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Curry Lesson Plan Template

Content Area: Math
Grade Level: 5th grade
Lesson Length: 30 minutes

Contextual Information and Rationale

Students have been developing their number sense in math by investigating characteristics of even and odd numbers and reviewing factors and multiples. Today we
are continuing our work with factors and multiples and connecting this concept with prime and composite numbers. The lesson will focus on using physical and
virtual tiles to build rectangles. We will consider how many different length/width combinations we can make given a certain number of tiles. In other words, how
many factors does a given number have? The lesson will be taught to the whole class of 23 students with the primary goal of providing hands-on experiences to
connect with the abstract concept of prime and composite numbers as well as factors and multiples.

Understanding numbers is a skill students will need throughout their life whether in their future professions or personally (groceries, bills, cooking, baking) This
lesson fits into a broader sequence of learning for our class as the connecting lesson between key number sense concepts. With student’s mastered understanding
of factors and multiples, they will be able to access the concepts of prime and composite. Following mastery of these concepts, students will take a summative
assessment. Though the assessment will be summative, students will utilize these skills throughout the year in all of our math.
Lesson Objectives
State and/or National Standards: Learning Targets (Written as KUDs):
5.3 The student will a) identify and describe the characteristics of prime and Students will know:
composite numbers;  A prime number is a natural number, other than one, that has exactly
two different factors, one and the number itself.
 A composite number is a natural number that has factors other than one
and itself.
Students will understand:
 Number sense develops through experience.
Students will be able to:
 Represent prime and composite numbers using tiles and virtual
Assessment Descriptions: Criteria: Describe how students will demonstrate Use of Assessment: Describe the feedback you will
Describe how you will assess students. mastery. provide, potential plans for adjusting instruction, etc.

Formative Assessment 1: Making Rectangles Formative Assessment 1: Making Rectangles Formative Assessment 1: Making Rectangles
Working in pairs, students will use manipulatives to Mastery is demonstrated if: If mastery is demonstrated…
build rectangles with a given number of tiles. Students - Students are able to identify all possible - Instruction will proceed as planned below
will record all the length and width possibilities. length/width combinations with 5 and 6 tiles If mastery is not demonstrated…
Students will be assessed as they complete the activity (5 and 1; 6 and 1, 2 and 3 respectively) - Prompt students to use their factory rainbow
for 5 and 6 tiles, after receiving instruction and guided strategy and make a factor rainbow with the
practice with 2, 3, and 4 tiles. given number of tiles.
Standards assessed: Do - Monitor students’ progress and provide
support during the lesson activities as

Formative Assessment 2: Vocabulary Call Back Formative Assessment 2: Vocabulary Call Back Formative Assessment 2: Vocabulary Call Back
Completed independently using hand motions and Mastery is demonstrated if… If mastery is demonstrated…
auditorily. Students will respond to a set of prompts in - Students are able to call back the correct - Instruction will proceed as planned below
which they recall the differences between a prime and prompt and hand signal with prime- 1 and If mastery is not demonstrated…
composite number. The prompts will be based on itself. - Clarifying instruction will be provided in small
instruction given throughout the lesson. - Students are able to call back the correct groups that will follow for guided practice.
 Prime- 1 and itself prompt and hand signal with composite- lots - Monitor students’ progress and provide
 Composite- lots of factors of factors. support during the lesson activities as
Standards assessed: Know

Use the columns below to detail what the teacher and students will be doing throughout the lesson, as well as the materials, resources, and technology that will be
used. You are encouraged to divide your plan into sections based on the instructional model you are using.
Teacher: Student: Materials, Resources, and Technology:
*Italics denotes scripting
Introduction and Goal Orientation Introduction and Goal Orientation Introduction and Goal Orientation
Today we are going to continue learning about 1 minute
factors and multiples and considering a new way
we can classify numbers. - Students sitting at assigned tables.
Participating in discussion and actively
Goals for today: listening.
- Learn the definition of a prime and
composite number.
- Build models to explore the factors of a
Connecting to Prior Knowledge/Experiences Connecting to Prior Knowledge/Experiences Connecting to Prior Knowledge/Experiences
We’ve been learning about factors and multiples. 1 minute
Next, we are going to learn about another way - Students sitting at assigned tables.
we can classify numbers: prime and composite. Participating in discussion and actively
Give me a silent thumbs up/down if you’ve ever listening.
heard of prime and composite numbers. - Students showing thumbs up/down for
activating prior knowledge.

