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8 – Compassion Makes the World Go Around

A Frightening Sickness

The man looked carefully at his arm. A portion of his skin looked strange. His
heart pounded as he thought of the dreaded disease leprosy. During the time he
lived, around 2000 years ago, it was the most dreaded disease of all. This skin
disease slowly destroyed the body’s nerves until the person could not feel pain. A
leper might sleep too close to the fire and never know until he was badly burned.
Lepers would go lame because they continued to walk on broken bones, not feeling
the pain. Their skin became ugly and their bodies disfigured. No cure was

For several days the man watched his skin closely. By law he was required to go to
the temple and show the religious leaders. He did not want to. He was frightened.
He knew that many of the people in his country Israel believed that whoever had
this disease was cursed. They despised lepers as wicked people. He did not want
to live under such shame.

Finally he went to the temple. There, he heard the horrible declaration, “Leprosy.”
He must leave his family and the community to live as an outcast. How sad the
man must have been as he left his home, his wife and his children. How they must
have cried as he walked away, unable to live with them anymore. The shame and
the loneliness flooded his heart. Since everyone was afraid they’d be infected by
him, wherever he went, he had to cry out the warning, “Unclean. I’m unclean.”

For months he wandered, without hope or a spark of joy. Then one day he heard
about Jesus. Jesus’ teaching was very popular. The news was spreading that He
had healed people from all kinds of diseases. He had cured those with fevers,
made the lame walk, and even made the blind to see again.

Many were sure that Jesus was the fulfillment of what the prophet Isaiah had
predicted several hundred years before. Someone would come with great power
and compassion of who it could be said, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
because the Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent
Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening
of the prison to those who are bound…to comfort all who mourn” (Isaiah 61:1-2).
When people watched Jesus, they were sure that He felt their pain and identified
with their struggles. It was as if He knew the proverb, “To understand another,
place their heart within your own.”

As the leper heard more and more stories, hope grew in his heart and he became
excited. Maybe he could be healed! Doubts also rose in his mind. Would Jesus be
afraid of his disease? Would Jesus care enough to help someone that others said
was under a curse?

A Surprise Healing

The leper decided he must find out for himself. There was no other place to turn.
Doctors couldn’t help him. The religious leaders had turned him away. Pressing
past his doubts and his shame, he traveled on and on until he saw a crowd of
people. Gathering his courage he moved closer to where Jesus stood.

When the people saw him, they fell away, disgusted and frightened by his ugly
appearance and smell. To his great joy, the leper saw that Jesus did not turn away.
Jesus was looking at him with kindness and compassion. The Bible tells the rest of
the story like this, “He fell on his face and implored Him, saying, ‘Lord, if You are
willing, You can make me clean.’ Then He put out His hand and touched him,
saying, ‘I am willing; be cleansed.’ Immediately the leprosy left him” Luke 5:12-

What great joy flooded through the man’s heart! The sores were gone. His fingers
could feel again! He feet could move freely. He was well! He poured out his
gratitude to Jesus. For so long the leper had only received contempt and fear. No
one had touched him—but Jesus had. With great excitement he returned to his
community to reunite with his family. It had suddenly become true for him,
“Compassion makes the world go around.”

Loneliness is Everywhere

Many people around us are lonely. They do not have leprosy, but something else
has separated them from those they loved. Sometimes a woman loses her husband
to a younger, more attractive lady. She cries herself to sleep, alone in the house.
She cries, “Does anyone care about what has happened?” “Who will comfort me

Children can feel lonely too. Parents are often so busy with their work and
responsibilities that their children seldom see them. Their parents work hard to
give them food, clothing, and a good education. However, many times the children
are simply longing for a parent to give them time, to sit and listen for awhile, to
show they really care. Children are asking, “Does anyone really love me?” “Who
can I go to with my problems?”

Even grandparents can feel lonely as their children and grandchildren become
over-occupied with work and school. The cities and the modern fast-paced
lifestyle may bring new technology and greater luxuries, but they often dissolve
close relationships and community ties.

We frequently hide our loneliness. We keep busy having fun or working hard so we
don’t have to think about it. But deep inside, under the appearance of happiness,
we often also wonder, “Who truly cares about me?” “If I were really sick, would
my friends help me?” “When I am old, who will still be beside me?”

