13 Law

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Larv (Code- l3)

Time:3 Hours fdfer (ots- 1 3) M.\t. : 150

?f"r{el , : t? e{"}ren-d-q si6' 150

Note: i)Atrernpt five questions. All q::estions caff.v equal rnarks. Queslion number 1 is cornpulsory. Answer any
trvoquestionsfionrPar-tlandtu,o qucstionsfrornPartll.Thepartsol'thcsamcquestionsmustbeansu'ered
together and must not be interposed belu'een ans\\:ers to other questions.
ii) In casc of any discrepancy in thc English and Hindi versions. English version will be takcn as final.

*e ,i) qfE qeEi e-d o*r z+aft * gi6 zrara trqea ?iwr r s?rqrd Br a+rlr r * * qe* der arrar z i
d g€A zFT srr{ *r tro qea + z+aft eieil crl s6-{ E-6 ?rrq"tr :to qea * siei or.s-a-u qat qea * 3ieil
d aes e d qr&:
ii) qR 3iffi a?i H hd-{q fr +t$ frR{rrft d, fr siffi fu+lor sifta ardn qrurfr I

Q.l Write criticzil rrotes on an-v four of fbllowing with the help of decided cases:
(4x 7.5:30)

Md qtqol ml vorqar + Fq C * fu.-6qru q{ qrdtq-{rfldt frurfr fud :

a) Definition ancl nature of contract of sale under the Sales of Goods Act, 1930
qrd fr-mq ;ilgRqq. 1e3o ft- Ginrfd M b eqou ol qftrnq q-q s-fR
b) The law rclating to bouncing of cheques for insufficiency of funds in the accounts
il6 b {qra q qqfw rrRr il q{ A-6" & ffqq d wi €dffd
di t arfl
c) Discuss the provisiorr rclating to adrnissibility of secondary evidence under the Indian Evidence
qidq qTaq 3ifuftqq e ri,ilfd trftqm qiqq ol qr€rdr

d) Principlc of absolLrte liability under the Law of Torts

gWft frfu fr GtTsiftF etftd o-r fuerm

e) Discuss the irrgredients that lead to the formation of contact underthe Indian Contract
qTrfrq €BEi qDHqq. 1872 &- Gin-rtd €ffqT qili b Eg ffir

0 What is thc distinction between'Commutation'under section 55 of IPC, 1860 and

'Remission' under section 433 of CrPC, 1973?
qn-&q Ers tiFdT. 1860 b Gffin .qft6-qu[, eln ,Eus o-r qftdn' dus q"E qT €Ff,r,
1973 +-qsq 3ril{

Part -I
qr{T - r

Q.2 Article 13 is a protective provision as it gives teeth to the Fundamental Rights and
makes them jr-rsticiable. lt is a protective provision and an index of the importance &
preferencc that the fiamers of the constitution made. In the light above statements
discuss Article l3 and its in-rportance with the help of case laws. Analysis this (30)

€frEn fl rr{-&-{ 13 gm'{&rd-qrqil-q e r+rfiq, m 116 qfMi o} q-f,{fr q-d-{

s-{dr 3 dqr s€ Er-d *rq i qo. {trfi qEErt &'w eQ qo.
q-{-dr t r €frqfq FrqfdTefr
ffiq q-Am dqr mqfuf,drd t ge ofi &-qftis t sFdd qm-d efi sorrrdT t q-C+-d

1 3 e-r ffiqnT q-q q-6'd u-qa of r

Q3 What do )'oLr rrcarl by intervention asa lawful recourse to force? Discuss in detail, the
various kinds of intervention. Also explain, as to whether the United States- led
coalition lbrccs were .justified in invading Iraq on the grounds of humanitarian
intervention'J (30)

qrR qqtT ft. qfr l?fd eurd ts+-fl h sq

qrsfl mt r er
i t
'E{d*q' enq Rr rFrg'a B t omdq b
ftfIfl q-fiT-n m1 qTTfrq srrrn q{ €g-ff ugwfrfcot qRd qdrgRl $TF
rR efrfr-qq anfl qrdfud qtr

Q4 Article l/+ lbrbids class legislation, however, it does not forbid reasonable
classification of pennons, objects & transactions by the legislature for the purpose of
achieving specific cnds. Discuss the concept of "reasonable classification" and
substantiatc vour ans\,'er with the help of various case laws. (30)

rt-c_ed 14 C a.rqrfta Ef$ or frtq 6-{dr t. fuE fr'Rrg sN of lTR b frq 16

qffi. uN f,qT o-fd fu qqre{ q 'sFqd q'fe-iur o1 F-$E Tfl ordr | 'sfud
ETtr@TUl o1 e.rqqrurT of qreqrsFqd qmd b gds uR-a nqa et r


Part - II
r{trT - 2

Q. 5 In the words o1'Sir Frederick Pollock, there are "the rules of immunity which limit the
rules of liability" in thc Lau' of Torts. Discuss these justifications on defenses from
civil liability in dctail. (30)

q-{ its|t-{ drdm } qr-d fr, gqh trf} fr S-d frre f, d Elfi-d a1frfD ol Smo ora
t fun-d aft.d C eq .lfrRrdil e1 qiem o.f t

Q.6 rclating to "dying declaration" under the Law of Evidence. What

Discr-rss thc provisior-r
happens r,i'hcn thcrc are more than one dying declarations of the same person? Also
discuss thc legal prir-rciples governihg a dying declaration as summed up by the
Supreme Courl in Satbir vs. Govt. of (NCT of Delhi),2010. (30)

qrs GrfqF-qq b 'Tq flft6-Fq;r' ol qreqr of r qR q-f, d qR gT{i q-r I

cdutr 'Tq -mrfum.6qq' Rd wa t d wr R{R d'fr | q'gffi RfU fusi-d ot tfr sd€
ffit G=qT S sqoq qTqfdrr gnr q-nd-{ fr. ffi Tq.S.d.-wqq, 20r 0 fr sdR-d fr'ql

Q.7 What are thc csscntial ingredients of culpable homicide as per section 299 of indian
Penal Cocic'/ i\lso cxplain the terrn "whoever causes death" under section 299 of IPC
with the hclp o1'case lall's. r 10\

qrfrq qw ntr-dl f*' trnr 2ee &- GE€R eflqq|f-tro ffia-q qq &' qt-dqTm-t|G wr €z fruffd
Til-q-di el {T6rqdT t gq qril fr qg-fi qq "fr ot{ Ug oIP{d e-{dtt' ft'e1-sql E t I



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