DraftMinutes BABCC AGM 20th November 2018

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Blythswood  &  Broomielaw  Community  Council  
Meeting  Details:  20th  Nov.    2018,  19h15  at  200  West  Regent  St.,  G2.  
1:-­  Attendees:  
-­‐ Irene  Loudon  (Chair),    
-­‐ Christopher  Collins  (Secretary),    
-­‐ Alistair  McCusker  (Treasurer),    
-­‐ Les  Willox  (Member),      
-­‐ Gillian  Daniel  (Member),  
-­‐ Alex  Cheung  (Member),  
-­‐ Steph  Stewart  (Member),  
-­‐ Adrian  Nairn  (Associate  &  Garnethill  Displaced  Residents  Group  Spokesperson),  
-­‐ Gill  Hutchison  (Associate  &  Sauchiehall  St.  Inner  Cordon  Businesses)  
-­‐ David  Hutchison  (Biggars  Music),  
-­‐ Daniele  Lapi  (Police  Scotland),  
-­‐ Baillie  Christy  Mearns  (Ex-­‐officio),  
-­‐ Cllr.  Angus  Millar  (Ex-­‐officio),  
-­‐ Jane  Sutherland  (Garnethill  CC),  
-­‐ Rhi  McCrorie  (Garnethill  CC),  
-­‐ Harriet  Simms  (GSoA).  
Apologies  from:    
-­‐ Donna  Pope  (Member),    
-­‐ Reshmee  Cheung  (Member),  
-­‐ Cllr.  Philip  Braat  (Ex-­‐officio),  
-­‐ Lord  Provost  Eva  Bolander  (Ex-­‐officio),  
2:-­  Approve  Minutes  from  previous  AGM.    
(Not  Applicable)  
3:-­  Approve  Chair’s  Annual  Report.  
o Text  of  Chair’s  report  in  Addendum  I.    
o Meeting  unanimously  approved  report  
4:-­  Approve  Treasurer’s  submission  of  independently  examined  Statement  of  Accounts.  
o Treasurer  read  out  itemized  expenditure  and  supplied  list  included  in  Addendum  II.  
o Due  to  B&B  CC’s  start-­‐up  in  May  2018,  it  was  agreed  with  Democratic  Services  that  a  full  
independent  examination  of  the  accounts  would  occur  in  August  2019,  to  that  end,  B&B  
CC  have  provisionally  nominated  two  named  persons  for  full  accounts  review  in  2019,  for  
the  period  starting  from  May  2018.  
5:-­  Note  the  implementation/continuation  of  the  Scheme  for  the  Establishment  of  CC’s.  
o Scheme  2013  noted  and  mentioned  a  new  Scheme  on  its  way  in  2019.  
6:-­  Current  office  bearers  step  down.  
7:-­  Election  of  office  bearers.  
o Chair  re-­‐elected:  Irene  Loudon,  
o Treasurer  re-­‐elected:  Alistair  McCusker,  
o Secretary  re-­‐elected:  Chris  Collins.  
8:-­  Confirm  that  the  Constitution  is  signed/dated  by  the  Chair  and  two  other  members.  
o Noted,  and  confirmed  that  signatories  are  still  members.  
9:-­  Note  the  appointment  of  an  Independent  Examiner  of  accounts  for  next  year.  
o As  per  item  4,  provisionally  nominated  two  named  persons  for  full  accounts  review  in  
2019,  for  the  period  starting  from  may  2018.    
10:-­  Note  the  appointment  of  Associate  Members.  
o In  2018,  B&B  CC  appointed  the  following  Associate  Members:  
 Adrian  Nairn  
 Gill  Hutchison  
11:-­  Review  inventory  and  additional  resources.  
o Provisionally  nominated  two  named  persons  for  full  accounts  review  in  2019,  starting  
from  may  2018.  
