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indd 26 22/10/2012 15:20

Placemen Tes
Choose the correct answer. 21 She’s got a football shirt.
1 I English. A red and white B red white
A is B am C are D be C red, white D red with white
2 They Spanish. 22 A do you play football?
A are B be C is D am B Every Saturday.
3 Don’t drop on the streets. Put it in a A What B How C Where D When
bin. 23 A go to the park this afternoon.
A traffic B graffiti C pollution D litter B That’s a good idea.
4 Daniel is really good maths and science. A Why don’t B Let’s C What about D Can
A to B for C on D at 24 A What’s your laptop like?
5 Can we the horses on the farm? B It’s light and easy .
A use B ride C go D play A I use B in use C use D to use
6 He speak Chinese. 25 talk in class, please!
A can’t B don’t C isn’t D not A Don’t B Not C Can’t D Isn’t
7 Where she from? 26 Are your shoes?
A does B can C is D come A these B this C them D that
8 your name? 27 My father is teacher.
A When’s B What’s C How’s D Who’s A – B an C a D any
9 Our teacher got a big house. 28 A Are you a student?
A hasn’t B doesn’t C not D isn’t B Yes, .
10 My dad work on Saturdays and Sundays. A I am B we are C am D is
A not B do C doesn’t D don’t 29 I can play football but I play basketball.
11 A Has she got a camera? A ’m not B can’t C can D not
B Yes, she . 30 A old are you?
A has got B have C is D has B I’m fifteen.
12 Is this bag? A How B Who C What D Where
A your B you C yours D you’re 31 There are apples on the table.
13 This is John’s camera. very expensive. A an B any C some D the
A He’s B Its C It’s D His 32 My birthday is July.
14 This is my book. Her name is Ella. A on B at C by D in
A friends B friends’ C friend’s D friend 33 He’s very . He’s a great basketball
15 parents live in the USA. player.
A They’re B There C Their D Them A dark B tall C short D pretty
16 I chocolate. 34 A What subjects Josh like?
A not like B don’t like B He likes geography and English.
C doesn’t like D no like A does B is C can D like
17 My sister English. 35 It’s and sunny today. Let’s go to the
A is like B can C like D likes park to play.
18 It’s hot. Please open the . A warm B rainy C cloudy D snowy
A wall B window C bin D poster 36 Can you tell the answer?
19 Mark can pasta and pizza. A his B him C he D he’s
A cook B paint C use D draw 37 The girls are .
20 My grandparents live on a . They’ve got A Turkey B Turkish C Turkian D Turk
chickens and goats.
A village B street C farm D building

M09_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M09.indd 26 22/10/2012 15:20

Placemen Tes

38 Are any pretty beaches near the village? 56 A Do you like ice cream?
A these B some C they D there B Yes, I .
39 I’ve got some new . Do you like them? A can B am C like D do
A jeans B tracksuit C dress D hat 57 We’ve got three lessons the morning.
40 A Hi, I’m John. A at B on C of D in
B Hello, I’m Susan. to meet you. 58 The children go to the beach weekends.
A Please B Kind C Nice D Sure A at B in C on D by
41 Look that picture over there. 59 a cinema in the town.
A on B to C in D at A They aren’t B There isn’t
42 A What time ? C There aren’t D It isn’t
B It’s four o’clock. 60 A Please don’t use your phone in class.
A is B is it C it’s D it is B .
43 Four + four = . A Sorry B Please C Thank you D Problem
A eighth B eight C eighty D eighteen 61 Caitlin’s mum science at our school.
44 fruit and vegetables? A teaching B teaches C teachs D teach
A Are you like B Do you like 62 It’s today. Take your umbrella.
C You like D Like you A dry B hot C windy D rainy
45 A Can I have a chip butty, please? 63 David the Internet every day.
B And drink? A does B plays C uses D goes
A to B for C in D with 64 you got a dog?
46 Jason can . He wants to be in a film. A Are B Can C Do D Have
A act B draw C skateboard D swim 65 Hans is the new student.
47 My birthday is on the of June. A Germany B Czech C Scotland D Hungary
A five B fifteen C fifth D fifty 66 A What is he?
48 A How are you? B Brazilian.
B . A national B country
A Thank you B Fine, thanks C language D nationality
C Yes, please D I’m George 67 The film starts seven o’clock.
49 I ride my to school. A on B at C in D by
A car B bike C bus D train 68 A Can I come to your party?
50 I play the piano in my lesson. B Yes, .
A PE B IT C music D English A sorry B thanks C of course D a problem
51 I haven’t got water in my glass. 69 He listens to music on his .
A a B any C some D the A games console B MP3 player
52 My father’s brother is my . C watch D pencil case
A cousin B uncle C aunt D grandfather 70 There aren’t books in my bag.
53 My car is new. A some B no C the D any
A parents B parent’s C parents’ D parent 71 A Does he understand?
54 My dog is black. name is Blackie. B No, he .
A Its B It’s C It D Is A aren’t B don’t C doesn’t D isn’t
55 Emma hasn’t got straight hair. She’s got 72 We breakfast at eight o’clock.
hair. A go B are C do D have
A curly B long C slim D dark 73 My mother has got blond hair.
A tall B short C black D small


M09_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M09.indd 27 22/10/2012 15:20

Placemen Tes
74 Put your pens and pencils in your pencil 93 Stand when the teacher comes into the
. room.
A desk B bag C case D bin A out B down C to D up
75 Excuse . Is that your bag? 94 A don’t we go to the cinema tomorrow?
A it B her C me D you B Great idea!
76 A Can I use your phone? A What B Why C Where D How
B Sure, . 95 they got dark hair?
A no problem B sorry C thanks D course A Are B Do C Can D Have
77 I often listen the radio. 96 Is she French student?
A with B for C to D at A any B – C a D some
78 My friend is wearing a new . 97 Have you got a ? I don’t know where
A jeans B T-shirt C shoes D trainer my new school is.
79 I don’t want any tomatoes – I don’t like A map B card C litter D tour
. 98 There are a lot of books in the town .
A potatoes B pasta C fish D vegetables A street B library C farm D building
80 He’s got a brother but he a sister. 99 We French.
A hasn’t got B haven’t got A aren’t B don’t C can’t D isn’t
C has got D have 100 My sister sing and dance.
81 We’re at the shopping today. A plays B does C is D can
A park B market C centre D rink
82 I often go out my friends.
A for B by C with D between
83 A What food ?
B Pizza is my favourite.
A like you B do you like C you like D like
84 Where are my glasses? I can’t find .
A it B they C them D him
85 What’s your food?
A good B nice C great D favourite
86 a new student in my class.
A It’s B There’s C Hes D There are
87 A Can I your order?
B Yes, two lemonades, please.
A take B make C do D give
88 Can I have a sandwich, please?
A fruit B ham C pasta D cake
89 The cinema is the hotel.
A next B between C near D far
90 There isn’t park in our town.
A any B some C the D a
91 We can get chips at the snack .
A bar B bin C box D bag
92 lesson is at 10.30?
A When B Who C What D Where


M09_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M09.indd 28 22/10/2012 15:20

Placemen Tes Answer Key

Placement Test – Answer Key

 1 B 35 A 69 B
 2 A 36 B 70 D
 3 D 37 B 71 C
 4 D 38 D 72 D
  5 B 39 A 73 B
  6 A 40 C 74 C
  7 C 41 D 75 C
  8 B 42 B 76 A
  9 A 43 B 77 C
10 C 44 B 78 B
11 D 45 A 79 D
12 A 46 A 80 A
13 C 47 C 81 C
14 C 48 B 82 C
15 C 49 B 83 B
16 B 50 C 84 C
17 D 51 B 85 D
18 B 52 B 86 B
19 A 53 C 87 A
20 C 54 A 88 B
21 A 55 A 89 C
22 D 56 D 90 D
23 B 57 D 91 A
24 D 58 A 92 C
25 A 59 B 93 D
26 A 60 A 94 B
27 C 61 B 95 D
28 A 62 D 96 C
29 B 63 C 97 A
30 A 64 D 98 B
31 C 65 B 99 A
32 D 66 D 100 D
33 B 67 B
34 A 68 C


M09_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M09.indd 29 22/10/2012 15:20

Module 1 Tes Student A
Vocabulary 4 Complete the dialogue. Write one word for
each space.
1 Complete the table. 0 ’s
A What your name?
United Kingdom 0 British A What nationality 1 you?
1 Hungarian
B I’m British.
2 Turkish
A 2 are you from?
Brazil 3
B I 3 from Liverpool.
the Czech Republic 4
A 4 your surname English?
5 Polish
B No, it 5 . It’s French.
Argentina 6
A 6 your dad from France?
/6 B Yes, he is.
A How 7 are you?
2 Sort the letters to make words for people.
B I’m fifteen.
0 RETISS sister
3 MTAE Communication
5 MMU 5 Complete the dialogue with the words in the
fine Nice Thank
/6 This too Welcome

Grammar Oliver Hello Claire. 0 This is Karol.

Claire Hello, Karol. 1 to meet
3 Choose the correct words.
0 She ’s / ’m English. 2
Karol Nice to meet you, .
1 My brother and sister isn’t / aren’t at school.
How are you?
2 You ’s / ’re a good singer.
3 I ’m / ’re not American. Claire I’m 3 , thanks.
4 to England.
4 My surname ’re / ’s Flint.
Karol 5 you.
5 Her favourite sports is / are tennis and
6 She ’m not / isn’t my sister.
/6 TOTAL / 30


M01_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M01.indd 2 22/10/2012 14:59

Module 1 Tes Student B
Vocabulary 4 Complete the dialogue. Write one word for
each space.
1 Complete the table. 0 ’s
A What your name?
United Kingdom 0 British A What nationality are 1 ?
Turkey B I 2 British.
2 Czech
A 3 you from London?
Spain 3
B No, I’m 4 . I’m from
Hungary 4
5 Argentinian
A 5 your surname English?
6 Brazilian
B Yes, it 6 .
A 7 old are you?
B I’m fourteen.
2 Sort the letters to make words for people.
sister /7
2 TEBS DIFERN Communication
3 ERAETCH 5 Complete the dialogue with the words in the
4 MAET box.
How meet Nice
thanks This you
Oliver Hello Claire. 0 This is Karol.
Grammar Claire Hello. Nice to 1 you.
Karol 2 to meet you, too.
3 Choose the correct words. 3 are you?
0 She ’s / ’m English.
Claire I’m fine, 4 . Welcome to
1 My brother isn’t / aren’t at school.
2 I ’s / ’m a good singer. 5
Karol Thank .
3 They isn’t / aren’t American.
4 You ’re / ’s thirteen years old. /5
5 His favourite sport are / is football.
6 I ’m not / aren’t from the USA. TOTAL / 30



M01_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M01.indd 3 22/10/2012 14:59

Module 2 Tes Student A
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Look at the photos. Write the words for the 4 Choose the correct words.
0 Oliver’s / Olivers’ scooter is red.
1 His grandparent’s / grandparents’ house is big.
2 My football team’s / teams’ colours are red
and blue.
3 The neighbour’s / neighbours dog is black.
4 My two best friend’s / friends’ families are from
0 bike 1 Spain and Poland.
5 Is this Viktors / Viktor’s skateboard?

