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Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019
Sekretariat : Jl. Pesantren No. 11 Plalangan Glagahwero Panti Jember

Nama : Mata Pelajaran : ENGLISH STORY

Kelas : XI (SEBELAS) Hari/ Tanggal :

Marco : Marco, don’t you think that we have a. Superlative c. Positive degree
football practice this afternoon? I’ll b. Comparative d. Passive voice
8. We better leave now.
never forgive myself if I don’t play with
a. Superlative c. Positive degree
our team. b. Comparative d. Passive voice
9. We better ... Positive degree of the word is …
Giulia : Okay, but what do you think an of our
a. Best c. Bettered
team mates will come to practice? b. Good d. Bet
10.Must discipline themselves. It means …
Marco : I think they must discipline themselves
a. Kami sendiri c. Mereka sendiri
if they want to be the best. b. Kita sendiri d. Milik mereka
11.A commitment to ourselves. It means …
Giulia : Well, I agree with you. We have to make
a. Milik kami c. Mereka sendiri
a commitment to ourselves to build the b. Kita sendiri d. Milik mereka
greatest team, so that we can win the
next competition.

Marco : Okay, we better leave now or we’ll be LAUGHTER, THE BEST MEDICINE
This guy is stranded on a desert island,
an alone for ten years. One day, he sees a speak
1. I’ll never = ...
in the horizon. He thinks so himself. Its not
a. I + will, not + ever
b. I + would, not + ever about. The speak get even closer and he thinks.
c. I + shall, not + ever
Its not a raft. Then out of the surf comes this
d. I + should, not + ever
2. When do they go to practice football? gorgeous blonde woman, wearing a wet swit
a. Morning c. Afternoon
and scuba year.
b. Evening d. Night
3. The following sentences is true, except …
a. They have practice football She comes up to the guy and says, how
b. Marco will never forgive himself if I don’t long has it been since you’ve had a cigaritte?
play with our team Ten years! He says she reaches over and unzip a
c. Giulia will never forgive himself if I don’t
waterproof pocket on her left slevee and pulls
play with our team
d. They will go together to practice football out a pack of frees cigarettes. He takes one,
4. They can win the competition if … lights it, takes a long drag, and says, man o
a. They think themselves
b. They have to make a commitment to man! Is that good then she asked, how long has

ourselves to build the greatest team it been since you’ve had a drink of whiskey?

c. They better leave now or they’ll be late He replies, ten years!

d. They’ll never forgive themselves
5. We have to make a commitment. It means … She reaches over, unzip her waterproof
a. Mempunyai c. Sudah
b. Ke d. Harus pocket on her right sleeve, phiss out a flask ang
6. I think they must discipline. It refers to … gives it to him. He takes a long swig and says,
a. Their football team c. Marco & Giulia
b. Our football team d. Giulia’s friend wow thats fantastic! Then she starts unzipping
7. They want to be the best.
this long zipper that runs down the front of her 17.… 20. …

wet swit and she says to him, and how long has
it been since you’ve had some real fun? And the
man replies my god! Don’t tell me that you’ve Find 5 words according the text above !

got golf. Clubs in there.


12.The following sentences is true, except … E R U B S R Y R I T

a. He takes one, lights it, takes a long drag,
and says, man o man
b. This guy is stranded on a desert island, an V I A L W A Y S P P

alone for teen years E B W L C L U B S K

c. He takes a long swig and says, wow thats
d. He says she reaches over and unzip a I R A G T I S T I C
waterproof pocket on her left slevee and
pulls out a pack of frees cigarettes 1. …
13.How long has it been. It means … 2. …
a. Berapa panjang c. Berapa lama 3. …
b. Berapa banyak d. Berapa sering 4. …
14.The speak get even closer. It means … 5. …
a. Menutup c. Tertutup
b. Dekat d. Lebih dekat

The excellency : Headmaster of SMK


The respectable : All of teachers

The ______15_______ : All of my friends _16_

I love

First of all, let’s pray and thanks to our

God Allah SWT who has given us his __17__
and blessings until we can attend in this
programme without any troubles and __18__

Secondly, may sholawat and salam

always __19__ to our prophet Muhammad SAW
who has guided us from the darkness to the
lightness in the world as well as in the next

Thirdly, I don’t forget to say thank you

very much to the master of ceremony who has
given me to __20__ to deliver my speech under
the title...

15.… 18. …
16.… 19. …

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