Tasks and Activities Tasks and Activities Tasks and Activities

Transition: This lesson will begin after students 25 minutes  Making Rectangles recording sheet
sing a math song and gather at the front of the printed out.
room.  Tiles and manipulatives
 iPads for digital manipulatives if desired
*See Appendix A for the activity we will be  Teacher technology ready to project
completing throughout the lesson. Prime Climb graphic and reflect
Building Rectangles: modeling.
Building Rectangles  Students sitting with assigned math
 I do- Model building rectangles with 2 partners (heterogeneous pairings)
tiles. Only 1 l/w combo (1x2)  Students actively listening and
 We do- Interactive model building participating, eyes on speaker, talking to
rectangle with 4 tiles. Start with 4x1. Is partner when appropriate.
there another rectangle we can make?
 You do together model- students model Ways to Share our Thinking Prompts:
working together to complete with 3  I agree with _____ because _______.
tiles.  I do not understand _____. Can you explain
o Instructional dialogue prompts this again?
 You do together- in heterogeneous  I disagree with ____ because ______.
partnerships, complete the activity for 5  How did you decide to ____?
and 6 tiles.
Formative Assessment 1: Making Rectangles Formative Assessment 1: Making Rectangles
 Informally assess students as they - Students share their work and explain
complete ‘you do together activity. when requested.
 Provide feedback and support to
students that demonstrate confusion or a
lack of mastery.
Prime and Composite
 What do you notice about some
numbers? (some have more factors then
Number Talk:
 Students participating fully by looking at
 Mathematicians long ago noticed this too
graphic, talking math with partner, and
and labeled the set of numbers with only
sharing with the whole group.
2 factors (1 and itself) a label. We call
those numbers prime and number with  Instructional Dialogue Model: I am going
more than 2 factors composite. to try a new conversation facilitation
model during our number talk today.
 Vocab call backs: prime-1 and itself, Instead of students responding to
composite- many factors. (repeat 5 teacher posed questions and then the
times) teacher calling on the next student. I will
pose an initial question and call on the
Number Talk first student to respond, then that
 Looking at this cool graphic again and student will call on another student after
thinking about factors, multiples, even he/she is finished sharing their thinking.
and odd numbers, and now prime and It is my hope and intention that students
composite numbers. will take ownership of their learning and
 Look again (30 sec.), what do you notice? begin to connect their thinking with
Turn and talk with your partner (30 sec.), others.
Share out (2 minutes).
 Hmmm I love how we are connecting
these ideas. Think about… Formative Assessment 2: Vocabulary Call Back
Formative Assessment 2: Vocabulary Call Back - Students respond with correct verbal and
 Students respond to vocabulary call hand motion response to
backs quickly. prime/composite call backs.
 Students are dismissed to small groups
for continued math instruction and Anticipated misbehavior during Building
guided practice. Rectangles and Number Talk:
 Off task conversations.
 Students not working together
productively or kindly.
Plan Responses to possible misbehavior:
 Proximity to chattier students. Subtle
cues (hand on shoulder, finger pointing
to work) to redirect students.
 State positive behaviors observed during
 Asking content related questions that
redirect students to their work.
Closure Closure Closure
1 minute
Wrap-Up: Today we built rectangles with tiles
and considered the way factors are related to - Students actively listening
prime and composite numbers. We learned that - Students dismissing to small groups with
prime numbers only have two factors: 1 and materials.
itself; and composite numbers have many factors.

Dismiss for small group instruction.

 You need your math notebook and iPad.
 Students will continue to work and finish
the making rectangles activity during
small group time.
Appendix A:
Appendix B: Prime Climb Graphic

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