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the

2 3
a Its Our the Their your

0 What’s your name?

1 This is my dog. name is
2 My best friends are Murat and Erin.
4 5
families are from Turkey.
/5 3 This is picture of my class.
4 We’re from France. surname is
2 Write the numbers. Campeau.
0 72 seventy-two 1 35 5 He’s from Czech Republic.
2 94 3 48
4 53 5 66
/5 Communication
Grammar 6 Complete the dialogue with the words in the
3 Find five more family words in the word computer easy small
square. like thing What’s
A 0 What’s your favourite 1 ?
B My 2 .
A What’s it 3 ?
B It’s 4 and 5 to
E O G R A D S A N R /5

TOTAL / 30
0 mother 1
2 3
4 5

M02_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M02.indd 6 22/10/2012 15:00

Module 2 Tes Student B
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Look at the photos. Write the words for the 4 Choose the correct words.
0 Oliver’s / Olivers’ scooter is red.
1 Adam’s / Adams’ father is forty years old.
2 My parent’s / parents’ car is new.
3 The girl’s / girls’ names are Susan and June.
4 She is at her grandfathers’ / grandfather’s
0 bike 1 5 My dog’s / dogs’ name is Hector.

5 Complete the sentences with the words in

the box.

2 3 an Her His the Their your

0 What’s your name?

1 My grandparents are Spanish.
surname is Gomez.
2 Her father is art teacher.
3 My mother is from Poland.
4 5
parents are in England now.
/5 4 Look at picture on page 6.
5 My best friend is David. family
2 Write the numbers. is from England.
0 72 seventy-two 1 63
2 31 3 89
4 48 5 56
6 Complete the dialogue with the words in
the box.
cool favorite it It’s
3 Find five more family words in the word MP3 player What’s
A 0 What’s your 1 thing?
B My 2 .
A What’s 3 like?
B 4 blue and it’s very
5 !
N X B R O T H E R T /5
TOTAL / 30
0 mother 3
1 4
2 5

M02_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M02.indd 7 22/10/2012 15:01

Module 3 Tes Student A
Vocabulary 5 Choose the correct words.

1 Choose the correct words. 0 Look at that / this picture over there.
1 Are these / this your books in my bag?
0 Close the clock / door.
2 Put your pencils in that / this pencil case here.
1 Open the poster / window.
3 These / Those pencils over there are Gemma’s.
2 Put the rubbish in the bin / floor.
4 Look at this / these pictures in my book.
3 The picture is on the wall / light.
5 That / Those man over there is my father.
4 Turn on the door / light, please.
5 Look at the floor / clock – it’s 2.30. /5

2 Sort the letters to make words for school
6 Complete the dialogue with the words in the
0 SHAMT maths
1 RYOTHSI Sit Turn don’t lesson Sorry Thank
2 CENSICE Mr Jones Good morning, Sam. 0 Sit down
3 GYROGHEPA next to Harry, please.
Sam 1 you, Mr Jones.
Mr Jones 2 off your mobile
phones, please.
3 Write the ordinal numbers. Sam What’s the first 3
0 25th twenty-fifth today? Is it maths?
1 3rd Harry No, it’s art. That’s my favourite subject.
2 32nd 4
Mr Jones Sam, talk in class!
3 18th
Sam 5 , Sir.
4 12th
5 4th /5
TOTAL / 30

4 Complete the sentences with at, in or on.
0 My father isn’t at home on Mondays and
1 Art is 10.15.
2 PE is the afternoon.
3 We aren’t at school weekends.
4 I’m at home the evening.
5 English is Fridays.


M03_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M03.indd 2 22/10/2012 15:01

Module 3 Tes Student B
Vocabulary 5 Choose the correct words.

1 Choose the correct words. 0 Look at that / this picture over there.
1 This / That man over there is my father.
0 Close the clock / door.
2 Are that / these your books in my bag?
1 Put the rubbish in the bin / floor.
3 Put your pencils in this / these pencil case here.
2 Look at the floor / clock – it’s 2.30.
4 Those / This pencils over there are Gemma’s.
3 Open the poster / window.
5 Look at this / these pictures in my book.
4 The picture is on the wall / light.
5 Turn on the door / light, please. /5

2 Sort the letters to make words for school
6 Complete the dialogue with the words in the
0 TRA art
1 GYROGHEPA Sit off stand you subject Look
2 SHELING Mr Jones Good morning, Sam. 0 Sit down next
3 RYOTHSI to Harry, please.
Sam Thank 1 , Mr Jones.
Mr Jones Turn 2 your mobile
phones, please.
3 Write the ordinal numbers. Sam What’s the first lesson today? Is it
0 25th twenty-fifth maths?
1 31st Harry No, it’s art. That’s my favourite
2 23rd 3 .
3 12th 4
Mr Jones at the poster on
4 32nd 5
the wall. Sam, up
5 6th
and talk about the poster, please.

Grammar TOTAL / 30

4 Complete the sentences with at, in or on.

0 My father isn’t at home on Mondays and
1 Art is Thursdays.
2 Is PE 2.15?
3 Mum is at home the morning.
4 Football is weekends.
5 Saturdays I’m at home.


M03_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M03.indd 3 22/10/2012 15:01

Module 4 Tes Student A
Vocabulary A you ride a bike?
B Yes, I 5 but my brother
1 Look at the photos. Write the words for 6 ride a bike.
the activities.

4 Complete the questions with the words in

the box.

How many How old What

0 swim 1 When Where Who

0 A Where is your teacher?

B In the classroom.
1 A are they?
B They’re fourteen.
2 A is the new boy?
2 3 B Diego Gonzales.
3 A is your address?
B 35 Green Avenue.
4 A girls are here?
B Twenty.
5 A is geography?
4 5 B At 9.30.
/5 /5

2 Complete the spidergram with the words in

the box. Communication
a bike a computer a horse basketball 5 Complete the dialogues with the words in
chess computer games football the box.
the Internet the piano
Can can’t course Excuse
please problem sorry
A 0 Can I come to the party,
1 ?
Activities B Sure, no 2 .

ride A Can we film the concert?

B No, I’m 3 you
4 .
/8 A 5 me, can we film you?
B Of 6 .
3 Complete the dialogues with can or can’t.
0 Can you say ‘hello’ in Polish? TOTAL / 30

0 No, I can’t .
A 1 Sam do a wheelie?
B No, he 2 but I 3

do a wheelie!


M04_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_M04.indd 6 15/11/2012 09:57

Module 4 Tes Student B
Vocabulary A Jenny do a handstand?
B No, she 5 but her brother
1 Look at the photos. Write the words for 6 do a handstand.
the activities.

4 Complete the questions with the words in

the box.

How many How old What

0 swim 1 When Where Who

0 A Where is your teacher?

B In the classroom.
1 A is history?
B At 11.15.

2 3 2 A is your brother?
B He’s twelve.
3 A is that girl?
B She’s my best friend.
4 A is your name?
B Phoebe Jones.
4 5 5 A violins are here?
/5 B Four.
2 Complete the table with the words in the box.

a bike a computer a horse basketball Communication

chess computer games football
the Internet the piano 5 Complete the dialogues with the words in
the box.
play ride use Can can’t Excuse No
football Of please Sure

A 0 Excuse me, can we film you?

B 1 course.
A 2 I come to the party,
3 ?
/8 B 4 , no problem.
Grammar A Can we film the concert?
B 5 , I’m sorry you
3 Complete the dialogues with can or can’t. 6 .
0 Can you say ‘hello’ in Polish?
0 No, I can’t .
A 1 you ride a bike? TOTAL / 30
B Yes, I 2 but I 3

ride a horse!


M04_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_M04.indd 7 15/11/2012 09:57

Module 5 Tes Student A
Vocabulary 3 Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form
of have got.
1 Choose the correct words. 0 Have you got
A a sister?
0 He’s got a new tracksuit / moustache for
B No, I 0 haven’t .
A 1 you
1 She’s got long slim / straight hair.
2 She’s very tall / curly. a brother?
B Yes, I 2 .
3 I’ve got new jeans / trainers for my PE lesson.
4 His hair is blond / strong. A 3 he
5 Her father’s beard / glasses is white. green eyes like you?
6 He isn’t very long / slim. B No, he 4 . He
5 brown eyes.
A 6 he
Grammar dark, curly hair?
B Yes, he 7 .
2 Write affirmative (+) and negative (–)
sentences. Use the correct form of have got. A But you 8 dark hair. Your
0 she / pretty eyes (+) hair is blond.
She’s got pretty eyes. B Yes, it is.
0 my father / a beard (–) A 9 your dad
My father hasn’t got a beard. dark or blond hair?
1 my parents / blue eyes (+) B My mum and dad 10 brown
2 her sister / dark hair (–)
/ 10
3 you / a red dress (+)
4 we / new T-shirts (–) 4 Match the questions (1–6) with the answers
5 our teacher / red hair (–)
0 What colour eyes has he got? f
1 Has she got glasses?
6 my friend / green eyes (+)
2 What have you got in your bag?
3 What colour is his hair?
7 the students / blue tracksuits (+)
4 What colour T-shirt has she got?
5 Have they got blond hair?
8 Mr Jones / curly hair (+)
6 Have you got a red and white shirt?
a It’s brown.
/8 b No, I haven’t.
c Yes, they have.
d A present for you.
e Yes, she has.
f Blue.
g Red and blue.

TOTAL / 30


M05_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M05.indd 34 22/10/2012 15:03

Module 5 Tes Student B
Vocabulary 3 Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form
of have got.
1 Choose the correct words. 0 Have you got
A a brother?
0 He’s got a new tracksuit / moustache for
B No, I 0 haven’t .
A 1 you a
1 He isn’t very straight / slim.
2 He’s got shoes / glasses for reading. sister?
B Yes, I 2 .
3 She’s got long short / curly hair.
4 She’s very pretty / long. A 3 she
5 I’ve got new trainers / jeans for my PE lesson. dark, curly hair?
6 His hair is short / tall. B Yes, she 4 .
/6 A But you 5 dark hair. Your
hair is blond.
Grammar B Yes, it is.
2 Write affirmative (+) and negative (–) A 6 your dad
sentences. Use the correct form of have got. dark or blond hair?
B My mum and dad 7 brown
0 she / pretty eyes (+)
She’s got pretty eyes. hair.
0 my father / a beard (–) A 8 your sister
My father hasn’t got a beard. green eyes like you?
1 her sister / dark hair (+) B No, she 9 . She
10 brown eyes.
2 my parents / blue eyes (–)
/ 10
3 we / new T-shirts (+)
4 our teacher / red hair (+) 4 Match the questions (1–6) with the answers
5 my friend / green eyes (–)
0 What colour eyes has he got? g
1 Has she got glasses?
6 the students / blue tracksuits (–)
2 What have you got in your bag?
3 What colour is his hair?
7 Mr Jones / curly hair (–)
4 What colour T-shirt has she got?
5 Have they got black hair?
8 you / a red dress (–)
6 Have you got a red and white shirt?
a No, she hasn’t.
/8 b Green and white.
c It’s blond.
d Yes, they have.
e My MP3 player.
f Yes, I have.
g Brown.

TOTAL / 30


M05_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M05.indd 35 22/10/2012 15:03

Module 6 Tes Student A
Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the
Present Simple (negative).
1 Sort the letters to make words for places.
0 I don’t go (go) shopping at the
0 HABEC beach
1 They (eat) eggs for
2 She (watch) TV.
3 John and Susan (go) to
/5 4 He (teach) English.
5 My parents (help) me with
2 Complete the sentences with go, have or listen. my homework.
0 We go to school at eight o’clock. 6 I (use) my mobile phone in
1 I swimming on Saturdays. the classroom.
2 We dinner at seven o’clock 7 My brother (speak) English.
in the evening.
3 They shopping with their
4 I to music in the evenings.
5 They breakfast every 5 Complete the dialogue with words from the
morning. box.
6 We out with our friends on
Good How Let’s okay
Fridays. problem That’s Why
Jimmy Hi, Sarah. 0 How are you?

