinity. With this task
completed there was no more need for more human Gurus and so the Guruship came to
an end.

Finally physical death is not seen as en end and is merely the start to everlasting life with
Akal. So when a Gurmukh (person who loves God) dies they return back to their home

5) So god can die?

No! The immortal aspect of God in all created beings is the soul. We are all sparks from
the one flame and this flame is immortal.

If god can't protect himself how is he gonna help me?

Okay firstly our young sister is here referring to the Human Form of God i.e. the Sikh
Gurus. The Sikh Gurus lived their lives as mere mortals to provide an example of how
ordinary human beings possessing no spiritual powers can change the world, defend the
oppressed, feed the hungry and progress society. The Gurus did on a number of occasions
show their spiritual powers but this was only in rare cases when people needed to be
given faith or highlight a specific spiritual lesson.

God is the creator of the universe there is nothing He can not do.
“He who created the worlds, solar systems and galaxies - that God cannot be known.
||6||” page 907

It is through the Guru that we become one with the Lord. This is the blessings of the
Grace of a master versus personal effort to reach God.

“by the Grace of the Holy Saint, the dried-up branches have blossomed forth again in
their greenery. I have obtained this sublime understanding, and I meditate on the Naam;
as Gurmukh, I have met the Lord. ||3||As the waves of water merge again with the water,
so does my light merge again into the Light. Says Nanak, the veil of illusion has been cut
away, and I shall not go out wandering any more. ||4||19||26||” page 102

god bleeds like me?

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Again we are all extensions of God and yes we bleed. But the immortal aspect of our
makeup i.e. our soul is immortal and can not bleed, does not have colour, gender, race
etc. It is pure spirit.

but first off thats wrong guru granth says that it denounces prophethood

The Guru Granth Sahib does not denounce Prophethood. It recognizes all the types of
spiritual beings sent by the formless God.

“The Pirs, the Prophets, the spiritual teachers, the faithful, the innocents and the
martyrs, the Shaikhs, the mystics, the Qazis, the Mullahs and the Dervishes at His Door -
they are blessed all the more as they continue reading their prayers in praise to Him.
||3||” page 53

Secondly if only a part of god is with them then why do we worship his creation why not
worship the almighty himself. Thats like saying imma go worship my mom.

Sikhs do worship the immortal God. The main message of the Guru Granth Sahib is to
ever keep the Lord within your heart.

“Those who always remember the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are considered to be
liberated. ||2||” page 43

“If you then come to remember the Supreme Lord God, even the hot wind shall not touch
you. ||1|| Our Lord and Master is the Power of the powerless. He does not come or go;
He is Eternal and Permanent. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, He is known as
True. ||1||Pause|| If you are weakened by the pains of hunger and poverty, with no money
in your pockets, and no one will give you any comfort, and no one will satisfy your hopes
and desires, and none of your works is accomplished - if you then come to remember the
Supreme Lord God, you shall obtain the eternal kingdom. ||2|| When you are plagued by
great and excessive anxiety, and diseases of the body; when you are wrapped up in the
attachments of household and family, sometimes feeling joy, and then other times sorrow;
when you are wandering around in all four directions, and you cannot sit or sleep even
for a moment - if you come to remember the Supreme Lord God, then your body and mind
shall be cooled and soothed. ||3|| When you are under the power of sexual desire, anger
and worldly attachment, or a greedy miser in love with your wealth; if you have
committed the four great sins and other mistakes; even if you are a murderous fiend who
has never taken the time to listen to sacred books, hymns and poetry - if you then come to
remember the Supreme Lord God, and contemplate Him, even for a moment, you shall be
saved. ||4||” page 70

Don't even deny it you know ur parents are sure enough to have pictures of guru Nanak
and guru gobind singh ji somewhere in the house. And u know ur parents fold their hand
and pray to them.

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Sikhs do not take a blind approach to spiritual practice. If looking at a picture of the
Gurus helps to create a connection with the spiritual masters then they are useful spiritual
tools on our journey towards Godhead. Most Sikhs find pictures of the Sikh Gurus and
Sikh saints inspiring and this is one of the beautiful aspects of an open liberal route to

When i use to read Nitnama Bani, I use to read passages which said I seek protection
under guru gobind singh ji's sword. Guru Gobind singh ji died, if he couldn't protect
himself with his own sword i don't think that sword is gonna do much for me or anybody

Just to correct our misguided Ex-Sikh the above bani from the daily Nitnem was written
by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Guru is addressing the almighty formless Lord.