People are fickle. Suppose your boss suddenly became angry with you and fired
you. How many of your co-workers, who have been your friends for years, would
stand up for you? Would their desire to keep their jobs prevent them from
showing loyalty and kindness to you? If you are a student, what might happen if
the most popular person in school started spreading rumors about you? How
many people would still be loyal?

It is amazing how unkind people can be. Sometimes people hate others just
because they have a different skin color or lack a college degree. People are
quickly affected by whether a person is handsome or ugly, capable or weak.

The Source of Comfort

But there is also wonderful kindness in many places. Have you ever been so sick
you had to lay in bed, unable to move and wondered if you would live or die? If
you have, who cared for you? Perhaps your mother or your wife bathed your
fevered-head, brought you water to drink, cooked some porridge, and spoon-fed

Didn’t it feel good to have someone care for you when you could do nothing for
yourself? Didn’t you love that person all the more because of what she did for
you? These kind of people are precious to us, and are well-loved like Jesus was.

We must remember that such special people are not with us forever. We should
often express our gratitude to them and be ready to help them in their times of
need. At the same time, we should search for a source of comfort and
encouragement that is completely consistent and stable.

Jesus taught about the source of ultimate compassion. He said there is a God who
cares for us as His own children. The ancient scriptures say, “As a father has
compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him”
Psalm 103:13.

Jesus also said, “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of
them is forgotten before God. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows” Luke 12:6-7.

Could it be true? Could there be a God so great that He would know all of us, even
be able to see every sparrow and know how many hairs there are on our heads?

The people watched Jesus and the way He lived. When they saw His great
compassion it made them sure that what He said about the Father of Life must be
true. Many times they saw Jesus care for the sick. It did not matter if the people
were rich or poor, educated or unable to read. His compassion included all of

Usually it is only the rich who can afford to have professional care when they’re
sick. It’s difficult for the poor to get adequate treatment. Jesus, however, treated
each person with dignity and showed interest in their problems. He gave healing
to anyone who had faith in Him.

The people were amazed at Jesus’ kindness. They never saw Him impatient, angry,
or disgusted with anyone. Jesus knew the people needed someone to turn to with
their heartaches and loneliness. He pointed to the Father of Life as someone
faithful to help each who seek His help.

Jesus’ actions reminded them of the ancient words written about the eternal God,
“Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her
womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed you
on the palms of My hands” Isaiah 40:15-16.

Shouldn’t we explore more about the Father of Life and see if He will help us?
Then we too will find, “Compassion makes the world go around.”

Compassion for People with AIDS?

In our world today it is difficult to find someone who really cares about people who
have serious problems. Many times someone who contracts AIDS is rejected by
his friends and even his family. People often assume that the person did something
wrong and deserves the disease. They treat him as one who is cursed, just like the

Not long ago there was a lady named Minit who lived alone with her daughter
Ruth. Her husband had left her after she became pregnant. She worked hard to
care for her baby until she became sick. Often weak, her persistent cough became
worse and worse. One day a kind lady who had given her a sewing job, offered to
take her to a clinic for a checkup. Minit was afraid to go. She was afraid she
would be told that she had AIDS. If it was true, she was sure all the neighbors
would despise and reject her.

Finally her friend convinced her. The nurses examined her and took tests. Later
she sat before the doctor, waiting to hear the news. Her friend held her hand. The
awful news broke over her like a crashing wave, “You are HIV positive.” She wept
bitterly and cried out to her friend, “You must really hate me now!”

Her friend held her close and said, “No! Not at all. As I see your pain, my heart is
more full of love for you than ever before.”

The next few months were very difficult for Minit. She was sick much of the time.
She couldn’t care for her daughter. Her friend visited often, taking time to tell
Minit about the Father of Life who loved her as His own daughter. She told about
a time when her own child had been burning with a fever and no doctor was near.
As she pled with God to save her daughter’s life, the fever suddenly went away.
Minit was encouraged to know that Someone powerful was watching over her too.

A small group of people who trusted the Father of Life met in a house nearby. They
set up a schedule so each could make meals for her and baby-sit Ruth. They read
her stories of Jesus and His compassion for the sick and lonely.

Minit’s greatest worry was what would happen to her daughter Ruth when she
died. Who would take care of her? No one knew if her daughter also had AIDS.
Who would want her if she did? She pled with God to find a home for her.

