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 &  Broomielaw  Community  Council  

Meeting  Details:  18  Sept.    2018,  19h15  at  200  West  Regent  St.,  G2.  

-­‐ Irene  Loudon  (Chair),    
-­‐ Christopher  Collins  (Secretary),    
-­‐ Alistair  McCusker  (Treasurer),    
-­‐ Les  Willox  (Member),      
-­‐ Gillian  Daniel  (Member),  
-­‐ Donna  Pope  (Member),    
-­‐ Alex  Cheung  (Member),  
-­‐ Susan  Wallace  (Member),  
-­‐ Anna  Smith  (Resident),  
-­‐ Edmund  Smith  (Resident),  
-­‐ Adrian  Nairn  (Garnethill  Displaced  Residents  Group  Spokesperson),  
-­‐ Teri  Porter,  CBRE  (regarding  planning  application  18/01633/FUL).  
-­‐ Tom  Court,  Newgate,  
-­‐ Mark  Adams,  McAleer  &  Rushe,  
-­‐ Brian  Maddin,  Consarc,  
-­‐ Daniele  Lapi  (Police  Scotland),  
-­‐ Andy  Reid  (Police  Scotland).  
Apologies  from:    
-­‐ Baillie  Christy  Mearns  (Ex-­‐officio),  
-­‐ Lord  Provost  Eva  Bolander  (Ex-­‐officio),  
-­‐ Reshmee  Cheung  (Member),  
-­‐ Fiona  Sloan  (GSoA),  
-­‐ Gill  Hutchison  (Biggars  Music  &  Sauchiehall  St.  Inner  Cordon  Businesses)  
Chair’s  Items:  
-­‐ Procedure  for  comments  during  meeting:  raise  hand,  speaker  may  or  may  not  give  way.  
-­‐ General  etiquette;  adjournments  will  be  made  in  the  event  of  disruption.  
-­‐ Fire  Alarm  procedures.  
Treasurer’s  Report:  
-­‐ Bank  account  Balance  £404.52    
-­‐ Deductions  to  come  (cheques  written):  £0.  
-­‐ Expected  balance:  £404.52  
-­‐ Regarding  action  outstanding  on  query  to  Democratic  Services  re.  why  not  received  exactly  £500,  
Alistair  reports  our  income  was  £500  +  £22.30  (population  allowance),  minus  £67.78  (insurance).  
-­‐ Alistair  has  asked  for  a  copy  of  the  policy,  for  which  we  paid    £67.78  back  to  GCC.  
-­‐ A   Member   of   the   Public   commented   that   it   may   be   possible   to   get   a   £500   allowance   for   the   B&B   CC  
website,   but   a   subsequent   enquiry   by   Alistair   has   not   been   fruitful;   no   mention   was   made   of  
specialized  funding  from  GCC.    
Minutes  of  last  meeting    21st  Aug.  2018  were  approved.  
Actions  Outstanding  from  Previous  meetings:  
• ACTION:     PC   Lapi   to   contact   The   Arches   re.   parking/Licensing   &   report   back   on   progress.    
(Completed,  see  later)  
• ACTION:  Alistair  to  query  why  we  did  not  get  the  expected  £500  (See  item  3,  above).  

