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Chapter________________________________ Date Submitted ______________

To be completed by the candidate applying for the Chapter Degree and submitted to the chairman of the Degree
Date Completed

 Hold the Greenhand Degree. ________

 Completed at least one year of instruction in agricultural education (180 hours) ________
at or above the ninth grade level and enrolled in an agriculture class.

 Have in operation a supervised agricultural experience (SAE). ________

Attach a description of your SAE.

 Earned at least $150 or worked at least 45 hours or a combination thereof through an SAE. ________
Include records that document this achievement.

 Participated in the planning and conducting of at least three chapter activities. ________
List activities on the back of this application.

 Effectively led a group discussion for 15 minutes. ________


 Demonstrated five parliamentary procedure abilities. ________


 Shown progress toward achievement in FFA award programs. ________

List major awards on the back of this application.

 Have a satisfactory scholastic record. GPA: _________ ________

 Participated in at least 10 hours of community service activities. ________


Having met these requirements, I hereby submit this application for the Chapter FFA Degree.

____________________________________________________ ______________
Member’s Signature Date


I/We have reviewed this application and certify that the candidate has met the requirements and will be awarded
the Chapter FFA Degree.

___________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Degree Committee’s Signature Date FFA Advisor’s Signature Date

Chapter Degree will be awarded on: _________________

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