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Sem. John Raven C.

Angeles Reflection#1
Metaphysics Nov.21, 2018

Causa Finalis: Perforce to live with

What are you right now is the consequence of the prior actions and phenomena which you

have carried out and undergone. This is an ample premise which fortifies not only the doctrine of

determinism moreover the indispensable and invincible role of cause in the existential actuality of

every being. Likewise ‘cause’ has been immortalized by Aristotle and by the metaphysics and

ramified it into quadruple which varies in the feature on what are they relying upon.

One of its kind is the Final Cause, technically speaking Final Cause refers to the essence

of the thing which connotes the end or purpose for the sake of the account of its existence. This

cause put an eminent emphasis which stresses out that the rational being, perforce, is ought to live

without acting against the nature, end, and purpose which is frequently we are doing otherwise.

A standard example figured out such for further determination. A typical perceptible

circumstance can give us a further determination of such: In obtaining bachelor’s degree, such as

Physician, Nurse, Dentist etc; one must labor in accordance of his or her profession, however they

are working otherwise to prevent scarceness due of some economic drawbacks and problems.

More so the tangible reality of drastic crimes which most of us are subjected is the utmost, for

man is essentially good and this is one his or her ultimate end in which we are opposing to by

means of acquainting on it. And perhaps this is one of the problems which the philosophy have

been dealing with.

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