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P. O. Box 357 Mathews, VA 23109 (804) 725-3457 www.redeeming-grace.


December 12, 2018

To the Chairman of the ARBCA Administrative Council:

RGBC has been associated with ARBCA virtually since its inception in 2000. During that
time, it has been a great encouragement to us to be able to support the mission of ARBCA in
seeing the gospel spread to various parts of the world and seeing biblical churches planted.
Along with that, I have personally enjoyed the fellowship of many pastors and elders who
are also a part of ARBCA.

It saddens my heart to have to compose a resignation letter stating our church’s intent to
withdraw our membership from the association we have been a part of for so many years.
The issues are too great to overlook regarding the recommendation and admission into
ARBCA of Christ Reformed Baptist Church, Hales Corner, and specifically their former
pastor, Tom Chantry. Because of this, RGBC voted on Sunday, December 9, to disassociate
from ARBCA. We will fulfill our ARBCA support obligations through the end of the year as
we have previously committed.

We have done our best to look into these matters prayerfully and with an open mind. Based
on the document evidence that has been provided which we have examined, there are still
many questions that remain. Because we do not know the hearts and motives of men, we do
not presume to know exhaustively why actions were or were not taken when the informal
council initially investigated the reports and accusations surrounding Chantry. However, the
glaring issues that loom large which we cannot tolerate are the decisions and actions taken by
the Membership Committee and Administrative Council which led to the recommendation
of CRBC, Hales Corner, to the unsuspecting churches of ARBCA. We have read the reasons
stated of why the recommendation went forward to the churches, but we feel in doing so the
larger matter of the trust of the ARBCA churches was violated.
We will continue to pray that the Lord’s will might be done through the churches and
missionaries who are still a part of ARBCA. I continue to have many friends who are pastors
and elders in ARBCA churches. I trust our friendships will continue. RGBC recognizes that
this is a difficult season for ARBCA; therefore, we will continue to pray for those churches
that choose to remain within ARBCA seeking to bring about needed reforms.


Van L. Loomis, Jr.


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