• ACTION:   Leaflet   Anderston/Dundasvale   re.   boundary   changes.   Pin-­‐point   residential  
locations  to  deliver  to.  (Completed)  
• ACTION:   Alex   C./Chris   C.   to   follow-­‐up   again   with   Cllr.   Millar   &   PC   Lapi   regarding   possible  
actions  re  speeding,  e.g.  community  safety  /  radar  guns  /  stretched  ropes.  
• ACTION:  Alistair  M.  will  meet  PCs  Lapi/Webber  and  to  report  back  on  outstanding  issues  
re  Oswald  St.  and  Midland  St.  
• ACTION:  Graffiti  –  The  Merchant  on  W.  George  St.  –  NB:  Should  be  solved  before  next  mtg.  
• ACTION:   Leaflet   has   been   produced,   to   distribute   to   residents   in   general,   to   improve  
awareness  of  B&BCC’s  existence,  its  meeting  schedule,  remit  and  duties.  
• ACTION:  Steph.  S.  &  James  Stewart  to  get  info  re  marches  and  present  to  meeting.    
• ACTION:  Adrian  +  Steph  to  meet  re.  Lane  Activation  Fund  ideas/proposals?  
• ACTION:  Chris  C  to  contact  the  case  officer  for  18/00070/PAN  
• ACTION:   Cllr.   Mearns   to   send   details   of   the   Open   Space   Strategy   when   available,   and   how  
to  raise  Blythswood  Square  for  consultation.  
Police  matters:  
-­‐ PC's  Daniele  Lapi  and  Andy  Reid  were  in  attendance  and  raised  some  recent  concerns  including:  
o Antisocial  behaviour  around  23-­‐33  Oswald  St.  
o ACTION:  PC  Lapi  and  Donna  P.  to  liaise  re.  Oswald  St  flats    before  next  meeting  in  November.  
o “Boy  Racers”  –  Pc  Lapi  again  encourages  us  to  report  incidences  of  speeding/revving,  as  a  
review   is   underway   of   the   areas   used   and   disturbances   caused.   More   reports   means   more  
information   on   where   they   “Boy   Racers”   are   driving   for   new   byelaws/traffic   restrictions.  
The  number  of  calls  has  been  generally  quite  low.  
o Graffiti:   Gillian   D.   &   Chris   C:   Merchant   Pub   (West   George   St.)   offensive   Graffiti   on   a   3rd-­‐floor  
window.   PC   Lapi   has   talked   to   the   manager,   and   this   should   be   removed   inside   a   week   or  
o Regarding  homelessness  issues  e.g.  in  the  doorways  of  BHS  on  Sauchiehall  St./Renfield  St.  
• Irene:  lodged  concerns  re.  wellbeing  of  individuals.  
• PC   Lapi   has   found   members   of   the   public   hostile   when   he   tries   to   investigate   regarding  
welfare   –   people   often   wrongly   assume   the   police   are   harassing   them/asking   them   to  
• To   make   an   impact/help   people,   we   will   have   to   consider   actions   carefully.   E.g.   some  
people   may,   or   may   not   know   the   law   surrounding   homelessness,   which   can   be   used   to  
obtain  accommodation.  
o No   more   fights   reported   outside   Bistro/Bamboo   on   West   Regent   St.,   though   the   last   one  
involved   50+   people   at   03h30.   PC   Lapi   recommends   calling   999   if   witnessed,   and   101   for  
noise  issues.      
o Arches   Licence   –   considering   the   event   on   27th   October,   the   licence   has   not   changed,  
according  to  PC  Lapi.    
o Personal  safety  in  Lanes  was  discussed,  in  the  context  of  two  recent  sexual  assaults  in  close  
• PC   Lapi   confirmed   that   two   different   people   had   been   arrested   for   those   offences,   and  
there  does  not  appear  to  be  a  serial  attacker  on  the  loose.  Lanes  in  general  are  a  problem.  
Matters  Arising:  
Two  motions  were  put  before  the  members,  proposed  by  Irene  Loudon  and  seconded  by  Gillian  Daniel:  
Motion  1:  
In  light  of  the  materially  different  urban  mix  and  usage  types  in  the  proposed  annexation,  and  the  fact  
that   Garnethill   Community   Council   have   not   consulted   residents,   businesses,   or   us   as   their  
neighbouring   impacted   Community   Council,   Blythswood   &   Broomielaw   Community   Council   hereby  
opposes   in   the   strongest   terms   the   suggested   boundary   changes   which   Garnethill   Community  
Council   resolved   to   submit   at   their   meeting   of   11th   September   2018,   both   southwards   to   Bath  
St.,  and  eastwards  into  Dundasvale.    
Motion  2:    
After  the  strengthening  of  the  community  and  direct  contact  with  businesses  and  individuals  in  the  area  
concerned   since   the   GSoA   fire   on   15th   June   2018,     Blythswood   &   Broomielaw   Community   Council  
hereby   withdraws   our   prior   offer   to   cede   the   south   side   of   Sauchiehall   St.   and   Sauchiehall   Ln.   to  
Garnethill  Comunity  Council.  
NB:  To  be  clear,  Blythswood  &  Broomielaw  Community  Council  are  absolutely  still  proposing  to  
positively  adopt  the  southern  part  of  Dundasvale,  and  the  Anderston/M8  "notch",  we  have  leafletted  
those  areas,  and  made  contact  with  relevant  Community  Councils  /  CIG's  etc.  Motions  1  &  2  affect  only  
the  boundary  which  currently  runs  along  Sauchiehall  St.  
Both  motions  1  and  2  were  passed  unanimously.  
Proposal  of  Associate  Members:  
Adrian  Nairn  –  Garnethill  Displaced  Residents  Group    
Gill  Hutchison  –  Biggars  Music  &  Sauchiehall  St.  Inner  Cordon  Businesses    
(Both  proposed  by  Irene  Loudon,    seconded  by  Gillian  Daniel)  
Members  voted  unanimously  to  incorporate  Adrian  and  Gill  as  Associate  Members  of  B&B  CC.  
Secretary’s  report:  
1. Next Area Partnerships PUBLIC MEETING on 4th October, 2pm, City Chambers.
-­‐ There are 23 APs, with elected members, and a budget for local grants.
-­‐ see:
-­‐ Our AP is Anderston, City & Yorkhill, chaired by Cllr. Millar.
-­‐ It has 6 “residents” places, all currently filled.
-­‐ Cllr. Millar will hopefully get an extra seat for a member from this CC.
-­‐ Augustʼs meeting was fruitful, though we do not yet have a seat.
-­‐ For now, I am happy to continue to represent us.. Other volunteers?
2. Sauchiehall St. Task Force –tomorrow– 19th Sept. 3.30pm, City Chambers.
-­‐ Again, I am happy to continue to represent us.. Other volunteers?
3. The AGM in November…We must elect officers, so please consider nominating yourselves
for Chair, Sec, Treas., vice-Chair, etc. Also, our treasurer will need to provide an itemised
income/expenditure statement (SD: no requirement for external audit until August 2019)