Grammar Sarah Hello, Jimmy. The weather’s good today.

1 don’t we go to the
3 Look at the table. Write sentences about Tom’s park?
routine. 2
Jimmy idea!
TIME ACTIVITY Sarah 3 ask Alice and Katie to
0 6.30 get up come too.
1 7.00 have breakfast Jimmy 4 a nice idea.
2 8.30 go to school We can play tennis there. Is that
5 with you, Sarah?
3 12.30 have lunch
4 3.00 play football Sarah Sure, no 6 . I can call
5 4.30 study in the library the girls now.
6 5.00 finish his homework
0 Tom gets up at 6.30. TOTAL / 30
1 He at seven o’clock.
2 He at 8.30.
3 He at 12.30.
4 He at three o’clock.
5 He at 4.30.
6 He at five o’clock.


M06_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M06.indd 38 22/10/2012 15:03

Module 6 Tes Student B
Vocabulary 4 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the
Present Simple (negative).
1 Sort the letters to make words for places.
0 I don’t go (go) shopping at the
0 BARRILY library
1 She (have) a brother.
2 My brother (speak) French.
3 Miss Compton (teach)
4 My friends (help) me with
/5 my homework.
5 I (use) my camera in
2 Complete the sentences with go, have or listen. school.
0 We go out with our friends at the weekend. 6 They (eat) fish for lunch.
1 We lunch at one o’clock. 7 John and Susan (go)
2 I to school with my brother. swimming on Fridays.
3 They breakfast every
4 They to bed early on
5 We shopping with our 5 Complete the dialogue with words from the
friends. box.
6 I to music on my MP3
don’t How idea Let’s
player. okay problem That’s
Jimmy Hi, Sarah. 0 How are you?

Grammar Sarah Hello, Jimmy. The weather’s good today.

Why 1 we go to the
3 Look at the table. Write sentences about Lucy’s park?
routine. 2
Jimmy Good !
TIME ACTIVITY Sarah We can play tennis there. Is that
0 7.00 get up 3 with you, Jimmy?
1 7.30 have breakfast Jimmy Sure, no 4 .
2 8.30 go to school Sarah 5 ask Alice and Katie to
3 12.00 have lunch come too.
4 3.00 study in the library Jimmy 6 a great idea. I can call
5 4.30 do her homework them now on my mobile.
6 5.00 play basketball /6

0 Lucy gets up at seven o’clock. TOTAL / 30

1 She at 7.30.
2 She at 8.30.
3 She at twelve o’clock.
4 She at three o’clock.
5 She at 4.30.
6 She at five o’clock.


M06_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M06.indd 39 22/10/2012 15:03

Module 7 Tes Student A
Vocabulary A What food your brother
1 Look at the photos. Write the words for the
B He 2 like vegetables but he
food. 3
likes pizza. you like pizza?
A No, I 4 .

B 5 you and your friends play

A Yes, we 6 .
0 chips 1 7
B your sister like football?
A No, she 8 .

4 Complete the sentences with the words in

the box.
2 3
her him it me them us

0 This is Sam’s book. Can you put it on his

desk, please?
1 I’ve got an exam tomorrow. Can you help
4 5 ?
2 This is John’s bag. Give it
to .
2 Find seven more food and drink words in the 3 My favourite sports are tennis and golf. I like
word square. very much.
4 We don’t know the answer. Can you tell
, please?
O R A U C G T E A 5 I can’t go to Martha’s party. Please give
C H I S A L A D M this present.
O M F H K E E I B /5
E L E M O N A D E 5 Choose the correct words.
Caroline It’s lunch time. 0Why / How don’t we
0 meat 1 have a snack?
2 3 Jonathon Good idea! 1Let’s / Why go to that new
4 5 café in the park.
6 7 Waitress Good morning! Can I take your
2food / order?
Caroline 3Can / Do we have two cheese salads,
Waitress And to 4eat / drink?
3 Complete the dialogues with do, does, don’t Jeremy Two orange juices, 5please / thank you.
or doesn’t.
A What food 0 do you like?
B I like pasta. TOTAL / 30


M07_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_M07.indd 6 07/11/2012 14:26

Module 7 Tes Student B
Vocabulary A you and your friends play
1 Look at the photos. Write the words for the
B No, we 3 .
A What food 4 you like?
B I like pasta.
A What food 5 your sister like?
B She 6 like tomatoes but she
likes chips. 7 you like chips?
0 bread 1
A No, I 8 .

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the

2 3 her him it me them us

0 This is Sam’s book. Can you put it on his

desk, please?
1 This is Martha’s bag. Give it to
4 5 2 We’ve got an exam tomorrow. Can you help
3 I can’t go to John’s party. Please give
2 Find seven more food and drink words in the this present.
word square. 4 My favourite animals are dogs and horses.
I like very much.
5 I don’t know the answer. Can you tell
, please?
E H I S F I S H I /5
A I I R E I S G E Communication
L L E O R Z N G P 5 Choose the correct words.
E F E M E A T O F Caroline It’s lunch time. 0Let’s / We have a
S R I E P A S T E snack.
0 chips 1 Jonathon Good idea! Why 1not / don’t we go to
2 3 that new café in the park?
4 5 Waitress Good morning! Can I 2take / do your
6 7 order?
/7 Caroline 3We can / Can we have two cheese
salads, please?
Grammar Waitress And 4to / for drink?
3 Complete the dialogues with do, does, don’t Jeremy Two orange juices, 5right / please.
or doesn’t.
A 0 Does your brother like basketball?
B No, he 1 . TOTAL / 30


M07_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_M07.indd 7 07/11/2012 14:26

Module 8 Tes Student A
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Sort the letters to make city and country 4 Choose the correct words.
0 There isn’t a / some park in our town.
0 RAMF farm 1 There is some / any water on the table.
1 SCKNECISH 2 There aren’t / isn’t any people in the park.
2 GLAVEIL 3 There isn’t a swimming pool but there is / isn’t
3 GLIBUNDIS a cinema.
4 ESTERT 4 There aren’t some / any flowers in the garden.
5 VERRI 5 There are / There is some big trees in my
/5 garden.
2 Look at the pictures. Write the weather words.
5 Write questions. Use Is there …?/Are there …?
and a/an or any.
0 parks
Are there any parks?
1 good shops
0 warm 1
2 ice rink

3 parks

4 castle
2 3
5 beaches


4 5
6 Choose the correct words.
A Excuse 0you / me. Is there a sports centre
3 Complete the sentences with the words in 1near / from here?
the box.
B I 2doesn’t / don’t know. I’m sorry.
community litter map A Are there 3any / a clothes shops in the town?
pollution tourists Traffic
B Yes, there 4is / are. They’re over there.
0 I don’t like the pollution in cities. A I need a tour guide. 5Is / Are there any tour
1 is a problem because there guides here?
are lots of cars. B Yes, in the castle.
2 They have a garden in the
city. /5
3 Have you got a of the city?
TOTAL / 30
4 Some people drop on the
5 A lot of come to Cambridge.

M08_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_M08.indd 6 15/11/2012 10:04

Module 8 Tes Student B
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Sort the letters to make city and country 4 Choose the correct words.
0 There isn’t a / some park in our town.
0 ESTERT street 1 There is / There are some flowers in the park.
1 EFWOLRS 2 There is some / any juice in the glass.
2 SLTNPA 3 There aren’t / isn’t any pens in my pencil case.
3 GLAVEIL 4 There is a swimming pool but there is / isn’t a
4 GLIBUNDIS sports centre.
5 RAMF 5 There aren’t some / any maps for the tourists.
/5 /5

2 Look at the pictures. Write the weather words. 5 Write questions. Use Is there …?/Are there …?
and a/an or any.
0 parks
Are there any parks?
1 ice rink

0 warm 1 2 big buildings

3 river

4 flowers

2 3 5 tour guides


4 5 6 Choose the correct words.
/5 A Excuse 0you / me. 1Are / Is there a sports centre
near here?
3 Complete the sentences with the words in
B I don’t 2know / knows. I’m sorry.
the box.
A 3Is / Are there any clothes shops in the town?
graffiti litter map
pollution tourists Traffic B Yes, 4there / they are. They’re over there.
A I need a tour guide. Are there 5some / any tour
0 Traffic is a problem because there are guides here?
lots of cars. B Yes, in the castle.
1 There are words and pictures on the walls –
that’s . /5
2 A lot of come to Cambridge.
TOTAL / 30
3 Some people drop on the
4 I don’t like the in cities.
5 Have you got a of the city?

M08_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_M08.indd 7 15/11/2012 10:04

