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1 ball of fire

2 beat
3 to be/walk in someone else's shoes
4 to be out
5 to be short
6 to be tied up
7 to be up for

8 to blow the whistle

9 to break down
10 can of worms
11 to care for

12 to catch one's eye

13 to catch up
14 coffe break
15 to come up
16 to die down
17 to do one's best

18 down in the dumps

19 a drag
20 to drop off

21 end of one's rope

22 to fall through

23 fed up with
24 to fill out
25 to gear up
26 to get a hold of

27 to get along
28 to get an early start
29 to get into
30 to get off the ground
31 to get something going

32 to give a hand
33 to give something a good going over
34 to give up
35 to go from bad to worse
36 to go over
37 to hang up

38 to have a hand in
39 to have a sale
40 to hit the nail on the head
41 how's it going?
42 I'II say
43 In one's right mind
44 to keep one's fingers crossed
45 to keep something to oneself
46 to knock oneself out

47 to learn the ropes

48 a load off of someone's mind
49 to look forward to
50 to look on the bright side
51 to lose touch with
52 to make it

53 to make up
54 to measure up
55 a night owl
56 not on your life

57 on sale
58 on the side
59 on the whole
60 over the head of someone
person with great energy
very tired
to try understand someone else or put oneself in that person's position
to be imposible
not to have enough
to be busy
to be ready to do something ; interested in doing something
to tell a secret information about
to become unusable because of breakage
complex problem
to like
to attract one's attention
to go fast enough or do enough so as not to be behind
a short recess from work during which workers rest and drink coffee or other beverages
to approach or come close
to subside; to lessen
to try very hard
sad; depressed
a bother, an annoyance, trying, incovenient
to take someone or something part of the way you are going ; to leave something or someone at
a place that is on your way to somewhere else
end of one's ability to cope or try
to fail
tired of or annoyed with
to complete
to get started or get going
to contact
to live or work together in a friendly way; to cooperate; to agree
to begin early
to become involved or interested in
to make a successful beginning
to begin something
1) to applaud; 2) to help out
to clean something thoroughly
to stop doing or having; to abandon; to quit
to change from a bad condition to a worse one
to check
to place a telephone receiver back on tis hook and break the connection
to be partly responsible for
to sell merchandise at a reduced price
to be right about something
how are you? How are you doing?
I agree with this completely
to wish for good luck; to hope for something
to keep something secret
to work very hard at something
to gain experience
a relief
to expect with hope or pleasure , anxius
to be optimistic
to lose contact with
to go or to come to a place
to do or supply something not done
to be equal to
someone who likes to stay up late at night
certainly not; not ever; not for any reason
selling for a special reduced price
in addition to a main thing
in most ways
too difficult
bola de fuego
ser / caminar en los zapatos de otra persona
estar fuera
ser corto
estar atado
estar listo para
hacer sonar el silbato
lata de gusanos
cuidar de
para llamar la atención
ponerse al día
descanso para tomar café
para venir
morir abajo
hacer lo mejor posible
Abajo en los vertederos
un arrastre

para entregar
fin de la cuerda
harto de
para obtener un control de
llevarse bien
para empezar temprano
entrar en
para despegar
para poner algo en marcha
dar una mano
para dar un buen repaso a algo
ir de mal en peor
para repasar
tener una mano en
tener una venta
golpear el clavo en la cabeza
¿cómo te va?
Yo diré
En la mente correcta
mantener los dedos cruzados
guardar algo para uno mismo
dejarse caer
para aprender las cuerdas
una carga de la mente de alguien
para ver el lado positivo
perder el contacto con
para hacerlo
para compensar
para medir
Un búho de la noche
no en tu vida
en venta
en el lado
en conjunto
sobre la cabeza de alguien
persona con gran energía
muy cansado
intentar entender a otra persona o ponerse en la posición de esa persona
ser imposible
no tener suficiente
estar ocupado
estar listo para hacer algo; interesado en hacer algo
contar una información secreta sobre
quedar inutilizable debido a la rotura
problema complejo
atraer la atención
ir lo suficientemente rápido o hacer lo suficiente para no estar detrás
un breve receso del trabajo durante el cual los trabajadores descansan y beben café u otras bebidas
acercarse o acercarse
a disminuir; para disminuir
intentar muy duro
triste; Deprimido
una molestia, una molestia