One day her friend brought a lady to visit Minit in the hospital. Minit was very
skinny and weak. She could hardly speak. The lady said, “My name is also Ruth,
just like your daughter. Please don’t worry. I will care for your girl and raise her
as my own. Don’t be afraid. God is with you.”

Minit closed her eyes to rest. God had given her peace. He had heard her cry. He
had sent loving parents for Ruth. Soon after this, Minit died. Little Ruth cried and
cried. She did not understand what had happened to her mother. But soon she
was happy again as she found compassion and love in her new home.

Truly the words of an ancient song about God were fulfilled for Minit and Ruth. “A
father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation. God
sets the solitary in families” Psalm 68:5-6.

A Step Forward

Minit’s kind friend and the new parents of Ruth experienced true joy as they
shared love with someone in need. We can do the same. All around us are people
who are hurting, lonely, sick, or despised. Who do you know like that? What will
you do to help them?

Here are some ideas:

Take some fruit to a sick person.

Help him with chores he can’t do.

Pray to the Father of Life, asking Him to heal.

Invite someone who is lonely to go shopping with you.

Plan an outing to the beach, taking with you someone who has been too
poor to ever make that trip.

Look for an opportunity this week to help someone. Jesus gave us a special rule to
live by that will bring us great joy. “"Always do for other people everything you want them to do
for you.” (Matt 7:12) In other words, ask yourself: What would I wish others would do for me if I
were in their situation? …Then do it for them! You might find someone in need right in your
own family. The time and friendship you give will richly bless them and yourself.
Remember, “Compassion makes the world go around.”

Reject Prejudice
In Jesus’ day there was a strong ethnic barrier between Jews and Samaritans.
They lived close to each other, shared some common history, but usually refused
to associate with each other. One day Jesus was traveling near a Samaritan town.
He and all of His disciples were Jews. Jesus stopped at a well on the edge of the
town while His disciples went to the market to buy food.

A Samaritan lady approached the well with a water pot. It was unusual for ladies
to come in the hot time of the day. The reality was that she was a lady of loose
morals, despised by the other women of the town.

She was surprised when Jesus spoke to her, since normally no Jewish man would
speak to a Samaritan woman. But there was no prejudice in Jesus. He talked
with her about the Father of Life. He invited her to accept God’s power to change
her heart. As she expressed interest, Jesus suddenly said, “Go, call your husband,
and come here.”

The woman answered, “I have no husband.”

Jesus said to her, “You have well said, ‘I have no husband.’ For you have had five
husbands and the one whom you now have is not your husband” (John 4:16-18).
Shocked that Jesus could miraculously know about her life, she still felt His
compassion. She listened further, and found His words were like a stream of
water refreshing her heart. She ran back to the town, saying, “Come, see a Man
who told me all things that I ever did. Could this be the Saviour?” (John 4:29).

When the disciples returned they were surprised to see Jesus talking to this lady.
Prejudice hung tightly to them like a leech, draining away their compassion. They
just stood staring at her silently until she left. However, to their great surprise
many Samaritans came out to listen to Jesus’ teaching and He stayed for two days
helping these people. It was one small step toward the brotherhood of all people.

A Step Forward
None of us likes it when someone looks down on us. Prejudice has often led to
war and the horrific oppression of minorities. How can we make sure such
thinking isn’t in our hearts?

We can change our thinking, remembering Jesus’ golden rule and asking, “How
would I want to be treated if I was that person?” If we will ask this about every
individual regardless of race or skin color, we will begin to turn away from wrong
thoughts to compassion. God’s power can help us get rid of prejudice.

We must remember that under the skin, all people have bones, blood, and organs
that look that same. Humans are really one family, not many. We share one
Father of Life who wants us to dwell in harmony as His children. If He treats us
which such compassion, regardless of our mistakes and without thought of race
or social position, we also should treat each other as brothers and sisters. What a
better place this world will be if we choose this way of thinking.

Experience God’s Compassion

Sometimes life seems completely hopeless. Sometimes a doctor labels an illness as

incurable. Some seee no way of escape from their poverty. Family problems and
financial troubles can appear irresolvable. Can we trust Jesus’ words about the
compassionate Father of Life? Is He really able to help us?

