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Peer Observation

Peer Observation Number: (1)

Date/Time: October 25,2018 / 8:50 – 9:40 Name of Student Teacher to be observed: Amal Ebrahim

Setting: PYB Rak Academy Grade: 3

Topic for the lesson: Name of Observer/Critical Friend: Meera Adnan

Title of Lesson: habitat

Strand: Living world

Learning Outcomes:

 The students will be able to determine the name of the habitat and animal in which they live.

 The students will be able to classify each habitat with the right animals that are lives in this habitat.


 The student-teacher wants to look at how well she uses the 5Es or how well she questions.

 The student-teacher wants to focus on the students that have misconception.

 The student-teacher wants to give the students the description about the habitat or the pictures of some
animals that lives in these habitats to can students figure out the name of this habitat.

Observed Strengths: Suggestions for further development:

- She started with a great engagement activity. - At the begging of the lesson, she should to say,
“today we will learn about the certain animals”.
- She improved the student’s prior knowledge by
asking them about the meaning of habitat.
- Must provide a video about different habitats.
- Ask students a lot of questions.

- Present the picture of the habitat with their - Show the students the pictures with write the
names. questions.

The conducting a formal observation is the best way to observe our friends, because this can
help me to understand more what the strength and what the areas of development that we need
to do in the next future lesson. However, my colleague feels good when observed Amal,
because she did the great lesson which was about the animal habitats and she did a lot of
activities that students can understand the lesson more. My colleague is agreed with my
evaluation, because we are together compatible in the opinion which the lesson was active,
and it covered all the information that should to give it to the students. Therefore, the
suggestions that me and my colleague made it are the student-teacher must to be attention
more in misbehavior students, and put a description for the habitats, such as the student-
teacher should provide some pictures of the animals or pictures of plants and give them a short
paragraph of this habitat.

Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
 
Displays a high standard of professional behavior, which includes
punctuality and readiness for the session.

Shows initiative and enthusiasm during the session.

Promotes a positive learning environment & builds good rapport with the

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

The student-teacher has a good relationship with the MST and the pupils, and she did the professional work during
teaching practice.

1 2 3 4 5
Planning for Learning  

Provides a lesson plan, which includes all the required information and
has clear and explicit learning outcomes.

Shows a student-centered focus in the lesson plan.

Incorporates differentiation through activities, questioning and/or
learning styles.

Materials and resources for teaching are of high quality and appropriate
to the level of the learner.

Formative and/or summative assessment activities are included in the

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

- The student-teacher has the lesson plan and it covered all the lesson activities with the instructions
in details.
- The student-teacher bring all the lesson materials that the learners needed.

1 2 3 4 5
Implementing and Managing Learning  

Uses accurate and appropriate language.

Maintaining engagement – independence

Ensures instructions, questions & explanations are clear, accurate &

Uses effective questioning & elicitation (probe, praise, rephrase, redirect)

Establishes and maintains clear and consistent rules & routines.

Maintains an appropriate pace to challenge and motivate the students.

Uses a range of teaching strategies.

Manages lesson time effectively.

Comments or reasons for scoring above:

Monitoring and Assessment 1 2 3 4 5

 
Monitors student progress effectively during the session.

Provides ongoing feedback to students to enhance learning during the

Uses formative and summative assessment instruments such as checklists,
grading scales, rubrics, tests and projects etc. to evaluate students’
performance. 
Comments or reasons for scoring above:

The student-teacher assess the pupils at the end of the class to see if they understand the lesson or not.

Feedback meeting date: October 18,2018 Time: 8:50- 9:40

Observer signature: Meera Adnan Date: October 18,2018

Observee signature: Amal Ebrahim Date: October 18,2018

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