“One who repeats your Name, will be relieved from poverty and saved from attacks of
foes. I seek shelter of God, Who has the sword on His banner. O God, give me your own
Hand and protect me. O God, kindly become my helper at all places, And protect me
from the foes and evil doers.”

The formless God is the protector of one and all and Sikhs pray every for God’s
protection and grace.

6 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Sikhism is

confused about believing in One God?
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the one who said ik onkar (there is 1 god). But Asking my
parents and varoius Baba's at the gudwara and even discovering it myself. that in fact Ik
onkar means all the guru's are one. Maybe Guru Nanak did mean there is one god but
afterwards something happened along the way?

6.1 SikhingTruth response:

All of creation is in essence one cosmic entity. The Gurus were God awakened beings
and any God awakened being has the power of the almighty God in their hands. God is
always one formless entity but in the physical plane God has taken an infinite number of
forms. But everything is still one.

“You have thousands of eyes, and yet You have no eyes. You have thousands of forms,
and yet You do not have even one. You have thousands of Lotus Feet, and yet You do not
have even one foot. You have no nose, but you have thousands of noses. This Play of
Yours entrances me. ||2|| Amongst all is the Light-You are that Light.” Page 13

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7 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Guru Nanak was a

Guru Nanak's chola which is kept by a chosen Gursikh family has in arabic the words
written on it La illa ilallah muhhamdur rusool allah. It is said he gave it to his followers.
There are pictures of it on the internet if you think I am lying. He went to mecca medina
which everybody knows.

If u are a muslim u very well know no non-muslims are aloud there. It's strictly for
believers only. There is story which says Guru Nanak was sleeping with his feet towards
the Kabbah when he arrived at mecca and a man asked him to move his feet. when the
man would turn the feet of Guru Nanak his feet would go back in the same place facing
the Kabbah. And supposably the man was shocked and thought Guru Nanak was a saint.

This story cann't make sense at all!!

First off If that were true and Nanak had his feet in the direction of the kabbah they
would have killed him no questions asked. Its tottal disrespect, and besides why would he
come all that way to do hajj and then disrespect it like that. It just makes no sense.

Mecca is an extremly religious place u can't just expect to do that and nothing happen to
you. If guru Nanak thought the Kabbah was nothing then he would not have made the
trouble to do pilgrimage there. If he claims there is no hindu no muslims why did he go
perform hajj.

When you perform Hajj your very lucky if you get some string from the Kabbah which he
did and those very strings are in a gudwara in India. I've seen them for myself.

7.1 SikhingTruth response:

Guru Nanak is a universal teacher of truth. He went to Mecca and other religious sites for
Yogis, Hindus, and Buddhists to teach them about spirituality. In our current times to
pass from Jedah to Mecca you would need either a Saudi residency permit (Saudi igama)
which lists ones religion or a hajj or umrah visa.

However in Guru Nanak’s time no such checks were available and they have found Guru
Nanak’s name mentioned in Turkey on an old monument which reads:

The Lord of the time, resident of India, Nanak – the man of God.

So there is no doubt that Guru Nanak would have visited Mecca.

Bhai Gurdas Vaars record the happenings in Mecca and these are shown below:

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“Donning blue attire then Baba Nanak went to Mecca. He held staff in his hand, pressed
a book under his armpit, caught hold of a metal pot and mattress. Now he sat in a
mosque where the pilgrms (hajis) had gathered. When Baba (Nanak) slept in the night
spreading his legs towards the alcove of mosque at Kaba, the qazi named Jivan kicked
him and asked who was this infidel enacting blasphemy. Why this sinner is sleeping his
legs spread towards God, Khuda. Catching hold of the legs he lynched (Baba Nanak) and
lo and behold the miracle, the whole of Mecca seemed to be revolving. All got surprised
and they all bowed. Qazi and maulvis got together and began discussing religion. A great
fantasy has been created and no one could understood its mystery. They asked Baba
Nanak to open and search in his book whether Hindu is great or the Muslim.

Baba replied to the pilgrim hajis, that, without good deeds both will have to weep and
wail. Only by being a Hindu or a Muslim one can not get accepted in the court of the
Lord. As the colour of safflower is impermanent and is washed away in water, likewise
the colours of religiosity are also temporary. (Followers of both the religions) In their
expositions, denounce Ram and Rahim. The whole of the world is following the ways of
Satan. Wooden sandal (of Baba Nanak ) was kept as a memory and he was worshipped in
Mecca. Go anywhere in the world, you would not find a place bereft of the name of Baba
Nanak.” Bhai Gurdas Vaar 1 Pauri 34

So the key messages that Guru Nanak taught at Mecca were that one must live a spiritual
lifestyle and consider God to be everywhere. A mere label of Sikh, Muslim or Hindu etc
has no saving grace.