Module Tes Answer Key
Module 1 Test Answer Key Student A Module 4 Test Answer Key Student A
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1  Hungary  2  Turkey  3  Brazilian  4  Czech  5  Poland  1 1  cook  2  skateboard  3  dance  4  sing  5  draw
6  Argentinian 2 play:  basketball / chess / computer games / the piano
2 1  teacher  2  neighbour  3  team  4  brother  5  Mum  ride:  a bike / a horse
6  best friend use:  a computer / the Internet
Grammar Grammar
3 1  aren’t  2  ’re  3  ’m  4  ’s  5  are  6  isn’t 3 1  Can  2  can’t  3  can  4  Can  5  can  6  can’t
4 1  are  2  Where  3  am/’m  4  Is  5  isn’t  6  Is  7  old 4 1  How old  2  Who  3  What  4  How many  5  When
Communication Communication
5 1  Nice  2  too  3  fine  4  Welcome  5  Thank 5 1  please  2  problem  3  sorry  4  can’t  5  Excuse  6  course
Module 1 Test Answer Key Student B Module 4 Test Answer Key Student B
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1  Turkish  2  the Czech Republic  3  Spanish  4  Hungarian  1 1  paint  2  act  3  draw  4  cook  5  dance
5  Argentina  6  Brazil 2 play:  basketball / chess / computer games / the piano
2 1  Dad  2  best friend  3  teacher  4  team  5  brother  6  neighbour ride:  a bike / a horse
Grammar use:  a computer / the Internet
3 1  isn’t  2  ’m  3  aren’t  4  ’re  5  is  6  ’m not Grammar
4 1  you  2  am/‘m  3  Are  4  not  5  Is  6  is  7  How 3 1  Can  2  can  3  can’t  4  Can  5  can’t  6  can
Communication 4 1  When  2  How old  3  Who  4  What  5  How many
5 1  meet  2  Nice  3  How  4  thanks  5  you Communication
5 1  Of  2  Can  3  please  4  Sure  5  No  6  can’t
Module 2 Test Answer Key Student A
Vocabulary Module 5 Test Answer Key Student A
1 1  MP3 player  2  pencil case  3  mobile phone  4  camera  5  watch Vocabulary
2 1  thirty-five  2  ninety-four  3  forty-eight  4  fifty-three  5  sixty-six 1 1  straight  2  tall  3  trainers  4  blond  5  beard  6  slim
3 Across:  aunt / only child  Down:  uncle / parents / cousin Grammar
Grammar 2 1  My parents have got blue eyes.  2  Her sister hasn’t got dark hair. 
4 1  grandparents’  2  team’s  3  neighbour’s  4  friends’  5  Viktor’s 3  You’ve got a red dress./You have got a red dress.  4  We haven’t got
5 1  Its  2  Their  3  a  4  Our  5  the new T-shirts./We have not got new T-shirts.  5  Our teacher hasn’t got
red hair./Our teacher has not got red hair.  6  My friend’s got
Communication green eyes./My friend has got green eyes.  7  The students have got
6 1  thing  2  computer  3  like  4  small  5  easy
blue tracksuits.  8  Mr Jones has got curly hair.
Module 2 Test Answer Key Student B 3 1  Have … got  2  have  3  Has … got  4  hasn’t/has not  5  ’s/has
got  6  Has … got  7  has  8  haven’t got  9  Has … got 
Vocabulary 10  have got
1 1  skateboard  2  CD player  3  camera  4  scooter  5  pencil case
2 1  sixty-three  2  thirty-one  3  eighty-nine  4  forty-eight  5  fifty-six Communication
3 Across:  only child / parents / brother  Down:  aunt / sister 4 1  e  2  d  3  a  4  g  5  c  6  b
Grammar Module 5 Test Answer Key Student B
4 1  Adam’s  2  parents’  3  girls’  4  grandfather’s  5  dog’s
5 1  Their  2  an  3  Her  4  the  5  His Vocabulary
1 1  slim  2  glasses  3  curly  4  pretty  5  trainers  6  short
Communication Grammar
6 1  favourite  2  MP3 player  3  it  4  It’s  5  cool
2 1  Her sister’s got dark hair./Her sister has got dark hair.  2  My parents
Module 3 Test Answer Key Student A haven’t got blue eyes./My parents have not got blue eyes.  3  We’ve
got new T-shirts./We have got new T-shirts.  4  Our teacher’s got red
Vocabulary hair./Our teacher has got red hair.  5  My friend hasn’t got green eyes./
1 1  window  2  bin  3  wall  4  light  5  clock My friend has not got green eyes.  6  The students haven’t got blue
2 1  history  2  science  3  geography  4  English  5  music tracksuits./The students have not got blue tracksuits.  7  Mr Jones
3 1  third  2  thirty-second  3  eighteenth  4  twelfth  5  fourth hasn’t got curly hair./Mr Jones has not got curly hair.  8  You haven’t
Grammar got a red dress. /You have not got a red dress.
4 1  at  2  in  3  at  4  in  5  on 3 1  Have … got  2  have  3  Has … got  4  has  5  haven’t got/have
5 1  these  2  this  3  Those  4  these  5  That not got  6  Has … got  7  have got  8  Has … got  9  hasn’t 
10  ’s/has got
6 1  Thank  2  Turn  3  lesson  4  don’t  5  Sorry Communication
4 1  a  2  e  3  c  4  b  5  d  6  f
Module 3 Test Answer Key Student B
Module 6 Test Answer Key Student A
1 1  bin  2  clock  3  window  4  wall  5  light Vocabulary
2 1  geography  2  English  3  history  4  science  5  maths 1 1  library  2  cinema  3  Internet café  4  snack bar  5  ice rink
3 1  thirty-first  2  twenty-third  3  twelfth  4  thirty-second  5  sixth 2 1  go/have  2  have  3  go  4  listen  5  have  6  go
Grammar Grammar
4 1  on  2  at  3  in  4  at  5  On 3 1  has breakfast  2  goes to school  3  has lunch  4  plays football 
5 1 That / 2 these / 3 this / 4 Those / 5 these 5  studies in the library  6  finishes his homework
4 1  don’t eat  2  doesn’t watch  3  don’t go  4  doesn’t teach 
Communication 5  don’t help  6  don’t use  7  doesn’t speak
6 1  you  2  off  3  subject  4  Look  5  stand
5 1  Why  2  Good  3  Let’s  4  That’s  5  okay  6  problem

Z01_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_Z01.indd 66 25/10/2012 15:52

Module 6 Test Answer Key Student B
1 1  ice rink  2  park  3  swimming pool  4  cinema  5  beach
2 1  have  2  go  3  have  4  go  5  go  6  listen
3 1  has breakfast  2  goes to school  3  has lunch  4  studies in the
library  5  does her homework  6  plays basketball
4 1  doesn’t have  2  doesn’t speak  3  doesn’t teach  4  don’t help 
5  don’t use  6  don’t eat  7  don’t go
5 1  don’t  2  idea  3  okay  4  problem  5  Let’s  6  That’s
Module 7 Test Answer Key Student A
1 1  chicken  2  bread  3  eggs  4  tomatoes  5  pasta
2 Across:  salad / coffee / lemonade
Down:  chocolate / mushroom / cake / hamburger
3 1  does  2  doesn’t  3  Do  4  don’t  5  Do  6  do  7  Does 
8  doesn’t
4 1  me  2  him  3  them  4  us  5  her
5 1  Let’s  2  order  3  Can  4  drink  5  please
Module 7 Test Answer Key Student B
1 1  hamburgers  2  fruit  3  cake  4  ice cream  5  chicken
2 Across:  lemonade / fish / meat
Down:  vegetables / mushroom / pizza / juice
3 1  doesn’t  2  Do  3  don’t  4  do  5  does  6  doesn’t  7  Do 
8  don’t
4 1  her  2  us  3  him  4  them  5  me
5 1  don’t  2  take  3  Can we  4  to  5  please
Module 8 Test Answer Key Student A
1 1  chickens  2  village  3  buildings  4  street  5  river
2 1  rainy  2  windy  3  dry  4  cloudy  5  snowy
3 1  Traffic  2  community  3  map  4  litter  5  tourists
4 1  some  2  aren’t  3  is  4  any  5  There are
5 1  Are there any good shops?  2  Is there an ice rink?  3  Are there
any parks?  4  Is there a castle?  5  Are there any beaches?
6 1  near  2  don’t  3  any  4  are  5  Are
Module 8 Test Answer Key Student B
1 1  flowers  2  plants  3  village  4  buildings  5  farm
2 1  cold  2  hot  3  sunny  4  snowy  5  rainy
3 1  graffiti  2  tourists  3  litter  4  pollution  5  map
4 1  There are  2  some  3  aren’t  4  isn’t  5  any
5 1  Is there an ice rink?  2  Are there any big buildings?  3  Is there
a river?  4  Are there any flowers?  5  Are there any tour guides?
6 1  Is  2  know  3  Are  4  there  5  any

Z01_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_Z01.indd 67 25/10/2012 15:52

Modules 1 & 2 Progress Tes 1A
Vocabulary 3 Write the words in the correct order. Add
capital letters and question marks.
1 Complete the words.
0 your / is / name / Kwame
0 He’s from Spain. He’s S p a n i s h . Is your name Kwame?
1 They’re B h. They’re from the UK. 1 Tom and James / brothers / are
2 My b k is blue. It’s very fast!
3 Her c s n is from Poland. 2 Sarah / in Year 6 / is
4 Her p r s are Paul and Jenny.
5 Is that your MP3 p r? 3 thirteen years old / you / are
6 Mr Jones is my English t c r.
7 Is Mrs Smith your n g b r? 4 your parents / from Poland / are
2 Read the sentences. Choose the best answer Key Expressions
(A, B or C).
4 Match the sentences (1–6) with the answers
0 How old are you? (a–g).
A What B Where C How 0 What’s your favourite thing? d
1 I in Year 7. 1 What’s it like?
A ’re B ’m C ’s 2 How are you?
2 Jane and Susan sisters. 3 Nice to meet you.
A aren’t B isn’t C am not 4 Welcome to England.
3 from Brazil? 5 This is Joshua.
A You are B Are you C You aren’t 6 Where are you from?
4 names are Bill and Carlos.
A His B Its C Their a I’m from Cambridge.
5 Lillian Bray is American singer b Hello.
A a B the C an c Thank you.
6 Look at picture on page 6. d My skateboard.
A a B the C an e It’s fantastic!
7 Is this your watch? f Nice to meet you, too.
A mum’s B mums C mums’ g I’m fine, thanks.

/7 /6


M10_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M10.indd 10 22/10/2012 15:39


Listening Jackie’s family Name Age

2 5 Listen to an email from Diego to Adam. Read Jackie 0 12
1 2
the sentences (1–6). Are the sentences true (✓) brother
or false (✗)? mother 3 4

0 Diego is a Spanish name. ✓ father 5 6

0 Diego Clifton is Spanish. ✗ cousins 7 8

1 Diego Maradona is his father. 9 10

2 Diego Clifton is from Liverpool.

3 His favourite sport is cycling. /5
4 He’s in Year 9.
5 His parents are English teachers. Writing
6 His sister is a student in Liverpool.
7 Write the sentences with capital letters and
/6 apostrophes (’) in the correct places.
0 were students.
Reading We’re students.
1 peters favourite thing is his mobile.
6 Read the text. Complete the table.

2 my best friend is Robert molinero.

My name is Jackie Benito and this is my
brother Tony. I’m twelve and he’s fifteen. 3 im from spain.
Our father is Argentinian and our mother is
English. We’re from Manchester, England. Our 4 hes an english singer.
mum’s name is Laura and our dad is Javier.
Mum is thirty-three and Dad is thirty-six. Our 5 her brothers bike is red.
cousins are Miguel and Ime and they’re from
Argentina. Miguel is six years old and Ime is
a baby. She’s one year old. Their parents are /5
Felipe, my dad’s brother, and Maria.
TOTAL / 40


M10_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M10.indd 11 22/10/2012 15:39

Modules 1 & 2 Progress Tes 1B
Vocabulary 3 Write the words in the correct order. Add
capital letters and question marks.
1 Complete the words.
0 your / is / name / Kwame
0 He’s from Spain. He’s S p a n i s h. Is your name Kwame?
1 They’re A c . They’re from the 1 your grandparents / from Brazil / are
2 My pens are in my p l c . 2 Lily and Gemma / are / sisters
3 Her aunt and u are from Poland.
4 My g m is eighty years 3 Freddie / in Year 7 / is
5 Is that your k oa ? It’s 4 twelve years old / you / are
6 I’m in the school f t t m.
7 David is E l . He’s from Liverpool. /4

Key Expressions
Grammar 4 Match the sentences (1–6) with the answers
2 Read the sentences. Choose the best answer
0 What’s your favourite thing? d
(A, B or C).
1 What’s it like?
0 How old are you? 2 How are you?
A What B Where C How 3 Nice to meet you.
1 Seb and Elliot brothers. 4 Welcome to England.
A are B is C am 5 This is Andy.
2 from Turkey? 6 Where are you from?
A You are B Are you C You aren’t
3 Is this your MP3 player? a It’s fantastic!
A dad’s B dads C dads’ b Thank you.
4 I in Year 8. c I’m from London.
A aren’t B ’m not C isn’t d My mobile.
5 names are Martin and John. e Hello.
A His B Their C Its f I’m fine, thanks.
6 Look at poster on the wall. g Nice to meet you, too.
A a B an C the /6
7 Beyoncé is American singer
A a B the C an


M10_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M10.indd 12 22/10/2012 15:39


Listening Jackie’s family Name Age

2 5 Listen to an email from Diego to Adam. Read Jackie 0 12
1 2
the sentences (1–6). Are the sentences true (✓) brother
or false (✗)? mother 3 4

0 Diego is a Spanish name. ✓ father 5 6

0 Diego Clifton is Spanish. ✗ cousins 7 8

1 Diego Maradona is a footballer. 9 10

2 Diego Clifton is from London.

3 His favourite sport is football. /5
4 He’s in Year 10.
5 His mother is a Spanish teacher. Writing
6 His sister is a student in London.
7 Write the sentences with capital letters and
/6 apostrophes (’) in the correct places.
0 were students.
Reading We’re students.
1 shes from england.
6 Read the text. Complete the table.

