Math Lesson 7 Nov 29

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Lesson Class #: Lesson 7

Course Math
Title/Focus November 29 – 1 ½ hours (10:30-12)


 General Outcome: Space and Shape - Use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems
o Specific Outcome 4 - modelling and describing the relationship between the units g and kg
o estimating mass by using referents
o measuring and recording mass

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Explain why some items are measured in grams and others in kilograms (evaluating)
2. Measure and record weight in grams and kilograms taken from a balance scale (evaluating)
 Grams or kilograms TpT PowerPoint
 Object cards
 Studyladder website
 Whiteboard and markers
 Student booklets


 Hide cards around classroom (but take note of where you put them) at recess
 Bring up PowerPoint and websites before class starts

Introduction Time
 Show of hands review mass and measurement from last time
o Who can recall what matter means
o What units do we use to measure mass?
o Are they standard or nonstandard?
o How are grams related to kilograms?
5 min
o When should we use grams?
o When should we use kilograms?
 Pass around the 500g and 1kg weights for students to feel
 Express our goal of differentiating between the use of grams and kilograms and
recording weight in grams and kilograms.
Body Time
G or Kg 1) Direct attention to the smart board and to explain the 10 min
PowerPoint game game
 In a minute, I am going to show an object up on the
 If you think that object shown should be measured in kg,
I want you to stand on your chair big and tall
 If you think the object shown should be measured in g, I
want you to stay on your feet but curl up in a ball on the
floor beside your chair.
 Popsicle stick to share your thoughts. I would like you to
explain yourself, but you can phone a friend if you want.
Which means that someone else in the class who cares
to share their answer will hold up their phone, and you
call on a friend to help you out.
2) If students are finding it easy to catch on, ask the person
you popsicle stick to take an estimate on the objects
weight and ask them to explain why they think that
3) Only do 10ish so we have time for other activites

Object card 1) Next, we are going to order objects based on our

scavenger hunt. estimates of their weight
2) Somewhere around the class, I have hid 20 cards. When I
say go, go find yourself one card and then return to your
seat when you find them
3) Once a student has found a card, have them sit in the
reading corner If it’s taking a while for someone to find a
card, they can help search
4) Call groups of students to stand in front of the reading
color in front of their peers and hold their items on their
20 min
5) Random call ask the students sitting on the floor to
arrange the objects in order from lightest to heaviest.
6) Once a group is organized, take a survey to see if
everyone agrees. What would they change if not?
7) Last, ask the person holding the card if they would use
grams or kilograms to measure their objects
8) Repeat for every color group
9) Take a two-minute break and shake back to your desk.

Group work using 1) As students are returning to their desks, pull up study
studdyladder ladder games on the computer.
games 2) Have kids pull out their whiteboards to follow along
with the questions we go over together
3) Start with Balancing scales
 Do questions 1, 2, 3, 4 on the whiteboards
4) Move onto Grams and kilograms
 Do questions 6, 7, 9
20 min
5) Thumbs up/down check for understanding
6) Have student helper and a buddy hand out workbooks
while you write out directions on the board
 Page 148
 Page 146 and 147 from yesterday
 Places to Love
 Memoirs
Independent work
1) Invite students struggling to work with you 30 min

Conclusion Time
 Have students hand in their workbooks
 If everyone finishes with enough time to spare, share more Places to Love
2 min

 Formative – observation during games testing estimating and ordering. Take anecdotal notes
 Formative – work submitted in their workbooks

Additional Notes:

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