Edsc442f Daily WL Lesson Plan 2

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CSUF Daily WL Lesson Plan Your Name and School:

Day in Period
Language and Level Unit Theme Essential Question(s) Length Learning Objectives (Can-Do Statements)
Arabic class- Novice high to Travelling (describe the What make Arabic countries 3 35 min
intermediate low tourist attraction different and unique? By the end of this lesson, students will be
able to:
1- Describe a landmark using
complete sentences.
2- Present a description of a
landmark with a partner to guess
the name of the landmark.

Content Standards (CA, ACTFL, and CCSS)

2.2 Students address topics related to self and the immediate environment, including: h. Transportation, lodging, itineraries, geographic features and landmarks
2.0 Students use sentence-level elements
2.3 Present to an audience of listeners, readers, or ASL viewers.
Responses/Misconceptions Materials, Resources, and
Activity/Activities What are the anticipated student Technology
responses? How will you provide What materials will you
Instructional Sequence How
feedback? What are any common develop? What materials will
What does the teacher many
What will learners do? misconceptions they may have? How you bring in from other sources?
do? minutes?
will you address this? Embed links when possible.
Setting the Stage The teacher will share Students will take 5 1- Describe a landmark The learning objectives will
(Gain Attention / Activate Prior the learning objectives turns in reading the using complete be in the handout
Knowledge) of the day learning objectives sentences.
and discussing it. 2- Exchange description
with a partner to guess
the name of the
tourist attraction.

Provide Comprehensible The teacher will start The students will be 10 Flash cards
Input with some pictures answering the Handout
about some landmarks teacher’s questions
in California and she and do the handout Where is Disney World located?
will ask some In San Francisco or in Anaheim.
questions such as
(Where is Disney In Anaheim
World located? In San
CSUF Daily WL Lesson Plan adapted from The Keys to Planning for Language Learning. Clementi & Terrill. (2013)
CSUF Daily WL Lesson Plan Your Name and School:
Francisco or in Is there any restaurants in Disney?
Anaheim. Is there any Yes there are restaurants
restaurants in Disney? Is there any stores at Disney
Is there any stores at World?
Disney World? ) The Yes there are stores
teacher will list the
student’s answers on
the board to show the
students how to
describe a landmark
and she will model
using the following
verbs (‫تقع – تتميز – )تضم‬
Meaningful Guided Practice Students will be 10 For example: Pictures of different
(Elicit Performance & Provide Twine game describing the If students are describing the landmarks
Feedback) The teacher will give landmark they have to Pyramid, they will write: www.google.com
the students different other students to
pictures of landmarks guess the name of the The -------- is located in Egypt
in California. Students landmark. Students It is the oldest landmark in Egypt
cannot show their can look at the board There are next to it shopping
pictures during the
to use some words center and restaurants
game. Students should
and phrases in their
describe the pictures to
each other to guess the descriptions.
name of the tourist
The teacher will keep
the notes from the
previous activity on
the board so students
can use them in this
Closure Exit card: Students will be 10min Khalifa tower is located in Dubai. Exit slips
(Enhance Retention & Transfer) The teacher will choosing a picture to It is the tallest tower in the world
display all the pictures describe on their exit There is in the tower hotel,
from the previous card. restaurants, and shopping center.
game on the board
and students will be

CSUF Daily WL Lesson Plan adapted from The Keys to Planning for Language Learning. Clementi & Terrill. (2013)
CSUF Daily WL Lesson Plan Your Name and School:
choosing a picture to
describe on their exit
Reflection – Notes to Self (to be completed after teaching your lesson)
What worked well? Why? What didn’t work? Why? What changes would you make if you taught this lesson again?

* Remember that the maximum attention span of the learner is approximately the age of the learner up to 20 minutes. The initial lesson cycle (gain
attention/activate prior knowledge, provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should not take more than 20 minutes. The second cycle
(provide input and elicit performance/provide feedback) should be repeated as needed and will vary depending on the length of the class period.

CSUF Daily WL Lesson Plan adapted from The Keys to Planning for Language Learning. Clementi & Terrill. (2013)

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