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Curry Lesson Plan Template

Content Area: Global Explorations
Grade Level: 5th grade
Lesson Length: 35 minutes

Contextual Information and Rationale

Provide background information about the content lesson, including why it is important for students to learn, why it is relevant for their lives, and how this lesson fits
into a broader sequence of learning.

Students have been learning about the seven continents and 5 oceans for one week and are continuing their exploration for one more week. The lesson will focus
on exploring each continent through interactive activities and building the skill of identifying each continent and ocean on a map. The lesson will be taught to the
whole class of 23 students.

Identifying the 7 continents and 5 oceans is an essential skill for students that are to be global citizens. Being able to identify the continents and oceans allows
students to make connections across content areas, literature, and life experiences. Students will use this skill throughout their lives both academically (geography,
social studies, literature) and recreationally (news and travel). This lesson fits into a broader sequence of learning for our class by laying the foundation for further
geographical skills students will learn this year. Following mastery of identifying the 7 continents and 5 oceans, instruction will move towards standard 5.6.d. which
states students will identify the geographical regions of North America.

Lesson Objectives
State and/or National Standards: Learning Targets (Written as KUDs):
USI.2 The student will interpret maps, globes, photographs, pictures, or tables Students will know:
to  Continents are large land masses surrounded by water.
a) locate the seven continents and five oceans Students will understand:
 Geography influences needs, culture, opportunities, choices, interests,
and skills.
Students will be able to:
 Identify the 7 continents on a map
 Identify the 5 oceans on a map: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern,
Assessment Descriptions: Criteria: Describe how students will demonstrate Use of Assessment: Describe the feedback you will
Describe how you will assess students. mastery. provide, potential plans for adjusting instruction, etc.

Formative Assessment 1: Stick Around Map Labeling Formative Assessment 1: Stick Around Map Labeling Formative Assessment 1: Stick Around Map Labeling
Completed independently on iPads. Students will Mastery is demonstrated if: If mastery is demonstrated…
complete a drag and drop activity to label a world map - Students are able to label the 7 continents on - Instruction will proceed as planned below
with the continents and oceans. The app allows the world map If mastery is not demonstrated…
students to self-check and retry if needed. - Students are able to label the 5 oceans on the - Prompt students to return to their tri-fold
world map map and review the continents and oceans
*see image in Appendix A before completing the assessment again.
Standards assessed: Do - Students should try again up to three times to
complete the stick around successfully.
- Monitor students’ progress and provide
support during the lesson activities as needed
before the final assessment.

Formative Assessment 2: Exit Ticket Formative Assessment 2: Exit Ticket Formative Assessment 2: Exit Ticket
Completed independently after completing the lesson Mastery is demonstrated if… If mastery is demonstrated…
activities. - students are able to label the world map with - Instruction will continue as planned and the
the continents and oceans correctly. sequence of learning will progress.
*see worksheet in Appendix B If mastery is not demonstrated…
Standards assessed: Do - I will proceed by implementing a mini lesson
with explicit instruction and review
immediately or at a later time with any
students that do not demonstrate mastery. In
the mini lesson, I will review the continents
and oceans. We will review our song to help
us remember the continents and make
connections with the map.

Use the columns below to detail what the teacher and students will be doing throughout the lesson, as well as the materials, resources, and technology that will be
used. You are encouraged to divide your plan into sections based on the instructional model you are using.

Teacher: Student: Materials, Resources, and Technology:

*Italics denotes scripting
Introduction and Goal Orientation Introduction and Goal Orientation Introduction and Goal Orientation
Today we are going to continue practicing 1 minutes
identifying the 7 continents and 5 oceans.
- Students sitting at assigned tables.
Goals for today: Participating in discussion and actively
- Identify the 7 continents & 5 oceans listening.
- Find a fact for each continent

Connecting to Prior Knowledge/Experiences Connecting to Prior Knowledge/Experiences Connecting to Prior Knowledge/Experiences

3 minutes
Song: As we sing our 7 continents rap today, look - Students participating in singing our 7 - Laptop to play 7 continents rap and
at each continent on the world map on the screen continents rap. project world map on screen
as we sing about it. Try to visualize connecting
the lyrics and the map.
- Point to continent as we sing each verse
about it

Tasks and Activities Tasks and Activities Tasks and Activities

25 Minutes

Formative Assessment 1: Stick Around Map Formative Assessment 1: Stick Around Map Formative Assessment 1: Stick Around Map
Labeling Labeling Labeling
- iPads with Stick Around App
- Model downloading activity from - Students working quietly to complete
Schoology & opening in app stick around activity
- Model one drag motion - Students attempt 100% accuracy with
- Rotation around room to monitor three tries at the activity
student’s progress
Continents Facts Continents Facts
Continents Facts: Today, we are going to work in - Students are working in assigned - iPads
partners to find a fact about each of the 7 partners (heterogeneously grouped) - tri-fold folders
continents to record on your tri-fold folders. Go to whisper reading and writing facts in their
Schoology and click on the link “DK Findout!” to tri-folds
open the site (model). In partners, you are going
to explore this site with the continents together
and whisper read each page about the
continents. Choose one fact for each continent to
write in your tri-fold.
- Model expectations for partner work
- Model on-task discussion (sentence frames)
Closure Closure Closure
Formative Assessment 2: Exit Ticket 5 minutes

Wrap-Up: Remember, studying geography - Students quietly completing their exit - 24 copies of the exit ticket to pass out
influences the needs, culture, opportunities, ticket and turning it in for formative - iPads for extension
choices, interests, and skills people face. assessment.
- Students actively listening
Extension: If extra time, organize class to
complete the stick around as a race between
table groups. Have one iPad from each table
reflect to the projector and race.

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