Skeleton Emotional Intelligence

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Skeleton: Emotional Intelligence

Week 1 Class introductions; why are we all here and what do we hope to achieve from this
course? What is Emotional Intelligence? Housekeeping, assessment protocols and
expectations, coaching appointments, Gallup mechanics

Week 2 Talent profiling and attribute testing? What makes each one of us tick? Gallup, VIA,
BOSI DNA and 16 personalities. First half hour of coaching sessions throughout the

Week 3 Group session #1 - Draw toast. The students come together with their individual
strengths and start the process of idea translation and collaboration. First
individually, then as a larger group the students will workshop their perception of an
idea, then the groups perception of the same.

Week 4 Emotional needs template and assessment #1. The students will workshop
individually, how they are perceived by others, and deconstruct the strengths and
weaknesses that others may perceive that they have. Assessment #1 finalised.

Week 5 Team dynamics, Part 1 – In this class we explore the value and function of teams
and the varying roles in teams. The class will workshop in small groups how they
can start a team, and the kinds of areas that they will need to focus on internally to
make themselves a valuable member of a team.

Week 6 Group session #2 – Design Thinking. Building on the teamwork skills from the Draw
Toast session, we now introduce the students to the Design Thinking framework.
This session is designed to help students learn how to use the collective strengths
and attributes of a team.

Week 7 Leadership – In this class we go over the characteristics and attributes of

entrepreneurs and leaders, and try to understand the types of traits which make
people successful, and the pitfalls to avoid as a leader.

Week 8 Team strengths and assessment #3 – Presentations Using the Gallup team grid, we
build teams for the last weeks Hack – A – Thon, and then have those teams
construct a narrative around the team dynamics and attributes. T

Week 9 Hack – A – Thon – The culmination of the class, we put our teams into practice,
using their understanding of team, translation as well as idea generation and
perspective to solve a real world problem. The group work and demonstration in
this class is the performance criteria for assessment #2.

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