Guru Nanak did not need to go to pilgrimage anywhere let alone Mecca. Bhagat Kabir
was brought up a Muslim but later rejected Islam to become a saint. While he was on a
pilgrimage to Mecca this is what happened:

“Kabeer, I was going on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and God met me on the way. He scolded
me and asked, "Who told you that I am only there?" ||197|| Kabeer, I went to Mecca -
how many times, Kabeer? O Lord, what is the problem with me? You have not spoken to
me with Your Mouth. ||198|| Kabeer, they oppress living beings and kill them, and call it
proper. When the Lord calls for their account, what will their condition be? ||199||
Kabeer, it is tyranny to use force; the Lord shall call you to account. When your account
is called for, your face and mouth shall be beaten. ||200|| Kabeer, it is easy to render
your account, if your heart is pure. In the True Court of the Lord, no one will seize you.
||201||” page 1375

Guru Nanak Dev Ji did not support the idea of holy pilgrimages. The Guru Granth Sahib

“The One Lord, the Lord of the World, is my God Allah. He administers justice to both
Hindus and Muslims. ||1||Pause|| I do not make pilgrimages to Mecca, nor do I worship
at Hindu sacred shrines. I serve the One Lord, and not any other. ||2|| I do not perform
Hindu worship services, nor do I offer the Muslim prayers. I have taken the One
Formless Lord into my heart; I humbly worship Him there. ||3|| I am not a Hindu, nor am

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I a Muslim. My body and breath of life belong to Allah - to Raam - the God of both. ||4||”
page 1136

“He alone is a Haji, a pilgrim to Mecca, who purifies his heart. He alone is a Mullah,
who banishes evil; he alone is a saintly dervish, who takes the Support of the Lord's
Praise. ||6||” page 1084

When you perform Hajj your very lucky if you get some string from the Kabbah which he
did and those very strings are in a gudwara in India. I've seen them for myself.

Wow a piece of string! The only thing this will show is that Guru Nanak did indeed go to
Mecca. As far as being very lucky, there is no spiritual benefit of such things. They are
all rituals and not even worth a shell.

8 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Sikhism and

Hinduism very alike
For those who do not already know the geeta has very digusting things in it, hindu's don't
like to admit it but Kama sutra is considered religious text. Hindu's are idol worshipers.
There are stories of their gods jerking off we dont need to get into detail. Guru Granth
praises the Hindu gods, talks about them.

Why is this that the guru granth can even have these idol gods and perverted gods in a
sikh book. There are passages that talk about hinduism and thier gods and their worships
basically not denoucing it saying it too is a way of worship

Also my mom told me That there was this hindu god I dunno her name she had a small
mandir and there was a big gudwara next to it, she said to one of the guru's. Ur temple is
so big nobody will come to my mandir it is so small. From that day forth guru said to her
from now on for those who come to worship at this temple have to first go to the mandir
and pray there.

Sikhs in india actually do that today and even have this godesses picture in thier house its
the one with the multiple arms.

8.1 SikhingTruth response:

The Kama Sutra is a spiritual tool which is not considered disgusting or inappropriate in
any way in the Indian traditions. The techniques within the Kama Sutra can be used to
experience Oneness with God.

Also the Guru Granth Sahib recognizes the supreme Lord God as the creator of all demi
gods, angels, prophets, avatars etc. This shows the true respectful nature of Sikhism when
compared to Islam.

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“The gods, the Siddhas, the angels, the heavenly singers, the silent sages and the
devotees sing Your countless Glorious Praises.” Page 249

“There are so many holy shrines in which to bathe, O crazy mind, and so many gods to
worship. Says Kabeer, you shall not be saved like this, O crazy mind; only by serving the
Lord will you find release.” Page 336

“Three hundred thirty million gods are Your servants. You bestow wealth, and the
supernatural powers of the Siddhas; You are the Support of the breath of life.” Page 422

If anyone includes humility in their worship and have a prayer from the heart then there is
no doubt that whatever their religious tradition they will be heading in the correct
direction towards Godhead.