2 his sisters watch is green.

My name is Jackie Benito and this is my
brother Andy. I’m twelve and he’s fourteen. 3 pippas favourite thing is her bike.
Our father is Argentinian and our mother is
English. We’re from Manchester, England. Our 4 my neighbour is Peter carter.
mum’s name is Maria and our dad is Juan.
Mum is thirty-five and Dad is thirty-eight. 5 shes an american singer.
Our cousins are Rosa and Javier and they’re
from Argentina. Rosa is eight years old and
Javier is a baby. He’s one year old. Their /5
parents are Felipe, my dad’s brother, and
TOTAL / 40


M10_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M10.indd 13 22/10/2012 15:39

Modules 3 & 4 Progress Tes 2A
Vocabulary 3 Complete the dialogue. Write the questions.

1 Choose the correct words. 0 A What is your favourite subject?

B History.
0 Oliver can play / use the violin.
1 Please turn on the light / wall. 1 A the first lesson?
2 The students can use / play the Internet. B At eight o’clock.
3 The pizza is fantastic! You can paint / cook. 2 A your brother?
4 My favourite subject is the Internet / B He’s thirteen.
Information Technology. 3 A your address?
5 Don’t put rubbish on the floor / bin. B 10 Greenfield Road.
6 The concert is on the four / fourth of July. 4 A your parents?
/6 B In the garden.
5 A your best friend?
Grammar B Daniel.

2 Read the sentences. Choose the best answer /5

(A, B or C).
0 Geography is on Mondays.
Key Expressions
A in B at C on 4 Complete the dialogues with the words in the
1 put up the posters. box.
A Don’t B Can C Can’t
course next to please
2 We aren’t here the weekend. problem sorry Thank too
A in B on C at
3 I can play football but my sister . A Ali, sit down 0 next to Sasha,
1 .
A can B can’t C don’t
4 Look at pictures in my book. B 2 you.
A those B this C these
5 student over there is new. A Can I use my mobile in class?
B No, I’m 3 , you can’t.
A This B That C Those
6 to me, please, children!
A Can I come to your party, Chloe?
A Listen B Don’t C Don’t listen
B Of 4 .
/6 5
A Can my sister come, ?
B Sure, no 6 .


M11_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_M11.indd 26 07/11/2012 14:27


Listening 0 Maria is at her new school. ✓

0 The new timetable is great. ✗
3 5 Listen to an email from Gemma to Melanie.
1 The activities aren’t Maria’s favourite
Complete the table.
Teacher’s name: Mr 0 Fisher 2 The music and dance club is on
Class: 1
SCHOOL TIMETABLE 3 Maria can’t play the guitar.
4 She can play the piano.
5 Her friends aren’t in the music and
Monday 2 science dance club.
9.50 maths 6 Jason and Stuart are in the basketball
11.00 3
4 geography
3.05 PE
5 morning 6

2.15 English
3.00 IT 7 Write the sentences with capital letters,
question marks or full stops in the correct
/6 places.
0 mrs lee is my chinese teacher
Reading Mrs Lee is my Chinese teacher.
6 Read the text. Read the sentences (1–6). Are 1 is vicky from england
the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)?
2 when is jamie’s birthday party
Hi Sarah,
3 can millie and daniel use your CD player
I’m at my new school. The timetable isn’t
great, but it’s okay. The best thing is the
4 the concert is in london on friday
after-school activities. There’s a fantastic
music and dance club on Tuesdays. I can
5 kelly’s party is on saturday
play the piano but I can’t play the guitar.
Jenny plays the guitar. The club is cool and
my friends are in the club, too. On Saturdays /5
there’s a swimming club at the swimming
pool in town. Jason and Stuart aren’t in the TOTAL / 40
swimming club. They’re in the football and
basketball teams. They play on Thursdays
and Fridays. My new school is great.


M11_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_M11.indd 27 07/11/2012 14:27

Modules 3 & 4 Progress Tes 2B
Vocabulary 3 Complete the dialogue. Write the questions.

1 Choose the correct words. 0 A What is your favourite subject?

B History.
0 Oliver can play / use the violin.
1 My birthday is on the first / one of May. 1 A your teacher?
2 The posters are on the wall / light. B Miss Jones.
3 Can you use / ride a horse? 2 A geography?
4 My brother uses / plays chess. B At ten o’clock.
5 We can draw and paint in our history / art 3 A your cousins?
lesson. B In their bedroom.
6 Please open the window / clock. 4 A your sister?
/6 B She’s four.
5 A your address?
Grammar B 22 High Street.

2 Read the sentences. Choose the best answer /5

(A, B or C).
0 Geography is on Mondays.
Key Expressions
A in B at C on 4 Complete the dialogues with the words in the
1 put up the posters. box.
A Can’t B Can C Don’t
Can can’t next no Of too you
2 We aren’t here the weekend.
A in B at C on A 0 Can I come to your party, Chloe?
3 I can play football but my sister . 1
B course.
A can B don’t C can’t
A Can my sister come, 2 ?
4 Look at pictures in my book.
B Sure, 3 problem.
A these B this C those
5 student over there is new. 4
A Ali, sit down to Sasha.
A That B This C Those 5
B Thank .
6 to me, please, children!
A Don’t B Listen C Don’t listen A Can I use my mobile in class?
B No, I’m sorry, you 6 .



M11_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_M11.indd 28 07/11/2012 14:27


Listening 0 Maria is at her new school. ✓

0 The new timetable is great. ✗
3 5 Listen to an email from Gemma to Melanie.
1 The music and dance club is
Complete the table.
on Tuesdays.
SCHOOL TIMETABLE 2 Maria can play the guitar.
DAY TIME SUBJECT 3 Jenny can’t play the guitar.
0 Monday 1 4 Maria’s friends aren’t in the music and
2 dance club.
3 5 Jason isn’t in the swimming club.
4 6 Stuart isn’t in the basketball team.
Wednesday 2.15
5 PE /6
6 morning art
2.15 English Writing
3.00 IT
7 Write the sentences with capital letters,
question marks or full stops in the correct

Reading 0 mrs lee is my chinese teacher

Mrs Lee is my Chinese teacher.
6 Read the text. Read the sentences (1–6). Are 1 how old is sarah
the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)?
2 are they from the usa
Hi Sarah,
I’m at my new school. The timetable isn’t 3 english is on mondays
great, but it’s okay. The best thing is the
after-school activities. There’s a fantastic 4 can jade ride a horse
music and dance club on Tuesdays. I can
play the piano but I can’t play the guitar. 5 the party is at john’s house on saturday
Jenny can play the guitar. The club is cool
and my friends are in the club, too. On
Saturdays there’s a swimming club at the
swimming pool in town. Jason and Stuart TOTAL / 40
aren’t in the swimming club. They’re in the
football and basketball teams. They play
on Thursdays and Fridays. My new school is


M11_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_M11.indd 29 07/11/2012 14:27

Modules 5 & 6 Progress Tes 3A
Vocabulary 3 Look at the table. Write sentences about Ben
and Susan’s routine.
1 Complete the words.
0 Oliver’s hair is s h o r t . Activity Ben Susan
1 My dad’s m e is dark brown, go to work ✗ ✗
but his hair is grey. do homework every day ✓ ✗
2 We are at the s gc e go shopping at weekends ✗ ✓
in town. We want to buy some clothes. study Spanish ✗ ✓
3 I have bread and milk for get up at 6.30 ✗ ✓
b k .
have lunch at 12.30 ✗ ✗
4 My friend is at the I tc f .
Her computer at home doesn’t work. 0 Ben and Susan don’t go to work.
5 What colour are your e s? 1 Ben homework every day.
6 I want a new d s for the party. 2 Ben shopping at weekends.
3 Susan Spanish.
4 Susan at 6.30.
5 Ben at 6.30.
Grammar 6 They lunch at 12.30.
2 Write sentences and questions. Use the correct /6
form of have got.
0 he / dark hair? Key Expressions
Has he got dark hair?
0 I / not / an MP3 player 4 Choose the correct words.
I haven’t got an MP3 player. A Is that 0problem / okay with you?
1 Emma and Philip / blond hair B 1Good / Sure, no problem.

A 2Where / Why don’t we go to the cinema this

2 he / not / a beard
3 they / not / a big house B That’s a good 3idea / problem.

A 4Why / Let’s play football this afternoon.

4 she / a new car
B 5Great idea! / Thanks.
5 Freddie / a black dog? A 6What / How colour hair have they got?
B Blond.


M12_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M12.indd 42 22/10/2012 15:42


Reading Listening
5 Read the text. Answer the questions. 4 6 Listen to an interview with Rob about sport.
Read the sentences (1–6). Are the sentences
true (✓) or false (✗)?
Olympic swimmer
0 Rob is good at sport. ✓
Rebecca Adlington is 23 years old and comes
0 Rob isn’t good at sport. ✗
from Mansfield in England. She’s got two
1 Rob can swim.
older sisters, Laura and Chloe. Rebecca’s got
2 His favourite sports star is a runner.
long, straight blond hair. She’s a famous
3 Mo Farah’s father is Somalian.
British swimmer and has got two gold
4 Mo runs for Somalia.
medals from the Olympics in 2008.
5 Mo is very fast and strong.
She trains very hard from Monday to
Saturday. She doesn’t train on Sundays. On /5
Mondays she swims about 8,000 metres and
then she goes running for an hour and then
swims again in the evening. On Tuesdays she 7 Write the sentences with commas (,) and
gets up at five o’clock for more training. On apostrophes (’) in the correct places.
Wednesdays she swims and then trains in the 0 Mrs Jones teaches maths to Years 1 2 and 3
gym. She swims about 70,000 metres every but she doesnt teach me.
week. Sunday is the only day she can relax. Mrs Jones teaches maths to Years 1, 2 and 3
She gets up late and then she sees her family but she doesn’t teach me.
and watches films on television. 1 John studies maths science and technology.

0 Where is Rebecca from? 2 He doesnt study languages.

Mansfield in England
1 Has she got any brothers and sisters? 3 Susan speaks French English and Spanish.

2 What colour is her hair? 4 Susan and John dont play football.

3 How many days a week does she train? 5 Theyre good friends and go out on Sundays.

4 When does she go running?

5 Does she train in the gym every day?
TOTAL / 40

6 How many metres does she swim every week?

7 When does she have time with her family?



M12_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M12.indd 43 22/10/2012 15:42

Modules 5 & 6 Progress Tes 3B
Vocabulary 3 Look at the table. Write sentences about Ben
and Susan’s routine.
1 Complete the words.
0 Oliver’s hair is s h o r t . Activity Ben Susan
1 I want some new t s for PE. go to work ✗ ✗
2 My dad’s hair is dark brown, but his do homework every day ✗ ✓
b d is grey. go shopping at weekends ✓ ✗
3 My friends are at the c a. They like study Spanish ✓ ✗
films. get up at 7.00 ✓ ✗
4 We are at the s k b . We want a
have lunch at 12.30 ✓ ✓
sandwich and some juice.
5 I have pasta and meatballs for l c . 0 Ben and Susan don’t go to work.
6 She’s got c y, blond hair. 1 Ben homework every day.
2 Ben shopping at weekends.
3 Susan Spanish.
4 Susan at 7.00.
Grammar 5 Ben at 7.00.
2 Write sentences and questions. Use the correct 6 They lunch at 12.30.
form of have got. /6
0 he / dark hair?
Has he got dark hair? Key Expressions
0 I / not / an MP3 player
I haven’t got an MP3 player. 4 Choose the correct words.
1 he / a beard A 0What / How colour hair have they got?
B Blond.
2 they / a big house
A Is that 1problem / okay with you?
B 2Good / Sure, no problem.
3 Emma and Philip / not / blond hair

A 3Why / Let’s don’t we play football this

4 Freddie / not / a dog
B 4Great idea! / Thanks.
5 she / a new car?
A 5Let’s / We go to the cinema this evening.
/5 B 6That’s / Is a good idea.