llevar a alguien o algo parte del camino que vas; dejar algo o alguien en un lugar que está en camino a otro lugar
fin de la capacidad de enfrentar o intentar
cansado o molesto con
para comenzar o ponerse en marcha
vivir o trabajar juntos de manera amistosa; cooperar; llegar a un acuerdo
comenzar temprano
involucrarse o interesarse
para hacer un comienzo exitoso
comenzar algo
1) aplaudir; 2) para ayudar
para limpiar algo completamente
dejar de hacer o tener; abandonar; abandonar
cambiar de una mala condición a una peor
colocar un receptor de teléfono de nuevo en su gancho y romper la conexión
ser parcialmente responsable de
vender mercadería a un precio reducido
tener razón sobre algo
¿cómo estás? ¿Como estas?
Estoy de acuerdo con esto completamente
desear buena suerte; Esperar algo
para mantener algo secreto
trabajar muy duro en algo
para ganar experiencia
un alivio
esperar con esperanza o placer
ser optimista
perder contacto con
ir o venir a un lugar
hacer o suministrar algo no hecho
ser igual a
alguien a quien le gusta quedarse despierto hasta altas horas de la noche
ciertamente no; jamas; no por ninguna razón
vendiendo por un precio especial reducido
además de una cosa principal
en la mayoría de los sentidos
demasiado difícil
The people that practice crossfit are balls of fire
after to a long working day, I feel so beat.
you should walk in Ana shoes, because his aunt died.
It's be out to study for 5 exam for tomorow
the minimum salary it's be short for maintain my family

We go to wait die down tide

One should do one's best.
I'm down in the dumps, because I don't see Julieta Venegas
It's very drag to share my taco with Chela

Yes, well, I'm here to drop off some product to Dr. Downs

I'm get something going my enterprise

Please my friend give me a hand for to down this things
I need give something a good going over my bedroom
To give up is to give in.
we need to talk because the things to go from bad to worse
I need to knock oneself out for obtain a lot of money
I need to find my first job for to learn the ropes
I'm relax because was a load off of someone's mind to finish my english test
I'm so to look forward to out of university
i'm to look on the bright side for to pass my english class
1 ball of fire person with great energy
2 beat very tired

3 to be/walk in someone to try understand someone else or put oneself in

else's shoes that person's position
4 to be out to be imposible
5 to be short not to have enough
16 to die down to subside; to lessen
17 to do one's best to try very hard
18 down in the dumps sad; depressed

19 a drag a bother, an annoyance, trying, incovenient

to take someone or something part of the way you

20 to drop off are going ; to leave something or someone at a
place that is on your way to somewhere else

31 to get something going to begin something


32 to give a hand 1) to applaud; 2) to help out

33 to give something a good goto clean something thoroughly
34 to give up to stop doing or having; to abandon; to quit
35 to go from bad to worse to change from a bad condition to a worse one
46 to knock oneself out to work very hard at something
47 to learn the ropes to gain experience

48 a load off of someone's min a relief

49 to look forward to to expect with hope or pleasure , anxius

50 to look on the bright side to be optimistic
bola de fuego persona con gran energía
golpear muy cansado
ser / caminar en los zapatos de intentar entender a otra persona o ponerse en la posición de esa persona
otra persona
estar fuera ser imposible
ser corto no tener suficiente
morir abajo a disminuir; para disminuir
hacer lo mejor posible intentar muy duro
Abajo en los vertederos triste; Deprimido
un arrastre una molestia, una molestia

llevar a alguien o algo parte del camino que vas; dejar algo o alguien en un lugar
para entregar que está en camino a otro lugar

para poner algo en marcha comenzar algo

dar una mano 1) aplaudir; 2) para ayudar
para dar un buen repaso a algo para limpiar algo completamente
rendirse dejar de hacer o tener; abandonar; abandonar
ir de mal en peor cambiar de una mala condición a una peor
dejarse caer trabajar muy duro en algo
para aprender las cuerdas para ganar experiencia
una carga de la mente de un alivio
ansiar esperar con esperanza o placer
para ver el lado positivo ser optimista
The people that practice crossfit are balls of fire
after to a long working day, I feel so beat.

you should walk in Ana shoes, because his aunt died.

It's be out to study for 5 exam for tomorow
the minimum salary it's be short for maintain my family
We go to wait die down tide
One should do one's best.
I'm down in the dumps, because I don't see Julieta Venegas
It's very drag to share my taco with Chela

Yes, well, I'm here to drop off some product to Dr. Downs

I'm get something going my enterprise

Please my friend give me a hand for to down this things
I need give something a good going over my bedroom
To give up is to give in.
we need to talk because the things to go from bad to worse
I need to knock oneself out for obtain a lot of money
I need to find my first job for to learn the ropes
I'm relax because was a load off of someone's mind to finish my english test

I'm so to look forward to out of university

i'm to look on the bright side for to pass my english class

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