Finally the story about the Mandir and the Gurdwara is truly beautiful and it shows that a
true spiritual tradition like Sikhism will always have respect and tolerance to other
religious traditions.

9 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Guru Amar Das

changed things
It’s believed by many that he changed alot of guru Nanaks writings around and or added
his own thing in.

9.1 SikhingTruth response:

The above is a ridiculous statement. Guru Amar Das Ji (3rd Guru) made some amazing
contributions to Sikhism including the Anand Sahib bani (psalm of peace). There is
absolutely no difference in the philosophy of Guru Amar das Ji and Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

An example of a stanza by Guru Amr Das Ji:

“I serve my True Guru with single-minded devotion, and lovingly focus my consciousness
on Him. The True Guru is the mind's desire and the sacred shrine of pilgrimage, for those
unto whom He has given this understanding. The blessings of the wishes of the mind are
obtained, and the fruits of one's desires. Meditate on the Name, worship the Name, and
through the Name, you shall be absorbed in intuitive peace and poise. ||1||” Page 26

10 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Why is it all the

Sikh gods died?

5) Why is it all the Sikh gods died?

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10.1 SikhingTruth response:

We have already touched on this but essentially the Gurus are simply human
manifestations of the one eternal being. God in his eternal form is unchanging, constant
and beyond birth and death. However God also resides within his creation and the light of
God shines perfectly within Avtaars. Avtaars have human bodies and so they are here
only to remind us of the eternal message of God and provide new revelations if required.
When they have physically left the earthly plane they can still be contacted but only
through our spiritual bodies.

11 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Sikhs believe all

religion is a way to god
If this is so then why were the guru's so against islam. I mean wasn't it them wou said
follow whatever they are all the path to god? Then why is it that sikhs don't allow to cut
hair and eat meat and others fiaths allow it but they still can go to god? Hmm i dunno
sounds like somebody got confused.

11.1 SikhingTruth response:

The Sikh Gurus were not against Islam in any way. It is just unfortunate that Muslims
have had a tradition of oppressing people and it is oppression, murder, rape and looting
which the Gurus did not approve of.

In fact Sikhism gives advice to many people from different traditions including Islam.

“Let mercy be your mosque, faith your prayer-mat, and honest living your Koran. Make
modesty your circumcision, and good conduct your fast. In this way, you shall be a true
Muslim. Let good conduct be your Kaabaa, Truth your spiritual guide, and the karma of
good deeds your prayer and chant. et your rosary be that which is pleasing to His Will. O
Nanak, God shall preserve your honor. ||1||” page 140

Sikhism provides a different spiritual lifestyle to Islam. The Gurus have never suggested
that only people with long hair or only vegetarians will gain salvation. However Sikhs do
believe that God is a perfect creator and in his infinite wisdom he has blessed human
beings with long hair. So Sikhs keep the gift of long hairs as a mark of acceptance of the
will of God.

In addition, practicing Sikhs are vegetarian because this is an excellent way of building
up compassion for Earth’s creatures and respecting other forms of life.

The only person that appears confused here is the person asking the odd questions in
poorly written English ☺

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12 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Behavior at

Amritsar is the holliest sikh place. Why would god allow it to be attacked the way it was
have women being gang-raped. Children killed men murdered. The Guru granth urinated
on and set on fire? Also i have heard this from so many sikh ladies when they go to
amritsar men will walk by and grab their private parts walk away as though nothing
happened. This is suppose to be a holly place and this kind of stuff happens i feel more
safer in my house. Its sickening that men will do this, I cannot understand why god would
allow this to happen? Sexuall assult at a holy sikh temple ... DISGUSTING

12.1 SikhingTruth response:

We have never heard of sisters and mothers being sexually abused at Harmander Sahib
and this is the first we have heard of it. We have done extensive Google searches on the
subject and zero articles appeared so we can only assume that this is a fabricated story.

Sikh people have been killed, raped, tortured and murdered by both the Islamic invaders
and during 1984 when the Golden Temple was desecrated. By the warped logic of our
Ex-Sikh sister the people who are the victims of such violence are bad and the people
committing these crimes are good!

Looking at the Sikh genocides and holocausts from a different angle, there were many
non-practicing Sikhs who after 1984 suddenly come back to the Dharma.

Also we can finish by saying that many people have been killed in stampedes while
performing Hajj and we can apply the same logic by asking the question, “I can not
understand why God would allow this to happen?”