Planning Lists:
- Planning: Many small applications e.g. basement bike store, signage etc. Larger projects need a
"Proposal of Application Notice" (PoAN).
- ACTION OUTSTANDING: Chris C to contact the case officer for 18/00070/PAN (Site
Bounded By Robertson St.).

18/02171/CON&18/02170/FUL: 72 Broomielaw demolition of ex public house, use as carpark

 Appeared on weekly list sent 23rd August, objections deadline expired 14/18th Sept!
 Due to expiry before our meeting, I have been including it in correspondence.
 Personally handed in four letters of comment on Friday 14th September.
 Historic site of a pub for 172 years; connection with Robert Louis Stevenson.

18/02506/LBA & 18/02508/FUL: 5-7 Blythswood Sq. Conversion of office to Hotel.

 North-east corner of Blythswood Sq.,
 Historic location for Madeleine Smithʼs alleged poisoning of suitor, not proven verdict.
o David Lean directed a 1950 film “Madeleine” about this case, partly filmed on
 Notified on 30th August, Expiry: 21st / 25th September 2018, respectively.
 Historic Scotland have requested more time to examine this, but they later told me by phone
that much of the building was renovated in the 1980ʼs and historic details were lost.

18/01806/PAN: 109 West Nile St. (Blue Lagoon, Iron Horse PH)
• PoAN: Demolition of building and erection of hotel (Class 7) and associated works.
• Now re-appeared (had disappeared from the lists since 20th June.)

18/02398/FUL: 393 Sauchiehall St., Former Bank (Class 2) to Restaurant (Class 3).
• This application is a resubmission of previous by German Doner Kebab Ltd..
• Closing date for comments/objections: 28th Sept. 2018.
• The long history shows there were 13 objections previously, yet only one so far.
• B&B CC wonders whether neighbour notifications and posters have been put up?
• B&B CC will try to put in as many comments as possible, in order to ensure the application is
reviewed properly by GCC.

Please note: Steph Stewartʼs guide to commenting on planning applications:

Appendix A &

- - - - - Planning Items Included on Prior Reports Omitted - - - - -

Councillor’s  reports  :    
Unfortunately,  no  City  Councillors  were  present  at  the  meeting,  however    Cllr.  Christy  Mearns  informed  
us  that  later  that  the  “Open  Space  Strategy”  is  still  pending,  and  we  would  be  supplied  with  a  copy  as  
soon  as  possible.  
NB:   GCC’s   “Open   Space   Strategy”   –   vacant   or   derelict   land   can   be   designated   as   open   space,   and   the  
strategy  covers  how  it  should  be  protected.    
o A  key  piece  of  open  space  is  Blythswood  Sq.,  and  the  CC  should  engage  with  the  owners  
and  also  raise  this  for  consultation.  
o George  Square  consultation  is  already  running  to  ban  traffic  from  part/all  of  the  square.          
o Pitt  St.  development  (17/03477/DC)  will  create  public  open  space.  