M12_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M12.indd 48 22/10/2012 15:42


Reading Listening
5 Read the text. Answer the questions. 4 6 Listen to an interview with Rob about sport.
Read the sentences (1–6). Are the sentences
true (✓) or false (✗)?
Olympic swimmer
0 Rob is good at sport. ✓
Rebecca Adlington is 23 years old and comes
0 Rob isn’t good at sport. ✗
from Mansfield in England. She’s got two
1 Rob can play football.
older sisters, Laura and Chloe. Rebecca’s got
2 His favourite sports star is a swimmer.
long, straight blond hair. She’s a famous
3 Mo Farah’s father is English.
British swimmer and has got two gold
4 Mo runs for Britain.
medals from the Olympics in 2008.
5 Mo is champion in the 13
She trains very hard from Monday to
kilometre race.
Saturday. She doesn’t train on Sundays. On
Mondays she swims about 8,000 metres and /5
then she goes running for an hour and then
swims again in the evening. On Tuesdays she
gets up at five o’clock for more training. On 7 Write the sentences with commas (,) and
Wednesdays she swims and then trains in the apostrophes (’) in the correct places.
gym. She swims about 70,000 metres every 0 Mrs Jones teaches maths to Years 1 2 and 3
week. Sunday is the only day she can relax. but she doesnt teach me.
She gets up late and then she sees her family Mrs Jones teaches maths to Years 1, 2 and 3
and watches films on television. but she doesn’t teach me.
1 They havent got a pet.
0 How old is Rebecca?
23. 2 Im in Year 8 at school.
1 Where is Rebecca from?
3 Mum has coffee bread and butter for
2 Has she got curly hair? breakfast.

3 What is Rebecca’s sport? 4 Susan likes tennis swimming and football.

4 How many gold medals has she got? 5 We dont play basketball.

5 Does she go running every day?

6 When does she train in the gym?
TOTAL / 40

7 When does she have time with her family?



M12_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M12.indd 49 22/10/2012 15:42

Modules 7 & 8 Progress Tes 4A
Vocabulary Key Expressions
1 Circle the odd word out. 4 Complete the dialogue. Write one word for
each space.
0 cheese lemonade tea coffee
1 potato pizza mushroom salad Jen 0 Why don’t we go to a café?
2 cloudy rainy happy snowy Mark That’s a good idea. Excuse
3 streets flowers plants chickens 1 . Is there a café
4 litter traffic pollution guide 2 here?
5 chocolate cake fish ice cream Man Yes, there’s one next 3

/5 the castle.
Mark Thanks.
2 Complete the words.
In the café.
0 He lives in a small v i l l a g e.
Waitress Can I 4 your order?
1 Can I have a h r and chips,
please? Jen Two pizzas, please.
2 The new farm b d s are very Waitress Sure, 5 problem. And
modern. to drink?
3 There’s a lot of g i on the walls Jen One orange juice and one lemonade,
in town. please.
4 It’s a s y day – let’s go to the beach.
5 We need a m so we can see the town. /5

Grammar 5 5 Listen to a tourist asking about a walking tour.
Complete the sentences.
3 Complete the sentences with the words in
0 The tourist wants a city walking tour.
the box.
1 The time now is .
any Do Does doesn’t Is 2 The tour finishes at .
some them there us 3 Before the park, the tour goes to the
Does .
0 he live in the country?
4 You can get tickets at
1 you like salad?
2 There are good shops in
5 The library is next to the .
the town.
3 They can’t find the right street. Let’s show /5
4 Is a river in your city?
5 John like salad but he likes
6 Please come with .
7 There aren’t chips.
8 there a farm near here?


M13_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M13.indd 58 22/10/2012 15:44


Reading Writing
6 Read the text. Read the sentences (1–7). Are 7 Tick (✓) the correct sentences. Correct the
the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)? wrong (✗) sentences.
0 Where do you live
Kimani – Kenya,
Where do you live?
East Africa
My name is 1 He lives in a house new.
Kimani and I
live near Mount
Kenya. My family 2 There’s an old castle in the town.
has got a small
farm. We grow all 3 What’s the capital of france
our vegetables.
We sell some of
our vegetables in 4 He goes to work on saturdays, and Sundays
the local market.
There is a small 5 She likes spanish dancing and Ballet.
river on the farm.
This is very good
for us. We’ve got some animals too – a cow /5
for milk, some chickens for eggs and some
TOTAL / 40
goats for meat. The weather is quite cold
at night but the days are hot and sunny so
everything grows well. There are also some
banana trees. We eat the bananas and my
mother and sisters use the leaves to make
baskets. They can sell these baskets to

0 Kimani is from South Africa. ✗

1 He lives on a farm.
2 You can buy his vegetables in a market.
3 They haven’t got water on the farm.
4 There are no animals on the farm.
5 It’s always very hot on his farm.
6 They sell the bananas in the market.
7 His sisters make things from the
banana leaves.


M13_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M13.indd 59 22/10/2012 15:44

Modules 7X & 8X Progress Tes 4B
Vocabulary Key Expressions
1 Circle the odd word out. 4 Complete the dialogue. Write one word for
each space.
0 cheese lemonade tea coffee
1 hot warm rainy dry Jen 0 Why don’t we go to a café?
2 chips pizza hamburger fruit Mark That’s a good idea. 1
3 map traffic car pollution me. Is there a café near
4 tomatoes mushrooms eggs potatoes 2 ?
5 streets buildings city flower Man Yes, there’s one 3 to
/5 the castle.
Mark Thanks.
2 Complete the words.
In the café.
0 He lives in a small v i l l a g e.
Waitress Can I take your 4 ?
1 There’s a lot of g i on the walls
in town. Jen Two pizzas, please.
2 It’s cold and s w today – let’s stay at Waitress Sure, no 5 . And to
home. drink?
3 Can I have some p z and a salad, Jen One orange juice and one lemonade,
please? please.
4 The t g d shows tourists the
town. /5
5 Don’t drop l r in the street!
5 5 Listen to a tourist asking about a walking tour.
Grammar Complete the sentences.
0 The tourist wants a city walking tour.
3 Complete the sentences with the words in
1 The tour is at .
the box.
2 Each tour is .
any Do Does doesn’t him 3 First, the tour goes to .
Is some there us 4 You can get tickets at the ticket
Does .
0 he live in the country?
5 It is in Street.
1 There are chips with the
hamburger. /5
2 He can’t find the right street. Let’s show
3 Is a farm near here?
4 Phoebe like mushrooms
but she likes tomatoes.
5 they like fish?
6 there a river near here?
7 Please come with .
8 There aren’t vegetables.


M13_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M13.indd 64 22/10/2012 15:44


Reading Writing
6 Read the text. Read the sentences (1–7). Are 7 Tick (✓) the correct sentences. Correct the
the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)? wrong (✗) sentences.
0 Where do you live
Kimani – Kenya,
Where do you live?
East Africa
My name is 1 There’s a river near here.
Kimani and I
live near Mount
Kenya. My family 2 she likes pasta pizza and ice cream.
has got a small
farm. We grow all 3 They live in a village small.
our vegetables.
We sell some of
our vegetables in 4 What colour eyes has sarah got
the local market.
There is a small 5 I want a lemonade please
river on the farm.
This is very good
for us. We’ve got some animals too – a cow /5
for milk, some chickens for eggs and some
TOTAL / 40
goats for meat. The weather is quite cold
at night but the days are hot and sunny so
everything grows well. There are also some
banana trees. We eat the bananas and my
mother and sisters use the leaves to make
baskets. They can sell these baskets to

0 Kimani is from South Africa. ✗

1 He lives on a mountain.
2 You can buy his fruit in the market.
3 They’ve got water on their farm.
4 There are chickens and goats.
5 At night it’s cold on the farm.
6 They don’t eat the bananas.
7 He makes things from the bananas.


M13_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M13.indd 65 22/10/2012 15:44

Progress Tes Answer Key
Modules 1&2 Progress Test 1A Key Modules 3&4 Progress Test 2B Key
Vocabulary Vocabulary
1 1  British  2  bike  3  cousin  4  parents  5  player  6  teacher  1 1  first  2  wall  3  ride  4  plays  5  art  6  window
7  neighbour
Grammar 2 1  C  2  B  3  C  4  A  5  A  6  B
2 1  B  2  A  3  B  4  C  5  C  6  B  7  A 3 1  Who is  2  When is  3  Where are  4  How old is  5  What is
3 1  Are Tom and James brothers?  2  Is Sarah in Year 6?  3  Are you Key Expressions
thirteen years old?  4  Are your parents from Poland?
4 1  Of  2  too  3  no  4  next  5  you  6  can’t
Key Expressions Listening
4 1  e  2  g  3  f  4  c  5  b  6  a 5 1  science  2  9.50  3  11.00/11 o’clock  4  geography 
Listening 5  3.00/three o’clock  6  Friday
5 1  ✗  2  3  3  3  4  ✗  5  ✗  6  ✗ Reading
Reading 6 1  ✓  2  7  3  7  4  7  5  ✓  6  7
6 Writing
Jackie’s family Name Age 7 1  How old is Sarah?  2  Are they from the USA?  3  English is on
Mondays.  4  Can Jade ride a horse?  5  The party is at John’s house
1Tony 215
brother on Saturday.
mother 3Laura 433
Modules 5&6 Progress Test 3A Key
father 5Javier 636
cousins 7Miguel 86 1 1  moustache  2  shopping centre  3  breakfast  4  Internet café 
9Ime 101 5  eyes  6  dress