“At least 345 Muslim pilgrims have died in a crush during the stone-throwing ritual at
the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, officials say.
Hundreds of pilgrims have also been injured. A BBC correspondent at the scene in Mina
saw dozens of bodies lined up on the ground.

The ritual has seen many lethal stampedes but the number of dead this time is the highest
in 16 years. After a crush in 2004, barriers and stewards were added to improve safety.

Bridge surge

The stampede took place at the foot of the bridge of Jamarat, where pilgrims hurl stones
at three pillars representing the spot where the devil is said to have appeared to

Witness Abdullah Pulig, an Indian street-cleaner, described a scene of carnage.

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"I saw people moving and suddenly I heard crying, shouting, wailing. I looked around
and people were piling on each other. They started pulling dead people from the crowd,"
he told AP.
Suad Abu Hamada, an Egyptian pilgrim, told the agency he heard screaming and "saw
people jumping over each other".

"It was like the road of death in there," said another pilgrim, quoted by Reuters news
agency, who spoke of women fainting amid elbowing crowds.

Ambulances and police cars streamed into the area, as security forces tried to move
people away from the scene of the accident.

The pilgrims were returning via Mina after performing the Tawaf al-Wada, a farewell
ceremony that involves walking around the Kaaba - a cube-like building in the centre of
Mecca's Great Mosque - seven times.

13 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Guru's Lies

The guru's say that all religons lead to the path of god. If this is so why is it if your not
amrit shak (baptized sikh) and did not lead a good life you don't go to heaven, in fact you
are re-incarnated and this is an ongoing cycle until u become amrit shak and lead a good
life!! So whats with the contradictions. No religon is perfect if so thing contradict with
other then they are not the words of god.

I just want to say to all the sikhs out there that U cannot be mad at the muslims for what
happened all those years ago. The ones that are to blame are those mongols who
commited the crime. Allah will punish them for what they have done.

in the quran it says:

"If someone kills another person,it is as if he had murdered all mankind. And if anyone
gives life to another person, it is as if he had given life to all mankind. Our Messengers
came to them with Clear Signs but even after that many of them committed outrages in
the earth. (Surat al-Ma'ida: 32)

Also think about it u can't force convert anybody. Faith is what is already in you it what u
are. If I came to you and said convert to Hinduism or u will die, and u said okay sure.
Then i leave, how am I suppose to know if u did it from the heart or not u can show
something on the outside and be something else on the inside

13.1 SikhingTruth response:

There is no contradiction in Sikhism. You do not have to be baptized to attain Moksha,
however Amrit is a blessing which should definitely be considered by anyone looking at
becoming a Sikh as a confirmation of their vows and their commitment to Dharma.

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Sikhism teaches that people from any tradition or religion can attain liberation so long as
they all follow key spiritual truths including humility, compassion, service to humanity,
truthfulness etc. When these keys are applied to Islam we get the following interpretation
of the Islamic lifestyle:

“Let mercy be your mosque, faith your prayer-mat, and honest living your Koran. Make
modesty your circumcision, and good conduct your fast. In this way, you shall be a true
Muslim. Let good conduct be your Kaabaa, Truth your spiritual guide, and the karma of
good deeds your prayer and chant. Let your rosary be that which is pleasing to His Will.
O Nanak, God shall preserve your honor. ||1||” page 140

Finally Sikhs are not angry with Muslims and it is obvious that there are good and bad
apples in all communities including both Sikh and Muslim communities.

But the percentage of bad and intolerant people in Islam has generally exceeded those in
other religious or spiritual traditions. The references to Islam and terrorism are too
numerous to mention in this essay but good examples of this are 9-11 and 7-7.

14 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: No Miracles in the

Sikh Holy Scripture
I wrote this to show sikhs the truth not to disprespect anybody or hurt anybody. Im very
glad allah SWT has shown me the right way Alhamdillah. I pray he opens others heart as
he has opened mine. you can't escape the miracles of the quran, there are no miracles in
the sikh book. I know Ive read it, i've studied it. So i know what im talking about. But the
pride away just for a moment and think about what i said. Then everything will become
clear to you

14.1 SikhingTruth response:

There are no miracles in the Quaran. However there are plenty of contradictions. Please
see the next chapter for the details.

We do not believe for a second that this person has read the entire Guru Granth Sahib and
certainly reading Nitnem bani is not even 1percent of the Sikh scripture. Also all the
ideas about Sikhism mentioned so far are wholly incorrect.