Renfrew  St./  Renfield  St.  development  (Dundasvale  CC  inactive  area):  Guest  Presentation.  
Mark  Adams  (McAleer  &  Rushe),  Brian  Maddin  (Consarc)  &  Teri  Porter  (CBRE)  regarding  the  proposal  
for  Student  Accommodation/Hotel.    
A  link  to  the  presentation  will  hopefully  be  available  soon  (requested).  
Verbal   comments   made   by   Mark   Adams   asserted   that   McAleer   &   Rushe   have   currently   26   live   projects,  
4  in  Glasgow,  over  20k  hotel  rooms  across  many  brands  have  been  supplied  across  the  UK,  and  3000  
student  beds,  and  a  large  amount  of  office  space  for  clients  such  as  HMRC  etc.        
Discussions  followed.  The  main  points  were  concerned  with:  
o The  size  of  the  proposed  building  (Teri  Porter  indicated  that  consent  for  a  building  of  that  
size  had  already  been  granted).  
o The  mixture  of  use-­‐types  in  particular  the  amount  of  student  accommodation.    Concerns  
regarding  overconcentration.  Alistair  M.  mentioned  a  figure  of  80%  students  currently.  
o The  demand  for  student  accommodation  (Ward  10  has  seven  out  of  eight  HE  institutions  
in  the  city.)  
o The   quality   of   Student   accommodation   in   general,   and   whether   HMO’s   are   the   alternative  
to  bespoke  student  accommodation  (Mark  Adams  made  the  point  that  the  proposal  is  due  
to  supply  high-­‐end  units;  not  basic  or  cheap).  
o There   was   some   debate   about   residential   use,   as   flats   already   exist   across   the   street   from  
the  area  in  question.    (Teri  Porter  indicated  that  there  were  concerns  with  the  proximity  
of  the  Theatre  Royal  and  offices,  with  regard  to  residential  use.)  
o Whether   the   proposal   was   motivated   too   heavily   by   financial   gain,   with   not   enough  
regard  for  the  community  in  which  it  will  sit  e.g.  no  flats,  commercial  units,  artisan  space.  
Progress  on  Boundary  Review  &  General  Awareness  of  B&BCC:  
-­‐ Anderston:  leaflets  were  delivered  in  July  to  flats  in  the  area  in  question.  Anderston  CC  have  agreed  
to  the  change.  
-­‐ Dundasvale  CC,  this  is  inactive,  and  the  Dundasvale  CIG  does  not  cover  relevant  area.  
o Residential  properties  were  leafleted  in  July/August,  with  a  view  to  eliciting  comments.  
-­‐ Garnethill  CC,  the  proposal  for  Sauchiehall  St.  to  move  the  boundary  south  to  Sauchiehall  Lane  was  
previously  unanimously  rejected  by  Garnethill  CC.    
o A   Garnethill   CC   meeting   on   11th   September   purportedly   held   a   discussion   on   Garnethill’s  
boundaries,  yet  the  agenda  for  said  meeting  was  only  posted  on  the  same  day  as  the  meeting  
o Additionally,  despite  a  request  for  minutes  from  Garnethill  CC,  nothing  has  been  forthcoming  
as-­‐yet  (21st  Sept).  
o The   deadline   for   comments   on   boundary   changes   is   28th   Sept.,   and   as   such,   any   changes  
proposed   by   Garnethill   CC   at   this   stage   would   seem   to   preclude   any   input   from   relevant  
parties,  such  as  Blythswood  &  Broomielaw  CC,  local  residents  etc.  As  a  result,  B&B  CC  have  
now   withdrawn   the   application   to   change   the   boundary   on   Sauchiehall   St.   (see   item   6,  
motion   2),   and   resolutely   oppose   the   other   changes   proposed   by   Garnethill   CC   at   their  
-­‐ A   “general’   leaflet   has   also   been   produced,   which   will   be   delivered   to   as   many  
residences/businesses   in   the   B&BCC   constituency   as   possible,   to   raise   general   awareness   of  
B&BCC’s  existence.    

