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NAME OF MEMBER: __________________________________

 I am enrolled in career & technical agricultural class(es).

 I have a satisfactory Supervised Agricultural Experience Project planned for the current
year. (Please provide information on SAE on next page)
 I have earned and can explain the meaning of the creed.
 I can recite from memory the FFA motto and the Salute.
 I know the FFA colors and can describe the FFA emblem and symbols.
 I can explain the proper use of the FFA Jacket.
 I can identify the historical highlights of the FFA Organization.
 I know the duties and responsibilities of FFA members and have an understanding o the
aim and purposes, proper use of the FFA jacket and Code of Ethics of the FFA.
 I personally own or have access to an Official FFA Manual.
 I have submitted an application for Degree for Chapter Records.

Having met these requirements, I herby submit this application for the Greenhand FFA

___________________________________ ___________________________
Member’s Signature Date

-------CHAPTER USE ONLY-------

We have reviewed this application and certify that the candidate has met the requirements
and will be awarded the Greenhand FFA Degree?

___________________________________ ____________________________
Advisor’s Signature Date

___________________________________ ____________________________
Chapter President’s Signature Date

Date Degree was granted: __________________________

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