15 Sikh-converts-Islam website wrote: Islam is a

Progressive Religion
“Islam is a way of life, it is a very open-minded and progressive religion, that freed the
world from ignorance. Muslims (the followers of Islam) account for 25-30% of the global
population, making it the second largest religion in the world, and soon to be the largest
(estimates say around 2025). Islam is based upon Tawheed (the oneness of God),

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Risallah (acceptance of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), a messenger of God & all
messengers of Allah), Mala'ikah (belief in angels), Kutubullah (belief in God's books
such as the Koran), Yawmuddin (belief in a Day of Judgment), al-Qadr (beliefe that God
knows everything that will happen in the future), Akhriah (faith in a resurrection after

15.1 SikhingTruth response:

Yep sure… we will shortly see the open minded and progressive nature of Islam in the
next section. The truth of any religion or theory can not be measured by the number of
adherents to a belief. 500 years ago people believed the Earth was flat but with time
people have become more enlightened and the false theories have been proven incorrect.
So will be the case for Islamic preachers.

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16 Was Guru Nanak a Muslim?

Ahmedi Muslims believe in Guru Nanak Dev Ji and refer to him as Hazrat Baba Guru
Nanak. They also believe that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a Muslim. Below are the opinions
of an Ahmedi Muslim:

“This is true! According to Ahmadiyya belief, Hazrat Baba Guru Nanak is considered to
be a pious Muslim leader who made peace between the Hindus & Muslims with his
teachings. The cloth your friend might be referring to is called "Chola Baba Nanak

The Chola, or the cloak of Baba Nanak, is the holiest relic of the Guru and is preserved
in Dera Baba Nanak, a small village in Gurdaspur District of the Punjab. This is a cloak
which Nanak wore in his life-time and it is considered so sacred that his immediate
followers took every care to keep it safe. The regard and reverence rendered to the Chola
by the Sikh community is a testimony to the authenticity of the cloak. The words of Guru
Nanak as contained in the Guru Granth Sahib (Sikh scriptures) were not collected until
the time of Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Guru, and therefore cannot be relied upon as
accurate particularly as Sikhism had by that time assumed an attitude of hostility towards
Islam. But the Chola is clear from this charge, because it was handed down by Nanak
himself and has come down to our times in its original condition. It is commonly alleged
that verses from different scriptures in different languages are written on the Chola. But
this is not true. The verses chosen for writing on the Chola are quotations from the Holy
Quran as revealed by photographs recently taken. The religion followed by the man can
be none other than Islam. Source (
Earlier it was believed that the Chola had verses from many different religions but
Promised Messiah (as) took a special journey to Dera Nanak in Sep-Oct of 1895 and
after persuading the Sikh guardians of the Chola, it was unwrapped in front of many
witnesses and to surprise all the verses on the Chola are none other than Quranic Verses.

Sikhs believe that Hazrat Baba Guru Nanak didn't wear the Chola but kept it because it
was given to him as a gift from the then Caliph of Baghdad. Other Sikh members of
gupshup can give you their part of the story a little better.”

16.1 SikhingTruth Response: Guru Nanak was Devoid of a

Guru Nanak was neither Hindu, Muslim nor Buddhist. He was a universal teacher
teaching people from all walks of life the key spiritual tools required to reach Godhead
such as humility, devotion to God, service to humanity, compassion irrelevant of their
religion, caste, social status, culture etc.

The chola or cloak of Guru Nanak was a gift from a Muslim saint. The acceptance of a
gift does not make someone Muslim or Hindu or Buddhist. It is simply a gift of love and
thanks from one saint to another. A summary of Guru Nanak’s journey to the Muslim
lands is given in Bhai Gurdas Vaars:

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“From Mecca Baba went to Baghdad and stayed outside the city. Firstly, Baba himself
was in the form of Timeless and secondly, he had his companion Mardana, the rebeck
player. For namaz (in his own style), Baba gave call, listening to which the whole world
went into absolute silence. The whole city became quiet and lo! to behold it, the pir (of
the town) also got wonderstruck.Observing minutely he found (in the form of Baba
Nanak) an exhilerated faquir. Pir Dastegir asked him, which category of faquir you
belong to and what is your parentage. (Mardana told) He is Nanak, who has come into
kaliyug, and, he recognises God and His faquirs as one. He is known in all the directions
besides earth and sky. The pir debated and came to know that this faquir is much more