12:-­  Chairperson  to  declare  date  of  AGM  in  2019,  and  closes  2018  AGM.  
o AGM  2019  will  be  on  Tues.  15th  October,  provisionally  7.15pm.  
o Ordinary  meeting  schedule  for  2019  was  also  agreed,  as  per  Addendum  III.  
o Venue  discussion:  it  was  agreed  to  discuss  changing  the  venue  for  ordinary  meetings  
occurring  in  2019.  This  will  happen  at  the  ordinary  meeting  on  18th  Dec.  2018.  Alex  C.  
suggested  a  possibility  if  his  colleagues  agree;  another  option  is  St.  Columba  church.  
Addendum  I:  Chair’s  report.  
Report  by  Chair,  Irene  Loudon  
Once  upon  a  time  there  was  a  vibrant  and  friendly  community  council  which  was  bisected  by  a  major  
motorway.     It   comprised   the   district   of   Anderston   to   the   west….and   a   part   of   Glasgow   city   to   the  
east….and   was   called   Anderston   and   City   Community   Council.   One   day,   Glasgow   City   Council   had   the  
bright  idea  to  divorce  “City”  from  its  counterpart  west  of  the  motorway  and  rename  it  “Blythswood  and  
Broomielaw”….with  a  view  to  establishing  a  separate  and  new  community  council  called  by  that  name.  
The   plan   fell   through,   as   despite   robust   canvassing,   only   one   potential   member   could   be  
Now,   after   many   years,   I   am   proud   to   declare   that….spearheaded   by   our   secretary,   Chris  
Collins….Blythswood  and  Broomielaw  Community  Council  is  alive  and  kicking!  
Having   been   in   existence   for   only   six   months,   we   are   still   in   our   infancy….but   what   an   indomitable  
infant  we  are  proving  to  be!      
Apart   from   routine   day   to   day   issues   of   commercial   bins   and   fly-­‐tipping,   we   have   been   vigorously  
addressing  noise  pollution,  graffiti,  obstruction,  anti-­‐social  behaviour  and  more….and  have  played  our  
part  in  successful  objections  to  planning  applications.  
Whether   actively   involved   or   in   role   of   observer,   we   have   attended   meetings   of   Glasgow   Centre   for  
Population   Health,   The   Sauchiehall   Street   Task   Force,   Anderston/City/Yorkhill   Area   Partnership,   The  
Avenues  Project    and  most  recently,  the  City  Council  Development  Session.  We  have  also  been  present  
at  the  Parliamentary  Committee  Hearings  relating  to  the  devastating  Glasgow  School  of  Art  fire(s).  
At   our   inaugural   meeting   on   29th   May,   little   did   we   know   what   tragedy   lay   ahead:     The   devastating  
destruction  by  fire  on  15thJune  of  what  was  considered  by  many  to  be  the  city’s  most  iconic  building  and  
the   aftermath   of   traumatic   emotional   and   material   toll   on   the   lives   of   so   many   local   residents   and  
As   B&BCC   north   boundary   line   runs   along   the   south   side   of   Sauchiehall   Street   which   houses   affected  
homes   and   businesses,   our   secretary   Chris   Collins   has   been   heavily   involved   in   the   aftermath.   Shoulder  
to   shoulder   with   Adrian   Nairn,   spokesperson   for   Garnethill   Displaced   Residents   Group….he   has  
endeavoured   to   support   human   victims   of   the   fire   along   with   Gill   Hutchison,   spokesperson   for  
Sauchiehall   Street   Inner   Cordon   Businesses   Group.     We   are   delighted   that   both   Adrian   and   Gill   have  
joined  us  as  associate  members.    
Prior   to   that   fateful   night   of   15thJune,   Blythswood   and   Broomielaw   Community   Council   had   been  
contemplating   what   seemed   to   be   logical   boundary   changes.   This   included   streamlining   our   M8  
motorway   boundary   with   Anderston   Community   Council   and   forming   an   agreement   with   Garnethill  
Community   Council   that   either   they   or   we   adopt   representative   responsibility   for   both   the   north   and  
south  sides  of  Sauchiehall  Street.    
 Anderston   Community   Council   unhesitatingly   agreed   to   our   proposal.     By   contrast,   Garnethill  
Community  Council  resisted  our  proposal  and  has  appeared  reluctant  to  enter  into  meaningful  dialogue.    
