Journalism Assignment-Floria

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You are not alone: a two-time cancer survivor shares her

journey to support Breast Cancer Awareness Month


Marlene Hutchsion, a university level tutor, an economics researcher, and a

2-time cancer survivor shared her life story with the Guelph Student Association
to encourage other cancer patients in the spirit of celebrating breast cancer
awareness month of October, 2018.

According to latest statistics, about 1 in 2 Canadians will develop cancer in their

lifetimes and 1 in 4 will die of the disease (Canadian Cancer Society, 2018). In
time to support the annual Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Week of 2018,
the interview with Hutchsion was conducted to celebrate her accomplishments
throughout her years working with University of Guelph, supporting students in
various areas and being an inspiring figure in the past years.

As a Guelph graduate, Hustchsion had some rough past before discovering DCIS
(Ductal Carcinoma in Situ) cancer in fall of 2006 during an annual physical
check-up. Before that, she had two car accidents, and one nearly fatal ski accident
that left her with constant migraines which already greatly impacted her
everyday living.

“I have to take a few days to think about this. I have to deal with this.” Hustchsion
spoke about her reaction after hearing the news from her doctor on Dec. 27th,
2006. Coincidently, she watched Kurt Browning’s documentary on his journey of
fighting testicular cancer two days prior to discovering her own condition during
Christmas. His documentary inspired her by giving her courage, faith and useful
coping skills. The first surgery was scheduled in the following January. Luckily,
this time the discovery was early which led to positive prognosis.

It wasn’t until she encountered cancer for the second time in 2012, a wave of
depression washed over her for almost six months. One time during the
post-surgery period, the scars from the surgery were causing constant pain in
her left arm. At that point, Hustchsion felt as she was running out of resources to
deal with everything, especially after these many years of dealing with other
accidents. She was ready to give up when she felt herself at capacity both
mentally and emotionally. “But I can’t give up, that just not who I am”. Whenever
she encountered those negative feelings, she always thought back to the worst
moments that she had been through and the worst conditions that she had seen
on other people. Then she would say to herself “Now what is my problem? You
can do it, Mar.”
There were 14 radiation treatments in total plus one surgery scheduled for her
second cancer. Hustchsion always showed up in the hospital bright and happy.
The doctors referred her as “the weird happy one”. On the last day of her
treatment, she wore a pink wig with purple feather boa and sparkly glasses in
order to take a picture with her doctor team. Everyone in the hospital she
encountered that day either smiled or laughed. A woman stopped in her track
and told Hustchsion that she had brightened up their day.

According to Hustchsion’s doctors, not only it is rare to survive cancer twice,

there is no research on three time survivors. Hustchsion confessed that she was
scared at first, but her positive attitude was the theme that carried her through
all of her journeys. Even though many times she thought that she would not make
it through, neither the treatment nor being able to graduate. She was able to
attend her convocation the next day after her final radiation treatment.

Some final thoughts she wanted to share with the others who are currently
fighting the same battle as her in the past. With recent researches and support
from the communities, there is hope everywhere when you make an effort and
reach out. All you need to do is ask, to family, friends and community services.
“Don’t give up. It is not going to be easy. But I think you owe it to yourself to fight.
You are not alone in this.”

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