Here in Baghdad he has shown a great miracle. Meanwhile he (Baba Nanak) talked
about myriads of netherworlds and skies. Pir Dastegir asked (the Baba) to show him
whatever he had seen. Guru Nanak Dev taking along with him the son of the pir, melted
into thin air. Guru Nanak Dev taking along with him the son of the pir, melted into thin
air. From the nether world he brought a bowl full of sacred food and handed it over to
pir. This manifest power (of the Guru) cannot be made to hide. After making Baghdad,
the citadel (of pirs) bow, Mecca, Madina, and, all were humbled. He (Baba Nanak)
subjugated and eighty four siddhs amd the hypocrisies of the six schools of Indian
philosophy. Lacs of underworlds, the skies, earths and the whole world were conquered.
Subjugating all the nine divisions of earth he established the cycle of satinam, the true
name. All the gods, demons, raksasa, daitys, Chitragupt et al. bowed at his feet. Indra
and his nymphs sang auspicious songs.

Then Baba (Nanak) returned to Kartarpur where he put aside his attire of a Recluse.
Now putting on a householder’s dress, he sat splendidly on a cot (and executed his
mission). He made the Ganges flow in opposite direction because he chose Angad for
heading the people (in preference to his sons). The sons did not obey the commands and
their minds turned hostile and unstable. When Baba uttered hymns, the light would
spread and darkness dispel. Discussions for the sake of knowledge and the melodies of
unstruck sound were ever heard there. Sodar and Arati were sung and in the ambrosial
hours Japu was recited. The Gurmukh (Nanak) saved the people from the clutches of
tantra, mantra and Atharvaveda.”
(Bhai Gurdas – Vaar 1)

In addition to the above historical account, the Guru Granth Sahib (eternal Guru of the
Sikhs) says the following with regards to the “Religion” of the spiritual masters.

“The mala is around my neck, and the Lord's Name is upon my tongue.
I repeat the Naam, the Name of the Lord, a thousand times, and bow in reverence to Him.
||3|| Says Kabeer, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord; I teach both Hindus and
Muslims. ||4||4||13||”
(Guru Granth Sahib page 479)

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“The Hindu worships at the temple, the Muslim at the mosque. Naam Dayv serves that
Lord, who is not limited to either the temple or the mosque. ||4||3||7||”
(Guru Granth Sahib page 875)

“I do not perform Hindu worship services, nor do I offer the Muslim prayers. I have
taken the One Formless Lord into my heart; I humbly worship Him there. ||3||I am not a
Hindu, nor am I a Muslim. My body and breath of life belong to Allah - to Raam - the
God of both. ||4||Says Kabeer, this is what I say: meeting with the Guru, my Spiritual
Teacher, I realize God, my Lord and Master. ||5||3||”
(Guru Granth Sahib page 1136)

“I have abandoned both the Pandits, the Hindu religious scholars, and the Mullahs, the
Muslim priests. ||1||Pause||I weave and weave, and wear what I weave. Where egotism
does not exist, there I sing God's Praises. ||2||Whatever the Pandits and Mullahs have
written, I reject; I do not accept any of it. ||3||My heart is pure, and so I have seen the
Lord within. Searching, searching within the self, Kabeer has met the Lord. ||4||7||”
(Guru Granth Sahib page 1159)

So it should be clear that the teachings of Guru Nanak transcend the traditional man-
made concepts of Religion and the message of Sikhism is designed for people of all
religions and people of no religion.

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17 Did Guru Nanak Reject Islam?

Guru Nanak has taught that it is possible for anyone to attain salvation through any label
(Religion) so long as key spiritual principles are followed. The teachings of the Sikh
Masters have included specific instructions for Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians
and Yogis to ensure that all people can enjoy the ecstasy and experience of God. The
keys to spiritual practice include:
• Mercy
• Honest and truthful living
• Good actions and good will to all
• Charity
• Praise and devotion to God
• Humility

“Let mercy be your mosque, faith your prayer-mat, and honest living your Koran. Make
modesty your circumcision, and good conduct your fast. In this way, you shall be a true
Muslim. Let good conduct be your Kaabaa, Truth your spiritual guide, and the karma of
good deeds your prayer and chant. Let your rosary be that which is pleasing to His Will.
O Nanak, God shall preserve your honor. ||1||”
(Guru Granth Sahib page 140)

“There are five prayers and five times of day for prayer; the five have five names. Let the
first be truthfulness, the second honest living, and the third charity in the Name of God.
Let the fourth be good will to all, and the fifth the praise of the Lord. Repeat the prayer of
good deeds, and then, you may call yourself a Muslim. O Nanak, the false obtain
falsehood, and only falsehood. ||3||”
(Guru Granth Sahib page 141)