For   the   time   being,   therefore,   Sauchiehall   Street   status   quo   remains:     GCC   representing   Sauchiehall  
Street  north  and  B&BCC  representing  Sauchiehall  Street  south.  
My   hope   for   Blythswood   and   Broomielaw   Community   Council   for   the   coming   year   is   that   it   will  
continue   to   thrive   and   make   a   positive   contribution   to   the   life   of   the   community.     Suggestions   for  
consideration  will  always  be  welcome.  
At  present  we  are  planning  strategic  support  for  businesses  yet  to  be  affected  by  the  ongoing  Avenues  
Project   and   looking   for   ways   to   help   alleviate   the   major   problem   of   homelessness   on   our   doorstep.    
Possible   engagement   with   the   financial   district   and   students   of   the   Glasgow   School   of   Art   is   also   on   our  
Before   I   close,   I   wish   to   express   my   thanks   to   those   who   have   contributed   to   the   success   of   Blythswood  
and  Broomielaw  Community  Council  so  far.  
1.     Community   Council   Officer,   Steven   Dowling   for   his   helpful   responsiveness   and   assistance   in  
establishing  B&BCC.  
2.  Duncan  Mitchell  of  St  Columba  Church  for  his  warmth  and  gracious  offer  of  on-­‐going  support.      
3.   Scott   Parsons,   Glasgow   School   of   Art   director   of   strategy   and   marketing,   for   his   consideration   and  
initiating  our  use  of  GSA  premises  at  200  West  Regent  Street….free  gratis.  
4.  Gordon  Webb  (GSA  head  of  continuing  education)  and  Fiona  Sloan  (GSA  residential  accommodation  
manager)  for  welcoming  us  as  guests.  
5.    Kirsty  Hamilton  and  Edmund  Smith  for  their  invaluable  guidance  and  support.    
6.    Councillors  Bolander,  Braat,  Mearns  and  Millar  for  their  time  and  expertise.  
7.    PC  Dani  Lapi  of  Police  Scotland  and  his  colleagues  for  professional  support  and  council.  
8.    Speakers  and  presenters  for  giving  of  their  time  to  inform  and  educate:  
               Ian  Elder  (GCC/DRS)    
               Alison  Thewliss  (MP)  
             Jessica  Watson  (Glasgow  Centre  for  Population  Health)    
             Teri  Porter  (CBRE)  
             Tom  Court  (Newgate)  
             Mark  Adams  (McAleer  and  Rushe)  
             Brian  Maddin  (Consarl)  
9.      Susan  Wallace  for  her  contributions  in  support  of  the  displaced  residents,  affected  businesses  and  
the  development  and  administration  of  Blythswood  and  Broomielaw  Community  Council.        
10.    Gillian  Daniel  and  Les  Willox  our  digital  secretaries,  for  invaluable  technical  support.      
11.    Alistair  McCusker,  our  treasurer  for  his  competency  and  commitment.  
12.    All  attendees  for  just  being  present.  
And  finally………………………..  
13.     A   massive   thank   you   and   salute   to   our   major   player….Dr   Chris   Collins….   for   his   ardour   and  
unstinting  commitment  to  his  task  as  secretary  and  to  the  community!  
It  is  said  that  “to  be  successful,  a  community  council  must  have  an  energetic  and  conscientious  secretary  
prepared   to   put   in   the   necessary   time   and   effort.”   How   blessed   is   Blythswood   and   Broomielaw  
Community  Council  to  have  such  a  secretary!!!!  
Irene  Loudon  (Chair,  Blythswood  and  Broomielaw  Community  Council)  
Tuesday  20th  November  2018.  

Addendum  II:  Treasurer’s  itemized  list  of  expenditure.  

Addendum  III:  Ordinary  meeting  and  AGM  schedule  for  2019.  
Meetings  will  commence  at  7.15pm  ,  venue  yet  to  be  decided.  
January February March
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AGM  2019  to  be  included  in  October  15th  meeting.  


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