There are many people who could answer us with a heart-felt, confident “Yes!”
They have experienced His miraculous power. We are talking about the God who
has always existed, the God who is the righteous, yet helpful judge. How can we
receive His help? Jesus taught the people that it is this simple: “ Ask, and it will be
given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For each
one that asks receives, and the one that seeks finds; and to the one knocking, it
will be opened. Or what man of you is there, if his son should ask a loaf of him, will
he give him a stone? And if he should ask a fish, will he give him a snake?
Therefore, if you, being evil, know to give good gifts to your children, how much
more will your Father in Heaven give good things to those that ask Him? (Matt 7:7-
11) Why not test these words for yourself by asking the Father of Life for help.

A lonely lady lived in northern Thailand. Her husband, Yang, was seldom around.
One day Yang announced he was taking a different wife. She didn’t say a word,
but she was deeply hurt and upset. That night, while the others slept, she slipped
outside and prayed, “God, if you are out there, please don’t let my husband take a
different wife.”

That Friday Yang went to the house of the lady he liked. He already had a key and
went in the back door. Once inside, he was surprised to find the clothes of another
man who was at that very moment hiding in a closet. Apparently Yang’s girlfriend
was finding other support when Yang was away. Yang angrily decided he didn’t
need a different wife after all. He returned home and remained faithful to his first
wife. With joy she put her trust in the Father of Life, and depended on His
compassion and power.

All she did was say a simple prayer and God answered. We can do the same. God
is able to help with challenges of all kinds. But some people wonder, like the leper,
“Will God really help me, knowing all He does about my past and my failures?” We
can see from Jesus’ life that the Father does not despise anyone. He is not
influenced like people are by beauty, wealth, talent, or success. He has special
compassion for the sick, the ignorant, the heartbroken, and those who’ve failed
miserably. His compassion extends to each person as the best of parents also care
for each of their children.

Can we really receive help from God this easily? Is it possible to ask Him for help
as the leper did? Will He listen to us as He did to Minit? To make sure we would
understand His heart, God had a prophet named Jeremiah write down a promise.
God says,. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord,
thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will
call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me
and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart” Jeremiah 29:11-13.

Isn’t that good news? The Father of Life has thoughts of peace towards you and
wants to give you a good future and solid hope. He promises that He will hear
what you say and answer you as you seek Him with your whole heart.

Meditation Moment

There’s a lot we’ve talked about. Let’s take a few minutes to reflect.

 “Compassion makes the world go around.”

 “To understand another, place their heart within your own.”

 “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on
those who fear Him” Psalm 103:13.

 “And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise” (Luke

 “Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.
And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your
heart” Jeremiah 29:12-13.

Those thoughts can be very helpful as we go through difficult times.

 Think about how Jesus treated the leper.

 What did God do to help Minit in her hardships?

 What are you experiencing that you wish Someone would help you with?

The Choice Regarding Compassion is Yours

Why not try telling Him about the things that concern you? Many have found that
when they do this, their loneliness eases and God gives them answers for the
problems they face. Try telling God about what you are dealing with and ask Him
for guidance to know what to do. Search the ancient scriptures for His wisdom.
Watch for God’s actions to help you. His help may not come just as you expect it
to, but it will surely come.

Take Action: Check the things below that you will put into practice this week.
_____ I will show compassion to someone who is not loved by others.
_____ I will show compassion to those who have failed
_____ I will talk to the Father of Life about any problems I have and ask for His

_____ I will reject prejudice and treat people kindly regardless of their ethnic
background or social status.

You can choose to experience God’s joy and peace as you bring your challenges to
Him. Determine now to ask Him for help and see the reality of His compassion
and mighty power. As you experience His goodness, you will also be able to help
those in need around you.

Prayer Power

Here is a prayer that can help you know what to say. It is not necessary to say
these exact words. There is no need for you to say the words perfectly. It is not
magic. God can listen to your heart and that is what is important to Him. If you
are humble and feel your need for His help, He will be eager to respond.

“Dear Father God, thank You for Your great compassion towards all people. I am
grateful for your mercy towards those who are in need. Please help me with the
problem I am facing: ____________________ (describe it to God). I need You to give
me wisdom about how to think and what to do. Please fix this problem thru Your
great wisdom and power. I ask You to (what do you think needs to happen?) ______
__________________, if it is Your will. Thank You for promising to help those who
call on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Courage to you as you share God’s compassion with others! Surely it is true,
“Compassion makes the world go around.”


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