“It is difficult to be called a Muslim; if one is truly a Muslim, then he may be called one.
First, let him savor the Path of the Saints as sweet; then, let his pride of his possessions
be scraped away. Becoming a true Muslim, a disciple of the faith of Mohammed, let him
put aside the delusion of death and life. As he submits to God's Will, and surrenders to
the Creator, he is rid of selfishness and conceit. And when, O Nanak, he is merciful to all
beings, only then shall he be called a Muslim. ||1||”
(Guru Granth Sahib page 141)

“Where have the Hindus and Muslims come from? Who put them on their different
paths? Think of this, and contemplate it within your mind, O men of evil intentions. Who
will go to heaven and hell? ||1||O Qazi, which book have you read? Such scholars and
students have all died, and none of them have discovered the inner meaning.
||1||Pause||Because of the love of woman, circumcision is done; I don't believe in it, O
Siblings of Destiny. If God wished me to be a Muslim, it would be cut off by itself. ||2||If
circumcision makes one a Muslim, then what about a woman? She is the other half of a
man's body, and she does not leave him, so he remains a Hindu. ||3||Give up your holy

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books, and remember the Lord, you fool, and stop oppressing others so badly. Kabeer
has grasped hold of the Lord's Support, and the Muslims have utterly failed. ||4||8||”
(Guru Granth Sahib page 477)

Bhai Gurdas in his Vaars has said that Prophet Mohammad was the beloved of God but
he also states that with the growth of Islam, Muslims started oppressing people and that
the “Earth became replete with sin”. So the glory of Islam had finished soon after it had
started due to the unjust nature of “religious” Muslims.

The unedited Vaar extract is below:

“Many Categories of brahmins came into being who propounded Shastras, Vedas and
Purans contradicting one another. The mutual irreconcilability of the six Indian
philosophies further added many hypocrisies. Alchemy, tantra, mantra and miracles
became everything for people. By getting divided into myriad sects(and castes) they
produced a horrible look. They all were deluded by kaliyug. When varied sects got
prevalent, then Muhammad, the beloved of God was born. The nation got divided into
seventy two divisions and many types of enmity and opposition erupted. The world was
bound to roza, id, namaz, etc. Pirs, paigambars aulias, gaus and qutabs came into being
in many countries. The temples were replaced by mosques. Less powerful were killed and
thus the earth became replete with sin. Armenians and Rumis were declared apostates
(Kafirs) and they were decimated in the Battle fields. The sin became ubiquitious all
around. There are four castes of Hindus and four sects of Muslims in the world. The
members of both religions are selfish, jealous proud, bigoted and violent. The Hindus
make pilgrimage to Hardvar and Banaras, the Muslim to the Kaba of Mecca.
Circumcision is dear to the Muslims, sandal mark (tilak) and sacred thread to the
Hindus. The Hindus invoke Ram, the Muslims, Rahim, but in reality there is only One
God. Since they have forgotten the Vedas and the Katebas, worldly greed and devil have
led them astray. Truth hidden from both; the brahmins and maulvis kill one another by
their animosities. Neither sect shall find liberation from transmigration. God himself is
the justice for the disputes about the duties of the four Ages. He himself is the paper, the
pen and the scribe. Without Guru is all darkness and people are killing one another. The
sin pervades all around and the (mythological) ox supporting the earth is weeping and
wailing day and night. Without compassion, getting unnerved, it is descending towards
nether world to get lost. Standing on one foot, it is feeling the load of sins. Now this earth
cannot be upheld without the saints and no saint is available in the world. Religion in the
form of ox is crying beneath. The benefactor Lord listened to the cries (of humanity) and
sent Guru Nanak to this world. He washed His feet, eulogised God and got his Disciples
drink the ambrosia of his feet. He preached in this darkage (kaliyug) that, saragun
(Brahm) and nirgun (Parbrahm) are the same and identical. Dharma was now
established on its four feet and all the four castes (through fraternal feeling) were
converted into one caste (of humanity). Equating the poor with the prince, he spread the
etiquette of humbly touching the feet. nverse is the game of the beloved; he got the egotist
high heads bowed to feet. Baba Nanak rescued this dark age (kaliyug) and recited
‘satinam’ mantr for one and all. Guru Nanak came to redeem the kaliyug.”
(Bhai Gurdas – Vaar 1)

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