Writing Grammar
2 1  Emma and Philip have got blond hair.  2  He hasn’t got a beard./He
7 1  Peter’s favourite thing is his mobile.  2  My best friend is Robert
has not got a beard.  3  They haven’t got a big house./They have not
Molinero.  3  I’m from Spain.  4  He’s an English singer. 
got a big house.  4  She’s got a new car./She has got a new car. 
5  Her brother’s bike is red.
5  Has Freddie got a black dog?
3 1  does  2  doesn’t go/does not got  3  studies  4  gets up 
Modules 1&2 Progress Test 1B Key 5  doesn’t get up/does not get up  6  don’t have/do not have
Vocabulary Key Expressions
1 1  American  2  pencil case  3  uncle  4  grandmother  5  skateboard  4 1  Sure  2  Why  3  idea  4  Let’s  5  Great idea!  6  What
6  football team  7  English
Grammar Listening
5 1  ✓  2  ✓  3  7  4  7  5  ✓
2 1  A  2  B  3  A  4  B  5  B  6  C  7  C
3 1  Are your grandparents from Brazil?  2  Are Lily and Gemma sisters?  Reading
3  Is Freddie in Year 7?  4  Are you twelve years old? 6 1  Yes, she has.  2  Blond.  3  6/six  4  On Mondays. 
5  No, she doesn’t.  6  (about) 70,000  7  On Sundays.
Key Expressions
4 1  a  2  f  3  g  4  b  5  e  6  c Writing
7 1  John studies maths, science and technology.  2  He doesn’t study
Listening languages.  3  Susan speaks French, English and Spanish.  4  Susan
5 1  ✓  2  7  3  7  4  7  5  7  6  ✓ and John don’t play football.  5  They’re good friends and go out
Reading on Sundays.
Jackie’s family Name Age
Modules 5&6 Progress Test 3B Key
1Andy 214
brother 1 1  trainers  2  beard  3  cinema  4  snack bar  5  lunch  6  curly
mother 3Maria 435
5Juan 638 2 1  He’s got a beard./He has got a beard.  2  They’ve got a big house./
They have got a big house.  3  Emma and Philip haven’t got blond
cousins 7Rosa 88 hair./Emma and Philip have not got blond hair.  4  Freddie hasn’t got
9Javier 101 a dog./Freddie has not got a dog.  5  Has she got a new car?
3 1  doesn’t do/does not do  2  goes  3  doesn’t study/does not study 
Writing 4  doesn’t get up/does not get up  5  gets up  6  have
7 1  She’s from England.  2  His sister’s watch is green.  3  Pippa’s
favourite thing is her bike.  4  My neighbour is Peter Carter. 
Key Expressions
4 1  okay  2  Sure  3  Why  4  Great idea!  5  Let’s  6  That’s
5  She’s an American singer.
Modules 3&4 Progress Test 2A Key 5 1  ✓  2  7  3  3  4  3  5  7
Vocabulary Reading
1 1  light  2  use  3  cook  4  Information Technology  5  floor  6 1  Mansfield in England.  2  No, she hasn’t.  3  Swimming.  4  She’s
6  fourth got two/2.  5  No, she doesn’t.  6  On Wednesdays.  7  On Sundays.
Grammar Writing
2 1  A  2  C  3  B  4  C  5  B  6  A 7 1  They haven’t got a pet.  2  I’m in Year 8 at school.  3  Mum
3 1  When is  2  How old is  3  What is  4  Where are  5  Who is has coffee, bread and butter for breakfast.  4  Susan likes tennis,
swimming and football.  5  We don’t play basketball.
Key Expressions
4 1  please  2  Thank  3  sorry  4  course  5  too  6  problem
Modules 7&8 Progress Test 4A Key
Listening Vocabulary
5 1  5  2  9.00/9 o’clock  3  history  4  2.15  5  Friday  6  art
1 1  pizza  2  happy  3  streets  4  guide  5  fish
Reading 2 1  hamburger  2  buildings  3  graffiti  4  sunny  5  map
6 1  ✗  2  ✗  3  3  4  3  5  ✗  6  3
Writing 3 1  Do  2  some  3  them  4  there  5  doesn’t  6  us  7  any  8  Is
7 1  Is Vicky from England?  2  When is Jamie’s birthday party? 
3  Can Millie and Daniel use your CD player?  4  The concert is in
Key Expressions
4 1  me  2  near  3  to  4  take  5  no
London on Friday.  5  Kelly’s party is on Saturday.

Z02_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_Z02.indd 66 25/10/2012 15:55

5 1  11/eleven o’clock  2  12.15/quarter past twelve  3  old town/Old
Town  4  Burton  5  ticket office
6 1  ✓  2  ✓  3  7  4  7  5  7  6  7  7  ✓
7 1  He lives in a new house.  2  ✓  3  What’s the capital of France? 
4  He goes to work on Saturdays and Sundays.  5  She likes Spanish
dancing and ballet.

Modules 7&8 Progress Test 4B Key

1 1  rainy  2  fruit  3  map  4  eggs  5  flower
2 1  graffiti  2  snowy  3  pizza  4  tour guide  5  litter
3 1  some  2  him  3  there  4  doesn’t  5  Do  6  Is  7  us  8  any
Key Expressions
4 1  Excuse  2  here  3  next  4  order  5  problem
5 1  11.15/quarter past eleven  2  an/one hour  3  the river  4  office 
5  Burton
6 1  7  2  7  3  3  4  3  5  3  6  7  7  7
7 1  3  2  She likes pasta, pizza and ice cream.  3  They live in a small
village.  4  What colour eyes has Sarah got?  5  I want a lemonade,

Z02_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_Z02.indd 67 25/10/2012 15:55

Mid Term Tes Student A
Vocabulary Key Expressions
1 Choose the correct words. 4 Match the sentences (1–7) with the answers
0 My greatparents / grandparents are Spanish.
1 In my music / IT lesson I can play the piano. 0 What’s your favourite thing? d
2 We play / use computer games at the 1 Sit down next to James.
weekends. 2 Can I come, too?
3 William is an only / one child. 3 Don’t use your mobile in class.
4 Look on / at the poster on the wall. 4 What’s the film like?
5 Put the rubbish in the bin / window. 5 Hello.
6 Turn on / off your mobile in class! 6 Film the class for your blog.
7 Mum’s birthday is on the three / third of June. 7 This is Fiona.
8 Murat is from Turkish / Turkey. a It’s fantastic.
9 Her brother is in the football team / class. b Hi.
10 My pencil player / case is in my bag. c Thank you.
/ 10 d My skateboard.
e Nice to meet you.
f Good idea.
g Sorry.
2 Complete the sentences. Write one word for h Of course.
each space.
0 I eat breakfast in the morning.
1 I play the piano but I can play
the guitar.
2 you from England? 6 5 Listen to seven short conversations. Choose the
3 talk in class, please! best answer (A, B or C).
4 We go to the park weekends. 1 What page are the homework exercises on?
5 Let’s go to cinema tonight. A page 67 B page 64
6 What your name? C pages 5 and 6
/6 2 Where is Mike?
A at school B in town
3 Read the sentences. Choose the best answer C at computer club
(A, B or C). 3 Who is the CD from?
0 How old are you? A his parents B his aunt and uncle
A What B Where C How C his sister
1 girl over there is my best friend. 4 What subject is at 9.30?
A This B A C That A science B history C PE
2 you play the violin? 5 What is the girl’s favourite subject?
A Are B Can C How A geography B PE C music
3 are you from? 6 What can Maddie do?
A When B What C Where A sing and dance B swim and draw
4 parents are teachers. C play football
A Peter’s B Peter C Peters’ 7 What is Greg’s favourite subject?
5 The concert is Saturday. A music B PE C art
A in B at C on /7
6 It’s pencil case. Give it to me!
A his B my C her

M14_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M14.indd 2 22/10/2012 15:45

Mid Xxxxxxxx
Term Tes

Reading Writing
6 Read the text. Read the sentences (1–7). Are 7 Tick (✓) the correct sentences. Correct the
the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)? wrong (✗) sentences.
0 Hi gemma.
Freddie Marks is fifteen Hi G emma.
years old and comes from
1 How are you.
Southampton in England.
His mother is a singer and
his father is a music teacher. Freddie can 2 Its my birthday on Saturday.
play the piano and the guitar and he is
in a band with his school friends. They’re
in the dance club at school, too. Freddie’s 3 can you come to my party?
sister, Susanna isn’t good at music. She can’t
sing or play music. Her favourite thing is 4 Don’t be late
art. She can draw and paint posters for the
dance club. Susanna and Freddie’s aunt is in
the USA. Now it’s the holidays and Freddie 5 My cats name is Fluffy.
and Susanna are at their aunt’s house in
California. The house is very big with a 6 No, it isn’t.
fantastic swimming pool.

7 My brother david is at home.

0 Freddie is thirteen years old. ✗
1 Freddie is from the USA.
2 His mother is a teacher. /7
3 He can play the guitar.
TOTAL / 50
4 Susanna can sing.
5 She can paint posters for the
dance club.
6 Their parents live in California.
7 Freddie and Susanna are in California.


M14_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M14.indd 3 22/10/2012 15:45

Mid Term Tes Student B
Vocabulary 5 The concert is Saturday.
A on B at C in
1 Choose the correct words. 6 It’s pencil case. Give it to me!
0 My greatparents / grandparents are Spanish. A his B her C my
1 I play / use the Internet for my school /6
2 Sit down / up next to Paul. Key Expressions
3 Look off / at the poster on the wall.
4 Please turn on the floor / light.
4 Match the sentences (1–7) with the answers
5 Today is our PE / IT lesson – I love computers!
6 Tessa is my best friend / neighbour. She’s 0 What’s your favourite thing? d
fantastic. 1 Sit down next to Emma.
7 My party is on the sixth / sixty of January. 2 Can my sister come, too?
8 Look at the photos on my bike / camera. 3 Don’t talk in class.
9 Our neighbours are Spain / Spanish. 4 What’s your skateboard like?
10 Jill’s parents / grandmother are from Liverpool. 5 Hi.
6 Film the class for your blog.
/ 10 7 This is Phoebe.
a Good idea.
b Nice to meet you.
2 Complete the sentences. Write one word for c Of course.
each space. d My skateboard.
0 I eat breakfast inthe morning. e Hello.
1 play computer games in class! f It’s light and very fast.
2 your mum say ‘hello’ in g Thank you.
Chinese? h Sorry.
3 What your parents’ names? /7
4 Philippe from Canada?
5 Our neighbour is maths Listening
6 Read story on page 12. 6 5 Listen to seven short conversations. Choose the
best answer (A, B or C).
1 What page are the homework exercises on?
3 Read the sentences. Choose the best answer A page 67 B pages 5 and 6
(A, B or C). C page 64
0 How old are you? 2 Where is Mike?
A What B Where C How A in town B at school
1 girl over there is my best friend. C at computer club
A This B That C A 3 What is Simon’s present from his parents?
2 you play the violin? A a pencil case B a bike C a CD
A Can B Are C How 4 What subject is at 11.00?
3 are you from? A science B history C PE
A Where B What C When 5 When is PE?
4 parents are teachers. A Monday morning B Monday afternoon
A Peter B Peter’s C Peters’ C Tuesday morning


M14_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M14.indd 4 22/10/2012 15:45

Mid Xxxxxxxx
Term Tes

6 What can Maddie do? Writing

A swim and draw B sing and dance
C play football 7 Tick (✓) the correct sentences. Correct the
7 Greg can wrong (✗) sentences.
A sing B play football C swim 0 Hi gemma.
Hi G emma.
1 Caroline isn’t from london.
6 Read the text. Read the sentences (1–7). Are 2 is she a student?
the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)?

3 Turn off your mobile

Freddie Marks is fifteen
years old and comes from
Southampton in England. 4 Hes our neighbour.
His mother is a singer and
his father is a music teacher. Freddie can
5 My best friend is Stella.
play the piano and the guitar and he is
in a band with his school friends. They’re
in the dance club at school, too. Freddie’s 6 Can you swim.
sister, Susanna isn’t good at music. She can’t
sing or play music. Her favourite thing is
7 Our grandparents house is in Cambridge.
art. She can draw and paint posters for the
dance club. Susanna and Freddie’s aunt is in
the USA. Now it’s the holidays and Freddie /7
and Susanna are at their aunt’s house in
California. The house is very big with a TOTAL / 50
fantastic swimming pool.

