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Name: Lesson Grade/Subject:

Sam Steel 2nd, Main idea, literacy

School Site: N/A Lesson Topic: Est. Days for

lesson/unit: 1
Subjects addressed* 1 Main Idea 2) Speaking and Listening 3)
1) 2) 3)


Addressed: LITERACY.RI.2.2 Follow agreed-upon rules for Demonstrate
Identify the main topic of discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in command of the
a multiparagraph text as respectful ways, listening to others
well as the focus of with care, speaking one at a time
conventions of
specific paragraphs within about the topics and texts under standard English
the text. discussion). grammar and usage
when writing or
Other Standards 1) 2) 3)
If you used pre- 1) 2) 3)
existing lesson/unit
plans, add links here:
(so others can view)
If you taught or plan to 1) How book was read/ how activity 2) Make necessary
teach this lesson in a was run would depend on accommodations for
real classroom – behaviors on classroom. students based on
discuss it here.

· List Lesson Goals:

1. Lesson Goal 1: Working in small groups, the students will be able to write the main idea
and three supporting details for a given text.

· List Materials and Technology Resources needed for the Lesson:

● 3 main idea worksheets for students ( 8 of each of each) Link:
● 1 main idea worksheet for example
● Pencils
● Elmo/ Projector/ Laptop


· Review previous (days) lesson/assess previous learning:
● N/A
· Describe -Setting the stage for learning:
● Students will come to the carpet for the video and example, then back to their desk
clusters for remainder of lesson.

· Warm-up Activity:
● TTW ask all students to return to their desks and will remind students to “show me they
are ready to learn”
● When the students are sitting quietly at their desks, TTW call tables to sit on the carpet.
● After all students have been called to the carpet, TTW remind students “Look around
and see if you are seated in the best spot to learn. If you are not making a good choice
or you can not see, please move now.”
● TTW give a 15 second countdown for students to move to their spaces if needed.
● TTW remind students of behavioral expectations “We are going to watch a video about
main idea. While the video is playing, our voices should be on zero and our hands should
be on our laps. Are we ready?”
● TSW respond “Yes”
● TTW turn off one light and play the video,
● TTW countdown from 5 to regain focus after the video.
● TTW ask students to turn to their shoulder partner and talk about what the main idea in
the video was. TTW count to 10 in their head, say “switch” and then will count to 10 in
their head again.
● TTW regain focus of class with a countdown from 5.
● TTW ask students to raise their hand if they would like to share what their partner has
said. TTW remind students to show respect to their classmates.
● TTW choose two groups to speak.
● TTW regain focus with a countdown from 5.
● TTw ask students if they have any questions about what the main idea or supporting
details are.
● TTW answer any questions the students have.
● TTW tell the students “You have 10 seconds to go back to your desk and show me you
are ready to learn.”
● TSW go back to their desks.

B. Teaching THE LESSON

Lesson Activities:
● TW change the projector from the laptop to the elmo.
● TTW put the “Fossil Fuels” worksheet on the elmo. TTW asl the students to count the
paragraphs in the article.
● TSW respond “two”
● TTW ask “What is this space before my paragraph called?”
● TSW respond “Indent”
● TTW ask the students to read the heading of the paper.
● TSW respond “Fossil Fuels”
● TTW remind students that they are looking for the main idea of the paper and the
supporting details. TTW read “Fossil Fuels” to the students.
● TTW ask the students to talk to their face partner about what the main idea of the
article was. TTW give the students 20 seconds to discuss, followed by a 5 second
countdown to regain focus.
● TTW call on a student who wants to share what they discussed with their partner.
● TTW repeat answer and will write answer on worksheet.
● TTW repeat process for details. TTW call on three students who would like to share and
write down details in boxes.
● TTW give directions to students about next activity. “Today we are going to work with
our table partners to find the main idea of a article. There are three different articles.
That means that tables 1 and 2 will have the same article, tables 3 and 4 will have the
same and tables 5 and 6 will have the same article. We are going to practice what I just
modeled on the board. You will have 10 minutes to finish this. Are there any questions?”
● TTW answer any questions.
● TTW set timer and tell students to go.
● TTW circulate the room while the students work to answer questions, manage
behaviors, and ensure students are on task.
● When the timer goes off, TTW regain focus with a 5 second countdown and ask students
to find their seats.
● TTW ask table one to come up to the front and share their title and main idea with the
class. Table two will then share their three supporting details.
● TTW do this same procedure for tables 3/4 and 5/6.

● TTW ask the students to think about what a main idea and details are. TTW ask students to raise
their hand and remind the class the difference between the two

Lesson Assessments: If not all students met lesson objectives – plans for remediation:
● TTW assess formatively through observation, speaking and listening, and through reading the
students papers after they have turned them in. These worksheets will be graded for completion
and will be used to see if students have mastery of basic main idea and details.
● Speaking and Listening: Teacher will assess how students are listening to the read-aloud,
working with their peers..
● If students are not understanding the lesson the teacher can:
○ Write one alternative ending whole group and have the rest of the class follow along
○ Have the students complete a second example

Lesson Extension/Homework:
● No homework will be assigned with this lesson.

Teacher Reflection:
● TTW walk around to check student progress while the students are working
● TTW reflect on how the reading went, as well a s group work and what students need additional
practice with in regards to their writing.

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