Items  for  the  CC  to  pursue:  
-­‐ Litter  and  bins  (esp.  blocking  Midland  St.):  
o Donna  P.  witnessed  a  disturbing  incident  involving  a  young  mother  negotiating  uncollected  
trade  waste  (eleven  bins!),  litter,  etc.  and  resulted  in  her  &  child  almost  getting  hit  by  a  bus.    
o Uncollected  trade  waste  from  now  defunct  pub  MacSorleys-­‐  Donna  will  phone  WH  Waste.  
o Donna  P.  also  reported  that  there  are  new  food-­‐waste  bins  which  have  appeared  on  a  private  
courtyard  in  Oswald  St.    
o These  are  attracting  waste  from  unknown  parties.    
o After   visiting   City   Chambers,   and   phoning,   eventually   Meghan   was   reached,   who   agreed   to  
remove  the  bins.  
o Oswald  St.  /  Robertson  St.  need  to  be  cleaned  daily.  
o Donna  P.  has  ~25  photos  of  Midland  St.  to  show  Councillors/Land  &  Environmental  Services.  
-­‐ Other  Litter  items  left  for  next  meeting:  bags  being  dumped  from  cars  in  the  city,  cigarette  ends  
being    discarded.  
o ACTION:  Steph  S.  and  Donna  P.  to  follow  up  litter  points  with  elected  members.  
o ACTION:   Can   elected   City   Councillors   involve     LES   and   the   Executive   Director   of  
Neighbourhoods  &  Sustainability;  perhaps  by  passing  on  Steph’s  email  of  26th  August  
(sent  to  Cllrs.  Bolanda  &  Mearns),  plus  any  photos  from  Donna  P.  –  if  she  can  supply  
them  to  Elected  Members,  and  reference  the  discussion  at  this  meeting?  
o B&B  CC  would  like  to  meet  with  Land  &  Environmental  Services.  
o ACTION:  Invite  LES  to  a  meeting  in  the  near  future.  
-­‐ Website:    
o Les  W.  and  Gillian  D.  are  publishing  agendas  &  minutes  on  the  website.           ­‐  
o Now,  as  intended,  only  links  are  appearing,  instead  of  a  “wall  of  text”.  
o Twitter  is  quite  active  too.  @babccglasgow  
-­‐ Road  Safety:  
o At  the  corner  of  West  George  St./  Renfield  St.,  a  significant  number  of  cars  are  making  a  turn  
from  West  George  St  (eastbound)  onto  Renfield  St.  (northbound,  AGAINST  the  one-­‐way  
street  direction).  
-­‐ A-boards (Gillian D?), Noise, AirBnB, Lane Activaton Fund
o ACTION:  Adrian  +  Steph  to  meet  re  Lane  Activation  Fund  ideas/proposals.  
-­‐ Parking: Trades Parking Permits / concessions.
-­‐ Blythswood Square: Re-opening to the public (Open Space Strategy)..
-­‐ Parades & Marches: upcoming.
-­‐ Upcoming in Nov: visit from the architects behind the Argyle St. Avenues Project.
-­‐ Ideally, Gill Hutchinson & Chirsty Hamilton would be present for this.
Chair  declared  date/time  of  next  meeting:  
-­‐ Tues.  20th  November,  7.15pm.  (to  include  the  AGM,  as  no  meeting  in  October)  
-­‐ At  the  200  West  Regent  St.  Venue.  
Appendix A:
Planning Objections – Primer
(courtesy of Steph, thanks!)

Email address for planning applications:

Emails must be sent within the stated deadline (usually 21 days).

Anyone can object - they don’t need to live in the City Centre. However, petitions are usually ignored, as are
standardised letters.

Remember to include the Planning Application Reference Number when submitting an objection.

Grounds for objection are usually “material considerations”, including:

• loss of light or privacy
• noise, nuisance and smell
• potential problems with parking, traffic or road safety
• what the development will look like
• the environmental impact
• the needs of the local area.

They can't take into account:

• any loss of value to nearby properties
• loss of view(s)
• personal disputes between neighbours
• issues about ownership and party walls
• complaints about disturbance while the work is being carried out.


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