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Callie Hamilton

Hawaii Culture Lesson

Lesson Preparation
I. Learning Objectives

Students will use links provided by the teacher to answer questions regarding the culture of

Students will be able to identify the definitions of the words culture, hula, luau, and tradition.

Include academic vocabulary in objectives

II. Standards
8.4.3.A Identify the elements of culture and ethnicity.

8.4.3.B Identify the importance of artifacts and sites to different cultures and ethnicities.

5.1.3.F Identify state symbols, national symbols, and national holidays.

III. Academic Language

 Culture: The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded
collectively. A way of life.
 Hula: A dance performed by Hawaiian women, characterized by six basic steps,
undulating hips, and gestures symbolizing or imitating natural phenomena or historical
mythological subjects.
 Luau: A Hawaiian party or feast, especially one accompanied by entertainment.
 Traditions: The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation

IV. Technology, Materials, Resources

 Scavenger Hunt PowerPoint
 Matching Game Link
 Scavenger Hunt Activity Sheet
 iPad or Smart Device
 Headphones
 Writing utensil
 Projector
Instructional Delivery

 Teacher will introduce the lesson by recalling on the students prior knowledge of
culture. The students have been exposed to multiple different cultures throughout this

 Teacher will prompt students to turn and talk with a partner about some of the cultures
which they have learned about, or even their own culture.

 Once the students have had the chance to discuss, the teacher will call on a handful of
volunteers to share what they had talked about.

V. Instructional Activities

 Teacher will start by displaying the Scavenger Hunt on the projector. The teacher read
each of the definitions of the vocabulary terms on the first slide of the PowerPoint.

 The teacher will then explain to the students that they will be working on their iPads
with a partner to complete an activity sheet based on the research that they will
conduct through the scavenger hunt.

 Teacher will then demonstrate how to click on a link and how to navigate the sites in
order to identify the answer to the provided questions. The teacher will inform the
students that they need to follow the steps of the PowerPoint in chronological order as
it will be in the same order on their worksheet.

 Teacher will explain that the students must click on each link in every slide of the
PowerPoint. Each link will provide the answers to the questions on the activity sheet.

 The teacher will allow the students to work anywhere around the room, as long as they
do not do anything to lose that privilege. If that is the case, then the pair of students will
be directed back to their desks to work quietly and efficiently.

 Teacher will inform students of the matching game at the end of the
scavenger hunt based on the vocabulary words that were given at the beginning of the
lesson. They must finish the matching game and screenshot their scores on their iPad
before they are able to move onto the videos at the end of the scavenger hunt.

 Both students must write the answers to the questions provided on their individual
worksheets. If anyone finishes early, there will be videos at the end of the Scavenger
Hunt which students can listen to individually with their headphones.
VI. Closure
Teacher will say “Alright boys and girls you may now begin working with a partner on the
Scavenger Hunt. If you finish early, there is a video at the end of the PowerPoint which you can
watch individually with your headphones in.”

At the completion of the Scavenger Hunt, Teacher will say “Boys and girls, you did an excellent
job today! Who can remind what the word culture means?” Teacher will wait and then
reinforce to the students that “someone’s culture is their own way of life.”

Meeting All Learners

VII. Differentiation
Teacher will wear a microphone in case any students have a hearing impairment.
Teacher will provide visuals on each slide for those who learn better visually.
Teacher will print out articles for students who wish to work on paper rather than digitally.

VIII. Accommodations
Students who are easily distracted will be working one on one with an aid or a teacher.

IX. Modifications
Students will be able to navigate websites provided by the teacher and identify basic concepts
regarding the culture of Hawaii. Students will demonstrate their understanding by listening to
the audio version of the texts summarizing their favorite parts of each article in their notebook.

Meeting Objectives
X. Assessments
Students will hand in their completed Scavenger Hunt activity sheet which provides answers to
important questions regarding the culture of Hawaii. This will be graded and returned to the

Students will engage in a matching game at the end of the scavenger hunt.
Students will be instructed to screenshot their scores on their designated iPad before moving
onto the video. The students are able to play the matching game as many times as they would
like, screenshotting their highest score. This allows the Teacher to evaluate their scores and
determine who may be struggling in this area. Matching Game Link
Name: _____________________________
Date: ______________________________

 Click here to go to the website.

 Read the passages under the first heading on this page.
1. What important role did the Hula play in ancient Hawaii?

Keeping history, genealogy, mythology, and culture alive.

 Go to the heading that says The Art of Hula

2. What are the two types of Hula?

Hula Kahiko and Hila Auana.

 Click here to visit the Luau website.

 Look at the first heading.
3. What is a Luau?

A Hawaiian feast featuring lively music and vibrant cultural performances from Hawaii.

 Go to the heading Popular Luau Dishes.

4. Name and describe the dish that you would like the most.

 Click here to visit Traditions page.

 Read the entire page
5. What is the Hawaiian way to greet someone?

With a kiss on the cheek.

6. Name 1 tradition that is listed and explain why you think this tradition is important to
the Hawaiian culture.

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