0 Freddie is thirteen years old. ✗

1 Freddie is from England.
2 His father is a teacher.
3 Freddie isn’t good at music.
4 Susanna can’t play music.
5 She can dance and sing.
6 Their aunt’s house is in the USA.
7 Freddie and Susanna are in England.


M14_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M14.indd 5 22/10/2012 15:45

Mid-Term Tes Answer Key
Mid-Term Test Answer Key Student A
1 1  music  2  play  3  only  4  at  5  bin  6  off  7  third  8  Turkey 
9  team  10  case
2 1  can’t  2  Are  3  Don’t  4  at  5  the  6  is/’s
3 1  C  2  B  3  C  4  A  5  C  6  B
Key Expressions
4 1  c  2  h  3  g  4  a  5  b  6  f  7  e
5 1  B  2  B  3  C  4  B  5  C  6  A  7  C
6 1  ✗  2  ✗  3  3  4  ✗  5  3  6  ✗  7  3
7 1  How are you?  2  It’s my birthday on Saturday.  3  Can you come
to my party?  4  Don’t be late.  5  My cat’s name is Fluffy.  6  3 
7  My brother David is at home.

Mid-Term Test Answer Key Student B

1 1  use  2  down  3  at  4  light  5  IT  6  friend  7  sixth  8  camera 
9  Spanish  10  parents
2 1  Don’t  2  Can  3  are  4  Is  5  a  6  the
3 1  B  2  A  3  A  4  B  5  A  6  C
Key Expressions
4 1  g  2  c  3  h  4  f  5  e  6  a  7  b
5 1  C  2  A  3  B  4  A  5  B  6  B  7  A
6 1  3  2  3  3  7  4  3  5  7  6  3  7  7
7 1  Caroline isn’t from London.  2  Is she a student?  3  Turn off
your mobile.  4  He’s our neighbour.  5  3  6  Can you swim? 
7  Our grandparents’ house is in Cambridge.

Z03_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_Z03.indd 66 22/10/2012 15:13

End-of-Year Tes Student A
Vocabulary 3 Write questions.

1 Read the sentences. Choose the best answer 0 How old / you?
(A, B or C). How old are you?
1 where / he / live?
0 I’m American .
A Czech B Germany C American
2 he / got / a mobile?
1 What’s your sport?
A good B favourite C nice
3 how many languages / they / speak?
2 My uncle’s son is my .
A cousin B brother C father
4 when / the lesson / start?
3 Please put the rubbish in the .
A floor B poster C bin
5 what subjects / you / like?
4 My birthday is the of August.
A thirty B three C third
6 I / take / your order?
5 Turn the light before you leave
the room.
A at B off C down /6
6 He can the violin well.
A do B use C play Key Expressions
7 She doesn’t eat chocolate and cake. She’s
very  . 4 Complete the dialogues. Write one word for
each space.
A straight B slim C short
8 He breakfast at seven o’clock. A 0 Excuse me. Is there a post office
1 here?
A does B has got C has
9 They play football at the sports . B I don’t 2 .
A market B centre C bar 3 don’t you ask that man
10 It’s today. There’s no sun. over there?
A warm B cloudy C sunny 4
A go to the beach this
/ 10 afternoon.
B That’s a good 5 . Can Ali
Grammar come too?
2 Complete the sentences. Write one word for A Of 6 .
each space.
A Hi Ellie. 7 are you today?
0 He lives in a village in the mountains.
B I’m fine, thanks.
1 Are any shops in the
village? A Ellie, 8 is Juan.
2 Have you a new computer B Hello, Juan. Nice to 9 you.
game? Welcome to England.
3 My dog like cats.
4 We have English lessons the /9
5 He lives in Czech Republic.
6 The town has got
interesting shops.


M15_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M15.indd 2 22/10/2012 15:47


Listening 0 Alicia is fifteen .

7 5 Listen to Eddie in Spain. Read the sentences A thirteen. B fifteen. C sixteen.
(1–7). Are the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)? 1 Alicia’s father is
A American. B English and American.
0 Jordi is the father of the homestay
✗ C English.
✓ 2 Alicia lives
0 Jordi studies English.
A on a farm. B in England.
1 Eddie goes to school with Cesc.
C in California.
2 He gets up at six o’clock.
3 Alicia sees her English grandparents
3 There is one lesson in the afternoons.
4 Eddie likes his classroom.
A in the winter. B in the summer.
5 In Spain he has a big lunch at school.
C at weekends.
6 They have dinner at nine o’clock
4 Alicia’s sister goes to a
in Spain.
A high school. B music school.
7 Eddie goes to bed at 9.30.
C new school.
/7 5 Alicia doesn’t like
A rap music. B hip hop music.
Reading C rock music.
6 Alicia’s brother wants to
6 Read the text. Read the sentences (1–7).
A be a driver. B be an actor.
Choose the best answer (A, B or C).
C work in a film studio.
Alicia Mason is fifteen years old. Her brother /6
George is sixteen and her sister Millie is
thirteen. Her mother is English, but her
father is American and the children have
both nationalities. They live in a nice house 7 Write the email with capital letters,
in California but her mother’s parents still apostrophes, full stops, commas and question
live in England. They have a farm and she marks in the correct places.
visits them in the summer holidays.
Her brother and sister go to the local high
hi gemma
school but Alicia wants to be a singer so she
goes to a special music school. Many famous theres a party on 4th july at the new
people send their children to this school. dance club in town it’s on friday can you
She plays the guitar and sings in a band with come my parents can drive us there i
some of her friends. They like rap and hip hope you can come
hop music. Her parents like rock music but love,
Alicia doesn’t. Her mum works in the school Jenny
office and her dad is a driver for a famous
actor. George wants to be an actor and he’s Hi Gemma
got a job at the weekends in a film studio.

½ mark for each correction /6

TOTAL / 50

M15_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M15.indd 3 22/10/2012 15:47

End-of-Year Tes Student B
Vocabulary 3 Write questions.

1 Read the sentences. Choose the best answer 0 How old / you?
(A, B or C). How old are you?
1 she / got / an MP3 player?
0 I’m American .
A Czech B Germany C American
2 how many chips / you / want?
1 What’s your sport?
A good B nice C favourite
3 I / take / your order?
2 My uncle’s son is my .
A brother B cousin C father
4 what books / he / like?
3 Please put the rubbish in the .
A floor B bin C poster
5 where / you / live?
4 My birthday is the of August.
A third B three C thirty
6 when / the film / start?
5 Turn the light before you leave
the room.
A at B down C off /6
6 He can the violin well.
A do B play C use Key Expressions
7 She doesn’t eat chocolate and cake. She’s
very  . 4 Complete the dialogues. Write one word for
each space.
A slim B straight C short
8 He breakfast at seven o’clock. A 0 Excuse me. Is 1 a post
A has B has got C does office near here?
9 They play football at the sports . B I2 know. Why
A market B bar C centre 3 you ask that man over
10 It’s today. There’s no sun. there?
A warm B sunny C cloudy 4
A Ellie, is Juan.
/ 10
B Hello, Juan. 5 to meet you.
Welcome to England.
A 6 go to the beach this
2 Complete the sentences. Write one word for afternoon.
each space.
B That’s a 7 idea. Can Ali
0 She lives in the Czech Republic. come too?
1 Do you want ice cream? 8
A course.
2 We play weekends.
3 She got blond hair. A Hi Ellie. How 9 you today?
4 Is an ice rink in your town? B I’m fine, thanks.
5 My brother like
mushrooms. /9
6 Have you got apples?


M15_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M15.indd 4 22/10/2012 15:47


Listening 0 Alicia is fifteen .

7 5 Listen to Eddie in Spain. Read the sentences A thirteen. B fifteen. C sixteen.
(1–7). Are the sentences true (✓) or false (✗)? 1 Alicia’s father is
A English. B English and American.
0 Jordi is the father of the homestay
✗ C American.
✓ 2 Alicia lives
0 Jordi studies English.
A on a farm. B in California.
1 Eddie goes to school with Jordi.
C in England.
2 He gets up at seven o’clock.
3 Alicia sees her English grandparents
3 There are no lessons in the afternoons.
4 Eddie doesn’t like his classroom.
A in the winter. B at weekends.
5 In Spain he has a lunch at home.
C in the summer.
6 They have dinner at 9.30 in Spain.
4 Alicia’s sister goes to a
7 Eddie goes to bed at eleven o’clock.
A music school. B high school.
/7 C new school.
5 Alicia doesn’t like
Reading A rock music. B hip hop music.
C rap music.
6 Read the text. Read the sentences (1–7).
6 Alicia’s brother wants to
Choose the best answer (A, B or C).
A be an actor. B be a driver.
Alicia Mason is fifteen years old. Her brother C work in a film studio.
George is sixteen and her sister Millie is /6
thirteen. Her mother is English, but her
father is American and the children have
both nationalities. They live in a nice house
in California but her mother’s parents still 7 Write the email with capital letters,
live in England. They have a farm and she apostrophes, full stops, commas and question
visits them in the summer holidays. marks in the correct places.

Her brother and sister go to the local high

school but Alicia wants to be a singer so she
hi gemma
goes to a special music school. Many famous
people send their children to this school. theres a party on 4th july at the new
She plays the guitar and sings in a band with dance club in town can you come it’s on
some of her friends. They like rap and hip friday my parents can drive us there i
hop music. Her parents like rock music but hope you can come
Alicia doesn’t. Her mum works in the school love,
office and her dad is a driver for a famous Jenny
actor. George wants to be an actor and he’s
got a job at the weekends in a film studio. Hi Gemma

½ mark for each correction /6

TOTAL / 50

M15_CHAL_TRB_STAGLB_8552_M15.indd 5 22/10/2012 15:47

End-of-Year Tes Answer Key
End-of-Year Test Answer Key Student A
1 1  B  2  A  3  C  4  C  5  B  6  C  7  B  8  C  9  B  10  B
2 1  there  2  got  3  doesn’t  4  in  5  the  6  some
3 1  Where does he live?  2  Has he got a mobile?  3  How many
languages can/do they speak?  4  When does the lesson start? 
5  What subjects do you like?  6  Can I take your order?
Key Expressions
4 1  near  2  know  3  Why  4  Let’s  5  idea  6  course  7  How 
8  this  9  meet
5 1  ✓  2  7  3  7  4  ✓  5  7  6  7  7  7
6 1  A  2  C  3  B  4  A  5  C  6  B
There’s a party on 4th July at the new dance club in town. It’s on
Friday. Can you come? My parents can drive us there. I hope you
can come.

End-of-Year Test Answer Key Student B

1 1  C  2  B  3  B  4  A  5  C  6  B  7  A  8  A  9  C  10  C
2 1  an/some  2  at  3  has  4  there  5  doesn’t  6  any
3 1  Has she got an MP3 player?  2  How many chips do you want? 
3  Can I take your order?  4  What books does he like?  5  Where do
you live?  6  When does the film start?
Key Expressions
4 1  there  2  don’t  3  don’t  4  this  5  Nice  6  Let’s  7  good/great 
8  Of  9  are
5 1  ✗  2  3  3  3  4  ✗  5  3  6  3  7  3
6 1  C  2  B  3  C  4  B  5  A  6  A`
There’s a party on 4th July at the new dance club in town. Can
you come? It’s on Friday. My parents can drive us there. I hope
you can come.

Z04_CHAL_TES_STAGLB_8552_Z04.indd 66 25/10/2012 15:51

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