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Name: Lesson Grade/Subject:

Sam Steel 1st, Writing and

School Site: N/A Lesson Topic: Est. Days for
lesson/unit: 1
Subjects addressed* 1)Multicultrual 2) Writing Opinions 3)Speaking and
Social Standards 1)SS.1.10. Share stories 2)SS.1.14. Discuss the importance of 3)
Addressed that illustrate honesty, culturally, racially, and ethnically
courage, friendship, diverse people in building a strong and
respect, and equitable
responsibility; have community.
students explain how the
stories show these
Literacy Standards 1) CCSS.ELA- 2)CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.2 3)
Addressed: LITERACY.SL.1.1.A Write informative/explanatory texts in
Follow agreed-upon rules which they name a topic, supply some
for discussions (e.g., facts about the topic, and provide
listening to others with some sense of closure.
care, speaking one at a
time about the topics and
texts under discussion).
Other Standards 1) 2) 3)
If you used pre- 1) 2) 3)
existing lesson/unit
plans, add links here:
(so others can view)
If you taught or plan to 1) How book was read/ how activity 2) Make necessary
teach this lesson in a was run would depend on accommodations for
real classroom – behaviors on classroom. students based on
discuss it here.

· List Lesson Goals:

1. Lesson Goal 1: The students will create and complete an “All About Me” page to celebrate
their differences as individuals using paper, colored pencils, and crayons after learning about diversity
and reading the book “People” by Peter Spier..

· List Materials and Technology Resources needed for the Lesson:

● About me page
● Coloring supplies
● Find a friend bingo
● “People” by Peter Spier
● Exit tickets


· Review previous (days) lesson/assess previous learning:
● N/A
· Describe -Setting the stage for learning:
● Students will come to the carpet for the read aloud. After the book they will return to
their desk clusters and work on their all about me pages.

· Warm-up Activity:
● Teacher will ask students if they have ever heard of the word “diversity”.
● The teacher will ask the students what diversity means. Teacher will call on 2-3 students
and then explain what diversity means.
B. Teaching THE LESSON
Lesson Activities:
● The teacher will read the book “People” by Peter Spier aloud to the class.
○ Where all of the people in the book the same?
○ What are some things that make us all different?
○ Is it okay to be different?
○ Give brief explanation of diversity- the things that make us individuals, can be
cultural, physical, preferences, academics, ect.
○ Turn and tell your neighbor what makes you an individual.

● The teacher will have all students return to their desk and pass out “all about me”
● The students will complete the “all about me” worksheet in English or Spanish.
○ Draw picture and answer questions
○ Teacher will circulate
● Once students are done they will find a friend who is done and talk about what makes
them unique and how we can celebrate different cultures.
● After the students talk with a friend they will be given the “find a friend” bingo sheet to
● Students will walk around the room and find classmates who can fill in the box. Goal is
to get bingo, If there is extra time the student can try for blackout.
○ Teacher will circulate
● For students who finish quickly- Ask students to color draw their answers to the
questions next to their written answer. Have students help others will spelling. Share
with peers, try to get blackout on bingo sheet.
● For struggling students: Offer extra teacher support by circulating and stopping to check
in. Have finished students help struggling students with reading/ writing words, teacher
writes commonly used words on board, offer students the opportunity to draw their
answers instead of writing them.

● The students will get into small groups and share their all about me page and what makes them
an individual.
● Whole class review of what diversity means.
● Exit ticket:
○ What does diversity mean?
○ Why is diversity important?
○ How can we celebrate diversity?
Lesson Assessments:
● The teacher can read the exit tickets to see if the students have a better understanding if what
diversity means and how they can celebrate diversity. They can also assess this during the book
● If students are not understanding the lesson the teacher can:
○ Have the student draw instead of write
○ Have the students help their table mates if they need assistance

Lesson Extension/Homework:
● No homework will be assigned with this lesson.

Teacher Reflection:
● TTW walk around to check student progress while the students are working
Exit Ticket

What does diversity mean to you?



Why is diversity important?



How can we celebrate diversity?



Exit Ticket

What does diversity mean to you?



Why is diversity important?



How can we celebrate diversity?



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