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A Asespected éreak driving man hb srrested by SAPS and lshen to» health professional tor a raecice legal expaipatioe. following (hh CuEmMUtION, the lofowNg patometery were, identified body mass of TUkg. normal ply sigue {i of approsimatety (.7), vad biood akabelconcestration of C20g% (Tots! mart b % 4 What le bs applied by the police to aerest this driver? (1) Netens! Qed Treffic Act Rcomsent necessary before examining the driver in this co@trat? Plrave expiom. (2) A Recoune he os 0 mompest of creme and is of ticxally arrested and according te Crewe’ Pregecere ACT Ab consent (f mapects are cxamened for medicetegs! re Ne smumpect orrested committed crime - CPA (Pease arte ¢yme Widmart's lormmts and explain what exch irtter in Ibe equative meen. {5} (} mark per peat) Acprexrxl0 (Av patel mess e+ gicoec: m the body expresaed = grams. Pe mass 6 parses tn tologromes (Ce concentration of eicchel in the bleed expressed in g/ 100ml of diood. fs emmribetion fecter 20+ Nactort change % to Xs 1. Ethylene glyco! [anti-treese) a found in brake fluid, Its major complication when ingested = 1, Respiratory acidosts 2. Force (Kinetic energy) is defined as half mass velocity squared (1/2 masa x velocity’). Which ot following statements belew is nupported by this lnw of physics and is true (all other things bemg equal within each circumstance) 2 Ine boning match: Riding 2 punch worsens the veverity of the Injuries. 1b Arvascouit with an cbiect: The heaviest object will varster the least emcunt of energy 19 the human tssues. << An ensout with anvobject: The larger the surface ares of impact the severe the wounding 4 Acer st higher ipeed will coune severe iyuries on eccuperas then a car at low sowed if both cotided with a vee © Avedan will couse more infuries on occuperts than « truck if bath collided with tree. 3. Forensic pathology investigates the followng deaths: All deaths that occur In hositals, b. Destts of prisoners who were i, © All Deaths that fall under the inquests Act ond Section 28 of the Heslth Professions Act € Deoths thet occur et homes only. (©. Deaths on the road onty. 4 ‘Section 68 of the Health Protessions Act clearly provides for specific cases to be considered: then natural comes . Thesues or ongara can be kept for teaching purposes without coment a. The so-called Procedure — associated deaths shall nct be deemed to be deaths from rausal coset. 12. Which one of the wounds below describes its pathognomic features correctly” 2. Anincision typically shown # collar of abrasion. A bruise typically shown shia tage along ts edges €. Alacaration typically shows nous bridging 4. An abrasion typically shows an intact shin martace. 8 A contact gurwhot wound on forehead woud show «marie imprint, 18. An oral intake of Ethanol is mostly absorbed in the: 2 Stomach. Db Smal boas, & Lange bowel Mouth, © Onsaphagus. 1A in the management of a murviver of sxmusl ssaselt: 2. Consent in mandatory Tests for Mapettis, pregnancy, and sexually tranamitted diseases are generally not pertormed. & Callacting Forensic Evidence is unnecessary. POV te shoutd be partermad witout teaking corset from surviver. (6. Progtylaats ogainat senusi Voramwtted Seeases inciading HIV and pregnancy ore

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