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Here are some advice that I find in the book and I would like to share it here:

Advice number one: Everyone Starts Playing Go as a Beginner

Keep you pride and modesty and don t be arrogant . This is my motto that helps me rem
ain humble and not to be arrogant. I used this phrase as the title of this book.
Advice number two: A model to improve Go
Before going to bed at night, practice 4 problems, 5 to 10 times each so your fi
ngers remember them. Place those problem diagrams in the four corners of the Go
board and leave them till next morning. When you wake up, solve the problems onl
y with your eyes. In other words, solve them by just looking, not using stones.
It trains your mind to imagine the answer diagram without using stones. Four pro
blems one night, and another four the following night . After 100 nights, it accum
ulates to 400 problems. After doing this for three months, your winning rate sho
uld be improved dramatically. ** Practice 1 meter golf putt 100 times a day for
100 days. It may result in a miracle. Please, try it.
Advice number three: Importance of repeated practice
Like remembering letters by writing them repeatedly, you will open a learning ci
rcuit in your brain by placing stones on the board repetitiously. And when your
understanding deepens, you realize your Go skill has amazingly improved.
Fallingstones clarification: For those who do not know, what was meant by remember
ing letters is that when we learn Chinese characters or Japanese characters for e
xample, it is through rote memorization of the word since it is not like English
. There is no choice. You just have to memorize the character by writing and rep
eating it endlessly.
Now that our course in the Japan club has been going on for more than 2 months,
we are now starting the so called Module B which is a more advanced lessons on G
o. This is targeted to get the player to a solid 12k to 15k range. Yesterday we
had our first lesson concerning the Opening (Fuseki) and next week, is also on F
useki. Then I plan to talk a bit on how to use some common josekis, i.e. josekis
that every 12k-15k should know, focusing on the rationale for the joseki moves
instead of pure rote memorization. Then The lesson will venture into the importa
nt Middle Game, with a lot of focus on attack and defense. Then it will end with
a more advanced lesson on the Endgame (Yose).
Let s hope that there is a new generation of Go players in Malaysia. Go is just to
o wonderful a game to lose its appeal to the young. All Go players have the resp
onsibility to teach and transmit the game to others. As Denji Aihara said, Everyo
ne starts playing Go as a beginner .

Falling Stones aren't Heavy

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